Ok........ I just aint had time to Twaddle of late...... so much has been going on here, I might explain over the coming weeks, if I decide to continue with Twaddling....
I cant believe its been 2 whole years since I was shoved into the world of blobbing kicking and screaming.... Up until just a few months before Twaddle was born, I didnt even have much of a clue as to what a blob was....
Bobs blob (over there in me side bar) was me first encounter of the blobbing world, and jebus, what a blob to start with LOL..... I will confess it did take me weeks and weeks of reading Tubob for me to even understand it lol....... at times I thought I was trying to read some alien language.... and then it dawned, slowly at first, that I was reading a 'master of words' and almost every few words I had to google the meaning of words LOL.....
But through Bobs Blob I then blob-encountered some people that have remained wonderful true friends ever since.... real people that have carved their way into me heart and soul (well me soul is still lost but they're in there wherever it is).... yes, me fellow 'Gumbies'.... you know who you are..... these Gumbies, I hope know, that I would do anything for them.... in whatever capacity I can at the drop of a hat...... they know I love em..... also through Bobs blob I was led to the Dingleberries Newspaper Site left of the Staples, where after a little bit of a rough start (a few thought I was not for real lol) I have been taken under their wing.... like on Bobs joint I have come across some wonderful people, and learnt to blob around, finding some very special people and blobs on there..... Even after I closed down the newspaper site for a while the crimbo before last with a bomb scare LOL..... to bloody funny... what? I didnt Twaddle about it LOL....... suffice to say, the bomb squad saw the funny side of it.... innocent I tell ya, I plead Im innocent
Anyways, I started Twaddle for two reasons, first of, cos I was bullied into it LOL.... and secondly so that I could maybe keep a diary so that one day when Im dead and gone, me lads might get to have a glimpse at a side of their mum that maybe they dont always get to see, and words that I dont always get to share....... except, they dont know about me blob so someone would have to give them the heads up if I snuff it LOL
Many people over the last 2 years have passed through here, many have stayed (I cant begin to understand why) and some have moved on and left or snuffed it......
Its been a funny 2 years, so much has gone on in this short time......... Ive often spilled to much of 'me' on here LOL..... ya see, believe it or not, Im really quite a private person, I do know that over this past couple of years, my 'well ard head' was allowed to become a bit soft, and it lead to me letting me guard down a bit and that made me a bit gullible ... ya see, Ive always been as tough as old nails, always only had me to rely on... always been the strong one..... cos Ive had to be......
Never underestimate the power of the blob world, when I found meself at the lowest point in me life, strangers that read Twaddle dragged me up by me short and curlies and kept me head above water, until I had the energy to blow up me armbands and stay afloat meself..... so I thank you for that...... you to know who you are.... those that I had no clue about held out a hand of friendship, and those that I thought I knew and needed to care, didnt give a stuff LOL and so the world turns...
I dont know how to be anyone but myself....... and those that I speak to or have spoken to on the phone know Im exactly the same as I am here LOL.....
So..... in honour of me 2nd blob birthday Ive decided to do a give-away...... I aint decided what to give away as yet LOL.... but it will probably be a box of well proper British goodies.......
So....... leave a comment on me 2nd birthday post (yes blurkers come out of the woodwork) and I will pick out a winner and send ya, whether ya near or far, a wonderful box of scrummies......
I wanna fank all those that come through Twaddle, those that make me laff and those that make me cry, those that make me think and those that made me love......Im not very good with words.... but many of you have touched the very core of my being........ and I always swore I would never let that happen....but, I let you become real.... was that a mistake? sometimes I wonder.... and so the world turns, and so peoples lives get entwinned and twist and turn and sometimes snap and get used and hurt in this blob world.....
Jebus, sounds like Im at the Oscars LOL
But through your blobs I have travelled the world via your stories and your amazing photos, I read the most amazing food blobs, and shared the most heart wrenching stories..... I have made wonderful friends in Canada and America and bloody hell, even some northern maties over here, and a jock lmfao.... and South Africa and the bloody Welsh LOL..... I have cried with you and laffed at your antics....... I even dragged two of me oldest internet maties into the blob world.... dont know if they think I did them a favour or not LOL
I hope that in some small way, be it only a tiny way I might of reached out and touched some of you...... cos I know so many of you have touched me...... not in that way you dirty bastards LOL
I am me, just me, cant and will never be anyone else........ those that I call friends know, I will be a friend for life.... I aint everyones cuppa tea but thats their problem not mine.... we cant be everything that others wished us to be, cos I know, I can only be meself...... Im honest and true and make the most amazing friend.... and I never say words or make promises I dont mean....
Ok, Im waffling a load of bollocks now lol........so, leave a comment and ya never know, maybe you might even win a box of crap from me LOL
Oh, before I go, just wanna share this picture of Sprite with you, oh and Pod and Dutchy...... Ive had Sprite since she was 10 weeks old 9 hours a day, 5 days a week...she will be 3 in May..... I love this child more then any other child I have ever minded......
These were taken today in me garden.... it was an almost spring like day, so we spent most of it outside.... a mucky kid is a happy kid, right? :)
This child today came up to me and said 'I lub you Meldee' :) she made my heart swell... at least someone loves me right LOL
Tiz such fun to get mucky :) - This is my darling Sprite and Dutchy (his mum is from Holland hence the nicname)... we had been digging for worms to feed to me chickens.... you can see by their faces how much love and fun I have to share..... I hope that I can build memories for them that they will keep forever...
Only had Pod for about 7 weeks now, I wonder if he will crawl and stay snuggled into my heart as much as Sprite has..... he holds out his arms to me, when his dad drops him off in the mornings.... I think he is happy here.....
So come on blobbers and blurkers........ you know you want the goodies LOL..... over 53,000 have sneaked in here over the past 2 years..... who would of thunk that :)
Slater maties x