Ok, I know its been a while..... things have been difficult so I just tend to keep meself to meself.... and besides having me before and after schoolers, Ive been doing that dam wrapping for that company every spare minute of the day and night up until I go to bed at night and a few nights that meant wrapping til gone 1 in the morning.... and Ive still had to try and suss and sort everything home here out and fit in physio twice a week, YES Im still at physio, I have a few problems, but Im plodding on..... dont say a word or I will be in tears..... and whilst I was at physio this week I had my Sam in Accident and Emergency with a suspected broken ankle.... just glad he hadnt actually broken it though.... Im totally exhausted, and I mean totally, mind body and soul..... and I aint even done nuffin as yet towards crimbo..... thinking I might just give it a miss this year..... except we did go and cut our tree down last Sunday BUT it still stands naked and bare in out kitchen just propped up against the table, we aint even had time or the thought to do anything with it... and I dont even know if we will bother LOL
Anyways enough about my shit lol - I so wanted to get this post sorted, I know its just a little over a week until crimbo and there is me gonna do a halloween post LOL better late then never right?
I found this photo this week from when me lads were little and we won the village pumpkin competetion....

oh my, how I wish I could get this time back.. and NO my Jacob aint wearing a girlie pink coat, YES it is pink but it was a french jacket and it was actually a boys coat, note the blue and mustard insets and the lined hood LOL...
I dont know if anyone remembers my Halloween post from last year, and how one child actually piddled his pants :) well the stakes were raised this year and we was on a mission to make kids wet and soil there trousers LOL...... ya see, when I was over the school the days leading up to halloween, so many parents asked me if I was gonna be 'doing' halloween this year, you see, our house has started to become 'the place' to visit LOL......

But you see, I dont give kindness and sweet talk on halloween to anyone, not even children, I firmly believe that if you take your kids out trick or treating no matter what age, then you have to expect to be scared and I mean scared...(ya see, I have to be kind and sweet and nice to my minded kids, so halloween is at least a time when I aint regulated by rules and policies hahaha)... and apparently Im the only house in the village that does that LOL most just open the door sweetly and give out bags of sweets.... well NOT IN THIS HOUSE WE DONT......my little house is getting a bit of a reputation...
I set Sam the task of carving the pumpkins.... one is never to old for that and he got right proper stuck in :)

Me and Jacob baked most of the day on halloween.....I didnt wanna be spending to much money on sweets so we made plates and plates of little fairy cakes...

oh my I think me oven door needs cleaning lol.... we then iced the mini fairy cakes with orange icing and put eyeball chocolates on the top...

And these mummy head pizzas we made trays and trays of (oh shut it, they looked good in the recipe lol)..
We also make hotdog mummys but I cant find the photos.... they were hotdogs wrapped in a mummy like fashion in flakey pastry and baked in the oven then little faces added, they looked well proper good and Im bummed that I cant find where I put the photos.....but here is the picture from the recipe page..

Mine of course looked better then these :)
We did also have a skull plate full of sweeties.... and we even made a real surgical heart jelly where the kids had to dip their fingers in the heart to retrieve eyeball chocolates.....
Ya see, most dont get trick or treaters calling, but I KNEW we were in for a barrage of trickers this year cos word had spread about how much fun our house was to come a knocking at..so we had to be prepared...
I did think during the week that the parents miss out, the children get all the treats and they as adults dont get nuffin, so we thought we would make home made truffles with a bit of a surprise for all the adults that would come calling with their children.....

Dont they look great..... and oh my the parents were so very happy and delighted to be thought of :)
Here is the recipe for the truffles..
First melt a big pot of chocolate..... dont go using the best, just cake cooking chocolate will do cos they dont stay in their mouths for long LMFAO....
Next take some button sized brussel sprouts and cook until soft but not to squishy..and tip into the melted chocolate.... whirl around until the sprout is completely covered in the chocolate.. *Evil Grin*

See, dont they look just like normal truffles........
I had a bit of help from me lads at the beginning of the evening, you know, in the scaring department, we sorted out them out as they was all going to a party, so they got a few scares in to start me off LOL.... then the rest of the evening it was down to me to do the scaring....

Our Tom got the first point for making a child wet his trousers LOL.....the child was terrified after I opened the door and once he had calmed down and the father had explained that it was JUST MELODY WITH A MASK ON..... our Tom came around the side of the house and the kid went nuts LMFAO.... it was just the funniest....

Tom and Sammie done up as gouls.... all their make up was from stuff in the kitchen cupboards, unlike last year when I painted out Tom with Emulsion green paint from the shed LOL..

sorry the photo is sidewards I cant make it turn round lol...... Ben was off to a old goul slags party.... he to scared the hell out of kids before he left for the party lmfao
And our Sam, well, he went to a NERDS party lmfao

And this is the best we could do lmfao... he dont look nuffin like this usually, he had his shirt tucked in and his waistband was almost up to his armpits lmfao..... and no, he was NOT allowed to wear those glasses he had on, they are my new ones and had just cost me $500, but we found an old pair of mine and popped the lenses out and he wore them..
Our Jacob was out and so we didnt get no photo of him cos he got sorted at his mates house....
Ok, me lads all buggered off to their different parties which left little old me to hold the fort.....
I wear a horrendous mask and when someone knocks on me door I shout in the most witchy voice I can muster WHATDAYA WANT.... CLEAR OFF.... and when they knock again I stoop right low and open the door just a crack and peer out..... when you open the door at child level they are not expecting it, neither are they expecting the door then to fling open and me to be standing their stooped over holding a half life size skeleton LMFAO.... hence the first casualties of the evening lmfao...kids scream and adults laff.... sometimes I didnt hold the skeleton but a severed hand which has batteries in it and the fingers move and I make the kids shake the hand lmfao.... jebus I am sooooooo mean :)

This is my mask, its actually better looking then I am for real......
When they settle down, before I offered them a treat I said to the adults...... 'Ive made treats for the adults, cos you lot always miss out'.... oh my, the smiles and the words of fanks for thinking of them, as they reach out their hands to take a handmade truffle....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Then the gagging and the gobbing out of the truffles and the laffs and the snorts as they realise they have been tricked by chocolate covered sprouts lmfao.... the funniest thing was the pure smiles of happieness with them thinking that someone had gone to time and effort to make homemade truffles just for the adults.....
Do you know it was just the funniest surreal thing ever to see them smiles turn to looks of horror and surprise and then laughter lmfao....
It was hard to get shots of them cos I was holding a plate of truffles and a skeleton and was wearing me mask LMFAO so the following photos aint to great but you will get the idea....

See the look of delight..

See the look of WTF.... these two were nibblers and nibbled instead of popping the whole thing in their mouths.... LOL

Someone taking a truffle for her and her friend (in the white on the left) she was so grateful and pleased that I had made truffles lmfao

The same friend gagging as she had popped the whole truffle in her mouth and had greedily started to munch LMFAO..... I so though she was going to throw up lol

they laffed and laffed and laffed and I think she might of been one of the adults that wet themselves LOL

You can clearly see the gagging reflex in this woman lmfao

This couple were me most favourite of the night, they laffed and laffed so much, I aint never seen them before around the village, but they said they were TOLD to come to my house if they wanted the best scare LOL
The chap laffed so hard that a bit of sprout came out of his nose and then he laffed some more LOL note in the womans hand the gagged up sprout, she was well to posh to just gob it out in the road like everyone else had LOL....they fanked me for the bestest trick EVER lmfao

See the little skeleton lad, thats 'just jack' he actually soiled his trousers LOL....mission complete *ha
All in all I think the adults had as much fun and laughter as the children did.... well the kids did after they got over the initial scare LOL.... I only took me mask off for one little nipper cos I though she was gonna have some sorta fit, and she screamed and screamed no matter how much the father told her it was only 'Mel' so I relented just the once LOL for health and safety grounds lmfao....
We got through over 100 truffle sprouts most of which were gobbed up into the road and which the birds the following morning had a great breakfast.......over 80 mini halloween fairycakes.... 16 mini mummy pizzas and about 20 mummy hotdogs plus about $20 worth of sweets.... and plates and plates of homemade chocolate bones which we made in moulds incase we ran out of sweets.....
Afterwards I felt a bit of a saddo that I did this mostly on me own, cos me lads all went to parties, what on earth must people think of me LOL
I do know that the following week we was up the pub at a fireworks and giant bonfire display (actually we got there an hour late so missed it) which we missed due to having the wrong time LOL, but was having a pint outside with the crowds of people afterwards, when 3 different people came up to us and said.... oh you must be the people in the funniest halloween house in the village, everyone is talking about it, you was the talk non stop in the pub before the display of fireworks.... LOL.....
Now, how on earth am I to top that for next year......
ok more then enough Twaddle for a cold damp wet Wednesday evening......I doubt anyone has read it anyways LOL