Ok....... Well its the 27th Feb today and I cant believe that I missed it...... it, being me 1st Anniversary of Blobbing.....it was a few days ago, back on the 23rd Feb..... Knowing me, I'll miss me own bloody funeral lol..
It dont seem like a year of blobbing..... oh my, where has the last year gone.... who would of believed I would still be here (barely lol).... what a year of discovery all round..... what a huge learning curve, what a bloody eye opener what a rollercoaster ride of mixed emotions.....
I had no intention of blobbing, I was quite happy just flitting around the few sites of maties and of course the Dingleberries Newspaper site, leaving willynilly comments..... I think me maties JBelle, Toadie, PT, Peanut, Chuck and others got a little cheesed off with me leaving long comments with stories attached and they badgered me into starting me own blob..... so Twaddle was born lol...

What a door they opened lol, I so didnt think that anyone would find anything that I wrote of interest.... but I thought, maybe it would be a good thing to write down so many memories that have laid on the shelves of me mind for so long, some funny and some sad....and maybe one day just print them off for me lads before I die, so that they might know the INNER MUM as well as the outer mum and the side of mum that they see daily.... they might know the workings of me and how it all began, and maybe find a reason for some of the things I do, in a way it was their history and their foundations of the people they will become..... does that make sense? cos it does to me lol....
This was me first ever post..... short and sweet and did I say short lol..... how come I cant type short posts now lol....
First Twaddle post HERE it wasnt anything special or life changing lol... it was just a little bit of twaddle...
Ive shared, sometimes, way to much information about me..... and often when I use to post (especially on PTs blob) comments on blobs I would think about it and go back and delete it...... ya see, believe it or not, Im a very private person, yeah, hard to believe right..... and some of the stories I have in me head will always remain there, they are never for sharing.......
But I have learnt little by little that somethings are ok to share, and what, to some, might of seemed like sad posts, about little bits of me past...... well, I never typed them for anything then those little extra bits were all part of the story of the subject I was blobbing about.....
Ive shared posts about my father and my mother that made many very sad, hey it was what it was :) - Ive shared the many dead and alive pets with ya, Ive shared me maties and me minded nippers with ya, Ive shared me thoughts and feelings with ya, and Ive shared me holiday in Maine with ya, Ive shared me 4 sons, our crazy days and their birthdays with ya...... and of course Ive shared me pathetic love of me chickens Janet and now Mabel with ya LMFAO....... but I will NEVER share me chocolate with ya :) lol

Inland Empire Girl did the most amazing 1st anniversary post last week, it was full of such wonderful things and words and grammar LOL, where as this is just Twaddle and full of spelling mistakes and bad grammar.......
Ive made many friends along the way of this past year, some I so hope will be lifetime maties..... some that I would lay me life on the line for without a bat of an eyelid (you know who you are)..... some that have inspired me and also knocked seven bells of shit out of me when I thrown meself a wee pity party LOL....... but hey, its hard raising 4 sons completely on me own....some that have so been there for me and been non judgemental in the process, something that at first I found so hard to accept... ya see, Ive always had to stand alone and only ever rely on meself... and to take hold of someone elses hand at those times when I just needed a hand, well it is difficult lol..some friends I just cant imagine me life without them being a big part of it..... like dear Sharkie, PT, JBelle, The Toads, Chuck, Susan, Peanut, Ciara, Lora, Starr and now Ake, Queen, Catch, Cindy, Buffalo, Kati, Cis, IEG and her siblings, not forgetting Ol Lady and dear Jolie, and brm and and and and...... oh the list goes on and on, sorry if Ive not listed ya lol, but I do know that some will fall by the wayside and get overgrown with weeds, but I will always remember them, and they too will be stacked on the shelves of me mind....
So.... almost 26,000 views later...... a year older, wiser, wrinkler, but oh so richer..... I wanna fank ya all for popping in..... I cant for the life of me think why ya do LMFAO.....

Ok..... this is ALSO me 100th post lol..... Two celebrations in one week :) Im well spoilt LMFAO - So I thought Id share a photo of me :)

Who knows what the future holds for me or anyone... I know I will always be 'me' I dont know how to be anyone else, and most importantly, I DONT wanna be anyone else..... Im afraid people have to just take me or leave me, and many have over the years choosen the later LOL..... their loss right? :)
much love on this 1st Anniversary and this 100th post ...... Twaddling here in sunny but earthquake shaking England..