Me matie Sharon with her 10 year old Chloe picked me up, they was me carriage into the house of death :)....
I was in good spirits, but deep inside I was wellabit scared for various reasons.... one, having to go through this on me own, and two cos of the shit thats happened before under operation conditions.... we so laffed on the way to the hospital.... its a bugger of a place to get to, its the old Military Hospital in Gosport... ya know with armed guards on the security gates and form filling in just to get the car into the base without it being taken away and blown up lol
So, we gets there a little late, but I decided to give Sharon and little Chloe a tour of the acres and acres of grounds and a look at the beautiful old buildings etc.... me, well I LOVE old buildings but to me peasant maties they dont mean squatt lol...
See, aint the side of that building just lovely....
Me matie had never been into Haslar before... and for the untrained eye it can be a bit of a shock..... its not like our QA (Queen Alexander) Hospital at Cosham, which is like 6 beds to a ward etc..... Haslar still has the old 24 bed military wards, with 20 foot arched ceilings and windows high above the ground so unless ya stand on ya bed ya cant see out.... it still has the 'Doctors Station' in the middle of the ward, and sometimes its a mixed ward with blokes to the left of the main arch and hotties to the right.... well, if ya can call elderly hip and knee patients well into their 70-80s hotties LOL..... Jebus I so should of gone 'private' lol
I dont know if anyone but a handful of you would know the famous well British institute of comedy films back in the day called 'The Carry Ons'.... well the wards in Haslar are very much like the Carry On Nurse Film, and at any moment one expected Hattie Jakes and Barbara Winsor or Syd James to come from behind a curtain with a huge injection or something lol...... yep the look on Sharon and Chloe's face said it all LMFAO..
I think this is probably to dark to make out much... but see what I mean about OLD FASHIONED wards.... now, where is that Syd James LMFAO.....
It was a civilian ward, the army orthopedic ward was below us on Level 2.... and no matter how many times I asked during my stay at Haslar they just wouldnt transfer me down a level to be in the Army ward :)...... maybe it was the sight of me HUGE hospital knickers that swayed the balance LOL.....
So, me matie Sharon is a Londoner, and we are in many ways like chalk and cheese.... she dont do animals and most certainly not chickens, she dont do mud and digging, she is a bit of a townie and she most certainly DONT do old fashioned stuff, she likes modern things and laffs at me when I get excited about old buildings and clocks and chickens and all that I wrap myself around...... so, I was just gagging to see her reaction to the ward where I would be staying...... ya see, she aint never been to Haslar before.... and to those of the 'modern magazine age' I just know it was gonna be a bit of a shock..... and I watched her face turn from a smile to a look of horror as we walked down the middle of the huge ward towards Bed Number 3 at the far end that had me name on it.....
As we walked down the middle of this huge ward, to either side were beds upon beds of what seemed like 'little old dead people'.... I seemed to be the youngest occupant by at least 20 years... grey, waxed faces with paper thin skin stared back at us from starched white hospital pillows emblazoned with 'The Property of Haslar' across the neatly folded corner... just incase in a drug infused stated one wondered where one was.... either that or it was to stop anyone stealing the bedding ;) - but thats another story lol....
This is the little 'dead person' that lay opposite me for a few days before I was expelled from 'that end of the ward'.... see how scarey it is.... I was the youngest by at least 20 years.... I didnt wanna be here, I didnt wanna be no crimple.... not old and infirm.... I asked the nurse to please tell me that these people came in like this, with their death masks and they didnt come in young and full of life and get processed into this morgue'ick state post surgery..... she just smile at me and patted my hand...... WTF....
With names like Edna, Doris, Betty, Margret and Edith hanging above their beds like tombstones in a by gone era.... some of these people surely had died in the night and no one had noticed, they lay there, dead still with just the sound of their machines whirling and buzzing around them... teeth in glasses smiled back at us from every bedside cupboard, grinning at us, Chloe swears that she saw one set of choppers open and close as if trying to tell her something.... I told Chloe just to walk straight ahead and just to focus on our destination of Bed 3..... but we could not help but stare and gaze at those beds filled with tiny and not so tiny bodies..nurses scurrying around wiping dribbling mouths and pulling curtains around patients with sounds of 'oh Doris you have slopped all over the bed, you need to sit still on the bedpan' and 'Never Mind Ethel, it will come out in the wash'....
My eyes kept looking at the side of each bed, at those 'bags' hanging there..... Bloody hell, almost everyone had 'AUNTIE MORRIS's hung from their beds in different stages of fullness, hanging and swaying like yellow flags with every squeeze of their elderly bladders...... I needed to go home, I couldnt do this.... I would not be coming out of this place alive.....
~~~Explanation on 'AUNTIE MORRIS'~~~
My Auntie Freda use to have to have a colostomy bag due to becoming disabled later in life.... it use to hang from her wheelchair like some trophy...and we would joke about it, cos there was no getting away from it just staring at ya whilst visiting and enjoying tea and crumpets, as much as one can enjoy tea and crumpets whilst feeling seasick by the motion of the contents inside Auntie Freda's see through 'bag'....... anyways.... there was no other option but to embrace the bag as much as we embraced me Auntie Freda who was me Uncle Daves wife and was, when growing up, more of a mum and dad to me then anyone I had known..... so....
Why did I call 'the bag' AUNTIE MORRIS and not Auntie Freda..... well, ya see, the summer me Auntie took possession of 'the bag', me and some of me maties of the time had all gone down to Southsea Common where there was a vintage car show going on.... ya know, where all these nutters.... opps I mean enthusiasts would show off their cars all polished and shiny for everyone to owww and arhhhh over of a by gone age..... well, I never liked the fancy posh big cars, one of me most favourite little cars was the Morris Minor... a right proper British car... I always looked at them and their funny little rounded shape and have visions of jelly moulds on wheels lol......... anyways..... all these little cars would be displayed with their bonnets up so that we could all comment on the little engines.... well, ya know, an engine is an engine to me, but I was trying to gather the enthusiasum whilst looking under the bonnet... ya know, these saddos.... opps ... these people had taken their time and energy to come and show us their pride and joys, so the least one could do was to pretend to be interested........ and as I looked under the bonnet of a Morris Minor I saw something, something I just couldnt take me eyes off of.... it was a sign..... it had to be..... it was right...... there hanging on the side of the engine was a tube, my eyes followed the tube down until it joined 'a see through bag' yes a plastic sort of bag filled with water.... visions of me Auntie Freda's bag washed over me like a summer shower.... it was a sign.... the little bag in the car contained the windscreen water for washing the windscreen, ya know, ya press a button on the dash and water comes out of the windscreen wipers and it cleans ya screen.... it was almost the exact copy of what hung from me Auntie Freda's wheelchair, only this bag was filled with clear liquid that would be coming out and not yellow liquid going in......
So from that day forth... me Auntie Freda's 'bag' was always referred to as an 'Auntie Morris' in honour of the little Morris Minor car and its bag of windscreen water.........ya know me by now, I seem to have a pet name for most things in life lol...
Anyways, see how I go off on a different track LOL
We continued to slowly walk down the centre of the morgue, slowly making our way to 'my bed' we passed the main desk with smiles from nurses and nods and ticking of forms and as I looked to the left I could see high up in the corner of the arch one single telly, blinking and scrolling up and down with the tune and visions of 'The Telly Tubbies' blaring out from the sunlight.... WTF...... the look on me face must of said what my mind was thinking cos one of the nurses said 'oh thats for Clara, she's a couple of pennies short of a quid and it calms her down......Calms her down, bloody calms her down.... Im sure there was a mistake, surely this was a mental institute ward.. I didnt belong here, or I did.... flashbacks of 'One Flew Over The Cuckcoos Nest' buzzed around me head and I smiled.... maybe I had found where I truely belonged..... maybe I was home LMFAO.......
So, I diverted me eyes to the left, opposite the blinking telly, to see who Clara was that needed calming...... it was not a sight for delicate eyes, I told Chloe to keep walking and not to look.... there in a bed lay what seemed like the tiniest skeleton body that I had ever seen, eyes sunken into dark sockets, with skinny legs dangling out of the sheets, she really should of put on a pair of knickers, those old landing flaps were NOT a sight I really needed to be seeing in my state of mind.... in the coming week this little old lady was to become someone that I sat with for hours and talked to.... she actually wasnt a loonie, she was just scared and in pain and very frightened..... but that first glimpse was sure scarey for me and certainly for Chloe......
We got to me bed..... where I was shown where to put me stuff, to which I replied.... its ok, I dont think I will be staying so I'll just leave me stuff in me bag if thats ok with everyone........ the nurse just smiled at me, and said..... it can be a bit daunting when ya first come in....... Jebus, she had no clue LMFAO....
We sat and answered the same questions on different forms over and over again.... just formal stuff..... we did laff though and the young nurse sort of clung to us like some life line in this mad house.... she did at one point ask me and Sharon if we had been drinking cos we kept laffing, to which young Chloe replied...... nope, Mel dont drink but me mum does get drunk some Saturday nights LMFAO...(the nurse was giggling by now).... they are always like that together..... so Chloe answered the rest of the questions LMFAO....
One Anethetis (that so aint spelt right) ya know one of the people that is responsible for making sure ya either out of it during an op or at least cant feel anything..... well, he came to have a chat.... he must of been about 6'7" and as thin as a pin and he was a little abrupt and matter of fact.... didnt take a shine to him.... and he had the skinniest arse I have ever seen on a bloke.... not that Ive seen many blokes arses but you know what I mean.....
This bloke drew an arrow on me leg, the one that was to be operated on, just to make sure they had the right one..... which Chloe then decided to decorate as a little man LMFAO....
I dont think art school is on the cards for Chloe.... we also wrote.... DO NOT TICKLE on the souls of me feet and......GO NO HIGHER on me thigh LMFAO......which seemed to caused a few laffs in theatre :)
Then the second anethetis bloke came to have a chat, he would be the one putting in the spinal block, ya see, I had decided that I wanted to be awake during the operation, just so that I could keep an eye on what was going on, and to make sure they knew what they were doing..... this second bloke so laffed, and made a comment of...... oh this one is gonna be such fun, Im glad you have choosen to be awake lol.... I told him that I liked his sense of humour and that the other bloke was a 'bit dead' in that department.... and he said.... thats cos HE is army and straight laced... he is in the parachutte regiment and they can be a bit formal so to speak...... he said they would both be doing their 'bedside manners' during me op, so I was to be nice to the other bloke LOL
Here he is..... Mr lack of humour bumless gas chamber army blokie......he wouldnt turn round and let me take a photo of his non-bum lol
All to soon it was time for me matie and Chloe to leave, leave me to simmer in this house of dead people.... we walked back down the centre of the ward, nodding and smiling at waxen faces, that seemed to smile back.... maybe they had heard our laughter from behind the curtains whilst filling in all the forms..... maybe they knew they were indeed still alive and were not in heaven or hell......
All the way down in the lift me matie Sharon kept saying..... Mel, I dont think I can leave you here..... I cant leave you here..... but I knew I had no option, not now I was here..... we clung to each other outside in the car park.... she was sobbing as was Chloe and the tears just ran and ran down me face, my body shook and heaved with sobs.... I didnt wanna stay here on me own.... I just wanted to go home.... Sharon peeled herself off me and climbed in the car, trying to smile and say encouraging words to me.... all the time with tears streaming down her face, Chloe was inconsoleable.... and was shouting... mum dont leave Mel here dont leave Mel here..... I told her just to go, just to go and I would ring tomorrow.... little did she realise I would be ringing within the hour with plea's to come and get me, begging her to come and spring me from this she drove away, waving frantically out of the window with shouts of WE LOVE YOU..... I sat down on the stone steps, tears running down me face.... I sat on these steps for almost an hour, trying to compose meself, trying not to feel the lonelieness creep within my soul.... thinking of how for over 200 years people have sat on the same steps thinking the same thoughts......
After an hour, I pulled meself together and wandered back to E6, which was to be me home for the next 8 days...... I was met with smiles from the nurse, she could see me red swollen tear stained face.. she knew....she smiled and said.... dinner is on its way.... yours would of been ordered for you this morning as you were not here to choose..... get something inside ya, it will make ya feel better........ little did she know, I hadnt eaten for 2 days cos I have this fear of BEDPANS LOL and I always think, if ya dont eat for a few days before going into hospital then ya've less chance of needing the 'dreaded' bedpan........ one of the things on me list that I DONT DO lmfao....
So..... me dinner came.... I knew before I even lifted the silver dome on me tray that there would be a sign for me there.... a sign, waiting for me to unravel and figure out........ and sure enough..... there was a sign..... ya see...... on both me wrists not only was there me hospital braclets with me name and age and hospital number on, but there was also a bright RED tag stating that I was allergic to PORK and geletine..... couldnt get clearer then that...... its like a peanut allergy.... pork or geletine could kill me..... and as I lifted the dome to see what dinner there was that I was not going to eat anyways cos of the 'bedpan plan' I was faced with SWEET AND SOUR PORK..... LMFAO..... hahahhahahaha..... its a sign I tell ya.... the look on me face must of been a look of horror...... whats the matter love the dinner trolley bloke said.... dont ya like the look of it.......... emmmmmm, I said, I aint being picky or anything and I dont like to make a fuss, but you do realise I DONT DO PORK dont ya, *waving both me red wrist bands at him* oh my he said..... that could of been a bit dodgy..... ok love, he said... looking at the back of the trolley.... there's another dinner back here..... do ya like sausages with mash....... mint and lamb sausages, I ask?....... opps he said..... nah they are pork and apple LMFAO......... well..... it was truely a sign for sure...... so I didnt have me last supper.... ya know, ya last rights, ya last meal before 'death day'..... it was a sign of what the week would unfold, Im now sure of that.... which bit of PORK WILL KILL ME didnt they get lmfao......
Yep, it clearly states in red PORK ALLEGRY lmfao....
I could see I would have to be watching out for meself in this place.... so the safety barriers went up and me hard head came on and the alarms were set.....
Tiz ok I mumble to the bloke..... I dont think Im up to eating anyways.... so as the elderly slurped and sucked their way through mountains of sweet and sour pork, all I had in my head was visions of stinking overflowing bedpans the following day....
So, instead of sitting and listening to pork being gummed to death and sponge puddings mashed to a pulp and sucked down, I wandered back down the ward cos I had spied a 'visitors room' at the end of the ward.... in which was a telly and some of those upright 'elderly chairs' which were actually wellabit comfortable lol.... maybe I would watch the evening news with its coverage of war and death and destruction at least it would take me mind off of the death camp and the disfunction that had surrounded me on E6...... UNTIL.... an hour later when this old bent double lady came hobbling into the room with her zimmer frame (another thing I WAS NOT going to have).... I said hello as she sat opposite me and asked me to turn the telly over cos there was a programme she wanted to watch, and me being the nice person I am thought, ok, well she has right of passage cos she had by the look of her bandages already 'been done'...... so I sat through some crap programme whilst trying to make pleasant conversation with this lady that must of been about 87..... she said her name was Florence (alarm bells going off cos of the name lmfao - those that know KNOW ;) - ) and I told her me name was Melody..... she then asked what I was in for, which I told her..... and then that started her off on some rambling mumbling speech about..... how I ought to not have it done and how I should just get me bags and go home NOW... AND how much the pain tore through ones body and how the younger ya are having it done it actually was harder and more fierce cos they pull ya around and hammer ya bones like ya was an old iron bridge.... she went on and on about bedpans and wee bags and drips and pain and the crap food and how she had wet her self every night.......... in the end I could stand it no more........ I stood up..... and looked around to make sure no one else was within ear shot......... FLORENCE I started off politely...... *still looking around to check I faced this old lady alone*...... Florence..... not being funny and hoping not to sound rude, but would you mind just shutting the FUCK UP..... please go away and do NOT speak to me.... go on.... now shoooo..... get out of here.... you are banned from this room until tomorrow....... go on..... you heard me...... out Out OUt BLOODY OUT.... with that she upped, turned tail and zimmer framed out of me life..... I never saw Florence again... I dont know what became of her.... but people like that so should not be allowed to mixed with the people that had yet to 'be done'...... I know it was rude, I know I swore, I know she was old and infirm..... but at that moment in time...... I DIDNT GIVE A DAM ABOUT anyone but meself......
I stayed in that telly room until 2 in the morning..... I texted me matie Sharon asking her to come get me.... I text me matie Sharkie to tell him how scared I was...... I texted 5 other maties....... and they just all left me to simmer in me own fears......
Cos tomorrow was another day...... it was THE DAY..... and I had to face it alone.....
~~~~to be continued~~~~
Doubt anyone has read down to here LMFAO....... but I just had to get this down for the record..... the next post will contain disgusting photos of the actually operation.....
Yes, me and me camera became a standing joke around the ward....... :) I was nicknamed the japenese holidaymaker LMFAO.......
peace......... X