So crimbo is over, we or should I say I took the tree and decs down yesterday..... remember the tree that we went and cut down a few posts earlier.... well, do you know, it was still as fresh as the day we cut it, only a handful of needles fell when we dragged it out the back door... so for 12 quid it was a great buy....
I was up first crimbo day, its different when ya kids are big, no early mornings in this house, and to be honest it was lovely lol..... I got up around 8am and had the house to meself to start sorting out the crimbo lads didnt get up until around 11am lol..... but as I tiptoed down the stairs and turned on the tree lights, I could only smile.... the smile on my face was huge, I was right pathetic....
ya see, let me tell ya why...... there were pressies under the tree, just as every year.... pressies from me to me lads and from me lads to me and to each other..... that is how crimbo has always been in this house.... my lads only get pressies from me since the X left, they no longer get gifts from my X or his family, and my parents being dead they obviously dont get pressies from them, and my brothers and sister never bother.........
Ive never had a pressie under the tree from anyone else except me lads, not even when I was married.... even though there were loads for him..... he would sometimes get me a pressie that I use to HAVE to open at his parents house, cos we use to have to go there every crimbo with his whole family, WHICH I HATED MORE THEN LIFE ITSELF....
Anyways...... this crimbo when I tiptoed down the stairs and put the tree lights on I just stood there smiling, cos you see, this year for the first year as far back as I can remember there was 2 other pressies under the tree, 2 pressies that actually had been wrapped and had a label on with MY NAME upon it....
This is how the parcel from the Toadies in America arrived lol my postman Brian loved it....
The Toadies had sent me a crimbo parcel all the way from America..... and ToriZ and Kelly had sent me a crimbo pressie all the way from Wales lol... they arrived the week before christmas and how I stopped myself from opening them when they arrived I will never know.... I gently placed them under the tree and every single day up to crimbo I would pick them up and shake them and smile and smile.... how pathetic am I LOL.... it wouldnt of mattered if it was a bottle of bleach that had been wrapped, it wouldnt of mattered it if was a bloody old smelly pair of socks, or a tub of old age anti wrinkle cream lol, what mattered was that there was a pressie under me tree with a label on with MY NAME on... someone had taken the time to think of me at christmas.... so....... Now I Know That Special Feeling that others must feel at christmas time... now I know, and I liked that feeling, it was a first for me.... what a pathetic saddo of a person I truely am LOL - and of course the loverly flowers that Intense guy had sent.... so I thank you Toadies and ToriZ and Intense for giving me a 'first' and making me realise what Ive been missing all these years LOL
Anyways enough of all that......

Me lads and the compulsary crimbo photo lol
Crimbo dinner and the preparation to many seems like hard work, but to me its just like doing a Sunday Roast but on a bigger scale and extra trimmings.... we are very laid back here, we dont get stressed out, if dinner aint ready on time then it aint ready, and usually me 3 old lads bugger off to the pub for a quick pint just before dinner (as do almost all british blokes) but this year they didnt.... so dinner was in the oven and we had a few pressies to open..... I had bought Jacob a Wii and all the bits that go along with it for his main pressie, then bits and pieces of mainly BMX stuff.... and Sam had an Xbox 360 and all the bits for his main pressie and then others bits and pieces to open...... Ben and Tom for the first year ever had dosh off me for their main pressie so they could buy what they wanted in the sales, but seeing as they didnt need or want for anything they shoved it in their savings..... but I did also buy them half a dozen bits and bobs so they had somethings to open.... they also all still get crimbo stockings LMFAO.... and my Jacob, bless his little cotton socks had done me a crimbo stocking from father christmas full of lovely bits lol
Sam and Ben with a few of their bits..
Ben, Tom and Jacob... as you can see, Sam and Jacob had warm winter hats in their stockings which didnt come off their heads all christmas day LOL
Dinner was ready, the table set..
and it was Toms turn to carve the turkey.....
We were all stuffed and was just sitting around the table chatting..... Tom was taking some photos..... and then THAT IS WHEN we realised we had an UNINVITED dinner guest...... we didnt know at first.... not until Tom had taken a few photos and was checking to see if they had come out....... the guest didnt knock on the door, the guest didnt come dressed for the occasion... the guest was not invited....... but one thing the univited guest did to, and that was FREAK US ALL OUT lol.....
Ya see.... we aint normal in this house, not where photos are concerned.... so, as Tom was sitting at the table after finishing his food he decided to take a photo inside the Turkey LMFAO.... I have no idea why.... or what his thinking was behind it........ maybe the guest was subconsiously calling him, so that it could be included in the celebrations....... but whatever made Tom take the 'inside the Turkey' photo....... one thing is for sure..... that is where we found the uninvited dinner guest......
See if you can see the guest.... the guest that had been hiding in our Turkey all through dinner, the guest that only made itself know after we had eaten..... and you tell me you wouldnt be freaked out by what you see......

Click on the photo to enlarge and you can see the EYES looking out, we think we had more then one guest inside the turkey, we think there were a family of them.... can you see the EYES.... real eyes...... not just a bit of turkey innards, but REAL BLOODY EYES inside our turkey......
Tom took another photo at the same angle and there was nuffin there...... our uninvited dinner guests had gone back from whence they came...... FREAKY OR WHAT.......
So...... crimbo was nice, quiet but nice...... Tom's girlfriend came round for the evening and we roasted chestnuts and drank and for someone that rarely drinks I seemed to have been in a slightly drunken haze most of the holidays lol.... I was hoping that me soul was wrapped up under me tree, but alas, me soul is still lost....
I love this photo lol..... my Tom and Jacob both fell asleep late crimbo afternoon and we played an air-horn to wake them up lol it scared the poo out of them and this is the photo as they awake from their sleep lol
I think my Jacob and Tom look so much alike, they dont think so though.... but I do....especially as they have both grown their hair longish..look at the looks of surprise on their faces lol

This is Bens crimbo stuffed belly LMFAO
Young love....... Sigh......... I would settle for a bit of old love meself LMFAO
Bens thinking 'sod off mum' LOL
When I thought they couldnt possibly eat anything more...... they wanted crackers and cheeses LOL crimbo when you are carving your Turkey, have a peek up its bum and have a proper look inside, cos you just dont know who might of invited themselves to dinner and are hiding inside ya turkey :)
I have a feeling this might be our last crimbo all together.... Im glad I savioured every last second of it..... it certainly will be a lovely memory to keep with me in my old age......
Im back at work today....... ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so ya see, me knight in shining armour didnt come and whisk me away from all this lol.......
Hope you had a good one....... oh, thats my Sam as father christmas, like he thought we wouldnt know it was him lol
Now this long boring Twaddle makes up for the short previous post lol...