Ok - we have done much of the above....... roasting chestnuts on our open fire in our antique chestnut pan.... and YES, that is me fire and me chestnuts...and NO I didnt burn me house down, only nearly LOL
And for someone that rarely RARELY drinks, I seem to of been drinking copious amounts of this....

oh, and before I forget...... HAPPY BLOODY NEW YEAR ........ now lets open another bottle of red :)

PS...... who says I cant do short posts (Buff) LOL
*laffz* Happy New Year from my family to yours (2 legged, 4 legged, feathered , furred or otherwise!)
Long or short I love them all. You are a real tonic so thank you. BTW that doesn't mean Sanatogen LOL
Happy New Year.
Happy friggin' New Year, sweetie! It's going to be a great year. It just HAS to be!! I insist!
Love ya now and throughout the year!
Happy New Year dear Mel... I wish you good health and great happiness for the year of 2009.
Thanks for being my blogging friend. May your laughter be heard to the rafters of life..
You sure you didn't burn the house down? Happy New Year dear Marmite. I am so thankful Iggy lead me to your wonderful blog. You are a dear, caring, lady who spreads joy and laughter to many. Huge hugs to you.
Happy New Year, Marmite!
a very sober new years to you...I tried to stay up and ring in the new year with dick clark...was in bed asleep by 10:30...im such an old fart.
I think you cut this one short so you could go open another bottle of red!!!! LOL....your fire looks toasty! Time to put all the decoration away :((...Ive had mine setting by the basement stairs since I took everything down last week!!!
Happy New Year! :)
Did you get my e-mail?
Bonne Année and may your year be full of good things and Marmite.
Sorry it took so long to comment... I was scrolling down, looking for the next 1000 or so words... HeeeHeeHee! I know what you're thinking, and you wouldn't be the first to try and roast my chestnuts over an open fire, either! HeeHeeHee...
LOVE THE BOTTLES!! I had me a bottle of Almond Sparkling Wine. So good!
I have always wondered how you roasted nuts. Are they good??
I love your foggy lane. Maybe someday I will cross the pond.
Bloody Hell Mel I thought I'd gone blind when your post ended so abrubtly! LOL
I've taken down the tree and decorations today and the house looks gloomy! :(
Your fire and your post cheered me up though. :)
Happy New Year Toasty...
May the new year bring you lots of laughter and comfortable walking.
Maybe you can get a leash for Marble and take him or her for short walks?
I enjoy a good wine once in a while.
Happy New Year, Marmie!!! You are one of the ligts of my life.
Your picture of your cat in the next post is a TWIN of my long lost kitty, Squeaky. She was 18 and just slipped away one night and never came home. I still miss her! (That's like one of your own kids!)
Great picture and invoked lots and lots of wonderful memories of Squeak.
Happy and healthy new year to you, Mel, and to everyone. We are in the midst of de-Christmasing today. I snipped a lot of the branches off the Christmas tree to make it lighter for my husband to carry out to the curb; lo and behold, there was a good sized birds nest hidden deep inside.
Storyteller said to come and visit so I did.Happy New Year.
Happy New Year a day late :D
MMMMMMM, roasted chestnuts. I haven't had roasted chestnuts in almost 30 years :( I wonder if anyone sells them around here and if they can be roasted on a gas grill :D
...i was playing that wonderful old Christmas standard one time and the singer sang "Chipmunks roasting on an open fire..." and that's all the further we got in the song...the room desolved into drunken guffaws and chortles...
Happy New Year, Mel and the rest of the chestnuts gathered here!
Happy New Year and have one for me! Cheers!
~((((LadyStyx))))~ Back atcha lady :)...xxxxx
~(((Crispy))))~ this is the shortest post Ive ever done lol... and hey, I could do with a dose of Sanatogen lol....Happy Nups to you to....xxxxx
~((((((Lisa)))))~ yeah and freakin nups back to you and your stud muffin.... I suppose I loves ya back to LMFAO ....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((Tosser)))))))))))~ Happy Nups dear you my dear friend.... the fanks are all mine, you amazing old cow LOL.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((Punkn)))~ Im always almost burning the house down lol Im greatful for Iggy stumbling into Twaddle to and bring you lot with him lol.... hugs and happy nups to you....xxxxx
~((((Chicago))))~ happy nups dear you...xxxxx
~(((yellowdog))))~ well I was sober up until midnight cos we stand on the top of Portsdown hill at midnight with over 1000 others and watch the whole of Portsmouth light up with fireworks.... so I was sober to drive, that dont mean to say I stayed sober once I got back LOL.....xxxxxx
~((((((((((Catch))))))))))~ ya impressed with me shortness right? LOL decs will go away today.... this might be our last crimbo all together in this house, things are changing this year, so it might be time to box the decs up in different boxes for everyone.... happy nups dear you and your lovely man....xxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ happy nups.... doing now to check me emails..... xxxxxx
~((((Dumdad)))))~ and may your year be full of laughter and love... and sticky marmite fingers lol...xxxxx
~(((theresa)))~ who would of thought a daft ornament swap would of turned up such a special person as you.... those bottles are Gales Ales Country Wines which until last year were produced at a 100 year old brewery about 5 miles from here.... I LOVE the strawberry wine :).... but wont say no to any of the others or a nice bottle of red :)....xxxxxx
~(((Ake))))~ LOL@you, do you need defibbing? lol short aye.... thats me mission this year if I continue with Twaddle... decs will come down here today...glad the fire cheered you up.... love you....xxxxx
~(((((Intense)))))~ huge hugs backatcha.... happy nups to you to dear you.... fanks for stumbling through Twaddles stiff door... a new friendship is always a blessing and ya brought your mob with ya LOL....xxxxx
~((((Charles))))~ a good whine once in a while is good to :).....happy nups matie...xxxxxx
~(((JeanieS))))~ oh my Jeanie you are way to kind, now STOP that LOL...
Thats Ambrose she is 13 now and has no tail and she is never more then 6 feet from me, I think she loves me.... our cats are real home cats.... they never venture far out of the garden, thye just love being around us.... I do not know how I will cope if and when either ambrose or fat cat snuff it....happy nups to you and your family dear you......xxxxxxx
~((((EastEnd))))~ happy nups to you to... we usually snip the branches off the tree so its easier to get it out the door lol... no year I kept the truck and planted morning glory seeds around the base in the garden and they climbed up the truck and covered it with blue flowers, it was gorgeous.... now thats a thought....you seriously had a birds nest in your crimbo tree? lol....xxxxx
~(((Mike))))~ welcome, now wondering who the hell the 'storyteller' is.... give me a clue? happy nups to you....xxxxx
~((((JeanC)))~ always loverly to see you here.... if you roast the chestnuts the whole taste and texture changes from when they are raw.... jebus I LOVE em roasted.... we have this special little pan that has little holes in the base like a colander and we put it over the flames and toss and twirl the nuts until the skins are black and then they are done... I LOVE em.... dont know it it would quite have the same affect on a gas BBQ lol..... Chestnuts roasting on a gas BBQ.... dont tune up to good LOL....happy nups to dear you.....xxxxx
~((((((((((((((Soul)))))))))))~ LMFAO@chipmunks LOL to dam funny.... I would of creased up ..
My Sam had a gig last night, of which I didnt go to.... now wish I had, he said it was the tightest gig they have so far done... and dam I missed it.... sigh, I just cant be everywhere at once though....
Happy new year dear dear you.... fanks, for sticking around like a sunny day....xxxxxxx
~(((((Maggie))))))~ happy nups to you.... ok, there is a bottle open and of course it NEEDS to be drunk today right lol cheers dear you..... xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Buff))))))))))))))~ saved for your own post.....
FANKS for a wonderful year of laffs and friendship.... we are on the same wavelength on so many occassions..... see, short is short.... I wonder how long I can keep the short up lol.......
happy new year to you and your dear dear wifey and family........ love ya.....xxxx
hi Melsie,
Happy New Year.
You don't know me, but I have admired your blog for a long time now and wanted you to know!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy New Year from this side of the Atlantic...
Just kiddin' as always! I've never had roasted chestnuts, but I have burned mine with hot chile pepper juice once...
*grin* Happy New Years, Toasty!!! Hope you're staying warm! *wink*
colorful bottles!
I had a tiny bit of whiskey in my egg nog and that was that.
Happy New Year you!!!!
well that was a short one for you Marmie! And a very happy new year to you too.
well that was a short one for you Marmie! And a very happy new year to you too.
PS Do drop by my place tomorrow there'll be a little something for you. :)
marmie I tried to email you but no luck! I wanted you to know I tagged you-no obligation :)
Me too, I've drank far more wine than usual and there's still so much chocolate hanging about that I'll be getting chubbier still for at least another week. Then, when it's all gone, I'll try and get back into shape. Happy New Year Marmite!
Oops! I love wine and I love chestnuts! Almost an addict...
Cheers!! and Happy New Year!! X
~(((((((JBelle))))~ happys nups to you to my dear friend....xxxxxx
~((((((annoymouse)))))~ why fanks very much, only next time leave a dam name :)....xxxxx
~((((mike))))~ ya welcome matie.... happy nups to you from this side :)....xxxxxx
~(((((Buffalo)))))~ I can read ya like a book now LOL.... what? ya never have roasted chestnuts straight off the fire? wow man, you aint lived LOL.....xxxxxxx
~(((Kati))))~ its dam cold here today even with the central heating on, thats what ya get for having a old house LOL fank goodness for our log fire today... happy nups to you in Alaska..... keep warm..xxxxx
~((((Pamela))))~ they are bottles of Gales Ales Country Wines :).... they sound sweet and sickly but they aint, they are just loverly.... happy nups.....xxxxxx
~(((((Flowerpot))))~ it will go on record as the shortest Twaddle post ever LOL..... happy nups dear you.....xxxxxx
~(((((Ake))))~ I will pop over on the hope that I dont get booted again LOL....xxxxx
~((((Crispy)))))~ tiz marmitetoasty@yahoo.com.... I'll pop over and have a butchers :)...xxxxx
~((((GoneBackSouth))))~ I was seeing if me soul was laying in the bottom of the wine bottles LOL.... :) happy nups to you....xxxxx
~((((® ♫ The Brit ♪ ®))))~ I just wish we could get chestnuts all year round..... Im remembering why I use to love wine so much.... maybe time to rekindle that pleasure lol....xxxxx
i want to be you!!!!!
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Let us hope 2009 will be a little bit kinder to us all! :)
~((((Kaylee))))~ What? ya so dont lol.... Im old and soul-less.....xxxxxxx
~((((Lulda)))))))~ happy nups to you to.... heres hoping...xxxxxx
Happy New Year to you too. I'm glad that tosser 08' has gone away.
I love that word (tosser) I caught it from you. LOL
Here's to another year of friendship Mel...tipping me tea to you.
Love ya, Jolie
contributed pictures of your sons, but nary a one of you. Could you be kind enough to share your countenance wif us?
The photo of the box of bottles is so colorful. What good are the holidays unless there is a bit of cheer, and cheer, and cheer!!!lol
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