Bugger me what a week..... up to me eyes in this below...
I cant believe I decided to do a 2 year college course in 9 months at home whilst trying to work and sort the house and garden and everything home here lol...
See that huge folder with the few notes, well it will be full to bursting by the time I will of finished this qualification... 2 out of 11 papers done and dusted with high credits :).... maybe Im cleverer then I think I am lol
Its taking over me life.... hours and hours of bloody work, and assessments and the assessor sitting in on my day taking observations.... I WISH I HAD NEVER STARTED lol
Sooooo thats just one tiny excuse as to my disappearance....
Its been beautiful spring weather here this past week and hopefully it will continue into the weekend..... Ive been trying to put all me bank accounts and saving accounts in order for when the time comes to rob peter to pay paul when I loose Sprite and J in a fortnight... Im brill at juggling little income and Im usually at me most creative when Im skint LOL.... fank gawds I DONT have one penny of debt except me little mortgage, and I do have a little bit of savings hidden in me hiking boots lol.....
I might have to sell me body down the Guildhall behind the lion statues, but when I thought about it, I doubt I would even earn enough for me busfare home LOL
Anyways..... does anyone remember last year and this post dear little chewy that we saved from me cat...... go look at the lovely photos in this old post..
Well, about 3 weeks ago we had another MOUSE incident.... this time it was Ambrose that came galloping in through the catflap carrying a squeeling wriggling little dormouse..... I shouted at me cat at the top of me voice, and it scared her so much she opened her mouth and the mouse fell to the floor and ran under the washing machine.... there was nuffin I could do to get the little mouse out..... I thought the cats would eventually catch it and there will be nuffin I can do...... but, catch the mouse they didnt..... it must of crept out at night and stole and nibbled their food and drank their water.... and as the days went by I forgot about the little dormouse that was living under me washing machine...... UNTIL.... I was in me kitchen late one night bunging the kettle on for a cuppa tea..... as I stood there waiting for it to boil, I watched as a little tiny dormouse crept along me kitchen window sill and behind me toaster where it sat nibbling on toast crumbs.......
Bloody hell..... argghhhhhhhhhh no matter how much I like cute little mices there is NO WAY a dam mouse was gonna have the free run of me kitchen........ and when I found a little mouse poo on the window sill THAT WAS IT.... its fate was sealed....it had to go.... I called all 3 of me cats (yes we now have 3, thats another story lol) to which they all came running into the kitchen thinking they was getting a treat...... I picked fatcat up and placed him on the kitchen sink where the mouse was staring back at me from the window sill....it was a big mistake... all hell then broke loose lmfao......the cats went crazy knocking dishes into the sink and stuff onto the floor, the poor mouse ran for its life and I screamed and hobble jumped onto the kitchen pew LOL..... Jacob and Sam came running only to both climb on the pew with me lmfao..... to dam funny....
we watched as the 3 cats sat infront of the washing machine pawing under to try and get the mouse, but as we watched, it crept along the base of the kitchen units behind the daft cats LMFAO..... and through the babygate across the kitchen door and behind some of the toy boxes in this middle room.....
This was now all out war....
This is Sam after pulling out a few of the toy boxes, everytime I said 'there it is' he screamed like a girlie lmfao.....
We didnt catch the mouse that night.... but it continued to leave mice poo on the window sill so I knew it was still alive and I was constantly anti-bacterial washing all the units down in the kitchen....
It had to go, it was doing me head in, it was getting to clever... it had found its way into me popping corn.... I didnt want it to die though, I aint that cruel, but it had to be caught..... so, I went down to our village hardware shop and saw the bloke that works in there, he thinks Im mad most of the time as it is, but this day he must of thought I was mental LOL
This is our little hardware shop.....
He says, hey Mel what ya after... Im always in and out of this little shop for the odd nail or screw or to get a key cut (that is another story), or to just give him hassle LOL.... so I says..... I have a mouse, its been in me kitchen now for over a week, and its getting crafty and its clever and I WONT LET IT WIN.... I want a mouse trap.... ok he says and he brings me out a traditional mouse trap that ya put cheese on a spring trap and when the mouse grabs it, it flips and crushes the poor little mouse to death... thats 2 quid he says...... BLOODY HELL I reply, I aint no murderer, I want one of those humane traps Ive seen on the telly, I'll catch the mouse and take it up the woods and let it go..... oh he says one of those.... well, those are 4 pounds 50 ($9).... jebus I say, the cost of being humane and kind and caring to little creatures is ridiculas.... thats more then double the price of snapping the little mousie git in half and squashing its guts out.... yep it says, being kind is expensive and he laffs knowing full well I would buy it whatever the price....
So I take it home stuff the end with cheese and ham and a love heart sweet so that the mouse would have a variety of things to choose from lol and I placed the little trap where I thought it would walk on its way to the toaster.... 2 days and nuffin...well I say nuffin, the treats in the trap had gone but no trap had been sprung and no mouse caught..... I told the bloke in the shop that I wanted me money back cos the trap aint worked, he just laffed at me and said they dont do refunds and just to give it time, so I replaced all the treats and waited and waited.... and both me and Sam stood one night in the kitchen and watched the dam mouse run over the top of the trap LOL..... we chased that dam mouse all over the kitchen side that night and eventually we cornered the little bastard behind me KenwoodChef LOL and shoved the open trap in the only little gap where the mouse could escape......
DONE AND DUSTED..... we caught the little bleeder.....now to tease the cats and to teach the mouse a lesson...
Take that you peskie little mouse.....
And if I could be bovvered to scare you I would LOL....
Now what to do with the mouse..... Sam suggested putting it in something bigger, so what did he do, he only went and got our FRIBBLE glass that me and Jacob stole oops, I mean borrowed from a burger joint whilst we was in Maine....
See aint he cute....
Anyone would of thought Sam had slain a lion instead of just catching a little dormouse lol
Now we can never use the stolen oops borrowed Fribbles Glass, cos its had a mouse in it...
It was late and we didnt want to let the mouse go in the back garden cos we knew one of the cats would stalk it and catch it, so Jacob suggested he put it in one of his empty lizard glass thingies.... and keep it for a few days to make sure it was ok and then we could let it go..... thought that was a great idea, and that way the minded nippers could watch the little mouse in the glass cage for a few days and they could learn about wild animals lmfao.... sounds like Im talking bout a bear or moose LOL..... so the little mouse was put in this....
The poor dormouse spent 2 days being hounded by nippers and me cats, eventually Jacob took it upstairs to the quiet of his bedroom.....
I forgot all about the mouse for a few days and when I remembered I said to Jacob.... do you still have the mouse..... no he said....... did you let it go, I said...... no he said..... dont say the cats got it...... no he said...... well where the bloody hell is the mouse, I said...... its dead he said....... dead? I say...... after all we went through its dead? WTF..... how?...... he said he didnt want it to get cold so he turned the heat pad on which he use to use for one of the scorpions when it was in the glass thing....... oh that was nice I said......... only the stupid mouse chewed through the wire and electricuted itself he said....... a fortnight of hassle and mouse poo and chasing the dam thing around the house, a now useless stolen, oops borrowed Fribble glass and 4 pound 50 pence ($9) wasted..... I asked him what he had done with the mouse, he said..... I fed it to me lizard LMFAO......
RIP little dormouse, I tried to save you, but you were your own worse enemy....
I told the bloke in the hardware shop yesterday... well actually I was just walking past and he came rushing out and asked me about the mouse.... he laffed and laffed.... yep he said, sounds about right for your mad house......
Enough boring Twaddle for a dark Friday Spring Evening.....
First Comment! I get a prize don't I? :)
This was hilarious! I have to write about my mouse stories but I'll have to wait until your fans get bored with this story and go to the next, when I can tell about my fearsome pitbull who is terrified of mice! I mean, picture the chaos in the kitchen of the mouse running around and the cats running around and add a pitbull who is leaping on top of furniture to get out of the way of the mouse.... well, I'll tell my story in time. :)
Hugs to you!
FRIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLES!!! *sigh* I havent had one of those in so damn long. Then again, that restaurant isnt this far south. Everytime we travel far enough north, I make hubby take me to Friendly's (last time was twice during a 3 day trip) for icecream and/or a Fribble (sometimes both...hey it's not every day I can go there ya know!)
Awww poor little mousie. See that's what ya get for driving poor Marmie insane....you become lizard-chow.
That was really funny.
Something similar happened with one of our cats years ago and I got the cat to drop the mouse and luckily it ran into the downstairs loo. I shut the door picked the mouse up and the rotten little thing bit me! Never mind it survived, I put it over the fence at the bottom of the garden. Not sure how long for though!
Best of luck with the NVQ!
So funny! It's a regular mouse safari! :)
Poor little mouse. But I love the fact you love all creatures great and small in your wonderful house. And good luck in your studies. Way to go!!
I will never ever forget this story even if I'm in the last stages of Alzheimer's. This is your best ever story Marmie!
Too funny about the poor little mouse. But I have one question. What kind of lizard eats mice?!
Good luck on your classes. I'm sure you'll do great.
Ah, poor, wee, sleekit, cowering, timorous beastie. RIP.
I still miss my pet mouse Gaius and that was over 30 years ago!
Well, at least you can say you tried. It's not your fault if the daft mouse chewed through the wires. LOL!
but tough tittie, Ive been busy
Mel...I LOVE your attitude!! I wish I had you living next door to me to keep me "pumped up"! I just wish there were more people *like you* living in our community! I'm so proud of all that you accomplish. (A 2 year college course in 9 months??...unbelievable!)
I love your comment about "selling your body"...You don't know how many times I've thought the same thing and not having busfare home LOL!
I do hope that you have your savings hidden elsewhere other than your 'hiking boots'. (since people world wide read you.)
Thanks for yet another awesome post. And thanks again for your visits to my blog. You always make me *grin*. Love you, girl. Keep on keeping on.
I understand about those borrowed glasses. We borrowed some Smithwicks glasses while in Ireland. ROFLMAO at your story. I'd say I'd love to have been a little mouse watching but.... I don't think so......
So what makes us... er..."mature" women think we can go back to school and keep even one of our meager brain cells alive?? My hat's off to ya for taking this on. It also confirms the sorry state of your sanity!!
I am booking a room for two at the funny farm. Get here when you can!
I've had bats off and on in my garage for a few years- It hasn't got out of control, and I hate the bugs they eat more than the bats!
I couldn't get these photos to load last night but no problem today. That was the best laugh I've had all week, you tell them so well.
If you have a mad household what about me. At the moment I have the tortoises in my sitting room because they need the sun to make them eat (this is the room that gets most sun) only problem is now they are eating they are also pooing well and it gets a bit smelly until I clean them out every morning. I dread having anyone who doesn't really know me call unexpectedly :)
Amazing how cute mice really are when you look closely.
Life is such a venture at your house. Too funny. We have had several dead animal stories over the years. You'd think animals would stay away from humans but no...They just ask for it.
I'm not sure if the time my brother kept his ugly dead dog in the freezer with the Popsicles or that Kevin helped the Canary commit suicide or the neighbor guy shot my 3 geese in their pen or the time the other neighbor to my goat "Budleigh" to my other neighbors by towing it (on the hoof) with his pick-up. You see I know a lot of rednecks. The goat had a choker chain on it's neck and a chain that he used like a leash so he hooked old Budleigh up to his pickup bed and drove away. Budleigh going at a fast trot.
And then the time our "biker neighbor guy" was shooting at his dog through our bedroom window because his dog was after our girl dog that was in heat.
I've found fish floating...deader than a dog in fish tanks. Birds feet up in the air.
Oh jibes I could go on forever and it doesn't surprise me that you have goofy things with animals too. Some day I will write a post our two about my stupid animal events. There's the one about Buster and the Brownie heist. Shriek and the second story job. The twin cockers and the wallpaper job. The rabbit and the poo. The retarded golden retriever and the porcupine and one of my favorites is when the baby mice came falling from the ceiling. Talk about the sky is falling.
The 11 wild turkeys on my porch and chasing the kids down the road. The deer eating Arlo's favorite rose bush. The Bambi that I raised until my step-dad decided we should eat it. The rattlesnake that was dinner. The turkey on the table. The bats in the chimney. The squirrel that decided to move in (into the house that is). The fish jumping in the pail before the old boy could clean them...one landed on the floor and we had to fight to get the two cats off them. The mouse that the cat brought in from outside and dropped on my chest when I was napping. THE SCREAM...
The butterflies and hummingbirds that think they can lounge on my hands. The bees that love to sting and the ever-loving mosquitoes and gnats and black flies that always finds me.
I hate the little bastards one and all now that you brought it up.
I think I'll go rouse those two kitts from their naps and kick them outdoors.
Oh thanks Marmie for bringing me back to some funny goofy old memories.
Much better then the snakes I dreamt about after watching that dammed "Terminator...the Sarah Connors Chronicles" last night. What the hell was I thinking about and why do I have a tattoo of a snake on my left hand? You been inked?
Nap time. Love you my girl...Jolie
You've got to syop that dammed stealing girl...I mean borrowing. Please tell me you didn't name that poor mouse before the lizzard ate it...did you? Talk about the circle of life.
Don't study too hard.
Let me see if i get this straight?
Not only do you bust your arse taking classes, but you snitch homes for rodents that commit suicide?
MAN, and i thought i lived with the rabble!
You win, not sure what, but you win!
I am sure that the little guy is in the big cheese factory in the sky. Great story, MT, I laughed my butt off.
Only in your house would something like that happen.
LMAO at all those crickets jumping and chirping.
Awww, poor mousey! After being terrorized by the humans and cats, he had to go like that. Hopefully it was quick and painless.
Did ya bury him in the yard?
Funny story!
I was awakened by my man very early one morning last year and he had a dead mouse by the tail....and he said look I caught your mouse. Well gosh darn it, do you have to put it a few inches from my face when I'm half asleep and scare me half to death? Luckily we have not had a mousie incident since then.
I laughed till I cried over your mouse story- I could just picture the whole thing! A few weeks ago, about one in the morning, I heard my cat outside our bedroom door- he was meowing that "come out here!" meow and was very insistent. I went out into the kitchen to see what he wanted and my foot hit something soft and fuzzy. It was dark and I figured it was a sock someone had dropped on the floor. It wasn't. It was one of Libby's hamsters. Ricky had killed it and brought it to our door as a "trophy" for me to admire.
And about your classes- way to go!!
~((((JeanieS))))~Oh please write about your mouse stories LOL I have so many of them, well mice and hampsters :)...xxxxxx
~(((LadyStyX))))~ thats the name 'Friendlys' and they most certainly were, the burger meal was so big that me and Jacob must of left just under half each LOL.... well the mouse saved buying MrLizard lunch LOL ..xxxxx
~((((Winifred))))~ welcome to the mad house - the only thing I put over the fence in me twat neighbours garden are half chewed little frogs, well Im only returning them LOL...xxxxxx
~((((Katrina))))~ when I come back in a second life, pets are OFF the menu....xxxxxx
~(((SilverValleyGirl))))~ yeah we love em all, except slugs lol as regards the studies I will be spending 6 hours tomorrow doing course work besides working 9 hours....... I do not know why I signed up for it now.... and then all day Friday will be having the assessors around observing me, so I will have to be on me best behaviour, it will be hard LOL...xxxxxx
~(((Frum Helen)))~ LOL@you.... oh I still think the gnome malarkie beats this one lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((Jen)))~ Boise Lizards and Bearded Dragons....
the classes are NOT at college but Im doing them on the run LOL.... xxxxxx
~(((Dumdad))))~ yeah I know how you feel, I still miss Moseley me black hamster and he has been gone about 28 years, he was amazing....xxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ yes we tried LOL..... now I have that daft song in me head 'I saw a mouse WHERE there on the stair WHERE ON THE STAIR right there, a little mouse with clogs on, well I declare going clip clippity clop on the stair' LMFAO...xxxxxxx
~(((((Jackie)))))))~ I give you permission to you 'tough tittie' whenever you feel you need to :) - sod selling me body, I could do with a bit of free loving LMFAO...
Hiking boots are just lobbed on me bedroom floor lmfao...xxxxxxxxxx
~(((Punkn)))~ one has to borrow glasses from pubs etc, its tradition, and is expected of one over here :) - when I was in Wisconsin 3 or so years ago, I collected quite a few LOL me maties Wende and Michael were scared they would be arrested they said it was NOT the done thing in doodleland LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((((Lisa)))))~ another STUDY HARD IN OLD AGE pupil lmfao..... do we get a key to the funny farm... actually that would suit me just fine at the moment, 3 square meals aday, clean bed, good company and REST lol.......xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Buff))))))))))~ oh I would LOVE bats in me belfry LOL.. they are protected over here and you are NOT allowed to disturb them..... like anyone would know if you flushed them down the loo.... I DONT do bugs..xxxxxxxx
~(((((Crispy)))))~ the photos are only the crappy ones I take LOL..... oh a toitoise, how I miss Socrates me tortoise :( LOL - LOL@stinkie poos lmfao......xxxxxxx
~((((((Charles))))~ aint they just the cutiest, especially the dor or field mice...xxxxxx
~((((((((((((((((Jolie)))))))))))))~ Im almost ready for our venture LOL bung the kettle on girl :)
oh my your exploits sound like you should all be locked up and the key lobbed away LMFAO....xxxxxxxxxx
ps...... I borrow something everytime I go out with me maties, we see who can borrow the bestest thing of the day lmfao....xxxxxxxxx
~((((Sorrow)))))~ I crave for a simple life :).....xxxxxxx
~(((((((Cedar StreetKid)))))~ yeah RIP the little bleeder LMFAO....xxxxxxx
~((((Celticspirit)))))~ say NO to dead dangling mice near ya face..... your man would of had a knee in his nuts if he had dangled his mice infront of me lmfao....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Cindy))))))))~ would you like to swap homes with me LOL.....
Oh cripes at your story lmfao...... sad but oh so funny lmfao...... the tales I have about dead hamsters in this house ;)...xxxxxxx
Now I've got that song stuck in my mind... And I'd managed to avoid it up until you started singing it. lol!
Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day Toastie... I'm sorry I'm late with the well-wishes.
I suppose the Lizard thought he got a real treat, having the mouse fried (sunny side up?) instead of the usual raw, tough, and chewy.
What is this course you are taking about? I googled a little and see that CCLD is Childcare Learning & Development... what is an NVQ?
Hmmm someone needs to find you another fribble glass to "borrow"... I wonder where the nearest Friendly's is...
Oh my Gosh! That is the funniest story!!! Things are never dull with you, huh? And yea, something like that would probably happen to me, too. $9 gone on a cage. All that time and trouble. Giving the mouse all that food. Making it comfy before I let it go, and then it kills itself.
Sooooooooooo funny.
(When Tori was real small - we had a gold fish who electrocuted itself - it leaped out of his water into the warming light - he felt like a brick)
Still laughing at your story.
You are absolutely nuts!!! What a riot the mouse story is.... and especially the way you deliver it. You are a real talent, Mel, and I loves ya!!
Oh that is really sad for the little mouse.
I well.... not too fond of rodents as you know.
Good for you doing the course. I'm sure you will jump through it in no time!
I did it - I wrote about my mouse. :)
It is time ... Nay, past time, for us to gaze upon your countenance, medear. Post a freakin picture of yourself, so that us singles in the colonies will know what we are missing!
~(((ToriZ)))~ then my mission is complete LOL....xxxxx
~((((Intense)))~ fanks you..... and special fanks to you for taking your time to look up those things for me.... oh the course is very deep about learning and child development.... much harder then I first thought...
I borrow all sorts of things lmfao, but a Fribble plastic glass would be great LOL...xxxxxxxxxx
~((((Bina)))))~ nonsense and stuff seem to gravitate to me Bina LOL.... a simple life is all I crave :)....xxxxxxxx
~((((BRM))))~ LOL@your goldfish..... I have sooooo many RIP pet tales I could write a book lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Jana)))~ I think I must of escaped from some institute, why oh why is life never simple LOL..... Jana, I aint got an ounze of talent.... loves ya to :)...xxxxxx
~((((Maggie May))))~ I will tell ya about the RAT stories I have one day LOL....
If I could pay someone to do me course work for me then I would lol....xxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS))))))~ to dam funny lmfao.....xxxxxxx
~((((Bay))))~ hey you stranger :) - there are a few photos of me on this blob lol wellabit scary lmfao.... I would loose all me readers if I put them up often :)...xxxxxx
ok...... I had 10 before school today and 2 during the day and not off to pick up 6 others...... make the most of it just under 2 weeks before I loose Sprite and J.. :( xxxxx
OMG ... what a tonic!
I am now relaying your blob to all the family - the less computer literate ones - cause they were all wondering what the hell I was going on about when I mentioned Marmy and her blob LMAO
McTavish says hello - he felt superior over the Sunday dinner table .... he knew who Marmy was hahaha ... he was well chuffed! I hope you are impressed - you were Sunday dinner table convo :o)
I am liking the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle mentality - mouse was dead (stupid suicidal mouse) the lizard needed fed .... job done! hahahaha
Still chuckling like a looney when I am typing this :o)
xx all the best xx
I can't believe he died -- after all that. Shocking! heh hehe
I mentioned a few months ago that I hear them laughing at me from somewhere under my kitchen sink.
sorry to hear that Mr. Mouse scrambled his synapses into the next dimension
...and you crack me right the hell up, Mel...
~((((((((Scottie))))))))~ oh my, Im famous LMFAO.... want me to send McTavish a signed copy of me book? well, its not technically my book, but I can scribble the authors name out of an old book and write mine LOL
I thought me ears were burning last Sunday and it was nowt to do with sitting to near the fire :)
Do you know part of my ebay name is Loonie LOL.....
How happy and glad am I to see you back and around and blobbing... hugs to McTavish...xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Pamela)))))))~ oh the tales of 'died animals' in this house I have LOL.. mices in the house are cute until you fine the poos on the windowsill :) then its death to all....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((Soul)))))))))))~ Im sure there will be more mice or half chewed frogs being bought into the house in the near future LOL..
LOL@crack me up ;)..... xxxxxxxx
Too damn funny...poor little mouse!
He should have left when he had the chance. I have some little varments running under my house. I know I have major groundhog tunnels and who knows what other creatures live under there...
My 2 dogs have seen something popping out. They sniff and pace/race back and forth.
The other night I saw something and my little fearless Boston Terrier, BeBe was right on that critter. Bit its little ass/arse!! But it was able to slip away...Be Gone ye pesky rodents! :D
It's slowly warming up over here...glad you're gettin a break too.
p.s. Good luck with your studies. :)
I wish you would post more. You are always sure to make me laugh, not matter what has happened.
By the way, you haven't said in a while how your knee is doing.
LMAO I love it!! Fried mice for lizard dinner yum yum. LOL
I had a mouse problem once upon a time...they're tricky little devils; they can flatten their bodies in-between large appliances when they're trying to escape one's attention. So, I went and bought a box of "D-Con"; you know, that stuff that mice eat and then they crawl off somewhere to die, since "D-Con" is Poison. Well, I opened the little box, placed it in a shadowy place, and went on about my life. A couple weeks later, I was preparing to cook a pizza in the oven (a health-food fanatic I'm not), and when I opened the oven door, THERE WAS THE MOUSE! He had long sice died, and there he was, STUCK to the inside of my Oven Door. Ack! That's the last time I ever used D-Con. I suppose the stuff must taste good to mice, and he basically stepped up to what he thought was a salad bar, and ate himself silly. Now, he's in that great grass field in the sky. Bye, Mr. Mouse...
MT: Okay, it was a 'mouse' that was fed to the lizard. For a moment there I thought you meant a 'moose'. HA! Never mind.
~(((Lulda))))~ yeah poor little dumb mouse lol he had his chance lol
LOL@your story....... its bright and sunny today but bitter cold lol after last weeks weather this is fickle british weather down to a tee...
Im snowed under with studies and work and everything...... I NEED A BREAK lol..xxxxxxxx
~((((Bina))))~ :) Im sure you would get bored with me if I posted more often.... I just wish I had more time to flit around others blobs like I use to LOL....but after these studies, Im sure I might get some time back...
Knee not to good, got the consultant this coming Tuesday again.... scared at more surgery though, so I dont know what he will say....xxxxxxxx
~((((MnM))))~ yep, at least I suppose our lizard had his first ever cooked meal, we usually just feed him dead white mice from the reptile shop lol.....xxxxxx
~(((((((some guy)))))))~ you murderer LOL... I would of died if I had opened me oven and found a dead mouse in there, I would of had to of ripped the oven out and bought a new one lol.... your story is sad but funny lol...xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ now, you know if it was a moose I would of kept it as a pet :).... *sending you glasses so you can see the difference between mouse and moose lol......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Who could've known the mouse harbored suicide tendencies? Thanks for the smile this morning, matie.
~((((Foolie)))))~ he didnt even leave a suicide or fank you note.... how rude...xxxxxx
I'd like to spend a day in your house. Just a day.
The love and laughter would be wonderful.
Love you, Mel.
~(((Robin)))~ you come and spend a day in my house and you will be doing ironing and hoovering lol.. well, you would have to earn ya keep :)...
Oh, and the love and laughter IS intermingled with the sad and tearful days to.....xxxxxxx
The last time we chased a mouse in our house it ran up my pants leg and I nearly broke my leg when I kicked my leg out and my shin struck a chair.
A literal knee-jerk reaction I suppose.
~(((chup))))~ everytime a doodle says 'pants' I have to giggle, and I now have a vision of a mouse crawling up the leg of ya boxers or ya whitie tighties lmfao..... do dam funny...xxxxxx
That's right Marmsie- I forgot that one.
Me knickers then, girlie! No wait that's still wrong isn't it? Trousers!?
~(((chup)))~ if you is wearing knickers I'd be a tad worried about ya lmfao...... but, if you are, that to is ok, you know, each to their own, and what you do in your private life aint no business of mine...... just remember, the little bow goes at the front LOL
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