So here is a long and probably boring post filled with beautiful photos of historical interest, if ya into that sorta thing..... and if ya aint, then I aint bovvered... (Toadie and JBelle this one is for you lol)
Last month my Jacob had an interview day for Sparsholt College in Winchester, this is were he dreams of going come September for 3 years to learn Forest Management and everything from ground level up... he passed the interview with flying colours.... my boy shone.... I was very proud..... they offered him a place subject to his GCSE exam results, which are just starting now (another reason I aint been around.. Ive been helping him with his revision)... well 2 weeks after his interview day he was invited back to the college for a 'hands on day'... so I took the day off work from me nippers and drove to Winchester and dropped him off at the college for his day...
It was not worth driving all the way home only to have to return around 4 to pick him back up..... so, I thought I would make a day of it meself in Winchester..... this is the first day in probably 26 something years that I got to spend a day on me own wandering around with no nippers in tow, with no responsibility for anyone but meself..... I so aint use to doing anything on me own lol....
So I drove back to Winchester City Centre which is about 4 miles or so from the college and eventually found the carpark.... I say eventually cos Winchester is built around a oneway system and I always get lost and end up going round and round and round. On the interview day, me and Jacob spend 20 minutes on the one-way system on the same roads, I wanted to cry but we both ended up laffing so much that I just stopped in the middle of the road with frustration...having passed the same policeman on the same corner for the 4th time lol...... all the traffic was building up behind us, and the jolly nice copper took pity on our plight and GOT IN MY CAR to show us the way off the one way system LMFAO....... he ended up laffing to.... but what a nice man :)
For those that dont know it, my little village actually comes under the blanket of Winchester, its to whom I pay my taxes etc.... its well posh lol..... it was also many many moons ago the Capital of Great Britain before London was.... its the most beautiful historical place ever..... overflowing with beautiful buildings and the Cathedral is to die for....
I wanted to go to the Cathedral which is just a snippet away from the shops.... ya see, I dont really like shopping lol.... except Winchester does have a few very unusual shops and not just all the big shops, and all the shops are in buildings of which some are 2-3 hundred years old.... so for someone like me that LOVES history and social history I was a little in me element.... me maties would of taken the piss out of me for walking around with me head up above the shop fronts just gazing at the old buildings.....
Let me show you an example..
I mean, where else do ya know where Starbucks is in a building dated 1720 :)
And look at this building for a pizza house lol....Its called 'God Bagot House'.... these are really old buildings not fake for show but the actual ancient buildings in Winchester.
The main part of the shopping area is to narrow for cars so its pedestrians only.. you can see why from the below photo looking up the high street..
This is just a tiny view of some of the old buildings, note the busker on the left of the photo.... I love street buskers and always give a few bob if they are good...
Now how about that for a clock :)note the date 1713...
I took so very many more photos of the shops but I dont wanna bore ya :)
I wandered in and out of some of the more unusual shops, but I soon became bored with shops lol.... told ya I aint into shopping (see how low maintenance I am lol) unless its buying pressies for people.... inbetween the shops is a tiny alleyway that leads behind the shops and hopefully towards the Cathedral....
Past this pub, I so would of liked to of gone in for a drink lol but cant really do that on ones own... they might of thought of was a lady of the night LOL
This is the first view of the Cathedral as you get past the pub.... its godsmacking, and sucks the breath right of ones body... or maybe its just me lol
And this is just the boring end of the Cathedral, it is so big that it wouldnt fit into the shot yet I was right across the green away..... it is after all the longest Cathedral in the whole of Europe..
This is the main end.......
ya see....... I dont do god, but love with a passion churches and Cathedrals and all the architecture and grace and power and overwhelming sense of belonging when Im in a church.... aint that strange lol.... I was on a mission on that day..... I told me maties that I was gonna sit in the Cathedral and 'God' if there was one would know where to find me..... and part of me was hoping that something would happen and he would single me out LOL oh shut it, I know, I know crazy right LOL
Anyways the Cathedral is set in beautiful grounds surrounded on all sides by houses that overlook the green....... you have to be mighty rich to live in Winchester... rich and dam posh of which Im neither.....
So I sat on a bench with me book.... I love to people watch.. it was a little overcast but it was just so lovely to have this time to meself with me book in beautiful surroundings.....
These are the houses that surround the Cathedral..... just fancy living in such splender..... with such history surrounding you....
This is one side of the green....
I love my passion for the history of my country...... my maties dont have it.... Im an oddball amongst my friends...... but then, Ive never been one to follow the crowds... I like being unique lol..... I dont have much choice, I am who I am.... take me or leave me lol
The morning was very overcast and I was getting a bit nippy sitting on the bench on the green with me book and people watching.... I had finished me cuppa coffee and I was cold, and after all I had come to the Cathedral on a mission, so I hobbled over to the main doors......
Just look at that..... it takes my breath away just looking at it..... see the little door on the left with the board. thats where ya go in...... ya see, you have to pay to actually go into this Catheral.... its a fiver which is about $10.... but on that signboard it does say that no one is refused and if you want to go in for private prayer or other reasons then you just ask at the information desk inside and someone will take you in and help you with your problems....... oh they so didnt wanna know about my problems lmfao......
So, I did know you have to pay to go in to wander around this most amazing of all buildings..... its been years since Ive been in there.... but I know I was in for a treat..... so I wandered in paid me fiver and just sat in stunning silence gazing at this most spectacular building...... its huge, I mean you cant really fathom it in the following photos..... but, if ever I get a doodle come visit, I will take ya there.... and for someone like me that dont do god, well..... at that exact moment I so wanted to be able to...... I was almost begging him inside to come and find me LOL
Anyways I was sitting there before I was gonna wander around when I noticed little groups of people gathering around someone, so being the nosey git that I am, I crept closer to see what the fuss was about......
Hello this bloke said, have you come for the tour..... oh, I say.... sorry I dont do god..... you dont have to he says, the tour is for all, and its free, and I could do with you on my side to make up the numbers lol - so what brings you here he said besides not doing god.... so without going into to much detail I explains I had dropped me lad off at Sparsholt and I had a huge pulling to come to the Cathedral and see if the man himself would find me.... for some reason this made the bloke laff lol I also said I had just not long finished reading The Pillars Of The Earth which was the most beautiful book I have ever read.... and its about the building of a Cathedral and the story was set in medievil times and based around the local area of where I live and Winchester..... he said he had read that book and that he too thought it was beautiful....... there was 7 people in our little party.... and the tour bloke asked me if I would like to tag along.... so I thought what the heck, Im sure it must be more informative being told about the many wonderful things in the Cathedral then just wandering around meself.....
This is Reg the tour guide, he has been a very high up council member in his time and patron to many organisations and believe it or not was even something to do with our village schools...and his passion for his local area just oozed out of him.... AND his name was Reg and that was my fathers name, so maybe it was a sign LOL - Only this man I could tell had a gentle soul lol...... the others in our little group was really into religion so I did feel a little out of place, but, if ya cant beat them I say join them lol...
I have hundreds of photos so bare with me LOL I just wish I had a better camera.... cos me photos have come out crap lol..... but if you google Winchester Cathedral you might get better information and photos....
This is the huge stained glass window that is at the front of the Cathedral..... it was so amazing, so beautiful, so colourfull, so bloody old lol
Did you know that Cathedrals are built in the shape of a cross.... and this huge one had other wings off of it, it was like a rabbit warren........ and ya know what, for someone that dont do god, it sure had a calming affect on me, and for a few hours all me worries and troubles of life just seemed to be packed away and forgotten....
The others on our little tour all asked sensible questions lmfao.... but not me.... I wanted to know if different things.... I think Reg took a shine to me, he kept laffing at me everytime I opened me mouth to ask something....I was just me, no more and no less.
Just look at part of the ceiling, it felt like one had been swallowed by a dinosaur and ya was staring at its ribcage lol..... Reg just smiled at me when I said this lol I think he might of thought I had escaped from some loonie bin.... what is it with people shaking there heads at me and smiling lol
The pictures of mine so dont do this place justice.... but here is a little snippet of the inside of the Cathedral that left me at times speechless.. you cant tell by my crappy photos just how huge a scale everything was.... stunning..
There were many many beautiful stainglass panels all over the outer walls.... I would LOVE to learn how to make them......
There was also many of these.... cant remember the name of this bloke but so many important historical figures buried inside Winchester Cathedral....
Im glad I tagged onto the little tour.... old Reggie was a mind of information.... he was brilliant....
This font is over 600 years old.... or was it made in 600AD I cant remember now lol
I bet ya didnt know that Jane Austen is buried in the Cathedral, she is just plonked there in one of the walk ways, it was strange walking over the graves, I had visions of a hand coming out and grabbing me and dragging me in lol...... I asked Reggie if her body was actually there or was it just a memorial plague thing and he said, no, all the engraved floor stones have the bodies of the people under them.... and believe me there was loads of the buggers.... if ya didnt walk on them ya would be hopping and dancing around so it was easier just to be brave and walk on them, after all, they couldnt feel ya lol they are only an old pile of bones....
There were many of this little side chapels with their own little altars.... I looked in everyone and lingered a little behind the others...... Reggies asked if I was alright and I said sure I was, I was just hoping that this 'god bloke' might show up and find me lol....... oh hush Reg I had to say, stop with the smiles...... oh he will find you in his own time he said..... I think he needs you....... GULP... talk about putting the willies up someone lol
This one is for JBelle.... dont know why but this little figure left me speechless and I stood staring at it for about 10 minutes.... I couldnt take my eyes off it...
These old paintings were discovered 200 years ago I think the bloke said, but dont quote me on that.... they were discovered when they was doing up this little chapel and a bit of the old painting paster fell off only to find that there were much older paintings underneath the already 300 year old paintings..... bloody amazing I tell ya to be looking a paintings that were painted all those years ago....
All handcarved from stone, it was huge.... jebus it was beautiful..
This bloke was a very important figure in British History..... been dead a while though lol
Another little side chapel......... aint it strange, I dont do God as such, but in my kitchen I have a 130 year old church altar table and 10 foot church pew that I LOVE with a passion.... I sometimes run my fingers over it and will HIM to come find me lol ya know, give me a sigh....... but he never does...... I dont think he wants me LOL Im probably more trouble then Im worth LOL
Apparently these are the oldest handmade tiles anywhere in the whole world.... and they aint even roped off, ya can just walk on them..... I touched them with my fingers and imagined all the millions of people that had walked on them....
This was strange this little side chapel had the most brightest painted ceiling which was different from the other plain stone ceilings... the shapes on the stone carvings tell a story, or so Reggie said, but I cant remember what it was not..... oye, I aint a bloody memory bank ya know......
I had to laff at this one.... Reggie asked our little group what was different about this one..... to which I replied....Richard Fox seems to be holding his nuts to protect them LOL...... jebus I thought Reggie was gonna have a heart attack he laffed so hard lol...... the right answer would of been that the statue was carved with him naked, and nuffin to do with nut clutching lol
Just look at this, all carved from stone..... speachless..
I had to laff at this one.... apparently there use to be quiet a few of this little coffins balanced up high dotted around the place, and 100s of years ago they were lifted down to clean or something and the old work men that were asked to do it dropped the buggers and all the old crumbly bones got mixed up, so they couldnt tell who was who so they just swept them up and placed them all in this one lol
This is the list of who is in there lol..... well old or what...... I think Winchester Cahtedral was built in 600 and something..... old or what :)
Even though this is a crap photo, this wall of carvings which was HUGE was the most stunning thing I have ever EVER seen in my life..... EVER.... it is undescribable....
This was a more modern sculpture in the little fishman chapel.... I would of liked to of nicked this as a sovenier but I couldnt bring meself to do it LOL
Well 2 hours into the tour and there was still so much to see, but dear old Reggie had other commitments and said he would leave us to wander the rest on our own.....
I shook his hand and said fanks for the most enjoyable afternoon... and he said...... NO, thank you for your company and making the afternoon a mixture of unusal questions and laughter and if I ever wanted a job he would dearly love me to be his sidekick... WTF is that suppose to mean lmfao.....
I was sad to leave the little party.... at first these religious nuts done me head in with their boring questions and their knowledge of all things godly, but I had come to appreciate their knowledge and love for what they believed in.... I would be sad to see them depart.... well, all except the tosser with the big nose that just kept telling me to be quiet LOL... tosser....
So I wandered around a little on me own and I discovered down a side aisle some old stone stairs.... so I hobbled very carefully up them one at a time, cos by now me dodgy knee had just about had it lol..... but oh my Im so glad I did..... upstairs is the old library.... this wonderous place of the most ancient books in the whole land, and some even in the whole world......... it was like going back in time....
I had only just taken this photo when I was almost jumped upon by 2 guards lol well guards of the books which must of been about 84 years old, like they would guard anything lol........ please no photos, it could damage the books..... dam, and I hadnt even taken photos of the oldest.... but at least I got one shot..... in the adjoining room way up in the heavens of the Cathedral was a musuem room with some of the oldest hand written and hand decorated bibles in the Britain, going back to 600ad.... all behind glass they were so very rare and so very beautiful..... HUGE.... with that beautiful old writings...... not for the first time that day I lost the ability to speak LOL
As I started towards the stairs I heard the most beautiful music and heavenly voices coming from downstairs and when I look, well hung over the parapit I could see this..
Upon investigation I found out it was the musicians and chorus practising for the up and coming easter service......
If there is a heaven then this is what the music must sound like, it was the most beautiful music and voices I had ever heard, even better then James Blunt lol
All to soon it was time to leave, but I wanted to nip over to the gift shop and have a butchers, usually gift shops at places are cheap and tackie and a waste of money.. but I followed the sign to a little 300 year old building and oh my I was so not disappointed....... it was filled with beautiful if not a little expensive things.... I never spend money on me except for the odd CD, but I did treat meself to this.....
Its a little sealing wax and stamper, so those that ever get a proper hand written letter from me, will in future get my seal of approval LOL I just LOVE it...
When I came out of the shop to make my way back to the carpark, the sun came out, it was overcast and cold when I first went into the Cathedral and now it was brilliant sunshine and warm..
Tis a sign I tell ya......
I made me way back to the carpark to find that my parking fees were 15 quid lol thats like $30, usually I would of sworn at that price, but on that day, I didnt care, cos it was the most wonderful day I had had for such a long time....
I picked me lad up to be told that the college were so impressed with him, with his ability on the day, his passion, and his compassion and empathy for some of those less able on the day that they said, its not often that someone like Jacob comes along and fits like a glove into a college course, and they want to offer him a place irrespective of his exam results, and if he dont make the grades he can resit them at college with their help......... so, my boy has got his future next few years on a plate...... tis a long way to go everyday.... but I think he has found a passion that will stand him in good stead for the future......
Ok, I doubt anyone has read this far lol........ like Im bovvered......
To much Twaddle on a very wet overcast Monday afternoon....
Oh, thank you for a glimpse into this beautiful cathedral. It reminds me of visiting the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. last summer. Only ours is a "baby" compared to yours. I loved the title to your post. I have a home movie of my daughter Zoe singing that song, and it is so cute, and will stay with me always. What a wonderful post!!! Thanks for sharing about your incredible day.
'to which I replied....Richard Fox seems to be holding his nuts to protect them LOL'
I clicked on the picture to enlarge it and almost fell off my chair laughing. Frightened the dog.
Oh...thank you!
I love your pictures, and all the information you shared with us.
And congratulations on Jacobs acceptance! You've done a great job with all of your boys....
Wow! A magnificent structure like that built so long ago, and preserved so well... The stained glass is priceless! Congrats on your son's good day also!
I will be returning often to soak in all the beauty of this blog entry. Not enough time right now.
Two thought. You may not do God but it sure sounded like God is doing you... just sayin...
I absolutely loved Pillars of the Earth and have read it several times. If you haven't read it already, Follett's follow-up novel recently released is World Without End. It is a good read too.
I have to get now but can't wait to return and drool over your blog.
Thanks for the cathedral tour. I love old buildings and their architecture. The photographs are wonderful. I attended an Easter service in Westminster Abbey in 2002. Walking, then sitting over a grave is sort of weird.
Mel, I love, love this post. It was so amazing to see the cathedral and to read what you were feeling. Your day sounds like a wonderful day to me, too. I have so much more to say, but I will email you with the rest.
I enjoyed your cathedral tour and that's saying something as I'm a bit cathedralled out as you might have guessed from my latest blogpost.
As we were going round Reims cathedral, I said to my wife "I keep thinking about Pillars of the Earth and the immensity of the task of building such wondrous places." (I read World Without End, as well).
It must be something to do with the power of cathedrals because it makes people write long - Pillars and World Without End combining to over 2,000 pages and now your blogpost longer than both books. Amazing!
P.S. I loved your description: "Just look at part of the ceiling, it felt like one had been swallowed by a dinosaur and ya was staring at its ribcage." Exactly so!
I love history too Marmie. Give me a few hours in somewhere like Hampton Court, an old church or the such and I'm in my element!
What a lovely day you had! You got some great photos Marmie and I love your descriptions of everything. I love old churches and cathedrals though I've never been to Winchester. Do you remember that song Winchester Cathedral by The New Vaudeville Band? You got me singing it now!
Fabulous news about Jacob securing a place regardless of his exam results - he must have really impressed them!
O marmi- so very cool. I like the wax seal especially- bark bark, ha.
Honestly, like the "dinosaur ribcage" and the little side chapel with the stained glass in the background. It captures how your eyes must have been drawn to it as you started taking it all in.
It took all of my lunch break to read this entry and to admire all the pictures. It was definitely the best lunch I've had in a long while and I don't even remember what I had to eat.
My congrats to Jacob (and his mom). It seems to be a rare day when a young man knows what he wants to do and manages to find the way to do it. I wish him well.
Winchester is beautiful. The old buildings would hold my attention long enough to get my car towed away if I wasn't mindful.
I loved Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth" - I didn't realize it was about this church - I thought it was all "historical-based fiction". Its mind numbing what people can do when they have a purpose and some leadership.
I think your pink shoes are holding up well. The contrast between them and the ancient tile caught my eye - its as if the regal/royal lions you were standing on knew they were being trot on by someone worthy (and yse I mean you).
I'm glad you didn't knick the monk holding the candle or any of the old books. I suspect they would have tossed ya in the dungeons and thrown away the key.
The soft glow and glimmerings of a mighty church stained glass window is awe-inspring and breath-taking.
I suspect if you wanted to be "found" you would be better served finding a much smaller church - even "Him" was probably distracted by the dude guarding his nuts. :)
The cathedral is absolutely beautiful, and congrats to Jacob, it's a great feeling when others can see the fantastic qualities in our children that we have always known were there. I saw Lincoln cathedral once when I took my son there a few years ago to look at the university, and grew up not far from Durham cathedral, both beautiful buildings with amazing histories, you'd love them. I don't do God either, but there is something calming and soothing about these places.
Wow, thank you for the amazing pictures, Marmie--what a breathtaking cathedral! It makes me remember all the beautiful cathedrals I toured on my trips across the pond. (I left my ruined stockings in an embarrassed little puddle behind a giant cathedral door in was the only private spot I could find for stripping in the whole city! But that's a story for another time.)
And I agree with Deanna. *hugs* from one of the weirdos. ;)
(Oh! And congrats on Jacob's acceptance--that's wonderful news!)
My God woman. What an experience. You know how much I love British History. I could have spent days in that place, just touching the walls, and staring at things. Just THINK of all the people, both famous and not, who have walked in and out of that place (the Church), or walked down those very streets. Just try to see what it was like 100, 200, or even 1000 years ago, in that very spot.
I envy you, more than you realize, I think. of luck to your lad on the college! I really hope he does well! With you prodding him along, how can he NOT!?
What an amazing tour! The pics were fantastic!! :) It reminded me of my trip to York and touring the cathedral up there. Great memories...Well, you see god did help least he helped your son out that day! And also the city coffers by the sounds of that parking bill!! :D Congrats to
your son...p.s. luv the pink sneaks!
Of course I read it all!
I had so much to say, let's see if I can remember any of it.
First of all, that guy holding his nuts??? TOO FUNNY! And you said that INSIDE the cathedral!! But I also would have asked, "Why is his mouth open??" Could have had something to do with why he was holding his nuts.
And that ceiling? It does look like a rib cage. And It's freaky that there are so many dead people in that place. I would be a little freaked out by that. I mean, is that place haunted??? I think it is and I haven't even been there!
What an amazing place and what a GREAT story! You always have great stories. And you know what? You could make the devil himself laugh, I swear you could!
Yea for your son! I know you must be so thrilled and so very proud of him! CONGRATULATIONS JACAOB!!!
I read this far and quite enjoyed it . . . so there to ye. You always seem to get the best out of each day presented to you. Sometimes I think a tree could fall on ya and you would ask "what kind of tree was that there?"
I guess this is the "Winchester Cathedral" that the song was written for? Don't remember who did the song but it was a goodn.
Got the garden in, or did I miss that post??
What a wonderful post. So beautiful and now on my list as a place I want to visit. I just made a trip to London, Scotland and Ireland last year and spent all day yesterday trying to post pics and information about our trip before it leaves my head forever.
Now I just want to go travel again. I LOVED the castles, the buildings. Everything here is so young....
Sounds like you enjoyed yourself. :)
I don't do God either. But - unlike you - I also don't do churches. I only go in them if I "have to" for special events (like when I went to the service for Rememberance Day when I was still in Guides so I could carry colours, which I did out of respect for the soldiers). I feel out of place in a church, and - when I do have to go to one - I get out of there as quickly as I can. Don't know why they make me feel that way. They just do.
I like other old buildings though.
Oh, my. I think The Man found you anyway. What beautiful descriptions of every little detail. I love old things - buildings and statues and cemeteries. I would love to see this particular Cathedral. Nothing in the U.S. is over 230 years old. It's a shame really. About ten years ago the city tore down our library. It was almost completely made of marble. It was so well made that it took them much extra time to destroy it. It was the plumbing that was poorly made but you had to destroy the whole building to update the plumbing. As I rode the bus home each night I would pass the slow destruction. I mean – it was painful to watch. It was only several decades old – not even a whole century. I think it was only about 40 years old. Sad.
Great pictures.. looking at the town and their roads, I now understand my home town of Newport, R.I. as theirs are so narrow too.
The pictures and with your narration, are so great.
Knowing the damage that the German's did in WWII during the bombing, it is truly a blessing that the church still stands.
The workmanship of stone and wood, is amazing. THANK YOU!!!THANK YOU for sharing with us all.
Especially us Doodles who probably will never get the chance to come to see for ourselves.
lovely, lovely pics. what a day you had and congrats to you both.
i don't do god either, but love the stateliness and ritual to churches and church music and such, kinda weird huh?
One does not have to love, nor even like, history to appreciate the beauty of the buildings. Those are some absolutely gorgeous photos. You should absolutely go work with'll keep him and the others on their toes.
How do you know He didnt find you. For all you know, He's had His Hand guiding you all this time. ;)
HE sent Reg, the sunshine,
and...a future for your son.
I'd say he found you alright!
I loved every one of your beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing them with us. Congratulations to Jacob, and give yourself a pat on the back for raising him so successfully.
What a cool post this was, know, I've found that most people who 'do God' in a highly zealous way are just a hassle to be around. I believe in God, tho I am not especially religious. I try to 'live it' in my own understated way. The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth, after all. You might have a lot more 'God' within than you know. Finally...a song by an English Group, 'The New Vaudeville Band' in 1966 went something like this...
"Winchester Cathedral...
You're Bringing Me down
You Stood and you watched as
My Baby Left Town
You could have done something
But you didn't try
You didn't do nothing
You let her walk by...
Now everyone knows just how much
I needed that gal...
She wouldn't have gone far away
If only you'd started ringing your bell...
Winchester Cathedral...
You're Bringing Me Down
You stood and you watched as...
My Baby Left Town..."
Delightful, wonderful post!
I've enjoyed the day with you,
Sounds like you'd enjoy The Spire by William Golding...
Goodness, I didnt really think anyone would find this blob post interesting let alone read to the end lol.....
~(((SilverValleyGirl)))~ I just wish me photos had done the place justice, I have loads more it was hard to choose which ones to post :) - wondering if you lass sang 'Jebus'..xxxxxx
~((((Robin))))~ :) I really need to think before I open me mouth lmfao....xxxxxxx
~((((Buff)))))~ aint it just the lovely... and just so old 600AD it a tad ancient lol... xxxxxx
~((((Deanna))))~ and there was me thinking ya would be bored by this post.. I do have the second book to read, my matie JBelle sent me it from Doodleland :)...xxxxxx
~((((((Lee))))))~ I just have such a passion for old stuff, maybe its cos Im old meself lol....xxxxxx
~(((Jen)))~ I wish I could of shared the cathedral with others.... its stunning, all me maties here dont 'do' that sort of thing lol..... nor mud or animals LOL.... jebus, I must be a weirdo...awaiting your email with anticipation lol...xxxxxx
~((((Dumdad)))))~ yeah you're all cath'd out lol.... oh hush with me long post lmfao most of the post was photos so that dont count, and you know me, once I get started there is no shutting me up lol...xxxxx
~((((Ake))))~ Shame you dont live down here Ake we could do all the most wonderful historical places that abound around here......
Yeah Jacob and I are well chufted.... by going to Sparsholt and not Southdowns College like his brothers, it will add 1 1/2 hours onto his morning in travel and the same again at nite, just shows his passion for wanting to be on the course.... 3 hours extra a day... he will be just 16 when he goes to.... he is my baby lol... everyone loves who Jacob is, there is something about the boy... he is the next prophet lmfao hahahahaha...xxxxx
~((((chupa))))~ not THAT kinda seal ya loon lol.... well, that is what came in me head when I gazed at the ceiling.... I could of spend a whole week in that place and still not of seen it all..... its one of the first times in me life Ive been speachless lol....xxxxxx
~((((Iggy)))))~ cripes, I feel honoured that you would use your lunch break to read Twaddle.... Pillars of the Earth aint about this cathedral in particular, but the story is based around my area.. and many of the name places and towns they mention are part of my life, maybe thats why I loved it so much...
And believe me I so aint worthy of nuffin..
And you would of been proud of me, I didnt nick no soveniers that day LOL...xxxxxx
~(((Merry))))~ welcome to the madhouse :) - yep something strange about churches and graveyards.... either that or Im just weird lol....xxxxx
~(((Katrina))))~ hey you :) - just wish the photos were more clear... LOL@your stocking story.... ya was a french floozie lol...
Yeah college here starts at the age of 16... Im glad he has found a focus in this day and age...xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Toadie))))))))))~ I though of you many times that day... when you eventually get over with MrsToad and the Tadpoles we will go there and you can touch until your hearts content lol....
Please dont envy me, Im just a no one..xxxxxxxx
~((((Lulda)))))~ York has a lovely cathedral to.. never been there though... well as regards a god helping my son... nope, me lad done it all himself with pure deterination and hardwork and passion... :) I love me pink Ethnies yet I dont go pink lol....xxxxxx
~((((Bina))))~ yep I always say whats in me head lol and nuts it was on the day LOL.... the group did look a bit shocked until old Reggie burst out laffing and then it was like a seal of approval lol.... my trouble is I dont always think before I open me mouth lol....
Well I will be shovelling coal with the devil when I snuff it so we will have something in common lol....xxxxxxx
~((((((goatman))))))~ fanks for reading it all LOL - well most days I can turn anything into a positive.... I dont always share the shit days the tearful days the days when I feel overwhelmed and full of dispair.... those my poor maties have to endure LOL... garden? what?..xxxxxx
~(((((Me)))))~ Ive been over every day to your blob in the hope that you would start posting again, and then I find you have posted about 10 posts all in one day lol... I enjoyed them all... you would love the South of England, we are steeped in history.... we have HMS Victory (Nelsons flagship) and HMS Warrior here in our dockyard and castles and forts and and and lol...xxxxxx
~((((((Tori)))))))~ ya see even though I dont 'do' god, I investigate things :)... you should hear some of the many stories of my investigation into religion lol.... I might blob about some of them.... Im very open things and even had young american mormon missionaries around for dinner every thursday for over a year.... so Im up with an open mind... just nuffin has grabbed me by me short and curlies as of yet :)..... Im a hopeless case lmfao...xxxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS)))))~ I love Chichester Cathedral cos it has them gross gargoyles which is more like me then the beautiful statues of most churches LOL.... well, I dont think he found me, Ive a lost cause lol....I hate it when old things get pulled down, especially old houses, our village over the years have seen some beautiful old cottages pulled down.... it breaks my heart...xxxxxx
~(((((Tosser)))))~ oh I LOVED RI when we visited a few years back, maybe cos it was a little like here....
LOL@narration, you mean the mumbo jumbo that just spills out of me head lol
The dam Germans mainly kept to the coast and towns of importance... portsmouth and around where I live was almost flattened cos of our Naval Dockyard and all the military that surround me... but Winchester escape virtually untouched... them germans was not interested in country towns and villages...... although a german bomber was shot down over Worlds End and Harold Nobes father arrested the pilot with his hayfork LOL....
The stone work carves was just breathtaking.... such a skill... and you never know, I might one day win the lottery and get to fly you and the king over :)..xxxxxxxx
~(((((bluesky)))))~ strange I dont do god but me 4 boys all have biblical names lmfao.... you must be a weirdo like me :)..xxxxxx
~(((LadyStyX))))~ well my maties here that I hang with dont like anything old, well except me lol... I think me and old Reggie would of made a great team lol I am a people person and he was the knowledgel lol....
well as long as he didnt have his hand up me skirt LOL... xxxxxxxx
~(((((Pam)))))~ ya reckon? :)..xxxxx
~(((Betty))))~ glad you enjoyed the photos, just wish they was more clearer... fanks, my boy is a joy to everyone that mets him, and he LOVES meeting new people... he will do well, he has found a passion, and I love him for it...xxxxxxx
~((((SomeGuy))))~ well I try to live a life with morals and understanding.... well until someone messes with me or my family then god help them lol... oh thats the song Ake must of been speaking of :).. fanks for that..xxxxx
~((((NotWaving)))~ welcome :) - fanks glad you enjoyed it...xxxxxx
~(((Dotterel))))~ ok adding that to me list of books lol :)...xxxxx
What an incredible post. WOW.
A wonderful day, a happy find in Reg, and a glorious ending.
Confess the "Winchester Cathedral" song was going though my head too.
Well done Jacob. Well done Marmie.
Care and huggles, Mickle and Zebbycat
Let's here it for Jacob!! (roar of applause!)
I've never seen Winchester Cathedral before. Heard the song, but not the same. I have seen Westminster Cathedral a couple of times and loved it!!
When I win the lottery and come for a visit, you can show me the Cathedral and Richard Fox's nuts!
Loved this post! I've been to your Winchester Cathedral and it's every bit as beautiful as you claim... if not more so! We had this great tour guide who went through and explained to us how to read all the extraordinary stained glass, which was really neat. It was fun to revisit it with you today!
Great post marmie. I love the photos and all the History that you shared here. It'd be wonderful to walk those ancient streets and touch the old stone and have coffee in that "Starbucks". It puts the "Starbucks" that are housed in the new sleek buildings shame.
I so get it when you say it was a most wonderful day. What a terrific adventure and you are so very, very lucky to live near by this treasure city.
Poor old Reg probably had to leave after two hours of laughter. I'd love to have been a mouse at his home that night as he told the story of his two hours with you in an otherwise stoic group. Likely you learned much from him and the others too. (S)
I so enjoyed the descriptions you gave. Thanks Marmie for the sharing.
I had no idea that people are buried inside a Cathedral and I read all those old English mysteries. You'd think Christie or Doyle would've written a doozie using that. Then again, perhaps they have and I simply haven't read it yet.
I'd have a hard time walking on graves too. do-do-do-do.....
The thing that we will never have here, in the USA, (at least in our time) is all of that old history that you in Europe enjoy. You are so lucky to be able to explore it. I hope you find a way to have more wonderful days just for you. Maybe you should make it a priority that you save one day each month just for such a day trip. Just for exploring your world.
I love that you sound so happy in this post.
Congrats to Jacob. You and he both did so good. Doesn't surprise me a bit. These next three years will fly by for him.
You might not see God sweetie...but it is so clear to me that he lives in you. I see, hear and feel him every time you speak. And who do you suppose drew you to that holy place? Silly girl.
What a truly amazing Cathedral.
Love you Marmie. Jolie
Fabulous pictures and insights into the cathedral. I love the old buildings and the ceilings and the carvings, the stained glass, the painting...
Beautiful. Ta for sharing.
What a wonderful post. Your descriptions are the best - and I'd rather have a tour guided by you than anyone else. The pictures are awe inspiring. I LOVE historical buildings of any sort. I love anything that is old and has history. The cabin on our property was built in 1904 - probably not that old compared to what you have in England, but old to us. I love to sit in it and picture the way the people lived then with no electric, no running water, the life they must have had - filled with the simple joy of each day, and so much sorrow for the hard times. I can really feel those feelings when I sit quietly there - right down to my soul.
Congrats to Jacob! And to you - he is a testament to your raising him.
Take care,
Well this most certainly was long, but it was beautiful and unique and incredibly interesting and insightful.
I don't think it's strange that the sun was out when you emerged or that your son did so well.
What I can offer is that for those of us here in North America, there never can be what you have there.
The history, the ancient architecture, the tradition, the utter and aged beauty of what you have shown us.
When I've been in Europe before or other places so much older than here, it's what I've marvelled at.
And it's just super neat to see you being marvelled by it yourself. You're a lovely girl.
What a glorious old Cathedral! I would love to see it one day for myself. I so enjoyed your whole post, with all the photos!
As for God finding you- He knows right where you are. And the coolest thing is that you don't even have to go to a church to find Him. All you have to do is talk to Him.
Congratulations on your son's achievement!
MT: Don't you know that beautiful days are the best days for swearing? There are more people around to hear! Paint my face disappointed. HA!
~(((Mickle)))~ Reg was a little diamond I must admit LOL... now I to will sing that song all dam day :)..xxxxxx
~(((Lisa)))~yeah fanks you... college here starts for kids at 16 and he is going to one of the best landbased colleges in the country, how lucky we are that its only 1 1/2 hours by bus away....
Yes, we will go Fox nut hunting together lol jebus we would laff..xxxxxx
~(((Alyson))))~ welcome to the loonie bin - oh my you've been there aint it just amazing... I just wish I had had a better camera..xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((jolie))))))))))))))~ ya know one of these days before I get to frail and decrepid I will get your arse over here :) I know you will probably be removed by force from the country but dam girl we would have a wonderful time LOL
Yep the bury bodies under the walkways and in crypts and in them statue tomb things.. we couldnt go down into the crypt underground, which is suppose to be beautiful judging by the pictures on the cathedral website, cos it was flooded the day I was there...
Poor Reg being the unlucky one with me in the little group lol..
There is a house in Winchester up the other end of the highstreet that is dated 1450 its right by the statue of Alfred the Great but I didnt make it up that end to take a photo..
love you.. xxxxxxxxxx
~((((Cath)))))~ I have such a passion for old things...... oh my, maybe I will meet an old man and fall in love lmfao...xxxxxx
~(((basic))))~ my little house is 104 years old :)... I would LOVE to live in a cabin in the woods with no neighbours.... you are lucky to have that on your property...
My boy did good :)... xxxxxx
~((((Shake it all about))))~ oh hush, the words were not long just lots of photos lol
What? ya never had medievil times and the romans and the normans and the saxons, ya didnt have knights and orders of the round table :) - what? ya only had cowboys and indians? LOL
Yeah lots of things still marvel me :) and you are to kind with your words...xxxxxx
~(((Cindy))))~ first off - I presume your winning package didnt arrive :( - cos everyone elses did... so I have already started another box for you...... two parcels at crimbo went astray.. dam your postmen for nicking your scrummies - well, if he does find me I will ask him to clean the inside of me windows for me lol I mean all that stained glass he has in his name, it wont hurt him to put a bit of elbow grease into mine :)...xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ you do know I can swear like a fishwish when the needs must lol.... I think I could even turn your pubes grey with my volcabluary lmfao... Paint your face smiling lol...xxxxxxxx
Hi Marmite
Thanks a lot for your visit today.
Gosh your post is very informative. I've never been to Winchester Cathedral - Now I feel I don't need to - you've done a better job than a tour book! btw (Know What it Means Now) I was a marmite baby a long, long time ago!! See you soon. Eddie x
PS Love you dancing photo - how did you do that?
You ARE a SunBeam. I could feel myself in the Cathedral as I read your experience of the tour. What a beautiful place indeed. Wish I could have been there with you. And then there is your Jacob. You must be so very proud, not only for Jacob, but for yourself for being such a wonderful mum.
Brill, Mel. Utterly brill.
(Headed home on the red eye)
What a wonderful blog, Mel. Oh, how I wish I could have toured that place with you. Just know this...God WAS there. His eye is on you ~ always. Two of my daughters sang that little song (Sunbeam) when they were 5 and 3, in church! It was so cute! You really are a sunbeam. How I love reading your stories. It feels like we are just sitting having tea and chatting. Love you, girl...Jeanne in Idaho xoxoxo
I'm........I should say, we're in cuz Suzanne is reading the history lesson on yer hometown right now.
Great I'se lubb dem chikkens.....
MT: Thanks for reminding me. HA! I clearly posted to soon, and without thinking! HA!
~(((Eddie)))~ welcome....see what Ive done for ya, Ive saved ya bucket loads of money, now you dont have to pay for the train to Winchester or the entrance fees to the cathedral :)... what? ya dont eat marmite now? shame on you lol... - as regards me dancing chicken... thats a trade secret, at least you realised its a chicken and NOT a duck as dear (((Starr))) keeps insisting LMFAO...xxxxxxx
~((((FrumHelen))))~ nah I aint no Sunbeam, Im a storm cloud lol I rain on everyone :).... it would of been fun if you were there, I would LOVE to show a doodle my part of the world..... except I expect I would be real quiet... HAHAHAHA I DONT FINK SO... as regards the mum did, my lads might find that statement debateable lol..xxxxxxx
~((((((JBelle))))))~ I thought you was away, where ya been this time? and wouldnt it be better to head home on an aeroplane and not someones red eye? or is that to do with a hang over?...xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((JeanneH))))))))~ There is so much more to see and touch in that Cathedral, I will go back when Jacob is at the college and have another wander... I remember that song as a child in school assemblies.. it would be luverly to have a cuppa tea and chat :) - me and me dear matie Jolie plan on it someday, you can join us lol...xxxxxxx
~((((Spottedwolf))))))~ welcome - not quite me home town but me county capital which our village comes under... oh you like me chickens lol scroll back and you can read much about the little bleeders LOL......xxxxxxx
~((((((Starr))))))~ see, I can swear like a trooper, told ya I aint all girlie and classy lmfao..... xxxxxxxx
Never, EVER think before you open your mouth. You are too fine a woman to do that....
fantastic....will be back for more..
Hello, this is Mim from Room with a View. Just wanted to make sure you got the info you were looking for. Your email link did not work for me. Here's where you can get the pattern for the striped chicken:
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
You can't fool me, Mel. You couldn't write a post such as this without 'doing God'. You may verbally deny Him but He hasn't denied you.
I loved every word, every picture, every thought. Thanks for taking us on your tour. You are an inspiration and so talented at writing (and that's only God given!!)
TN Becky
that was fascinating Marmie - I'v never been to Winchester and didnt know that Jane A was buried there. Great ppics - I shall make a point of giong. Thanks!
~((((Robin)))~ well my quick to open mouth does not always go down to well with everyone lol...... some people just dont have a sense of humour.....
I try, I so try to keep my mouth shut, but I cant be anyone but myself :)...xxxxxxx
~((((Spyder))))~ fanks :)... just dont leave a mess around the place okay? lol......xxxxxx
~((((Mim))))~ welcome you...... oh yes fanks.... Ive already not ordered the chicken pattern from a shop in london, Im chufted to bits, fanks for that....
You blob brings out my creative side to me that not many know about lol..xxxxxx
~((((Jackie))))~ oh hush will ya lmao... I would be way to much for him to handle anyways....thats my trouble, I aint like everyone else lol, i dont run with the crowds, I wouldnt even know how to..... dam.... that makes me insane lol...
As regards me Twaddle writing, I never plan or make notes, I just sit as and when with the screen in front of me, take a deep breath and just let my fingers type the nonsense in me head..... as you can see by the many spelling erros and apalling grammar :)....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((Becky))))))))))))~ as are you.....xxxxxx
~((((((Chupa)))))~ fanks for that, I cant work out how to get that email button to work.... its not like its a secret or owt... tiz just... I do have 2 but thats me main one.. slater matie lol..xxxxxxx
~(((((Flowerpot)))))~ oh my how I LOVED your recent post, I just loved it.... fanks for sharing so much of you.... something I as yet can do lol....
If you ever up this way you so should go visit the Cathedral, it will blow ya undies off :)..xxxxxx
Absolutely amazing ! Leaves me speechless ....
~(((PinkAcorn)))~ knowing how gobbie I am, think how amazing it was to also leave me speachless lol..xxxxx
I loved this post, too and I apologize for not reading more often! I'm a history nut as well and wish that America had more of it. Seeing the majesty and grandeur of such a place makes me ashamed that we're now finding icons in cheese sandwiches and pancake griddles. I know matters of faith can seem so remote and dry, but really, it was never meant to be so, and I think it is very interesting that so often in the scriptures the Lord chooses the most unlikely people to carry His message of love-prostitutes, lunatics, lepers, the poor, the sick, prisoners, the uneducated...that's where I find it most present and maybe what people tend to forget. It also says He's especially close to the broken hearted.
~((((Sue))))~ so luverly to see you here - wondering what catigory you place me under lmfao...... I myself will go with the lunatic fringe LOL...xxxxxx
You're not a hopeless case... Silly goose! :)
Anyway, I came over to your blog to let you know that I have something for you on my blog. :)
Where is The English Rose? I am needy for another damn post that thrills and delights me, that takes me away, and calms and soothes my savage spirit! Bring on The English Rose and her keyboard!
~(((Tori))))~ fanks matie...xxxxxx
~(((((((((((JBelle))))))))))))~ this thorny rose has over done it over the long weekend, and has been working non stop since 7 this morning, now at just gone 5pm the last of the nippers has gone cos its now the trampoline run, where I aint even gonna get out the car, but Im gonna lay me seat back in the carpark and doze for 1 1/2 hours, Im to knackered to get out the car lol.........xxxxxxxxxxx
just wondering, can i be buried in Winchester Cathedral clutching my nuts? enthralling depiction...really must see it in person some day...
~(((((((((Soul))))))))))~ you can be buried in my back garden clutching your nuts if you so wish lol....
One day I'll get you over here to see my world.... xxxxxxx
Love your blog...and as I said before I'm back ~ no mess, I promise ~just a little something for your fantastic blog that makes everyone laugh as well as cry!!You may not have room for it! but if you do, pop over to Spyder's Corner there's a little Blog Award waiting for you!
~(((Spyder))))~ why, fanks very much, I dont deserve it.... blushing..xxxxxxx
Wow! What awesome pictures! Believe me, I truly understood the immense size of the cathedral through your pictures. You did a wonderful job of showing us around. If I ever get to England, I'll put that on my list of places to visit.
You may think you don't do God, but that doesn't mean God doesn't do you. Perhaps He is what causes you to love that Cathedral so much?
Congratulations to Jacob! I'm sure he'll enjoy his time at Sparsholt and learning about Forest Management.
~(((ChicagoLady))))~ I'd make a great tour guide wouldnt I LOL....xxxxx
How I wish we had more appreciation for the old builings in the USA instead of always tearing down and building glass nothings.
First of all, how wonderful for your son to get such a spectacular offer. I'm sure he would have (or will) pass the exam with flying colors, but to know he will be able to follow his heart even if he does not is just priceless. Truly his inner self shone through.
You know Marmi, I don't do god either. I don't even use caps when I write his name (but I do when I write Universe. Go Figure.). But I love Mexican and New Mexican catholic art. And their gaudy over the top ceremonies. And I can sit for an hour at a time in one of their colorfully painted churches. Part of it, I'm sure, is an art thing.....but also part of it is a peace that resides in those buildings that even I am able to tap into and feel nourished by.
Loved your travel tour and if I ever get over that way, I'm gonna take you up on that offer to be my guide!
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