Anyways the weather has been fairly good of late, just a few overcast days for a few days, but last week our Sam asked if I could lend him £30 ($60) cos him and his mates wanted to bugger off to the new forest and camp for the weekend and he was skint, as per usual..... so me thinking it would be nice to have a weekend without him hanging around the house with all his band mates eating me out of house and home it might be easier to give him the dosh and get rid of him and the group for a few days.....
And I didnt really mind cos he has had a bit of a ride at the hospital back and forth with his burns..... I dont know if I told anyone but months ago his car (which is now off the road until he gets a job - I bought it and tax and insured it for a whole year but now its down to him - hence it sits at the bottom of me garden lol aint I mean) was overheating and the inexperienced young driver that he is, he thought it would be a good idea to take the radiator cap off (WTF) and the boiling radiator water shot up out of the radiator and all over his arm and caught his chin and ear...... the burns on his arm were touch and go whether he would need skin grafts, but HE decided no way, and its only been lately that they are beginning to look fairly normal.......

See, I dont share everything in life.... but you can see why sometimes I go on overload lol
So I says, ok, but you make sure you sort out the tent and whatever it is you need, but most importantly make sure you bring it back...... cos last time one of mine buggered off with their mates, not only did they leave behind one of me tents but also a wetsuit and a sleeping bag.....Arrggggghhhhhhhhh
Anyways, we have loads of tents in this house, all different, some real old ones that me lads take to music festivals cos it dont matter so much if they get ruined, and we have some real nice tents that I use to use as a helper on the school camps and when we use to just up and bugger off to cornwall for a few days....... and of course I have me special tent that I bought a few years ago that I blobbed about last year lol
So, Sam didnt mention again about the camping so I presumed it was all off, ya know how fickle teenagers can be...... except, come Friday after I had had an exhausting day in Winchester with Jacobs College stuff and Cathedral wandering......
Sam burst in the back door with 2 mates in tow and said, quick mum find me a tent... as we do not have attic space cos we have 2 bedrooms where the loft once was, all the tents and gear are kept in the bottom of the huge wardrobe in my bedroom....
Sam, get it yourself I says.... but mum, you know which is which and I dont wanna take the wrong one..... Sam GET IT YOURSELF your just being a lazy git...... but, I have to sort me other stuff out he says......... aint my problem Sam youve had days to sort everything out...... and Im knackered so sod off and get it yourself and dont forget to sort out a sleeping bag and roll mat or camp bed and something to cook on.......
He disappeared upstairs with his 2 mates in tow, after about 20 minutes he comes back down and says.......... did you sort me out a tent mum?....... by now I almost told him he wasnt gonna bloody go, but I kept me calm cos I was just thinking of a weekend without him and his band here LOL.... semi piece and quiet, no band practise no 6 foot extra lads invading me house..... so I says very calmly...... ok, ok ObloodyK I'll sort one......
Thanks mum he said, I love you and then burst out laffing...... he can wrap me around his little finger that boy....
Anyways they lobbed all the stuff in the back of his maties car and with a wave and a HUGE smile from me they headed off......... it was £30 ($60) well spent LOL....
Oh little did he know lmfao..
Three hours later I get a text from our Sam, it read....... I DONT THINK YOUR FUNNY BUT I EXPECT YOU THINK ITS HILARIOUS - love Sam x
Oh yes, I was laffing alright....... my well hard, extreme skateboarder, son wasnt so hard that weekend........
Not when you consider he was camping in this.......

HAHAHAHAHAHA That will learn him......... I only packed me pink flowery tent with matching sleeping bag LOL....
Not so macho now then sonny lol......... and yes it was warm enough for T-shirts but NOT for bare chested...... if you look at the photo its cold enough for him to be sucking in all his muscles cos of the cold and you can see all his ribs LOL.....
Maybe next time he will sort his own stuff out LOL - LOVE still being able to 'get one over' on me lads... they do it to me all the time, I do have to have some pay back :)
ok, enough boring Twaddle for a sunday Bank Holiday Monday..... NO NIPPERS woooo hooooo :) - hope its sunny where ever you are today..
*Giggle, snort* Too funny Marmy! Serves him right! Hope he learned a small lesson, but I doubt it will hold until next time!
LMAO! Serve him right!
I knew about the burn thing... You did tell me about it. Can't remember if you mentioned it on your blog though. *Shrugs*
By the way... Did you get the e-mail I sent you a couple of days back?
That was one nasty burn! What was he thinking!!!!! Geeze.
I howled when I got to the picture of the flowery pink tent.
How's the knee? Hope you are getting along a bit easier. Huggsssss
Ouch. Those had to hurt. I'm glad he's starting to get back to normal but man that makes ME hurt.
How funny! I'm totally writing that one down in my "things to do to my kids" book. I have a little tent that looks like an elephant complete with pink ears. I'll save that to use in a few years. :) The best part is, Sam will be telling that story forever and maybe even do the same thing to his kids.
Have a great day, Marmie!
*Winces at that burn*
That scalding radiator water had to hurt and painfully so. I'm glad he's healing up from the burn well.
He may never heal from the indiginity of having a pink tent and the teasing his mates no doubt gave him!! LMAO... You are too much Marmy... I hope he didn't come down with a case of "pink" eye to match the tent being out in the cold without a shirt on.
You can always hope "that will learn him" not to play with radiators and with a tired Mom!
Hugs. I hope YOU are doing better and healing too.
OMG those burns must have been really painful!
I laughed at the tent you gave him, that'll teach him to get his own in future!
It's really sunny and warm here today, I've been out gardening. :)
Brilliant in pink!
Hope you got lots of Easter eggs.
Bright and sunny over here in Paris. I'm just chilling out with a beer watching my wife do the housework; we like to share moments together.
HA! Classic Mel.. you're the best!
I'm amazed he recorded it for posterity. Lazy little monkey, it does serve him right. Maybe you should start calling him Barbie.
That burn loks awful. Hope it soon heals.
Great joke with the tent! Hope he learned something!
My first car was a Ford- I learned more about car heating and cooling systems than I wanted to!
That is so freaking funny!!!! You are the best parent ever, I swear! And I wish I had the opportunity to do something like that.
You need to frame that picture! LOL LOL
I love you!
I worship you!
This was so hysterical!
and can i tell you?
I am storing that one in the back of my brain for when the teen starts his antics..
~evil giggle!~
LOVE IT!!!!!!!
That was FAN bloody TASTIC !! I'd love to have seen his face when he opened the bag and found the pink flowery tent lmfao.
That arm looks nasty!! Hope it heals well.
I trust your Easter weekend was hassle free and those lads bought you lots of yummy choccy eggs
very funny and I bet he won't learn he will still want you to sort it out next time
The burns look very painful-good they are healing now.
A pink tent-you are hilarious, but now you'll have to watch your back. LOL
Serious OUCH on that burn! I've scalded myself plenty of times, but never THAT badly. I keep cringing when I see that pic.
Serious BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA on the tent hehehehehe. Won't be able to miss where he's at at the campground LOL. That'll teach him to do something himself *snerk*
You are just too funny for words. I love your humor and I am certain your boys really do as well.... at least someday in the future they'll look back and howl. A pink tent!! ---- thanks for sharing....I needed a good laugh. xxxxx
I love the pink tent bit. How funny. For a while there, before they got bigger than me, the boys were always taking my jean jackets and my tennis shoes. I finally fixed them. I started buying only pink, lacey, fru-fru feminie stuff. Same principle.
I'm sure he got a lot of ribbing from his mates for having the pink tent. Doesn't he look cute with it? LOL
I'm glad his burns are healing up.
What a good sport you've raised him to be. That he stayed and used the tent and sleeping bag in front of all his friends shows a young man confident in himself.
Those were some nasty looking burns-hope they continue to heal well.
You're such a super mom. I love your dirty tricks!
heh heh heh. Yeah, she thought it was hilarious...and the rest of us found it hysterical! Serves ya right hunny.
Yikes! That fun. :(
I remember when I was a kid some guy on the block did that and burned his face. I remember his screaming...
Sam was so very lucky...but, not lucky enough to have the wrath of the cheeky mum pull a sneaky on him! Priceless indeed!! :D
We are gettin ready for some camping here...maybe this coming weekend...I will share this tale around the campfire! LOL
Wouldn't you love to have seen his face and those of his friends when he started putting up that flowery tent?
That is utterly hysterical! I just love that he was willing to have his picky taken in front of it too - brave boy!
Tee Hee! good one,Mom!!! tee hee hee LOLOLOL
Thanks for asking about about RP. He got himself run down with a cough and fatigue which turned to pneumonia. They kept him in the hospital to get him well. He is resting at home this week and hopefully will return to work next week. I passed on the well wishes. thanks.
~((((Lisa))))~ yeah like lads listen and learn lol I'll grow a beard before thats about to happen...xxxxxx
~(((ToriZ)))~ I might of mentioned it to you then :) - Ive hunted and hunted me mail boxes and there aint nuffin in there from you :( you sure you sent it to me and not Janet? lol.....xxxxxx
~(((Punkn)))~ yep it was really REALLY nasty, thats how it is now months later, so you can see how bad it was....
SSsshhhh about me knee, Im trying not to think about it lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Charles Gramlich)))))~ Sam said it was the most painful thing he has ever encountered and believe me that boy has broken over 10 bones and body parts in his life..... I know when Ive caught meself a tiny wee bit on the iron, just how painful it is...... but the daft lad didnt even tell me for a few days, by then it had gone septic and had him in tears.....xxxxxxx
~((((Jen))))) heheheheh you have a book? lmao...xxxxxx
~(((Intense))))~ that photo is good to how it was, I just couldnt take photos of it as it was cos it use to make me feel sick... well he surely will learn NOT to touch the radiator cap again.....hugs back atcha...xxxxxx
~(((((Ake)))))~ yep they was, never seen him in so much pain, he was so lucky it only caught his chin and the tip of his ear and not his whole face....
Its raining here now at a little after 8 on Tuesday, but tomorrow promises to be the hottest day so far this year....lets see aye lol.....xxxxxx
~(((Dumdad))))~ well I got me first ever EVER easter egg this year from the 2 little nippers that live opposite that i take to school, it was HUGE, I can honestly say, except for one I bought meslef I aint never had one before, chocolates and flowers yep, but a real chocolate egg, nope, not until this year :)..... thats why I STILL buy all me lads eggs big and small LOL......glad your weather is lovely.....xxxxxxx
~((((((Toadie)))))~ well someone has to teach him the way of the world lmfao....xxxxxxxx
~(((Winifred))))~ well my Sam records everything with photos lol.... when he didnt pack his stuff for school camp once a few years back, I went out and bought pink washbag and toothbrush and a flowery flannel and just packed it for him LOL......but he still didnt learn lmfao.... the burns look good in that photo to what they were.... fanks....xxxxxx
~((((Buff)))))~ sometimes you just have to do these things to these whippersnappers lmfao..... xxxxxxx
~((((Bina))))~ my lads would not agree with you on the best parent LOL but I try the best I can :)...xxxxxxx
~(((((Sorrow))))~ Im not worthy of your comment :) but fanks.... store it for future use, its a good one lol......xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Scottie)))))))))))~ I so laffed when his text came through lmfao..... yep the burn was/is nasty but it looks like its beginning to clear right lol..... Ive told him if it scars then to tell people that he was like that kung poo bloke that lifted the boiling hot pot with his arms - he had no idea what the hell I was talking about lmfao..... no eggs but one, but much chocolate and flowers.... NO TARTAN ONE THOUGH Im still waiting lol......xxxxxxxxx
~((((LadyInRed))))~course he wont learn lol he is a bloke, what do you expect :)...xxxxx
~((((Crispy))))~ very VERY painful.... yep will have to watch over me shoulder for a while LOL......xxxxxx
~((((JeanC))))~ its more like ARRGGGHHHHH then ouch lol it dont turn me stomach now but it did when he first done it.... yeah at least he would of been able to find the tent on his drunked stagger home from the pub lol....xxxxxx
~(((Lee))))~ Moi? funny? I dont mean to be, I just try and put me lads in their places sometimes the only way I know how :).....xxxxxxx
~(((JeanieS)))))~ fanks for your kind words on the Dingleberries about me minding you nippers when they was young.... it was the other way around here lol I would borrow their trainers and jackets, then their feet just grew to big..... they are sizes 9 - 10 - 11 and 13 now LMFAO....xxxxxx
~((((ChicagoLady))))~ oh Im sure he did, but most of his mates hang around her anyways so they NOW I get even LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((Cindy))))~ ok worried ya parcel aint arrived, if it dont arrive by the weekend let me know and I will do something about it, cos the other 3 arrived as have already be scoffed..... yeah my Sam is a good sport, he is one of the funniest lads at times and other times I could wring his little neck lol....xxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen))))~ dont know about super, had no one to teach me lol..... I just do what I feel inside, and sometimes thats playing tricks when needs must LOL...xxxxxx
~(((LadyStyX))))~ I LOVED his text lmfao.....xxxxxxx
~((((Lulda)))))~ oh Im jealous of you off camping, I miss camping and it will be a while before I can go again, cos we camp proper with no luxeries lmfao....
Im just glad Sam didnt burn his face off... it did click his chin and his ear a little but that seems fine....xxxxxxx
~((((Betty)))))~ So would I of loved to of seen his face, but more so his maties faces lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Playwright))))~ well sometimes with lads you just have to show them who is boss LMFAO....xxxxxx
~((((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ Dam, so sorry to hear how poorly MrP is... please please give him a hug from me, only dont squeeze his chest to hard ;).... xxxxxxx
You are too funny!!!
~(((name of god))))~ what makes the photo to me especially funny is Sam is wearing a cap with COMPTON written on it lmfao..... ya know COMPTON that well ard gangster place lol..... but the even funniest thing about the hat is, when he first got it, I said 'why didnt you get a hat with the name of our village on it' blank stares by him...... he said WHAT DO YOU MEAN this is well proper...... so I said..Compton is the name of that little village over the back of Butser hill where we go to the Victoria pub for lunch....... oh shut up mum it so aint.. but the funny thing is.... IT SO IS - there really is a little village near us called COMPTON...lmfao......ahahahahaha......ya just gotta laff... xxxxxx
Will try sending it again. Probably find Yahoo put me as junk again and it got deleted. Yahoo seems to think what I have to say is a load of rubbish for some reason. LOL!
Mel....that is hilarious. I wish I had your 'turn of mind'.
Hope you had yourself a quiet weekend!
That was priceless! I laughed out loud. Clever mom, you. And hey, I know what you mean about going to extremes or paying for a weekend alone. Two weeks ago I bargained with Katy's best friend's dad..."I'll keep Tia for two nights this weekend and make them finish that school project, then, I'll keep her for two nights next weekend and I'll take them skiing, and THEN, in return, you keep Katy three nights the third weekend. Whew. My three nights begin tomorrow. Woo Hoo!!
Nipperless in Colorado, too!
you're the Queen!!!!!
OMG!! That's a horrid burn!!! Get him smoothing some aloe gel on that! Aloe will keep the scarring from getting any worse (though, boys = scars and scars = manliness, it seems) and will keep the skin supple enough that it doesn't over draw in the healing and cause future stiffness and pain in using the arm. Twice a day, smoothing a bit of aloe into the skin should do the trick, if you can get him to do it. Even once a day will help. And it doesn't have to be fancy aloe or fresh from the plant, just the bottled stuff you get for sunburns in the summer is fine.
*chuckle* Glad he got a bit of comeuppance over the tent issue. Serves him right for expecting you to find one for ya, instead of taking the time to do it himself.
Hope all else is going well in your world, Toasty!
Hey girl...glad you found a minute to write. I'm so glad his burn is healing up good. I don't think there are many things more painful than a burn and the healing process is so iffy and slow too.
How did the school visit go? Is he going there for sure? It sounds like a great plan for his future.
Love the tent bit. I bet his buds gave him a good ribbing...too bad you didn't have a girly pink flowery hat you could have snuck in there too. If nothing else you have given your lads many good things to remember and laugh about.
I hope you had a nice quiet weekend and did something special just for you. Dammit take care of that knee. Get your leg up, read a good book, have a glass of wine with your chocolate "Easter" egg.
I love chocolate with wine. Okay, so I love chocolate with everything.
Yea...for sunny days. And I am not old...well kinda, sorta a bit old.
But you think you need to pick on old ladies? Show some respect for your elders. That'd be me...the one waiting for respect and getting naught.
Love you anyhow Mel, Jolie
You are soooo bad, love it. Ya gotta keep the upper hand...
That burn does look a bit nasty...ouch. Hope he's on the mend.
...hope Sam's burns continue to mend quickly...and the pink tent was the perfect thing to do...and perhaps he got lucky with the lady campers, admiring one so secure in his manliness as to hit the woods in a foofy pink tent...
Awesome! Need to save my daughters Princess Barbie tent for such an occassion.
Thanks for popping over to Spyder's Corner!! You have a mad MAD life!!
Marmsie- you inspired a post check it out. Later gator.
MT:I have heard stories about such burns, that is why my car ability consists of kicking tires and cussing. HA! I do like the tent. Did a similar thing to Matt once. Switched his Coors Light with some Schmidt. HA! Well, kind of similar.
~(((Tori)))~ yep I eventually found you in me junk bin lmfao...xxxxx
~(((Robin)))~ I know, I know, me mind aint normal lol....xxxxx
~(((anya))))~ Good job our Sam can take a joke aye lol...
Oh dont get me wrong, I NEVER get a free weekend, but loosing one of me lads with all his mates that live in me house weekends makes a difference lol..... dont mean me house aint still full though :) its like Clapham junction in this place at the weekends....xxxxxxx
~(((Pamela))))~ :)..xxxxxx
~(((Kati))))~ yeah the burn was real nasty, the photo is how is it now, months after he did it.... oh that boy is scarred all over lol... he has broken and torn and ripped and skinned most of his body....
As regards the tent, I love still being able to get one over on him lol remember the 'turkey willie' the crimbo before last lol that was also our sam lmfao...xxxxx
~((((jolie))))~ life here at present it hectic.... also trying to put 'things' in place for something thats gonna be happening, and of course all this dam course work is driving me nuts...
I never get to do something special for me lol.... that will happen I suppose when Im old lmfao..
I LOVE white chocolate with a passion...
I hope you had the most lovely of birthdays I wish I was there to enjoy it with you, one day aye?
love you jolie :)..xxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Soul))))))))))~ yeah the worst is over, he said it was the most painful thing he has ever experienced, but like me he has a high pain threshold which aint always so good, cos by the time we think we should be doing something about injuries, they are way beyond help LOL.... tough us *W's* are :)... oh he is secure in his manliness thats for sure lol....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((chup))))~ oh my you have barbie stuff, poor you lmfao... dont say you have 'my little pony stuff' to LOL.... sometimes Im glad I only had sons lmfao....xxxxxx
~(((Spyder))))~ welcome, and yes, you hit the nail on the head lol...xxxxx
~(((chup))))~ oh my, I aint ever inspired anyone before in me life lol... driven then crazy maybe, but inspired I dont think so.... I feel honoured :)..xxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr)))))))))))~ oh you kick cars and me, well, I talk to them and promise all sorts of good things to them LMFAO..... sometimes it actually works...
LOL@Coors and Schmidt swapping..... walking away *shaking me head at you*..xxxxxxxxxxx
Ouch! that looked a nasty burn.
A flowery tent though!!!!!!! What a laugh!
Oh, I love the tent!!
Oh, but those burns do look painful. Glad he is healing up!
Oh Goodness, my Friend.... You are so funny!! I just love your stories, your boys, and you! I am proud of you, you have done a fine job with them, they are growing up to be real special. They are smart, talented, witty, and loving.
I know it hasn't been easy, pat yourself on the back!!
Marmi- How's you and your zombie doin'?
~(((MaggieMay)))~ they were but Sam is 'wellabit ard' like me LOL...xxxxxx
~(((SilverValleyGirl))))~ I dont do pink as you know but I loves me tent to lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Jana)))~Well I dont know about a fine job, Im sure at times they would tell you otherwise lol but I have done the very best I knew/know how... Im glad I gave them a sense of humour though lol...xxxxxx
~(((((chupa)))))~ busy at a fly on poo today :) - Im so glad my comment brought a smile to your face LMFAO.... when you are old and frail, you will look back and remember that comment and you gummy mouth with grin LOL.... me zombie is also doing good LOL knackered already at only 4.44pm but good :).... now come over and help me erect 8 new fence panels this evening will ya lol...xxxxxx
That pink tent is just perfect. What fun your house must be! Lucky boy to have a mom with such a great sense of humor. And he's a real sport to take a picture of himself in front of it. Did you show Janet, Cedric, Mable, and Marble? I bet they got a big kick out of that.
I can see why you didn't post about those burns before. I can tell they are healing nicely, and they are STILL horrific to look at. Sharing your life in a blog isn't always easy - and there are some things you just don't want to talk about. It's easier to share a laugh than the things that make you cry.
Take care,
too funny indeed.
you know what strikes me with the pics of your sons is how incredibly American kids dress these days!
Oh my goodness! That is so funny!
I have threatened to do similary to Sam and Steve - I have tears in my eyes.
Well done. Parents will rejoice on reading this. And non parents like me laughed too.
So pleased I discovered this post, adding you to my favs - a Mother of 4 sons, still Marmy has a pink flowery tent.
Sending huggles from Wellington, NZ
Hi, Mel...just want to thank you for your concern about my "absence" from my blog. Everything is o.k....just had a computer crash. I'll come back later and read/comment on your post. From the looks of it, it is a dandy!! Have a great day...
What list dear-ie?
~(((basicliving)))~ :) the funny thing is I dont really do pink, not as such... well not in the clothes department, but I just fell in love with that tent... there aint much girlie around my house which is filled with lads and there many many maties, so I do have to occasionally throw in the odd pink thing :).... you shoudl see this new cooking pot I have in pink lmfao
If you knew me you would know how hard it is for me to share many things in life.... the things I do share on Twaddle from my heart and lost soul, sometimes even surprises me lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Mmm))))~ :) hello again... ya think me lads look like doodles? actually I think most of their clothes are american LOL....but aint hoodies and skateshoes the dress of lads the world over..... xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((BRM))))))))))))~ TO IT lol.....xxxxxx
~((((((((Pixie)))))))~ as are YOU...xxxxxxx
~((((Mickle))))~ welcome to the mad house lol.... how did you stumble throw the door of Twaddle? yes 4 sons.... 13 nippers only 3 of which are girls lol..... I am a bit of a tomboy though, I had no choice.... but I aint no geezerbird :)...xxxxxx
~(((Jackie)))))~ dam ya posted, I was just booking me flight to come over and check on ya :)....xxxxxx
~(((((chup)))))~ ya trying to drive me insane aint ya? :) me matie today whilst out said 'I think you might have alzheimers Mel' lol.... jebus we laffed and laffed... not about the alzheimers but the fact that she might be right LOL....xxxxxxx
Jebus... If you're only going to post twice a month, E-mail me and we'll talk... Lord knows you have things to say, dear!
~((((Buff))))~ oh hush LOL.... you know Im a gobbie cow most of the time...... reasons for lack of Twaddle posts.....
Working 50 hours a week (paid)..
Dealing with the death of a pet..
Helping my Jacob with his revision cos he starts all his major exams next Monday..
Then sorting out the rest of his college entrance stuff.... and trying to find finance to subsidise his 3 hours travel expenses a day from September....
Trying to deal with something real scary that I can as yet share with but a few..
Trying to put in place for when the scary thing happens I wont loose me marbles..
Doing at least 15 hours a week of course work..
Dealing with NVQ assessers..
Sorting the house out with with lads that think its all of a sudden a hotel :)..
Trying to get me garden up to scratch..
Flogging the rest of me pre-school crap on ebay cos charity begins at home..
Being a shoulder for a handful of maties that are having a hard time of late..
Hospital appointments by the bucket load..
Emmmmmmm now what else LOL.... I think that about does it...
And thats before housework and ironing and cooking etc :)... oh and I helped me matie move, well I say helped it was hard to hobble and help but Ive been driving the van cos she cant drive big vans and I use to drive our huge nursery van...
Also had to buy a new fridge and now Im just off to buy a new hovermower cos mine almost electricuted me in the week cos all the wires were bear and I left it in the rain and then tried to use it and it shot me 10 foot back against the fence lol the old heart was racing there for a moment lol....
((((Buff))))))) and you would be sooooooo bored of me boring emails.... Im just a boring old fart you know lol
And I do have so much to put down on paper for my lads when I snuff it....
I really need to stop being so bloody lazy dont I LMFAO
Oh you are aweful but i like it!!
Thank you so,so for visiting. I lack any pink, floral tents. Spud ricer can be used without Zebbycat coming any where near the kitchen.
if only there was a kitchen gadget you could use on your boys......
care, huggles and (right now gentle snoring from the Zebbycat) love, Mickle/Michelle xxxxxx
Do keep the Barbie tent and sleeping bag - then you can spring them on anyone.....
Wide Smiles still upon my face from your Brillo move,
And I'm a vegemite fan........ and many huggles, Mickle/ Michelle in Wellywood. NZ
~(((Mickle)))~ it aint no barbie tent lol..... :) and your most welcome for the visit, I will pop over again :)..xxxx
oh and Mickle... vegimite tastes like shit compared to marmite which tastes like heaven LOL
~(((Casdok)))~ Im surprise me lads still love me after some of the stunts Ive pulled on them over the years lol....xxxxxx
"Being a shoulder for a handful of maties that are having a hard time of late.."?
Not surprising! Take care.
Signed: Sincerely Your Doodlehead
~(((Chupa)))~ ROTFLMRSSO@Your Doodlehead........ to dam funny ;) ...xxxxxx
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