First off, I wanna fank everyone for all the lovely comments in the previous post, I was gobsmackingly overwhelmed by everyones kindness, I truely do not deserve it...but it warmed the cockles of me heart....and when Im up to it, I will reply to each and every one...
I will keep this short with just a quick explanation.....cos Im not up for much and this will knacker me just doing this short post....
As you know I went into hospital on Monday 1 June, but cos this is me LOL I didnt get the op until Wednesday 3 June around T-time.... (long story, will explain if I blob)...
This time I decided no sedation at all, fully awake... and yes I took me camera again so I have many great photos (and the theatre staff was arguing who was going to take the photos and the surgeons even posed in some like broadway stars lol.... as I explained before I already had a couple of large screws in me knee from a previous acl/pcl reconstruction when I snapped me ligiments playing football a few years back, and these screws had to come out before they could do the total knee replacement....... well, me surgeon (who was NOT MY surgeon - long story will explain if I blob lol) talked to me about the possibility that when they dig out the screws the bone to the left of the femur will obviously be very weak, and there is a possibility that it could sheer off when they cut out the knee joint and hammer and chisel in the new knee joint and if that was to be the case then, things would not be good, but he said I needed to know the risks.....
Well during the op I being fully awake and directing camera action and joking and laffing with everyone, I heard MrClark (yes top orthopedic surgeons are called Mr and NOT Dr here when they reach a certain rank) say... 'oh shit'...... so I say whats that suppose to mean, to which he says, you know I explained about the sheering off of that 3rd of the bone in ya femur....... well, he says, it didnt happen..... phew I said, BUT he said.... Ive broken it in stead.......dam, I say, but it could of been worse right?.... yep says he.... well, lets say Ive had a 'lucky break' then...... to which he stops what he is doing and walks around my side of the sheet screen, looks at me and just laffs and laffs........ ya see, even though its a bit dire, it could of been oh so much worse.....
This is my Xray before the op.... you can see the leg on the right (which is actually me left leg) and last years knee replacement...... and the leg on the left (which is actually me right leg) with the screws that needed to come out before they could rip out all the guts and saw the bones and chisel and put in a new knee...... well, see the screws and the big squarish bit of bone to the left of the screws in the thigh bone, thats the bit he thought might sheer off, where in fact it didnt but it broke right across..........
So you see, I know in America you would SUE HIS ARSE..... but I was explained the risks, and to be honest, as shit as this is, as painful as this is, and believe me being home and not being in a hospital bed is bloody painful and scrary, and as hard as physio once again will be...... it didnt sheer off, it only broke LOL so Im wellabit happy...... and this years op went nuffin like last years, no laying poorly in bed for 4 days post-op, I actually watched 'The Apprentice' on the telly right after coming back from theatre and had a cheese and pickle sandwich (ok, so I did throw that up but still :) ) it was as if I had just popped out for a coffee and a chat and not major surgery, of course the very high dozes of morphine for 3 days helped LMFAO....
Anyways, this has so gotta just be a quickie.......
So I had it done just over a week ago and then back to theatre on Saturday night for a bit of tweaking and cos me stats had gone haywire..... BUT..... only 4 days after me main op (on Sunday evening) I had to discharge meself cos of a few problems here at home......
So Ive been home a few days, with a total knee replacement and a broken femur which they cant put in traction or plaster cast cos I HAVE to keep the bend in the new knee working.....
So its a tad difficult here, Im suppose to be in bed much of the time and IF when on crutches for the few moments, no weight bearing..... its a little scary though being home, without any backup as such...... but I had no choice..... its hard to try and do the exercises cos I dont know if the pain is muscle, bone or the broken femur that sends me head spinning.... Im not suppose to be even out for at least another 7-10 days.
As regards staying in bed and only getting out for the odd 5 minutes.... yeah, like thats even gonna happen..... tiz only me and my Jacob here and I have to get up to see him off to school for the rest of his exams.... and then there is things that need doing around here....
I might have to go back in and have a couple of screws put in the break, but we will see, they would rather me be in there now for another week at least, but that aint happening not now, I had to come out due to circumstances beyond my control..... see, this is me, we are talking about, life never goes according to plan, I cant have major surgery and recoup like everyone else, cos life wouldnt be my life without major cockups in it.....
I'll explain more later..... but now, Im totally knackered, I got up to let the chickens out, how I hobbled down the garden to do it is even beyond me.... and now Im totally drained........
But, Im chipper and sorta happy in a painful, frustrated, bored, scared, lonely way... its hard to be poorly when ya have no one to really care....or help.... but, the British stiff upper lip and all that bollocks........ it is what it is and there aint nowt I can do about it......
But I will say, in hospital I laffed and laffed dont know if it was the drugs or the fact that I couldnt believe this op (so far) has been so completely different to how poorly I was last year...... I know, I know, early days, its only just over a week since I had it done, and Im home alone and not quite knowing what Im suppose to be doing......... (where are ya Chupa when I need ya lol)
So, Im not to good but then I aint to bad....but what do I know LOL
I do have some very funny stories.... so all was not bad right?.....
But I do so wish I was back in hospital, being looked after and fed and cared for and being able to recoup a little before life hits me smack in the face LOL.... well, that would just dam right being spoilt right lmfao
Know you are loved....