First off, I wanna fank everyone for all the lovely comments in the previous post, I was gobsmackingly overwhelmed by everyones kindness, I truely do not deserve it...but it warmed the cockles of me heart....and when Im up to it, I will reply to each and every one...
I will keep this short with just a quick explanation.....cos Im not up for much and this will knacker me just doing this short post....
As you know I went into hospital on Monday 1 June, but cos this is me LOL I didnt get the op until Wednesday 3 June around T-time.... (long story, will explain if I blob)...
This time I decided no sedation at all, fully awake... and yes I took me camera again so I have many great photos (and the theatre staff was arguing who was going to take the photos and the surgeons even posed in some like broadway stars lol.... as I explained before I already had a couple of large screws in me knee from a previous acl/pcl reconstruction when I snapped me ligiments playing football a few years back, and these screws had to come out before they could do the total knee replacement....... well, me surgeon (who was NOT MY surgeon - long story will explain if I blob lol) talked to me about the possibility that when they dig out the screws the bone to the left of the femur will obviously be very weak, and there is a possibility that it could sheer off when they cut out the knee joint and hammer and chisel in the new knee joint and if that was to be the case then, things would not be good, but he said I needed to know the risks.....
Well during the op I being fully awake and directing camera action and joking and laffing with everyone, I heard MrClark (yes top orthopedic surgeons are called Mr and NOT Dr here when they reach a certain rank) say... 'oh shit'...... so I say whats that suppose to mean, to which he says, you know I explained about the sheering off of that 3rd of the bone in ya femur....... well, he says, it didnt happen..... phew I said, BUT he said.... Ive broken it in stead.......dam, I say, but it could of been worse right?.... yep says he.... well, lets say Ive had a 'lucky break' then...... to which he stops what he is doing and walks around my side of the sheet screen, looks at me and just laffs and laffs........ ya see, even though its a bit dire, it could of been oh so much worse.....
This is my Xray before the op.... you can see the leg on the right (which is actually me left leg) and last years knee replacement...... and the leg on the left (which is actually me right leg) with the screws that needed to come out before they could rip out all the guts and saw the bones and chisel and put in a new knee...... well, see the screws and the big squarish bit of bone to the left of the screws in the thigh bone, thats the bit he thought might sheer off, where in fact it didnt but it broke right across..........
So you see, I know in America you would SUE HIS ARSE..... but I was explained the risks, and to be honest, as shit as this is, as painful as this is, and believe me being home and not being in a hospital bed is bloody painful and scrary, and as hard as physio once again will be...... it didnt sheer off, it only broke LOL so Im wellabit happy...... and this years op went nuffin like last years, no laying poorly in bed for 4 days post-op, I actually watched 'The Apprentice' on the telly right after coming back from theatre and had a cheese and pickle sandwich (ok, so I did throw that up but still :) ) it was as if I had just popped out for a coffee and a chat and not major surgery, of course the very high dozes of morphine for 3 days helped LMFAO....
Anyways, this has so gotta just be a quickie.......
So I had it done just over a week ago and then back to theatre on Saturday night for a bit of tweaking and cos me stats had gone haywire..... BUT..... only 4 days after me main op (on Sunday evening) I had to discharge meself cos of a few problems here at home......
So Ive been home a few days, with a total knee replacement and a broken femur which they cant put in traction or plaster cast cos I HAVE to keep the bend in the new knee working.....
So its a tad difficult here, Im suppose to be in bed much of the time and IF when on crutches for the few moments, no weight bearing..... its a little scary though being home, without any backup as such...... but I had no choice..... its hard to try and do the exercises cos I dont know if the pain is muscle, bone or the broken femur that sends me head spinning.... Im not suppose to be even out for at least another 7-10 days.
As regards staying in bed and only getting out for the odd 5 minutes.... yeah, like thats even gonna happen..... tiz only me and my Jacob here and I have to get up to see him off to school for the rest of his exams.... and then there is things that need doing around here....
I might have to go back in and have a couple of screws put in the break, but we will see, they would rather me be in there now for another week at least, but that aint happening not now, I had to come out due to circumstances beyond my control..... see, this is me, we are talking about, life never goes according to plan, I cant have major surgery and recoup like everyone else, cos life wouldnt be my life without major cockups in it.....
I'll explain more later..... but now, Im totally knackered, I got up to let the chickens out, how I hobbled down the garden to do it is even beyond me.... and now Im totally drained........
But, Im chipper and sorta happy in a painful, frustrated, bored, scared, lonely way... its hard to be poorly when ya have no one to really care....or help.... but, the British stiff upper lip and all that bollocks........ it is what it is and there aint nowt I can do about it......
But I will say, in hospital I laffed and laffed dont know if it was the drugs or the fact that I couldnt believe this op (so far) has been so completely different to how poorly I was last year...... I know, I know, early days, its only just over a week since I had it done, and Im home alone and not quite knowing what Im suppose to be doing......... (where are ya Chupa when I need ya lol)
So, Im not to good but then I aint to bad....but what do I know LOL
I do have some very funny stories.... so all was not bad right?.....
But I do so wish I was back in hospital, being looked after and fed and cared for and being able to recoup a little before life hits me smack in the face LOL.... well, that would just dam right being spoilt right lmfao
Know you are loved....
Crikey, that was a quickie blogpost?! When you write a long one (a "slowie"?) let me know and I'll prepare sandwiches and make a day of it.
Anyway, glad to hear you're in good spirits despite all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (Ooo, a bit of Shakespeare there) that have been hurled your way.
Bon courage and get better soonest!
i concur with Dumdad...if that be a quickie, you must type extremely fast...and whilst wacky on pain meds no never cease to amaze me...
Well it's good to know you were erect!
Thrilled you're home.
A forlorn hope I'm sure, but put yourself first for a wee while now.
Give yourself a chance to heal and eat loads of calcium foods,
Mel - take it easy, put your feet up and get the boys to let the chickens out!! Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery :) Those guys are obviously new to your blog, you were very brief lol
Super huge hugs Mel. You are one strong, hard headed lady. I'm glad things went so much better this time but... I wish you had stayed been able to stay in the hospital a bit longer to be cared for.
I'll wait for a non-quickie post. Give me a warning so I have a pot of coffee ready!
Marmie, dear & recoup please take care of yourself! I'm sending healing thoughts your way luv...get your kids to step up to the plate. Call in the troops to help out..any bloggers live close by that can lend a hand? Damn it, I have to get my passport renewed...I would be there to help if I could! NOW GO PUT YOUR LEG UP...(the non-sexual leg up, that is..LOL
So glad to hear from you. I thought of you yesterday when I was walking the Mudgy and Millie trail with my sister friends. Wishing you could be with us. I'm still praying for you too, for healing inside and out.
Hey! I just got back from the post office where I was sending (forwarding) you some more cards from some fellow bloggers!
I'm so glad to see something from you - me and a lot of others were getting concerned.
Like Deanna, I'll being waiting for a non-quickie blob. I'll have a pot of coffee, three dozen sandwiches, a huge bag of chips (err... crisps!), and half an apple orchard worth of fruit to see me through it. :)
{{{{{{ Toastie }}}}}}}
MEL! I can't believe you are doing ANYTHING, let alone hobbling around to let the chickens out. Can't Jacob do that before he goes off to school? How old is Jacob anyway? You have NO ONE to help you, at all?
My God how I wish I lived close enough to help you. I'm so angry that you don't have anyone.
I hope you heal well and quickly. PLEASE take care of YOU!
Can you send me your address to
So glad you are okay. I've heard about our progress off and on and kept praying things were okay. Thanks for posting, and I loved the part about the surgeon laughing at your "break" comment. You are loved, MT, and just keep remembering this throughout your recuperation. Look forward to hearing more stories, and pictures!!
P.S. Perhaps we could all pitch in and hire a handsome male nurse to come take care of you and your house 24 hours a day...LOL!!!
You don't know the meaning of a 'quickie' and that's why we love you. Anyone who can go through all that with a smile on their face(even if it was the morphine-some people will go to any lengths to get a high LOL) deserves masses of support, I so wish I lived near you-I'd be around like a shot. Take care not to do too much (probably wasting my breath as I'd be just like you) (((hugs)))
Dear Marmie! I am glad you are home - really. I think you will heal faster and better now - instead of laying back in your hospital bed with nurses and orderlies pampering you and making you lazy and spoiled, eating bon bons and flirting with doctors. Pretty soon you wouldn't WANT to get better and you'd have to move your chickens in the room with you and your computer and your cook books. Then the hospital would have to build a wing just for you. And you STILL be laying in bed, plump and pampered. :)
Glad to see a post from you. Been worrying about you! Hang in there, and try not to over-do it. *Hugs*
And, by the way, even ops that are exactly the same can go differently. When I had my first eye out the op went smoothly, but I was so ill after it I was in hospital for close to two weeks. But the second time the op itself didn't go to plan, but I was up and about and eating (and keeping it down) within an hour of the op, and home the following day (OK, so I had to go back in three times, but - other than exhaustion and expected pain - I didn't suffer from having the op). And yet they did the exact same thing.
Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon. *Hugs*
Just gonna leave ya a nice big *HUGZ* and get well wishes. You take care of you, we'll be here when you're finally up to being back.
I feel both happy and bad for you. Sorry about the break, but glad you are home. Hopefully you'll get your strength back soon.
If thats a quickie, I would love to see what your idea of a longie is!
I have been thinking about you, and wondering..
and have had the prayers and the candles going.
Lordy women you have the best sense of humor!
Now stop hobbling to the chickens and tell the damn boy to do it!!!
Sorry you didn't get to remain in the hospital and be spoiled but I'm just so glad you have both legs and you're breathing! Hang in there girlfriend. If anyone can do this alone, it's YOU.
Welcome home, Mel! You're so sweet to let us all know that you're alive & kickin - well, alive & hobbling anyway. Try not to push yourself too hard or it will just be that much longer to recover. Can ya feel all the love from cyberspace? lol Looking forward to hearing more details when you're able.
Mel - I would bet probably a MILLION bucks that you don't let on to your boys exactly what you do to us here - and if they knew they'd be all over you, which is why you don't let on. That is always the motherly way isn't it? But do know that if all of us were there we'd 'pop in' and take over and fix everything. I hope you know that you are thought of and that I wish you a SPEEDY recovery!
I hope you have a speedy recovery, too. Take some down time and try to let things heal a certainly need it. *hugs*
Hey, Bionic Woman! Glad you got it all fixed, but you'd better take it easy. Easier said than done, I know. I'm still recouping from my ATV accident and off work til July 9th! I'm thinkin about ya!
Glad the surgery went better this time. And, I wish you could have stayed in the hospital a bit longer, but, we do what we have to do.
It's so great to hear from you. I'm sorry you have to go through this recovery on your own. Stay strong and take care of yourself. You are so very loved - as evidenced by the many, many comments you get on your blogs and all the well wishers.
Love you, Mel....I'll be back...I promise!
Good grief, you're right nothing is ever straightforward. You must have been at the back of the queue when the luck was handed out.
YOu sound like the bionic woman now with all those metal bits in your legs. I was reading your post with my teeth gritted. What a warped sense of humour some of those medics have!
Take care daft thing to say really but I'm thinking about you.
heeeeey! YOU ARE LOVED! What a gal. Keep truckin', Mel. I am proud of you.
So pleased you are back. Pity you are not getting looked after and able to relax more but life is not always what we want, as you pointed out. At least you know you are improving by the day now.
Keep doing the exercises as it will speed up recovery even though it hurts.
Take care. ((hugs))
Oh, I'm so glad you're back and doing okay, considering! I was starting to wonder what they had done to you. Stupid me got a card for you yesterday and then left it at WalMart on the checkout counter. I'll have to pick it up Monday when I'm back over there and get it mailed off to you.
Try to take it easy- I know, I know, that's a whole lot easier said then done, but TRY.
Glad your feeling somewhat better and home. Take care of yourself..We don't want you going back in anytime soon...
Keep up the good spirits Marmie - you are a true inspiration to us all. Big hugs FPxx
We 'talked' already. You know I'm thinking of you and sending you Reiki. Take care Marmie, don't go playing any football! LOL
I wish you were in the hospital being cared for , too!
*Stops by to give you a big hug*
Hope you're doing OK.
Thinking about you...
Pops in to give you a huge hug!
So glad your spirits are up even though you are down. A world of difference it'll make.
Take it slow. Jacob is a big boy now and he can let the chickens in and out and get himself off to school and nurse you to health. You'd do it for him.
Love you girl and I'm still sending out powerful healing vibes.
Glad you were able to give us all a "quick" message...been awfully worried about you! I don't know what hospitals are like in Jolly Old, but here they're not exactly places to rest and recuperate. You'd be better off at home for sure.
If Janet had opposable thumbs and a slightly bigger brain, I'm sure she'd be helping you out around there.
Glad my Melvin Pig was able to give you a smile!
Oh Toasty!!! You are one incredibly brave lady!!! I hope this knee heals much more quickly than the other, and you're in my thoughts & prayers regularly till it does! Be safe and be WELL!
So pleased to see you back.
Try to rest. Can't Jacob let the chickens into the house to sit with you. I recuperated from my hernia operation on the settee for two weeks with my bantam sat next to me. I know teenage boys don't understand whats to be done but you could try asking them. Love and hugs to you. xxx
Glad it went better, but I wish you could heal up for a bit without worries.. I would have written earier, but I was in the hospital for 5 days myself!
*drops in to add a few more {{HUGZ}} to the ever growing number of them*
You have been in my thoughts often. Keep up the good spirits and I hope the pain isn't too bad. Go out and enjoy the red geraniums, your chickens, and some sunshine.
Just back from visiting my girls. Glad to see that you are up to Twaddling again! You know I am eating yummy food in your honor and thinking really good thoughts for you.
Drop a note if you feel like whining or anything!
Just popping in for a quick hug and sending you more good thoughts. Hope you are healing in every way possible.
Tell me you are feeling better.
Tell me you are resting
tell me the lads are being good boys and helping out.
Tell me that you are okay..
come on now.. Need to know you are okay!!!
How ya feeling Mel? I'm wondering if it's hard for you to get to your PC to post your twaddle - do you have a laptop? I can see where it would be hard to sit at a desk in front of a PC .... just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you here in rainy NJ, where summer seems to be permanently delayed.
I know you're feeling lonely.
I wish I could help.
When you're up to some fluff, visit me again. You've been tapped on the shoulder.
Know that Jolie and I are keeping you as close as we can....
Hey Baby,
Just checking in to see if you are still kicking...ahha bad way to put it, eh? Not kicking with those legs I'll wager. Sometimes at 5 am I think I'm soooooo funny. But really...I do hope you have given up the idea of dancing in a chorous line.
Can you harmonize? We could start up a singing group or something to try to keep you out of trouble.
Did the oldest ever get going on his trip? And he done with school now? I wonder what is going o in England this morning?
My news...the old boy has been called back to work starting Monday so we probably won't need to hit the road and be vagabonds yet. Hopefully it isn't going to be one of those two days here and there or we'll need to travel for work. One can not survive on love alone. Not at this age anyhow. (LOL) A couple of brother-in-laws are on the road. One in Montana and one in Oklahoma. My sister-in-laws are not happy. They have kids in school so they cannot travel with the men.
Ahh somehow people learn to get by.
Anyhow, I think of you everyday...mostly good thoughts. Ah shit you know I always have good thoughts and wishes for you. I'd better stop my attempts at humor and go back to bed before I write anymore stupid jibber.
Love you girl. Chin up and all that rot. Sending kisses for your boo-boo. Jolie
Just popping in to add my well wishes and hugs to the pile, lol!! I'm so glad you have such a great attitude and such sass!!!!!
Enjoy your tea and, say it with me, RELAX!!!!!!
I'm getting worried about not hearing from you. Please let us know you are still breathing.
Funny --- your comment about we in US being able to sue if things don't go right medically. Its the reason our health care costs are high and many have no insurance. The Dr's have to order any test or procedure which may or may not apply to your problem, in the off chance that not ordering it ,and patient having a problem because of that condition, would be brought up in court.
Not to mention .... but I must stop and do a blob myself on this to relate my recent runin with the medical community (pinched nerve in my spine). Not to bore with details.
So, you must take it easy as I am and let the healing progress without excessive activity.
Be well, you have many friends.
Thanks for your comment, it made me smile. I'm saving my favourite hoe till last though!
If you are out of the hospital against doctor's orders, it sounds as if permanent damage could occur. Can't you get someone to come in to deal with your household chores?/family?
Good to see you up. Just so they don't have to put screws in your brain, too. Take care
What's for tea???
I hope you are taking it easy and getting some rest!
HAD THE 46 STITCHES OUT... both the district nurse and Nick me physio said it was the longest knee replacement would they had seen.... Nick had me in tears... but the hug was nice.... I trust this bloke with my life... that is why he took me off the list and put me as one of his patients... we go back a long way, and he knows I had drawn the short straw last major op... and he is now head of the department so now Im in the best hands....
~((Dumdad))~ well ya know me, I can chat for England so that goes the same for me typing lol.... me spirits are fairly good with a few hiccups.. its very hard trying to cope, especially this week as all me lads have been away so no one to help me... many tears of frustration and pain.. but all in all, Im ok.. and this is just the beginning :)...xxxxx
~((((((Soul)))))~ oh hush with the concurring with Dumdad, you blokes just like to stick together....xxxxxxxxx
~(((Wil)))~ dont know about your morning wood needs but Im far from erect LOL....xxxxx
~(((Not Waving)))~ a very difficult scary fortnight and more weeks to come, but hey its summer right.... I just aint use to sitting around doing nuffin.... and the pain drugs stops me concentrating to...xxxxxxx
~((((Softinthehead))))~ Im trying to take it easy, its just so dam boring lol.... dont know about speedy, this is gonna take a lot of healing, still no weight bearing for another 4-5 weeks, which makes life extremly difficult.... physio is horrendous cos one has to hold me femur so it dont move and others have to move me knee so it does lmfao.... its like comedy central at the hospital 3 times a week....xxxxxx
~(((((Deanna)))))))~ dear you, fanks for the lovely pressie, you really shouldnt of... phew you said hard headed and not stubborn Twaddle to come in the next day or so...xxxxxxx
~(((lulda)))~me lads aint been around this week, all away, so its been difficult, at least I can cry and no one hears me :)....xxxxxx
~(((Jen))))~ whilst ya praying ask the bugger why he always tips the shit on my shoulders.... lol I wish I could be there to..... god knows I need some sort of break.... oh I forget I got one in me leg lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Iggy)))))~ you are so very special, the pressies arrived and the cards, I feel very humble, fanks you so very much, Im not deserving... know you are loved...xxxxxx
~((((Bina)))))~ well this week Ive had not a single soul to help me, everyone is away, and a couple of what I thought were maties proved they are just arseholes.... :) but we live and learn, and like always I just get on and deal with stuff meself.... now no morphine its harder then the first week to do much, but much I must do.... me arse aches from sitting on it LOL....xxxxxx
~((SilverValleyGirl))))~ well I will explain about me surgeon, he aint the one I was suppose to have, but he came through for me, even though he did break me leg LOL.... I have felt very alone especially this past week without me lads here, aint seen not a single soul except hospital people and me matie Wendy.... no one waiting on me.... but we live and learn, and certain people will be asking me to do 'this and that' soon and I'll know where to tell them to shove the 'this and that' LOL....xxxxxx
~((((Crispy)))))~ dam what I would give for a quickie right now LOL... oh, not that sorta quickie... :) - well, Im alone and always have been in life, so I will just have to accept it and get on with it....xxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS)))))~ well, it means I have to try and cook, so it was nice in hospital having all me food done for me and just having to sit and eat it... now there is no peace for the wicked...
I must of been such a shit kid to now be constantly punished lol....xxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ))))))~ hey dear dear you... my hospital texting friend :) - hanging is what me right leg is doing most of the time lol...
As Nick said today, a long slow healing process.... I thought, ere we go again lol.... just a different frame of mind this time...xxxxxx
~((((LadyStyx)))))~ fank you also for the beautiful pressie, I will treasure it always... I doubt anyone will still be here on Twaddle lol...xxxxxxx
~((((Charles)))))~ I know on crutches instead of me tits being tucked in me socks cos of the upper body work out with the crutches they will be like big erect towers LOL......xxxxxxx
~((((((Sorrow))))))~ Im suppose to have at least 12 weeks off work cos of the complications but I cant see that happening, Im running out of money and the mortgage needs to be paid LOL.... I might have to eat me chickens :)..xxxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen))))))~ me to, at least I was being fed there lol.... Im fed up of living on toast now Im home....I know, Ive always really been alone, it would of just been nice though to of had someone that cared....xxxxxxx
~((((Eastendmum))))~ well Im alive but not kicking lol..... I asked Nick me Physio today how long before I get back to football (he has known me 7 years since me acl jobbie) and he just blank stared at me and shook his head, but he did make me a cuppa tea whilst I was waiting for me time slot, much to the disgust of the other patients waiting in the waiting room LMFAO.... milk no sugar I said and a mug of steaming tea arrived LOL... the others had water lmfao....xxxxxx
~(((((Me))))~ you would of won the bet LOL.... I wish it was gonna be speedy but alas its gonna be another long hard slog....xxxxxxx
~((((AliceKay))))))~ cant take to much 'down time' I'll go broke lol...being self employed stucks when ya sick.... no work = no money...xxxxxx
~(((PinkAcorn))))~ well I surely will be bionic soon :) - just need to get back to hiking and a life back, I know I sports are now out of the question, but still I need to get back to other stuff.... hope you get better soon... how lovely you can take that much time off work lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Betty)))))~ yes we do.... as painful and heartwrenching as life is, it is my life.... xxxxxxx
~(((((basicliving))))))~ sorry I aint really been around, its difficult to sit at the computer where it is but for a few minutes.... know you are loved to... and fank you for the beautiful get well pressies.... you are so talented...xxxxxxx
~(((((Jackie))))))~ ya loved to ya old bat LOL...xxxxxx
~((((Winifred)))))~ nope thats me life, Im famous for it.. even Nick today said things along the same lines lol......xxxxxx
~(((((((JBelle)))))))~ your loved to ya old baggage LOL.... aint nowt to proud of, you can see the tears from there lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Maggie))))))~ Im totally exhausted, how can that be as I aint doing much.. and now without the morphine I aint sleeping so its a vicious circle.... the exercises are done now at the hospital under supervision cos of the break.. as painful as it was today, we did laff... so much that one of the physios was crying LOL...xxxxxxx
~((((Cindy)))))~ rolling me eyes are you Mrs Forgetfull LOL.. Im glad the parcel arrived, its a second parcel as I took it cos I had not heard that the first one never arrived.. so that is why it seems so late :)....xxxxxxx
~(((Karla))))~ good days and bad days.. I have no right for the bad days when there are others much worst off then me...xxxxxx
~((((Flowerpot)))))~ Im trying, so trying lol... I kept saying to Nick me physio today... 'I aint gonna be a crimple am I nick' in the end he said 'gawds sake shut up and then thumped me arm lol...xxxxx
~(((((((Ake)))))~ yes we have, but I button up me cardigan and tend to not say much to anyone..... I know I know.... fanks for being you...xxxxxx
~((((Pamela))))~ I wish I was still there lol least I could eat and drink proper lmfao....xxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))~ big hugs back attcha...xxxxxx
~(((((Jackie)))))~ Ive thought of everyone daily, and just wish I could get around to everyones blobs...soon aye...xxxxxx
~((((Iggy)))))~ hugs back :)...xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((jolie)))))))))))))~ can you send me your phone number? please.... well he has been an angel.... one more exam and then he can do a little more.... LOVE YOU JOLIE... you know that right?...xxxxxxx
~(((Elizabeth)))))~ well a quickie is better then nowt right lol... please dont worry, Im as tough as old boots... its just Ive gotten a tad soft over the past few years, time for me hard head to be put back on me shoulders....xxxxxxxx
~(((((Kati)))))~ nah aint brave you aint seen me crying like a baby when Im on me own LOL..xxxxx
~((((Rebecca))))~ welcome... was you a blurker? I nearly lost Janet, she was injured whilst I was in hopsital.... but it looks like with my love and hugs she has survived, but blind in one eye.... she sat on my lap for the first week I was home, I think she missed me....xxxxxx
~(((((((((buffalodick))))))))))~ I wish to, but we all know my wishes never come true, so dreams and wishes are no longer for me, Im done and dusted with all that nonsense lol..... sorry to hear you have been poorly :(...xxxxxxx
~(((LadyStyX)))~ hugs back :)- fleecing ya pockets for loose change without you knowing lol...xxxxxx
~((((InlandEmpireGirl)))))~ the pain is shit lmfao.... well, at least Im honest, and its draining the life out of me.... I think I should eat more chocolate LOL.... my bum is tired from sitting doing nuffin much.... I will regrett that last sentence when Im back to normal and dont have time to sit in the sunshine lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Lisa)))))))~ hope you had a loverly time with your girls.... eat chocolate.... jebus I would murder for a bar of white chocolate right now, alas there are hardly any groceries in the house let alone chocolate lol.... moi? whine and moan LOL....xxxxxxxxx
~((((Deanna)))~ hugging ya back...xxxxxx
~(((((Sorrow)))))~ good days and bad days, its not been 3 weeks yet... Nick today said EARLY DAYS MEL you should only just be coming out of hospital not being at home for a fortnight lol....
Im okay, sorta LOL...xxxxxxxx
~((((Eastendmum)))))~ yep its hard to sit at this computer.... hurts with me leg out and hurts with it bend and only have this little old wooden chair at the computer, so that aint even comfy lol... jebus, what I would give to be in New Jersery or somewhere special right now....sigh.....xxxxxxx
~(((((Robin))))))~ its the lonelieness that is harder to deal with then the pain.... know you are loved....xxxxxx
~((((Jolie)))))~ not kicking not dancing, but god this makes for a great diet LMFAO.... yep Ben is in Thailand as I type - probably in a Tai jail lmfao....
So glad things are looking up for you..... when this is over, I need to reapraise me life and maybe sell up this house and start a fresh somewhere else.... big decisions are ticking over in me mind.... I to think of you everyday.....know you to are loved....xxxxxxxx
~((((Queenie Jeannie))))~ RELAX yeah right lmfao..... aint even got any biscuits in the house to dunk in me dam tea :)...xxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen)))))~ please dont worry about me.... still breathing, just.... trying to make light of such bad luck..... at least I made the others in the physio gym smile today.... laughter is the best medicine right, and one chap said... I wanna book me next appointment when SHE is in, cos she sure make me smile today..... dont know if thats a compliment or not lol...xxxxxxx
~(((((((goatman))))))))~ well reading between the lines I could sue over things with me major op last year.... its a thought... but its not something us Brits usually do lol.... fanks for being one of me friends.......xxxxxx
~((((((UKBob)))))~ I refound your blob after months of searching... glad me comment made you smile :)... i will be back when up to blobbing around......xxxxx
~(((((Cedar Street Kid)))))~ oh shut it lol.... Starr would tell ya I aint got no brain :)...xxxxxxxx
~((((Queenie Jeannie)))))~ toast I had toast again for dinner and tea lmfao..... thats all there is in the freezer... bread bread and more bread :)....xxxxxxx
I sure am sorry things aren't better.. Isn't there someone who could bring you a bag of groceries or something? You are not going to heal eating toast and tea... I hope something good happens for you- and soon!
~((((Buffalo)))~ tis ok, I aint got an appetite anyways, and I like toast, with marmite of course.... or lemon curd....xxxxxx
Just popping in to give and grab another hug. Hope you are a bit better day by day.
Hope all my texts made you feel less alone when you were in hospital. *Hugs*
Just don't over-do it, and maybe this time you will actually heal quickly.
And remember, I'm just a text phone call, or e-mail away if you need someone to talk to. *Hugs*
*sneaks in and adds a comma after the word "text" so it says "text, phone call, or e-mail" instead of text phone call, or e-mail."* ;)
Really pleased to hear it went better this time than last and your sense of humour and stiff upper lip are intact!
Hope you mend quickly x
so your better
sort of.
but still,
You need to rest.
and all that stuff.
I am still holding you close in my thoughts..
You hear???!!!
MT: Man o' man am I glad I missed the previous post, I would not ever want to be accused of making a 'lovely comment' on your blog. HA! Nice gams! HA!
~(((Deanna))))~ god knows I could do with them... fanks you.. things are very difficult here... xxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ you was a life saver, all your hospital texts made not only me smile but others on the 24 bed ward, cos everytime you texted me message sound is a crowing cockeral LMFAO and it was on LOUD and one dear little old lady thought a chicken was loose in the ward :)...xxxxx
~((((Casdok))))~ it turned out better in one sense but buggered in another...xxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ god forbid anyone knowing you have a 'soft side' to ya lmfao... what the hell are 'gams'? - Im going stir crazy here now, just a little over 3 weeks after me op and still not mobile still not out and about, no weight bearing, tremendous pain but worst of all, I aint seen a single soul except me matie Wendy since I came home... Im bored shitless... sigh... I need someone to come and take me out for a drive to the seaside even if I have to sit in the car and watch the water...but, oh no.... but, we find out who our maties are at times like this... and fuck em right...xxxxxxxx
PS.... Starr has a heart of gold - there, Ive let the cat out of the bag LOL... me on the other hand, well, Im 'wellabit ard' LOL...
Bugger - I missed Sorrow's comment...
~(((Sorrow))))~ I wouldnt say better LMFAO.... Im trying just to keep me self to meself and me emotions in tact...
I need to do something before my brain gets turns to mush.... well inbetween the high doses of painkillers, cos in those times I aint use to man nor beast LOL.. fanks for still thinking of me... I dont deserve it...xxxxxxx
LOL @ that little old lady thinking a chicken was loose. :)
MT: I figured you were a bit 'ard' but keeping a poor little cat in a bag...never would have thunk that. HA!
~(((ToriZ)))~ I kid you not LOL.... bless the more demented old lady :).. xxxxxx
~((((((((((Starr)))))))))))~ smartarse lol...xxxxxxx
gawds sake - more = poor - I'll blame the medication for shit spellings and words lol
I feel better about you since you are still posting. Thanks for that Marmie. I'm wondering if your maties realize how much you need them right now. I have the feeling they don't.
~(((Frum Helen))))~ well I could do with a decent meal lol..... and some company thats for sure..... its hard for me going for days withut uttering a word out of me big gobbie mouth, I suppose I could always start talking to meself LOL.......xxxxxxxxx
How about an update? 200 words or less would be great... Hope you are getting better..
Rest, relax - and well heck,you won't do either.
Just take care of you. I am drinking a cup of tea for you right now. Do you feel better.
TN Becky
MT: This is the longest standing "Kwickee" post I have ever seen. HA!
here chicie chickie, some one said there was fried chicken to night, glad to hear you are doing better..eddie
I am a friend of Jackie's, in_spired, and well she asked me to send a comment your way. Her computer is on the blink and she wanted you to know that she would give you a holler when she is back online.
Hoping you are well. Miss J speaks very highly of you,
*sends another hug your way*
I wish I could do more.
Hope you're doing better today. *Hugs*
Thanks for visiting my blog...we Melodys must stick together! Wish I could bring you over a plate of cookies, but that would be a really long plane ride. Get well soon and work hard at bending that knee!
I'm just dropping in to send out some good vibes and love and brown sugar. Know I am here thinking of you and hoping for you to have a speedy recovery. Know you are loved and missed.
~(((((buff)))))))~ I dont fink I can count up to 200 :) ...xxxxxxx
~((((BRM))))~ hey you my dear friend... my arse aches for sitting around relaxing lol... xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ oh shut it... you wear my shoes/boots/socks for a week, there is much I keep to meself....also been trying to sort out my Jacobs last week at compulsary school, and was let down with the transport tomorrow for his PROM, so the other parents (even though they have partners and money) leaves it up to me to sort out, I had a good mind just to sort my boy out and sod the others, but its not in me to do that.... but have found other suitable good transport and a suit for the lad....and been trying to help him and his matie make a homemade bivi tent for next week which has been hard sitting on me arse with me feet up lol...xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Eddie)))))~ oh my, is that really you...NO FRIED JANET...xxxxx
~((((Tammie)))))~ any friend of Jackie's is a friend of mine, welcome, and fanks for the message, tell her to shout LOUD... wow, someone speaks highly of me, she must be on drugs LOL....xxxxxx
~((((((AliceKay))))))~ gratefully received, fanks, I need all I can get lol.... friendship is more then enough fank you...xxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ))))~ today was a goodish sort day, but have been busy in a non weightbearing sorta way, helping my Jacob sort out a bivi for his camping trip next week... lists lists lists..xxxxxxxx
~((((((((Melody))))))))~ do you know what, its wellabit funny typing me own name lol and yes, us Melody's need to stick together, there is also another Melody-Ann that comments here :) Toadies niece.. so now that makes 3 of us, and dare anyone to say we are common LOL...xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((jolie)))))))))))))~ sorry I have been such a slagbag matie of late, just piles of everything on me shoulders which me drug induced brain finds it hard to sieve through :) but know you are loved, you know that goes without saying....xxxxxx
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