I was so sick of wrapping books during the week.... they were beautiful childrens books though, that, in the 400 books I wrapped I thought it would be a nice thing to write a little note and slip into the front cover of a handfull of books...... the note read.... 'SANTA IS NOT REAL AND RUDOLPH THE REINDEER IS DEAD' .... think how much the parents of the children receiving those books will one day thank me, if has saved them the agony of telling their children the truth, I consider I did them a favour :)
I also wrapped over 200 Hannah Montana dolls..... 2 of which are now travelling up north to a corporate company sporting a tash and a beard.... think how happy 2 little girls will be with their 'butch Hannah' dolls :)
Anyways, enough of my rubbish..... I have so many stories stored in me head that I need to get down.... but this is just a short one (that will surprise Buff lol)....
During the weeks before Halloween (I will do me halloween story next week) there was lots of spookie sweets and things in the shops to buy for trick or treaters.... well, when I was in Sainsburys I happened across a little box of 'body parts' and even though my lads are grown I still cant get out of the habit of treating them to sweets every so often.....
Well, I gave our Sam and Jacob a box of these body part jellies.....they was right proper good LOL........ Sam (he is 19 lol) thought they was well funny.... and whilst sitting on the computer he made a little face out of them.....and then decided it looked like a 'jewish person' and as he is always doodling whilst on the computer, he also doodled a picture to go with the jelly body parts......
This is our Sam's scribblings lol..... (sorry I cant seem to turn the picture around) bloody blogger....
As you can see the jelly body parts are quite life like HAHAHAHAHA
So, let me explain about 'Jacob Da Jew' part...... you see, our Jacobs initials equate to the word JEW.... JACOB ETHAN WILL--S... so for since as long as I can remember sometimes he is referred to as Jacob Da Jew :).... hence when Sam drew a jewish person he named it Jacob LOL
Sam showed me the picture and we all had a giggle about it, then I forgot all about it..... until a couple of days later when our Sam said 'mum, wheres that envelope that was on the side that I had to post'....... oh, Ive posted it, I say....... OH SHIT says Sam and then bursts out laffing so hard that I nearly had to man bitch slap him to bring him back to earth LMFAO.....oh my god he kept saying over and over again.... I was gonna put it in a different envelope he says....... no need I said, it a had a frankmark on it so it meant you didnt have to buy a stamp......... BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HE SAID........
As you can see, the envelope was going to a fairly important place HAHAHAHAHA
What? I said... What?..... oh mum our Sam says the 'Jacob Da Jew' drawing was on the back of THAT envelope, and you've posted it off....
With that we all burst out laffing, so much so that I think a little bit of wee came out....
A few days later Sam got a phone call from the Job Centre.....hahahaha the woman says, your drawing on the back of your application made our office staff's day.... we have passed it around all the departments, but Im afraid to say we do not have an opening on the job front for a RABBI...... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Sometimes my Sam so creases me up..... I do not know where he gets his sense of humour from..... it certainly aint from his father LMFAO....
Ok, enough Twaddle for today, just breaking myself back in slowly....
Hope you are all well, Im sorry for still being such a slagbag emailer, I promise to catch up soon..
know you are loved......