Ok........ Ive probably bored you all to death by now lol..... but I aint bovvered.... anyways, this is the last post about our holiday in Maine.....
All through the summer on a Saturday nite on the grass outside LL-Beans in Freeport, there are these concerts with well famous people.... and the concerts are put on by LL-Bean and they are FREE..... So Sharkie says did we fancy going along cos his brother had put the chairs out and they included us...... ok, let me explain..... apparently the concerts use to be small affairs where ya could just turn up just before start time, plonk yaself down on the grass and enjoy, but now they have become SO HUGE that ya have to bag yaself a place by putting ya chairs or blankets out on the grass like DAYS before the concerts...... so one of Sharkies lovely brothers has a business in Freeport and he had nipped to LL-Beans on the Wednesday and bagged places on the grass...... its well strange, he just put the chairs out and there they stay without anyone nicking them, until we turn up on the Saturday night...... I had a great idea of turning up on the Friday, loading all the chairs(only the decent ones) into a van and then flogging them on the corner to concert goers LOL...... the idea did not go down to well. Me, well, I always have me business head on LOL.....
Anyways, so Chris bags our places and we go along to watch with his family, and a couple of Sharkies maties, Pierre and Shelia..... oh my, what the most wonderful lovely couple P and S are, I instantly had such great vibes about them both, and those vibes proved to be spot on.....
So, Brandie Carlisle and The Indigo Girls...... ok, I aint never heard of them before so this was to be a new experience....... and jebus, what a great experience.... for the first time in years I was on me feet bopping about like a crazed loon LOL.... and I didnt even have a drink..... we was gonna ring Wendy during the Brandie session but we didnt have her number on us..... we had great seats.... there must of been a few thousand people there and we was quite near the front..... magical.....
I hope that thingie works...... this was actually taken just a few rows forward from where we were..... they played seperately but also did some great combined tracks....
See them green lit up ball things, they was giant balls like crimbo decorations hanging from the trees....
Shame you cant see me bopping around LOL..... Im sure if you listen real careful you can here me shout out LOL.... I will add that Jacob HATED it LMFAO...... not really his sort of music one thinks....
The following Saturday it was to be John Hyatt and someone else, who I cant remember..... Chris again put out the chairs and this time we was even nearer the front...minus Jacob, who allotted to stay back at the house with the others.... the support singer came on, someone again famous that I aint never heard of, and she was amazing, she sang 3 or 4 tracks when all of a sudden the wind blew up from nowhere and the skys light up with lightening and the biggest clap of thunder ever.....
What you have to remember is that I DONT DO THUNDER AND LIGHTENING...... they stopped the concert for a while cos of the danger and Sharkie took one look at me face and realised me fear of standing in an open place in the middle of an electrical storm.... come on he said, lets go shelter in the shops until they restart the concert...... so I grabs his arm and we hobble to the safety of the shops.....but alas the storm was deemed to dangerous to continue, for the performers and for us loons watching...... so with fallen hearts we headed back to the car..... we did stop at a chinky place for supper though but we had to leave cos the bloke just couldnt get our order right lol..... no matter how many times we said 'chicken' (sorry Janet), the bloke kept saying 'ow you like your plawns.... he so almost got a headbut LOL..... and each place we stopped at for supper was closed LOL...... and then we had a bit of a run in with a copper..... it was just not to be our evening lol..... so we admitted defeat and drove home LOL....
My Jacob was fasinated by the hunting and fishing and outdoor section in LL-Beans and the bloke was well good with him, cos he so wanted to buy a knife.... I mean a right proper knife..... it must be a boy thing...... the thought that one in the states is allowed to carry a knife around with them as long as its visible, sort of done me head in a bit..... over here one is not even allowed to now carry a penknife around in their pocket..... well Jacob has got his knife certificate from Scouts and so I allowed him to buy a beautiful knife with a stag horn handle and a shiny slightly curved blade..... and what a bargain :)..... ya see the one he picked out was priced at only $50 or something well daft, but when the bloke went to get it out the store, he said that it had been placed in the wrong place in the display and it was actually $89..... so I just says, in a sort of joking way..... well, ya have to by law sell it at the price marked in the cabinet...... ok, the bloke says, and so Jacob got it for just $50..... that knife over here would of cost at least $160 so he was mega chufted..... like I even know the laws LOL.....
Cripes another day and on the way back from somewhere we visited this place called 'Eartha' which is the biggest rotating scaled model of the world, anywhere in the real world..... wow what a great place, it was also the place where they make all the maps of the states and atlas's and map stuff..... me and Jacob are actually fasinated by maps, so to us this was a great way to while away an hour or so....
Ya can see just how big it is.....me and Jacob wanted to lept over the barrier and cling onto the giant globe but Sharkie didnt think it was such a good idea LOL..... nuffin like a close up view I say.....
Ok...... last bit..... there was so so much more, but time has come to put a close on our holiday in MAINE.... there are pages and pages more that I could of written.... but, I will keep those other bits in me heart for safe keeping.....
Sharkie has the most amazing beautiful wonderful well old antique collection of bikes..... mainly old Penny Farthings.... which I dont think you call them that in doodleland cos you didnt have money called Pennys and Farthings..... ya see, over here the small wheel was the farthing and the large wheel was the penny, hence then name :) - you call them 'ordinary bikes' which is well daft, cos they are far from ordinary....
Sharkie owned his own bike shop by the time he was about 19 and then within a few years bought the whole huge building..... so his passion for bikes has been like a lifetime affair.... and I think he still owns as a silent blokie another shop.....
Anyways..... there was numerous antique bikes dotted around Sharkies huge house and even some in his office in town...... my Jacob also has a passion for bikes and has 4 or 5 different ones of is own...so its no wonder that Sharkie and Jacob hit it off on so many levels.....
Jacob couldnt believe when one afternoon Sharkie asked him if he wanted to have a go at trying to ride one of the antique Penny Farthings...... can ya guess what the answer was lol
Sharkie suggested that first Jacob had a go out in the back garden on the grass, that way if/when he fell off then it would at least be a softer landing lol
Cripes lol
Well Jacob made it look well easy lol..... he did topple right over the handlebars in spectacular falls, but all in all the boy did good.....
So time to test out his new found skill on the roads LOL...... the look of joy on his face will last me a lifetime... a quick change into shorts and they was off :)
Just look at his face.....
Just look at them knobbly knees LOL
Sharkies lad made this well funny chopper bike..... Jacob thought he would conquer it..... LOL nope it was just impossible to ride....
Jacob has such fun with the bikes......... give a boy a bike to mess around on and a good blokie to hang with and he's in heaven....
Ok, one of the things that I so wanted to do whilst back in the States that we didnt get a chance to do 2 years ago when we was in Wisconstance, was to see a well proper doodle sports game, I didnt care if it was football, basketball or baseball.... well, Sharkie is a season ticket holder for the Portland Seadogs, so we got the chance to go not only once but THREE times..... I still dont understand the rules lol and will never 'get' why they dont just slug the dam ball and run for their lives.... I know you nicked the idea of baseball from us, only we call it 'rounders' and its usually what girls play at school LOL.... I loved the atmosphere and the evenings out at the baseball... I LOVED watching the blokes run around the field in nowt but their PJs, I loved the running commentary that Sharkie and his matie Pierre gave throughout the games.... I didnt like the lady behind me eating the HUGE big flattened dounut thing, it must of been about a foot wide LOL.... Jacob loved the seadog biscuit ice-creams...... we loved the games but thought the bits in between were well naff LOL..... ya know, the daft promotional things were a tad cornie LOL.... so fanks Sharkie for fullfilling another one of me dreams....
MMmmmmmm men in PJs lol
Last thing...... 2 years ago when in the states I was bitten by mossies 170 times and had a well alergic reaction to them, so much so, that the hospital in Wisconstance would not let me fly home on the day I was suppose to, so we got 4 extra days on our holiday lol....
These are some of the bites from 2 years ago
Whn we got home I was quite severely poorly with some mossie disease.... this is leading up to this..... within 2 minutes of getting off the plane in Boston, I was bitten by a mossie..... and by the time we had been in Maine a few days I was being bitten to death, and the bites in Maine came about an inch in size and was well skankie.... so Sharkie took me to this chemist place to get stuff, which did help, but I was still getting bitten.... aint seen nowt like it before, and the bites were so much bigger and nastier then in Wisconstance.... only the last night I was in Maine, me, dangling me feet out the bottom of the blankets the mossies thought they would have one last attack.... and they attacked me toes and ankles with a vengence.... so in the morning I just put the stuff from the chemist on and hoped for the best.... well when I did get home some of the bites had sort of eaten away to the bone so a trip to the doctors and a scraping out of the poison was in order LOL.....
YUK lol..... see how the bites had twisted me toes to strange shapes LOL..... good job the down to the bone bite in the picture is slightly out of focus ..... all I can say is that those doodle mossies just must love me delicate british blood :)...
Sharkies house in Maine is set in 18 acres, a huge back garden and woods and a stream, it sort of goes on forever and a few times me and Jacob got lost taking the dog for a walk..... and soon Sharkies lad is going to build his own house on the bottom part of the garden, the excess road is being put in as I type..... well thats if slagbag Dave ever shows up LOL........ I told Sharkie he ought to have Llamas and Alpacas on some of the land and me and Eva could go into business with the wool LOL.... and there definetely needs to be chickens scarpering around the place.... its a beutiful house on a beautiful piece of land..... oh and some pygmy goats should so be there LMFAO.......
We did so much on this holiday with Sharkie...... there were days when we laffed so hard me sides ached, there were special times with me and me boy...there were special times when I just sat back and watched my lad enjoy the company of Sharkie and got stuck in with blokie things..... there are days that were so very emotional.....
There are so many stories left untold...... so many..... dont mention the pizza night LMFAO..... so so many.....
Sharkie, fank you from the depths of my heart for showing me and Jacob your world, fank you for giving us experiences that we could only of dreamed of..fank you and your family for the time of our lives.... the funny days, the hot days, the emotional days..... all the days, the hours and the minutes were so very special...... fank you for allowing us into your home and your life...and fank you most off all for sharing HillTop and Paradise with me/us.... now you need to come and share a part of my/our life......
Know that I love you....... always...... OXO
Enough Twaddle of a well cold windy Wednesday.....x