Ok..........The wildlife that me doodle maties have in their country is so vastly different from ours over here...... for an instance..... when we visited Sharkies 'Paradise' home in the woods and moved some boxes in the upstairs bedrooms, snakes crawled out..... I know they wasnt deadly killer snakes, or so Sharkie said, I didnt touch them to find out, and thought that Jacob and Sharkie was quite brave to take the risk and pick them up by their tails..... only over here except for a snake called an Adder we aint got no killer things.... and an Adder is only not nice if ya old and infirm or young..... remind me to tell you the funny story of the Adder I uncovered when I owned a plant nursery with me X *spit* lol
So..... whilst in Maine it was lovely to see at least some of your wildlife.....
One of the days that Sharkie had to work, we went into town with him and got him to drop us off so that we could wander around the shops (I dont shop to well, unless its looking for gifts or pressies for people) anyways me and Jacob found ourselves once again down on the harbourside..... we had about 6 hours to kill before Sharkie was done and dusted for the day...... so we wandered along the quays and explored......
Ok, I says, lets go out on a boat, look there are many lighthouses along the coast and they do boat trips, come on...... blank stares from me lad..... a boat? lighthouses? oh yeah great.... said in a flippent way lol.....
So, I finds this koisk place that had a picture of a lighthouse on it and I approach the blokie behind the counter..... is that there rickitey tin boat there giving rides around the lighthouses? I ask...... pardon the bloke says LOL..... so I repeat..... that ricketity tin top heavy looking wobbly boat, is it the lighthouse trip boat..... he just laffed at me and then smiled and then said..... yep, I suppose it is LOL..... so clutching our tickets we walk down the wobbly plank and find a seat with all the other tourists.....
Ya see I love history LOVE IT and I do have a thing about lighthouses lol..... I have a picture of one hung in me downstairs loo....
The 2 hour trip also gave all the history of the harbour and the islands and the forts from different wars.......
This is the main lighthouse which we also visited by land on another day with Sharkie.....
If you look carefully you can see seals :) - of course we do have seals in Britain, mainly up in Scotland but sometimes down in Cornwall.... but I was well excited.....
Jacob was less impressed LMFAO.....
Anyways I LOVED the boat trip filled with history.....
On one of the Sundays Sharkie said that he and his partner in his company held an annual Lobster Steak and Chicken Picnic by this lake place for all their employees and families and certain nice clients.... and what would we like to eat so that it could all be put on the order..... well, Maine is famous for lobsters right? and over here lobsters are at least $28 a shout in a restaruant, so I says oh lobster please as does Jacob......
But the more I thought about it in the morning the less I wanted to be responsible for the death by boiling alive of a poor helpless creature, so just before we left for the picnic I asked Sharkie if he had a bucket that I could borrow........ blank stares....... so I go on to say that I dont think I could eat larry........ he asked who the hell was larry.......so I says its the name of the lobster that I was going to be having for the picnic...... more blank stares.......so I go on to explain that if he had a bucket then I was gonna save Larry by taking him off the Chef before he plopped him in the boiling pot and place him gently in the bucket and when the picnic had finished I was gonna ask Sharkie to drive to the seaside and I would let Larry go back to his family and friends in Portland Harbour....... BLANK STARES....... but (HUGE SMILES) Sharkie did go get a bucket from the garage and put it in the boot of the car....... oh joy oh joy, we was now all on the Save Larry Campaign.......

When we arrive at the picnic place, Sharkie jumps out the car bucket in hand and heads off in the direction of the head Chef...... I was left to explain to Sharkies partner and employees and others what was going on........ they must of thought I was a right dinlo, I could hear many snickers LOL.....
Sharkie came back through the pine trees carrying the bucket but with a sad look on his face....... and says...... the dam chef had already just cooked Larry and his maties........ :( Im sorry, he said.....
So when we queued up for our lobster lunch Sharkie said I didnt have to have lobster but could have steak or chicken or whatever, but I thought oh well, dont let Larrys death be in vain..... so when the chef opened the big trays of cooked lobsters I asked him which one was Larry...... blank stares...... oh there he is I say pointing at the smallest lobster..... I'll av that one please, its Larry...... GOD KNOWS what they must of thought of me that day..... I ate Larry like a pro..... he was delicious lol.... but I did cover up his little face with a serviette though, I couldnt bare ripping his legs off and eating his tail with him looking at me with those pleading eyes.....
I think Sharkies partner and employees must of thought I was a right escaped mental patient that day LOL
RIP LARRY..... I tried me best for ya.....but boy you tasted scrummie...
Another day, and Sharkie suggested that we go out on a whale watching boat..... yeah right, like that aint just a salesmans ploy by the captain of an old boat.... but I was up for it..... a 5 hour round trip, maybe there might just be a whale..... so, sharkie drops us off at the quayside and he goes and parks the car, oh no, the kiosk was right next to the rickitey tin boat kiosk lol.... the bloke just stares and me and smiles and then laffs, its ok I say, we have already done you, today we are in search of whales lol
These are mine and Jacobs tickets, I do not have photos of the trip cos I dropped me camera and it stopped working..... :(
So we all three clamber aboard what to me didnt seem like a very big sea worthy boat to be heading 2 hours out into the sea to see whales.... whales are big ya know and I thought if one comes up under this little old boat then we was doomed.....
Sharkie says as we are walking on the gangplank..... do you get sea sick? I reply, I did once on the ferry to France.... do you? ..... nah he replied, Ive been on the sea all me life one way or another..... cool I thought, and silent thoughts of, oh jebus dont let me throw up lol......
2 hours out to sea and we get our first sighting of a whale squirt, or whatever its called lol..... and oh my goodness, me chest was thumping.... I had read just a few weeks previous a book on the old whaling ships..... the captain of the boat was well informed and talked to us about the whales and how to spot when they go down deep cos they leave a whales footprint on the surface of the water, no matter how rough the sea is, when a whale dives down he leaves a dead perfect huge flat circle of water on top of the sea..... within a few more minutes we spotted more whales and within the hour that we was right out in the deep ocean we must of spotted at least 15 or so whales..... me and Jacob clambers up to the front of the boat to the stickie out bit that hangs over the water so we could get as near as possible..... I turn round and say to Jacob, wheres Sharkie?..... oh he says, he is 'bill hughieing at the back of the boat :(..... yep, you got it..... seasick as hell..... I felt so sorry for Sharkie, there was quite a few people sick that day..... me, well, I was a bit queezie but I sort of managed to keep it at bay.......3 hours out and then it was time to head back on the 2 hour trip back to harbour...... it was a long ride back.... but, oh my, what an experience...... WE SAW REAL WHALES..... real bloody whales..... fanks Sharkie for taking us on that magical trip and seeing and doing things we would never of got the chance to do, and sorry ya was sick as a pig, but I did rub ya back for ya and hold ya hand, to try and make ya feel better.....
Ok..... those that know me know that the most wanted to see animal I NEED to see in the wild before I die is the moose, we looked everywhere for mooses whilst driving around and Sharkie did his damest to try and fulfil me dream..... but alas we couldnt find head nor tail of a moose..... so as a last resort Sharkie took us to a nature reserve place where they have all different saved animals and he said there would be a moose there...... and sure enough, there was some mooses and even a baby one..... it was sad to actually see them behind wire in such small spaces..... but even though it was not ideal, I did get to see a moose, BUT that dont mean to say my dream of seeing one out in the wild has disappeared..... its made me even more needy :)
Jacob climbed over the outter fence to get a close up for me lol
Sharkie balanced on the top of the outter fence to try and get this photo with no fence in the foreground.....
We also got to see in this reserve rescue place a racoon and chipmunks and I fell in love with a white porupine called Perry..... I dont know if that was his real name, but its how I like to remember him lol
This is Perry..... he was rather shy lol
How could I come home from the states with no moose items lol...... I did buy a few bits and bobs, like a stone crock with hand painted mooses on :) and some other bits and THIS..........
THIS IS DAVE...... he is a bendy moose LMFAO..... this is Dave having a ride in Sharkies car..... ok ok.... DONT SAY IT lol I loves Dave.....
Ok..... way to much waffling Twaddle for a Monday afternoon.....
Hey Mel!
I am enjoying your stories from your trip. Hope you are doing okay.
I have all sorts of critters in my "back yard" - wild turkey, deer, bobcats, snakes, (Eewww), and so on and so on. The deer prove to be dangerous - because they will dart out right in front of a car.
You take care of yourself.
Keep writing - everything I read from you is a blast!
TN Becky
Hey Toasty!!! I posted those moose pics over at my place for ya. Come see!
(((mel slapper tart and anyone's for a bit o' lobster tail and a good stuffed moose)))sounds like your trip was very enjoyable. and just lmao at sharkie getting seasick, but i shouldn't laugh too much cuz i'm sure i'd be the same. i only got to see a whale once...while in cabo san lucas, mexico. speaking of seals...reminds me of something i might have to gather for your pif pkg. and hey, i didn't even start on em yet, but i will...REALLY! lol
I believe the Captain of the boat was saying, as I leaned over the stern, "We aim to please. You aim too, please." I believe a good time was had by all,
say. You didn't get over to Cook's Island did you? My favorite place in the universe for lobster. sigh.
~((((brm))))~ :) one more holiday post and I think I will be done lol
I hit a fox once when driving at night in Cornwall, the dam thing stopped in the road in front of me :( - Ive also hit a white cat that got stuck up under the wheel arch of me car :( - and a deer did run out of the woods when I was driving the BIG plant nursery van and it caught the front wing of the van :( - oh and I did tread on a slug the other night in the garden when I crept down to put Janet away in the dark, that will learn me for not putting me shoes on lol....xxxxxxxxx
~(((kati)))~ fanks fanks fanks :).... envious or what.... xxxxx
~(((ciara anyones for a look at a lobsters balls)))~ seasick aint nice, I remember the trip on the ferry to france, not good.... and how come, when anyone is sick it always has carrots in it? I dont get it, even when no carrots have been eaten lol.... wow at your whale trip and you are well a right proper traveller....xxxxx
~(((((((((Sharkie))))))))))~ I was proud of your aim LOL..... they should make 'puke aiming' an olympic sport LOL.... hugs xxxxx
~((((JBelle))))~ nope.... :) - I did love the taste sort of, of lobster.... but there wasnt much flesh on it, and that surprised me.... we did disect its body though to investigate :) all done with the serviette over Larrys eyes.... Im glad I tried it though and would have it again if back in Maine BUT I wouldnt pay the prices they charge over here for it.... xxxxxx
I LOVE the hand...
MT, I saw a really big Bull Moose Sunday morning, just as dawn was creeping over the mountain top. Ha. It was quite a sight. I don't have a moose tag, so I just said "good morning" and I kept on moving. It's getting near the time of year when the bulls are not very friendly, and often just seeing one means that you are too close.
I love history, love it. I do old cabins, American Style.
I once got a deer stuck under my Jeep. It took four men to pull it out but I drove around with the smelly rumor for weeks.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
OH Marmie...I am enjoying your vacation!!!!! And the pictures..I also love lighthouses. You have an award over at my place!
~(((JBelle)))~ :) ya do :) thats my hand reaching out to everyone - Im thinking of posting a different body part each week LOL..... xxxx
~((((Starr))))~ what? WHAT? and ya didnt take a photo for me.... grrrrrr.... Im glad you dont have a moose taggie thing.... save the mooses LOL......xxxx
~(((sparky)))~ welcome :) - if you scroll back there are a few history posts of mine, especially springs to mind is me one about the 'poo buckets' in me front garden LOL...... scroll back and enjoy.....x
~((((((catch))))~ cripes, fanks lol..... I know I waffle on a bit about me holiday, but in a way its a diary of sorts for my Jacob.... Im gonna print it off for him.... I'll be over later to see what ya got for me :).....xxxxxx
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