I rarely got pressies as a child, me brothers would get wonderful pressies in bright coloured wrappings...train sets and scalectric racing sets.... and piles of lego and action figures....... and I would watch them open them and enjoy their smiles.... I would usually get a jumper or a cardigan lol often a hand me down from me cousin Sally, which would take almost a year for me to grow into LOL, but that to was ok..... its just how it was.... ya just got use to it, and ya learnt never to expect special things in life......and that is something that still hangs with me now at my ripe old age..... never expect, then ya wont be disappointed.....
Anyways........ all me maties around their birthdays and crimbo would say what they would be buying 'themselves' as a gift...... this has been something that for years I just couldnt get me head around LOL..... they would buy themselves a birthday or crimbo pressie...... how funny, and it was not cos they didnt get piles of gifts etc, cos they all have large and extended families, so they and their kids are spoilt for choice ....... like me, me lads only get gifts from each other, no extended family here to shower gifts upon them...... and that to is ok.....its just how it is, and that is why I try and make their birthdays special.... and always make a cake and hang balloons and streamers around the house....
I do sometimes, just sometimes smile and wonder what it would be like to be spoilt, I would love to experience that just once in life before I meet me maker....just to see what it was like lol ya know, just out of curiousity ....
So just before me birthday last September, I got to thinking what it would be like to buy meself a pressie for me birthday LMFAO...... how silly of me.... should I buy diamonds? silver? something in gold?......
Jebus I must be such a boring old tart.... cos this is what I DID buy meself...... AND it arrived on me actual birthday..... ITS A SIGN lol maybe a sign that all Im worth is a pile of decaying veggie matter LOL
Its a compost bin :) - I was so happy when it arrived LMFAO..... what a bleedin saddo I really am.... I told me mates, they laffed at me, and said, that aint no proper pressie... sometimes I dont know why these friends are me maties LOL we are like chalk and cheese, they dont recycle they dont cook from scratch they dont do pets and certainly they dont do chickens, they are so opposite from me.... but I love them so very much lol.....
For over a week I could not place the compost bin where I had cleared a space for it, cos first it had to be used as a fort, and a castle and a den and a lookout tower..... I had to insist by the end of the week that I WANT ME BIN BACK lol.....
How many kids can one get in a compost bin :) - looks like 4, thats with Jon squashed at the bottom looking out the liftie up door LOL.... they had such fun with something so very simple :)...... but now its taken its rightful place and I feed it everyday with all the veggie peelings.... and garden cuttings etc....and the herbie straw from Janet and Mabels bedroom :)... I LOVES me compost bin, to me its better then diamonds, silver or gold, the saddo that I am LOL......
Ok, you are thinking thats ya birthday done and dusted ya saddo, what about ya crimbo pressie to yaself...... shaking me head, I knows your gonna think, what a double saddo that tart really is LMFAO.....
Here goes, these are the little items I bought meself for crimbo, AND I even thought about wrapping them LMFAO..... which I didnt :)...
I have this thing about heart shaped things.... and Ive always wanted a heart shaped flan thingie, so now I have one :).. BUT no normal one, only one with a 20 year guarantee LMFAO...
A new cake tin :)... spring loaded ya know lmfao..
And not one BUT two quiche tins LOL.... I really let the boat out right? :)
Oh, how I just fell in love with this little orange ommelete/pancake pan :) its got little pictures of carrots around the side LOL..... ok, shut up.... I know Im a saddo without you having to say it.....
And last but not least was me most bestest pressie I found for meself...... remember me crimbo HUGE turkey plate with the holly and ivy design by Portmeirion.... well just ave a butchers at this little beauty :)
I LOVE bowls with a passion, I loved especially 'larry the lobster' bowl that I bought in Maine during the summer, but alas it got broken :( - this little crimbo bowl is still on me kitchen table with NUTS in lol.....
And all these bits and bobs I bought in the pre-crimbo sale, so they all together cost less then 25 quid which is about $50......
Again me maties thought I was mad to buy such simple inexpensive things as a gift to myself, no diamonds or silver or gold for me...... but then they dont cook or bake and will never know what pleasure I will glime from these items, long after the shine of their treasures have wained......
And even more of a saddo that I am, me maties were all rushing around crimbo eve in the shops getting all hot and bothered, looking for that last minute bargain, and where was I? well, only up the dump with the rubbish and stuff from the garden, I wondered why it was empty that day.... I just aint bleedin normal, this I know lol
Ok, say it, Melody you are such a saddo, no wonder you are on ya own in life.... lol..... your a lost cause..... well, Im just me lol.... :)
Way to much twaddling rubbish for a bright and sunny Wednesday afternoon.....
Sunny afternoon???? now I know I'm up north. Well we are to saddos together cos I love kitchen thingies. Must tell you this, I keep nagging Math for a hen/chicken of my own, he said I have to wait until we move. He rang me on Friday to tell me he had got me one all of my own, and would bring it back from work with him, said he had stuck a real bargain the guy had let him have it for £4.oo. I was so excited and asked him where we would keep it etc, "don't worry" said he "I've got it all sorted. Do you know what the B- - - - d had brought me? A copper shaped hen to keep eggs in, its nice Marmie but isn't he a swine to get me going like that? When my camera is repaired (the dog chewed the lens), I'll do a post and pic about it.
You certainly do know how to push the boat out!!!
ROFL I LOVE the fact that you wanted a compost bin more than you wanted a new diamond ring. And that you bought yourself some baking dishes that YOU liked, instead of waiting around for some jewelry from somebody else. We've all got our preferences, and while it may not please me if the hubby bought me a new washer & drier, I'll be happy this spring if he buys me that clothes-line-tree I've been wanting. *grin*
I'm glad to hear you pleased yourself with this, Toasty. After all, really, WHAT GOOD ARE DIAMONDS?!?! They're not even very pretty. But, a pretty set of new dishware, or some cake pans to bake yummy goodies in.... Now, THOSE are worthwhile!
(((((mel and anyone's for a little flippin of ya pancakes))))if they make ya happy, that's all that counts. sod your friends! lol maybe i need to send you another package sometime...hmmm what should i send you next?
You're not a saddo...you're a person with her head on straight...well, at least mostly straight. HA!
definately not a sado, strange, wierd maybe but not a sado LOL
wouldn't ahve ya any other way, so go bake them cakes and fill that compost bin, and hopefully not with kids!!
Compost bin? What? Are you from Tennessee?
Sending happy thoughts your way my dear friend.
TN Becky
A compost bin is a great idea. Mine would be full in about three days unless it went into hyper mode.
It looks just as useful as a play set.
Your compost bin does make a pretty cool castle tower! Now you need another one...
I love to read your site, you always put a smile on my face, thank you...eddie
ohhhh, what a bowl. What a bowl! Good one, Mel!
The nice thing about your compost bin is it produces gold on its own...black gold to use in your garden. Unfortunately my little black compost bin is buried under a couple of feet of snow at the moment and I can't add anything to it. But come spring, I'm sure I'll find some black gold in there. And that is a wonderful present, one that keeps on giving!!
Okay, what is a 'compost bin' and what does SVG think it has to do with 'black gold'? Please explain what your contraption is and perhaps you can enlighten me on 'black gold' too. I have heard of a certain type of tequila called 'Gold' but well, that is another story and it has been a long day.
Well, I don't care what anyone says, the best pressie is the one that you will get the most use and enjoyment out of. So what if your pressies to yourself aren't diamond, gold, or whatever, as long as you enjoy them that's all that matters. Right?
My gift-giving always includes asking somebody what they'd really like! Only when I know I can't miss, will I suprise somebody! I've got a heart shaped pan like that around here somewhere...
i see no point in stuff that is non-functional, taking up space and demanding to be 'cleaned' on a regular basis... i have better things to do :P lol
kids got it right....
Excellent COM(comedic)POST.
You are doing aerobic exercises?(Compost is the aerobically decomposed remnants of organic matter) This a painful reminder that our lives are so temporary but a powerful observation that 'aerobics' is BAD for us,
but good for garbage.
On the other hand
"Diamonds are fur-EVAH,
Have you seen the film Blood Diamnond? It should be spelled DIEmonds...By eschewing DIEmonds you're saving lives and helping the environment.
I have a heart shaped cake tin that's over 33years old! I know it's that old because I bought it to make my wedding cake in.
If you lived closer I'd make you a heart shaped cake - you'd have to have plain icing though 'cos I'm useless at piping! xx
If all those things brought a smile to your face Marmie then there's nothing sad about buying them.
This year for Christmas I asked my husband for new potholders, spatulas and a wisk. And was very excited to get them!
I love the orange pan and the beautiful Christmas bowl.
I have just found your blog (after you left a comment on mine!) You really crack me up, girl! A compost bin is exactly the kind of thing I would get myself for a gift!
It took my a bit, but I finally figured out that crimbo is Christmas... right? I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I get there eventually!
Just to prove that I'm as big a saddo as you, one year for Christmas, i asked for (and received from hubby, Stud Muffin) a 30 cubic foot construction dumpster to weed out all the junk before we moved to the farm! Well, the gift was just a rental, and we only had it for 3 days, but, by God, we filled it up!
Hi, Madame Toasty...
That's funny, the little ones playing in a compost bin. That's similar to a little kid getting something encased in a big box, setting the gift aside and playing with the box. Never underestimate the resourcefulness of little kids.
I only get "pressies" for me, and the way I do that is to buy something on Ebay...I get so excited waiting for it in the mail; I'm just filled with anticipation wondering how long it'll take to arrive.
I would never buy baking tins for myself, though. The reason? I can't boil water due to my total kitchen ineptitude.
I enjoy yer blogue. Jes' thot I'd tell ya that.
Great choice of pressies to yourself! Not a bad one in the lot. I spied a crock or something on your counter with a moose on it ... My house has a whole 'moose theme' going on in it ... so I did notice your moose object ;) Now the compost bin is to die for ;) I have to just make a large pile and turn it over every so often.
Next time you visit the states ... try visiting the western side ... especially in the 'dingleberry' neighborhood ;)
Marmie, I used to have an indoor compost bin which I filled with lots of little earthworms (really quite cute when they're all wigglin about) and covered the top with newspaper to keep the light out, as per the directions.
Worked great till the gnats found it and waged a war on my poor wormies. I finally had to tup the whole thing out by the creek cos they couldnt get along. I live in an apartment, so I can't have a proper composter.
I would rather have a compost bin any day than diamonds, gold or silver. Us practical gals have to stick together!
The kids playing on your bin cracked me up. I bet the don't want to get in it now!!
Whatever makes you happy, Toasty and warm inside.
Have the little ones been wailing for a fort of their own since you took the compost bin from them?
These are beautiful things, for you. That's all that matters. :-)
Your fans are waiting,Melody.
Mel, I saw a moose on the way to school this morning. He was standing on the rail road tracks in all the snow. It made me think of you. Have a great day!
CRIPES..... where did you lot come from?
~(((queenie)))~ I LOVE kitchen stuff.... but would of been a little miffed if me X had bought me a frying pan lol actually he never bought me nowt so maybe a frying pan would of been good.... I LOVE antique old kitchen stuff bestest of all.... AND YES that bloody maths of yours is a bleedin swine, want me to come up north and sort the bugger out?.......xxxxx
~(((casdok)))~ I pushed the boat out so far I got me bloody feet wet :)....xxxxx
~(((kati))))~ I finks Im to simple for me own good sometimes lol.... and what good would diamonds of been, I would of lost em cleaning out Janet and Mabels coop :) and I loves me compost bin, its my friend.... see, what a saddo LMFAO....xxxxx
~(((ciara anyones for a lift of her spring loaded))))~ yeah sod me friends lol...... and NO to a parcel lol.... you made me cry last time....xxxxx
~(((toadman))))~ well, headstraight people can be boring :( so now Im a saddo boring person lol....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((katy))))~ I be a woman of simple means or is that a simple woman LOL.... all I need is a bonnet and a bloody apron lmfao......xxxxx
~((((brm)))))~ ya surely have compost bins over there? (((Becky))) loads of love back atcha..xxxxx
~((((hammer))))~ well Im trying to get real good compost in a few years time, and it would be full BUT I put much of me garden stuff in the green sacks out with the recycle bin and the greensack man comes and takes it once a fortnight to make council compost....(you have no idea what the hell Im talking about do ya LMFAO)....xxxxx
~(((katrina))))~ oh we had soooooo much fun with it before we started using it proper....xxxxx
~((((((dear eddie))))~ hello you, I hope your well.... ya always say I make ya smile lol....xxxxx
~((((SilverValleyGirl))))~ yep pure black gold.... digging a little path to your compost bin so you can empty ya peelings in it LOL.....
We are hoping that next year when its well and truely up and going proper, that we might get slow-worms nesting in it.... a slow worm is a big legless lizard :)..xxxxx
~((((Starr))))~ ya dont know what a compost bin is? LMFAO.... and I thought I was the dinlo :)..... there be gold of a different colour in me bin, or there will be :)....xxxxxx
~((((toriZ))))~ well I know its daft to buy oneself a pressie, but it was bits that I will get so much from..... now I just need someone to bake a heart shaped cake for LOL.....xxxxx
~((((buffalo))))~ I have cupboards upon cupboards of kitchen stuff.... many many terricota dishes for the oven and table that Ive bought back from spain over the years, some I would never in a million years part with..... I find the most beautiful pressies for maties and me lads, I NEVER have to ask..... I LOVE finding special things for maties.... ok ok I know I bought me matie 2 chickens for her birthday last year, but I knew she would love em LOL.....nicking ya heart shaped pan.... xxxxx
~((((laughingwolf)))~ yeah, bloody dust gatherers LOL..... nope, not posting a picture of me dresser LMFAO.......xxxxx
~((((homo)))~ smartarse LOL....xxxxx
~((((ake))))~ I dont think Im as old as your caketin LMFAO - dont think anyone besides my Tom once, but thats another story.... has ever made me a cake before LOL.... and yeah, they made me smile.... it was love over the spatula LOL....xxxxx
~((((jen)))))~ I LOVED larry the lobster bowl most of all that I bought in Maine in the summer, I might have to fly back just to pick another one up :( I miss larry....xxxxx
~((((lisa))))~ I found you via, I cant remember where LOL.... welcome...... and you lot need to learn how to talk proper LOL - we call them there dumpsters....'skips' LOL and I will need one come the spring when I sort out me shed ......xxxxx
~(((idaho))))~ hey you...I LOVE ebay and I can sell sand to the arabs on there... :) and I do buy bits and bobs on there, mainly stuff for the minded nippers though....I have an easy recipe for stone soup I could let ya have lol.....cripes..... are you a blurker here? :)...xxxxx
~(((mrs mac)))~ yeah I bought the moosey pot thing in Maine in the summer, I keep me slotted spoons and knives and all those bits and bobs in it :).... did you not know of my PASSION for mooses :).... I ate a moose poo once lol there is a post somewhere on me blob about it lmfao....and oh how I would love to come over to dinglebarry territory oneday...maybe soon...xxxxx
~((((cast in the name of jebus's dad))))~ welcome whomever ya are :) - a compost bin indoors? what did ya need a compost bin indoors for if ya didnt have a garden? lol jebus, I bet is stunk LOL - I would love a wormery though cos Janet and Mabel would love fresh worms daily instead of me having to turn the soil in the garden to find them....find the worms that is NOT find me chickens lol.....xxxxx
~(((rotten))))~ yeah we have to watch each others back cos no one else will lol...... well actually, Im well mean, I use the compost bin now AS A THREAT lol..... well the threat of shoving the nippers in there or pegging them on the washing line by their ears, Im good, I give them a choice LOL....xxxxx
~((((within without))))~ nah them there nippers are well and truely spoilt... but I spoil them with making them use their imaginations the most :)....
and yes, these little simple beautiful things made me smile, saddo that I am lol I DONT get many gifts and I rarely buy things for me unless its useable LOL.... aint I a bleedin saddo :(....xxxxx
~(((JBelle))))~ we dont have ceiling fans in this tiny house lol :)....xxxxxxxxxxx
~((((jen jen jen jen)))))~ jebus Im SO JEALOUS..... sigh...... thank you for thinking of me :).... I did get to see a bear whilst in maine though :).... but I do loves mooses best of all..... that is me next quest, to see one in the wild......xxxxx
Oooh! Does this mean if I continue to rent skips, that I am a "skipper"?? LOL Always want to be a skipper or a matey or some such nautical thing!
No, MT, you are not the 'dinlo', you are the LOON. Of course I know what comawhatever is. I just wanted to read your description of it.
I'd rather have practical, useful things any day than diamonds.
I remember once (and only once) that my husband bought me roses for Valentine's Day. The boss pressured all the guys on the job to buy roses for their wives... I put them on the table to enjoy them, even though both of us would rather have just gone out to dinner. Turns out the only one who went out to dinner was Ricky, my cat- he ate the roses.
Melsie, That truck is Bronx Boy's classic restored Chevrolet. Somehow, it didn't get put back into storage when he left at Christmas. In this house, we don't drive the nice cars during the snow and ice. We climb into a nasty truck that barrels through no matter what. Even the truck got stuck in this latest snow.
Thanks for popping over to my blog. Mmm, yes I love Marmite with a vengeance. Just thinking of the word makes me salivate! Silly really.
Did you mention cockles? I ADORE cockles sprinkled with pepper and Sarson's vinegar. Here's a funny thing: my son hates Marmite but loves Sarson's on his chips!
There's nothing better than walking along the Kent coast with a cup of fresh cockles in hand. Apart from Marmite, obviously...
I have a compost bin (2 really)
and a little compost crock in the kitchen to put things into while they wait transport to the big one.
I know you will love it.
You crack me up --
except the part about not getting presents as a child. That made my eyes get a bit damp. I haven't been reading your blog long enough to know the scope of that. I'm sorry. I would have bought you lovely things and put fancy wrap and ribbons on it had I known. (:
Just passing through, smiling and saying hello to you, Marmettini.
Oh, and waving to Jbelle while I'm at it.
~(((lisa)))~ now ya just being daft LMFAO.... yours are called dumpsters cos is rhymes with mobsters and it means you can dump dead bodies in them ;)....xxxx
~(((((((Starr))))))))~ ya know if you call me a loon long enough, it still aint gonna make me one LOL.... once a dinlo always a dinny dinlo...xxxxxxx
~(((cindy)))~ lmao@ricky the red rose eating cat LOL.... well I wouldnt mine a yellow renault megane soft-top car instead of me omelette pan LMFAO....one day....xxxxx
~(((((((JBelle)))))))))))~ I wondered if it was the General or the Major or whatever its called, I remember ready 'Boys' post on his car and the history of it :) - WHAT? you have more then one car?....... ok now I do feel like the poor relative LOL....xxxxxxxx
~((((dumdad))))~ hey, welcome... yep well marmite is part and parcel of me life, love me or hate me lol..... dam, its cos of the marmite that Im on me own, NOW I KNOW lol........ and yep, cockles.... Jebus, walking along Southsea Seafront with a pot of fresh cockles smothered in vinegar HEAVEN.....
Do you know (of course you wouldnt) that as a kid we would go cockling with me father off the mudflats at langstone..... we had little planks on our feet with nails in to try and stop us sinking in the mud..... we would rake and rake all day and would come home with sacks of cockles and I truely mean sacks.... me parents would then cook them in the garden on a calor gas camping thingie, putting a little flour on the top of the water so the cockles would squirt the mud out of their bums LOL so making for a better cockle, and then we would pickle them and stock the cupboards and give to friends and sell to non friends...... god the stories I have about those mud-flat days.. and the sea rescue I once caused LOL.....
Sorry waffling again, I tend to do that lol......xxxxx
~((((pamela))))~ cripes, I have one of them little bins on the kitchen drainer so that ya dont have to keep going down the garden everytime ya peel a spud LOL
The pressie as a child bit, no worries, it was what it was, and hey, it made me a great pressie giver now :) so alls not bad.....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((Wendy))))))))))))~ missing you.... love you.....xxxxxxx
Love the compost bin! We've got one, which is great... but we probably won't be able to take it when we move house :( Fortunately we're moving about the same time as my birthday, so maybe I'll make it my birthday pressie too! :)
I'm not really a big pressie person. I'm beginning to tell people not to get me anything for any occasion. Birthdays just mean I'm getting older, and Christmas means nothing to me. Easter only makes me fat and pimply!!!
Well, if you want someone to bake a heart-shaped cake for, you are more than welcome to bake one for me. I promise I'll enjoy it :)
Marmite: I enjoy your blog alot, I find myself dropping in more and more lately. Good stuff and please keep it up. You have definitely found an audience with the HBO crowd, me being one of them. The language is priceless of course, I remember going to England many times and always wondering what the heck you guys were saying, even though it was the Queen's english. Tell me your birthday, as mine is also in September and it would be cool to send you something. The Stickman
~(((stace)))~ welcome :) - ya HAVE to take the bin with ya lol....
I dont do birthdays usually for me, or crimbo, but I LOVE making everyone elses day be it birthday or crimbo as special as I can..... :)....xxxxx
~(((toriZ)))~ MMmm wondering how it would fare in the post LOL....xxxxx
~((((((((((((Stickman))))))))))~ oh my, your words are way to kind... I love the HBO mob ;) - and as far as me queens english, well I just type mostly how I sound lol.... except I do tend to use H in me typing where as thats usually dropped in my neck of the woods and TH is replaced with F here also LMFAO..... I think it was Idaho Escapeee that said I type with an accent LOL.... bloody dinlos, the lot of ya ;).... now grab a broom and get this place tidied up a bit will ya lol....xxxxxxxxx
Well, it wouldn't be in the post for long, since I'm only a few hours away from you (I'm in Wales, UK). So, it might be OK. I'd still eat it. LOL!
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