Ok........19 September and its my birthday.....
What a shit fucking year its been....... I wouldnt wish my life as it is at the moment on my worse enermy..... but even with all that, along the way Ive met some amazing people...and the most amazing blob friends..... thank you for being so dam amazing.... yes, I mean you....
Ive leant so much from so many angles.... about people, people I trusted and people I have never met...... both have surprised me beyond measure..
Lets see what this coming year has install for me, whatever it is, except for death, it cant be any bloody worse......

On saying all that, Ive had the most loverly of days with my lads, a day filled with love and laughter and good food and cake and wine and more laughter and pressies, from near and far........
Gumbies, know I love you with all my heart......
Iggy, you continue to amaze me with your kindness and gentle words.....with your little band of merry blobbers....
know you are all loved...
today is the first day of the rest of your life............
so dont fuck it up...
happy birthday
YEAH!!!!!!!! So glad you had a loverly day! Sounds so wonderful, maybe it will be the beginning of something great for the year to come... one can hope!
Love you, too, Marmie,
Angela (Toadie and tadpoles)
MT--so glad you have had a wonderful day. Many blessing to you for a much better year. You, too, are such a special person, and you bring such joy to many of us. Thanks for being you!!
Here's to a better year for you all the way around. Happy Birthday! *hugs*
It sounds like you did have a happy birthday. I figure it's over now since it's 6:20P over the pond. You have no idea how I wish your life was going great right now. You only deserve the best!
hi; came over from Iggy's to wish you a happy birthday! I hope next year is a better one for you; seems like you did have a great day with cake and wine :)
I'm glad you had a lovely birthday. Granny is right..it's the first day. x
Hope you had a great day, and that you got the card and text message I sent. :)
Sorry it wasn't more...
Saw the title over at Lady's so just dropped by to wish you a happy belated birthday, from someone who's also had such a fuck up of a year that I started new year three weeks ago!!
Oh bloody hell Mel I missed your birthday!
Belated birthday greetings to you honey. I'm praying that from now on everything will go your way - Christ knows you deserve some good luck.
Much love to you xxxx
Bon anniversaire for yesterday!
Happy birthday! Here's hoping your next year is good enough to help you forget about the last one.
Happy birthday. It certainly has been a damn long year for you. I hope the next one is 5000 times better.
YAY! I belong to a merry band! Ok..now, lessee, what should we call ourselves?
Glad to see you had a great day. Hope ya saved some of that wine...
So how does it feel to be 19 again. If it works, let me know and on my next b-day I will try it rather than turn 57. LOL
Congrats from one of your Texas Friends!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Marmie.............. Happy Birthday to you!
from one of the Iggyhood's. :)
Ohhhh Happy Birthday!! Mine's on Wed. I hope you ate cake.
Belated birthday wishes! I was at a wedding, and didn't even get to "Talk Like A Pirate" Day.... Glad you had a good day with your boys!
Dear Marmie-
Happy Belated birthday. This year has been a crappy one for you. Nothing I can say will make it better, only that This Too Shall Pass. 2010 will be a better year for you, me and JeanieS. Hugs.
Belated Happy Birthday! Glad you had such a good day out with the lads.
No matter what happens......... they will always be there for you.
After a run of bad luck you will find things HAVE to get better. You know that you can face anything now. You are strong!
You proved it!
I hope this new year is a much marked improvement - and that you find a whole lot of peace of mind - and have a few new good adventures...
Hope you had a great day.
I have kept meaning to come over and read your blog but just haven't although I know you have been avidly reading mine.
In so many ways our lives are so very different yet the same.
Any time you want to go out somewhere be it the pub at Hayling just write to me and I will go with you.
My mum has just been told last week that she has another operation on her knee to look forward to in the New Year. How you describe walking/not walking being vulnerable is just how she is. Perhaps one day I shall have to get the two of you together for an outing.
Happy Birthday Lovely lady O!
Happy belated birthday.
Hoping the next year brings ALL GOOD NEWS and lots of miraculous healing.
(If I was magic I'd wrap up a couple of new knees for you.)
Yeah, I know about shit fucking years too. Happy Birthday.
Now I'm really cross with myself for not looking at any blogs this weekend.
Happy Birthday wishes albeit a bit belated. Glad you had a good day. Look forward not back and next year is going to be a good one for you, I feel it in my bones. Mind they aren't always reliable LOL you deserve the best and we'll all be rooting for you (hugs)
Happy Birthday, Mel. And many more.
I certainly hope you're still celbrating... you have a year to do so, yannow.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Sorry I missed it! I have it on my calendar for next year though. Glad you had such a nice day with your boys! I hope this coming year is so much better for you than this past one has been- you deserve everything that is good and wonderful in your life.
Yer gonna hate me for this, Marmie...
A "yodeling" knock-knock joke:
Marmee, you'll always be 29 to me. Or, even sweet-16 if you want. Except, it takes years and years to acquire such a big heart as the one you've got. Take care...
--Dave, that weird guy from Oregoon...
Happy belated birthday, Marmy. I LOVE the birthday balloon! And I'm happy you had such a nice day with your boys. I agree with Fire Byrd - start the new year now and pray it's better than the last!!!
I haven't been blogging much of late, but I did happen upon yours this morning and I just wanted to say Happy Birthday. Mine was a few days before yours and hopefully the coming year is a good one for you. The Stickman
Happy Birthday dear friend!
Ahhhhhh - it's belated greetings, I'm afraid - but if anyone deserved a happy birfday it's you! And may I add that them balloons are ace!
Dear, dear Marmie - happy birthday to you! I wish you a wonderful year full of joy and good health. I will eat a piece of cake in your honor and send best wishes your way. Take care - Hugs, Daisy in Arizona
Well, better late than never! HAPPY BLOODY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
I hope you had a smashing good time..and a few nippy sweeties to boot. Next year promises to be sweeter.
Well,hell..I'm late for everything lately. Hope you had a good birfday! You, of all people, deserve one!!!
Happy Birthday ((((( Melody )))))
LOve you, 4-ever friend. Sorry I ain't been around much this past year... but I always loves you
* gazey *
So sorry I missed it Marmie - I foresee that next year will be a wonderful one and you will be able to forget all the miseries of the past year. Fingers crossed. Big hugs Marmie and take care.xxxx
So sorry I missed this special event.
Hope this works,
PS You'll need the sound turned up.
Well, it's a little early for this, but once a year I bless someone.. My Birhtday present to you! I only have X amount of magic left in the old wand(think as dirty as you wish!) but the 2010 Great Buffalo Blessing, is going out to you for next year.. Things will get better-guaranteed, as I hold a couple of markers on God, and he does pay his debts... Great Supreme Being, but always tries to draw to an inside straight...
It really has to get better from here on out...just think at least you have those strapping, young lads to spend your days with...you are blessed and damn lucky in that respect!
I'm sending along, with everyone else, Happy Belated B-Day greetings and some good vibes to get you out of
Sto Lat!! (Polish Bday greeting)
A hug and kiss for every year past and double for the many years to come :)
I missed your fucking birthday? I'M A LOSER!!!! Damnit to hell, can't you give people notice, like "Hey people! Next week is my birthday!"
Geez woman. Now I feel guilty.
LOVE the balloon, and so glad you had a wonderful day with your boys. I have been missing my boys so much lately.
Hey mel.... sorry I missed your birthday. I missed mine too.. ( on purpose this year)
Happy belated Birthday from me and the girlz. Say Hi to the boys for me. ( I went to that skateboard shop on State Street and that same guy was working. I did say a word but I laughed all the way out of the shop) happy happy birtyhday .. better late than never?
Much going on in my life at the moment, to much to talk about here at the moment, just have way more then most could handle piled on my shoulders.... need to get maybe next Monday out of the way and hopefully that will take some of the stress of my already overloaded back..... and if next Monday goes tits up then it will be sorted another way.... ok, so call me bloody vengeful LMFAO.... I know you will all visit me in prison, right? :)
~(((Yellow))))~ yep, except Ive been saying that every Saturday for years lmfao...xxxxx
~((((Angela)))))~ hopefully aye, I have to keep believing that there is something more out there for me...
The birthday parcel was unbelieveable, fanks you, stern look... you know I DONT do pressie well lol.... love you all to...xxxxx
~(((SilverValleyGirl))))~ yeah it was good.... and if this coming year dont get better, Im just gonna turn to the bottle and be done with it all lol..... special? what needs :)...xxxxxxxxx
~(((AliceKay))))~ fanks you...xxxxxx
~((((FHB))))~ it might be over more then a week away, but I still have me cards up LOL... but what I get and what I deserve are on complete different ends of any level LOL...xxxxxx
~((((Corgi))))~ welcome, are you one of the queens corgis LOL....ya cant beat cake and wine right :)....xxxxx
~(((((Elaine))))~ Grannies are always right aye lol....xxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ the card and text were a loverly surprise, fanks matie :)...xxxxxxx
~((((FireByrd))))~ we should go and get rat-arsed together to drown our sorrows LOL.... xxxxxxxx
~((((Akelamalu)))))~ we say this every year dont we LOL how the following year has to get better... and then it bombs out lmfao...... but this one WILL be better.... I feel my life will change in so many ways this coming year, big decisions for me to make I think, as scarey as they will be on me own.... before its all to late...xxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~ bonbons to you to LOL....xxxxxx
~((((Jen))))~ fanks again for the CD, I played it whilst having me birthday breakfast....xxxxxx
~(((Charles))))~ fanks matie.... nuffin can be worse then the year just gone, not mentally, physically, emotionally, finacially lol.... the only way is up.... or out LOL....xxxxxxxx
~((((LadyStyx))))~ yep, ya belong to Iggys merry band lmfao......xxxxxxx
~((((Mango))))~ I wouldnt wanna be 19 again lol.... oh actually yes I would, I was playing football and travelling all over Europe then....
Ya body might be an old geezer but your mind and soul aint, and thats all that matters :)....
I made a mango and coconut cake last week, you was delicious lol...xxxxxx
~((((Deanna)))))~ dont make me send uniforms for the band lmfao....love from my hood to yours lmfao...xxxxxx
~((((Sparkless))))~ I did pop over and wish you happy days.... but your just a spring chicken compared to me lol....xxxxxxxx
~((((Buff)))))~ what? you got married LOL.... dam and there was me thinking you was waiting for me ;)...xxxxxx
~((((((((Chatterbox)))))))))~ fanks matie.... I will raise a glass to you both, your concerns make mine fade into nothingness.... we will all meet oneday and the place will be filled with laughter :)......xxxxxxxxx
~(((Maggie))))~ I know, they are all I have and I am all they have.... that will last a lifetime....had to be strong all me life, just would like a break from it now lol...xxxxxxx
~((((Intense))))))~ merry band leader LOL... this coming year is gonna see many changes in so many ways..... first off Im dumping out of my life all the shit people that are only out for their own gain.... thats one big pile of shit off me shoulders already LOL..... fanks for being you and your continual presense in my life.......xxxxxxx
~((((Coral))))~ fanks you :)....xxxxxx
~(((LIR))))~ yep I read your blob always, dont comment everytime though but Im alwasy there..... I love trying to guess the places you go by your clues without names lol Im pretty spot on most of the time..... I think we live closer then I think....
and we really should meet up for lunch sometime....
and oye... I might be old but not as old as your mum lmfao.....xxxxx
~(((Sorrow))))~ fanks dear sweet you...xxxxxx
~(((Pamela)))~ fanks matie.... healing in everyway Im gonna have this year.... heart soul and mind lol.... oh and me joints lmfao....xxxxxxx
~((((Crispy))))~ Ive been a blobslag of late.... I need to get my act together and get back to blobbing and read the people I care about.... I felt things in me water once, and then wet meself LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((Betty)))~ fanks matie, but I dont think I have many more left in me lol..... to die and never been loved, its a sad state of affairs lmfao......xxxxxx
~(((((Pixie))))))~ we will celebrate big time, me, you, kevin and Eddy and Bean when I get to Arizona lol....xxxxxx
~(((((someguy))))~ shaking me head at the god dam aweful joke lmfao...
and you dear man are to kind and sweet with your words....xxxxxxxx
~(((basicliving))))~ let me get next monday out of the way, so I know what direction Im going and my year will start proper :).... sorry for being such a blobslag of late..... things will change this coming week, as I get more on me feet in every sense of the words...xxxxxxxx
~((((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ fanks dear friend...xxxxxx
~(((Lena)))~ happy haggis day aye lol ..... fanks....xxxxxxxx
~(((Daisy))))~ do you know my Jacob was to be called Daisy or Molly if he had been a girl :) so I LOVE your name lol.... eat the whole cake in my honour that way good things might come my way LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((Elizabeth)))))~ yeah get you arse over here quicker lmfao...... Im waiting for that sweetness to happen :)... Ive a sweet tooth so lets see lol...xxxxxxx
~(((Pinkacorn)))~ it was smashing... fanks :).....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((Gazey)))))))))))))~ oh my, dear you, how I have missed you so very much..... get your arse on facebook and reconnect with me.... now you are so loved, always and forever.... hope you know that....xxxxxxxxxx
~(((Flowerpot))))~ fanks dear you.... this year has to be better, Im changing so many things in my life to put better things in place.... somethings I cant change though, and I will have to just go with the flow.... a trip to cornwall is on the cards this coming year, I need cornwall in my blood to rejuvenate my soul... its where Im happiest....xxxxxxx
~((((Waving))))~ dear you, you have so much on your plate.... I follow you quietly at times so as not to intrude..... cans for the card it so made me smile......xxxxxxxxx
~((((Buff))))~ ya bless someone? what are you, some bloody vicar lmfao.... waiting now to be struck by a lightening bolt lmfao.... fanks you.... just dont dangle that wand in anyones face LOL...xxxxxxxx
~((((Lulda))))~ yep, better and better and older and older lmfao....xxxxxxxx
~((((woodsong))))~ fanks matie.... know you are loved to.....xxxxxx
~(((Bina))))~ oh hush with the loser bit... you so aint, ya just dappy lmfao.... boys aye, sometimes a muvvers nightmare, but ya just have to love em :)....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((Janice)))))))))))))))~ tears, hey you.... god woman I have missed you, but I always feel you close in my heart....
Wasnt that a funny time in Wiscontance.... days I will remember all my life, as will Sam and Jacob.... we talk bout you often..... Cant believe its been 4 years now since we was with you.... we so need to try and get over again to your neck of the woods.... aint heard from the others now for years.... tossers LOL.......
Give my love to the girls and I hope that Grandma Jones is ok?... know you, like Gazey are loved beyond measure....... more tears..... love you girl.....
ps, I reconnected with Rich (Irondog) on me faceache page during the week.... funny old world right... god I love that man lol......
I will sit and write a long email to you this coming week, as I need to with Lora... have many hospital appointments though, but I promise to write......know you are so loved....xxxxxxxx
~(((Cindy))))~ oops I missed ya lol....fanks matie.... and fanks for your continued love.....xxxxxx
You silly cow, I only do this once a year, do not make light of it, nor waste it, A true blessing won in a poker game with God, is not to be trifled with! It doesn't matter if He sucks at cards, He owes me two, and I just gave you one! Hold out until 2010, all will start getting better...
Big hug, and a very belated Happy Birthday, MT.
I so miss you. I so miss my blogging. My bitching...your cheery words to me. Yeah...even your bitching.
Chin up and much love from me to you.
Come on back Marmie. We are missing you and all the smiles your blogs bring.
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