Im also sorting me house out with an option to sell it, which would be hard after this being our home like forever..... still at physio.. who would of thought that they could cock up both knees aye and by doing so, I'd lose me daytime babies, and cos of the knock on I'll probably loose me house....... life aye..... all cos I had to have surgery... wish I hadnt had either surgeries now........ oh well.... aint much I can do about it now but keep plodding along with my stubborn pigheaded strong YOU WONT BEAT ME attitude LOL - I dont share my problems with anyone, well, me matie Wendy who is my bestest matie here, knows everything, she is the one that came to court with me back before crimbo.....I'd trust her with my life.. other then her knowing stuff, I keep meself to me self, cos Ive learnt if you share to much or take people into ones confidence (people around here I mean - here meaning in this village) they eventually turn it around and use it against you for their own gain..... so I do what Ive always done all me life.... and try and suss and sort everything out meself ...
Anyways..... I doubt if anyone is still around, but Im posting this for me lads to one day read when Im long gone....
I WILL do me crimbo post lmfao...... it will be the latest crimbo post in the history of blobber :) - except I know its gonna be a tad long and I thought if I could post this, what happened last week, then it would ease me back into Twaddling :)
But first, before the crimbo post,I wanna get down in words what happened to me last Thursday.....
I had 25 quid in me pocket to go get some groceries for us all...... Im trying to keep the 4 of us on the little Im earning at the moment, only 4 cos our Tom now lives with his girlfriend, but with Jacob still in education and both my Ben and Sam being made redundant and of course me without me daytime nippers, just me before and after schoolers, you can imagine...... Im robbing Peter to pay Paul and Paul has already been mugged twice this week LMFAO...
So...... there I was in a the little grocery shop up in town with me 25 quid in me pocket, as I put a quid in to get a trolley I spied something that I have always always wanted... on a shelf near the shopping trolleys were rows and rows of Orchids..... oh my, I have always always wanted an orchid, but they are well expensive in the florists... and knowing me, them being posh plants, it would probably only live a week LOL.....
BUT... these beautiful orchids of all different colours and shapes were only a fiver ($8) I asked the bloke why they was so cheap, whats the matter with them I says...... nuffin he says..... they are advertised at that price to bring people in, and then those people will buy other stuff not just the Orchids...... but a fiver was a fifth of the money I had for groceries LOL and already me list was on its bare bones of its arse.....
I picked up this most beautiful orchid and then put it back and picked it up and put it back LOL...... well, I must of been mumbling to meself cos I heard next to me someone say.... arent they beautiful... to which I say, yes they are, Ive always wanted one, but I dont need one, not really, I have other things more important to buy, like FOOD lol..... well when I actually turned and looked who has spoken to me, there stood this tiny little VERY old lady... she to had picked up one of the orchids... snap (snap means jinx over here) she said, she had picked up the same shape and colour as the one I to was holding.... I again said, I dont really need one, anyways I would probably kill it within a week and again I put it back........she sorta giggled in an old lady sorta way and said, oh they are easy to keep, Ive had one 15 years, and I to dont need this one, and she put hers back to LOL..... we looked at each other and at the same time both picked one up and burst out laffing....... oh sod it I says to her..... lets both go crazy and get something we dont need in life but something for once we just WANT..... lets she says and burst out laffing again.... and I smiled at her and went on my way.....
Here it is, they had yellow ones and white ones, cream ones, plain purple sorta ones and then this one..... I just thought it was a bit different, like me LOL
I know this one is a little blurry but you can see just how ugly/pretty the flower is.....
Just inside the double doors to the actual shop there are buckets and buckets of flowers, you know, bunches.... they caught my eye.... dam and bugger...... I aint had flowers in the house since the ones that Iggy sent me after crimbo curled up eventually and died on me.... and there was a bucket full of purple and white flowers just crying at me to pick them up and put the Orchid back LOL..... so I did... I did what I did with the orchid, I picked them up and put the back, picked them up and put them back and actually said out loud.... dam Mel you DONT need them you greedy cow you have an orchid you dont need, now forward and onward.... and believe me I really truely DID say that to meself.... I didnt give a dam who was listening lol..... I had to be firm with meself, I had already over stepped the mark with having the 5 pound orchid in me shopping trolley....
So I quickly move away from the flowers, with a sorta sadness in my soul.. but there would be other times, better times.... and once again my house would be filled with jugs of flowers...
So I get to the fresh fruit and veggie part of the shop.... one thing I have emerced (is that spelt right? lol) in is my baking..... Ive always cooked and baked from scratch everyday, but now I could make a meal fit for a king from an onion LOL people cant believe how well we eat somedays out of nuffin :)..
Where was I, oh yes, the fruit and veg part of the shop....... so, my mind is whirling with what I would be cooking in the coming days and what I would need..... sweet potatoes... normal spuds..... brocolli, onions, leeks, swede, salad stuff, melon, apples, oranges, and the biggest bunch of bananas you could imagine (the fruit and veg in this particular shop is always the freshest and the cheapest anywhere - hence why I shop there)... as I turn round to put the bananas in me shopping trolley the same little old lady was next to me, I smile and she smiled back, then I looked at what she had in her shopping trolley......... bloody hell.... she had the same orchid as I had in mine, she had just put sweet potatoes and spuds and swede and all the other things the same as me in her trolley, hers was exactly the same as mine, except she HAD picked up the bunch of purple and white flowers.......
Oh my I say...... just look at our trolleys, they have the exact same things in, except for the flowers and they are in my trolley in my mind I says LOL...... how strange she answers......... Oh My Goodness I say out loud whilst looking her in the eyes...... YOU ARE ME WHEN IM OLD Im looking at me in the future, you are who I will be...... to which she burst out laffing, I mean right proper laffing...... and then she said...... oh my dear it will be a few years before you are my age, but it is strange how we have the same items in our trolleys....... yep I says... you are me, except I doubt I will shrink as small as you...... again she laffed so hard I thought her false teeth were gonna shoot out..... she was quite a posh little old lady, with a nicely spoken voice (unlike me lol)... oh cripes I say...... your stalking me...... and she laffed even more hahahaha
Go on she says, how old do you think I am..... ok, me being the diplomat, I says ohhhh well your me in the future and I reckon your about 65ish....... oh my, she let out the most funny sound... and sorta did a funny little jig lmfao...... you have made my day, you have made my week she said.... Im 83 she said with such pride..... now, I knew this beautiful cute little old lady wasnt anywhere near the 65 years I had guessed at..... but, hey..... I had made her day, her week..... you wait until I tell my daughter she said, you just wait until I tell her about you and the flowers and the sweet potatoes and you thinking Im you in the future and only 65.... and she reached out with her wrinkled old hands and wrapped them tight around me and hugged me until I thought I was gonna have to throw a tomatoe at her to let me go then she reach up and took my face in those old wrinkly hands and she kissed my face and said thank you..... and she then just continued on her way....
Well. lordy...... what am I like LOL...... I aint normal right...... who says things like that to little old strangers in grocery shops....
So........ I have to rethink me list in me head cos I had the orchid in me trolley which was a fifth of the money I had to spend.... so I whizzed around the rest of the shop.... bread flour, yeast, eggs, butter, chorizo sausage...... I aint bought bread for over 5 weeks, I make bread twice a day and pizza dough..... so I bought a huge bag of flour...... adding everything up in me head as I went along.... I would hate to get to the checkout and not have enough money on me..... I know I would make a joke out of it, if that happened, but inside I would die of embarrassment lol....
Anyways...... there are a couple of people in front of me in the queue so I stand in line to wait me turn, I had nowhere near a full trolley but too much to put in a wire basket... when I see out of the corner of me eye that someone had joined the queue behind me..... as I turn round (cos Im nosey like that) there stands this bloke, about 50ish holding just 3 items in his hands, he smiles the most amazing huge smile at me..... I bet inside he was thinking....... sod it, that bloody woman in front has a trolley and I only had 3 items, I'll be here ages...... of course, Im only guessing that those there his thoughts lol
I look at his 3 items then look at my half trolley and turn around to face him and say........ would you like to go in front of me seeing as you only have a few things, cos I bet you are swearing at me inside your head cos I have half a trolley full....... he continues to beam this huge smile....I dont think he had false teeth LMFAO.... are you sure he says..... well, I says..... I only do ONE good deed a day, and it looks like your the lucky one..... BUT my one good deed comes with a consequence...... ok, he says, still beaming, and that consequence would be what? he says... actually I say, it comes with 2 LOL..... oh now ya pushing it he says, still beaming.... ok spill them, what are they........ ok.. first you have to promise to keep smiling at people today cos it might be the only smile they get during the day...... done, he says........ and, I say..... you have to pay it forward..... blank look on his face...... yes I repeat, you have to pay it forward, you have to pay forward a good deed to a total stranger today with no gain for yourself....... he was still smiling as he said...... DONE, and he slipped past me to stand in front with his 3 items..... as his turn comes up he leaves the queue and walks over to the stand where the bunches of flowers were and quickly picks up a bunch, only the dam bloody same bunch that I had put back about 4 times lol....... inside I thought..... dam git, someone is lucky, they are getting flowers from Mr Smiley man.... he puts them on the checkout with his other items.... the woman rings them up, he pays with cash, then turns around and hands the flowers to me....... now there was blank stares from me....... there you go he said....... Im paying it forward.....what I say?...... he said.... I was watching you interact with that little old lady, I was behind you outside where the orchids were, and I listened to what you were saying and I watched as you umm'd and arr'd over the flowers, then again I listened and watched you with the same little lady at the veggies, and I saw how you made a complete strangers day, someone you didnt even know, and now you have made mine with your kindess........ and he holds out the flowers and says, these are for you.... WILL YOU MARRY ME ....... hahahahahaha I take the flowers and he is beaming and I say.......
Dam, I cant this afternoon I have to make banana bread...... to which he creases up laffing and winks at me and walks out the door laffing......
There....... I lost me chance LMFAO...... probably my only ever chance at someone asking me to marry them hahahahaha ok I know he wasnt serious, but still...... why oh why did I say I had to make banana bread... what am I like lmfao
These are the flowers and I know they look pink but they aint they are mauve....
Dam, I wonder where he might of taken me on honeymoon, I never did have a proper one first time round LOL..
Ok enough boring Twaddling for one evening...... its good to be back..
I love you!!
You always make me smile. I need it! Stay strong my far away friend.
Beautiful Flowers!
Imagine the honeymoon to be in Santori, Greece. I just saw a picture of it yesterday and it was beautiful!!!
I am crying. At the sweetness of this post. At your big, giant heart. The people's lives you touch. That you are my friend. That you are back. My dear, sweet friend. You are back. And nothing, NOTHING is holding you down. And don't call me a cow dammit! I've missed you at the clinic :) Love, hugs, and kisses.
PS - only 2 eggs left in the package. I am cherishing every single one. The whisk sits proudly on the ceil. I'm not allowed to use it, you? Too cute I'm told :) XXXOOO
Ha! That was supposed to be "you know?" Not "you?"! You know? Your post had me all disconbobulated.
Oh, I've missed you! That is such a great story. I laughed and smiled the whole way through. And your orchid and flowers are lovely.
Lord have mercy I was laughing one minute and then my eyes were tearing up the next, your post is just so wonderful I'm so glad you got your flowers and I think that little lady will remember you forever how wonderful you are.
Your flowers are beautiful just like you!!!
Good for you, Mel...and good for ME! Maybe we'll both get back to our blogging selves if we keep encouraging each other. Love your post and I love your beautiful flower pictures. Take care, sweetie!
AWWWW!!!!!!!!! Love your post and I am glad to see you back and posting :)
Well you made my day too with your wonderful story. So that's three people who you made smile today and most likely many more who read your twaddle.
Oh My God.
Orchids aren't hard to grow. YOU are.
Give 'em some air, water on occasion, smile at them sweetly and you'll get flowers.
You? You just don't accept what you need when it comes.
What beautiful things to have happen... but they wouldn't have happened to any one else.
It takes a certain kind of person to draw that kind of human magic.
God. I'm glad you're back.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... just awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
sweetest post I've read today.
I'm lifting your situation up to the heavens right now. May you and yours continue to have a surplus of all things... even from what appears to be not.
Thank you for such a heart-warming post. You have been missed and you are appreciated.
- Daisy in Arizona
sniff sniff
all that mush has gone to my head,
giving me the sniffles.
what a sweetie you are! no hiding it...
Your boys will laugh at this one
No doubt, and want to go pound on the man who proposed to their mum, most likely..
Thank you for being the laughter in my day...
Good to have you back, Mel....
Still funny...
Did you know that smiles are contagious?
Welcome back Mel, we have missed you!
A lovely story.
Tell us why you have to sell the house and not have a chat with the morgage holder, they are most accomadating. They are in the money lending business, not the property business.
And tell all about the court case, it is a total mystery.
And another thing (does she ever stop?, I hear you think), have you started quilting yet?
You just made my day. I love you Melody. <3
What a lovely story. You made this hard-nosed, cynical, old-fart journalist smile inside. Perhaps you'll bump into the geezer again in the supermarket?
What a wonderful post Marmie. You are one very special person - big hugs xxxx
Your outlook in the face of adversity is inspiring. I hope things improve soon.
Oh you brought tears to my eyes Mel, that was such a lovely post. You deserved those flowers and the orchid. I wish I could win the lottery I'd send you flowers every day!
'Paying it forward' is also something I subscribe to, in fact I did it on our last holiday. I was $5 short to buy the video of me swimming with dolphins and a lovely lady on the same trip gave it to me. Later that week a couple on another trip were $10 short for something so I gave it to them and asked that they pay it forward. When we got home I MWM copied the video and I sent it to the lady who had given me the $5 as she was on it too. She was thrilled. It's a great feeling isn't it?
You're a doll and I miss you posting. xxxx
Hi Sweetness,
So glad you are back and seem to be hanging in with a good sense of humour and good food. Lucky for you and your' lads that you can make something out of nothing and make the money stretch.
Lovely orchid. I am so glad you finally gave in and bought it. Some times it's even more important to feed the soul than to feed the belly.
Nothing better then old ladies and smiley men...well, maybe friends.
Take care Marmie and I hope you write more often. It's good to read your news.
What a wonderful story and it just makes the old saying *What goes around comes around* true.
Beautiful post. Enjoy your flowers.
Nuts in May
So glad you are posting again - this one brought tears to my eyes.
Huggggsss to you!
Couldn't happen to a better person! I've had orchids on my mind all week, but they are spendy! Even went out and bought the gold Listerine coz someone said if you spray the plant with it it won't get rusty stains or here I sit with a 1.5 liter of gold Listerine!!!
Ohhhhhhh. It was so good seeing you over at my place. Glad you're back!
LMAO! What are you like?
I've got a few tears in my eyes, too. What a wonderful story. You are an amazing woman. Your flowers are beautiful, just like you. :)
ah how sweet of hi to buy you the flowers, i thought you were going to tell him he had to buy you the orhard lol
now face book FIND me Kate Langford Manchester OK x
Oh, Marmie! I'm so glad you are back...and what a story! I absolutely LOVE your stories! You have such a sweet soul. The pictures are great too...Please don't stay away so long next time...and by the way, Happy St. Patrick's Day! Do you celebrate that in England?? Love to you, girl...Jeanne in Idaho xoxo
No good deed goes unpunished!
This was so funny and sweet!
You DESRVED those flowers!
Lovely to see you here again. It's been way too long. Please come back soon, eh? x
I would say that it could only happen to you, but good & unique things always seem to happen around you, Mel, thanks to you just being you. If you are looking for extra money, have you considered selling some of your stories for publication - like to magazines or such? And why haven't you been discovered and offered a book deal like some bloggers????? Anyone out there have friends in publishing?
Glad to see you back hun. Now don't leave us again. Not even for a minute.
You make our day, just like you did that lil' ol' lady's and the smiling man.
Paying it forward is all sorts of fun! I've never seen it come around back to you quite so quickly though...
Eastendmom has a good point there. Alot of these entries would make great stories for a book! You absolutely have the most awesome way of expressing yourself. *HUGZ*
Glad you're back and thanks for your comment on my blog. I love orchids too Lx
Oh I love random acts of kindness and talking with strangers. Thanks for making me smile xxx
Very glad to see you back, Marmite (or is it Mel?) and loved the post.
btw I have marmite on my toast every day LOL
Saw you comment on Mr London Street after his roast.
Now young lady, I wonder if you would care to appear on the roast show yourself?
Hope you agree - please email me on
and I will be delighted to send all the details. Best wishes - Eddie
Oh Mel!!!! :) You make me smile... I know just how big that golden heart of yours is - and I know you made two people very happy at that store and countless others with the banana bread and still more with this blob entry.
I've missed you hugely. I hope your knees are on the mend and that the long hours of physio are paying dividends now.
xox Know that youse is loved. :)
Wow, I'm so happy you shared these events with us Marmie. I'm still feeling warm and fuzzy. Thanks ever so much for being you.
That is so sweet!!!!!! See, people can tell what a great person you are, even complete strangers. And I LOVE how you said, "Damn, I can't today, I have to make banana bread". Only you could think of something so clever. You always brighten my day and I wish you posted more often!!!!
Serious, Mel! You are the only person I know who could use "marriage" and "banana bread" in the same sentence!
Glad to see you are getting out and smelling the flowers!
You are special. And I don;t mean that in a "you ride on the short bus" kind of special!
Wow! You might say that you "don't do the God thing" but I see that He does "the Mel thing"!
I loved this post- I laughed and cried all the way through it.
that's the bestest (yes, i know that's not a word lol) story ever! not sposed to make my eyes get all watery than they already do from this stupid sinus infection lol love you, mel xoxo
Ah, you have me tearing up over here...thanks alot! :D
What a great story and the pay it forward does work...
I'm glad you are back in form. Hang in there it will get better and remember we love you!! :)
Good things come to those who wait - even if it's just in supermarket queue's.
Melady - what a touching story. Heart-rending and flowery.!
I'd like to kick the £5 borrowers up the arse, though!
Nice to see you back!
Good to have you back. ;) what you put out there, you get back. every time.
Sorry Sorry SORRY for not being here.... life still is very up and down.. with tiny rays of sunshine inbetween....
and then huge storm clouds, such as my dear friend whom child Ive minded for about 5 years, well her hubby had a strange turn on the way home from work a fortnight ago, and turns out he has a brain tumour the size of an egg in his noggin.... so very stressful times..
and another matie has just lobbed her husband out and is asking for a divorce which has come as a bit of a shock....
Me, well, I hobble on as best I can.... still ticking over...
but....... Jebus I couild do with a holiday LOL or just a weekend break away thats gonna happen lol
IGGY sent me the most gorgeous Orchid via a florist it came as such a surprise and left me speakless, and thats probably a first for me..... wow Iggy, you know I love ya....
Schools have broken up now for a fortnights Easter end of Term... so Im so hoping to be able to get back into the swing of blobbing and blobbing around everyones blobs..
~(((Theresa)))~ I love you to :) - and hey, Ive BEEN to Santori LOL its a volcanic Island, its just ashamed it was with a tosser at the time LOL......xxxxxxxxxx
~((((Basicliving)))~ oh stop with the tears - gawds sake... I dont do nuffin except be 'me' and I dont know about touching people, I know most once Ive met em cant wait to get as far away from me as possible LOL...xxxxx
~(((((((Jen)))))))~ fank you fank you from the bottom on my heart.... your gift arrived, opened with tears and smiles.... email to follow..... so you stop with the tears to lol...xxxxxx
~(((InSpired)))))~know you are loved...xxxxxx
~(((JeanC)))~ wish I could get back into the swing of blobbing proper, I have to many stories I need to get down....xxxxxxx
~((((Sparkless)))))~ smiling are your kind words... fanks...xxxxxx
~(((Robin)))~ Im hoping I can keep my now TWO orchids alive, cos Iggy sent me the most delicate mauve orchid... and oh, I stopped growing years ago lol
and hey, I DO talk to me plants lmfao.... and your words are to kind :)...xxxxx
~((((Pam))))~ well, Im a survivor. Ive always had to be, so Im sure this is just a little hiccup, thats all, just being tested again LOL.... I just have to pass the dam test again and again LOL its like taking resits :)..xxxxx
~((((((Daisy))))))~ smiling at you..... I didnt even think anyone would come back here lol...xxxxx
~((((((Sorrow))))))~I AINT no sweetie, Im wellabit hard LMFAO.... shhhhh I have a reputation to uphold ya know, cant have people thinking I have a soft side lol..and I told me lads, and they laffed, I think they would like me to find someone special in me life, but thats hard when one aint looking, anyways, Im to much of a challenge for anyone to wanna be with me lol....xxxxx
~(((((tosser)))))~ I dont mean to be funny..... thinks just come out me mouth without me even knowing lol.....xxxxxx
~(((((Coral))))))~ Im sorting things out now with the bank.... I owe so very little on me mortgage the bank bloke said people owe more then that on a car and he laffed lol......
and my friend that is just starting on a divorce, well her and her hubby owe more on their credit cards (even though they are both big money earners) then what I owe on my mortgage..... anyways what will be will be... and nope on the quilting yet, but I have got all me books and materials and stuff out :)...xxxxxxx
~((((((((SylphSong)))))))))~ and you make my day every day :) - dont think you will ever realise just how much I love YOU...xxxxxx
~(((Dumdad))))~you so aint hard nosed LOL an old fart maybe but hard nosed, I dont thinks so :) - maybe I should stalk the supermarket every Thursday LOL...xxxxx
~((((Flowerpot))))~ cripes, I aint special, Im just me.... hugs backatcha :)..xxxxx
MT: Your story about the orchid reminded me about being at the grocery store the other day. There I was, checking out the isle long beer cooler. Slowly checking out each new brew. I enjoy checking out the labels. Coming across a new local brew I paused. A youngster came up and said hey mister if you buy me a case I will get you one of them. Hmm, that is illegal I thought...hmmm. Okay! Twas a damn good beer! lmfao. Glad you are back!
~(((Charles))))~ I try Charles, but sometimes I crack under the weight...xxxxxxx
~(((Ake))))~ oh wipe you tears woman lol.... my friend Iggy (Intense Guy) sent me the most beautiful orchid to sit beside the ugly one I bought :) so, no tears lol
You are such a wonderful beautiful lady Ake.... and you touch many lives...... Ive missed posting to, maybe time to get me head out me arse and get back blobbing again..xxxxxxx
~((((((((((Jolie)))))))))~ if it was not for my sense of humour I would be down a drain by now... I have had a bad few days though, praise the lord for my friend Wendy here, I so needed the hugs yesterday..
Im glad I bought the ordchid to... every time I look at it, it makes me smile, I never treat myself enough, hardly ever to be honest, have to think of others needs first.....
Jolie, I love you........xxxxxxx
~((((((((MaggieMay))))))))))~ well if whats goes around comes around, somewhere in the future I have much coming to me LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((ItsJustMe)))~ dont make me have to dish out tissues lol...... hugs back atcha..xxxxxxxxx
~(((PinkAcorn))))~ LOL@you sitting with ya 1.5 litres of listerine lmfao......GO GET AN ORCHID...xxxxxx
~(((Robin)))~ Im hoping to be around much more....xxxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))~ EXACTLY lol what am I like, I need to learn just to go shop and keep meself to meself and me big fat mouth shut lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((AliceKay))))~ goodness, I so dont deserve such praise, but fank you, it make me smile...xxxxxxx
~(((((JeanneH)))))~ my stories are just normal everyday rubbish about my rather boring life.... some Brits do the St Patricks day thing but nowhere near like you doodles do...xxxxxxxx
~((((Buff))))))~ LMAO.... yep, Im waiting for the fall out ;)...xxxxx
~(((((Elaine))))~ its been way to long, life has me by me short and curlies at the moment, and Im a prisoner to it.....xxxxxxxx
~((((Eastendmum)))))~ I think you should swap 'unique' for 'ODD' lol ......*cough* no one would wanna buy my bad grammar, bad spelling, boring rubbish lol.....xxxxxxxxx
~((((Deanna))))~ I NEED to get back to Twaddling.... gulp, at making anyones day... fank you - maybe I should stalk the supermarket and little old ladies more often LOL....xxxxxx
~((((((((((((LadyStyx)))))))))~ LOL@way at expressing.... what, you mean, I talk rough LMFAO....xxxxxxxx
~((((((FamilyAffairs))))~ welcome to the mad house....xxxxx
~((((Auntiegwen)))))~ I sometimes wonder what the hell strangers think of me as I walk away LOL.....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((Eddie)))))))~ wooo hooo another marmite lover :) - and blimey about your sundayroast, I dont think Im clever enough or good enough to be on there, you have well proper people on there lol...xxxxxxx
~~((((((((((Iggy)))))))))))~ oh my oh my FANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTIFUL ORCHID that arrived via a very special delivery van, you made my mind blow and my eyes leak, you are such a sweet soul.... and I love you for it, and for being you....
the knees are poo but Im plodding along.... love you Iggy.....xxxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen))))~ LOL@warm and Fuzzy.... the old lady probably went home and had a heart attack with the excitement lol....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Bina))))))))))))~ I keep knocking on your blob and I cant get in, can you send me a link to enter the magic gates please.....
I say the first thing that comes into my head, and cos I had just bought bananans and was gonna be making bread it was a good excuse not to get married lmfao....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((Lisa)))))))))~ you know now if I was to ever remarry I will have to have a banana bread wedding cake lmfao... oh, believe me, I could of been tied onto that short bus this pass few days, its been one hell of a ride this week....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Cindy))))))))))~ ya think? ya think he/she does me? well I wish he/she would hurry up and show themselves... and stop with the tears woman lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((((ciara ya old slagbagger)))))))~thats it, blame the sinus infection lmfao..... get a grip woman lmfao...xxxxxxxxx
~((((Lulda Casadaga)))))~ fanks, I love ya to, and it can only get better, Im just being tested thats all, cos I dont like exams, life make tests me all the time :)....xxxxxxx
~((((((Lena))))))~ well the £5 borrowers can kiss my arse next time lol....LOL@flowery.... thats me all sweetness and light lmfao.... cant see it meslef... xxxxx
~((((((((JBelle))))))))~ well, I must have much to come back to me, someone must be storing it all up to surprise me with a biggun :) ... xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((GoFigure)))))))))~ well, your drinking age is daft over there, its 18 here and if I came to the states my Sam wouldnt be able to get a beer and he has been able to here for 2 years lol.... cant imagine me being in a pub in the states and him drinking coke lol.....
I hope the kid you got the beer for was not a little nipper lol...... when I went to visit maties in Wistconsin about 4 1/2 years ago...... I took hand luggage 20 different bottles of our English local Beers :).... oh the trouble I had dragged that case through customs lol of course that would be impossible nowadays.... if bottles of beer were not so heavy to post (postage would be silly money) GoFigure, I would send you one different bottle a week to wet ya whistle....xxxxxxxx
MT: Don't know if it got through...but I wanted to make sure that you realized that I was "kidding".
~(((((dear GoFigure))))~ did you really think I would believe that you bought booze for underage kids :) - I know you wouldnt of - I aint a dinlo ya know lol
What a great your heart... old people are so cool... and 50ish men who ask for your hand are definitely doable..
Just stopping by to say, "hi," since there's nothing new.
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I like what you put in there
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