Ok....... what you have to remember is that I aint all that up on USA Geography.... well, I know a little, like Utah is in the middle and no where near the seaside, and that 'down south' there are people with no teef and they sit on bridges and play the bango.... and that California is on the left of the Staples along with Seattle and that Florida is full of old people and dangles down the bottom of the East coast.... so, as you can see me USA geography is a tad limited.....
So..... after lunch one day during the week, Sharkie said, I thought maybe it would be nice to go visit me sister in Rhode Island, it would be nice to see her and for you to meet her...... so I was up for that...... Sharkies said we would leave in about an hour..... so I faffed around for an hour or so.... when he says...... are you ready then?....... so I grabs me jumper and says..... yep..... lets go.... and can I drive?........ BLANK STARES......... first off Sharkie says....... DRIVE, HELL NO lol.... and he then said....... ya know where Rhode Island is right?..... well, I didnt wanna seem like a complete dinlo, so I mumbled to Jacob something about.... it must be a little island off of Portland.... but I says to Sharkie...... emmmm not really.....
Sharkie seemed to spent a lot of time just staring at me with that glazed look of unbelievability on his face LOL....... I said, well I have me jumper and me bag so lets be going....... Sharkie said, its about 3 hours or so away and I thought it would be nice to stay for a few days, so you will need more then a jumper LOL...... ok OK how the hell was I to know where Rhode Island was.......
So I runs up stairs and lob a few bits of mine and Jacobs in a bag...... I can travel light, and we jump in the car..... and off we go.....

What you have to know is that Sharkie's Sister is well good for her age LOL..... she is a right 'dolly bird' and she lives with her 2 kids in this BEAUTIFUL 7/8 Bedroomed Victorian house in Newport...... oh my.... oh my, what the most lovely person Martha is....... not only did she open her house to us with love and trust, but she fed us as well...... and no cardboard munching in that there house :)...... and she has the most BIGGEST DOG called Tugboat that I have EVER seen...... a gentle giant....... I dont know whose Genes Sharkie and his sister have, but they are both filled with warmth and trust and love...... I instantly fell in love with Martha and her family, oh and the dog :) - she is a well talented Yachtwoman and sails all over the world for people.....and also owns the most wonderful shop.....
Again, I slept in yet another antique bed ;) .... oh my..... why are the beds so high, that ya need to leap like a bloody frog to get into them...... or, failing that, ya walk around the other side of the bed and find a little step thing LOL...... the bedroom was as big as the first floor of me little cottage...... and the house was filled with original features...... it was right up me street (which means... I WELL LOVED it)....
Wow, so much to see in Newport.... the first morning I did get up well early, whilst everyone slept and had a hobble up the road to explore a little.... I LOVE old houses and the architecture was just so beautiful...... I stood staring outside one house with a round corner turret room, sort of like a witches house, and this bloke came out to his car and spotted me staring at his house and asked if I was ok LOL....... and then asked if I was irish cos of me accent LMFAO....... bloody lunatic....
Whilst in Newport, Martha suggested we all go to visit one of the mansions that are scattered about the town...... I so didnt know you had mansions like we have home here....... so off we went one afternoon to educate and show me how the rich in the olden days use to live......cos I LOVES me a bit of social family history, its me passion......
There are 4 or 5 mansions in Newport, and we chose to go see 'The Elms'...... oh my..... as we pulled up in the drive of the place in the car, I could see it was well proper posh LOL

I know this aint the best picture in the world, but I so prefer to use pictures I have taken instead of ones on the internet......
See all them people in me shot.... no matter how many times I shouted at them to 'GET OUT OF ME BLOODY SHOT' they just ignored me :) - bloody holidaymakers lol
Martha and Sharkie thought it would be a good idea to have those ear things on that had a commentary about the place as ya walked from room to room and every so often after each room our group would stop and before moving on would click the commentary button at the same time so as we was all on the same page and the right room....... BUT.... ok, I have a confession to make LMFAO........ and at the time I didnt say nuffin cos I thought they, meaning Martha, Sharkie and the nippers would think I was a right dumbhead...... but I clicked to soon and so all the way round the place I was one room ahead of everyone else LOL....... hey Sharkie, didnt you notice me confused LOL..... as my tape was saying 'if you look above the fireplace in the opulent dinning room you will notice a painting' when in actual fact we was standing in the conservatory LMFAO...... :)...... oh well....... once a dinlo always a dinlo right.....
The house was full of old family photos, those and the servants quarters are the bits I loved the best...... I LOVE looking at old photos.... that sense of history and of people belonging....... I think maybe cos I dont have that history, I cant even tell ya the name of me grandparents LOL....... but I so love other families history.....

Look at all those holidaymakers sitting around the fountain lol

The trees in the grounds were magificent and me crappy camera so didnt catch it really....... thats me Jacob walking towards me......

I know this is to dark, but ya could walk sort of inside the trees and show my Jacob a tree and he is up it like a squirrel...... he cant help it :)
Anyways we spent the most lovely of afternoons at The Elms...... and then Sharkie, who has introduced my Jacob to Geocaching.... thought it would be great to go hunt down some caches whilst we was in Newport....... oh what fun he and Jacob have had with the Geocaching malarkie and the GPSs......
Sharkie did so many wonderful 'blokie things' with my lad..... it gave me boy a glimpse of what real proper blokes are like..... and that there are great dads out there in the world......
My boy did me proud....... he threw himself in this holiday, knowing that it was not going to be themeparks and all that rubbish....... to say I am proud of my Jacob is an understatement....... and I thank Sharkie with every bone in me body for giving and showing Jacob so very much about life and for doing blokie things with him.....
We spent a couple of nights and 3 days in Newport Rhode Island with Martha and her kids and Tugboat of course....... all these people making there way into me heart...... will there be room for it all......
Newport is the most lovely of places, filled with history and the most beautiful buildings and the most beautiful lovely family ever......
Thank you Sharkie for letting me and Jacob meet your Martha and her kids, they too are now imbeded in me heart, always......it was hard to say goodbye, but I know that oneday my path with cross with Marthas again.....
Blimey....... to much Twaddle for a Friday......... x
sounds like a wonderful trip n sharkie just being fabulous...is there room for all of them in ur heart? sure there is n maybe even a bit more...these are the kind of ppl who show you it's possible :)
agree with Ciara....a wonderful trip ! Nice that you are getting to see a very different view of people on this trip. New England is absolutely gorgeous, and so are it's residents.
Mel- It was you and Jacob who were so gracious and kind to come such a long way and honor us with your visit. We did have a blast with you, and I am sorry Jacob didn't get to shoot the machine guns...but at least he didn't cut off any body parts with the chain saw! You both were an absolute delight to have around.
Even if you never, ever go back you will always have such fantastic memories!
Whoa! Rhode Island! cool! I'm so glad you had such a good time and go to do local stuff that's fun. There's no way to see anywhere except with a native. yay.
Now I want to go to Rhode Island just from your stories. So glad you had such a great time.
((((((((( M )))))))
You are such a delightful woman! I am blessed just by knowing you.... you always have a way of making folks feel so special.....and I am happy that others are in your life to give you joy and precious moments.
I am sorry your heart aches for those special folks you miss so much..... may your memories keep you filled with a warm and pleasant glow until you can meet again.....
Take care of yourself, my friend.
Love you, * gazey *
Hilarious! I’m so glad that I dropped by.
What fantastic pics!!! And I'm in absolute awe over the size of that tree!!! I wonder what kind of tree it is. Glad y'all had such a great time.
Heya Marms...I see that you've been passing my house, perhaps hoping I'll have planted something new in the front yard, or painted the old place or something. ;-)
Well, you don't have to pretend to be 'just passing by'. Feel free to email me. Especially since your twaddle seems in doubt and I haven't working in the yard in almost a month.
I am extremely jealous Marm babes.
This looks gorgeous!
I've got a little something over at my place for ya Marm xx ... oooer missus! hahaha
I am so glad you had a wonderful trip. You saw places in the United States I have always wanted to see. I hope you get across the ocean another time.... to the northwest side. :)
Im so happy you had such a wonderful time Marmie....and Sharkey and Martha sound like wonderful hosts!!!!
Good morning Mel!
What a wonderful stupendous trip you had.
Question, what is that logo on that shirt of jacobs, with the evolution pic, then the bed, and something about lazy?
Cracks me up.
Like you always do.
Oh, I was a tree-climber like Jacob when I was lad.
Marm's Computer is currently DOWN so please be patient; she will be back as soon as the technical difficulties are dispatched!
thx for the update sharkie :)
Ugh I hear your computer is down but I'll leave a comment for when you're back (is it really down or did you cut the wire during an electrical storm in fear of being electricuted through the enter key?)
Love hearing about your fantastic trip to the States.
~((((ciara anyones of a bit of loving, oh and $10)))))~ is there room? :) yeah good people make up for all the shitheads dont they ;)...xxxx
~((((lora))))~ yep a completely different view ;) ......xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((Sharkie))))))))~ oh hush with your words, gracious and kind so dont describe me LOL.... and next time on the guns aye :)...xxxx
~((((ake)))~ oh, I WILL be back there :)......xxxxxx
~((((((JBelle))))))~ Rhode Island is WELL posh lol I would be a bit out of me depths if I lived there.....xxxxxxxx
~((((((jen))))))))~ there was so much I wanted to do and see in Rhode Island, but alas, time was against us.....xxxxxx
~(((((((Gazey)))))))~ swapping the word 'delightful' for 'dinlo' lol - oh, what to do about this continued ache :(..........love you xxxxxxxx
~(((((((SaintlyNick))))))))~ Im honoured to see you here :).... please scroll back and have a proper butchers when you have times.......xxxxxxx
~((((((((kati))))))))~ aint that tree just the bestest, it was some sort of weeping thing, and oh so huge... I should try and find out what they were.......xxxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Bugs))))))))))~ well, sometimes I am to quiet to comment lol...... I know, I know, you've told me before LOL........xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Scots)))))))))~ dont be jealous ya daft bat, just get off ya arse and go do it :)...... and sod everyone else lol..... ok, I will have a butchers at what ya have for me :)...... is it edible? is it soft? lol...... I prefer something edible and hard LOL........ you dirty minded sod, I mean a nice granny smith apple ;).....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((Inland)))))))))~ oh it was so beautiful, and I also so need and want to come to your side of the country.......Im working on it :)......xxxxxxx
~(((((((((catch))))))))~ the whole family were/are beautiful wonderful people........xxxxxxx
~(((((((((MrGreen))))))))~ the logo says 'The Evolution of Man' and its a 'Plain Lazy' make, its some skate T-shirt..... I to was a tree climber, thats before gravity got a hold of me arse and me boobs :).... I can manage if I tuck them all in me socks though..... :) - love you......xxxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Sharkie))))))))))))~ fanks you :).......xxxxxx
~(((((((((MnM))))))))))~ :) hopefully I will try and get a post up tomorrow, gonna load some of me pics onto me maties computer..... xxxxxxx
oh and this was posted on an older post, but I think it was meant for here......
Wisconsin Dells friends said...
I'm very glad you had such a nice time on your trip to the states this year. I'm wondering about "theme parks and all that rubbish". At the time, everyone reported to have had a very memorable time at those theme parks.
18 September 2007 02:40
~(((Wisconstance))))~ slb??? is that you?????? ....theme parks and all that rubbish does NOT mean how you obviously took it.... it meant, the holiday we had a fortnight ago was very much different from the things we did in Wisconstance........ very different, and less costly to my bank balance LMFAO........ xxxxx
What good fortune! Could it be that *I* actually get to be the very FIRST to wish you the very HAPPIEST of Birthdays right here on your own blog!?! A million HAPPY BIRTHDAYS (ok, I won't write them all out here, so there's room for a few more from others) TO YOU, Mel!
Your holiday reports are *such* a kick to read -- what a fabulous vacation you got to enjoy, sharing good times with your loving hosts and you and Jacob charming them with the loving guests that you are too.
If your computer's still not working, then go get yourself a new one for your birthday! You deserve it! And that's what plastic is for. Ha. Hope your birthday is FABULOUS & WONDERFUL -- LIKE YOU!
**** Happy Birthday, M-Toasty ****
((((mel and anyone's for lick of someone's ice cream))))happy birthday! now we all know lol :) hope it's a good one and you get a lot of fantastic pressies. btw...my pif will be coming out shortly. this week has been tiring for me and i've not gotten around to starting anyone's pif gifts lol but soon....i promise! lol :) xoxoxo
I tried to keep 'em quiet, honest injun, Mel.
Well, since it's out here...
HAPPY 50TH!!!!
Love, love, love to you.
My wish is what Tom said. I'd take the last decade back, too, iffin I could...and you *do* deserve the best.
{{{{{{{{Me and You}}}}}}}}
~(((((((Shelley))))))))~ OH HUSH ....... no one is suppose to of known it was me birthday...... fanks for the good wishes though.......:)
I bought meself a new compost bin for me birthday lmfao.....see Im just so full of rotten matter I thought it was fitting lol..... one of me sons bought me a new bleedin top of the range computer, but we have yet to of got it installed, so Im still computerless and typing this on me maties computer :)......xxxxxxxxx
~((((justjen))))~ the trees where stunning.... and yep, boys and trees is like boys and dogs or boys and boggies LOL.....xxxxxx
~((((((Foolie))))))))~ fanks matie.... I try never to let it out of the bag though lol.......xxxxxx
~(((Ciara anyones for lick of a lolly and a nibble of a cheese ball)))~ :) - sorry I aint been around ANYWHERE but with no computer except for the quick borrow of me maties its been difficult....... hope your feeling less tired...... xxxxxxx
~(((((((JBelle))))))))~ fanks :) - 41 and I so feel it LOL.......xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Wendy)))))))))~ 50? bloody 50? I DONT FINK SO lol...... yeah and what Tom said and the other bit I shared with you this morning on the phone, make me tear up and realise what an intune man he is becoming...... fanks you..... love you.......xxxxxxx
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