Ok......... So, when I was younger I use to play womans football.... or soccer as doodles would call it, which is just such a daft name for FOOTBALL.... anyways, I played at a high level for near on 10 years....
Everyone thinks that womans football is a new thing, oh how wrong they are.... its been around for over a 100 years....
Ive always liked football, ever since I can remember, and I use to go watch Pompey play every week I could.... and shout from the stands and drink hot steaming mugs of bovril in the bitter cold winter months....
From the age of 14 up until I was expecting me first son, I played every weekend and we use to train twice a week, our coach was also the coach of the Pompey youth squad so we was spoilt and use to have the use of the facilities at Fratton Park, the home of Portsmouth Football Club....
It was my passion, it was my life, it was all I had in life that kept me going in my younger years when I still lived at home..... in all those years of football, my parents had never once watched me play, not even when we got to cup finals or even came to the Player of The Year Presentation Evenings, which I won 4 years on the trot.... oh well, it was what it was.... at least Peter Marinello who was my footballing hero came to present me with me award :)..
I can honestly say, those were the best years of me life..... if I could turn back time and pick, then I would without hesitation go back to those times..... I LOVED being part of a close knit group... good friends, wonderful friends, fun times, oh and some drunken nights I can tell ya lol
Our team played all over Europe in different competitions..... we use to get invited to wonderful European Womans Football Tournaments..... it was my world, it was where I fitted in, it was where I was comfortable...... god I so miss those days of belonging....
I was called up for England Trials, but at the time there was no way I could financially afford the trainfare all the way to Liverpool..... and my parents made it so that I didnt get there....... never mind aye lol...... that would of been the icing on the cake to of Played for England...
Anyways, where's this going......before I go off into dreamland and down memory lane, cos I now have so many pictures in me head of times with me football maties......
I will say, and I dont know for what reason Im even saying it.... that.... out of our squad of 18 players there was only 3 of us that were 'straight' the rest of me maties was all very butch looking and manly.... I suppose the sport back then was more a 'mans game'... I can honestly say those maties will live in my heart a lifetime... and when these maties all came to me wedding in 'man suits' LMFAO it was just the funniest ever, me parents of course having never been to one of me matches when younger didnt know me friends and me Aunties and Uncles was talking to me maties like they was blokes, THEY HAD NO clue they was me girlfriends LMFAO....... laffing now just remembering..... to funny....
I should of gone through me photos and found some of me football photos.... oh well....
So back to the NOWish......... non of the people I have in me life now knew that I use to play football at such a high standard.... these are new maties, like 15-20 year maties..... they didnt know me when I was younger and sporty.... all our lads use to play football for our village teams in different age groups, so we all use to tag along and watch, my lads also played cricket in the summer and rugby and field hockey and Tchoukball... so it was hard as a single mum to ferry everyone around and be there for every match, but I did what was humanly possible....
Every year our village Youth Football clubs have a 'fun day' to raise well needed cash to keep the club running, and this usually consists of mini football tournaments and side stalls and bouncy castles and things, its a great fun day.... so me and me maties would all go and watch and help...... well a few years back, probably about 5 years ago.... one matie had a crazy idea that it would be funny if the 6 of us entered in one of the mini tournaments against the blokes team that wanted to play, ya know, just for a bit of a laff.....
Well, no one and I mean NO ONE knew that I was still a nifty football player, its like riding a bike, ya NEVER forget... so I didnt say anything except that I was game for it..... so it was arranged.... the blokes all had matching shirts and football boots and we was just in jeans and trainers, the blokes was all laffing and making fun and saying male comments about woman and football..... oh my, what a surprise they had instore LOL......
I hadnt forgotten a thing, I dribbled and tackled and passed and oh my, our other maties on the sidelines was shouting and was a little gobsmacked that I COULD ACTUALLY PLAY lol...... so...... 20 yards out, I dribbled around Colin who I left on the floor and took a poke at goal.... the goalie was off his line and I thought I could curl it over his head, Im a left footed footie player and as I kicked it seemed the whole crowd went silent and everyone on the field just stopped dead in their tracks and watched the ball........ *HUGE SMILE*.... it went right over the goalies head into the goal.... GOALLLLLLL GOALLLLLL the cheers where amazing.....
So as I turned in me victory salute, me foot firmly planted in the wet ground, my body turned but my foot didnt, and as I turned I heard something in me knee make a loud popping sound, even the bloke on the sideline 6 foot from me heard it......
I had only snapped me acl and me pcl which are the 2 main ligaments that run though ya knee joint... obviously I didnt know that at the time, I just knew that I couldnt play in the next match and that it took me 30 minutes to hobble the 200 yards home.... most people that snap these things have to have an ambulance cos of the pain, but I have such a high pain threshold its scarey at times.... within hours me knee was the size of a rugby ball..... and three ops later to try and sort things out without major surgery, it was decided that I would have to have reconstruction using me hamstring for new ligament..... well those that know me knows of the troubles I went through for 2 years with those ops.... trouble from the start, weeks and weeks in hospital and in icu a year of an open wound numerous exploritories and scraping outs to the bone, and 2 years of physio ...the hospital uses my case in educational talks as 'The Worst That Can Happen When Things Go Wrong' so at least someone benefits from me Xrays and notes lol..... anyways that was all sussed and sorted eventually..... and with the aid of a $1000 knee brace (which NO I didnt have to pay a penny for FANKS National Health Service) I was able to get back to me much loved sport of Tchoukball, which was my passion about 4 years ago.... and back to hiking and everything, even though the reconstruction was a little tight and I couldnt lift me knee back as far as usual, but no limp no nuffin, back to me sports and life......
Was all that pain and trouble and life threatening experience worth it.... YOU BET THE BLOODY HELL IT WAS.... to of scored that goal that amazing goal when no one even knew I could play football.... yeah it was worth it..... its mentioned every year at the annual footie funday :).....
UNTIL..... 18 months ago when I was jumping over things lol...... when me right leg that just didnt make the jumping over the huge beanbag, it caught the top and I went flying over and landed on me left knee on me stone kitchen floor with such force that I actually heard and felt the cartiledge shatter.... oh my..... oh bugger..... soooooooo after 3 ops trying to save what little cartiledge I had left, a year ago they decided to remove it all, and they left me knee just bone on bone LOL...... but, hey, I have a high pain tolerance :)..... but over the months it did become painful and put a stop to me beloved Tchoukball and hiking and all the things I loved..... and since coming back from Maine last summer, things got worse and me hobble was the mickey take of me maties and I just put up with the pain...
Me maties use to call me Forest after me acl reconstruction cos I use to wear this special knee brace (just for sports) but now they call me Quasi, cos I hobble along, I DONT use a stick, nope nope no way.... I would use one for hiking though lol....
I missed me sports and me hiking so very much, and life was different, and I wasnt ready for me pipe and slippers, it was suppose to be my time in life, after years of struggling raising me 4 lads alone, it was suppose to be coming towards the time when I could be let to fly it was to be my time...... so the saddness in the core of my soul was crushing at times....... and I longed to be the person I was, the sporty person that loved hiking with the scouts over the downs the football crazy lover, the Tchoukball player that loved this sport with a passion.... I just wanted me back.... but I was scared.... scared as shit.... passed from one consultant to another, being told that it was a total knee replacement that was needed, but also being shoved from consultant to consultant cos they were not willing to perform this much needed surgery on someone my age.... they wanted me to wait a few more years..... a few more years of hobbling around from A to B, a few more years of excrutiating pain.... well FUCK THEM.....

This is what the inside of me knee will look like once they have cut the end of the femur off and the top of the tibia.... and stripped out all the ligiments.... there will be a 10 inch scar running down the front of me leg, wont exactly match the scars on me right knee DAM lol..... and Im way pass wearing a yellow poka dot bikini, and scars are the roadmaps of ones life right?
So, I was passed to Mr A Langdown, a wonderful surgeon someone that believed that if ya needed it done no matter what ya age then ya needed it done..... so...... thats where I find meself..... last Wednesday I had what I thought was a routine chat with him, only to be told that like it or not, I was gonna have surgery this coming Wednesday before its to late...... he knows Im stubborn, he knows Im scared, he knows Im feisty its all in me notes, he showed them to me LMFAO..... he knows this will be a change after recovery to give me back a little bit of life before I get to old for it to of be any use... before I have to go out and buy slippers and a pipe.....
He works out of the military hospital over in Gosport.... its where I had me acl pcl reconstruction surgery and all me other little ops....
Except he has said 8-10 weeks off work I DONT THINK SO..... a year to full recovery I DONT THINK SO.... so Ive set meself 3 weeks off work... I can still work on crutches if need be...well, with me older nippers....7-10 days in hospital I DONT THINK SO and I need to get back to hiking by the summer.... I will need to get away from here to recharge me batteries come summer..... I might take meself off to Cornwall on me own in a little cottage by the sea and try and figure out what I want to do with the rest of me life before its passed me by completely without the 'my time'.... Ive been there for everyone else all me life, especially this past 7 or so years on me own... I want, I need 'my time' to come before its to late......
When I was first told a year ago that this op is in my future I remember feeling devastated..... to me it was what little old ladies had to keep them mobile, I needed to be much more then bloody mobile, I needed to hike and play sports and charge around like Ive always done - I remember sobbing in front of me matie (which is unheard of) she was a little scared LOL Mel dont cry, Mel is 'well ard' - I remember Ann saying - oh shut up, what ya crying for.... I said, I wont be able to ever go sking - she said when was ya thinking of going sking - I said, never, I dont like sking, I cant think of anything worse - so she says, so whats the problem then..... and I says.... well I might of wanted to go and now I cant, with that we just burst out laffing and giggling - she called me a silly cow....... but it stopped me tears.....
I know I wont ever beable to play football again cos Im a left footer and the surgeon has already told me thats a NO NO so not more football fundays for me .....
So, whatcha doing this Wednesday..... getting ya hair cut? getting ya nails done? having coffee with ya maties? working ya socks off?...... this is what Im doing....
Except Im going into HRH Haslar which is the Naval Hospital...... it was built in 1753 as a military hospital and has been serving this countries military wounded and poorly for centuries....... the buildings look like the old work house buildings.... or some mental institute.... sounds like Im in the right place lol....
I was use to being around naval staff and men in uniforms, I worked for the Ministry of Defence(Navy) for 10 years before kids.... and me lads were members of the Naval Cadets...
Most of the buildings there now were built in the 1800s and at the turn of the 1900s - a bit different to the modern hospitals we are use to today...they still have ward matrons with the big pork pie hats and the wards are SPOTLESS... many wounded military go through the security gates
This I think is the physio block..
The buildings are beautiful but dont be fooled by the old look from the outside, inside its an amazing hospital, its mostly naval staff and naval surgeons so there is a lot of uniforms etc, and we all know 'all the nice girls love a sailor' lol or how the song goes.... I know Im in the best hands, but its a tad scarey after all whats gone on before.... but Im hoping that come Wednesday...... Dear Mr A. will give me the first day of me life back, a long hard road to recovery but, when I put me mind to something I can be a stubborn cow..... stubborn is me middle name....
I wasnt sure how I was going to get to the hospital cos me best maties will all have my minded nippers..... well, but now, whats gonna happen is that Ann will have 16 nippers in her house thats her minded, my minded and Sharons minded nippers, whilst Sharon drops me off, oh shut up, it will only be for just over an hour or so lol...... she wont be able to stay and will just have to drop me off at the military security gate...cos she will have to hurry back before Ann goes insane with so many kids lol... but at least I wont have to make me own way there.......
I have no clue as to how Im gonna get home once Im released or once I sign meself out LOL.... last major op me mad matie Wendy sprung me and we escaped, I can move pretty fast on crutches if I have to.... they nicknamed us 'Thelma and Disease' LMFAO true story.....well, I just wanted to go home lol
Im will be going home to no heating or hot water in the house cos the central heating is buggered and the bloke just aint been out from the manufacturers to suss and sort it out, so that wont be much fun, cos is FREEZING here LOL......
This is my most favourite song at the moment... it hangs in my soul everytime I hear it...it twists and turns and rumbles around my core...
So for me Gumbie maties......you know how special you are to me.. you know who you are...and how much I truely LOVE YOU and how far we have all come together..... and this is especially for me dear dear matie Sharkie..... love you... always..... OXO
I have to be ok, cos Im all me lads have, they have no one else....I will miss my Toms birthday on Thursday so that will be a first :(
Anyways, Im rambling here now, so I will love ya all and leave ya, I wont be here to answer any comments from when I log off this morning, I wont be back on line, as I have much to do..... Ive got a big day ahead tomorrow and I aint even packed me new hospital knickers lol
Be well, be safe....... and fanks...... its been a wonderful ride.......
Twaddling over and out... x
Good Luck with your surgery! It will do you good to lay around for a bit, and let others do all the work! Wishing you a speedy recovery, dispite that laying around crack!
Just wanted to say I wish you luck with the op and make the most of your recovery~ time off work must be a bonus even if you only take three weeks!
Oh, Mel..... Sending you lot's of good, healing thoughts. I'd be scared to death. Maybe you'll meet Mr. Right while you're laying there like a delicate flower..... ") I'll send some good vibes to make that happen, too. Be well.
g'luck with it all, mt... w/prayers for a speedy recovery :)
Good luck!! Hope you're back on your feet soon! I'll be thinking of you!
<3 Melody Ann the Second
Oh Mel,
I am so sorry you must go through this operation but I do have a good feeling that all will go well and my feeling are usually right on. I don't know if that thought will help you or not but I wanted you to know and also that I will be mind traveling to your operating room to be with you. If you feel a little breeze or a tug you will know it's me. Never think you are alone...too many people care for you, for you to be alone.
Men in uniform, you say? Yummy.
Maybe you will chance upon Mr. Wonderful...just stay away from that G Ward building...know what I mean. You might find the "tosser" living there. OMG too funny.
Just think a new knee. Walking and hiking without terrible pain. What a wonderful gift that'll be.
I agree...you must get away and have time to yourself to plan a life that you can have for all the things that you want to do. I think that my dreams of becoming a snowbird and moving where it is warmer is my plan to do the same thing. It's good to be alone for a bit and listen to that voice in us that tells us who we are again. I have always been someone's daughter, sister, wife, mother or friend and I have had very little time to be Jolie. Gosh I miss her. And I can tell that you miss Mel too.
By the by me and your Tom share a Birthday so I'll sing him a special Birthday song in salute. Ahh...another good Aries. (s)
I am so glad that your friend will be able to drive you and I'm betting she'll pick you up too.
What is the address of that hospital? Maybe people would like to send you a card. You silly cow.
And no more dammed football. I loved soccer too and I wasn't even good at it. My big thing was running. What a wonderfully sweet natural high. Alas, I now run only in my sleep...my dreams. I too have bad knees. Nothing so terrible as what you have been and are going through but enough to keep me hobbling and certainly to stop me from running.
The best of luck my pal and remember as long as I breathe you will never be alone. I'll be thinking of you. Hopfully that will help, somehow.
"Thelma & Disease" OMGosh...too funny. I will never think of that movie again without thinking of you.
And yes...it has been a good ride (write) and it is far from over. You are having knee surgery not brain or finger surgery so there is absolutely no excuse for not writing in your "BLOB". Don't even think it. Like I'd let you stop now. Hell...girl you are on a roll.
xxxlove ya Mel,...Jolie
I'll be waiting for the good report and also any interesting news that you may create during your "adventure". That is what some called it when I had my surgery, an adventure. Well, it wasn't an adventure that I wanted and I know you don't want yours either, but I hope good, and I mean really really real good comes out of it. I am raising my coffee mug to your knee, Marm, and to your heart and warmness and humor.
Much much love.
You know I'm thinking of you Mel (we already talked about this) and when you get back (the end of the week knowing you!) you have an award to collect from my place just to cheer you up. xx
You know I'm thinking of you Mel (we already talked about this) and when you get back (the end of the week knowing you!) you have an award to collect from my place just to cheer you up. xx
((((mel))))i'm so glad you got the ride there sorted...i'm sure someone will be there for you when it's time to go home just don't be trying to get home by yourself! i'll be thinking about you tomorrow and crossing fingers, eyes, legs and anything else that can be crossed that everything goes well.
i love ya, matie! xoxoxo
You make it sound like you will be gone forever!
First of all, I find it amazing that you played football! I would love to see pictures. Maybe that will keep you busy while you are recuperating from surgery.
And what a way to pop your ACL! But at least you made the goal, right?
And what kind of doctor tells someone they are too old for knee replacement surgery? My ex mother-in-law had both of hers done in her early 60's and she still hikes the mountains in Hawaii.
I'm sure you will be fine! Maybe a little scared? Or anxious? But you will be all the better with your new knew and back to hiking, just like you said.
I wish you the best of luck with your replacement and your recovery, and hope you will be hiking and sitting in a little cottage by the sea and able to walk the beach this summer!
I'll be thinking of you and I'll miss you! Hurry back!
We love you, Marmie! I'll be praying like mad for you (and I know I'm not the only one!) Keep us updated when you get back from the hospital.
(I love that song, too. I have the Garth Brooks version, and it's amazing.)
What an incredible toast, Posty. I mean post, Toasty.
So you were a female football demon, huh? So sorry to hear about all the trials and tribulations with the knees.
I've also had a total knee reconstruct in much the same way you describe. I blew my knee out playing Frisbee on a hill in Turkey, of all places.
But now you've got even more of a struggle ahead. I DO hope you take the time you need to recover, or the surgery will have been for naught.
It was brilliant to hear you describe your GOALLLLLLLLLLL! the way you did, what an amazing feeling and feat for you.
All the best with this latest operation, girl. We'll be thinking of you and wishing you the best.
You're on my mind! Sending all my good vibes your way.
The didg will be humming tonight in your honor, maybe if you listen carefully..............! It will be very quiet and still, and the candles will light up the night, and the strange sounds from the great Northwest will be heard around the world hoping you get better quickly. The Stickman
Hope all goes well & wish you a speedy recovery. Will miss ya! x
Good luck and safe recovery! I am packing up some brownies and mailing them to you. Don't pay no mind to the little bites taken out them. Oops! Broke that one... will have to eat it...humm, that one is a little squished. Okay, maybe you won't get the brownies after all, but I will be thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery!
Good luck with the op. would swap with you but got a previous engagement this wednesday sorry!
will be thinking off ya, an you do as you are told OK x
Well, gal... you thought you would be alone.. and here we all are.. on both sides of the ocean... with you in spirit.. wrapping our prayers and thoughts around you, as you go thru this..
As you go in.. remember...think of the Maine field...
Good night, Toasty!!!! I cannot imagine the pain you've been through. Makes me feel really silly worrying about a piddly bloodtest on Thursday. I'll keep you and your knee in my thoughts & prayers tonight and tomorrow, and in the days that follow. I hope your knee heals nicely, and for once things go much BETTER than any dr. could hope for!!!!
Much love, Toasty, and Many Blessings!!!
OK. Payback time!
As you signed on to send healing thoughts my way two weeks ago when I had shoulder surgery, I commit to sending you good vibes to surround you and hold you during your surgery tomorrow - and for your recovery afterward.
Much healing...
Marmie, all the best players in the world are playing on reconstructed knees. It's a sign of total stud-itude! A few years ago, I went on a school trip to Ireland; we went to one of the places that manufactures those artificial knees, and I have to say it's pretty darn cool! I think you will be more spry than you think in a few months.
Also, Kelly Smith is one of the nicest footballers I've ever met. I played with her a bit, and I'm quite glad she's done so well and worked hard to raise the notoriety of the women's side in England. I must say I was extraordinarily proud and slightly jealous when I went to visit one of my former players who is currently playing for our U-23 side and she showed me the England jersey she swapped for at the end of their friendly over there last month (it was Jodie Taylor's, who actually plays down the road from me at Oregon State, and is from Merseyside and played at Tranmere).
Good luck tomorrow!
Good luck on the surgery. Will be thinking good thoughts and sending hugs your way.
Marmie, I've been busy too and haven't been around. I have a feeling you'll be back a whole lot sooner than you're thinking!! Take care of yourself and I'll be thinking of you!!
Marmie, I just love your blog and am looking forward to you posting again soon. Many prayers are being said for you on the other side of the pond. D. J.
Jason. Go to hell.
sending you lots and lots of positive karma and healing thoughts.
take real good care of yourself.
you know your spirit just amazes me the way it shines through even with all the pain you have to put up. you're one very brave lady (((((((((marmie))))))))))))
mel, when you get back...delete all those comments by that mother effin spammer JASON. rude ass SOB. no place for that crap here you sorry piece o' crap!
hey, robin...maybe we should hunt him down & string him up by the balls..what do you think?
Good luck with the op. See you when you get back, :)
Last time I was in hospital I told them they either let me go home or I was just leaving anyway. They thought I was joking, until I packed up my stuff and started walking to the door. That changed their mind. They decided then they could sort the papers to sign me out while I called my Dad (my ride home) to tell him they were letting me out. LOL! In my defence, they'd been telling me for three days I could go home, but then they'd say "it's too late now, you'll have to wait until the morning." So I'd had enough!
Caged Bird
A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind
and floats downstream
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.
But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn
and he names the sky his own.
But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
~Maya Angelou
I know.
I know you know.
We both know.
And love all the more for it.
*thoughts of healing, thoughts of wellbeing, thoughts of love and mostly, thoughts of knowing you are not alone*
Listen you stubborn old thing- you better do what they tell you as much as you can! You don't want to have to go through this again.
And hey! That "twaddle over and out" wasn't permanent I hope!
Seriously, Mel, take the time to recover properly. You need some time off anyway so enjoy it, especially since you don't have a whole lot of choice in the matter right now.
Saying a prayer, or two, or three for you...
I actually coached a woman's football team, high school version, and we won the championship.
Hope you feel better soon.
I know you will look for the silver lining. Just think every time you fly from now on some nice young man in a uniform will ask you to take your clothes off!
Hey, if any of you are local maties to Mel... could you up date us on how she did yesterday... and how she is doing, so we will know over here across the ocean.. and the rest of us too...
And can someone castrate that Jason?
Marmee...I used to be a (slow) distance runner. I loved the races, the camraderie with other runners, and running was one of the few things I could do, since I'm not co-ordinated enough to do anything else. I ran over 15,000 miles in the 1990's. My last attempt at running was April 4, 2001. My back and knees hurt so bad...I had to walk over a mile and a half back home (I'd headed out for only a 4-mile job. I've got a bit of curvature in upper back, bone spurs on my lower back vertebrae, degenerative osteo in the knees (and possibly water on the brain, LOL)...and I can't run; it's hard for me just to walk on the beach sometimes. So, I know how ya feel, not being able to play your favorite sport anymore. I don't need knee surgery, like you do...but every time I get up out of a chair, my knees remind me how old I am. Marmee, the only advice I'd give ya is to TAKE IT EASY during the recovery process. Oh, and as the Desiderata says, "gracefully surrender the things of youth"...and face it, neither you nor me is getting any younger. I wish ya all the best.
I'm toooooooooooo late to wish you well here, but I'M there with you in spirit !!!
Hey Marmie! Hobble over to your computer and let us know your back. I have got you in my heart!
And I'm with the others on stringing up Jason. My Irish is kicking in, bucko.
Sending good thoughts to you...hope all is going good for ya :)
May all go well, and a speedy recovery to you.
((((( Melody )))))))
We have been thinking about and praying for you, my friend.
Love you, forever friend.
patti n' stan
Poem For Melody
Heal real fast, my friend,
That’s what I wish for you,
For while you’re gone you’re deeply missed,
So I am sad and blue.
So have some pity on me,
Don’t leave me in the dump.
Return to health real soon, my friend,
Or I will be a grump!
You have been in my thoughts and prayers all week. Hope all is well.
Toasty, I hope that you're looking forward to a quiet weekend of recouperation and get a chance to read this and know that I'm thinking of you & hoping you're feeling well and that surgery went well.
My dear Ms. Toasty! I apologize for not being here sooner. Thank you for sharing your story, you memories, and so much more. May your healing be swift and complete.
Just stopping by to say hi and that I hope you are behaving yourself while you are recovering! But, I'll bet you're not behaving at all...
Hopefully you are resting comfortably and all is going well. Best wishes across the pond dear friend.
It's sad coming here day after day, to no Mel. Hope you're recovering well.....
So, when you get back there's a gift at my place. You should know it by the title of the post. And DO NOT feel you have to participate. Just wanted you to know I appreciate you.
Hmmm... I'm surprised that they haven't kicked you out of that hospital by now for causing trouble by knocking down a fence or climbing a roof or smuggling in an odd animal or two or eating something inappropriate. Yes, surprised. They must have you on good drugs. :)
Well, I hope you know that the faithful all troop over here everyday to see if there are any signs of life and sadly walk away with a heavy sigh. But, no pressure! We will continue our daily pilgrimage gladly in the hopes that one day even just a little "x" shall appear. :)
And you know that for those of us left of the staples it is quite a long pilgrimage indeed. Across an ocean! And every day! Goodness! :)
my sentiments exactly cb
Just checking...just checking. Hope you are recovering nicely.
hope it all went well, just want to let you know that I am taking a break for a while, hope to be back, till then byeeeeeeeeeeee x
I hope you take the time off to rest and recuperate. Hope things went well for the surgery, and that you are resting. You are one of my favorite reads, and I look forward to seeing your posts again. Please don't leave us all hanging. Best wishes and hopes for a speedy heal.
Thinking of you and hoping that you are having the best recovery anyone has ever had. Rest as much as you can for as long as you can.....But dammit get well soon. We all miss you.
BLOODY HELL..... what can I say.... Im overwhelmed by your friendships.... I truely deeply am....
~((Buffalo))~ Thats the hardest bit, I DONT do laying around.... now if I had a lovely man to lay around with, it might be different lol....xxxxx
~((Crispy))~ It will be frustrating NOT being able to use the time off to great advantage, I wanted to decorate the bathroom lol..xxxxx
~((robin))~ :) well ya never know with all those military personel around the place lol...xxxxx
~((Wolfie))~ Fank you matie...can ya get on ya knees and pray :)....xxxxx
~((cast))~ I can feel your thoughts from here, either that or I have an ear infection ;)....xxxxx
~((((jolie)))~ sigh.... I love you....xxxxxxx
~(((((susan))))~ :) I do have a few, em, shall we say stories to reveal lol...xxxxxx
~(((((ake))))~ Fanks you, you knowwhat for..... oh my, please dont tell me its a 'bed pan' award LOL..xxxxxx
~(((((ciara anyones for a sniff of their surgeon scrubs)))))~ love you to matie...xxxxxxx
~(((bina)))~ why so amazing I played football? lol - I so NEED to walk along a beach.....xxxxx
~(((((katrina))))~ Im shocked by everyones best wishes.... I dont do to well with people being nice to me lol.... and that Garth Brooks version is gorgeous... aint it a great song...xxxxxx
~((((shake it all about))))~ yep, I was pretty good at football and I still have the skills, they never die.... I use to play left back but use to have the run of the left wing and not many left backs get to score as many goals as I use to lol....xxxxxxx
~((jade))~ fanks matie...xxxxx
~((((Stickman))))~ oh my goodness, Im sure I heard it.... or it might of been Edna the old lady in the next bed letting off wind in the night lol......xxxxxxxx
~(((maggie may))))~ fanks matie.....xxxxx
~(((((lisa))))~ you bloody tease LMFAO.... sod ya, I'll make me own brownies using white chocolate lol....xxxxxx
~((((katy))))~ well I tried to have a previous engagement but they was having non of it lol.....xxxxxx
~((((tosser))))~ ya know that Maine was in my head when they shoved the needle in me back :)..... love you girl.....xxxxxx
~(((((kati))))~ I'm ok with blood test cos Im a bit of a bleeder :)... fanks you...xxxxx
~((((carol))))~ fanks :) payback for me is usually some form of punishment lol....xxxxx
~((((pup))))~ see, you mix with just the best ;) - fanks for the kind thoughts....xxxxx
~((((jeanc))))~ fanks, I sure need them lol..... people can hear me knees knocking from 20 yards lol....xxxxxx
~(((helen)))~ WOW I didnt even know you came here...... :) welcome..... and fanks....xxxxx
~((((kayleeeeee))))~ send money LMFAO......xxxxx
~(((mei del)))~ well inbetween pain Im just me normal self.... its just me friends that have to put up with me moaning..... aint that right Gumbies lol....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((Sharkie))))))))))))))~ OXO back atcha with white chocolate toppings :).... OXO
~(((ciara anyones for a ball grabbing))))~ Im with ya on this one, I wanna have fun and games with someones balls lol...... I would make a great torturere (that so aint spelt right) lol...xxx
~((((toriZ)))))~ well I did escape last time..... :)....xxxxx
~((((((((((Wendy)))))))~ you know me to well :)
I know.
I know you know.
We both know.
And love all the more for it.
Such a beautiful true poem...
Fank you my dear wonderful special friend...... love you....xxxxxxxx
~(((((cindy))))~ how did you know that stubborn is me middle name :)..... or is it shithead LOL......xxxxxx
~((((charles))))~ WOW Im impressed.... I use to live and die for football.... it was my life.... xxxxx
~((((slip))))~ LMFAO.... I will bend over and just say 'be gentle' LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((((Idaho Escapee))))~ yeah I know, but Im of the opinion ya never to old to have a go LOL..... :) I just know I aint ready for me pipe and slippers yet, but a few weeks sat in a rocker on a porch somewhere with a beautiful view would sure help me recover LOL....xxxxxxxxx
~((((pam)))~ fanks you, I felt ya there, or it might of been the gin ;)....xxxxx
~(((jeanneSpokane))))~ I didnt have a computer in hospital and didnt get back for 8 days..... dam, this hospital only had one telly in the corner of the ward let alone a computer LOL....xxxxx
~(((((((ol lady))))))))~ fanks you.... :) ya know me, I will just have to bounce a bit higher this time lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((Foolie))))))))~ Thank you.... fank you.....xxxxxx
~((((Patti and Stan)))))~ me forever matie...... love you...xxxxxxx
~((((jen))))~ :) they will be eventually lol.....xxxxx
~((((mimi)))))~ welcome and cripes lol I will be over as soon as Im up and running a full steam........ :) xxxxx
~((((kati))))~ I was still in when you posted this lol.... its gonna be a few months to a year before Im back to 'normal' whatever normal is for me lol.....xxxxxx
~((((((((Saintly))))))))~ ya mean my moaning is so much more LMFAO.... fanks you.....xxxxxx
~(((cindy))))~ I had me momements, maybe I will share at a later date lol....xxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ Its hard to rest..... :)xxxxxxx
~((((robin))))~ oh shut up with ya whining lmfao.... I was still in hospital when ya posted this lmfao...xxxxx
ps.... Will nip over when I can sit for long at the computer without passing out LOL...xxxxx
~((((ciao bino)))))~ OMG how did you know that I got 'chucked out'.... OH how true your words you must be a witch LMFAO....not exactly out of the hospital but out of the ward LMFAO....xxxxxx
~(((Inspired))))~ Im getting there :)xxxxx
~((((katy))))~ DONT GO - not until Im back then you can go and have a break :(.....xxxxx
~(((book and hook))))~ cripes, I aint never been no ones favourite before lol in anything :)......xxxxxx
~((((jolie))))~ Im had such computer withdrawal lol they needed to give me an IV to compensate :).......xxxxx
NOW IF ONLY YOU ALL KNEW HOW HARD THAT WAS TO ANSWER YOUR WONDERFUL COMMENTS...... :) I need to go lie down now lmfao...... and get a tissue for me tears..... FANKS you lot.... just fanks......xxxxx
You are a lying bitch.... yes you played football and your coach had nothing to do with Pompey football team... George Cable was his name.... and yes you were invited for the English trials... and you didn't go because you were sick... mum and dad did everything they could to support you. New boots kit, being driven about for practice sessions etc. perhaps you were not ill and you just didn't feel good enough so you pretended to be sick. Who knows... but one thing is positive no one stopped you going... except you.
Why do you seek sympathy all of the time. You can be very funny with your made up stories but they are just stories lightly based on truth. You embellish them to make them funny... great job we need more laughter in the world.... but then you do the same with real life. You embellish it and change it around so you look like the victim,,, the down trodden,,, in need of sympathy etc.
Strange you never mention your mean evil nasty vindictive streak eh? What a vicious nasty temper you had directed at your kids. Grabbing a very young Ben by the shirt collar and lifting him up and with you face mere inches from his screaming that someone take this fucking little shit out of my face before I fucking kill him..... strange you never mentioned that. How about throwing a terra-cotta flower pot at Toms head... he must have been about five... luckily you missed but left a bloody big dent in the wall which you proudly showed to everyone like it was something to be proud of. Not mention that I see. How about the fact that your such an deep down horrible manipulative evil witch of a woman both parents disowned you. In fact most of the family did. Your a lying sick in the head individual.
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