Ok, I cant believe its been almost a fortnight since last I blobbed....... I'd like to say its because Ive been busy with crimbo preparations, but its cos Ive been poorly LOL.... Ive had/have tonsillitis.....so just aint felt up to blobbing, its been hard enough having to work LOL.... thank goodness the worst of it was the 48 hours over the weekend....
Anyways enough of that.......
Except for sending some bits and bobs off to doodleland I aint actually done nuffin here about crimbo......
A couple of reasons....... day in and day out I see me handful of best maties talking at school, moaning and groaning about how long their lists are of what they HAVE to buy for everyone for crimbo...and constantly studying and ticking off endless things off their own kids long long lists, and spending at least 3 days a week trawling around the shops crimbo shopping..... WTF is that all about.... its well doing me head in...... wheres the crimbo spirit of buying a special gift for someone you choose with love and special thoughts instead of something off of someones WANTS list...
I hope I have always bought the few odd maties that I choose to buy a gift for, things from my heart and not just something rushed and grabbed off the shelf amongst greedy grabbing shoppers lol.......
I do write a tiny list of names of those I wish to buy for..... over here I only buy for my lads and me one special matie Wendy (you know, me nut nurse best matie, Sleddies mum).... and she always buys a little something for me, and her pressie is the only other pressie I have ever gotten a gift from besides me lads..... oh and of course I always find something little and special for me minded nippers.....
But I do love finding special heart thought gifts for a few doodle maties, my special maties.... those are already winging their way across the ocean as I type....
After crimbo me other maties talk about all the expensive and huge amount of pressies they have received..... and often they say things like 'I told my husband that he had better buy me this that and the other'.... like its a right to have a gift and not a privilidge (that so aint spelt right lol)....
Ive never allowed me lads to write lists, I have always felt that as their mum, it is my choice as to what I would like to buy them as a gift from me, instead of something off a greedy WANT LIST..... I do know I am the only one out of all me maties that does this...... and I always have, not just now since they are child/men, but when they was younger to........ I find it inconceivable to think of someone telling me what I should buy them for crimbo....lol....
And I will say, I think I know me lads well enough to know what they would like, and as yet they have never been disappointed...
Dont get me wrong....... I would love a new yellow Renault Megaine Soft Top Car sat out the front with a big ribbon tied around it on crimbo day.... but I DONT need it.....
I would like a huge bunch of flowers delivered with my name upon the tag... but I DONT need them.....
I would love some pretty jewellery and a wardrobe full of beautiful clothes all wrapped with care and love... but I DONT need them LOL.....
And I would love beyond measure a sewing machine so that I can start doing something Ive wanted to do most of me life and never had the opportunity to do before, and thats quilting lol - I was gonna buy myself a sewing machine last month BUT my Tom needed to borrow $2000 for court fines and solicitors and other stuff (nuffin bad - I'll explain at another time) so I lent it to him without telling him that it was me sewing machine money that I had saved for months and the money to gut the bathroom....but that can wait right lol.. but he will start paying me back after crimbo.....so maybe during the year I will get me sewing machine lol
Maybe how I deal with crimbo stems from my growing up years........ I never got pressies, my brothers and sister did, I was always told I had not been good enough, but I would never react, I knew from a young age that THAT is what was wanted, for me to rant and rave and cry, so I would sit quietly and watch me brothers open gifts and gifts..... I remember me Aunti Freda giving me a present one year and my mum taking it from me and giving it to Bella's daugther that lived around the corner LOL...... but ya see, non of this really bothered me..... yes, of course I would of loved a pressie bought with love and kindness and just for me, cos someone had wanted to take time to choose something for me.... but thats not how it was.... so maybe thats why I am like I am at crimbo now LOL....
I know Im different from me maties and their greed and wants and must haves.... my life is so very different in every aspect from theirs and sometimes I wonder in amazement just as to how these friends are actually friends of mine LOL
Actually, I do remember one year getting a crimbo pressie, I was about 12 and the old woman down the road gave my mum an old bike for me to have...... it was when over here the newest bestest thing in the world to have was a Raleigh Chopper bike and all the kids in our close did get one for crimbo...... the Fewing brothers did and their parents were well poor, and Kenny Marsh also got one and his parents were quite comfortably off..... and even me brother got one (even though I thought he was a bit old for one lol) but I was given this old ladys WAY WAY to big for me rusty bike..... inside I died cos I so really for the first time in me life WANTED a chopper bike LOL..... I remember going into a competition at school to try and win one, we had to draw a picture of our dream bike.... it took me weeks to draw and colour and my dad put his tea cup on me picture the morning I had to take it into school and left a huge tea ring mark right over the picture LOL.........so it was not to be....... but you know what...... I loved this old rusty bike.... loved it, cos instead of having to walk 6 miles to the woods at Rowlings Castle with me book on the days I bunked off school, it meant that I could sneak me bike out and ride to the woods and spend longer up me reading tree LOL..... it meant a little more freedom.....

This was the dream bike when I was a kid.... I know to a doodle it will be just the run of the mill bike, but to a British kid this was HEAVEN and the likes of which we had never seen before..... it had a long saddle and had gears on the frame like gears in a car LOL....
Anyways....... enough of that boring old stuff LMFAO
On Sunday afternoon I mentioned to Sam and Jacob that we aint even got a tree and did they fancy coming to Southwick Estate to cut a tree down........ as we had all been stuck in most of the weekend for various reasons they both jumped at the chance to get out for an hour......
Southwick is only 3 miles from me (remember I did that post on Southwick back months ago)..... Ive cut and bought me tree from the Estate for a few years now..... and last year I went with me matie Sharon and the old bloke that hands out the saws was having a laff with us.....
So we jumped in the car, and headed towards Southwick down the dead badger lane.... I knew it wouldnt be long before it got dark so it was now or never lol.... we pulled up in the little track and the same old man from last year was standing there with a saw in his hand, and he gave me the BIGGEST SMILE and said.... oh my goodness, its you from last year LMFAO..... I had to laff...... so I says..... oh my goodness, tis you from last year, I thought you might of been well dead by now..... to which he threw back his head and laffed and laffed LOL - Sam and Jacob just scared first at me then at the old old man and then at each other LOL.....
Most of the trees in this meadow have gone this year and they will not be opening the other meadow until next year, so the pickings were slim.... but hunt we did..... I had to be oh so careful cos of all the old stumps that would of tripped me over with me dodgy knee and I would of ended up on me arse in agony.....
Always best to wear stout walking boots :) - these are the boots I will be buried in when the time comes....
Dont be mistaken by Jacobs miserable face LOL that was his 'Im Kewl Look' LMFAO....
My boys were just gagging to cut things down, maybe its a boy thing LOL - I heard Sam shout 'mum mum Ive found a good one' so I hobbled over to be confronted by this........
That boy is such a twit sometimes....
The trees were very thin on the ground and Jacob and Sam disappeared into the edge of the meadow where I could hear frantic sawing........ but I couldnt see them, I could hear giggles though.... and then TIMBERRRRRRRRRRR.........
And them these two came scurrying out of the trees LOL.... can you see that tree sort of at an angle above and to the left of my Sams head lol.... they thought it would be fun to but it down, even though it was about 20 foot tall and we only wanted a 6-7 foot tree......... oh jebus I said, if the bloke sees us he will charge us for a 20 foot tree LOL.....
I tried to explain to me lads that you choose a tree and cut down ONE just the ONE you want, not 2 or 3 or half a dozen but ONE........ talk about falling on deaf ears, these boys had a saw and jebus help any tree that stood in their way....
What about this one mum........ NO SAM lol..
Mum, this one?.... NO JACOB lol....
We did infact after they almost cut down a whole forest of trees........ someone else will be grateful they are already cut down right? - we decided on this skanky looking specimen LOL
I know, I KNOW it aint the best tree in the word, but the choice was right proper limited and we think we found the best of the forest.... well, the meadow....
And the bloke said we could have it for only £12 quid which is wellabit cheap thats just like $20.... he said I had bought a smile to his cold face and it was worth it....
Ya know when ya out in a meadow and you find a tree and you think, yep thats just the right size....... and then you drag it back to the car.....and ya realise ya forgot to unload the 4 baby car seats and the 3 booster seats and the huge 3 wheeler off road buggy and the other shopping buggy AND the 3 crates of lagers from the car, and ya wonder how ya gonna get a tree in with all that load and the 3 of us.....
Well, these problems are sent to try out our imagination and creativity LOL......
We gave the saw back to the bloke who was by now laffing and laffing at our tree sticking out the back of the car with all the carseats left on the side of the carpark LOL...... he said...... see ya next year Mel, thats if I survive the winter and make it through til next year, and he wandered off chuckling.....
Us well, ya just get on with the situation and juggle and jump things around and shove and push and eventually you can work almost anything out......
Hey, are you alright back there Jacob..... LMFAO.......
We did laff and laff all the way home..... and tonight we will drag the tree in and place it in the new tree stand I had to buy yesterday, cos after 20 years we couldnt find the old one.......
Ok........ enough boring way to long Twaddle for a Tuesday lunchtime......

Toastie - I loved your post but am scandalized at your comments about no pressies as a child. Sorry those are horrible parents - how could they do that to you - surely you hadn't been that bad! I will think of you now every time I hear a parent threaten that FC won't come if they don't behave. If I knew where to post it I would run right out now and by you one - a special one with lots of thought of course. Have a lovely Crimbo with your lads, what a great mum you are.
must be the times we were brought up in. the only fave child of the family was our older bro and he always got all the pressies too. we just learnt to suck it, us 5 others and be thankful we didn't get a cuff on the ear on top of no pressies.
i remember the only time i was shocked that my angel mum in law who can do no wrong in my eyes asked if our children had christmas wish lists. but i forgave her easily as she has something like 12 grandchildren and now 3 or is it 4 (?) great grandchildren
When I was a kid, I would ask for a bike- and get a sled. I would ask for a record player, and get a police scanner. I found asking for something guaranteed not getting it! I swore my kids would get what they asked for(within reason!)...
"I never got pressies, my brothers and sister did, I was always told I had not been good enough, but I would never react, I knew from a young age that THAT is what was wanted, for me to rant and rave and cry, so I would sit quietly and watch me brothers open gifts and gifts....."
That is so sad! How could parents treat a child so?
We do get our kids to write lists but they don't get everything on it (we couldn't afford it). They get quite a lot of pleasure out of writing the lists and dreaming of having so many toys. One year Princess Perfect wrote out what looked like the whole catalogue from Hamley's. I couldn't help admiring her for trying and for her optimism!
I shudder at the cruelty of favoring one child over another.
Love those funky boots and your tree hunt is hilarious. We would always cut a cedar tree off our property It was such an adventure finding one every year. Loved the post!
Love those boots!
What a wonderful time...hunting for that "just right" tree. We discovered, once I hit my pre-teens, that live trees just werent feasible because I was allergic to one type of evergreen tree and infortunately that was always the one that managed to come home...
As for the reason why you are the way you are at Christmas...Im with everyone else on this one. That wasnt right of your folks to do that...no way , no how. *HUGZ*
Oh Marmie how could your parents be so cruel? :(
Sounds like your boys had fun demolishing that forest! I hope you're going to take a photo of that tree when you've dressed it?
I've emailed you hon with the addresses don't forget to send me yours. x
(((((mel))))))you make laugh AND cry. i wish your parents were not the monsters they were. despite them, you turned out to be one of the most loving & caring people i know. your boys are very lucky & i think they know it, too. i also think they LOVE every present you ever bought them.
Sounds like a good family fun time ws had by all. A very nice and "touching" story.
I LOVE your boots! And I so get the thing with boys and saws. Mine would have done the same thing. They love using their dad's little saw to work on the sticks that the Stickman gave them.
*runs back to this comment block after chasing the postman 20 blocks to retrieve his box of Christmas gifts bound for Toastie...whatever possessed me to giftwrap a chainsaw anyway??!?!?*
Pant..pant..pant.. Oh I love those boots... LMAO... and I wanted a Chopper bike like the one in the picture too!! I guess what? my parents bought a pink colored...Swinn with the big whitewalled tires! Ack!!! At least it didn't have a white basket. Apparently the store had 6 of them "on sale" really cheap so me and my brothers all got one...every last one of 'em was pink. Pink boys bikes...what the hey were they thinking??????
Howdy Mel,
Nice boots! I liked the part where your father left the coffee circle on your drawing of the bike. I seem to leave coffee circles around places throughout, mostly magaziners.
We went into the back lake and cut a charlie brown tree: flat on one side and sparse in the middle. But its easier to trim then and just stand in the right place.
Many happy pressies to you, un asked for of course; from this side of the pond.
P.s., I see Homer Simpson surpervising things in the one picture...but what is the other thing? a baby with their mouth wide open hanging by the thumbs?
LMAO, that's a Halloween decoration, Iggy! He's got a scary face, so he can scare every one that drives behind Toastie.
I can't believe how mean your parents were! No pressies, ever????
I make a list, and my family makes a list, but we don't get everything on the list, and we "almost always" get stuff that's not on the list too.
What a cute little tree. I can't wait to see pictures of it decorated.
Sounds like a fun tree hunting expedition! Maybe giving Sam and Jacob the saw wasn't such a good idea? LOL!
I always got more than enough pressies when I was a kid, but I still feel the same as you. The point isn't to check off lists of what people insist they want and "have to" have. The point is to pick out something you know the people you care about will like to have.
My Mam always had us make lists, and we'd pass lists around to pick something off each others lists to buy. But half the time people were moaning "I wanted this more" or "I hoped I'd get that first" and all that. So I said I didn't want to know with the lists this year. I refused to accept everyone else's lists and wouldn't write one of my own. If people don't buy me stuff because of it then never mind. If I want stuff that bad I'll get it myself after the New Year or something.
...can't understand why some parents do the mean, screwed up things they do to their kids...i feel so lucky having had the almost idyllic scenario, two loving parents, all four grandparents, loads of aunties and uncles and cousins, years of memories to sustain the brain in the cold of winter now that most of them are gone and the family has dwindled down to a precious (er...some are only sem-precious) few...
Mel...hoping you recieve many unexpected delightful pressies and your heart's fondest desires...
oh...and those ARE some snazzy boots...
Reading about your childhood Christmases without presents brought a tear to my eye. That is so cruel.
You certainly got a bargain with your tree. I've given up on having a real tree, artificial ones are not the same-but the bonus is I'm not clearing up pine needles for months after!
I also meant to say that I hope you're feeling better. *Hugs*
OK... MAYBE I SHOULD DELETE THE FIRST PART OF THIS POST.... I waffle on way to much sometimes, the proper post is the crimbo tree cutting... the first part just sorta spilled out...... ITS NEVER BOVVERED ME about pressies, not back as a child not when married and not now.... Im a giver NOT a receiver......
ok, thats cleared that up....
~((((soft))))~ I heard someone at school yesterday threaten and scared the jeheebers out of a kid of about 4 about father christmas not coming to his house.... I so wanted to bitchslap the woman LOL....xxxxx
~((((mei del)))~ its the tiny little things in life I get the greatest pleasure from.. I made sure I never had a favourite child, I would easily strangle them all equally LOL......xxxxxx
~((((buffalo))))~ sorry i didnt mean to judge, everyone plays out life differently with whatever they have in their noggin.... and getting a sledge whilst living in Arizona was not a great choice aye? LOL....xxxxxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~ hey, no worries, thats not really what this post is about, I shouldnt of posted the top part but it fitted and fell out of me storage racks in me head... my lads did use to write a tiny little slip of paper with special things on.. and place them on the logfire and watch as they burnt and flittered up the chimney on its way to father christmas, I NEVER read their notes but on christmas day they were always surprised that at least one thing on the note was under the tree, see I KNEW/KNOW me lads well lol....dam I LOVE Hamleys lol....xxxxxxx
~(((Punkn))))~ Ive had me docs boots about 16 years now, I use to have about 9 different coloured pairs lol.... and I WILL be buried in me orange and red flowered ones..xxxxxxx
~(((ladystyx)))~ I do not know where we will hunt next year as the stocks of the taller trees on the estate are depleted, lets just see if we make it to next crimbo first LOL.....xxxxxx
~(((((Ake))))))~ hey, I shouldnt of said nowt... jebus it was just so funny in the meadow with the saw, I think Sam must of cut down about 12 trees LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((ciara))))~ well dont cry cos I aint lmfao.... and oh hush, I aint caring or nothing,,, blah humbugs LOL...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Charles)))))~ I have to make the most of it, cos all to soon it will be over and i will be on me own....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((Jen)))))))~ yeah boys and saws lol my Jacob wants to go out to Sparsholt college next september and train in forestry and tree surgery..... gulp.... so, boys and saws LOL...
~((((Intense))))~ LOL@you, you daft sod....
oh my god your mum bought you boys PINK BIKES lmfao hahahahaha did you have those little tassles stuck in the end of the handlebars to LOL... Im thinking pink bikes and ginger hair must of soooooo clahsed LMFAO...xxxxxxx
~(((((((goatman))))))))~ always such a pleasure to see you here - actually it was a tea circle lol.... but I did get him back over the years, only he never knew it was me LOL.... I do get a little jealous of me maties dead perfect fake trees all great shaped, but then thats so not me LOL.... I just cant imagine not having a real tree, and jebus knows some of the trees we have had over the years we have laffed and laffed at....
I actually DONT receive pressies to well LOL.... xxxxx
~(((Intense))))~ its me screaming baby trademark that I have had hanging in the back of me cars for nigh on 19 years, everyone knows my car by it :)....xxxxxx
~(((Chicargo))))))~ it aint hwlloween but it does cause comments when we are out someplace that dont know me, kids have been know to gasp in horror of a child hanging in the boot of me car LOL and parents laff, I think it fits in well with me job ;)...
As regards 'no pressies ever' I did sometimes get a hand knitted jumper and once I got a pair of shoes for school which were HORRIBLE and I left them in an unopened locker at school and VIOLET ARNOLD (see I even remember the name) stole them cos she was well poor.. but my parents found out and I had to go around her house and ask for them back LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ it was a bit dodgy with me gimpy knee on all that uneven ground but we so laffed, it was good to get out after being stuck in all weekend.. good for you on the non lists :).....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((soul)))))))))~ oh hush, it was what it was, and i didnt mean to stir any emotions with me post, cos it didnt stir nowt in me... we use to sometimes go around me uncle dave and auntie fredas house for boxing day, they had 7 kids and I did get to play with all their toys, and I would sit and revel in the closeness of their family, and thats all I ever wanted for me and me lads.... funny how things turn out right?.... and hey, I dont need pressies to make my heart desire :)....
They aint snazzy boots they are my famous boots LOL.....xxxxxx
~(((((Crispy))))~ no tears, its crimbo and it was a very very long time ago....
Yep I was happy with the price of the tree, cos in Keydell the nursery me and me maties hang out at, they was £28.... a rip off if you ask me LOL..... well the pine needles make people hoover up more so they dont tread on them LOL....xxxxxx
~(((ToriZ))))~ Fanks you, still a bit horse and croaky but ok :).....xxxxxx
I LOVE your tree. I like trees that look like trees--not Lady Astor's pet puss, all pampered and pruned and pretty. And if that car could talk...if that car could talk...
I feel so sorry for your parents. Can you imagine being unhappy all their lives like that?
God bless you -- and your heart that has risen above that.
We didn't do list either. But I do remember fighting with siblings over the Sears Wish book (that is what we called the catalogue) We circled all sorts of things. However, my family didn't have much - so mom just did what she could. And she never looked at our choices.
Oh my...what a tree. I am waiting to see it decorated. You and your lads are such a hoot. What a fun way to spend the afternoon. You have given your family such magical wonderful memories. They are so lucky to have you and for you to have them.
And thankfully for your lads and me and all of your many friends you managed to make it through a horrible childhood. And in spite of the cruelty you have suffered throug-out your live you manage to have a gigantic giving loving heart.
I so hope you get your new sewing machine. Quilting is such fun.
I agree that often Christmas seems like a big greed fest.
And by the way...I too would have loved that cool blue bike. My big old used bike...I must of been about 11 years old...came from an uncle and it was for me and two of my brothers to share. We loved that old thing to pieces. There is certainly something magic about having wheels under one's body.
Love you my pal. Jolie
I hope you are well and over your sickness completely. YES...take care with your knee. I so love your flowery boots.
After suffer it is supposed to say (throughout your life). I really need to remember to edit before I push send. LOL
Oh and I love the Christmas cartoons. Maybe (if you wouldn't mind) I will borrow copies from you to add to my boring mostly pictureless blog.
Love from me...J-
I can't for the life of me understand how such cruel parents could raise a gem like you. I wish you had not ever had to endure those things and I want you to know that I think you are one of the greatest gifts I have in my life. I deeply admire you for the way you rose above all the awfulness and became the wonderful and amazing person you are today. Merry "Crimbo" my friend!
~(((((JBelle))))))~ we do laff every year when we get our tree home, last years tree was just the funniest shape with bald parts LOL..... but, the mismatch really reflects US lol.... my maties all think Im mad getting a real tree, and they have dead perfect all neat designer colour co-ordinated trees and change the decorations and colours most years, well, us, we have all our old traditional ornaments that we have had since day one in this house, every year we do buy one new usually wooden decoration and we write on the back the year and our names and ages.... no designer shit for us LOL.... even little bits and bobs all me lads had made a pre-school and school over the years...... but then, the tree is ours, and its not put up for others to wooo and arhhh over or to get brownie points on..... its ours and its filled with so many years of love and memories, not just boxes of decorations out of some posh shop.... ok, semi rant over LOL
oh if that car could talk, well, not the car, cos Ive only had that one 2 years, but that dangling baby, if that could talk (cos thats been in me cars for 18 or so years) well it would tell of laughter and kids singing at the top of their voices, NOT to nursery rhyme tapes but to proper songs LOL..... some of my minded nippers know the words to some of my Dar Williams Tapes more then they know the words to humpty dumpty...... that doll would tell tales of when it had snowed once and we was all taking Jacob to school cos he had missed the bus, 6 minded nippers in the car, it had snowed and the top of the car was about 5 inches deep with snow and as we drove along I opened the huge MOON ROOF and all the snow fell in on the kids and they laffed and laffed until they cried..... my dangling baby actually holds so many memories for so many kids, and even now my Sams maties when I give them lifts will say, do you remember when.. such and such.... and one bloke even ran up to my car in town late one night when I was picking Sam up from a gig and hammered on my window, and said..... its me, its me, do you remember me, its Peter you use to childmind me about 12 years ago, I thought it was you, I remember the screaming baby in the back of the car, and he dragged me out the car and was hugging me LMFAO......
cripes sorry, waffling again lmfao...xxxxxxxxxxx
~((((Pamela)))))~ it was what it was... I understood from a very young age that I was a scapegoat for their saddness over something I didnt understand back then.... and I dealt with it.......
Maybe I will share the conversation I had with my older sister and my older brother at the end of the summer when we actually got together for a meal, and talked about somethings, it was very moving and they both had many tears....... I didnt.... but then, I have carried and managed all that went on for so long, where as they, they lived in denial... so NOW they have to try and deal with stuff..... we have a thing called an argos catalogue here and its most kids crimbo bible LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((jolie))))))- actually its a crappy tree BUT its OUR tree LOL.... I am lucky to have my boys, but I know before all to long this time will be past and there will just be me LOL
I think I must get my heart and strength from me granny, I can just remember this tiny little woman, she died when I was about 7, and she was the only person in my life that has truely deeply loved me.... and it was for her that I kept my head above water, I swore I would make her proud of the person I would be..... I would like to think she was smiling at me :)...
Aint bikes back in our day just the bestest freedom maker.... love ya girl..... me throat it almost better, just coughing me kidneys up now, but this to will pass lol....xxxxxxxxx
~((((((Cindy)))))))~ ok YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW....... cos I have to take nippers to school and you have made me cry LOL.....fank you for being in my life... be it all these miles away.......xxxxxxxxxx
I got your card thanks so much,if I had your addy I would send ya one from rednecksville.
I love how you tell your stories. I am sorry you were not treated well as a child. Hugs to ya!
Nothing makes Christmas like the smell of the real Christmas tree.
hope your feeling better soon!
Funny how every other generation skips hardship, and spoils the child... I became the person I am, more through what I didn't have or get,while my sons got everything I didn't.It did not always work out the way I'd planned. Adversity builds character, and when I accepted this, I put adversity in their lives, and watched the men emerge. Hard to give? Sometimes, it's harder not to...
I was glad to see that this is your first post in "quite a while"...which means I haven't missed a lot! We're still not 100%well around here. Just haven't felt like getting around to all the blogs I like to read.
I love your thoughts about giving a gift "from the heart" instead of from a want list! You're a girl after my own heart!
Oh, by the way...have you given any more thought about a dog for Jacob? Just wondering....
I'm sending you a hug "from my heart"!
Hey MT, Merry Christmas!You give so much to all of us by reading our blogs, making great, funny comments, and sharing your life with us. So, I give to you this a big thank you for being you.
what a laugh...and your son Sam seems to have your humor! I was always amazed at how the British xmas trees look compared to ours.
I didn't get a lot of pressies when I was young either...I was always jealous of my 2 cousins that had a closet full of toys & games. But I managed with my one little doll. :D
Have a wonderful holiday! Happy Crimbo to you & yours...
*grin* Glad you got your tree, Toasty! Hope your throat is feeling better!!! Tonsillitis totally sucks, and to have it this time of year, with all the goodies around that cannot be eatten because you can't swallow..... (Well, DANG IT! That might not ACTUALLY be a bad way to keep off the excess pounds usually gained this time of year!)
Hope you're feeling better anyway!
Hey, Toasty... I've got something special for you over on my blog.
And all that I have to say to you is:
THANK YOU, THANK YOU and THANK YOU some more...for thinking of me. Look for my e-mail.
Love you Mel...
I think I must get my heart and strength from me granny, I can just remember this tiny little woman, she died when I was about 7, and she was the only person in my life that has truely deeply loved me.... and it was for her that I kept my head above water, I swore I would make her proud of the person I would be..... I would like to think she was smiling at me :)...
And I believe she is watching over you with a huge smile and I could love this grammy too.
No presents? Oh marmie... What a lovely Crimbly post though...
That was a great afternoon, with your lads, cutting down trees! They could have given you a bit of a go with the saw, though, instead of hogging it! I tend to get pushed out of the interesting stuff in our house, by the men. Strangely enough, none of them insists on cleaning the loo and things like that!
I hope that your tree fitted in. You didn't have to cut a hole in the ceiling, or anything did you?
PS Sorry about your parents and stuff. Hope you get your sewing machine.
I got a package from across the pond yesterday. No need to call in the bomb squad, though. :) Thanks so much, Mel. And more thanks to come from the kids soon.
Wow...your tree huntin reminds me of taking my three boys...what a circus.
I didn't even get a tree last year, humbug, cuz the year before hubby and I rode in an ATV for an hour around the mountains looking for the perfect tree. We found one, cut it down but hubby never got a stand for it as he promised....
Your story also reminds me of the time I was about 10 and got cowboy boots, western pants and shirt and hat but no horse....what was the point. Yeah, I was a brat.
~(((eZ)))~ you're most welcome :)
I LOVE the smell of our crimbo tree when I first come down the stairs in the morning, you get use to it by the end of the day and think the smell has gone, and then it starts all again in the morning..... throats better now but got one hell of a cough :) but coughing kidneys up has become a sport in this house lol......xxxxx
~((((Buffalo))))~ I use to be told I was worthless and that I should never of been born - I would NEVER say that to my lads or to my worst enemy... I was constantly told that I was no good and that if I misbehaved I would be send to a childrens home..... little did they realise that was not threat, I would of taken that with open arms LOL..... but amongst so much I always had a sense of humour and only a few months ago, I got together with my older brother and sister and we laffed and laffed at some of the stuff, my sister spent the evening almost destressed.... much happened that night, maybe I will blob about it when I feel strong enough to :)....
I think I would of been the same person no matter what.... no matter what.... I truely believe this....xxxxxxxxxxxx
~((((Inspired)))))~ well my dear ya aint missed much over here LOL.... when ever I buy or make a gift, be is big or small or even a hug to someone that needs one, its from me heart...... always.... and nope NO DOG for Jacob, not unless I can have me Llama LOL.......xxxxxxxx
~((((((((Cedar))))))))))~ you my dear friend are way to kind with your words, fank you though for them... fank you for being you to :).....xxxxxxx
~(((Lulda))))~ even though my Sam runs me ragged sometimes, he is one of the funniest funniest young lads that I know..... he often has us in stitches with the things he says and do :)..xxxxxxx
~((((((kati))))))~ we laff at our funny tree every year, its mis shape and its baldness but its OUR tree and we love it whilst its with us LOL....xxxxxxxxx
~((((((ToriZ)))))~ sorry, I will pop over and have a butchers :) - Ive been knackered to flit around the blobs much of late.... well, Ive flittered but not commented lol.....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((Jolie)))))))))))))))~ you my dear special friend are most welcome.... one day we will share that cuppa tea at your kitchen table :) and all will be well with the world :).... love ya to....xxxxxxxxx
ps..... I was telling me matie JBelle that I have this one little glass faded crimbo tree ornament that was me nannys and one old tatty photo, that is all I have of her that I can connect with..... I would like to think she was watching me...... my sister who is 11 years older then me adored our nanny.... and was devastated when she died..... I couldnt shed a tear, cos I knew that I was one me own from that moment on..... bless her aye.......xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((Flowerpot)))))~ I do remember getting shoes once and a jumper, but not toys....xxxxxxxx
~((((Mean Mom))))~ it was a daft fun afternoon, I know these will soon all be gone and I have to make the most of these times...... oh I had a go with the saw LOL but I couldnt cut straight lol...... and we DID have to cut about 2 foot off the top LOL.....I'll get me machine sometime this year :)....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((((Jen))))))))))))~ IT ARRIVED :) - just little bits and bobs for the kdis DONT OPEN THEM TIL CRIMBO lol or have you already lmfao...hope they like them.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((PinkAcorn))))~ you should of seen us when all 4 of me lads use to tag along lmfao....
You should of shoved the tree in a bucket with bricks and stones..... I cant imagine not having a tree.... every year I am tempted by the fake ones in the shops LOL but every year I refuse to get one, and anyways, this little house has NO storage so I would have to throw it away each year LOL.......
LOL@no horse just the clothes..... I bet you was well disappointed LOL....xxxxxxx
it breaks my heart to think of the way you were treated as a child...and you have grown into the kindest most giving person alive. And it has turned you into one of the best Mums ever....God bless you Marmie and a Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!!
I had a chopper too!! And love the boots! Merry christmas to you and your family!
Is everyone and everything out of the car and accounted for? lol. What a great post. I think Starr needs to come across the pond in that new yet to be named "rig" and go on the next tree outing. He seems to have like stories about the great hunt for the Christmas tree. My guess is once that tree is up in the house each year you all laugh over and over again about "the hunt for the perfect tree". I hope you are feeling better.
~(((((Catch)))))~ hey, it was what it was.... tiz ok :) honestly.... and you just hush with your kind words or you will make me cry.... what with you and Cindy between ya, now stop :)..... love ya catch....xxxxxx
~(((((Casdok)))))~ you had a chopper??? dam you was lucky lol.... E Fewings did let me use to have a go on his though :)... and I was well mean once, I stuck a nail in me brothers chopper tyre and they never knew it was me LOL...
Oh and Casdok, you need to go over to Buffalos blob and tell him and calling someone a 'daft cow' is a term of endearment LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ :).....xxxxx
~(((((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ I can just imagine Starr over here trudging through our little forests when he is use to the HUGE OURDOORS lol and having scones and cream teas in a little teashop somewhere LMFAO.... and your right, every single year we laff and laff about the tree when we get it home.... I should hunt out all our tree photos to compare them LOL....
Well me thoats cleared but I have a cough like an old chain smoker and I aint never ever smoked LOL.....xxxxxxx
hmmm...wonder what the shipping costs would be for sending a llama from AZ. to England?...
...was riding my bicycle through a quiet Phoenix neighborhood once and was quite shocked to see two llamas staring at me over a hedge...i thought i was having that LSD flashback that all the "drug experts" said i would have...
Waiting to see the tree up and decorated!
~(((((((Soul)))))~ I would LOVE a some Llama, I would have them for the wool and make wonderful llama jumpers and flog them to make a living lol.... there is a little field over Funtington way that has llama in it, it does make you do a double take when ya think they are very tall sheep LOL...... LOL@drug experts.... xxxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Robin))))))))~ a new Twaddle is up as I type :)....xxxxx
The stories you tell, this is classic for your blog. Thanks for all that you do and thanks for sharing it with your readers.
~((((MikeS))))~ welcome...... well, I dont know how to be anything but meself lol.... I have a crazy life lol...xxxxx
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