I was bummed this evening to find out the computer shop had well and truely buggered up our other computer and although they gave me promises of not loosing the 5 years worth of photos on it, they accidently (TOSSERS) deleted, for ever, the bloody lot.... if ya wanna hear what a fishwife sounds like then ring me and I will repeat what I said to the tosser bloke in PC World LOL..... I know, I know I should of backed it up..... oh well, no use now crying anymore over spilt milk....or lost memories or tosser computer non-experts..
So I was going through the picture file on this computer and found some photos from back in October.... it was a surprisingly warm day for October half term.... I had Sprite as usual and just J and A, It made a change just having the 3 of them... Sprite was then 2 1/2 and J is 6 and A is just 5.... so I said to them lets down to Langstone Harbour for a walk/hobble and a picnic... but lets go with just us, not the other mob and me maties.... so my Jacob said he wouldnt mind tagging along if he could have a KFC on the way lmfao.....
Langstone Harbour is only about 8-9 minutes at the most from my house, so I suppose its fairly local, or its just that I drive fast lol
Ive did a short post on Langstone before...... ya see, if you follow the map with ya finger along the south coast, its all little inlets and harbours and islands and beaches and all completely different and all within 10-20 minutes from me.....
Langstone is just before the only bridge onto Hayling Island and in the olden days there use to be a toll gate on the bridge and when I was a kid there use to be a little steam train called The Puffing Billy that ran from Havant station to Hayling Island..... I remember being very scared as the train went along the single line track across the harbour and thinking we was flying cos all you could see either side was water.....
Langstone is tiny and old and has 2 most beautiful pubs.... and mill.... they all are the subject of many many painters... anyways, see how I go off on one lol
So I grabbed the nippers lunch boxes that their parents had bought and with promises of a KFC for my Jacob off we went.....
As you can see when we got there it was a little overcast so we thought we would sit and have lunch first..... we are sitting outside one of the pubs, you can see the other one the Royal Oak in the background and the old mill... the tide had just turned and we needed to wait til it had gone out further before we could start walking around the foreshore to the other pub... ya see... ya can only get to that one from this one when the tide is lower and behind the other pub and mill is a bird reserve and as you can see in the photo the foreshore (where the trees are) makes for a lovely walk, and if ya walk for miles ya come to Walblington ruins and then Emsworth, which will mean nuffin to anyone but me lmfao.....
One is never to old to feed the swans lol
As a child we would come to Langstone where me parents would meet up with their maties in the pub and talk sailing and all that nonsense lol and us kids would be left outside with a bottle of coke and a packet of crisps... well the water where Jacob is feeding the Swans is right out front of the pub and there use to be a floating wooden raft anchered by a long chain to the seabed, so when me parents and their maties was having a whale of a time in the pub, me and me older brother would strip off and swim to the raft.... and spend a couple of hours in the water and hopefully get out in time to get dressed so me dad didnt know what we had done, ya see, in those days, no one would of thought to of come out of the pub and away from their maties to check on the children... and Im talking deep water here LOL..... I would of been about 8 I suppose cos me younger brother was in a pushchair.... jebus my father or mother would of almost skinned me alive if they had known we had left our youngest brother in his pushchair whilst we was swimming lol.... sod em, they are both dead now so they will never know :)
As you can see, by the time we had finished lunch the tide was well and truely on its way out.... so time to walk round the foreshore in the seaweed to the other side.... Sprite LOVES my Jacob with a passion and he in turn loves her..... the times he does come out with me and the minded nippers he is gentle and caring and funny and rough and tumble with them..... I suppose cos other peoples nippers have always been a part of his life then its just old hat to him lol
This is the row of little old houses that are next to The Royal Oak Pub... when I was a kid the house on the right would sell fresh cockles from the front door... and it was such a treat to find a tanner in the mud outside the pub and go and buy a little pot of cockles to munch.
This is outside The Royal Oak, now should I leave the kids outside and go in for a quick arf a lager lol..... the pub is set up high from the sea wall which you can see, but the row of neat side stones is the edge and then its about a 5 foot drop onto the shingle...but kids learn not to get to near the edge lol... the inside of this pub has hardly been touched as such in over 100 years, and they do the most amazing grub....... someone please one day come and visit so I can show you my world :)....
This is the corner of the pub with the old mill behind, its been a private residence eversince I can remember.... and I think at one time someone right proper famous lived there, when the tide is in the mill is cut off and they cant get the cars in or out :).....talk about living right on the waters edge lol
The path leads directly behind the old mill and its strange cos out the front of the mill is the harbour views and right behind is the nature reserve with fresh water....
Thats the wall and back fence to the mill..... I love coming here with the nippers, especially in the Autumn cos ya virtually have the place to yaself.... why do so many people just say in doors in the Autumn and Winter..... Im at me best then.... maybe its cos I dont like crowds....
I dont know what A is doing in the above photo..... maybe he thinks he is Shakespeare LOL.. sometimes if we are lucky we can spot a heron..... big deal right LOL
Never to old to feed the ducks aye Jacob lol...... dont fall in kids....
Ya see, sometimes its nice to take me nippers out on me own, without me maties, cos, a place like this me other maties would be keep saying..... dont get to near the edge, come here, dont do that, no you cant get wet... and all that rubbish, but me, well I LOVE to let kids be kids..... so what if they fall in, they are hardly gonna drown are they, and dont think I haven't had them fall in before lol but ya just reach over and oike them out lol so what if they get muddy...... you wait until you see the other photos and what we got up to....... tiz a good job me maties were not there cos the nippers would of been stifled and held back from being kids....
When ya get just past the old mill with the nature reserve on ya left and the sea on ya right, this is what ya see..
This is just before the proper pathway gives way to foreshore and pebbles...... see that line of trees thats were we was gonna walk/hobble and if you look closely at the end of the taller treeline you can just make out the ruins of Walblington Castle... but thats a little further round then we was gonna walk..
The nature reserve gives way to fields with horses in them.... when I was about 12 I use to ride me old bike from where I lived to Langstone where there was a riding stables.... I never had the money for riding, but I would spend all day Saturday mucking out the stables and helping saddle up the horses for others to ride... all day, on the understanding that come the end of the day I would get to ride one of the horses bareback back to the fields where they were put for the night, which was only about 2 miles away.... but it meant riding along the foreshore and then down some tracks..... I was in heaven.... I never had lessons, no one ever told me how to ride.... I could just do it.... maybe I watched to many cowboy and indian films as a kid lol..... so I would work all day for a 20 minute ride at the end of the day, and then I would have to walk the 2 miles back to the stables to pick up me bike and then ride the 7 miles home LOL......
Just look at Sprites face, this is what makes my job so worthwhile..
At the back of the foreshore is this row of old railway sleepers used as a backdrop to the shore, so that when the tide comes up the water wont wash away anymore of the land.... these are actually the old railway sleepers from the old Puffing Billy Line that I mentioned earlier.... the nippers loved being allowed to walk along them.... with my words of 'just be careful' just said the once..... no nagging like we would of had if I had gone with others that day....
Ya can see they aint very high.... and note there is no one else around :)...
They aint high until ya son does this......
A forward 'double' front somersault off them LOL...... landed it perfect he did lol
We walked all the way along, only seeing one other person on our walk... when we got to the end of where we had set our sights on there is a bench, so being the old codger that I am I said lets sit and have a drink and a rest before heading back.... so the kids and Jacob all explored the shore area and Jacob notices the remains of an fire, ya know the ashes where someone had had a fire on the beach.... well upon investigation lmfao..... me lad kicked around in the ashes and said 'blimey mum its still warm'....... and after a bit of blowing and the nippers rushing around looking for firewood lol....... this is what happened....
Give my boy an ember and he will build you a fire fit for a king lol....
Just love this photo, look at the look on the nippers faces especially J blowing the fire LOL..... see them wooden bits sticking out of the mud.... thats whats left of the old wooden quays that was there about 100 years ago, when the harbour was a working harbour....
Yep Jacobs face says it all........ I love it that my 15 year old still loves coming out with me :)...
Warming me feet lol
We spotted a woman walking along the beach with her dog...... by then the fire was well and truely alight and Jacob asked if we had any duck bread left that we had been feeding the ducks with..... well I had saved a few slices so we had something to feed the ducks with on the way back....... so I rummaged in me bag and he got a stick cos he wanted to show A and J and Sprite (not that she would understand lol) how you can cook on a little fire......
So he toasted some bread, and as he was toasting, the woman that we had seen with the dog was almost upon us...... the kids were muddy.. and windswept.... and I suppose to an on looker we looked like a motely bunch LOL...
And it was getting nippy by now..... so as Jacob was handing out the toasted bread to the nippers this woman say....... oh my, what are you doing, you're not allowed a fire on the beach.... pardon, I says...... you heard me she said......yes I did, I replied, but I didnt quite understand.... you cant have a fire on the beach she repeated....... but mam I said... putting on me right proper hampshire farmers accent...... we need the fire to cook our dinner........ dinner she says? yes, its just toast but it will do the children until I can find us all somewhere to sleep for the night........ BLANK BLOODY LOOK........ ya see, we are vagabonds and we only wanted to get warm and get the children fed.......oh my she said.... YOU'RE GYPSIES DONT COME NEAR ME lmfao........ to which my Jacob says.... spare us a few quid love would ya.... putting on the same accent as I had LOL..... with that she called her dog and scarpered up the beach as fast as her little legs could carry her LMFAO..... we laffed and laffed and laffed..... well me and Jacob did.... J, A and Sprite started laffing cos we was laffing.....
Why dont some people just mind their own bloody business...... we was doing no harm...
J then says Mel I need the loo, and A followed suit lol....... go on then I says, you couple of pikies..... pretend ya firemen putting out the fire lol
So they did lol....... oh hush, there was no one around for miles......
A muddy kid is a happy kid right? lol....... I dont care..... I really dont :)
Time to head back, as it was getting really overcast by now.....
Bye horse..
Bye little bridge with the sloosh gate to let the overflow water from the nature reserve flow into the sea.. oh my there is the dog in the distance of the 'scared of pikies' woman lol... if we run/hobble we just might be able to catch her up LOL....
Bye little hungry ducks...
I will just show two more photos....... see what ya think....... spookie or what..
This first one is of the lane that I use to bareback ride the horses from the stables when I was a kid.... the lane is right behind the bench we was sitting on with the fire......
Pretty aye?
Now look at this one, the nippers came out of the hedgerow as I took this second photo......... WTF is that shining light..... and even more spookie...... Sprite is looking at it....... Jacob didnt see it, nor did J or A.... just me and Sprite..... is it the ghost of my past....it is my memory spirit........strange aye?
Ok way way more then enough Twaddle to bore the pants off ya for a Wednesday evening... if ya got this far ya need a meddle lol and I need to go to bed :)... DONT have nightmares now will ya..
[click on photos to enlarge - if ya can be arsed lol]
How terrible to lose photos. They're irreplaceable. These are lovely.
Oh, someday I really am going to visit you!
Sorry to read about all the photos you lost.
What a beautiful area there, and I love that photo of the lane, though it does look a bit scary in a way.
What a lovely way to spend the day. I'm sure that the memories you make with those little ones will last their whole lives. The story about the woman with the dog is so funny. Sounds like Jacob has your sense of humor. :)
Oh Mel - I loved this! What wonderful memories you are making for your family. And for that poor unsuspecting dog walker!
Sorry to hear you lost your photos. That sucks.
I'd love to live in one of those houses. The kids...even Jacob at 15...are so lucky to have you take them to explore these wonderful places. Little Sprite is such a dolly. She looks at that horse the way I did as kid. I so loved horses. Well I guess I still do. Thanks Mel for sharing your memories and all of these wonderful old sights. Now I'll sleep dreaming that I am there sharing them with you.
Love you Mel...
Just me Jolie.
Sounds like you guys had a great day. :)
And, yep, a muddy kid's a happy kid. I actually taught my Mam's Goddaughter that one. By the time she was about 3 & 1/2 if anyone commented when we were out "she's filthy" she'd promptly reply, "dirty kid, happy kid!" And I'd just shrug and say, "she was clean when we left the house." She's 10 now, and instead says, "oh well, I was clean when we left home. And anyway, that's what washing machines and soap are for." LOL!
Hi there and thanks for the enquiry on my blog. You can buy Cut Short from any online book supplier or bookshop. Publication 10th June, available straight away from the London Bookshop (link on my publisher's website www.noexit.co.uk)
I see you live near Havant - if you go to the Festival there, you might see me! I've been invited to appear, but we're still talking dates so nothing's confirmed yet. I'm also in Bournemouth and Brighton over the summer - check the schedule on my blog if you're interested.
In any case, please come back and join in the Virtual Book Launch on my blog in June.
Thanks again for commenting on my blog. Keep in touch.
So good to see kids having fun. What cuties they are
Looks like a wonderful day was had. LOL@ that woman's reaction!
Ooooh...spooky photo there with the brightspot!
Bad luck about the lost pix - I've been there and it hurts.
What a great day you had. The kids will remember this for the rest of their lives.
P.S. I LOVE eating cockles while gazing out to sea. I'm salivating at the thought as I write. Oh, but they must have some Sarson's vinegar chucked liberally over them.
Love the photos, love the way you handle the nippers!! Can I come over to your house and play in the mud??
Oh, I would have to SERIOUSLY hurt someone if they promised they could recover my computer and not lose my photos - and then lose my photos. SERIOUSLY!
How I would love to come visit your world. It is so different from mine - almost fairy tale. I'm sure it doesn't seem that way to you, though.
Those nippers are the lucky few to have you. The memories you are creating for them are awesome! Damn the rules! lol And Jacob sounds like a wonderful son. Make a mother proud, doesn't he.
Thanks for this post, Mel. I am sitting next to dad's hospital bed as I read it. It actually took my mind off things for a bit.
Huge huggssssss.
Cripes... where did you lot come from lol I post well late last night..
~(((Leigh)))~ yeah it was a bummer, but nowt I can do about it now except maybe ring the Computer Experts scrawnie neck :), I will just have to gather more, its just some of me lads birthdays over the past few years many of those photos are what I ache for and our days out ones..xxxxxxx
~((((((((Cindy)))))))~ and I will take you all over the place you will be glad to go home lmfao.... I think that last photo was a ghost :)..xxxxxx
~((((Jen)))))~ Social Services once called me a 'memory maker' LOL maybe they are right :)... the lady with the dog was just so funny, ya see, to live in Langstone ya have to be a little posh and I suppose the thought of gypsies talking to here was just to much LOL.... shame I didnt really have me gypsie friend with me lol..xxxxxx
~(((BasicLiving))))~ yep lost photos suck as you doodles say lol... Im not a stay at home childminder, when we try and always go out to good places :).... maybe thats why my house is a mess cos I dont stay in with them infront of the video like many do ;)....but Im a believer in that children once grown will NOT remember a tidy house, but they sure will remember fun days out and silling fires on beaches.....xxxxxx
~(((((jolie))))))))~ I can just see you in one of those houses, toddling next door for your evening pint LOL and ya steak and ale pie for supper :).... one day I WILL get you over here, and we will do the rounds :)... love you to girl...xxxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))))~ it was a good day, and no one fell in the ponds, dam and bugger lol I love it when someone falls in :)
Some days the nippers (especially the older ones when I have them when school is off) usually leave here needing a good bleaching down lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Leigh)))~ ok, fanks I'll look into it :) ya never know you might be the next Harlen Coben, obviously without the stubble, but what do I know, maybe you do have stuble LOL...... thinking I might just go to the Festival and suss you out ;)...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Charles))))))))~ aint it just :) - do you know I make me nippers parents sign a 'I Dont Mind Me Kid Getting Dirty' Policy LOL I really do :).... to many kids now adays aint allowed to be kids.... xxxxxxxxx
~(((LadyStyX))))~ well she seemed like a bit of a stuck up cow anyways LOL.... I so laffed when my lad said what he did LOL..... he cottoned on well quick lmfao.... yeah the spookie photo, its a ghost or an orb or whatever the hell that is...xxxxxxxx
~((((Dumdad)))))~ sigh.... my fault, I should of back them up... :( aint it the pits though... my head all last night and this morning keeps trying to filter all the crap and remember all the good stuff that was lost...
I hope the kids remember some of the things we do and share, if so, then my job is complete..
Oh my cockles with sarsons :) fresh cockles are the best, though those one buys in jars are sorta ok..... I have so many stories about actually cockling on the mudflats near Langstone when I was a kid.... sack fulls we use to get.... nearly died one weekend though when I got stuck up to me waist in the mud on an incoming tide lol...... coastguard was NOT Happy, neither was my father, I got the beating of me life for embarrassing me father.... oh well.... it made me tough ;)..... I still to this day though have to squeeze the little bit of sand out of the cockles bum before I can eat them LOL.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((Lisa))))))~ I handle me nippers like I do me men (dont that make me sound like a slapper lmfao hahahaha) hard and rough lmfao..... LOLO@my men... yeah right... sometimes I crease meself up lol......
and YES you can come and play in the mud anytime you like...xxxxxxx
~(((((((Deanna)))))))~ ya slid in whilst I was posting :)
LOL@fairy tale..... I'll remember that as I cook dinner tonight... actually dinner is already in the slowcook pot cos Ive been out all morning..... sausage, lentil and sweet potatoe curry... my houses smells scrumous....
Yeah dam rules lol....... but, I break rules like I break toffee fudge :)... as long as the kids are safe, they still have to stretch themselves or how else will they grow and learn there limits :) I aint lost one yet... and yes my boys is very special...
(((Deanna))))) so sorry about your dad.... give him a hug for me.... could ya ask him to have a stiff word with my dad when he meets him up 'there'.... hugs to you both.... and be kind to yourself girl... glad you had a few minutes in my world to take you mind away for a while.... hugzzzzzz....xxxxxxx
Hi darling Marmi!
I sure have been missing for a while. Started out computer trouble with a compounding dose of laziness.Love ya slipshod!
when we lost a computer, we paid a fairly significant fee - but they were able to retrieve all the stuff that was "deleted" during our crash.
Have you checked into that. And I don't understand why the nincompoops who did it, weren't aware of that option.
At first I thought your little bright light was the sun light thru the trees. But when you make it larger, it looks like a bright sneaker.
a wonderful post here (nippers! what a cute name to call kids)
So, you're a gypsy. Priceless. I really love your sense of humor. It's good to see that you have such a "quick" wit.
I grew up next to the "bottom" of Lake Huron where it flows into a very swift river. I loved swimming there and watching all of the lake freighters and ocean-going vessels. Our big treat when we were kids was to get an ice cream cone and go down to the river and watch the "boats". I almost miss it.......Viva Mexico.
I love the pictures! Especially the last two, and yes! That is some type of spirit. I know it is. I can just tell. I mean, it looks like it could be rigt?
Those kis had such a great time! You can see it in their faces. You are so very good with kids. No wonder you had so many! LOL
Okay, what is a cockle and a ... what was that other word in that sentence? Tapper? Tanner? heck, I can't remember now.
I can't believe how those people ripped you off when you were little. You had to work ALL freaking day with horse poop to ride a horse 20 minutes???? Lord woman! But you know what? I probably would have done it, too, cause I just love horses that much.
And that thing with the fire on the beach??? LOL LOL I LOVE that!
Oh you must be devastated to have 'lost' all those photos!
I'm so glad you found these though - they're lovely. What a special day you had with Jacob and the nippers. I LOL about you pretending to be gypsies - you're very, very naughty! :)
You make me laugh so much! x
Check this out....
Hi there! Love the pics...so many kids here will never have those memories your providing...
I almost lost all my pics a month ago when I had to recover my computer..whew..I did invest in a gazillion MB harddrive backup thingy when I had that gut feeling my computer was going to take a slow swirlie...
Thanks for the comment on my grand daughter...I love her to pieces.
Ah Toasty!!! Looks like you and the kiddos had a fantastic day!!! I'm glad you got to take them to some of your favorite places when you were a kid. And it's all so quaint & lovely. Wish I COULD come visit!
what a sense of humor you have...and what a lovely village.
I so enjoy reading your stories of life in your village.
Marmie, what a wonderful post! You are so right, a muddy kid is a happy kid! I used to make my kids go outside and "don't come back in the house until you've had some fun!" I measured the amount of fun by the amount of dirt that came with them! Happy times, indeed!
I should fear loss of photos more than I do... Nice day to wander you had! Our country is swimming in laws, when what we need is more common sense!
Oh dear Marmie, I must keep buying lottery tickets so that maybe I can win enough money to come see you. And maybe you would adopt me as your mum. You are truly special and I mean that in the best way.
~(((((((((((((Slip))))))))))))~ why helloooooo darlin slip :) lol yep ya sure have... and ya've been missed... ya lazy bastard lol..... love ya to .... xxxxx
~(((Pamela))))~ well when we took it to the shop I told him, sod the computer just get me photos.... he said, the repair was easy and it was the power supply that was knackered.... that was months ago......paid $200 for him to sort it out and add more memory...... then didnt use it for months or even try it cos *cough* I dropped the monitor, and then didnt bother cos I had this new computer... well... a few weeks ago I got a flatscreen for the old computer and turned it on and bugger all...hence taking it BACK to the shop and them then cocking it up bigtime....... I was ashamed of me language I can tell ya lol...
Oh the light was no sneaker or trainer as we would call those running shoes...... it was an orb.... a spirit.... I tell ya lol it was a sign :)...xxxxxxx
ps... what? ya dont call kids in the states 'nippers' lol :).. x
~((((((((((Lee))))))))))))~ yep Im a bloody pikie LOL.... funny thing is one of me lads best mates is a honest to goodness pikie :) - your childhood sounds great .... gotta love ice-cream cones ...xxxxxx
~((((((((Bina))))))))~ spookie aye.... only me and Sprite saw it, so maybe its a girl thing :)
A cockle is a little thingie inside a tiny clam shell thing :) with its one orange leg and its bum you have to squeeze to get that last bit of sand out LOL... oh the tales I have of having to go cockleing when I was a kid....
A tanner is a sixpence :)
But I was happy mucking out... Im at me best when Im in shit lol....xxxxxxx
~(((Ake))))~ yep, was.. there was some precious ones on there that I can never repeat...
I'd make a great gypsy LOL.... what with me ampshire accent ..xxxxxxx
~((((Elaine))))~ oh my.... I clicked on that site, but cos I am a computer retard, the site lost me at sentence 2 lol.......so, in the next few weeks we are hopefully having the bloke round to set us up for wireless, and he is a computer geek and I will ask him if me photos lurk somewhere on me hard drive... fanks for that....xxxxxx
~((((PinkAcorn))))~ what? childminders in the states dont take nippers out to great places? they just childmind them at home? well sod that, we are hardly ever home.. how else will the nippers in ones care get to experience all these things and to learn and grow...
Well I still reckon you aint old enough to have a grandaughter lol...xxxxx
~((((((((((((Kati)))))))))~ yep, we always have a great time when out or even here in me garden, or up the woods or like today at a little plant nursery we went to.... one day I will win the lotto and fly ya over lol...as long as I get to get a return visit to you lol....xxxxxx
~(((((spottedwolf)))))~ I have a sense of humour? lol.... its the only thing that keeps me sane at times :) ... xxxxx
~((((((SisterOne))))~ hey you, ltns, yep we have a muddy funometer here LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Buff)))))))))~ sometimes a digital camera without hard photos is the pits lol and I do actually have a photo docking station to my camera to print off real photos....... in future I will do that with my precious ones so I have a proper copy...
Oh Buff my job is overflowing with rules as you probably remember from me INSPECTION post a little while back....... its only, I like kids to be kids....... their safety is my paramount priority... and all me parents of the nippers know that I would lay my life on the line for their children in my care.... and they LOVE it that I do things with them and let them push themselves....
As regards common sense lol when I have nippers with me Im sorta sensible but when I dont then I aint lol...xxxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen))))))~ oh my, what a loverly thing to say.... now stop it before you have me eyes watering lol...... gawds sake, dont you know the rules on this blob........ DONT be nice to me :)...xxxxxx
I loved this entire post!
I'm not a 'kid' person, but I love Sprite without meeting her. And I love you for raising such neat sons. And I love that place.
You've written about it before and I was fascinated then.
The 'spooky' picture is just that. You and Sprite have a bond.
I lost a ton of photo's, too~ when my Mac bit the dust. I'm so sorry.
I love the thatch and the blue house! You actually use colors in painting your houses in England and that's unique to you! love it. love the picnic, too. and i think you were quite civil about losing your pictures. you would have heard me squeal all the way over there. :(
((((mel and anyone's with a good HARDdrive))))
is there another computer shop around? sometimes some ppl say that and there's still a way to recover the photos. didn't dumdad have that problem? his friend was able to recover stuff, i believe he said.
you can definitely tell jacob is good with the nippers. he looks adorable w them.
lmao at you and jacob with the dog lady. why do people get so weird about gypsies and vagabonds? lol
ewww and oh gawd @ dumdad talking about eating cockles. he's as nasty as you are lol
i'll try to be better bout coming around. i've been total shite w commenting/reading blogs lately :-/
love ya, matie xoxo
Happy, happy, Mother's Day, dear Marmy!!! And may yer bread always be toasted!!
~((((Robin))))~ yeah me and Sprite have such a bond.... she is like one of me own - Im trying hard not to think of all the photos that was on the old computer cos when I do it makes me sad...... xxxxxxx
~((((((((JBelle))))))))~what? you dont paint your houses all different colours in the states? - if I moved to the states I want a blue house with a big wrap round porch :) go look for one for me and I'll be over :)
Oh believe me JBelle the bloke in the shop didnt get off lightly lol.... I did loose me class there for a few minutes lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((ciara and anyones for a fiddle of her floppy discs)))))))~ well, Im gonna as the computer bloke that is coming to put the other 3 computers onto wireless if there is anything he can do.... the lost photo computer is not linked up to the internet so if they are on there then other files are not being shoved on top of them... like I know what Im talking about lmfao.....
My Jacob is a darling with the nippers.... he is gentle and kind and funny with them and makes them laff, they all look upon him like a big brother...
Oh hush about the cockles or you might find some in the post lol me and dumdad knows good grub when we sees it lol
Yeah, where have ya been ya slag?... love you to, always will...xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Lisa)))))))))))~ fanks very much you old tart, even though your a month late lol us Brits are always one step a head of you doodles, we had our mothers day back in March :).....xxxxxxxxx
You may not post often, but you sure do a good one when you do!
Thank you for stopping by.
It allowed me to come all the way down the beach with you lot of pikeys.... A bet that woman was outraged for hours LOL!!!
Happy Mother's Day, Mel. Hope it's full of love and laughs.
Happy Mother's Day, Marmy!
Love the picnic lunch by the waterfront. Looks like everyone's freezing. Typical England. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. I absolutely LOVE marmite too so it's nice to find another Marmite lover. Have you ever used it in any other recipes?
*Hugs* I'm sorry I'm so late coming around to comment on this -
I would be screaming if I lost all my pictures - and you take lots more interesting ones than I do.
Oh well, you can always fall back on your collection of silver "Swear like a fishmonger's wife" trophies... I hope you keep 'em all polished and shiny. I'll come over and help ya polish 'em if ya like for a box of KFC...
I can tell from the pictures all your nippers love going to the waterfront and playing around - I hope you aren't teaching them to "strip off and swim to the raft" though - swimming about naked probably isn't "done anymore". :)
LOL @ the scarpering lady that just had to put her nose in your business... its a wonder she didn't call the law down on ya.
Mel, I love all these pictures - its a real shame ya probably lost your other ones... hopefully a DVD burner is around somewhere...
Hugs ya tight... I know its not your mother's day over there - but Happy Mother's Day - you are a wonderful Mom (and Dad) for your four sons and all your nippers...
I hope you get past the bum knees and past the pain they cause you soonest... that would be the bestest mother's day pressie you could get - next to seeing your 4 boys grow up to be good men.
Happy Mothers Day to one of the best I've had the pleasure to know!
~((((Fire Byr)))~ if only I had the time to post more, I need to get all the stories out me head and onto print so me lads have a record of 'me' ... I aint getting no younger and time is running out LOL... welcome to my part of the south coast :)... yeah ya have to be a bit posh and dare I say 'wealthy' money wise, not necessarily rich in life, to live at Langstone lol and the thought of pikies to that woman must of pushed her over the edge LOL...xxxxx
~(((Jen)))~ well muvvers day was in March here, but fanks anyways :)...xxxxx
~(((((((((((buff))))))))~ see above LOL... see, short and sweet, trying not to waffle lmfao... well that back fired right? ...xxxxxxx
~((((michele))))~ welcome to you - it was a bit nippy to start but it did warm up... typical fickle british weather lol.... woooo hoooo another marmite lover :).... pssst... I found a really old marmite cookbook with loads of recipes in ....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Intense)))))))))))))~ you my dear friend are forgiven lol cos you have been away having the life of Riley :) - I have a whole cabinet of 'fishwife trophies' LOL I could turn a sailor blue with my gobbie mouth sometimes lol...... just joking... sorta lol....
I dont actually 'do' KFC, Ive seen how they treat there chickens and it aint nice... but my lad has to make up his own mind about these things...
As regards a wonderful mum, I think me lads might beg to differ with you on that one sometimes lol...xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Robin)))))~ oh hush with your words..... ya making me blush :)...xxxxxxx
Thanks for your comments on my blog - and your encouragement on the "keeping chickens" question. Glad you liked the photos of glorious Tintagel, too.
Your kids look a handful, but lots and lots of fun!! You have a great family.
Maybe it's in the depleting ozone layer. Maybe all our files are disappearing through that hole in the sky. My email provider recently moved all our email to another server. Mechanic Man refuses (and do not ask me why) to let the email be "read" and moved to my hard drive, which I back up!!! NOOOOOOO, he likes to leave all the email on the provider's server, all 1,750 pieces over the last several years. They moved and got DELETED somehow - the magic of high technology. I'm thinking it's in the ozone. Along with all your pictures.
~(((Cottage))))~ well, I have such a passion for my handful of chickens, I just want others to experience the same :) - oh and the kids, they aint all mine, I do have 4 sons though but Im a childminder so all the nippers are other peoples :)........ we have been to tintagel so many times... one day, if I stay in this country, I KNOW, I will end up moving to Cornwall..... north Cornwall I LOVE as if its in my soul...xxxxx
~((((JeanieS)))))~ DONT BE SO BLOODY DAFT... ROTFLMRSSO!!!!!...xxxxxxx
Marmitetoasty..... your stories are so wonderful! I wish I could visit your part of the world... my best friend from high school (and life long friend) has been living in England for several years now, and I'm sending her your way - you two would be instant friends... but not sure of geography there, she's in Oakley....
aggh. i have over 300o photos on this thing, you have me running to back them up now.
we are lucky to have these kind of days when we go to Nova Scotia in the summer with my parents. beaches and rivers all to yourself minus a fisherman or two.
what a great day and it's so very very cool that Jacob still likes hanging with the momster.
MT: Hmm. Cowboys and Indians. Have a lot of those in your area did ye?
I think these are the best photos so far...love the tale and that Sprite is so damn cute! I just love how you blew that lady off! LOL
Some people just don't get IT!! :)
You were very lucky to get to be with the horses when you were young. I had to wait till I was an adult to enjoy a horse back ride.
Again, a lovely, historical/hysterical post from our sister across the pond! ;) thnx luv
~(((Kirby))))~ welcome and where ya from?.... I googled Oakley and nuffin but the sunglass company came up for England... which county does ya matie live :).. instant friends aye.... :) lol...xxxxx
~((((Cedar))))~ say it aint so?... I will say though that in and around the 70/80 loads of old houses in and round this village were deemed uninhabitable and were pulled down... twas a crying shame.... I LOVES me some history...xxxxxxx
~((((bluesky))))~ there must of been probably that amount I lost, Ive already started backing up the photos on this computer, well, me lad had to show me how, I am a bit of a computer retard ya know.... I LOVE days without to many people around :) ok, now I wanna go to Scotia lol.... yeah my lads is very cool.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ why of course we had cowboys and indians over here :) well, as little figures in me brothers toybox... he only had a couple but he did have a little wigwam to lol we had to make the cowboys and indians fight with the medievil knights he had on horseback lol... hey you, we have proper history over here :)...xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((((Sprite)))))))~ I was right proper mean to that poor posh stuck up her own arse lady lol please forgive me :)
lucky I suppose I was in a weird sorta way, every hour I was at the stables at the weekend mention I wasnt getting a beating at home, so I suppose, yep, I was lucky lol....xxxxxxx
That was a lovely post. Could have entered much of it in Watery Wednesday!
Sounds like you have good fun with your little ones and your son is clever doing those somersaults from that height! Did you try it?
I would have been fuming about the lost photos!
My mum uses to say, "It's no good crying over spilt milk."
I missed the lovely photos from the last post. Just about caught up.
You live in a beautiful place! Not that I'm suggesting you live in the cathedral! But you seem to be surrounded by lovely places to go and I love your seaside!
A great wander down memory lane.
Lovely photos and a lovely day from the sound of it. You do live in a beautiful place. I love it when your 'couldn't give a toss' attitude surfaces, sometimes. We are living in a nation of fusspots, unfortunately.
Another wonderful post to your blob. That lane where you rode the horse is beautiful! But I think that light is a hole in the fabric of our reality, and you missed an opportunity to check out an alternate version of Earth.
Marmite - Laura may be even more crazy and wild than you.... belive me. I just checked MSN maps, think county is Hampshire (told you I don't know the geography over there). Anyway, if you see screen name dameyank (when she and her bloke first took the plunge they lived in Australia for couple years, that's when she coined the screen name and it's stuck) that would be Laura... and you must always call her Lauuuuura, her mother is French, when we were teens she became acustomed to hearing her name loadly with that French accent.
Oh.. forgot, I'm still here in US - near Detroit, Michigan.... I'm one of the still employed ones here....
Just stopping in to give you a 1/2 fortnightly hello and a hug.
Just popping back to watch the chicken dance! Keep on Dancin'!
SORRY I SEEM NOT WITH IT.... AND NOT BEEN ABLE TO GET AROUND YOUR BLOBS....... been up to me eyes in life and trying not only to sort mine out but try and figure out whats best for everyone along the way......
I also lost again dear Sprite and her brother, as their father who did refind work lost it again last friday......so, anyone got a job going for £600 ($1200) a month up for grabs cos thats what I need to make up lol.....
~(((Maggie)))~ I suppose I could lol but as you see, Im away with the fairies of late, let alone having to commit to something on a wednesday lol.... yep, the more memories of the wonderful photos of me lads that I remember being on there, it hurts real deep...
I suppose I am sort blessed in a strange way where I live, but isnt it strange how one takes where one lives for granted and sometimes it takes others to point out its beauty for me to remember.....xxxxxx
~((((Maddy))))~ hi and welcome to the home of the crazy LOL.... oh I wander off in me mind at the drop of a hat :)....xxxxx
~((((MeanMum)))~ yep tiz certainly a lovely place..... and even though I whine sometimes, my main backbone, which mostly only those here in real life get to see.... is me I DONT GIVE A TOSS...or I AINT BOVVERED..... but only to those that deserve it lol.... to others, I would give my last penny but not my last ice-cream lol...xxxxxx
~((((Chicago))))~ dont know about wonderful, its just me twaddling rubbish lol.... that light most certainly was only seen by me and Sprite...xxxxxx
~(((Kirby))))~ welcome again...... oye, I AINT BLOODY CRAZY ask anyone.... ok ya better not lol but sleddies mum tells me every week when she picks up her boy that I aint crazy....and she is a nut nurse so she should know :) - I come from Hampshire..... ok, now Im intrigued about Oakley and will have to find out where it is or if Oakley is just part of the name...
ps - Im great at accents, ask JBelle what a great doodle accent I can do LMFAO....
pps - I stop at Detroit airport once on a change over from Madison Wisconsin trying to get home....xxxxxx
~(((((Intense))))~ huge hugs backachta ...... I'll try and twaddle tomorrow...... if time allows..love ya...xxxxx
~((((Spyder))))~ sorry I aint been around much...... life, has blown me out of the water this past week.... dancing is a bit of a problem LOL......xxxxx
your doodle accent sounds like a young brit lad! lmao
Oh man, I wish I lived near you and we were friends. Nobody's blog makes me laugh as much as yours.
Oh, and I love this area. I'd like to have that little blue house.
~((((Ciara anyones for a brit lad lol)))~ IT SO DONT... I cant wind a doodle up with me brill doodle accent anyday :).... Im famous for it lmfao...xxxxxxx
~((((anya)))))~ me thinks you are to posh to hang with me lmfao.... your would disown me.... as most do LOL... but jebus we would so laff... aint the little blue house just so pretty...xxxxxxx
Hey, nearest bigger town to Oakley looks like Basingstoke, kinda weird name, eh?... please don't tell me town was named after your dear great great great great great granpappy.... LOL. Next time you stop over in Detroit, maybe time for you to see some sites here? Edsel and Elenor Ford House is a fav and just couple miles from me.... beautiful Cotsford mansion designed by Albert Kahn early 1900s.... on the lake... It's open to the public these days, Edsel and Elenore were famous for their art appreciation and it's just amazing.
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