As you can tell, its been a busy old week.... one day I will get to slow down... yeah right....
First off Ive been busy before and after school.... me matie that rang me from doodleland one morning in the week will testify how busy I was, she said she could hear the nippers.....
See..... I lieth not lol..... shame I aint this busy with nippers all day..... I know these nippers parents ought to be cleaning their school shoes sometimes though, just look at the state of em lol and cos I cant stand kids going to school with dirty shoes, I bloody cleaned 9 pairs of black shoes and boots cos Sprites little pink trainers was just fine..... like I aint got enough to do in the mornings..gawds sake..
I lost Sprite and Jon again on Monday, as the job their father did have went down the drain on Monday, so that means my job with them also went down the drain so thats $1200 a month down..... so time to pull in the belt that is already pulled in...
Soooo... those that know me KNOW that I rarely spend any money on me.... only the bare lifes essentials plus the odd CD... well get this..... back in the week I splashed out on something for me..... I did it.... I picked something off the shelf and hobbled to the checkout and handed over the goods and then handed over me money..... and let me tell you, it was very difficult..... I was fighting with the voice of sense in me head telling meself that I was being like normal people, and normal people sometimes bought themselves things, even though they could of done without the item lol but I did it...
Ya see, as much as inside I would like to be a girlie girl and wear heels and all the girlie things that girlie girls wear... I DONT DO HEELS....and as everyone knows I dont do pink unless its plants and the odd thing like me Etnies trainers oh and me kitchen scales oh and me crocs lol....
Just before I had me total knee replacement last year, I sat with me matie Ann in her car outside one of the big shops in town, she needed some bits of bobs for a dinner and dance she was going to.... I was already stressed out about the up and coming operation.... so we get out the car and she walks and I hobble into the shop, where she buys what she needs whilst I go off looking at stuff elsewhere.... when we get back in the car she says.... look at what I just bought and she pulls out a pair of beautiful shoes...heels.... quite high... Ive never seen me matie in heels before lol....
She says, what do you think, to which I just burst out crying.... to which she says, what on earths the matter.... so I says..... after this operation I wont be able to ever wear heels....and the tears were rolling down me face...... but Mel, you dont do heels so it dont matter you daft cow..... then I say..... and I wont ever be able to go sking or snowboarding..... to which she says..... but you've always said you hate sking....... your just being a daft cow......but even if I did, I said, I wont be able to...... now ya just being stupid she said, so shut up before I bitchslap ya..... ya see, I use to be so sporty, football and tchoukball and hiking and helping on the all real tough survival camps in the New forest..... and I knew possibly that that part of my life was gonna be over....
Anyways.... so during the week I found meself outside the shops in town..... I wanted to go there to find something special for a friend... but before I looked for that, I wandered into TXMs and walked up and down the shoe aisle... looking for girlie shoes.... yes girlie shoes for me LOL.... not heels cos I knew I would kill meself in them.... well, unless I just used them for the bedroom lmfao
I tried, honestly I did..... I picked up shoes after shoes.... and I just didnt feel it.... didnt get the WOW..... until I came across these....
Oh shut up, they are sorta girlie :).... aint they just the bestest Vans ever....
I tried them on and they were my size.... I put them back and picked them up about 7 times lol.... then thought, I'll just carry them around while I look at other things cos I can always put them back again....
Then I found these....
They are as light as a feather.... and I LOVE 'Rocket Dog' boots..... I know I know they aint heels or right proper girlie....but they certainly aint boys boots.... but listen..... where the hell would I go to wear girlie shoes, so I have to be practical and buy what I KNOW I will get most use out of.... and even FMPs wouldnt get any use out of them LOL....
So I tried with all my might to buy girlie girl shoes, and this is the best I could do.... but, I did get them in the sale.... well cheap.... instead of £65 ($130) and £70 ($140) for them, I only paid a fiver ($10) for the Vans and £10 ($20) for the Rocket dogs.... now that is a bargain....and I love em, so I aint bovvered what anyone else thinks :)
Before I went to pay for them, my mind was mulling it all over..... as much as I LOVE em, did I really NEED em..... this is how my mind works when Im responsible for the mortgage and all the bills on me own and the raising of me lads...its not that I cant afford them, cos I can, its, do I NEED them, but I decided that I couldnt live without these in me life and I would wear them constantly... as I do with me other boots lol...
As my mind was arguing with itself I found I was wandering down the aisle with the pots and pans and all the kitchen bits and bobs WHICH I LOVE with a passion.... I have some wonderful kitchen pots.... I love to bake and cook.... and have a passion for kitchen rubbish lol..... I was actually looking for something for our Tom and his girlfriend Sammie who are now living together, I know they wanted a wok, so I was wok hunting right?.. until, something caught my eye.... something that pulled me nearer..... something I didnt NEED but I so WANTED lmfao..... AND it was girlie beyond measure...... and I dont do pink now do I..... but I so wanted this......
Can you see, its now hung on me pot rack...... ITS A PINK POT.... shiny stainless steel inside and a shiny handle..... its big and deep and beautifully heavy...... and I told meself its right proper girlie LOL....... so I put one pair of boots in the pot, cos I couldnt carry 2 pairs of boots and a pot and watch 2 nippers from disappearing now could I - I gets half way to the checkout when me matie Julia spies me..... hey Mel, what ya buying..... oh I say just a few bits....... oh my she says...... your Sammie (Toms girlfriend) will LOVE that pot..... Sammie I says.... sod Sammie the pots of me...... BUT YOU DONT DO PINK she say.......... oh shut up I said.....its not pink its light red :)
So, now I have two new pairs of boots which I love to death and a new pink pot that I didnt really truely need, but it satisified the girlie part deep inside me LOL
Enough Twaddle for a windy overcast late afternoon.....
ps..... got the rest of me hanging baskets finished today and got our runner beans planted up their wigwam poles.... more later....
Well, don't wear heels on my account, but don't wear those high tops either- You'd look like a bag lady who lost her worldly goods when some stole her shopping cart... HeeHeeHee...Just kiddin' kiddo!
~((((Buff)))~ bitchslapping you into kingdom bloody come..... high tops? highBLOODYtops? they are just boots ya daft git... and let me tell you, a bag lady would NOT be able to afford these boots :)... and its shopping trolley NOT cart LOL thats something a horse would pull.... next shopping trip Im hunting for a proper english book for you LMFAO.... and you so aint kidding, I can tell when your serious.... I promise not to wear them in bed though LMFAO... xxxxxxx
Women and shoes - I can't figure out why you lot are all so interested in footwear. But you did indeed get a real bargain on those two pairs and they look fun. But whadda I know, being but a man?
Marmy- I can hear you laughing from here! I was sent by God hisself to annoy people... How am I doin'? You need a foil like me, it keeps you aware that others can laugh with you! You are such a sweet soul, with a sense of humor I wish more folks had...
I love those boots! They will look great - and what a bargain! Shoes are a real problem for me, as I have size 2 1/2 feet and they are quite wide. Even when I can scrape the £ together, to buy some, I can't find any to fit. Usually end up with little girls shoes. Sigh.
Your pink saucepan will brighten up your cooking experience no end, I think! It's not much of a personal treat, though. Have something a bit more indulgent the next time you have a bit of spare cash! You DESERVE it for heaven's sake!
Sometimes you just have to buy something for yourself. Love the shoes. And, the "light red"
way, way, waaaaaaaay good! WAY GOOD!
way, way, waaaaaaay GOOD. WAY GOOD!
It had to be said twice.
I am glad to hear somebody else is busy... it is nice to return here for a visit. I don't do heels either. I really like the footwear and the pink pot is divine. Isn't it nice to purchase something for yourself? Have a splendid week-end.
I think those boots fit your personality. Very feminine and better than heels any day of the week! Before we moved out here I wore heels to work every day. Now I wear rubber boots when I go in the yard. And I love it. I often wonder how those rubber boots would look with a skirt, should I have to go into the office. I can't bear the thought of wearing heels again.
And I completely understand feeling like you are indulging yourself by buying a nice big pot. I splurged on two huge stew pots and felt very guilty about it. I have plenty of pots - but I fell in love with these and had to have them. If I had to chose between buying jewelry or a kitchen gadget, the kitchen gadget would win. Hands down.
Great shoes! I hope they make you feel sassy when you go out in them.
And I'm jealous of your pink pot! I want one!
I don't do heels either. Those funky "boots" (buffalodick was closer to right calling them high tops) are to kill for. And talk about a bargain. I don't believe I'd have been able to pass up that pink pot either... it has to be one of a kind - right? lol
Sorry to hear you lost Sprite and Jon, but you are a survivor and if you don't get them back, two precious children will turn up.
Nice job on those shoes! I've a few pair here that could use some attention...
Oh Lord,
I know this,
This really whacked moment
when for some bloody reason,
you have this
bizarre Lust
for something
2 years ago I went shoe shopping with my wee one.
Bought her several pairs of shoes, but fell in love!!!!
with a pair,
that for some odd reason,
look suspiciously like
a mash of what you bought.
(yeah, Weird)
so I get it, and will never bitch slap you for those
(thank Gawd) infrequent
moments of "pink demons"
Sometimes, you just gotta.
Sometimes, what you think you only want is what you dearly need.
I'm glad you bought everything. And, no arguments. You deserve it.
I love the boots. Especially the ones with the flowers. And if I had a pink pot I might cook more often. I am learning to like pink now that my house is overflowing with all kinds of pinkness that comes with having a baby girl. :)
Just in case you need a gift idea, I wear a size 9. Or the little red pot. Just saying is all.
I really though when I started reading this that you FINALLY got a sewing machine!! I am going to sit here and hold my breath until you do. Ready?? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm*gasp*mmmmmmmm!
((((mel and anyone's for a big pink something or other hehe))))
i love those vans...i wish i had seen those types before i bought the ones i have. i STILL haven't worn them. they are in my closet still in their box lol those other 'boots' as ya call em look so retro 80s to me w the paint splatter. you know, sometimes it's o.k. to treat yourself or put yourself above others. i know, i know...that's just not you. well, stop being you every once in awhile. you deserve it :)
Mel I'm so glad you treated yourself honey and what a bargain you got!!
You'll feel great in those boots and may I say even a little girlie? LOL
Love you babe. x
~(((Dumdad)))~ actually I aint one of those woman that 'does shoes' I am very low maintenance lol.... but I just NEEDED those boots in me life and seeing as I spend me life in jeans then they are spot on :)......xxxxxx
~(((((Buff))))))~ you'll hear me get on an aeroplane in a minute and come and bitchslap ya in person lol..... and oh hush with all that sweet mushie stuff......xxxxxxx
~(((MeanMum)))~ wow size 2 1/2... are you sure your not a registered midget? :) I do understand though cos me X SIL had size 3s and use to have to shop in the kids aisle lol...
Oh the light red pot aint for using lmfao HAHAHA just joking :)... and its not like I cant afford to buy whatever for meself, its just well....... oh, it dont matter lol.... no one would understand :)..xxxxxx
~(((Betty)))~ aint the pot just the best...... the pots I have are well expensive, cos I cook I need good quality pots etc.... and I didnt really need this light red pot...... but I craved it LOL...xxxxx
~(((((JBelle)))))~ oh hush it lol....xxxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl)))))~ you would not believe how much I have to sort out and organise... and keeping meself way to busy means less time to dwell on 'other things'... xxxxxxx
~((((Basicliving))))~ I bum around in all different sort of boots all the time..... I cant be anyone I aint....
LOL@your rubber boots and a skirt.....
Im so with you on the jewellery versus kitchen 'stuff'.... me especially with old kitchen stuff lol..... and you doodles sooooooo spell 'jewellery' wrong lol....
I have no problem with spending money, as long as its not on me lol....just incase....xxxxxx
~((((Katrina)))))~ oh these boots are tame compared with others I have LOL.....
and its NOT pink, its light red :)...xxxxxx
~(((Deanna)))~ still laffing at the words 'high tops' the grey Rocket Dog ones are the most comfortable boots Ive even owned... feels like Im wearing slippers...
Yeah not only have I lost Sprite and Jon, the parents owe me over$800 in back fees...... life aye.... I do cook from scratch though so we will survive til someone else in life comes along... got other things to sort out first though...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Sorrow))))))~ we are on the same book LOL.... its the 'infrequent pink moments' that makes me ME lol.... its just funny that EVERYONE that knows me when I do anything pink always says... but you DONT do pink LOL...xxxxxx
~((((Robin))))~ well I so NEEDED them to rest the hole where my soul once was.... they filled that gap :)..xxxxxxx
~(((((Jen))))~ see, maybe its cos I have/am raising 4 sons with no girlies around at all, no aunties or sisters or even a mum or grandmother.... its just me and me lads.... maybe thats why I love buying Sprite little girlie things :)...xxxxxx
~((((Lisa)))))~ thumping you on the back to make you breath LOL......
Shit girl you have huge clown feet LOL....
I would dearly more then anything love a sewing machine, but me sensible head keeps saying 'Mel and when would you find the time or the energy to use it' you girl...xxxxx
~((((Ciara anyones for a nibble of something light pink)))))~
They AINT 80s retro...... they are Rocket Dogs and if you look closely at the Pollock splatters, its actually forms and shapes of space ships and aliens and of course Rocket Dog himself :)....
But, ya see, there might be someone more in need then me and if I spend the money on me then someone else might have to go without... someone that is more in need, then I would have that guilt to deal with you...xxxxx
~(((((Ake))))))~ yep what a bargain :).... maybe cos no one else wanted them LMFAO....but I can only be me :)...
I am going to wear the boots to 'you know where' to give me confidence and a sassy hobble LOL.... love you to....xxxxxx
Hi Toasty Marmite, I mean... MarmiteToasty, how you doin' Okay I think!! Yes, I probably am just down (a very long) road from you and the weather is shite , where's the summer??? Thank you for popping over (to my blog- lord 'elp me if you turned up on me doorstep-I'd faint!)The little cat on the card, is a bit of a cheat, cos you can buy stamps then colour them in, just like kids do, or you can buy stickers already coloured and just stick 'em on! and that's what that little 'singing' cat was/is. And just to add, I haven't got that many shoes... you'd think I'd have at least eight, wouldn't you (think about it)I do have a few pairs of boots and wellies and flipflaps, oh and one pair of pinkish-lilac high heels I bought in a sale cos they were lovely... didn't wear 'em til my daughter's wedding last year~ and there was new mother-in-law goin' on about how her (bath sponge) hat cos £150 and her dress £200 and her shoes another £150 I cherped up, that my shoes cost £5!...but they're no good to wear hiking across a muddy field tho! Have a great day lovely Lady!
(P.S.It's raining here)
Just love those boots and a bargain too!!
I want those shoes, too!
I never buy much for me either. So, I understand the mental agony you had to endure to spend the money.
I approve, tho!
I never wear heels - havent done since I was in my 20s. Poor old feet started complaining - I have typical dancer's feet! And Pisces to boot pardon the pun. Your boots look FAB though - wear them wth pride!
Sometimes you've just got to treat yourself. And sometimes you do have to please the girly girl inside of you. ;)
And I understand why you got all upset about the heels you'll not be able to wear... You might not have done it before, but it's always nice to have the option to do so if you want to. Right?
Vans? VANS! OMG Mel.. before you know it, you'll be getting ANOTHER tat!
~((((Spyder))))~ hey the New Forest is almost local to me :)... dont make me go to Lymington and shout out ANYONE KNOW WHERE SPYDER LIVES cos I will ya know lol...
oh you bloody cheater lmfao.... there was me thinking what a clever cow you was ;)
Oh I LOVE muddy fields LOL... right proper windy and overcast here today..xxxxxx
~((((Casdok))))~ aint they just the bestest :)...xxxxxx
~((((Flowerpot))))~ phew, and there was me thinking I was the only abnormal woman on the planet lol its nice to know you are to LMFAO... I aint taken the Rocket Dogs off since I got them :)...xxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ yes I know all that, but someone might be more in need things first :)...
Yep, its having the option... I will just have to buy a pair for the bedroom LOL.......xxxxxxx
~((((((Toadie)))))))))~ oh shut it you numpty LOL.... I do have another pair of Vans..... and how did you know I was getting another tat?.... jebus you must be a witch or something lol....xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Pamela)))))~ oops ya slipped though the net :)....... see, you know where Im coming from..... I know I will be buried in me orange and red flowered boots LOL.... all me maties know that :)....
I only really have hiking boots (4 pairs) boots similar to those in the photo (6 pairs) normal little boots (1 pair) and various summer sandals and I DID have one pair of funeral shoes, but thats a post for another day LOL.....xxxxxxx
I LOVE both of those shoes! I'm some what of girlie girl, at work and when the occasion calls for it, but I honestly, really do, LOVE those shoes! And my God, what a bargain you got!
And may I say I WANT that pink pot? I do, I freaking WANT it!!!!!!
I love when your friend said you were being dumb and she was going to bitch slap you!
Those boots are great especially as you got them at bargain prices.
I wish I had a picture of the pink high heels my grandaughter was given for her birthday. I'm waiting to hear she's sprained her ankle! Not that I want that to happen of course. LOL.
I love the boots. The gray one's are my faves. And the "light red" pot that is hiding under the baby pink is to die for. YOU do so love girly girl, you. I stopped being a boy myself when at 11 I needed a 32B bra and the boobs meant I could no longer out run all the boys. Next it was hair curlers and girly shoes and pink lipstick.
Sorry you lost Sprite and Jon. Bet you miss them already. And her with the only clean shoes of the entire lot. Hopefully you find two more so you have enough $$$ to keep you going and allow you some extra for more shoes and kitchen gadgets. I am a freak for teapots. I can hardly walk past them without buying me one. Not those stupid animal ones or the other ugly stuff. They have to be delicate lovely ones for me. Maybe I really am a Queen. LMAO
I'm as tough as nails but I am also 100% girly girl and I love that you are too...even though you try to deny it. You can't fool me.
Smile are loved. Jolie
Now, I'm definitely a girly-girl and I absolutely love your pink pot. And I don't like to cook. But I think I'd become a gormet chef if I had a pink pot to cook in.
As for the shoes - I love them too! And would really love to have shoes with Minnie Mouse all over them. Or Betty Boop. Love stuff like that!
~(((Bina)))~ Sometimes I wish I had to go out to work and mingle with adults then I might HAVE to be more of a girlie girl...... nah, even then I probably wouldnt.... girlie girls dont like mud and camping and chickens lmfao.. but aint the light red pot just great :).... I aint even used it yet ....
yeah, me maties are always saying things like that to me LOL
Once a couple of years ago, the same matie and I was in the market, me with a couple of nippers and me gimpy leg... and her with 2 nippers, we was queueing at the veggie and fruit stall when this woman jumped the queue... well me maties says to the woman... excuse me lady, at the back please, and the woman turns to me matie and mumbles something or other which we didnt quite hear...... me maties turns to the woman and says.... I dont care if your name is Jebus Christ or bloody mighty... let the cripple (THAT WE ME) go first.... I do honestly think, a bit of wee came out that day LOL.... xxxxxxxx
~(((Crispy)))~ cheap as chips right :) - oh I would love to see your grandaughters boots ..... I use to wear huge platform boots when I was younger LOL..xxxxxxx
~(((((jolie)))))~ *cough* its GREY with an 'e' LOL
Oh hush with the I LIKE PINK BUT IN DENIAL shit.....I never had hair curlers or even lipsticks lol..... I was a neglected girlie girl and had no one to show me the way lmao... Im serious.... one day I will explain...
Yeah I miss Sprite so very much, one week without her and my heart and lost soul is ripped apart... I cant take on on more nippers at the moment cos of cicumstances... so I will just have to be skint for a while... but ya know, I dont need nowt but friendship, me chickens, me log fire, me lads and a cuppa tea 6 times a day and Im like a pig in poo..
You're as tough as nails and Im 'wellabit ard' :) and oh hush with the 'you cant fool me' LOL
know you are loved Jolie....xxxxxxxx
~((((JeanieS))))~ I know your a girlie girl... and the pot is light red LMFAO....WHAT? ya dont cook or bake?.... holy cow..... but then you have 'other things' to occupy yaself with lmfao... MrM for instance ;)
Minnie Mouse and Betty Boop on boots would be my WORST NIGHTMARE lol.... you really are a bloody girlie girl... I would rather poke me knitting needle in me eye then have anything with minnie mouse on LMFAO hahahahahaha.....xxxxxxxxx
Oh! Those brown shoes are gorgeous....
Normally I wear ones similar to Sprites trainers....but those brown ones!!
Nice pink pot. I love pink, but not in my kitchen. I usually like to have blues and beiges in there. Except for my blender, that's red...but only because that's the only color it came in.
Didn't you know that "Pink" is the new Red! :D I could not have passed up that bargin...I like the 2nd pair...reminds me of a Pollock painting. LOL
Sorry, to hear about the kids going...that Sprite is such a cutie pie. I love all the shoes lined up...on that tile...Sista that is the same tile I have at my front door! Same color and all...except, I don't have all the nipper shoes! :)
I don't do heels here anymore either. My right ankle can not take the abuse. I went to a graduation on Friday and wore 2inch THICK heels and still limped all the way...You should have seen all the young girls walking/teethering across the stage with those high, thin heels. Us older, wiser folk just laughed...One crazy chick had on YELLOW HIGH HEEL PUMPS. I must admit i was a bit jealous...:D
Have a great week and enjoy those deserve em!
I think the rocket dog boots are really cute! And for not doing pink, that pink pot is YOU! I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it, and will remember your trip to the girly girl store every time.
How to respond to this post...well, it's good to see you've Fed the Blog Beast again. About the color Pink: The local Music Store, which has 100's of guitars, has a PINK ELECTRIC GUITAR. It's been sitting in that shop for at LEAST 3 years. And no one wants a pink guitar. I'm not even sure the WOMEN would want a Pink Guitar. Pity the poor color-blind musician who buys it, then takes it onstage. Hard to look like a tough rocker when yer plain' a pink guitar...
Every now and then, I'll go and 'doodle' away money to buy something for me...I go to one of the local second-hand shops; I find records, electronics, books, and not long ago, I found a cool leather cap to fit my oversized (8 1/2 hatsize) skull. Most times, I can get in and out for around ten bucks. I can't afford to be an impulse buyer anywhere else. Enjoy the shoes. All you need now is a pair of Ruby Slippers a la 'Wizard of Oz'...
Good on you!. I like both pairs of shoes, the second pair more (and I don't wear grey)...
....but I adore the pink pot most. Stainless steel inside, big, heavy base glorious pink outside. A joy to cook with.
Happy Cooking, Michelle and Zebbycat xxx and purrrrrumbling
Thanks...I simply say thanks here and soon an e-mail will follow. And you, my sweetie know why I am sending an extra thanks.
Your big heart and the canny way you have with making me feel loved...just when I really need more proof that we have some sort of ethereal bond.
I'll send off an e-mail to you when I get back from the doctor visit today. I own Robin one too.
Grey...gray. I am a yank, ya know. My grandson's last name is there you have it...proof...he's a yank too. (S)
Trolley is a funny name for a bus that people in England ride. Carts are those things in the stores that have two holes for legs and a steel seat so we can put the little pecker-heads in and push them around whilst we find bargains. We then hope no one steals the cart with the kid in it while we are busy shopping. Then again with the way some kids behave in the stores...I think their Mom's are hoping someone will nab the kid...cart and all. Good God Marmie, where have you been?
Love you my friend. Jolie
~(((LadyStyX)))~Oh I have loads of trainers to except not pink and white like Sprites :) - light red light red pot, now say it after me lol - my kitchen is pine with terricotta quarry tiles and bottle green splashback tiles BUT I do have a mix up of wonderful pots and colanders etc :) Im a rebel lol...xxxxxxx
~(((Lulda))))~ yep sorta pollocky.. except if you look closely there is structure...
My mornings here usually have a row of shoes like that a a row of school bags and a whole loaf toasted :)
I was looking this morning at heels in town with me matie Sharon, we went into town to the suit shop cos my Jacob needs a suit for his end of school do.... so we was laffing about the heels, she made me try them on, it was funny cos I had on a bright pair of socks with cactus on that dear Soul Pumpkin send me the week before last.... we almost wet outselves laffing lol..xxxxxxx
~(((ChicagoLady)))))~ aint te Rocket dogs just the dogs bollocks lmfao and I have to admit the light red pot is sooooo me LOL...xxxxxx
~(((((some guy who blobs))))~ now if only I had seen a pink guitar when I was buying me lads strads LOL... or a pink saxaphone even :)... its not that I cant afford (well a bit skint now though) things for me, Im just so use to making sure everyone else is catered for, that I always think 'what if someone needs such and such and I spend it on me'....
I am spoilt in shoes BUT mainly hiking boots and trainers and boots and summer shoes :)...xxxxxxx
~((((Mickle))))~ yep the Rocket Dogs are wonderful I might have to sleep in them lol.... the pot is heavy and shiny and I LOVE it...xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Jolie)))))))))))~ oh will you HUSH it girl, I have a 'well ard' reputation to uphold, dont want people to think Im all soft and kind and nice lmfao - but, know you are loved and deserving and thought about :)... love ya.... xxxxxxx
I have my own shoe sensitivities so I won't discuss your shoes (my feet are way longer than anyone's feet should be) but holy crap, do I ever love that pink pot!
Hey Mel...why not wear the new boots in bed?...better traction, ya know (teehee)....
~(((Elizabeth)))))~ if you have big feet at least you could get part time work in a circus with the clowns :)... sorry, but I just couldnt help it lol..... aint that pot just the bestest.... I aint used it yet LOL dont wanna scratch it lmfao...xxxxx
~((((((((((((((Soul))))))))))))~ *snorting tea out me nose* LMFAO.... oh my..... I would have to lower the ceiling to get traction.... hang on, flicking through me Karma Sutra book to find a shoe traction position that might be more fun LMFAO....... you daft sod... :) ....xxxxxxxxxxx
Good for you!
Love both pairs of boots, your twinkly feet will be much admired.
I love the first set of boots. I hope we will see pictures of you wearing them at various places like we did with the pink shoes you have. Maybe you'll even show some more ankle.
The light red pot really stand out on the hanger. Does it work good on the stove?
I'm still laughing so hard at the wear the boots to bed to get traction thing I can't see to comment straight... will be back... :)
Take both pairs to 'you know where' so you have a change! :) xxx
call me kinky, but i think the cactus socks would look quite fetching with a pair of black patent leather stiletto heels...
I love both pairs of boots, and I think I am going to come over and grab that pink pot from watch out!!! You had better keep it under lock and key.
i'm with Intense Guy...more ankle!
(my nostrils are flaring at the prospect)
~((((Waving)))))~ welcome to the madhouse - Im famous around these here parts for me other boots LOL.... dont know about twinkly though :)...xxxxxx
~(((((Intense))))))~ yeah hopefully in the summer when I hopefully get back on track I will take them out for trips lol
Oh the light red pot aint to be used LMFAO
LOL@you two and the traction comment....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Ake)))))))~ yeah I'll wear them with me nightie lmfao....xxxxxxxx
~((((((Kinky))))))~ LOL you so know now I will have to find some patent blacks and wear them with those socks you sent LOL.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((SilverValleyGirl)))))~ if the light red pot was not so dam heavy to post, I would buy you one and send you it.... but the postage would be more then the cost of the pot.. oh and our back door aint never locked :) just come in and help yaself lol.. just leave a cake lol....xxxxxxx
~((((((Kinky Soul)))))))~ yeah ya nostrils would be flaring with alergies if you caught a glimpse at me ankles LOL..... dont forget I tuck me boobs in me ankle socks LOL....xxxxxxx
I liked the first pair but then I saw the second pair and those I would not have left the store without! And I would have had to have that pink pot too!
After getting the shock I got this last week, I called Emilene (does my hair) up and asked how soon she could get me in. In less than half an hour I was sitting in the chair in her shop saying, "Chop it off!" So, after I don't know how many years, I have short hair again. And I love it and don't regret spending that money either! Sometimes you just have to do something just for you.
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