So, back to this post....this is probably boring but if so just scroll to the bottom and watch the video lol
My 15 year old is in the middle of his GCSEs which are the major exams as he prepares to leave compulsary education.... except all schools have next week off for half term and study leave, then he has 8 GCSEs that first week back, so its hectic here besides some other things that I might share in a few days time.... but ya know me, as private as a ginger testicle...
Well, this lad of which I speak is the most amazing agile bendable flexible lad..... his passions in life are trampolining and BMXing and free running.... We have had a trampoline in our garden for about 20 years.... way way before they became a 'must have garden accessory'.... obviously its not the same trampoline, its been replaced 3 times now, and its not one of those round 'play' ones, its a proper one, the one down from the fold up ones that you find in sports halls..... its an oblong proper one, not a round toy one lol..
Last year the old trampoline needed replacing so I rang the company where I had bought from in the past and explained that I had bought from them before and told them we needed the super-king deluxe or whatever it was called BUT there is no way I was gonna pay £750 ($1500) for it, what was the best they could do LOL....... the bloke on the end of the photo called me a cheeky bitch LOL.... HOW RUDE :) Anyways he said leave it with him and he'd get back to me...... see, ya dont ask ya dont always get... and he did ring back about an hour later... he said they had the trampoline I wanted in stock and cos of my cheek he said he had found one with a scuff mark on the padded surround mats and cos of that.... and he was so laffing.... he said it couldnt be sold at full price, so he could do me a deal with it....... so I says...... how much of a scuff.... and he says..... well I just scuffed it with me shoe for ya LMFAO........ Bloody hell, I think 'I pulled' lmfao..... I asked him if he was serious and he said, ya made me laff this morning so what the hell....... so we got our new trampoline for just £350 ($700) and not $750 ($1500)....400 bloody hundred quid cheaper for being cheeky lmfao - DONE AND BLOODY DUSTED.....
So...... my lad uses it to practise some of the moves he learns at trampoline club.....except he is now teaching the trampoline coach new moves LOL.... he makes my heart stop watching him in the garden..... but I smile through it when he says.... mum watch this......
As you can see, its very near the shed...... you know, the shed that he often leaps off on onto the trampoline LOL
Standing on the shed.... He can do easy back and front flips but he aint satisfied with those so its usually double back half twists to full double front 360 full twist and all that nonsense lol
He does things like side rotations in the air and when he first started trying them, he would often bounce sidewards right over me twat neighbours 6 foot fence lmfao.... praise the lord no broken bones on this lad YET...
Got this photo just as he landed a double front half twist to flat front LOL.... Im sure thats NOT the technical term for it..
How perfect is this photo ..... his trampoline coach says he is the highest bouncer he has ever come across.... he needs to get high to do his twists etc, which is fine in a supervised sports hall, but in the back of me tiny garden with concrete fence posts and twat neighbours and sheds and chicken coops surrounding the trampoline it aint always safe LOL
During the week, my Jacob was doing a few moves on the trampoline when our twat neighbour shouts something over the fence..... he was talking to me, I think lol.... so I ignored him to begin with...... but he kept on and bloody on.... WHAT? I said rather loudly..... he then went on to say that he was having a BBQ with many important friends and work collegues that evening and would like us NOT to use the trampoline during the hours of 6.30 and 10.30..... dare me DEMAND instead of ask.... I asked as to the reason why he didnt want the trampoline to be used.... and he said...... because he didnt wanna see someone jumping up and down up and down over the fence all evening when they had friends around and it would be annoying.... all I can say is RED FLAG and BULL :)........
So I says........ dam, and I was gonna ask you if it was possible for you NOT to have a BBQ this evening as Jacob has to practise and the smoke from the BBQ and the noise of chatter and laughing that comes with a BBQ is very annoying and off putting.......
I know I sound mean, but you just need to know what this pratt is like..... he is nasty and foul mouthed and rude and self centred and selfish and ignorant and arragant and an all round twat LOL...... Im the only one around here that stands up to him, and he is only nice, sorta, when HE wants something....
So, he says (you must understand that he is the other side of a 6 foot fence and can not see me doing a chicken dance and making childish faces LOL.... so, Ive made myself clear then have I, he says........... yes I reply, perfectly clear..... Jacob comes in for his dinner and we hear the BBQ friends arrive next door and we hear the twat neighbout put on his posh voice, his, I am better then everyone voice, his fake voice to these important friends LOL...... smoke everywhere..... chatter, noise, laughter LOL......
So you ask did we do as HE asked............. HELL NO, ya see, there are ways of asking favours and there 'are ways' of asking..... and he picked the wrong one :)..... its amazing what fun my Jacob and his 3 mates had that evening bouncing and jumping off the shed with me twat neighbours party just 3 foot away behind a 6 foot fence, which aint no height when ya bouncing 15-20 foot in the air LOL...... my lad said, hey mum, they aint even got matching plates LMFAO ...... Oh shut it, you have to understand the dynamics of living next to this bloke.....
Anyways THAT was not the things mothers didnt need to see........... the following is...... My lad was on the computer a few days ago and said, hey mum come look at this that me matie just sent me..... Jebus mary muvver of whoever.....

This is my Jacob doing a twisted somersault off the junior school roof a few months ago...... son, I says, there are things mothers dont need to see.... Oh mum, Jacob says, that aint nuffin...... watch this.....
I think I need to move closer to the hospital LOL - hope he doesnt start doing this off the tall trees he will be climbing when he goes to college in September lol....
Enough boring Twaddle for a bright sunny Friday morning.......
Tell yer oldest (would that be Tom, then?) to enjoy himself in Thailand, try not to get arrested, and to keep his fly zipped so he doesn't bring home any "unwanted" souvenirs!
And Jacob should think about getting himself a cheerleading outfit and some pom-poms in time for the next BBQ! He and his maties could put on a right proper show!
Oh! Also, remind Tom that they still have capital punishment for drug offenses in Southeast Asia!
LOL@Cheerleading outfit.... now you have planted a seed in my already mental mind LOL
I'll tell Tom your advise, only he aint going, its Ben thats going lmfao....
Ive already 'spoken' to the lad... dont go bringing back any itchie rashes lol....xxxxxxxx
What an adventure for Ben. But I understand about worrying about your babies. No matter how big they are.
You know, they do trampoline in the Olympics now. Looks like Jacob should try out! But doesn't he know that you're supposed to have a trampoline nearby when you jump off a building?!?! :)
I love those pictures!!!! That is so freaking cool. And you are just so cleaver, getting that trampolene for 1/2 the price! How do you do it? I'm gonna have you negotiate my next house and car purchase!
Ya know, as you as you said your neighbor asked you NOT to jump, I just KNEW those boys would be out there jumping!!!!! You are so funny.
And wow. Your son is going by himself, for a month, to Thailand? How fortunate for him!! I can't wait to hear his stories and see his pictures. Tell him I said good luck and have fun!
Oh way cool!! I wish I could do that sort of stuff and I mean the trip to Thailand, the "negotiation" with the trampoline company and all the stuff Jacob can do!
LOL@the party plates not matching. *Whispers to Jacob, you need to get a pair of nude colored underpants so it looks like you are nude the next time you rag on the tosser next door!*
LMAO - thanks for the smiles today, Mel... *Hugs ya tight knowing some of what you are goign through*
We have some wonderful friends who were missionaries in Thailand and I love hearing their stories about living there and the wonderful people. And the wonderful food. She taught me how to cook some wonderful Thai food, and it was so delicious. I hope Ben has a wonderful trip and a wonderful adventure!!
I loved the pictures of Jacob on the trampoline. But the ending video cracked me up. I can't imagine in a million years ever trying something like that...well, maybe if there was 8 feet of snow on the ground, but not just jumping.
I think your boys have lots of guardian angels watching over them!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Wow, exciting stuff happening round your way - boy off to Thailand and another jumping all over the place like a Mexican bean.
It's a pity he didn't video the barbecue party while he was bouncing about. And then put it on YouTube. Next time maybe?
I will never understand how your twat neighbor can be that stupid. Doesn't he know you at all???
I'd say he got off easy this time.
HA! Wow.. these are great pictures! I would have never attempted anything like this as a kid...maybe I'm just a pansy, I dunno.
You have a tougher heart than I do. I would be dead if I saw my son doing this.
Oh good for Tom throwing caution to the wind and travelling to Thailand! He will love it there it's such a beautiful country and the Thai people are so helpful and friendly. He'll be fine Marmie as long as he stays on the right side of the law. Tell him if he gets the chance to go see the Burma Railway, the bridge over the river Kwai - I'm sure he will have learned something about it in History and it is so incredible and moving.
Jacob has given me a heart attack and he's not even mine! :(
I wanna do thiiiiiiisssssss!
I think those photos are amazing. Apart from the fact that your son is so clever to get those moves on the trampoline, I think you were very clever to get those photos. I liked the way you got the shadows on the shed and I liked the one where he was spread eagled with legs the same shape as the roof! Great shots.
I think older son will really enjoy Thailand & Heaven forbid that any of those nasty things happen. I am sure he will be sensible, though I expect you will worry as your are his mum!
Had to laugh at the barbecue and the trampoline episode! I wonder what he said about it afterwards this twat from next door?
Very interesting post.
His guests probably enjoyed the trampoline exhibition more than they did his boring talk. Jacob sure is good on that thing! And those pictures were amazing. My kid did that, I'd have heart failure for sure, though!
I hope Tom has an awesome time on his adventure!
I was a bit disappointed that YOU didn't jump off the shed while your neighbour was having his barbecue! Didn't you want to see his odd plates?
I hope that your eldest son has a good time in Thailand! Jacob's stunts are amazing!
Concerning what mothers don't need to see or KNOW! My oldest daughter was in the Dominican Republic for almost a week interviewing for a job. I didn't know she was going until she was back. The reason? they didn't want me to worry!! Well..little do they know; I worry anyway.
The trampoline pictures are the most awesome pictures I've ever seen. I can't imagine seeing Jacob *perform* in person!
Another inspiring post, Mel. I love your style and humor. Best wishes for Ben?, the Thailand traveller.
Nice post Mel. i had a tramp when i was a teenager too, and you couldn't keep me off of it. I'd probably be four inches taller if wasn't for that thing...
Ah, and don't worry about your oldests walkabout... we all have to find ourseleves at that way or another
Wishing your son a safe and fantastic journey! You're only young once...go for it!!
You are too damn funny with that prat neighbor of yours.
You think he would learn by now not to mess with the Chicken Lady!LOL
Fantastic pics...I've been on one and jumped up about 2 inches...prefer laying down on one. Oh please, next time tell your son to photograph and/or videotape that asshole! That would be priceless!! :) Posh my ass...not even matching dinnerware!
Said in my Poshest City Voice: "Enjoy your weekend dahling!"
I'm not even his mother and my heart squeezed thru my throat and tickled my tonsils.
Your tramp pictures are great.
As for the free running/parkour or whatever they call it- I could do that in my sleep.
I need to quit lying so much.
~((((Jen))))~ now its Saturday and me boy is getting wellabit nervous about going and travelling for the first 3 weeks on his own.... of course I dont help by saying about batty boys and prison etc lol....
As regards Jacob and his trampolining, he was spotted by a olympic coach over a year ago and we had to travel to Southampton twice a week for 3 hour sessions... which made for a long day.... it was an olympic training squad, he blew their socks off..... but, he didnt wanna do all the starter comps up and down the country.... well thats what he said, but I think he realised how expensive it was each week (£50-70 a week - $100-140) just for him to do the comps.... we went for a year and he is having a break lol.... but he is mentioning going back.... so if so, will try and find sponsers or something.... the training squad was amazing... it was a long drive twice a week for me after a long day at work, but I would do it again in a shake of a cats tail...xxxxxxxxx
~((((Bina))))~ aint bad pictures on me crappy 3 pixel camera lol....
Im known for having the gift of the gad as we would say lol.... I must charm people with my daft talk LOL..... and I can sell sand to the arabs, as I do on ebay :)...
Yeah my neighbour was obviously giving me the red flag LOL
Yep a month, first 3 weeks on his own, he has just bought a aeroplane ticket and thats it... I will admit today he is a bit nervous.... and aint even packed yet LOL...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Intense)))))))~ oh hush it, you could do anything you heart desires.... all I couldnt do would be the trampoline, not now, but I use to be brill when younger at trampolining...
Hugs and snogs back atcha... fanks Iggy.... Im scared as a worm in a magpies beak lol....xxxxxxx
~((((SilverValleyGirl))))~ Ive just told me lad your words and Im hoping it has sunk in... told him also to take poo tablets for when he eats snake and scorpions and monkey brains and stuffed scrotum sacks of a yeti...
Im use to all that Jacob does on the trampoline now, BUT the video just about almost gave me a heart attack.... xxxxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~ yeah aint they lucky lol.... I need some excitement in me life now.... oh now I should of asked him to video it on his phone lol.... only thats illegal over here without permission.... but, when has that ever stopped me doing anything lol...xxxxxxx
~((((Elizabeth))))~ well it just shows you how thick in the head the bloke is :).....xxxxxx
~(((((((Toadie)))))))~ I would of as a kid and young adult.. and would even now if me old bones was up to it LOL.... your more a carnation lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Charles)))))~ well dont know about a tougher heart.... there are many times when I wanna scream DONT DO IT to one or other of me lads....... so many broken bones Ive had over the years... but, I could never stop them doing their passions.... and maybe with Jacob being me fourth son, just maybe, my brain says.... we will face any consequences when or if they happen....xxxxxxxx
~(((((Ake)))))~ well yep good for Tom, only he aint going LMFAO its Ben lol.... today he is wellabit nervous and a little scared of going on his own... just turning up in a country with no plans or accomadation lol....
Jacob gives me a heart attack when I see him doing urban tripping or on his BMX (upside down somersaults) and I always say.... BECAREFUL cos I aint moving to a bungalow if ya break ya neck... I dont do ramps :)....xxxxxxxx
~((((JBelle))))))~ you have to practise out ya bedroom window first LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((Maggie))))))~ those photos are just on me crappy 3 year old camera, I was quite pleased with them, I have about 20 more so was hard to pick just a handful out.... I love the spread eagled on the best :) its almost perfect... not that I know diddly squat about photos lol.
Me neighbour is a boring old fart and thats quite apparent when you hear him talking to his 'maties' the other side of the fence lol.... good job he cant see the childish faces we pull LOL....
Interesting post? lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Cindy)))))~ me lad is very good, I will give him credit, he must get his guts from me LOL.... I hope Tom has an awesome (that is such an american word lol) time, only he aint going LOL its Ben thats going....xxxxxxx
~(((Mean Mum)))~ well funny you should say that LOL.... I didnt jump off the trampoline but I did try and have a peek through a knot hole in the fence LOL.... it was like one of those moving eye pictures that spys use LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((Jackie)))))))~ I worry cos he will be so far away, and all me lads whenever there is trouble or anything, they ring me to help sort things out LOL this time he is on his own.... I think a Thai prison is likely lmfao....
Jacob in person is amazing, he is the most wonderful lad... everyone that meets him says the same..... he is the next prophet I was told once LMFAO....
I have no style LOL.... and I just type or say whats in me head :).... you should of been in the opticians with us this morning.... jebus it was just the funniest hour Ive had for a long time.... xxxxxxx
~((((Bent)))))~ oh my, Im so honoured to see you here :) - welcome..
You had a tramp when you was a teenager.... do we really need to know about what you get up to in your spare time with your hobo friends LMFAO hahahahaha....
Yep, he is more then old enough for this, I just wish he had done it years ago and got the bug, but I know this will do him the world of good, he has had a hard ride this past 3 years.... but it still wont stop me worrying...... its been just the 5 of us for so long....xxxxxxxxx
~(((Lulda)))))~ yeah only young once... dam and bugger lol
Me neighbour will NEVER learn and that is the fun thing lmfao.... it means years and years of winding him up :)..... Im harmless really though lol
LOL@ 2 inches..... you chicken shit lol - yeah he just THINKS he is posh LOL.... what a tosser :)...xxxxxxx
~(((Pamela)))))~ I will send him up to you, cos my heart is about burst..... but also fit to burst with pride :).....xxxxxx
~(((((Chupa)))))~ oh goodness, how loverly to have you here..... I thought you had forgotten about me lol....
You calling me lad a tramp? LOL
You could do it in your sleep? yeah right, in your dreams.... except you are still young enough to give it a cracking good bash :)......
checking your tongue for lying pimples...... and measuring your nose...... I SAID NOSE.... gawds sake...xxxxxxxx
Ah, yes, I remember when my son did the same thing. I hold my breath for weeks. I had loaned him my credit card, an since we have the same name, I didn't think it would be a problem. It was! The CC company flagged the card since they thought it strange that it was being used overseas. My poor son got stranded with no food or shelter for 24 hours until I got it straightened out. Oh, well, all part of growing up. Right?
~(((Cedar))))~ you gave him your credit card? LOL you numpty....
My lad has paid for his aeroplane ticket and will have £1000 ($2000) with him to last the month... which should be plenty, unless he gets fleeced.... I wouldnt even know how to get any money out to him if that happened.... so I will give him the address of the British Embassy out there LOL..... see, Im all heart :)....xxxxxx
I'm sure your son will have a wonderful time in Thailand but I can understand why you would worry.
My niece's daughter is also in the middle of GCSE's it's a stressful time for them as I remember when my grandson did the Irish equivalent last year. I wish your lad good luck.
You got some brilliant trampolining pictures and next time I want to buy something major I'll come to you to complete the deal! Your neighbour is hilarious; if only he knew how much fun we had from reading about his antics-he'd probably up-sticks and move house. LOL
I use to have a "twat neighbor" too.
~((((Crispy))))~ we have just got back from the shops, where we went to get a few bits and bobs for his trip.... ended up costing me £60 ($120) now how did that work out? LOL hahaha....
Yep GCSEs are the pits.. he needs to do well, and the first week back after half term is the main week and HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM.... but Im trying to suss and sort it out, but I dont know which way to turn or whom to turn to for help LOL....
I could/should write a book on me exploits with me neighbour LOL... and me opticians and me bank and me village shop lmfao and the list goes on ;).... oh no, I dont want this one to leave, he is way to much fun to wind up.....*remember when I told him my son was a registered midget* LOL....xxxxxxx
Ok Anonymous, who the devil are ya?... x
Well, we know who that kid took after.. I can see you doing the same stuff- easily! My two sons are polarized, one got my brains, the other got my will power..They are so different, they actually get along and love each other like brothers... The only gift I ever wished for.
My "twat" neighbors were left behind in Michigan when we moved to Mexico.....
Your photographs are fantastic. I enjoy seeing all of your pictures with all of your twaddle. You certainly know how to spin a yarn.
It is a rather ballsy thing for Ben to travel to Thailand. I applaud him and hope he has an "awesome" time. Whatever his reasons for going, I trust he has enough sense to be extremely careful. Best of luck to him.
I'll be thinking about you as he is off on his adventure and you are left at home to worry.....
I love jumping on a trampoline, but draw the line at jumping off buildings. I'm surprised Jacob hasn't broken his leg yet.
when I read the title, that should have been a clue!
I should not have gone a bit farther..nor read about the jumps twists and OMG!!!!
did you say he does this OFF OF A ROOF????
I think I need a drink...
I have not laughed so hard at one of your posts in months....Thank you!
GREAT photos..... you ought to frame the one....
Oh my dear Melody,
You really made my day with your last two posts. I just love the way you handle things,especially the neighbor from hell. You are truly special!
i think Jacob has a career as a stuntman ahead...he and the other lads should have done their bouncing in kilts with nuffin on underneath...
...i hope Ben has just enough fun to stay out of jail...oh...and my buddy Tom's older brother Chuck is a minister there, should he decide to get married or something...
Methinks yer lad has a hidden death wish. I've read that these 'thrillseeker' types have an extra gene, or a different gene, or whatever. All I know is, that when I was his age, I wasn't that brave. Although I did run 11 marathons in my lifetime. So while I don't have a death wish, I don't have any common sense, either. Say...Didn't you write once about being rather foolhardy in your younger years? Maybe YOU've got that gene!
~((((Buff))))~ me thinks you might be right lol... he has my love for 'having a go at things' and being outdoors and woods and nature.... my 4 lads are different to but the same in many ways if that makes sense....
Dont know if any of them got me stubborn willpower though.... cripes, hang on, I aint stubborn lol just independant :)...xxxxxx
~((((((Lee Harris)))))~ blimey, maybe your twat neighbours moved next to me LOL.... the house next door has always been a house of twat neighours, the last 3 occupants have been twats, first I thought it was me, but other neighbours confirmed its the house next door that seems to attract twats LOL...
Well Ben goes in the morning, he has been out with his mates all day and even now at gone 9pm he aint in, he was getting nervious yesterday as we shopped for last minute items.... he is a little bit scared shitless about just going on his own with no accomodation booked lol.... he will be ok when he gets there, but I give him 4 days at the most before he looses his bank card or passport or gets his rucksack nicked LOL....
And I KNOW I will have tears in the morning as he leaves, say its the last time I see him.... that is always in the back of my mind...xxxxxxx
~(((ChicagoLady))))~ all me lads have had many broken bones and at one time I had a son in ICU and another in the fracture clinic downstairs in the hospital LOL.... Jacob at 15, so far is the only one that has not broken a single bone....TOUCH WOOD :)..xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((Sorrow))))))))))~ and people wonder why I look about 84 instead of me real age LOL...... being a single parent and raising 4 sons for 9 years completely on me own has taken its toll LOL....
Where the hell is me knight in shiny armour :)...
Tis a wonder I dont take to drinking LOL...xxxxxxx
~(((((Robin))))~ it AINT BLOODY FUNNY lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Frum Helen Back))))~ nah I aint special.... Im just me, sometimes I wish I could be someone else just for the day LOL...xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Soul))))))))))))~ he would LOVE to be a stuntman and asked me in the week how he could go about it........ of course, I dont want him to do that so I said some bullshit about having to study it a university LMFAO.....
oh my quick give me the address of Toms older brother chuck the minister incase Ben needs sanctrary :)..... I LOVE that he is going but I will worry until he gets back.....xxxxxxx
~(((((some guy)))))))~ nah my boy Jacob has such a love of life and of people, he is the next prophet ya know :).....
As the marathons good on you :) - when me lads bike is off the rode due to a puncture or whatever, he jogs everywhere..... sometimes 3 miles to his mates house lol he knows I will give him a lift but sometimes he just runs to where he needs to be, when asked WHY
? he says, it builds his stamina :)...
I was never foolhardy..... but I would do things similar to what me boy does.... only I was more into football and diving....xxxxxxx
You should get a badge of honor for raising 4 boys! I would have NEVER lived through it. Flips off roofs, broken bones, ICU - it makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it. But it sounds like you've done right by them and they obviously adore you - money can't buy that.
I hope Ben has a wonderful, safe trip and I know you are already ready for him to be home again. It's only a month - he'll live a life time while there and have wonderful stories for you..... or not. Like Tom told you - there are some things a mother just shouldn't know ;-)
We left a twat neighbor when we moved out here. And he was our neighbor for over 20 years! Oh, the stories I could tell you about him..... I hope you won't have your twat neighbor for long - after ruining his no-plate-matching BBQ, maybe he'll move. What a bore. YOU are probably the most entertaining thing that ever happened in his sad, pathetic life.
Well hell! Lisa's idea of a cheer outfit is good but I was thinking more along the lines of a ballerina outfit! .oO(get THAT in the beige color iggy suggested instead of the sweatpants, they're more aerodynamic so long as he goes sans tutu)
What great photos of your son. I agree though... move closer to the hospital. Thanks for all your concern and kinds words for RP. He is out of the hospital and seems to be on the mend.
Jacob is mad!! Stop jumping off the school, you frighten mommy types!!
~(((basicliving)))~ dont know about a badge of honour, I think Ive earned me place in a mental hospital for me retirement lol...
You do NOT wanna see what other video I just found of me lad LOL.... I need to have words when he comes in...
Thailand is on hold for the moment, he went to the airport this morning after I got up at 5 to cook him a send off breakfast, left here at 3.30, only to ring me from the airport to say cos his passport is damaged they wont let him use it, so we have to somehow try and get him a new passport, EXCEPT his flight is non refundable so he has lost $800 I have one very pissed off man in my house today.... Im gutted for him, but I will help try sort something out....
I wonder if your twat neighbour moved here lol.... no me neighbour is here for life.... they only moved in about 3-4 years ago, you know, second marriage malarkie, this is their final resting place :) - anyways he is to much fun to move lol...xxxxxxxx
~((((LadyStyx)))~ DONT encourage lisa LOL she is bad enough without your influence lol and stop encouraging Iggy to LOL...xxxxxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl)))))~ no I need to move to the states that will put paid to my Jacobs antics lol...
Im so glad to hear that MrP is feeling a tad better.... please pass on my love to him...xxxxx
~(((((Coral))))))))~ I'll send him to you for a cure to his mad ways lol....xxxxxx
Never a dull moment at your house. I'm surprised the Twat next to you hasn't had the "Big One" yet. He must get mad enough to boil over.
You are such a shit to him. LOL
I hope Ben is safe on his trip and has a wonderful time of it. So neat to travel...especially when one is young and building character and memories.
Jacob is so like you. Dammed gutsy. I think I'd worry more for him then for Ben. He is a broken bone or neck waiting to happen. I so agree there are sooooooo many things that kids should never tell their Mom's.
I'm glad you feel right proper sorry for me missing my play. I feel very sorry for me too. LMAO
Such the baby me.
Love you Mel...well I guess you know that. Jolie
I hope your oldest has a great time in Thailand - and nkeep away from drugs of any kind! Those pics of Jacob are incredible!
Did he get his passport squared away? I hope the airlines will be understanding about the situation and work with him on getting another ticket! How disappointing for him. Is there a new estimated time of departure??
Dang! that teaches me to stay off the internet for a few days - you snuck a post in.
Ben will be fine on his trip to Thailand but this mother would be worried too...
You had me laughing so hard about your twat neighbor. Go Tom! I don't know how you have survived those boys,, but then I'm not too sure how they have survived you!
Loved the post - love you - thanks for the laugh. Hope things are looking up for you.
Wait... that was Jacob jumping... or Tom... oh my I get so confused...
Melody: I sort of did the same exact thing as a lad and loved it. It's an education in istself. Of course as a Mom you have your worries, but he is growing up and needs to see other parts of the world. When I was a Vietnam Vet I went to Thailand on R and R, and loved it. Hopefully he will too. The Stickman
~((((Jolie)))))~ his head turns purple and sometimes I think he might have a nose bleed LOL....
Well the trip was on hold cos of his damaged passport, he was so very gutted, I spend 2 hours with him this afternoon trying to sort out a new passport, which will take a week to arrive, then hopefully he will bugger off, he has lost his $800 fair though... I'll get him to Thailand if I have to well me soul to the devil or me landing flaps to a pilot LOL
Jacob is to dangerous for his own body at times... you should see the video I saw yesterday of him in a shopping trolley on a steep hill LOL....
Yep was right proper sorry for you my dear friend, thats the kinda friend I am LOL.... then I thought, well I aint never been to see a show, so why should you lmfao...... LOVE ya to dear Jolie, you know that right? :) ......xxxxxxxx
~(((Flowerpot)))))~he will when he eventually gets there :).... aint the photos good on me little crappy camera...xxxxxxx
~(((Basicliving)))))~ we spent 2 hours today trying to sort it.... we now just await for his new one to arrive.... he was so gutted I spent an hour down the garden crying for him where no one could see me.... a week for the new passport to come back, he might fly out with his matie, who was gonna fly over for the last fortnight, but stay longer when his mate flies home...... I will get me boy to Thailand.... I will....xxxxxxxx
~((((Deanna)))))~ yeah well I have prepped him well, no ladyboys and no itchie rashes to be bought home...
:) me twat neighbour asked me a favour today lmfao...... me of all people....
I know how I have survived.... through pure guts and determination to make sure these lads didnt just turn out to be statistics of divorce.... they will be the death of me lol
Got a bit of a ride coming up, Im just hoping Im strong enough to go with it....xxxxxxxx
Twas Jacob jumping lol I know I know, I shouldnt of bred like a rabbit lol.... I only was bonked 4 times though ;)...xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Stickman)))))))))~ I know sweetheart.... he was so ready to go, bugger his damaged passport.... I will get him there, even if I loose everything trying...
So sorry you had to go to Thailand under extreme sad circumstances... if I win the lottery, I will book you and ya wifey the most amazing trip back to Thailand :)...xxxxxxxx
Oh boy, you are such a mom of steel. I'd be all over him, locking him in the basement until he was too old to jump off of anything. I'm too nervous to watch and he's not even my kid!
HA! You all showed that bloody neighbor! Funny thing is, the jumping was probably the most entertaining thing for the neighbors guests. Made his party very memorable...otherwise, probably forgettable!
Thailand? Exotic travel! Safe journey to your other boy.
You're evil. And I so knew you were going to make sure the opposite to what your neighbour asked you to do was done. LOL!
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