There are reasons as to why I could not be here and if I wrote a proper list it would be as long as me arm, but Im sure over the coming months these reasons will be put down on Twaddle for the record lol... these are reasons not excuses... and of course the longer I left it the harder its been to tiptoe back in, and without dearest Buff my blogger friend who upped and bloody died on me, to nag me constantly in emails to 'get me arse back' its been hard, but I had to remind meself as to the reasons why I started this blob, and that was as a record of things in my life that my lads might oneday enjoy when I am no longer around, and jebus knows I have so much more to get down on record...
These are a few of the 'reasons' that spring to mind ....Life - My Best Blobber Friends Death (which had such a profound affect on me) - Allotment - Birthdays - Lack Of Work - Almost Financial Ruin - Woodelf - Sadness - Snippets Of Hope - Laughter - Tears - Struggles Beyond Measure - Loss Of The Most Precious Friendship With What Was A Dear Blobber/Sista Friend Which Im Still Finding It Hard To Get Over - Baby - New Chickens - Twat Neighbours - Summer - Twice A Week Physio - My Best Friend Here Wendy Whom Is The Reason Im Still Sane Even Though That Is Debateable...She Is The Only One That Truely Knows Whats Been Going On..
Anyways... Enough of all that.... I need to get down the things that happened last christmas before this christmas is upon us..... havent done one single thing as yet towards this years crimbo..... one has to be very creative when one is as skint as me lol....
So..... This one is in honour of my 4 sons, I wonder if they will ever truely know just how much I love them.... last Crimbo was the bestest Christmas we have EVER had.... filled with laughter, love, tears, togetherness in the face of adversity......
Im never prepared for just how quick christmas decends upon us, I always think its ages away, and I like to celebrate my Sams Birthday in the middle of November before I even think about whats got to be done in preparation for christmas......and then before I know it, its just a few weeks before actual christmas and Im all in a fluster and cos Im on my own there is so much I have to do....
Our Crimbo always starts with us going to cut down a tree at Southwick Estate something my Sam and Jacob always love to do with me... (dont know what will happen this year as the Estate is not opening the tree meadows this crimbo)..
Just look at that straggly specimen, and I dont mean me lads lol - we laff so much picking a tree and cutting it down and dragging it to the car... the old man that usually sits in the little shed and dishes out the saws for the cuttings was not there last year, which was upsetting, I presumed he had died, cos he was rather ancient... I said my condolences to the other bloke in the shed and waffled on and on about how sad it is that the old chap was no longer with us.... to which this bloke replied, after letting me prattle on and on..... oh, you think he is not here cos he has died *much laughter and shaking of his head* well, he says, he aint here cos he has gone for his teabreak, he unfortunatley is still alive and kicking LOL.... it was then my turn to shake me head lmfao
This photo of my Sam makes me smile, note he has a 'dew drop' on the end of his nose, cos it was so cold that day lol
We decorated our little house with things we get out year after year, we like the tradition of our old decorations, wooden decs and glass baubles and all the childhood decs me lads made as children and even a little glass tree dec from my childhood - our special bits and bobs of christmas's past, with the always new little added decoration of the present crimbo, usually a wooden one upon which we write the year and our names and ages, its become a family tradition, and its nice to pick out the decorations from when we first started it, the year we found ourselves on our own.. it was like a new beginning.. to see just how far we have come despite all the things that have been thrown at us especially over the past few years..
I cant imagine living in a house without a working fireplace, somewhere to burn huge logs and a bucket of coal over the winter months, especially at christmas for roasting chestnuts and marshmallows upon.... logs are so expensive over here but this year we managed to nick some hahaha (but thats another fasinating story) so will have at least enough to burn over the crimbo week...
I have this father christmas that I hang from my bedroom window...
The minded nippers love him, when they arrive in the morning and see him hanging from my window I tell them he is listening and watching to see who is being good lol....
But, from inside my bedroom I get a fright every morning when I pull me curtains back, and no matter how many times I do it, I ALWAYS get a fright and think its someone trying to get in me window lol....
See what I mean, every day it makes me jump when I open me curtains lmfao....
We decorate the windowsill.... see that white star hanging, well its a Norgewian star that my sister sent me about 25 years ago one crimbo when she lived in Norway, and do you know it still has the same lightbulb in it from all those years.. I love my star... and all me little old wooden bits and bobs we have on the windsill..
We decorate the fireplace with fir garlands and lights and cinnamon sticks and dried orange and fruits and special little wooden and tin bits and bobs... and of course my shabby chic santa takes pride of place :) we just have to move him when we light the logs.. the gold wicker stars with lights entwinned with I found about 15 years ago and just fell in love with them and they still work :) - we have beautiful tin wired stars hanging from me lights..... just natural wooden and tin things.... aint to kean on plastic rubbish lol
Then there is our tree, its never a perfect shape, cos we usually feel sorry for the little lone tree that everyone walks past and we always end up cutting that one down and bringing it home lol.... but at least it is loved for a few days.... and we wrap garlands up the stair bannisters and hanging all our beautiful wooden geese and moons and stars and bits from that to... the tree is always in our middle room cos there is no room in our little lounge...
So I know our decs aint to everyones tastes but Ive always loved the old wooden and tin and glass things just love the more natural feel of things.. I still have decs on our tree that me lads all made at pre-school lol....
From last year onwards our crimbo table will always have a beautiful crafted table runner that a once dear blobber friend sent us.... I love it almost as much as I love her... JBelle has started a new tradition in our house, and I will treasure it always and each and every year until I die, it will run down the middle of our crimbo table..
And of course no self respecting bottle of red would adorn the crimbo table without its little knitted father christmas :)
Do you know what I like about crimbo day in my home...... cos its just me and me lads for the morning, and sometimes one or more of their girlfrieds will come in the afternoon but mostly its just us, we dont have to dress up, we can lounge around in comfy gear or just JimJams.... we dont have to go all posh we can just be US...
Once dinner is in the oven we open our pressies, we only get pressies from each other, dont have grandparents or auntie and uncles to buy anything for me lads, so its just pressies from each other.... even though my lads have numerous uncles and aunties and still have a set of grandparents around, they never hear from them or get any recognition that they exist.... so you can see its been hard for me over the years to try and give them all a special crimbo with just US.... sometimes I look and read about other family crimbos and it makes me cry knowing what me lads miss out on, I mean they only have me, just me and each other, its not much... I have to just hope its been enough..
Anyways, we exchange our little gifts with much laughter and love in our little lounge filled with christmas decorations from years pass..... there are always smiles in our home a crimbo... often throughout the year there are many tears shed, mainly by me in the quiet of my own room... sometimes I dont even know why Im crying.. but on crimbo its all genuine smiles and laughter and love...
See what I mean about bumming around in jimjams and no tops lol oh and the smiles...Thats my Ben infront of the fireplace and my Sam on the right...
This is our Tom, he was really laffing, you see if you read this blob you will know about the 'turkey neck' from the other year, when I told our Sam that it was the turkey's willy and he believed me and I chased him around the house with it, well Tom is laffing in this photo cos our Sam wrapped up the turkey neck and put it in a parcel with Toms name upon it, and when he carefully opened what he thought was a nice pressie from his brother the turkey neck wobbled and moved as he opened the box and he jumped back with shock cos he thought it was some creature moving inside, it was just the funniest dam thing ever and we laffed for the rest of the day about it....
Ben laffing at Tom about the turkey willy lmfao
And here is the culprit LOL..... I think you just had to be there to see the funny side..
My lads have never written crimbo lists, not even when they were smaller.... father christmas would leave a little stocking filled with things from him on the end of each of their beds, he never left a big pressie like a bike or nuffin, cos I always felt if I had to struggle to buy a dam bike for each of them then at least it should be me that gets the fanks for it LMFAO... so, no lists, Ive always considered crimbo was about what people 'wanted' to buy another person, and I felt that I knew me lads well enough to know what I think they would like without no dam lists of greed and wants... and I dont think they have ever been disappointed....
T J and B looking at something Jacob got..
Maybe I should of bought Jacob a belt lmfao..
Monging out whilst dinner is cooking..
My bestest new slipper boots lol see how low maintenance I really am :)
Tom and Jacob trying to suss out their new Iphone applications and Ben and Sam sorting out guitar hero...
They must of been getting hungry cos me lads moved from the little lounge to the middle room lol....
love these shots of me lads all together trying to suss something out....
ok the turkey was cooked and time to EAT it was about 2ish by then and tummys were rumbling....
If anyone remembers me christmas past posts about the turkey willy and the birdseed cake which me lads thought was stuffing lmfao or the post and the photo about the EYES inside the turkey... well there always seems to be a funny thing about the turkey and last year was no exception.... I lifted the turkey out and placed it upon pride of place on the huge turkey platter... when Sam exclaimed WTF is that, pointing to the cooked turkey.... here let me show you..
See the flap of skin that covered the neck opening of the turkey, well I told Sam that it was the Turkeys Balls LMFAO hahahahaha.... yeah right he said and pretended he didnt believe me..... so, if he didnt believe me, how come I caught him doing this........
He was only taking a sneaky double peek at the turkey nuts lmfao hahahaha oh my goodness I sooooooooo laffed.....
We take it in turns to carve the turkey and this year it was Toms turn....
Its strange sometimes just being the 5 of us, when it use to be not only my sons father at the table but my mother and father and my brother and his wife... that seems so far away now, my parents are both dead and my brother parted ways, so its only been the 5 of us for years and years.... but, my goodness, do we laff at our christmas dinner table or what lmfao
My Sam was explaining about something he had done which sent us all into fits of laughter, its unrepeatable here but the 5 of us laffed so much (Sam looks like a redneck in this photo lol)
Yep, by now the giggles had got out of control lmfao
Please excuse the fishtank that had yet to be cleaned out and set up for a bearded dragon LOL
My Sam and Jacob are both as thin as sticks cos they both do extreme sports and burn more calories then I can possibly put inside of them.... and somehow the table talk got around to who had the biggest skinny muscles lmfao.... my Jacob on the left is 3 1/2 years younger then Sam on the right... Sam does extreme skateboarding and Jacob is a free-runner and a trampolinest, oh and is doing tree surgery and forest management at college so is up and down trees like a monkey and uses a chainsaw daily so has good upper body structure lol...
Skinny rats the pair of them :)
we usually spent a good couple of hours at the table eating dinner and numerous puddings and drinking and just talking about different things..
then its all back into the lounge to mong out, and Toms Girlfriend with whom he lives turned up (she had been at her mums for dinner lol)
So more laughter, I love this girl with all my heart, she is beautiful both inside and our and is about a foot shorter then my 6'4" Tom lol.... who would of thought that within 18 months of Tom splitting up with his long term (3 years) girlfriend just 18 months previous that he would of met such a beautiful girl as Sammy and got engagement and moved in with each other.... Sammy just slipped into our family unit like a soft hand in a glove, it was meant to be.....
Anyways I need to close this terribly long post lol.... but before I do I must just add this......... last crimbo I decided not to fill up each of me lads stockings with new socks and boxers, you know like us parents do to bulk out their stockings (and yes I still do them each a stocking) but upon seeing the next photo...
maybe I should of at least got Tom some new socks lmfao
So there was crimbo 2009 in my house.... if nuffin else it was filled with love and laughter and surely thats what its all suppose to be about....
I doubt if anyone is still here or anyone has read my long winded post, but I needed to get it down before this coming crimbo is truely upon us....
It was THE BEST christmas day we had ever had, and usually they are good, but this one, well it just had an ease about it, it didnt matter that we didnt eat til 2ish or that the sprouts were a tad soggy or the parsnips fell on the floor lol.... it was just the best......
and tomorrow would be boxing day, usually the day I love best in the whole year.... and within this next week I WILL get down about that day.... it was to turn out to be the most surprising special day in a very long time.... a day that bought more laughter and tears running down my face with joy.....
so, know you are loved Twaddlers if any of you still exists.... and I will do Crimbo Part II in the coming days......
It was so good to hear from you - we were getting a bit worried about you! And what a good post, too! I can see that there's a lot of love in your home! A very merry Christmas to you!
-Daisy in Arizona
Oh, Mel. You are truly blessed. Your boys are so handsome, and the love you all share comes through in the pictures. And what a beautiful, cozy, warm, happy home you have. I'm sure your Christmas decorations are the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I'm so happy you posted. You always make me smile and laugh out loud when I read them. Sometimes you make me cry. But you always make me happy you posted :) XXXOOO
I forgot to check the box to get follow-up comments, so I had to post again.
What a joy to see your family enjoying such a wonderful day. That IS what's it's about, after all. Hope this year is just as memorable.
And welcome back. I missed you.
Aaaaah! THANK GOD! Love it Mellie. LOVE You!
what a handsome bunch of goofballs you have!And what a sweet pressie to find a post from you in my box! happy holidays dear one!
Don't ever worry that you haven't done enough for them. In that one post there, I saw more love in your family than a lot of people have ever had in their lifetime. You're an absolute supermum, and I love ya to bits. x
The love in your home is so evident Mel and a family being together on Christmas Day is what Christmas is all about to me.
I remember your post about how hurt and upset Tom was when he and his girlfriend broke up so it's wonderful to hear how happy he is now with his new girl.
I know you said last Christmas was your best ever but I hope this Christmas is even better.
Much love to you m'deario and Happy Christmas. xxxx
I had given up on you in the altoghter. I thought you had given up on the blogging and forgot to say good bye. Glad to see you are still alive and kicking.
Great post albeit just a bit late. The lads all look so happy. I love that they enjoy being together. You've done a wonderful job with them.
Your house looks lovely with a ton of Christmas cheer and the food looks very tasty too. I especially love your Christmas tree. Glad to hear the old Christmas tree minder isn't dead.
I hope you and yours have a great Christmas this go around too.
I will always read your posts Mel. You brought tears to my eyes knowing you have been through so much and seeing the love you and your boys have for each other.
You also bring tears of laughter every time I read a post. You have a way of finding humor (or creating it!) in every situation.
Love you girl.
Ok...How can I even express how I have missed you! I about fell over when you showed up on my Reader....I immediately had to come and read.
I love your Crimbo! Love and Laughs and Tears are what Christmas is meant to be.
Please email me your address! Please
As noted, I read and looked at the pix and thought, "I want to be there on Christmas. What an incredible and warm place. Special in the most specialist of ways."
Some day, if the fates allow.
Really super, Mel.
As noted, I read and looked at the pix and thought, "I want to be there on Christmas. What an incredible and warm place. Special in the most specialist of ways."
Some day, if the fates allow.
Really super, Mel.
I am so glad you posted this - it was (nearly) worth waiting entire year for it - to see you and your boys just relaxing and being so absolutely comfortable with each other - your "family" may be small - but it is so very "intense".
You have the most wonderful decorations - and I hope this year you can find it within yourself to get into the spirit - and enjoy your family getting together to share the laughs and good food (even if the turkey is always a little odd).
Hugs you tight - you've been in my thoughts often in the past year and I've often wondered how you were managing - and how the leg(s) were doing. I was just getting to know Buff when he died - but in the short time that "I knew him" he was always a gentleman and always had a nice word to say.
I can easily see why you miss him. Somehow I think he'll be peeking in your window come Christmas morning along with Santa to wish you all the cheer and warmth of the holiday season... and I will be there too, in spirit wishing you the same.
We are still here!! Glad you came back to share.
I've missed you Marmie! Very glad to see you back though I am so sorry you have been having such a terrible time. Your Christmas home looks wonderful - I feel better just looking at the pictures! take care and hope Christmas 2010 is every bit as good...and 2011 even better.
I wondered where you'd been - welcome back to the barmy blogosphere!
That sounded like an ace Christmas. Glad to see there were crackers. The French don't do crackers but I do and have every year for my French-born kids. So they think it's normal while their friends are just a tad envious.
Look forward to reading your report of Christmas 2010 sometime in 2012 . . .
We exist. And we're glad you do, too.....
(It's Robin from Chicago. Jolie's friend. Life took a turn while you were away and I began a new blog. Love you.)
((( Melody ))))
Elaine said...
Don't ever worry that you haven't done enough for them. In that one post there, I saw more love in your family than a lot of people have ever had in their lifetime. You're an absolute supermum, and I love ya to bits.
Elaine, I couldn't have said it better....
You are so loved, Melody... thank you for the gift of you!
patti aka strgzr
Hey you!
I've been trying to phone you on and off for about a month now. Your mobile just rings and rings, and nobody answers. :(
Anyway, sorry it took me so long to get to this post, but it didn't show up in my "new posts" list when I was doing the blogs on Thursday - or was it Friday I was around last? I don't remember. Anyway, I haven't been on the blogs since, really, hence not getting to the post until now.
Sounds like you had a fantastic Christmas. It doesn't matter how many people are there, or how many people send presents to you and your lads. What matters is how much you enjoy yourselves. Christmas traditions and family fun are more important than how much is under the tree or how many people are around the table.
We still have stockings too, and I still insist "Santa" does them. I actually had Kelly almost believing I had nothing to do with them last year (funny story, maybe I'll tell you some time).
We used to make lists, but I don't like us making lists, because it's easy to just pick something from a list handed to you, but it actually takes some thinking about what the person likes in order to pick something yourself. And if you take the time to listen to your family, then you can easily figure out what they will or wont like.
I hope this Christmas is as happy for you as last Christmas was! :)
#1 - I love the way you talk! Wish I could hear you actually talking.
#2 - I could totally feel the love coming off the page.
#3 - Your 'boys' are fine looking men.
#4 - I think your tree is fabulous, and it's just the kind I love.
#5 - I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend.
#6 - Is it right to say Merry Chrimbo??
#7 - That santa in your window would scare my pants off every day!
I'm happy to see you back, Toasty. Those Christmas pictures are fabulous! It'll definitely be something for the boys to look back on.
Christmas comes from the heart - and that you got plenty of....!
Merry them 'Holy' socks!
So glad that they frickin' bird post didn't pop up again!! You've been missed, dear Mel.
I hope you and the boys (and girls and babies) have a wonderful Christmas!
Any try to post more than once or twice a year, will ya?
I still read and still care.
Had a cup of tea this morning and thought about you.
TN Becky
Merry Crimbo (2010)!!!!!
(((Friends Blobbers))) its actually crimbo day here but Im still up sorting things out for tomorrow and before I can go to bed I HAVE TO put up Part II of Crimbo 2009, or it will be a year come boxing day and it will be to late LOL
Im beginning to feel a bit more like me old self, gonna brush off this past 2 horrendous years and begin a fresh with a new outlook come the new year..
~((Daisy))~ nah dont worry about me, I just needed to go AWOL for a bit to try and sort stuff out... fanks for still being here.... yeah, there is certainly a lot of love... but there is also many ups and downs lol.... have a happy crimbo... xxxxxx
~((((basicliving)))~ yeah, all the really hard times are more then made up for the good times, the times like Ive tried to show in my post.. fanks about the crimbo decs, I love em as do my boys... they will hold special memories for everyone..
you make me smile and laugh to.... I never mean to make anyone cry though lol.....xxxxxx
~((((Jen))))~ yep its about being together and being comfortable with each other...... Ive missed you and everyone to :)... xxxxx
~(((Pixie))))~ love you to..xxxxx
~((((Sorrow))))~ goofballs is the word for sure lol.... and its a sweet gift to find you here on me blob..... this year is gonna be slightly different as you will find out in my next post that even though its already crimbo day here, Im hoping to write in a minute lol....xxxxxxxx
~((((Elaine)))))~ many times I feel I could of done things different or better, but all I could do at certain times was the best at the can see the love in my family? wow :) dont know about supermum though lol.... and I to lot YOU to bits :)..xxxxxxx
~((((Akelamula))))~ I want the togetherness to last forever, sometimes I get scared and think 'this is the last crimbo' etc... and it makes me cry...
yeah Tom has come a long way and his now girl is so lovely... I love her to pieces... she is very lucky to have me LMFAO... happy crimbo dear you.. xxxxxxx
~((((Jolie))))~ whom I love like a sister, and sisters sometimes go AWOL but believe me, Im back and I would never leave you for good, I love you to much, just had the most terrible 2 years possible, yet still managed to get some magical times from them... after crimbo Im gonna catch up with everyone, if they will let me...know you are always in my thoughts..... happy crimbo..xxxxxxxx
~(((Deanna)))~ Im sorry I have been such a slagbag blobber upon everyones blobs..... things are gonna be different in the new year... I promise, Ive missed everyone so much... love you..xxxxxxx
~(((Theresa)))~ no falling over lol... sorry I havent been around the blob or even me emails this week or so, just so much going on... dont mean I have forgotten any of you though...... will email in a couple of days....xxxxxx
~(((((psycho))))~ one day I would love for you to share a part of my world, especially crimbo.... dont know what you would make of us lot though lol..... love you girl..but thats a terrible stutter you have lol.....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Iggy)))))))))))))~ my dear dear sweet kind wonderful selfless friend...... fank you so much for the flowers, they made me laff and cry all in the same minute..... they are still beautiful and are going today take centre stage on our crimbo dinner table.... each and every day I look at them and smile and then get sad as to what a shit blobber friend I have been this past year.... Ive let my hard times, my fears, my worries in life stop me from being amongst those blobbers I love so dearly.....
Buffs death knocked the socks off me and like now when I think about him I have tears running down my face... but I know he would of wanted me to continue with me blob, so that is what Im gonna do,this is afterall a record of sorts for my lads....
love you dear man, more then you will ever realise....xxxxxxxxx
~((((Sandy))))~ :) fanks.... Im gonna be blobbing around once crimbo is out of the way and I will catch up with everyones been doing...xxxxxxx
~((((Flowerpot)))))~ Ive missed you to, and, the terrible times will pass, its for the first time in my life I became so overwhelmed with the responsibility I carry and not being able to carry my family properly knocked me for six.... but, Ive kicked my self in the arse and time to 'get on with it' like Ive always had to.....xxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~ barmy is right aye lol crimbo was great last year and this one now looks like its gonna top last years.... Im so glad you do crackers, I cant imagine crimbo without daft crackers lol and paper hats and silly jokes :) and Im equally glad you are keeping that going with your french born nippers :) ....xxxxxxx
~(((((R))))))~ I know you have been going through a hard time, Im so sorry I have not been around to support you and to be your friend. sorry I shut myself off from everyone, especially those I love....I WILL catch up over the coming days..... much love dear you...xxxxxx
~((((Patti my forever friend))))~ fank YOU for your gift of friendship, it is priceless :).... xxxxxx
~((((Toriz))))~ oh oh oh I only got my phone back proper yesterday and have about 400 missed calls lmfao.... and a parcel arrived from you yesterday, with apologises from me postie, apparently they tried to deliver it yonks and yonks ago and no one was it and then it was misplaced at the sorting office lol..... so it came on a special van to be delivered yesterday :) fank you so much, your gifts are nestled under me tree ready for tomorrow.....
I have a pile of cards and 'little' gifts of friendship sat on the side ready to be posted, I know they will all be late to everyone, and I will explain that at a later date, so look forward to receiving a little something in the coming weeks :) - happy crimbo Tori and Kelly, know you are loved...xxxxxxxxx
~(((Jayme))))~ oh my I feel honoured to find you here, welcome to the madhouse, your a list person aye lmfao... and what do you mean you love the way I talk.... I dont ave no accent do I? :) lol.... xxxxxxxx
~(((Lena))))~ my lads remember each and every crimbo, something always makes it a time to remember, they can only remember the odd one though before we were on our own... dont know if that is a good thing or not lol..... lmfao@holy socks... guess what..... all my man/boys have socks in their stockings this year lol.... I will pop over in the coming days and scroll back and catch up..... happy crimbo..xxxxxxx
~(((Lisa))))~ oh hush with your whining lol stop being such a squinny lmfao.. I cant expressed how much Ive missed everyone.... the more I left coming here and reading blobs the harder it was.... but I thought 'sod it' take me or leave me lol and looks like most left LMFAO hahahaha... I have to many stories of my life still to tell, back to blobbing after crimbo... love you girl.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Becky)))))~ hey you, I was thinking of you today... spookie or what lol.... hope all is good in your neck of the woods.......will catch up soon...xxxxxx
~(((((((Iggy)))))))~ you cheeky sod lmfao...... happy crimbo dear you..... please forgive me for being such a shit friend... love you matie...xxxxxxxxx
Mel Sweetie,
I am glad you are back...for good, I hope. I don't have many people who I feel a kinship with thus, I hate to lose those few that I so cherish.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours and I hope you all have a joyous Chritmas today. Eat goodies and get lots of fun gifts.
I'm off to eat turkey and ham with all of the fixins' and enjoy the day with family. I was given some neat little gifts from the kids and some were copies of my favorite books. I will have a great winter's reading ahead. The old boy and I decided to forgo gifts for each other in leiu of taking a short holiday in Jan. I can hardly wait. know that I consider you my sister too so don't worry about losing me...but I might get real angry at you if you worry me again. Brat...keep in touch if even just a few words.
Love you girl. Be happy and well.
What Jolie said. I feel like you are my sister so you will never (be rid of)lose me. Just quit worrying all of us, okay?
"I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!"
What a pleasant surprise to see some new news from you. I have missed you and enjoy the stories you tell.
I just love everything you did for the decorations it is all just so beautiful. What a bunch of boys you have there and I bet you had to cook lots of food because I know how boys love to eat and I bet they ate alot LOL My daughters hubby is skinny as heck and eats like a dang horse, I love feeding them and just seeing them happy. I can't wait to see part 2 of your Crimbo :o)
I'm not looking for a new post - although I wouldn't mind, ha, ha - but I wanted to stop by to wish you and your boys a very Happy New Year! May it bring you new joys, good health, wealth and great happiness throughout the year!
-Daisy in Arizona
I can say without a doubt that you guys don't miss out on anything at Christmas.
(I'm not blogging much, and visiting even less. Miss everyone, too.)
Happy New Years! Glad you are back...wishing you and yours the best in 2011!! :)
Sorry I took so long to get back on here. Between Christmas and illness... Then Blogger was being a pain for me! Anyway... I'm glad you got the parcel in the end! *Hugs*
By the way... Belated happy Christmas, and happy new year! :)
Thank God you are finally back! I almost gave up on you. Thank you, thank you for your love and laughter. You make it all worth while.
I like your slipper boots. . . reminds me, my feet are cold!
Another log on the ole fire it will be.
Here is wishes for a wonderful and better new year (my last one stunk too)
You have a very comfortable and friendly-looking home.
Keep warm
I forgot to leave a comment when I first read this, but I wanted to say that Christmas at your house has to be full of love and laughter enough to last the entire year through.
I love your decorations and your photos of your boys. What a blessed family you have.
Happy Granny Christmas! Hope you had a good time this year! Waiting in an-tinsel-pation for Crimbo 2010!
I enjoyed your post and was worried a little about you there for some time. I always love to read what you have to say and for sure we have missed you on huckleberries. I couldn't find your blog address on HBO and thought I lost it. I found it in one of my old files and I'm glad I did. I will try to drop in on you a little more often and I hope you are doing well. The Stickman
come out, come out, wherever you are ... we miss you, Mel. Come out & play!
Just popping in to let you know that I'm still checking your blog, and still waiting for the second part of last Christmas' post... OK, so this Christmas has come and gone now too, but I'm sure others will agree with me when I say that we'd still like to read the second half that goes with this post!
Hope everything's going OK with you and your lads!
Mel asked me to let you know she doesn't have a computer right now, so she can't even get to her email to receive or send messages. She also says she really misses everyone.
Tom and Jacob trying to suss out their new Iphone applications and Ben and Sam sorting out guitar hero...
r u guys play this game? wow!
basicliving: thanks so much for the update. Glad to know that she's OK, even if the PC is ill (if not totally kaput)
Thanks for letting us know! :)
Sounds fantastic. I want to hear how your Crimbo 2010 was though so hurry up and get on that! I need a good smile.
Talked with Mel last night (well, OK, texted her) and her PC is fixed (for now at least) so she "should" hopefully be back on here soon to catch up!
(at least I think the reason she didn't have the PC is that it wasn't working... I never thought to find that out for sure... LOL!)
Marmsie- it was good to hear from you. Do hope things are looking up and I'd been wondering about you. Be good.
*Listens to the sound of my own voice echoing off the walls*
Come back Mel!
Come back, Mel! Are ya ever going to post again?
tap tap tap..
can Mel come out and play?
Hey, girl- you OK? What's goin' on?
Anyone out there?
MEL! Where are you?
Mel - I miss you. Are you okay, honey? Can we help?
- Daisy in Arizona
Mel, everybody in Texas is wondering how you are.
Are you there? Marmite Toasty...hope that you are doing well there in England. Please post something soon...I wonder if you are okay.
Tennessee Becky is thinking of you.
Are you taking care of yourself? How are the boys?
You are missed.
You have been away for a very long time. Are you alright? You haven't posted since a year ago.
Still thinking of you!
So beautiful this site.I like it.Thank you.
Its a new crimbo.
Happy to you.
Mel - Hope you have a happy Christmas! You are missed.
- Daisy in Arizona
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