Anyways, up at our little nursery I use to keep chickens and ducks and I had a corner of the field dug over as a veggie plot..... just to dabble ya know, in between the working 70 hour weeks to earn enough to support us all whilst we build HIS dream LOL.... it was my little bit of MY time, just digging and weeding late into the evenings when it was to cold or dark to do the other nursery work.... it was my little bit of something just for me... a quiet time away from it all and me 4 young lads and the responsibilities that I had carried for so very long...
Well it was me first taste in growing stuff.... and jebus was it fun or what..... I dream of owning land and having enough space to grow proper and have animals and become as self sufficient in stuff as well as self sufficient in the person I am.... but I do realise now at my age and after all this time on me own that, the dream will never come into fruition, and that at times makes me sad, cos Ive supported everyone on me own for so long and helped build other peoples dreams and now knowing that mine will never come to pass.... oh well lol
Anyways.... just tell me to shut up LOL.....
So me little house here is a little turn of the last century cottage with a long THIN typical garden of the time..... and I mean thin..... its sort of split into little areas, this end is where we have BBQs and we have a garden table and flowers and tubs and hanging baskets..... then we have a play shed filled with minded toys and then we have a 22 foot big shed filled with everything under the sun lol..... then we have a 17 foot trampoline, then Janet and Mabels house and then there was a 12 footish bit of grass then me 'shrubb of life' (thats another story lol) then 16 foot or so where we can put one of our cars then the back gates onto a little back track out to the one main road through this village......
So early last spring, I was moping around and looking at an allotment book which I had bought, with a huge self sufficiency book and just dreaming, ya see I was thinking of getting meself a little allotment up by the farm so that I could once again grow stuff...... and I was talking to Jacob about it...... and he was explaining the pitfalls of how the stuff would get nicked and how I would have to get in the car to go dig it etc etc.... so I put the idea to the back of me mind and he said he was off out so I put away me books and got on with boring house stuff lol.....
3 hours later Jacob appeared in me kitchen covered in mud LOL...... I thought he must of been up the woods with his maties and had fallen in the stream or had a mud fight or something........ but oh no........ he took my arm and said 'mum come with me' and he dragged me down the garden.........
OK tears now just remembering.......... past the BBQ, the play shed, the big shed, the trampoline, Janet and Mabels house ...... and there I stood...... this lad, my precious son...... had only taken 3 hours to dig over the 12 foot by 7 foot bit of garden and had made me a veggie plot....... he had taken one of me books and had read how to over dig and under dig and turn and weed and he had dug me a bloody veggie plot in the back of me little garden right next to our shrub of life......
Can you see the tears running down me face as I type this...... he had even got some long bits of wood and had edged it all proper.... he stood there beaming and I stood there crying....... 'there ya go mum, I know its not very big and ya wont be able to compete with a farmer, but its the best we have' ....... where does he get it from, this huge heart, this soul that so cares for everyone and everything around him.....
So...... anyways BACK to the story I started to tell LOL
One of the dads that I childmind for gave me half packets of seeds that he had left over to start us off...... and ya know me 'waste not want not' so instead of going out and buying seeds, I just used what he gave me....... and there was a packet of
Beetroot seeds, and anyone that knows me KNOWS that more then anything I LOVE beetroot..... I eat it grated raw in salads, cooked and sliced but best of all PICKLED beetroot is me favourite and there is always an opened jar on the go in the fridge........ and now I would be able to grow me own and pickle it and have a cupboard full and give jars to me maties from me own garden.......
I buy jars and jars of these beetroots, but now I would grow me own :)
So, I planted me seeds and I told me maties, you must remember me maties DONT do digging or growing or soil or animals LOL...... and they laffed at me...... but they said they would save any glass jars so that I had something to put me garden treasures in.......
See a cupboard full of jars just waiting to be filled with pickled beetroots :)... I couldnt wait..
I planted loads of other things, ya usual bog standard tomatoes and courgettes and peas and carrots and lettuce and and and.... they all begain to sprout and grow and it all looked lush and gorgeous and it was mine and I had grown it and nurtured it....... and then came 3 months of the wettest weather that Britain had ever had since records began lol...... but still me stuff grew, and we picked courgettes and tomaotes and peppers and lettuce and shoo'd Janet away and weeded and it grew and grew..... Colin the bloke that had given us the seeds was impressed with me little plot and told me to leave the beetroots all summer and pull at the very end......
I was sooooooo excited..... I would have jars full all winter...... it was a start on me road to a self suffient life LMFAO.....
So it was time to pull and cook and pickle......... ONLY.......... well......... I had to laff and boy did I laff as did me maties and Colin and me twat neighbour and me lads were creased up.........
The big pulling of the little rows of beetroots..... it was the big day........ and this is what they looked like........
WTF was that lmfao....... it was tiny..... not even big enough to cook and pickle...... Im now laffing whilst typing lol
I mean aint it pathetic lol hardly enough to pickle and store and give to friends and sell the rest out the front on a little gingham covered table with a hand written 'Pickled Beetroot For Sale' sign......
Im a bloody failure....... go on, admit it...... like everything in life...... Ive failed at me pickled beetroot business LOL
Ok....... enough boring Twaddle for a freezing cold Easter Monday....... oh, and Happy Easter to anyone that reads down this far LOL...
your post just makes me smile and smile. what is it??? my eyes watered too when i read about what your son did for you. but hey what failure - you got other veg from your patch.
anyway i'm all warm now - thanks :-)
Your son gets his big heart from you. I read about half your blog last night, and I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard for so long. I even read some of it to my husband and he howled along with me.... loved the garden gnome story.
And you're not a garden failure. There are lot's of reasons your beets were small...maybe not enough/too much light, need some special fertilizer, seeds might have been old, maybe they don't like to be too wet. Try it again this year!
Thanks for starting your blob!
First of all, Marmie, you are not a failure in any way that is important! Don't make me come over there and give you a stern lecture!
Second of all, I love, love, love beetroot too, especially pickled. And it is so good for you! So sorry to hear about your crop, better luck this year. Does it do to you what it does to me (rhymes with "dead bee") when you eat a lot of it?
I had to look up "courgettes", thinking it must be some exciting and exotic new veggie waiting for me to discover it - turns out it's just plain ole boring yucky zucchini. Those Frenchies, they can make anyzing zound zexy.
Okay, I just looked it up....They do need consistent moisture early on, but overwatering them can make them stop growing for a while. A low soil ph can also stunt their growth. Plus you don't want to plant them too close or have alot of rocks or clods of dirt in the garden.
You know, I've always loved beets. They seemed to be a hardy, no-nonsense sort of vegetable. But damn, they're picky!
Hope this helps!
Well at least you tried!! So good for you!!
Better luck next time!!
Nah, you're not a failure. OK, so the pickled beetroot buisness didn't get off to a good start, but even the best farmers have trouble getting a really good crop sometimes. Besides, from what I've read on your blog, you've done so many great things - raised four wonderful boys, etc - that I'm sure we can allow you the odd mistake. *grins* Besides, you did what you set out to do at the start. You grew some veggies on your own and were, to a certain extent, self sufficiant (OK, I think I probably spelled that last word wrong, but never mind).
You know, that IS funny! I wonder what the reason was that they didn't grow any bigger? But my goodness, your son did all that just for YOU! And what do you mean you don't know where his heart came from? It came from YOU! You raised him to be that way, all by yourself. In hindsight, do you ever wonder how things might have been like if the ass didn't leave you all? Maybe it was for the best, because you have the BEST sons I've ever read about!
What a wonderful son to do that for you - it brought tears to my eyes reading it.
I absolutely adore beetroot too. I have a fantastic recipe for Beef and Beetroot casserole it's delish!
You know the old saying "If at first you don't succeed...." you should try again this year with the beetroot. x
I am crackin up. It reminds me of when I grew carrots and they came out every which way but straight, like they had some genetic mutation. I still haven't conquered the masses of veggies my old Dad grow can but I'll dam well keep trying!
you are far from a failure OK.
i had those tears whilst reading what your wonderful son with a heart of gold did for his wonderful mum.
So the beets didn't get big and you wont be selling them but that is just this crop, knowing you you wont be beaten on this so go plant more and more.
and i bet you enjoyed the rest of the crop.
I hope you slobbered all over your kid for making you that garden! It doesn't matter what grows in it or doesn't grow. You planted and grew the best thing of all... a boy that loves his Mum! (Give him a big wet sloppy kiss for me too!)
I just planted some beet seeds yesterday... we'll see if they grow!
Good grief, MT, I was bawling with you when you were sharing about your son digging up that garden plot for you. I wonder what caused the beets to be so tiny? I come from Newfoundland where everything is clay and rocks. Beets are one of our staples. They grow big in all that Hope that you find out what it is that you need to do to give them a jump start. You are not a are just getting the hang of it. Love your blog. You make me laugh and cry.
My heart was breaking because two of my grown kids don't even speak to me. I had to get out of the way of things. I would love to have the relationship that you have. What odds about the beets. You have lovely sons who care so much for you. I think you are such a BIG SUCCESS at Sign me, Living Simply in Small Town America, M
Are you kidding? The fact that you can grow anything is great. I have killed several cactus in the last few months. I thought for sure I could keep desert plants alive. But I guess not. So I would consider even the tiniest beets a success.
And I love the story about Jacob. What a great kid.
just call them baby pickled beetroot, ya know, like those teeny tiny baby corns that people put in their salads - say they are exotic and sell them at a premium -or just blog about them and make me have a big belly chuckle - I can't look at the first picture without giggling - that is just too funny!
Once I let one of the kids plant a bean in the front flowerbed. It took off and grew like crazy. It made enough beans to have one serving, lol, until the neighborhood association told me that we couldn't grow vegetables in the front yard - what the heck - it was only one measly lima bean plant.
'It's not the size that matters'...Oh! shit! Never mind that's for something else.
We have a good size yard (3 acres) and Ol Man asked me once if I wanted to turn part of it into a plot, so I asked 'a plot? for to bury you?' funny thing he never asked me again :o besides if I grow my own veggies then I will feel responsible for some one being out of work at the veggie market...I'm supporting the local slaves :)
well. daammn. Neverthele, bet you gonna have yoself a beet banquet! And I can't WAIT to see this year's beets!
well. daammn. Neverthele, bet you gonna have yoself a beet banquet! And I can't WAIT to see this year's beets!
I would give your son a hug if I was there!!!
Did you thin the beets out ?? (When I was young my mom thinned them and we ate beet greens. loved em)
Losing is a merely lesson in how to win next time! The only failures are the people who never try. You have many successes, such as raising a son who would do that for you! Anyway, I think beets suck! The last time I had them, they came out of a Gerber baby food jar, and I was was in a highchair, so I couldn't escape...
You have a such a kind thoughtful son, reading that made me feel emotional.
Shame the crop wasn't up to expectation but you are no failure ~ I could show you a picture of radishes we tried to grow last year they make your beets look like prize winners!
What the heck. Everyone is saying that you are not a failure.
I disagree. You are a terrible miserable pickled beet root failure. The worst of the worst of all beet root growers.
When they make the list next year, you will be on the bottom of the list.
The very bottom, I say.
Never has there been such a disappointment in the beet world.
All the beet growers will start using you as an example of how not to grow beets.
There is nothing in this world worse than a worthless, rotten, miserable failure of a beet root grower.
The fact that you are my friend only makes it worse.
Now whenever I see a jar of pickled beet roots I will think of the embarrassment and shame I feel at this moment for knowing you.
I think you ought to hide from the world. Go find a cave. Go live in the mountains. Find a group of toothless hillbillies who will accept you as one of thier own. Live off of beans, onions, tomatoes, all of those easy vegetables.
Beets growing is not for the faint of heart. I don't even know why you tried it!!!!!!
God, Susan. Thanks for stepping up. It had to be said. It had to.
lol... great son you have, btw :)
Hey!!! Not failure!!! Just a setback!!! At least you tried & got SOMETHING to show for it! And beet-greens are edible when cooked the same as swiss chard! I'm sorry your beets didn't produce as well as you'd hoped, Toasty!!! I hope you try again and get a better show of root than you did this time.
Oh and..... Your boys are fantastic!!!! What an incredibly sweet suprise for Jacob to spring on ya. Makes me wanna give him a big ol' hug for doing something so unexpected to make you happy. You've raised some fantastic kids there, Toasty, and I hope the rest of us parents who read here are half as successful as you've been. You're a great person, you've got great kids, and the world needs LOTS more like ya. (Though, not TOO much like ya, because I like the way you're so unique as well!)
Thanks, JBelle
I had to enlighten the disillusioned. Someone has to stand for truth.
Last year I ventured out and made my very first business decision, all on my own. I bought a little rock house built in the very early 1900's. I had a vision of making a week-end rental for out-of-town guests...kind of like a 'bed 'n breakfast'. Not one thing has gone right since I bought it. It's a very long story but my dream will never come to fruition, either. I have gone through the same emotions of just call me a failure.
It took a while of "pity me" but have decided that at least I tried something. It hasn't worked but I didn't put us in the poor house by my efforts. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
You're so fortunate to have such a loving, beautiful son that is sensitive to your desires. He is your gift from God...
~(((mei del))~ welcome back.... smiling is good for the soul :) but laughter lines aint good for the wrinkles ..... xxx
~((((robin)))~ welcome to you.... oh my, you scrolled back and read other posts lol.... its just me life, its not suppose to be funny lol..... but oh goodness the gnome tale was just the funniest funniest day I think of me life.... yeah I blame bloody Colin for giving me old seeds lol... thats it, blame the blokes
~(((ciao bina)))~ ya would be surprised at the things I fail in lol.....but at least I tried right :)... yep 'red pee' is what ya get when ya only eat beetroot for 2 days lol.... and I LOVE courgettes.... shame they're french
~(((robin)))~ they did get a bit waterlogged due to 3 months of rain and they they really had a lot of
~((((casdok)))~ well I think I might stick to buying it already pickled lol....xxxxx
~(((toriZ)))~ yeah well it was fun, but I would still like more room to have a well proper go at it..... with more chickens and a couple of goats..... I might have to move to Wales lol....xxxxx
~(((bina)))~ I know if he didnt leave, not in hindsight, my lads would of had a bit of a drudgery of a life and he would of just worked their little socks off at our plant nursery, just like he was raised, no time for anything else....... I could see it happening over the last year he was here, me older lads were about 13 and 15 and he expected them to forego football and tchoukball and other stuff to work at the nursery.... so, in hindsight as hard as its been, their lives and experiences I have given them have been better......xxxxx
~((((ake)))~ I NEED that recipe lol.... and yep he is very special..... everyone that meets him says he has 'something' about him that oozes specialness :).....and hey, no tears, gawds sake....xxxxxxx
~(((pinkacorn))))~ LOL@cracking up, ya aint no egg ya know.... we would say 'creasing up' lol - maybe I could marry ya dad LOL....xxxxx
~(((katy)))~ yeah, he cares about me I think lol..... he does things off his own back without me having to say a word..... *lobbing me gingham tablecloth in the bin* I will think of another enterprise lol....xxxxx
~((((lisa))))~ yeah I hugged him and slobbered lol.....
Ya know, dont tell him, but everynight when he goes to bed half way up the second set of stairs (his room is in the attic) he says 'I love you mum' every single night :).... and he is 14 and I dont ever want it to stop.... and when he walks out the door in the morning to catch the bus to school he says.... slater mum, love ya....xxxxxx
~((((MoftheM)))~ goodness, Im so very sorry to hear about your kids :( now you have me in tears... sigh, life aye, its not always what we planned is it....
I think I should marry a 'beetroot farmer' lol......xxxxx
~((((jen)))~ well I should be able to grow anything what with me nursery background lol..... dam beets :) - AND do you know I have a 9-10 foot cactus in me kitchen that is now 26 years old that I grew from a 2 inch cutting that I nicked from a garden centre all those years ago, its the pride of me house :).....xxxxx
~(((((((((Susan))))))))~ they was well to small to even cook and they was rock solid lmfao.... WHAT???? your not allowed to grow grub in ya front gardens over there? what a load of poppycock rules that is...... I'd plough the whole bloody garden up and turn it into an allotment and sod the landlord lol.....xxxxx
I'll answer the rest of the comments when I get back from the school run :).... gotta get these little bleeders to school on time..... X
~(((ol' lady)))~ your right, its NOT the size its the way ya grind LOL..... oh stop with your dirty minds lol..... grind up the beetroot and sprinkle into casseroles ;) - phew got out of that one lol....
Can I come and live in your shed and work an acre of your garden :) can I, aye? can I?.....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((JBelle))))))))))~ I had a beetroot salad for me tea last night it was a banquet lol....xxxxxxx
~((((pamela)))))~ I thinned them so much the row was beginning to look like a 'combover' lol.... and yep hugs are always welcome :)....xxxxx
~(((((buffalo))))))~ well, Ive sure been good at loosing in me life lol.... but at least I have a good bash at things and thats whats important, right? :) - omgoodness you had gerber babyfood over there? now go out and buy a nice juice plump beetroot and cook it for ya tea lol....xxxxxx
~((((((Crispy)))))~ he surely is a wonderful lad..... he always has been since very small, very intune with peoples feelings..... he is a peacemaker and a worker outter in life.... I need to knock that out of him LMFAO....LOL@your radish story.... do people actually still eat radishes lol...xxxxx
~(((((((((((((Susan))))))))))))~ LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHA it needed to be said..... your right ;) - Im a useless non loveable bloody senseless old failure....... thanks for reminding me lol...xxxxxxxxx
~((((JBelle)))))~ SHUTUP YOU lmfao......ahahahahaha.......xxxxxxxx
~((((((Wolfie)))))~ fanks he sure is :)....xxxxx
~((((((kati)))))~ I chop up the stalks and leaves raw and lob them in a salad..... :)
Fanks about me lads, we all do have our moments, its not always easy, and they are lads and do lads things and sometimes we do clash bigtimes.... but thats normal life me thinks lol..... but I can honestly say I have NEVER had rhyme or reason to clash or anything with my Jacob...... and oye, ya can stop with any praise lol....... Im just a mum on me own trying to do the best by me lads as I possibly can to just be there for them always.....
Unique???? WTF - I hope thats a good thing lol....xxxxx
~((((((Susan))))))~ *Bitchslapping* ya - gawds sake lol.....xxxxxxxx
~((((Inspired)))))~ WOW at you for doing that....... do ya want me to come over and help ya with it - :( sorry it didnt work out.......
I wanna do so much more before I die, but I also know that probably aint happening, good things dont happen to the likes of me lol.... I here to help others... :)
And ya know, my Jacob is surely a gift, a gift from where I dont know, he has so often kept me grounded......... he was given to me for a reason, he is VERY VERY special and everyone that meets him always have special things to say about this boy.....he has an aura about him.... he is often peace in a storm....he is very very sensitive to peoples needs and their feelings ....... he is the new prophet lol .....xxxxxx
Gerber baby food HQ is in Fremont, Michigan, about 40 miles from where I grew up!
I'll type up the recipe and email it to you Marmie. xx
marmie: I could have used your inspiration and energy a few months ago when my enthusiasm for my vision began to wane. I wish you lived across the street from me!!!
Anyway, we've had a stroke of good luck...if that's what you call it. A widowed woman who is living in much too large a house with much too high utility payments is interested in buying my little is. At least, I'll know the house will be well cared for, even though it won't be for the purpose I dreamed.
Good things do happen many times...maybe not in the way we planned but.....maybe for the better. Only time will tell...
Want to move to Texas, USA? (lol)
Jacob gets his big heart from you, of course! Your beets sound like my cukes and tomatoes of last summer. I had to have a way to keep our old dog from peeing on them and burning them off so I decided to plant them in little kiddie pools. The old boy can't lift his leg high enough to get them there. I went to a lot of work and trouble and they started out nicely. But the plants didn't get very big at all and the poor little cukes were, at best, the size of a toddler's pinky. Try peeling one of those- the cuke, not the pinky! Oh well. It was an experiment and I'll try something different this year.
Okay, here I come with my little red wagon of aphorisms. Picking through, picking through... ah hah! Here we go: "Everyone makes mistakes. It's when you don't learn from those mistakes that you are a failure."
And let's face it, you, dear heart, do make some doozies, but you obviously learn from them. The best proof is those lovely lads and the joy you have in them and life.
I must be off now as I am late to the fortune cookie factory - those little slips of paper don't write themselves, you know!
(P.S. I make big doozies of mistakes too. I must have the equivalent of a PhD by now.)
I remember the first year I was serious about my garden. I didn't have a big crop, I managed a handful of sugar peas, but that was the happiest day of my life because I proved to myself I could grow food. In fact I was dancing around in hubby's office with that tiny harvest in my hands singing "I GREW FOOD! I GREW FOOD! YAY!!!!' :D
So you aren't a failure, you grew food, tiny tho it may be it was a great start :)
And this is the year I've decided to try to grow a veggie garden. Visions of canned goods dance in my head. This is not the place to get encouragement tho ;) ... Beets, not my first choice ... once upon a time I mixed them with carrots to make a veggie juice ... You have a very sweet son. I hope you have more success this year.
Hey Mme. Marmite...a failure you're's just that you're great at growing SMALL beets. Either the glass of water is half empty, or half full, your choice. It could be, also, that your little beets are ultra-concentrated and brimming with flavor. ('flavour' to you Brits). I'm not a failure. Heck, even without trying, I can grow a great crop of dandelions!
You are NOT a failure. Otherwise I would have tears in me eyes at the moment. OK?
you wanna see these wrinkles - they've multiplied since i've been coming here so often, lol
i think you're a treasure :D
~((((Buffalo)))))~ I remember me younger brother eating that stuff, my lads never had jars of food, I they use to just eat what we have zapped in a blender ....... I never knew Gerber was a doodle company...... I use to tell me maties when I was a kid that my younger brother ate mashed up Gerbils LMFAO.....xxxxxx
~(((((ake)))))~ oh please please that would be wonderful..... fanks :)...xxxxxx
~((((Inspired))))~ see sometimes out of the rubble comes some good, its a sign ya know that this lady has come forward to buy the little rock house, anyways you didnt wanna be called Wilma Flintstone now did ya :)
Ive often toyed with the idea of getting the $400,000 equity out of me little house and going into property development :) maybe I should start by doing up this one I live in first lol....
No to moving to Texas, unless its on the sea, I couldnt live far from the sea, not unless it was for love of a good man lmfao.....xxxxxx
~((((Cindy))))~ not sure he gets anything from me, all I know is he DONT get it from his tosser father lol
Im thinking maybe you should of emptied the water out of the paddling pool before you planted ya plants lol
Im just dribbled me tea out me nose with visions of peeling a winkie lol....ya cant do that in the states cos aint all blokes been circumsythed (that so aint spelt right lol) and over here they still have their banana skins for to peel :) hahahaha ok getting rude now lmfao.....xxxxxx
~((((cian bino)))))~ hey ya little wagon has a flat tyre lol
I make doozies so big sometimes.... but most are not life threatening lol.... I just aint written about the ones that were yet LOL......xxxxxx
~(((jeanc)))~ oh my how lovely to see you here :) - its not that I cant grow stuff, cos I use to own a plant nursery and had a huge veggie plot there.... I should tell ya the pumpkin story one day lol....
And I LOVE it when I had grown something, anything, and I pick it and get to cook and eat it....
Its just them bloody ratfaced bleedin beetroots gave me the runaround lol.... I will get even with them this year lol.....xxxxxx
~((((mrs mac))))~ yep me Jacob is as sweet as honey :) - dont be discouraged, one crop failure doth not make for starvation lol.....xxxxxx
~(((((idaho escapee))))~ I dont work by the glass its only by the bottle so cheers LOL.... there was NO flavour in them there beets they was rock hard lol....... oh my and dandelions.... I make the most wonderous dandelion wine, well I use to, 2 years to ferment and 1 1/2 hours to drink straight from the demijohns at a barn dance lol.... and boy did it make one dance lol it was sooooooooo potent :).....
always lovely to see you here :)...xxxxxx
~((((((((Saintly)))))))~ dont cry for me :) - there are some things in life I failed at..... like being a daughter and a wife...... but I know Im a good mum..... and to me that will have to be enough to see me through on me own til I die..... hope your feeling a little better this week ((Saintly))...xxxxx
~((((mei del))))~ they are old age wrinkles, so dont you go blaming me for that road map of a face you have girl LOL......xxxxxx
I found this moose post from last year that I meant to link to on me meeses post.....
See, Ive always loved mooses :)
Hey, Marmite toasty, it is me...Mistress of the Moonlight, I need your help. Could you please check my blog? I have started a Chip-in (kind of like a rent shower without all the fun). If you could advertise for would be a big help. M
Your email through your profile doesn't appear to be working m'dear. Can you email me through mine and I'll send you that recipe? x
That was a lovely post. I really enjoyed reading it. And what a lovely lad you have to make an allotment in your on garden.
Sorry the beetroot didn't develop. Must have been the rainy weather.I wonder if you'll get a crop this year? I do hope so as you like it so much.
I'm not too sure your garden would be any bigger here in Wales. Although, I suppose you've got more chance of buying a farm up here if that's what you were thinking. You can come grow some veggies in my garden if you want, you've just gotta share some of them with me. Sound fair to you? LOL!
what a wonderful child your son is...and even if the beetroot didnt turn out well, just knowing what your son did for you was a gift! You have a great way of looking at things Marmie...bless you Sweety.
One simply can't fail at being a daughter. What you experienced was the failure of two people being parents. Interesting as you are such a wonderful one.
I think your little beets are PRETTY and you are not a failure. I love pickled beets and beets just plain old boiled with lots of melted butter and salt these days...but oh the fine memories of fall meals. Some nights it'd be fresh from the garden tomato sandwiches, some nights as many ears of garden picked (that day)corn...we were quite the corn snobs. No day old stuff until that was all that was left and there were the nights of beets slathered in butter and salt.
A woman who can grow a garden of food is a great success.
A woman that can make a woman across the ocean want to sit in her kitchen and drink tea is a success.
That'd be you.
I love your "Easter Chicken" tablecloth. So springy and so cheery. You know I love me a cute "Chick"
Time for garage sales soon. That darned "Fatty" could start her blog up again...she's like us with the chicken and garage (boot-sale) sale thing. She can't grow a dammed plant though. Says she kills them all.
You have wonderful lads. Just like their Mum.
Love to ya Mel.
Me again,
I meant to ask you what is (courgettes)? I haven't heard of them before.
Oh and I love the beets pickled too. Heinz sells beets here also but they don't call the beet root...just beets. difference in countries, hey?
Try this once and let me know if you like it.. I keep the juice from the pickled beets and I put hard boiled eggs in the jar of juice and leave it in the fridge for a few days and I have the prettiest tastiest pickled eggs.
Also my favorite relish to serve along side of beef is a hardy beet relish. It really adds to meal. Here is a recipe that I found on-line that is simular to the one that my Aunt and Mother-in-law used to make and it was delicious.
Beet Relish:
4 cups chopped raw beets
6 cups chopped cabbage
2 cups chopped onions
2 cups granulated sugar
2 tablespoons prepared horseradish
1 tablespoon salt
2 cups vinegar
Combine all ingredients in a large kettle. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until thickened, stirring occasionally. Pack into hot sterilized jars and process for 20 minutes in a boiling water bath. Makes 4 to 5 pints of beet relish.
A general rule for higher elevations, from Colorado State University Cooperative Extension:
Because of the lower boiling point of water at high altitude, increase the processing time 1 minute for each 1,000 feet above sea level if the time is 20 minutes or less. If the processing time is more than 20 minutes, increase by 2 minutes per 1,000 feet.
It is sold (ready made) in the grocery store too.
Probably more then you wanted to know...but heck I gotta share.
Well, Mel I've just finished reading the last of your blob. I can't believe it's been sitting here all this time and I didn't realize it. You can now consider me one of your regulars.
I have one question. Did you ever get the Spice Island pepper you so wanted?
I just had to pop in [via maggiemay] I wanted to see who could give themselves a name such as Marmite Toasty and I've not been disappointed.
What a wonderful warm welcome - a real fire too - that is top of my list of needs in my next house. We lost a chimney when we moved last - a BIG mistake . We both regret not having a real fire to tend when it gets chilly.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
Thin the damn things like you hate them. At least 6 inches apart. (do you do inches and feet there?) About twice the width of the comment box.
Don't use too much nitrogen fertilizer, though if you tomatoes grew alright I suspect it was just that the beets were too crowded to grow nice bottoms.
~(((MoftheM)))~ ok, could you say that in English???? shower?? chips??? rent??? WTF????.... me no understand what you want me to
~((((ake))))~ done and dusted matie...xxxxxxx
~((((toriZ)))~ I might be quite partial to a welsh farmer :) as long as he leaves the sheep alone lol..... you have a big garden?... ya jammy sod....xxxxx
~((((((((((((Catch)))))))))))~ hey you :) - yeah I do have to admit that Jacob sure has something special about him... fanks you :).... sod the beetroots lol...xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Sharkie))))))))))))~ Well sometimes me lads would tell ya different on a good mum point of view lol..... well, of late, Ive been trying to figure out many things in life and one has been my part in the hatred from me parents.... but seeing as how they are no longer here, they are all unanswered questions that float in me head..... hugzzzz to you.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((jolie-jordan))))~ see what memories I had come flooding back to ya :).... Dont ya just LOVE it when the beetroot juices turns the bread in ya sarnie all soggy and pink :).... MMmmm mmmmmm - I to LOVE corn on the cob, and I had never tasted anything so sweet and gorgeous as the fresh sweetcorn on the cob whilst in Maine, and found it strange that some of the little teeth were white as well as yellow... jebus now I wanna fly back to Maine to eat sweetcorn lol
*A woman that can make a woman across the ocean want to sit in her kitchen and drink tea is a success.
That'd be you*
Jebus, you know how to make tears flow for me - I so dont deserve such nice words...
Me Tablecloth is one of many but aint it great :)
and whatever happened to 'Fatty' I so liked her, and yeah she was like us :)... except its gonna be a while before I can carboot/garage sale for a while (I'll maybe share later then again I might not be able to lol), I might have to get me last fix this Sunday... if the weather is good, cos they have already started up over here...
Well me lads do have their moments where I would swap them for a tenner lol......
Fanks matie.... luv ya ....xxxxxx
Courgettes ya daft cow are what you weirdos call Zuchinnies or how the bugger its spelt lol...
Fanks for the recipe :) and yep I make pickled eggs and sometimes use the vinegar juices from the beetroots :).... xXx
~(((((((robin)))))))~ BLOODY HELL, ya read all 100 posts? are you insane lmfao..... wow, ya have made me feel well special :).... glad you got a smile out of me crazy everyday life lol....
And yeah, me matie BRM who is in me sidebar and who has just got married and Ive been reading her romance blossom and flower from day one :) sent me 4 or 5 jars :).... Im in spicey heaven lol....xxxxxx
~(((((lady thinker)))))~ welcome to the madhouse :)..... yep thats a photo of me kitchen windowsill and me fire.... I could never live in a house without a big open fire... so you need to up roots again and move to a house with a chimney :).... hope you stick around....xxxxx
ps.... Im called MarmiteToasty cos I eat marmite on toast almost every day lol....x
~((((bay views))))~ LOL yep Im from the old school and still do inches and feet as well as metric lol.... well if I had thinned them that much I would of only been able to grow a few, then I would not of had a beetroot selling on gingam covered tables now would I?? aye aye? lol - Oh, I still aint got one lol.... the only fertilizer that went in me veggie plot was chicken poo LOL....xxxxx
SORRY I AINT BEEN AROUND.... I've BEEN BUSY TRYING TO SUSS AND SORT SOMETHING IN LIFE AND ITS BEEN A DIFFICULT TIME...and Im being pulled in all directions as what to do for the best..... I promise I will try and catch up on ya blobs this week... sorry....
Not so much the fact I've got a big garden, but mine is mostly lawn, so it looks a tidy size. It'd be big enough to grow veggies for us if we wanted to and still have some room out there for just sitting outside or having barbeques or something.
Most Welsh farmers leave the sheep alone, especially this time of year, I mean, who wants to be at the sheep just after they've had babies? LOL!
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