But sleep I most certainly did not lol...... let me explain...... sleeping in a ward with 23 other patients, all of them elderly bar one woman that I had spied earlier, she must of been in her 50s.... anyways, the moans and groans of elderly people when they sleep is enough to waken the dead, added to that, the noise of the foot pump machines that every patient had fitted and working with the constant WHOOOOSH and WHEEEESH as they pumped and deflated to keep the circulation going in those frail bodies.... added to that the nurses at the centre station pushing the obs machine from bed to bed, with the blood pressure monitor beeping and the buzzers buzzing cos someone needed a bedpan, that coupled with the chit chat noise of the nurses chatting...... there are things I learnt about their private lives that night I could write a book about lol.....
So, sleep didnt come, I tried laying on me side and putting one of the pillows over me head to cover me ears just trying to block out the noises of the crypt, but a nurse walked by and ran and grabbed the pillow off me, startling me so much that I jumped to a sitting position which startled her so much that she screamed LMFAO...... I think she must of thought I was trying to do away with meself ..... we both ended up laffing so hard that patients started putting on side lights to see what the commotion was about.....
I even tried sleeping with me head pressed into the pillow and a finger jammed in the exposed ear, only to find I made me ear bleed lmfao.....so much so that the nurse had to come and change me pillowcase lol..... more laffing.... more side lights..... no more sleep....
When 6 o'clock dawned and the centre lights were switched on fully with rumbling sounds of a tea trolley, I just pulled the covers over me head cos I had thought I had died and gone to hell..... 'Tea love' someone said.... no fanks I mumbled, cant you read me sign, it says NIL BY MOUTH..... oh my, my mistake she said, and I heard the trolley trundle off to the next bed....
Ok, a nurse said, you are second on the list this morning so you dont have to rush to have a shower, you will go down about 10ish....... oh whoopee do, time to have a shower and wash all be bits that might be exposed under theatre lights lol.....
9.30 came and I was given one of those bum flapping hospital gowns, very sexy with me big bum hanging out the back lol.... any jewellery the nurse asked..... well I said me bangles wont come off cos they have been on for over 20 years and I had to dislocate me thumbs to get them on, so they so aint coming off.... thats ok she said, we will tape them up, as they did with me top ear ring that we just couldnt get out....... anymore she asked..... oh, what about me 'down there piercing' I said with a giggle........ oh my she said that will soooooo have to come out....... JUST A JOKE I replied.. ok, she said now I dont believe you...... honest I said I dont really have a 'down there piercing'.... well she said, if you do and you dont take it out and the equipment shorts then your 'down there' is going to be in for quite a shock.... she said giggling........ thats ok I said, it will awaken me landing flaps, cos its been a while since the eagle has landed....... ok that sent her for some reason into fits of giggles lol.....
Me Surgeon came round to see me with both the 'gas chamber' blokes, I had to sign those forms that say if ya die during the operation then its not fault of the hospitals etc and that ya cant sue........ like, if ya dead ya can sue anyways lol..... I signed and he said 'we'll see you in 15 at the party. come dressed for the occasion'.... I am I said, I have on me HUGE hospital soul food knickers and me bum flapper gown, you had better get ready to dance your socks off...... oh I think Im gonna enjoy this one he said........ what the hell does that mean lol....
Just before they wheeled me down to theatre I had the good sense to grab me camera and hide it under the covers.....
When we got into theatre, I was prepped in the little side room with that thingie in ya hand, well after the third attempt at getting the needle in that is.... I asked the gas chamber bloke (the army one) if he had done this before, or if he had just wandered in off the streets, which started him giggling and me fearing for me life lol and yep.....I asked him if he wanted me to wiggle around like in front line war conditions if it would make it easier lol..... blood gushing out everywhere and I was only in the side room LOL
This was his third attempt at finding a vein..... bloody amatures lol
He said I was a bit of a bleeder, to which I said, well me father use to call me that as a child only it was in a raised voice and it was more like 'you bloody little bleeder'.......
So, the IV thingie in place we went through into the operating theatre where I was swamped with a sea of 7 or 8 faces..... wow, I thought this was just a simple quickie thingie - loads of equipment, I even spied a drill like we have at home under the sink.... I wonder if they got it on offer like I did....lol - see how my brain dashes around....
I had decided to stay awake for this op, so that I could make sure that I didnt die and that they knew what they were doing..... so I had to sit on the edge of the operating table and arch me back so that the gas chamber bloke could find the right gap in me spine to shove in the needle to nerve block me...... so the NICE gas man said, cold spray Mel then hold real still ok.... to which I said...... fank goodness its you doing me spine block and not the skinny bummed army bloke with no sense of humour that cocked up me IV....... with that all 7 of the people in the room started to laff and over me shoulder I heard a whisper...... oh you mean me :)...... bloody hell, talk about putting ya foot in ya mouth LMFAO.... he did laff though.... ok lets get this show on the road...... with the nerve block ya have to also have a bit of sedation, ya can have fully that just makes ya sleep without knocking ya out, or ya can have a little that makes it feel like ya've had a couple of glasses of wine.... but ya still awake and aware of stuff going on, but unlike when ya have those couple of glasses of wine, ya dont dance on the tables lol
WAIT WAIT I said before he pumped me full of gin and orange...... Ive bought me camera can someone please please take some photos for me...... for me blob..... please, I promise to be good lol....... Mr Dalton me Surgeon said 'well if that aint a first, and for the dam cheek of it, I'll allow it' and he handed me camera to one of the theatre nurses.....with, why on earth you want pictures of whats gonna happen is beyond me........ he just didnt understand.... lol
WAIT WAIT I said, I just need to ask something....... Im going to be awake right...... yes gas man said......... Im not going to be able to feel the actual op right but I will feel my body move as ya tug and hear the drills and things right...... yes gas man said....... ok I said, but what if things go wrong and Im awake...... they wont, the gas man said........ ok, I said, but promise me one thing....ok, he said, you name it........ if things goes wrong I dont wanna hear..... SHIT WE HAVE A BLEEDER HERE...or.... WE'RE LOSING HER.... or.... STAND CLEAR...... or LET HER GO DO NOT RESUSS..... I was being serious as I looked at the gas man...... please I said, I dont wanna hear that.... he patted my arm and said Mel, at the first sign of trouble I will 'do me stuff' and I will knock you right out of it, so you will not hear a thing, I promise, I aint lost anyone yet.... huge smile on his face....... ok...... I feel safe, I said..... you may continue.... and for some reason that made him LAFF OUT LOUD lol
Any last requests he said........ ok I said, just a few....... first of all dont feed me pork sarnies during this op cos Im allergic to pork.... done he said....... second.... please please please dont give an an Auntie Morris, please, I promise I will NOT wet me bed, please I so dont wanna Auntie Morris (I then had to explain what that was LMFAO)...... ok, done he said....... oh, and I dont do pink, so no pink blankets...... this made him laff.... ok, done he said..... oh and I dont do bedpans...... ok he said, we wont make you wear one as a hat...... Mel, are you quite finished....... yep I said...... go do ya stuff LOL
Ok, here goes.....no wonder one is a tad uncomfortable after ........... I hope ya not just gonna be tucking into ya dinner lol - these were taken on my little digita camera that I take everywhere with me......
The first cut is the deepest........ now, aint that a song....
Ok, maybe the second one is lol..........
Just before the surgeon started he said.... ok Mel (I couldnt see anything cos I was behind a blue sheet thingie).... just making the first cut......... I waited a couple of seconds and then went ARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh, the gas man looked at me all concerned..... please tell me you didnt feel that........ nope I said, just keeping ya on ya toes lol......
Doesnt this one look like a jacket potatoe with a knob of butter lol..... thats actually me kneecap lmfao
This was some cutting tool thingie....
See how wide they stretch the skin on ya leg.....
Nice drill LOL
He did comment that I actually did bleed ALOT....... but alas it was not blue blood.... dang, there goes me dreams of being royalty.... now me only hope of being a princess is for a knight in shining armour to come into me life LOL....
It was weird laying there chatting to the 2 gas men, and hearing the conversation of the surgeons and hearing the noise of the drills and the hammer thingie and the cutter thing that cut the end of me femur off in a dovetail shape like in a good old antique chest of drawers..... and feeling me body move as they pushed and shoved and lifted me leg........... 2 1/2 hours seemed to fly by...... I only found out a little later that Mr Gas Man sedated me a little more towards the end which made me real sleepy cos it was a mixture of morphine which would help with the pain when back on the ward....... and it was NOT cos I didnt stop talking lmfao......
BBQ spare ribs anyone??........ actually these are all the bits of me femur and me tibia that they cut off..... It surprised me just how much they cut off....
And it was not until the next day when I was clicking through the photos on me camera that I was told what this picture was...... if I had realised at the time, I would of asked for some of the bits of bone to put with me skull and bone collection...... but by the time I realised, it was all to late.....
So..... 2 1/2 hours latter...... cut, drilled, hammered, laffs, and with much blood loss, I found meself in a special little room called recovery room..... and guess what the bastards had done......... GO ON, BLOODY GUESS........
Oh they thought it would be real funny to give me a PINK blanket LOL........ oh no, please, I thought to meself, no Auntie Morris, I reached to the side of the bed looking for a bag hanging from the end of the bed........ gas man saw me and must smiled and said........ its ok Mel, I promised ya NO Auntie Morris........ bless that man LMFAO
I did bleed way to much and had to have loads of extra blood to top me upThey refussed to slip in a couple of vodkas so that it was a bloody mary, dam spoil sports lol....
Sometimes I wish I was quiet and normal and didnt talk to much lol..... but I dont know how to be anyone but me.... not in any situation...... no matter how scared I am LMFAO
I remember being wheeled back to slot number 3 in the ward, it must of been visiting time cos the ward was packed and so NOISEY, and the bed next to me sort of was overflowing with visitors into my space and staring at me...... when the nurse came to settle me in..... I asked if the curtains could be pulled cos I felt like a freak show with so many people and so much noise...... its not usual policy she said..... but I will she said........ and with that I was out of it till the evening.... I slept the whole day away.....
Lets see what the morrow would bring........
Hope the photos didnt gross ya out to much....
Ok, to much Twaddle for anyone to of read........ but its more just an account for me lads then anyone else, so that oneday they might read me stuff like a diary..... I bet if they do, they will think Im crazy lol....
I hope the fact that you are up to blobbing means you are feeling a bit better than you did. I am debating if I should send this to NÂș1 daughter or not...she has just had a scrape and flush jobby done on a knee, and has been told that she will probably need a replacement in the not so distant future.
This is the most entertaining op I've ever seen LOL all the way through. I will never look at a jacket potato in the same way again (and I have them often!)~ they must have loved you keeping them entertain it's a wonder they didn't amputate the leg for keeping them on their toes!!!
Bloody hell. Seriously. You're a brave woman to want to be awake during that stuff. You're like my wife wanting to have a mirror brought into the operating theater so she could SEE the c-section birth of two of our three boys. Man.
I really hope you're doing better Mel...feeling better, I mean. It may not be as fast a recovery as you'd like, but you'll get there. You have to. We need you to...where else are we gonna stay when we visit the south of England someday!?
I love the hell you put the anesthetist though. Classic stuff! You're the best.
The photos were GREAT! You were very brave to let yourself watch the operation. When I had a colonoscopy a few years back they said I could watch the monitor showing the camera view as it was being pushed through the colon. "But you won't remember it" they said. Sure enough, I didn't remember a thing although I was awake during the inspection.
Turns out they use a drug cocktail which is designed to make you forget the proceedings. Isn't modern medicine great?
I hope you heal quickly and can jump around and play with the kids soon.
That's some sexy knee you got there girl! When the scar heals up, you can color it black and tell everyone you're wearing your seamed silk stockings on backwards!
Look at it this way, at least they didn't have to top you off with petrol. That would have been 'really' expensive.
I'm glad you came through OK. Good luck for a swift recovery.
WOW! You have been a busy girl in my absence. Always seem to laugh adversity in the face, you do - and a few other parts of you too, if the pics are anything to go by.....lol
I'd love to have seen the nurse grab that pillow from you! Picturing you trying to 'smother' yourself had ME in stitches! I't's great to be back, toasty.
bloody hell you're one crazy lady but i expected nothing less. i liked the picture of him wielding the drill. as you know i come down winchester a fair bit so when you're feeling up to having visitors just let me know x0x
Gaaaa!!! I hope you feel better than that looked! I know what you mean about sleep in a hospital- they wake you up every 20 minutes to ask if you're asleep...
Wow, Marmie - You have a great sense of humor. If it was me and I saw that bowl full of my personal parts, well, gag me. :) And I love baked potatoes with LOTS of butter. Guess I'll be thinking of you a lot for the rest of my life because I'm not giving up my butter.
Tell me how you are now? Are things going ok for you or are you having to go through a lot of "do over" stuff.
Love you lots and many hugs!
This is better than TLC (The Learning Channel) on the telly... great pictures...
Hope you got the infection under control by now...
My galpal who is better known as Ms Cannonball...when they did her leg(remember she broke it) she woke up the next morning with a cottonball stuck on her a--hole. some funny doctors...
Interesting stuff and great photos.
My dad had his knee done 2 weeks ago and it sounds similar to yours except that they removed the whole knee and put a metal one in.
The pink blanket is a nice touch.
I thought the orange glow was a bit like a pumpkin more than what I had for my dinner tonight. Pleased to see you again
Nice descriptions there... Gotta say though, this is the first time I've actually been glad I can't see photos someone's posted on their blog. LOL!
Oh, and if the tea they offered you tastes the way it does in the hospitals I've been to then you weren't missing anything by not being allowed any. LOL!
Thanks for sharing! The third one down looks a lot like an Maine potato with all the fixin's. Hmmm, Hmmm, not so good. Not like a good old Idaho US #1 Russett Baker. Ha!
Thanks for being you Mel, even if you can't help it. I love reading everything you write.
*has a giggle fit at the 9.3 paragraph*
*and another*
*and another*
Ok...I see how this is going to be *makes a note by Toasty's blog to not eat and drink while reading as it'll cause a huge mess when I laugh*
Man, I wish I could have kept a sense of humor like that when I was hospitalized. Drs, nurses, needles and the such all freak me out so I need to be heavily sedated for almost ANY procedure. I cant even watch when they draw blood for a test.
Okay. THAT went well with the grilled cheese I just had.... ")
Sounds like you're feeling a lot better, and I'm so glad of that. Let us know how things are.
Okay, okay, so it was the 4th one down...I graduated from Centre of the Universe High.
I loved the story of your hospital visit, but the pictures I avoided. I was laughing very hard at some of your adventures I guess you would call them, had me in tears. Thanks for that, I needed it. I had one this morning also from Bob, he makes me laugh as you do. I hope you are doing better and your attitude sure sounds much more positive of late. Your family thinks of you often and of course we worry about you. Get well soon, The Stickman
Hillarious - I can just imagine the staff keep looking at each other and not trying to stuff up as they laugh!!
You sound great - good girl!!
((((( M ))))))
wow, what an interesting life you lead....
Love you, sweetie, and praying for your quick recovery....how in the world do you manage to sit at a desk and blog? Amazing, truely amazing....
love you,
lol... good ye found the RIGHT bed, if'n y're gonna crawl in, NAKKERS!
I read the WHOLE thing and it was simply fascinating! I'm SO glad you got picture. And I bet you were a breath of fresh air to all of those in the OR. Most patients are probably scared and cry babyish! LOL
So, WHY did they have to remove all that? I thought you were getting knee replacement. I must have missed something.
And the pink blanket thing???? TOO funny!!!!!!! It was probably the bumless army guy, huh?
Thanks for posting the photos - I didn't get to see my op though I was awake, so it's great to see what it actually looked like! You're obviously feeling better now as you're blogging again. xx
I just read your post over on JBelle's blog and thought of you. I have never heard one thing about your stick, if you got it or use it or anything. Maybe a short note to let me know how that all worked out. I hope it's useful, and if not another can be on its way. Take good care of yourself, The Stickman
Oky-doky. You have 26 comments, now I can comment... I worry about seeming "stalker-ish" lmfao!
Lady... you are the bravest, strongest of stomach, woman I KNOW!
I almost wet my pants at the thought of you controlling the surg team... I never met an anesthesiologist who was wrapped around a persons little finger as yours was. YOU ARE THE QUEEN!
I love you Melody and I'm glad you're up and writing.
hugs and love for DAYS!!!!
PS: your damned camera wasn't sterilized... mmmm-hmmm... that's probably why you got an infection!!! I'll beat you when I'm done hugging you.
Wow, MT, you're a brave woman to stay awake during that. I'd be asking for the whole pharmacy!
I'm amazed they let you keep your camera in the operating room, though I will admit I scrolled quickly through the photos. I'm so glad you're up to blogging again! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Ok.... Even though Ive blobbed, it has been very difficult.... Im still not at all well, me consultant, me local doctor and me physio are desperately trying to get this swelling and infection under control....a decision will be made on 27th of this month as to whether I will have to go back in and be reopened, ripped out and try again, which is never a good thing with this op... so Im trying to stay upbeat etc, but its a tad scary.... so me blob post took almost 3 hours to eventually post LOL..... so please bare with me....and forgive me for not always being able to get to your blobs...
I did get out for the the first time in 3 weeks yesterday with me matie to a garden centre... oh my, it was just the funniest..... maybe I will blob about it at a later date lmfao....
And to cap it all my Sam (me extreme skateboarding son) hurt himself the night before last and yesterday was in such pain when I was out that he drove himself to the hospital to find out that he has badly BROKEN his shoulder blade..... IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS IN THIS HOUSE lol.... so he aint to good at the moment either lol...... what a house of crimples and quaisi modos lol
Ok, enough waffling bollocks....
~((((teabag)))~ dont be put off by mine, nuffin in my life EVER goes according to the book lol...xxxxx
~((((Crispy))))~ lol they did ask me if I was always so full of questions... I questioned everything, but thats a good thing, one has to know what the hell they are doing :)...xxxxx
~((((((((Toadie)))))))~ well I have 4 sons so gore and blood and guts is the norm LOL
Shit I might not be living in the South of England in the near futures....I'll leave ya me tent to use lol...xxxxxxxx
~((((goatman)))))~ I didnt actually watch it I AINT THAT BRAVE lol.... they have this sheet up but they did chat with me all the way through it.....
Now I have visions of a camera being shoved up your bum, fanks for that LMFAO.......xxxxx
~(((lisa))))~ dont that knee look HUGE there lol - Im seriously thinging about having a catterpillar tattoo where the 10 inch scar will be..seriously.... xxxxx
~(((charles)))))~ fanks matie... yeah will with petrol here at almost $10 a gallon Ive saved a few bob lol.....xxxxx
~(((lena))))~ oh my WELCOME back, I thought you might of been eaten by a haggis....hope all is well with you.....
The nurse scared me to death grabbing the pillow and I inturn scared her to death by sitting upright lmfao.....xxxxx
~(((mei Del)))~ I think they got the drill from B&Q lol.... when Im 'healed' I would love to meet you in Winchester for lunch or something....Winchester is only like 30 or so minutes away from me down the back lanes.....would have to find a crimple acces teashop lmfao......xxxxx
~(((buffalo))))~ the night before me op was the worst, the other nights I had a morphine self feed drip lmfao.....xxxxxx
~(((((jeannieS)))))~ you wait til the next post and see the 'spud picture' I have lol....
Not doing to well matie to be honest, but hanging in there as best I can, its just scarey not really knowing what the outcome will be, Im usually so very active, and I NEED that back in my life or I have no life.......xxxxxxx
~((((tosser)))))~ oh some of the laffs we did have over the course of me 8 days in hospital we just so funny, it made up for the painful hard parts....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((hammer))))~ yep the same here, they stripped it out and I know have a 'not working' bionic metal knee, but they tried to save me kneecap, some they can and some they cant.....xxxxx
~(((LIR)))~ remind me to tell you about the giant pumpkin we grew one year lol....xxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))~ dam, ya cant see the photos lol....
As I usually just drink builders tea, I will drink the hospital stuff, they would always make me mugs and not cups and let me have 2 mugs cos they knew I love me cuppa tea lol....xxxxxx
~((((((((Starr))))))))~ well ya cant beat the famous Idaho spud now can ya lol........ Im coming around to the fact..... thinking of moving now to the West coast and not the East coast lol...xxxxxxxxx
~(((((helen)))))~ well, Im just me :)....I can only write stuff about me life no more no less....xxxxx
~(((ladystyx)))~ I do get scared inside but I put on a brave face, and with 4 sons that have always been in and out of hospital after different accidents, Im really ok with it....handing you a tissue to wipe your mouth lol ....xxxxx
~(((((Starr))))~ LMFAO you went back for a second look lol....xxxxxxxx
~((((((Stickman))))~ things aint gone according to plan but Im so trying to keep sane :).....sometimes its just by a threat though lol......xxxxxxx
~((((coral))))~ as scared as I was, we did laff so much lol....xxxxx
~(((((((Patti)))))))~ 'interesting' bloody interesting? lmfao.... its difficult to sit and type - hence it took just under 3 hours from start to finish to blob this post... back and forth to the computer lol...... love you girl.........xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Wolfie))))))~ depends if I had wandered down to the floor below and found the 'blokes army ward' LMFAO......xxxxx
~(((bina))))~ they have to cut out all that bone to be able to drill and attach a new joint....just wish I had thought to ask for a bit of me bone....
And yeah, it was nice to laff, and I did get many of the old dears to laff, probably the first time in days, but more about that in the next post :)........xxxxxxx
~((((ake))))~ I was surprised at how well and how close up they took the photos on me little camera... I was mega chufted though.... a thread, Im hanging by a thread.....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((((((Stickman)))))))))~ no sticks as yet..... I'll email ya when they come.........xxxxxxx
~((((((((pixie)))))))))~ I call stalkers 'brocolli people' ya know like brocolli stalks lol.....
Nah its not to do with the camera.... they did wipe it over with this sort of baby wipe thingie....
*cough* I didnt not wrap anyone around me little finger lol..... I was just full of questions lmfao.... I think I must of been a change to the normal 'elderly patients' they usually deal with.... us younger knee patients are few and far between lol.....xxxxxxxxx
~(((auntim NOT aunti morris)))~ I think most now have the spine block but with full sedation, I just didnt wanna die so I didnt have the full sedation so that I was aware of what was going on lol......except the pink bloody blanket lol......xxxxx
LOL@landin flaps.......lol
Marmite, please keep me posted as to the whereabouts of the mysterious package. I gave the sticks to Green Lib way over a month ago and he said he would mail them in a couple of days. Something doesn't sound right. If still nothing shows up soon, I will send one of my prized specimens to you and make sure it gets there. Sorry for all this delay, I haven't a clue what happened. The Stickman
Blimey! I was eating icecream when I saw those pictures! Takes a lot to put me off my food though!
You came out of it OK & that is the main thing.
You must be feeling MUCH better by now! Hope so.
I just read your comment on here. My Gosh! They might have to go back IN???? You poor thing! What is going on with it?
I always think Doctor's should be able to fix that kind of stuff. I mean, it's what they are trained for, right? If I had healing hands I would come there and lay them on you!
And man, Sam!!! I've heard that kind of break really hurts. How in the heck did he drive himself to the ER!!!! Amazing.
I hope you infection heals really quick and things get back to normal for you.
when you are feeling better perhaps I could meet up with you and Mei del in winchester (just praying not to bump into the ex b/f). so long as it isn't when I am at work.
This time last year I was still taking my mum out for little trips to cheer her up. She is still not right after her op last yr but it wasn't the op that was the problem its other problems with her leg after years of not walking properly. I think at 63 mum was the youngest in the ward she got on famously with all the staff. She loved talking to them and learning about their lives (shes a nosey one).
(More hugs, more tears) It's time for the infection to go away and for you to get healthy and strong again...
amazing what they took out of there -- certainly you'll have legs like a canary now? If you have those -- then probably you'll sing sweetly, too?
I was very intrigued with the surgery. I had surgery on my tibia about 5 years ago. I'm so glad I never saw it. OUch.
hey can you get crimple parking display cards - that would be soooo kewl - go ask for that the next time yer go see the morgue guardians.
mei I can tell you that the answer is no!! my mum asked as she couldn't walk much for months after her op but the answer was no. It doesn't matter how badly crippled you are if it is only short term nothing doing. The stupid thing was that after a few months mum was back driving but couldn't go anywhere as she couldn't walk very far once she got there.
that was when I introduced her to my hairdresser as you can park right outside. Silly me when I wanted my hair cut just before xmas I had to have a different hairdresser as mine already had a client at that time. Turned out to be my mum!!!
that is just nuts! they really want the crimples to stay hidden and not inconvenience the public, actually knowing marmie ... that might not be a bad thing... who knows what mayhem she most probably would cause!
I hope you don't end up going back in to hospital. I'm sure once was more than enough for you.
I hope your Sam's shoulder heals up quickly.
We all understand that you aren't feeling up to doing blogs and visiting ours, so don't worry about it. Just concentrate on getting better. :)
Well, that works out well for you with the tea then, LOL! Personally I never touch hospital tea unless I've been in hospital for over a week and am desperate for a cuppa. Even then though I make them give me more sugars than I'd normally have just to make the tea drinkable. LOL!
Btw, according to my screen reader, the pics are there, but those things aren't all that good at describing pics. All I get is some sort of weird code thing that it uses to tell me there's a picture. No worries though, you're descriptions of what happened are plenty of information anyway. LOL!
You are a trooper for sure. That likes like it has to hurt.
Just remember using not enough "landing Flaps" will get your tail Up!
I posted a follow up to my retirement party in the comments to my last post at my blob.
Hey, Mel. Brian brought you anything unexpected lately?
If I see a woman with crutches causing mayhem in Asda I shall go over and say is that you marmite?
Ach! Reading that, I feel like I was the one under knife. I think I shall go back to bed to recover.
Blessings to ya, Ms. Toasty.
Oh Toasty!!!! OMG!!!! *shudder* I have to say, I couldn't bring myself to linger on any of the pictures for longer than it took to scroll past them. CRIMINY SAKES ALIVE, GIRL!!!! Hell if your danged knee doesn't look like some Frankenstein experiment in the surgical pics. And I'm sorry to hear that you've had, and are still having, such a time of recovery. Good freaking grief!!!!
As for not being knocked out for the surgery, you're much braver than I. I make them knock me out just for the IV BEFORE the surgery. *grin* Ooooh, I think I'm gonna be having nightmares about these pics you've shared.
I hope your leg is looking somewhat less frankenstein-ish now.
Reading down through the comments just now..... OH NO!!!! I'm terribly sorry to hear about Sam's busted arm!!! And I seriously hope you don't wind up back in surgery for more fixing on your knee. I hope it starts mending sufficiently before the docs decide to do more cutting on you.
I am sure glad I wasn't eating when I started reading this post. Man... talk about close and personal. lol.
Wow some photos!!
Hope you are recovering well :)
just found out that I might be visiting Haslar again sooner than I had expected. My mum has been referred back to the consultant possibly for more surgery on her knee.
How're you doing now, Toasty?
I absolutely thumbs up the idea of leaving a journal for your sons! Your writing seems to be so much "you" I know as a child I'd have loved something like this from my mother-she was gone before the computer age. Even with a bum leg you still write fantastically. Well wishes!! How are you now??
Wow, great photos! Taking pictures would be a rarity here in the states, liability issues galore. Hope your feeling no pain...sounds like they took good care of you. I could never stand the smells of the operating room so I went into intensive care..and we have some wing-ding smells there,too! (Referring to Code Brown, wink-wink)
Wow, what a post.
Good luck with your recovery.
I expect the surgeon and his team will dine out on your story for years to come!
You make me glad I slept through my surgery! I didn't know a thing until I woke up in the recovery room.
Hope you are getting better every day!
Hello Melody, how are you getting along?
I hope you are healing quickly and will soon be doing the tango! Well at least be able to move your
We are well here, apart from my guilt at not posting your card – with the totally smudged back part – some days I am such a dumbass!
I am feeling particularly pleased with myself right now, I have reconciled a stock account that was looking really dreadful as some stock had been booked in and out without my knowledge – so I am rather chuffed with ‘me self’!!
Tell me do you get Marmite Cheese there? It is in the same bottle and has a rather unfortunate colour – what you may call sharki – the difference between shit and khaki!! (No not your Sharkey)!
You live half an hour’s drive from my parents in West End – my mother made herself ‘famous’ last year for campaigning for more police and cameras in the West End area and had her photo in the paper a few times. Apparently the ‘youths’ were running wild there. (Some mummy’s little darlings)!
Tell me what you would like to know about my family as my brother lives in West End as does my sister – the black sheep of the family although I may have managed to steal that particular name from her over the last few months. My sister has kids about your kids’ age; my brother’s are still littlies.
Are your boys looking after you well?
How are you managing with your nippers? Are they okay?
Thinking of you – especially with the card staring at me accusingly!
Love and smooches
Ouch!Get well soon
oh my god there should have been an advisory with that post...those photos were gruesome! and the jacket potato reference?
Pig gags...
OMG now i know why i dont eat spare ribs!
hope you are doing ok,
oh it me in disguise, ok then not but its me new blog aka her indoors
Ooh Toastie, I called in to see how you were. Fingers crossed they don't have to unzip you. Loved your Blob. Debs x
~(((((((((((lora)))))))))~ well, what else am I suppose to call em :).......love you girl....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Stickman)))))))))))@ hey you dear sweet man, no worries, I know whats what with the sticks, please dont fret, all will be ok, I couldnt use them at the moment though so no rush for them, its all I can do to use proper crutches lol..........xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((maggie-may))))))~ nuffin in my life EVER goes to plan.... and that is hard sometimes in itself to deal with......xxxxx
~(((((bina)))))~ Im hoping against all hope that things will sort themselves out, now if only I was a praying person lol........yep Sams a tough biscuit, but he is in agony with this break and ripped ligament.....xxxxx
~((((LIR)))))~ yep Im up for meeting with you and mei, but obviously not yet lol...... if your mum was the youngest imagine how shit it was being my age lol......xxxxx
~(((((((((Wood-song)))))))))~ at the moment, I feel like going away, Ive had more then me fill now and its dragging me slightly under with it now.... :(.......xxxxxxxxxx
~((((pamela)))))~ they took enough out for a BBQ lol.......xxxxxx
~((((mei del)))))~ nah I cant get them me matie tried for me so that we could get free parking lol.... ya have to have a disability for 3 years, but at this rate I might actually qualify lol.......xxxxx
~(((LIR)))~ see you know lol...xxxxx
~((((mei del))))~ yep hid all crimples and retards and put them all on the isle of wight with no ferry pass :)......xxxxxxx
~(((((tori-z)))))))~ I drink tea by the bucketful :) just builders tea usually......xxxxxxx
ps... sorry you cant see the pictures, maybe thats a good thing lol
~((((((((Slip)))))))))~ you have it wrong..... not using ya landing flaps makes for a 'heal over' lol......xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((robin)))))))))))))))~ *tears* Brian came this morning whilst I was still in bed, with a little parcel from you..... you made me cry and you warmed the cockles of me heart to think that you did that...... fank you so very very much.... you will never realise just how much your little thought meant to me today.......xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((((LIR)))))))))~ LOL - as of yet Ive only been able to get out for that hour at the garden centre, Ive become a bit of a prisoner in me own home and thats not been good for my sanity...... but feel free to ask all ASDA crimples LOL.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Kaylee)))))))))~ Im hoping and hoping that they wont go back in... I dont think I could do it again, except there is not much I can do now as it is :(..... its scarey whichever way I think.......xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((((Saintly)))))))))))))))~ much love to you dear man......xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((kati))))))))))))~ lol. my Sam cant look at the photos either and me matie had to get a chair cos he nearly pasted out when I showed him on me computer lol...... I just want this over, I need to start the next part of me life, of which I aint had for the last 18 months........xxxxxxxxx
~(((((InlandEmpireGirl)))))))~ I was meself surprised as to how good and clear the photos actually were, I was mega chufted with them ......xxxxxxx
~((((((casdok)))))~ lets put it this way, when ya on the bottom things can surely only get better....xxxxxx
~(((((((LIR)))))))))~ oh no :( Im so sorry about your mum...... shit thats all I needed to hear...NOT....xxxxxxx
~(((((tori-Z)))))~ hey you...... trying to be brave but Im finding it very difficult, I so need a hand or a real hug to hold.... so its difficult.......xxxxxxxxx
~(((((joannie)))))~ welcome...... well I dont know that me writings have ever been that good to be honest, its just a load of twaddle, bad grammar and spelling, but its me... cant write any way else.....
Yeah, Im thinking I should print off all me posts and keep in a folder for me lads for when I die, so that they will know the 'otherside' of me that they dont always know about.... :)....
All me lads had a 'life box' which I have for them each.... with all sorts of growing up stuff in, clothes and uniforms and shoes and photos and letters and stuff from school and school reports and just stuff, maybe time to put a copy of Twaddle in there for them each.......xxxxxxxx
~((((pinkacorn)))))~ they really wouldnt let someone take photos? WOW how stiff collared lol... and as far as smells go, Ive lived with 4 sons for way to long for any sort of stink to bother me lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((dumdad)))))))~ it long ya think? lol
Im sure the surgeons have probably heard it all before.... they wont even remember me by now lol.....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((cindy))))))))))))~ I wake up with hope everyday, and go to bed with hope for the following day, one day it will come....
I still dont know how to comment on your blob now that you have changed it.... HELP.....xxxxxx
~((((((((coral)))))))~ no worries about the card, at least you tried LOL.....
and yep we have marmite little cheeses here, I send them to me matie Toadie out left of the staples...... the trouble with them when I buy them is that I sit and eat the whole packet LOL....they are a little 'poo' looking though lol
Your parents live in the West End/Southampton?
Your mum sounds a riot LOL
The boys now have (except for my Jacob) the old 'mums home' thingie going on, so Im on me own on this one now lol
and as regards the nippers, no nippers, so no money..... I miss them but I miss the money more...... so Im needing to rethink, I cant live forever without any money coming in..... might have to sell me body lol and thats to science NOT to paying punters LOL......xxxxxxxxx
~(((very)lostinFrance))))~ welcome.... feel free to scroll back and read some better posts then these hospital ones lol....and fanks for the well wishes.....xxxxxx
~((((pig in the kitchen)))))~ Welcome to you - I have a huge picture of a pig in me kitchen over our table lol..... there often should be a warning at the top of most of me Blob Posts lol....one has to LOVE jacket spuds LOL ....xxxxx
~((((little wanderer))))~ huge hugs and kisses to you..... Ive so missed you.... Ive missed so much of late :( - yep, fank goodness I dont do spare ribs either lol......xxxxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Lehners in France))))))~ if they do, Im gonna ask for a real zip to make things easier all round lol........ xxxxx
Gawdy Lawks marmitetoasty you need a medal, they delved around in my knees a couple of times, but I was FAST ASLEEP I need time to read all about it as they say in the paper trade! so I will be back. In the meantime xxxxx
*hugs* I know it's not a real hug, but it's the best I can do, :)
Hope things are going better by now- Lord knows you've been through enough... Best wishes-XXXO!
I thought you could send Starr the femur bits as a fanks for the elk head!
I'll be checking back here often to look for updates. I've been asleep at the wheel in blob-land for a while and I'm eager to read that you turn the corner and start making big improvements.
The pictures were fascinating. I'm wishing Mom had taken a digie camera to the table when she had her hip replaced.
Don't tell my sister I said that.
Berlimey - firstly a berludy great big hug to you because you sound as though you need it. I hope you aren't in too much pain and that you are healing ok. Thank you for visiting my blog . . . and here is another hug just because I can . . .
Toasty, I'm sorry you're still feeling so rough. Stay strong, sweety. And know that you've got SOOOO many friends out here praying and hoping the best for ya!
Glad to hear that your son Sam, as tough as he is, couldn't look at the pics either. That makes me feel a bit better, knowing that even big, tough guys find those pics hard to view. *wink*
Much love, Toasty!
Yay Portsmouth won the cup!!!
Good God woman, you've been through the mill! Glad I'd just had my lunch when I saw those pix - saved having to stick my finger down my throat!
Seriously, sounds like you've been having a tough time and sorry to hear you're feeling down (though not at all surprising - post-op blues). And then your son as well with his shoulder - can identify with that one: when I was 14 I wanted to be the best girl skateboarder ever but badly broke and dislocated my ankle on the first try!!! Have suffered all my life because of it (but that's another story). Skateboards still freak me out, I'm that mentally scarred! In fact, twas while in hospital having my leg put back together that I experienced everything you've described here. Why DO they have to burst in and switch all the bloody lights on at 6am? Just cos they're up while us poor lot have only just got to sleep having been kept awake all night by everything you describe!
So, big hug from me like WW's, and thanks for coming over to mine the other day (not sure how you found the time with all these comments which you are, remarkably diligently, responding to). I obviously struck an inadvertent chord with the marmite - and here you are doing the same for me with hospitals and South Downs (I was born and brought up in Sussex).
Good luck, hope you feel a little better soon. I'll pop back to find out.
Ps, sounds ghastly how you shattered your knee in the first place...
~(((((blossomcottage)))))~ welcome... scroll back further, there are much nicer, less whining posts LOL..... they have dug around a couple of times in the same knee before this major step, and 5 ops all together on the other knee, but this was just the pits......xxxxx
~(((((Tori-Z))))~ I usually find kind words etc difficult, but with all this I so need them and the hugs :)...so fanks ....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((MrP)))))))))))))))))~ oh my, how loverly to see you again..... so very loverly.... yeah I should send Starr something.... ok, now you have me thinking lol its about time he received something nice, its been a year since Cowie arrived here, time to take her out on some adventures me thinks :).... Ive missed you dear man......
ps... ringing ya sister and tell her what you just typed lol....xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Witch)))))))))~ welcome - ok, so I admit, Im usually 'well ard' so Ive let meself down of late with me whining and moaning lol.... fanks for the hugs though, they are very much needed....xxxxx
~((((((((kati))))))))~ I need to toughen up again, I know :( its just been difficult.... I shouldnt of really shared lol.... and Sam is a right proper pussy at times lol - much love back at you.....xxxxxxxx
PLAY UP POMPEY...... it bought such a smile to me face, I was just sad that I couldnt go into town and celebrate with the other 200,000 supporters there, including me 4 lads :(.... but.... DIDNT WE DO WELL :).....xxxxx
~(((her on the hill))))~ welcome to you :) - I fell of me lads skateboard once and dislocated me thumb jebus it was painful, wont get me near one now lol - I never bget why they wake one up in hospital at such an ungodly hour lol...... me, well I drank me cuppa tea and just pulled the covers over me head and went back to sleep :) ...
Ya just gotta love marmite...... Sussex is just up the road a tad from us..... he rich sister lived in Westbourne for a while and then just outside Chichester.... its as familiar to me, more so then much of Hampshire, being bought up in Havant which is just on the Hampshire/Sussex border.... and Bosham, oh how I LOVE Bosham.......
see you could have me waffling on all day lol.....
Im sure I will eventually heal, its just scarey to what degree though......xxxxx
Toastie, as well as the slide, there's the story of how the chickens arrived, mostly head first in boxes or swinging off the handlebars of push bikes, so if you're twiddling your thumds and unable to toddle off anywhere you might like it. France ((X))
OOOOOOOO!!! Now those are the kinds of pics I wanted to have taken during my procedure, tho 3 little holes with probes in them wouldn't be quite as spectacular as yours.
We really tried to get hubby in with my cameras, I really wanted video footage. But unfortunately, with the way malpractice suits are on the rise, they don't like any cameras wielded by non-medical personnel in the operating room :(
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