So crimbo is over, we or should I say I took the tree and decs down yesterday..... remember the tree that we went and cut down a few posts earlier.... well, do you know, it was still as fresh as the day we cut it, only a handful of needles fell when we dragged it out the back door... so for 12 quid it was a great buy....
I was up first crimbo day, its different when ya kids are big, no early mornings in this house, and to be honest it was lovely lol..... I got up around 8am and had the house to meself to start sorting out the crimbo lads didnt get up until around 11am lol..... but as I tiptoed down the stairs and turned on the tree lights, I could only smile.... the smile on my face was huge, I was right pathetic....
ya see, let me tell ya why...... there were pressies under the tree, just as every year.... pressies from me to me lads and from me lads to me and to each other..... that is how crimbo has always been in this house.... my lads only get pressies from me since the X left, they no longer get gifts from my X or his family, and my parents being dead they obviously dont get pressies from them, and my brothers and sister never bother.........
Ive never had a pressie under the tree from anyone else except me lads, not even when I was married.... even though there were loads for him..... he would sometimes get me a pressie that I use to HAVE to open at his parents house, cos we use to have to go there every crimbo with his whole family, WHICH I HATED MORE THEN LIFE ITSELF....
Anyways...... this crimbo when I tiptoed down the stairs and put the tree lights on I just stood there smiling, cos you see, this year for the first year as far back as I can remember there was 2 other pressies under the tree, 2 pressies that actually had been wrapped and had a label on with MY NAME upon it....
This is how the parcel from the Toadies in America arrived lol my postman Brian loved it....
The Toadies had sent me a crimbo parcel all the way from America..... and ToriZ and Kelly had sent me a crimbo pressie all the way from Wales lol... they arrived the week before christmas and how I stopped myself from opening them when they arrived I will never know.... I gently placed them under the tree and every single day up to crimbo I would pick them up and shake them and smile and smile.... how pathetic am I LOL.... it wouldnt of mattered if it was a bottle of bleach that had been wrapped, it wouldnt of mattered it if was a bloody old smelly pair of socks, or a tub of old age anti wrinkle cream lol, what mattered was that there was a pressie under me tree with a label on with MY NAME on... someone had taken the time to think of me at christmas.... so....... Now I Know That Special Feeling that others must feel at christmas time... now I know, and I liked that feeling, it was a first for me.... what a pathetic saddo of a person I truely am LOL - and of course the loverly flowers that Intense guy had sent.... so I thank you Toadies and ToriZ and Intense for giving me a 'first' and making me realise what Ive been missing all these years LOL
Anyways enough of all that......

Me lads and the compulsary crimbo photo lol
Crimbo dinner and the preparation to many seems like hard work, but to me its just like doing a Sunday Roast but on a bigger scale and extra trimmings.... we are very laid back here, we dont get stressed out, if dinner aint ready on time then it aint ready, and usually me 3 old lads bugger off to the pub for a quick pint just before dinner (as do almost all british blokes) but this year they didnt.... so dinner was in the oven and we had a few pressies to open..... I had bought Jacob a Wii and all the bits that go along with it for his main pressie, then bits and pieces of mainly BMX stuff.... and Sam had an Xbox 360 and all the bits for his main pressie and then others bits and pieces to open...... Ben and Tom for the first year ever had dosh off me for their main pressie so they could buy what they wanted in the sales, but seeing as they didnt need or want for anything they shoved it in their savings..... but I did also buy them half a dozen bits and bobs so they had somethings to open.... they also all still get crimbo stockings LMFAO.... and my Jacob, bless his little cotton socks had done me a crimbo stocking from father christmas full of lovely bits lol
Sam and Ben with a few of their bits..
Ben, Tom and Jacob... as you can see, Sam and Jacob had warm winter hats in their stockings which didnt come off their heads all christmas day LOL
Dinner was ready, the table set..
and it was Toms turn to carve the turkey.....
We were all stuffed and was just sitting around the table chatting..... Tom was taking some photos..... and then THAT IS WHEN we realised we had an UNINVITED dinner guest...... we didnt know at first.... not until Tom had taken a few photos and was checking to see if they had come out....... the guest didnt knock on the door, the guest didnt come dressed for the occasion... the guest was not invited....... but one thing the univited guest did to, and that was FREAK US ALL OUT lol.....
Ya see.... we aint normal in this house, not where photos are concerned.... so, as Tom was sitting at the table after finishing his food he decided to take a photo inside the Turkey LMFAO.... I have no idea why.... or what his thinking was behind it........ maybe the guest was subconsiously calling him, so that it could be included in the celebrations....... but whatever made Tom take the 'inside the Turkey' photo....... one thing is for sure..... that is where we found the uninvited dinner guest......
See if you can see the guest.... the guest that had been hiding in our Turkey all through dinner, the guest that only made itself know after we had eaten..... and you tell me you wouldnt be freaked out by what you see......

Click on the photo to enlarge and you can see the EYES looking out, we think we had more then one guest inside the turkey, we think there were a family of them.... can you see the EYES.... real eyes...... not just a bit of turkey innards, but REAL BLOODY EYES inside our turkey......
Tom took another photo at the same angle and there was nuffin there...... our uninvited dinner guests had gone back from whence they came...... FREAKY OR WHAT.......
So...... crimbo was nice, quiet but nice...... Tom's girlfriend came round for the evening and we roasted chestnuts and drank and for someone that rarely drinks I seemed to have been in a slightly drunken haze most of the holidays lol.... I was hoping that me soul was wrapped up under me tree, but alas, me soul is still lost....
I love this photo lol..... my Tom and Jacob both fell asleep late crimbo afternoon and we played an air-horn to wake them up lol it scared the poo out of them and this is the photo as they awake from their sleep lol
I think my Jacob and Tom look so much alike, they dont think so though.... but I do....especially as they have both grown their hair longish..look at the looks of surprise on their faces lol

This is Bens crimbo stuffed belly LMFAO
Young love....... Sigh......... I would settle for a bit of old love meself LMFAO
Bens thinking 'sod off mum' LOL
When I thought they couldnt possibly eat anything more...... they wanted crackers and cheeses LOL crimbo when you are carving your Turkey, have a peek up its bum and have a proper look inside, cos you just dont know who might of invited themselves to dinner and are hiding inside ya turkey :)
I have a feeling this might be our last crimbo all together.... Im glad I savioured every last second of it..... it certainly will be a lovely memory to keep with me in my old age......
Im back at work today....... ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so ya see, me knight in shining armour didnt come and whisk me away from all this lol.......
Hope you had a good one....... oh, thats my Sam as father christmas, like he thought we wouldnt know it was him lol
Now this long boring Twaddle makes up for the short previous post lol...
Ooo, a spooky tale for Christmas! Glad you all had a great time, even the uninvited guest(s). I'm reading one of my Crimble pressies - World Without End by Ken Follett. Great read and I've already devoured about 300 pages - only another 4 million to go. My son's booked the book next, then my wife.
Parts of that made me cry :(
THE EYES! Ohmygod. Did you disect the turkey and look for babies? I'd have freaked out! But leaving that aside, it looked like you had a perfect Christmas. Well done you. x
I don't even dare enlarge that photo of the turkey...I would never, never and I do mean turkey again.
Otherwise...once when one gets by that Icky, Putrid, Sickening, turkey photo...I think you have lovely Christmas photos. Even if you were a bit tipsy, girlfriend, you know how to handle a camera and your wonderful decorations, and gimpy tree that magically became a true treasure when you got it home and decorated and your treasured family make Christmas in "Ye Old England" look like such a comfort and filled with old fashioned family love. Thanks for sharing them with us.
We had a good Christmas in Minnesota too. Lot's of snow, lots of good food, lot's of presents and music and well wishes and lot's of family...and best of all no-one running from the room in tears. WHAT WITH SO MANY FEMALES IN THIS FAMILY...many hormonal things can be whirling in the air and walla...someone in tears. Yeay for this year and no tears. LMAO
And blessed were with what with no uninvited eyeballed guests.
So today...the 5th of January of Twenty-Zero-Nine I get to have yet another Christmas. My friend Diane and I usually get together and have lunch and exchange gifts on the first Monday of the new year. We eat and tell our Christmas tales and show off pictures and brag about kids. What with this we get to extend Christmas for a bit. And for a couple of sweet hours it is her and I that are Queens of the stage. We for a bit of time come first.
She only lives like 24 miles from me but with the holidays and families scattered about we have found our little nook works better when all else is taken care of and is said and done. I wonder what she is gifting me with this year? She mostly gives very bizarre
gifts. I sometimes wonder where she gets some of the stuff she passes on to me.
And a kid again when it comes to getting something just for me.
So anyhow, my girl...Happy New Year wishes from me to you.
Love you, Mel
I don't buy a full turkey I just get a Turkey Crown, cos no-one likes the legs, wings or dark meat and after seeing those eyes in yours I'm glad I don't!
Although my boys come with their children on Christmas morning I do miss the days when they were here all day at Christmas.
Looks like you had a lovely time Mel.
PS don't forget to pop by and collect a surprise. :)
Well, as long as the eyeballs were cooked properly...
I surely enjoyed visiting your Christmas...your guys are all cool and wonderful and it seems you all have a great time together.
But what was that god awful thing in the turkey? Was it baby turkeys? Thank goodness no one ate one. Gross!!!
Im with Elaine, some parts of that made me misty-eyed! Im so glad you had a wonderful Crimbo.
I definitely saw the eyes. That's pretty freaky.
Glad you had a good gathering, though.
Glad you had a great Christmas and enjoyed your pressies! :)
We still have stockings too... Even the dogs get their own stockings. My Nan (who's 81 in a couple of days) even still enjoys her stocking with its little pressies from Father Christmas in it. :)
Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us. I'm so glad all your boys were there with you. And that you had presents under the tree.
And I am totally freaked out by the turkey picture. I scrolled down as fast as I could so that I couldn't see it for very long! I may never eat turkey again.
God didn't give you girls for the same reason I didn't have any daughters- you're a girl, but you understand men...sissy butt comments.. there was nothing in that bird- it just looked like it...
After this post and many others kids are not in my future LOL!
Looks like everyone, your lads included, had a very nice crimbo. Isn't it nice when there's a present under the tree JUST FOR YOU?
We all still have stockings, my cousin who's almost 26 has a one meter sock (3 feet). The rest of us have normal sized stockings. And all our stocking presents are wrapped in Sunday comics paper from the newspaper.
Thanks for the warning, I will NEVER look up the bum of a turkey now.
Oh my. Did you plant those eyes? Please tell me you did.... Your post followed a phone call to my dear dead chat friend Jopete's wife. That was emotional and somehow your post was emotional. Your kids are absolutely charming, especially Father Christmas. Maybe next year we can have a Blog Christmas Pressie Exchange... draw names or something. That would be fun.
And Dumdad - please tell me you read Pillars of the Earth first! Please, please, please. If not, you are going to have to back up and start over. Follett is wonderful!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New year!
What a fantastic day. You go all out. I can hear your grandchildren talking about you now....
that was a freaky photo! i'm glad i don't do turkey either but i'm glad no one takes pictures of the roast after we'd half eaten it! i understand that food baby belly of your boy - one of my children shows his off as well.
your boys and you are truly a happy unit xx
I really, really wanted to get something in the mail for you for Christmas, but... *sigh*... I just couldn't get it together. Then I wanted to send something for New Year's and again, apathy struck me down.
I guess I'm one of the worse innernet friends this year!
Glad you had a great crimbo with all your boys!
You certainly know how to make us feel a whole range of emotions in one sweet little post!
Those *turkey* eyes are very piercing and quite freaky!
So glad you shared the family pictures-your lads are very handsome-LOL at the pregnant belly look!!
Glad you had a good time.
I really enjoy how the mantle looks - your home looks so cozy!! I'd be afraid to post a picture of a room or two of my place... LOL the curse of bachelor living is taking over my house - but perhaps the mess and the dust keeps the Turkey Bum Eyes away? LMAO - I've never seen anything like that before!
*Hugs* Somehow, each Christmas is different from any other one...and I'm hoping the Christmases yet to come include many more special memories... and grand nippers are probably going to be the stars in a bunch of future Christmases...
Only one question, WHAT WAS IN THE BOX? (LOL) Pressies are nice to look at, but you gotta open 'em!
speaking of eyes... look at all those "red" ones ha ha.
Hope it was just the flash, and not the Twaddle everyday demons
I'm so glad you got presents this year.
Looks like you had a super fun holiday....I didn't super size the eyes...That is just a little to strange. LOL
Not Sure if US Turkeys come with hidden eyeballs...LOL
SORRY I AINT BEEN AROUND HERE OR MOST BLOBS... up to me eyes in paperwork, Im re-writing all me 50 or so minding policies and contracts, and desperately trying to get all me paperwork up to scratch for me 3 yearly Offie Inspection in less then a fortnight, plus Ive taken on a new baby.... its hard going and I do not know if I am going to be able to take on the other baby in Feb.... anyways, part of me is wishing I dont past me rigorous 4-5 hour inspection so it would force me to think of another life LOL... but hence why Ive been lapse with Twaddle and blobs of emails....
~((((Dumdad)))))~ yep it was well spookie if you enlarge they really look like REAL eyes lol........ oh my enjoy that book, Im in the middle of The Business by Martini Cole :)...xxxxxx
~((((Elaine))))~ oh hush, life is what it is lol.... aint those eyes scary lol...xxxxx
~(((((((((Jolie)))))~ LMFAO@you one day I will spend a crimbo in America.... if its any help it was -12 degrees C here last night, no snow but we are gripped in bitter cold.... well thats cold for us soft centered brits :) ya .....xxxxxxx
~((((((Ake)))))~ Im think that next year where ever I be, a turkey crown is now a must LOL.... I keep getting bumped off the internet when I click onto you lol.......xxxxxxx
~((((buffalo))))))~ nope they was fresh and staring lol..... enlarge and you will see what freaked us out lol......xxxxxxx
~((((anya)))~ I use to childmind a little girl called anya :) - the funny thing is I had stuffed the inside with red onions and when me lad pulled them out he thought I had left the liver and insides in there LMFAO.....xxxxxx
~((((Charles)))))~ see, you saw them to :)......xxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))))~ fanks you for making it more special....xxxxx
~(((Jen))))~ LOL@you, ya scaredy cat lol....xxxxx
~((((buffalo))))~ I think your god knew that I was to have a gross life with just boys in it lol.... maybe thats why I aint a girlie girl lol....xxxxxx
~(((chicago))))~ LOL@ one metre stocking lmfao....xxxxxx
~(((Punkn)))~ nope them eye looking things truely were inside lol.... hey I messed up the ornament swap let alone doing a pressie swap....... I did post off 12 parcels to the States before crimbo....... it looks like only one didnt arrive though :(....xxxxx
~((((JBelle)))))~ As funny as this sounds, I dont actually want grandkids yet lol I think its cos Ive never had a break from kids what with all the minded little ones.... so its different, I really dont have that urge....xxxxx
~((((Mei Del))))~ freaky or what lol oh my lads are always showing there bellies lol.....xxxxx
~((((Lisa))))~ oh shut it, for gawds sake... yep it was nice....xxxxx
~((((Crispy)))))~ reading back to see what emotions your on about lol...... freaky aye :)......xxxxxx
~(((((Intense)))))~ you will never look up a turkeys bum quite the same now, whether dead or alive LOL the turkey that is :).......xxxxxx
~(((((SisterOne))))~ oh there wasnt anything in the box LMFAO.....but it was the thought that counts lol.....xxxxxxxx
~((((Pamela))))~ I think the red eyes was to much booze lmfao joking ;)....xxxxx
~(((theresa))))~ next time you go to the butchers you have to ask for turkey eyeballs and see what he says lmfao......xxxxxx
Is it the Predator? Reminds me of the bit where Arnie sees the creature's face and says something like 'You're one ugly ************!'
So did your smelly old socks fit and has the anti wrinkle cream worked yet? I don't think you told us what any of your gifts were. I'm sure that they were good ones, anyway.
I'm glad that you and your lads had a good Christmas! Hope the New Year continues in the same way.
Is that the same as asking for poutang pie??? LOL I think I am being set up. LOL
Oh Lady you can pretend but you are a softie!!
Ok, I'm terribly glad I didn't see the eyes in that turkey photo. *shudder*
Looks like a lovely christmas, Toasty!!! One question, though..... How are you NOT having to beat the girls away from your front door with a stick??? Your boys are adorable, and were I 10 years younger I'm afraid I'd be in love with at least 3 of them myself, from this far away. How is it you're not constantly tripping over a lot of mushy-brained young women waiting on your doorstep for one of your boys to emerge?!?! thing for sure, Mel! I'll never have turkey without thinking of you and your Crimbo turkey eyes! What a wonderful post! Love you and love your family.
I will never look at another turkey in my life without thinking of that! Your holiday table looks so festive and pretty and it sounds like you had a great Christmas. I'm glad you got some special "pressies" under your tree!
Our Christmas had a bit of a hole in it without our Becky, but look what we did
about it.
You give me a whole different perspective on stuffing a turkey. I think maybe I'll put an egg in my turkey with the stuffing and see what happens!
~(((Mean Mom)))~ oh the box was empty ;) LOL..... nah nor really, there was wonderful drawings from the wee toadies and chocolates and and and and and.... precious things....xxxxxxx
~((((theresa))))~ of hush with your 'softie' I aint, Im 'well ard' LOL..... poutang pie? wtf...xxxxxx
~(((((Kati))))~ Oh we have there queuing at the dam door for me lads... my Tom is now recently engaged, Ben has about 3 on the go after coming out of a 6 year relationship so he is playing the field LOL..... Sam is on and off with the most lovely girl that I love to bits and even my Jacob now is having texts and phone calls and the front door knocking now..... BUT, these woman in me lads lives HAVE to get past me first LOL...... xxxxxxx
~((((Inspired))))~ ya can see the eyes then? lol right proper eyes with whites and pupils.... spooked us out, I think next year a turkey crown is in order you to dear sweet you....xxxxxx
~((((Cindy)))))~ :) SAVE THE TURKEY I should get an award from PETA for all the turkeys Ive now saved with this post lol.... popping over to have a butchers, sorry I aint been around, up to me neck in paperwork, babies and shit of course, but that goes without saying lol......xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Pinkacorn)))))~ we stuffed ours actually with red onions but when me lad pulled them out they all thought I had left the innards inside LMFAO.... talk about laff.... if my cockeral dont stop with his constant crowing of late, he might be stuffed up me turkeys arse next crimbo lol.......xxxxxx
Ya need to at least pop around my blog hun...I'll leave the link in here. Saw something the other day that reminded me of you.
My goodness.... the eyes may return when you least expect it! I loved seeing the boys, the table, the food, and all the rest and your holiday season was so festive. I, like you, am sad to see it all go away. Now... another year to look forward to.
(((( Melody ))))
It's been a while since I have visited..... I have missed you, your wit, your humor, your heart.
Bless you, dear one.
Oh, and thank you for the card..... how sweet !
* gazey *
Sorry I have not visited in a while. Glad to see you enjoying your lads and that you are in the spirit of the season!
I have been busier that a cat trying to bury a turd in concrete!
It looks like you and the boys had a very good Christmas and Im so happy for you. Im just like you about pressies.....I cannot leave them alone..your home looks so nice and cozy Marmie...God bless you Sweety!!!
Whatever it was, it was smiling cuz I also saw the TEETH.
I hope to have a crimbo post next year..
never mind that, I'm happy to have YOURS this year.
I love my Marmy.
Thanks for sharing your crimbo! What a nice pack of lads. Is that what you call them a pack? No a gang sounds more like it.
You had me going with those eyes. thought it was gonna be rodents! I looked & I looked! I enlarged it and all. Yuk..... I am practically vegetarian anyway.
Just stopped by to say hello :)
Anyone who takes a photo of the inside of a cooked turkey deserves what he gets! (Your place is haunted)
Great story, as usual.
My hopes are for a new year of surprises, and your telling us all about them.
I'm so glad I decided to read your blog today...It was such a wonderful day at your house..except for the eyes..ewwww!
Kinda looked like a turtle!
GOODNESS...... sorry I aint been around to answer comments.... if you all bugger off elsewhere, I cant blame you..
~((((LadyStyx)))~ I LOVED the marble number plate...... I should do another post about marble, he/she is growing so fast.... xxxxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ yep sad to see it go, knowing probably its out last together.. the eyese just about freaked us out..xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Patti)))))))))))~ holy shit, is that you? jebus woman Ive so missed you... more then you will ever know.... love you....xxxxxxxx
~((((slip))))~ Tiz ok, I know you turn up like a stinkie mackeral LOL.... this past few weeks and the week to come I to have been busy but stressed.... I will reveal all soon..... and NO I didnt go and get married lMFAO.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Catch)))))))))~ quiet but good, peaceful but good..... ok OK SO cosy equals tiny right? LOL......xxxxxx
~((((((((Pixie)))))))~ ya saw the eyes for real :) spookie or what.... yeah next year right.... next year I will wrap you up the world in pretty crimbo paper..... love you (((pixie bean)))......xxxxxxx
~(((((Maggie May)))))~ me lads are a nice pack even though for some reason our Sam looks like a dam redneck in that checked hoody and hat LMFAO... xxxxxxx
~(((((Intense)))))~ fanks you, you always seem to know when I need them....xxxxxx
~(((((((goatman)))))))~ see its not just me that aint normal, me lad took the photo so that makes him not normal either lol you should see our photo of our cats bumhole enlarged LMFAO....
Hopes and wishes to you to for a year of surprises.... xxxxxxx
Happy New Year to you and yours. Loved your post on Crimbo. What a fright in the turkey! Did you notice in the Cheese pic that there is an orb above your son's girlfriend!! The spirit was still hanging around for cheese. :D
My xmas was ok...back at work now too. :( ech! One amazing gift was from my mom...more money than all those crimbo cookies she bakes every year.
Not so good thing happened over New Years; a good friend and my husband had words, and I'm in the middle. We still haven't talked to face to face yet, and it's almost the end of JAN. :(
Post something- I miss you...
MT: I am sorry, I just couldn't make it past the first part of your post...where you said that you PAID for the tree! All of my conceptions of you are were shattered in that moment! HA!
freaky eyes, mt... you sure that's not the knight you were expecting? :O lol
Just stopping by to say, "hi," and see how you're doing... So, how are you?
Also, I wanted to let you know that you have an award on my blog! :)
Your holiday photos put a smile on my face. I think you had the sort of Christmas that I've been dying to have for some time. Well done!
i hAVe OnE of yOuR ChicKenS HosTAGE!!! poST SOoN, oR tHe ChIcKEn gETS iT!( 3 magazines were cut up and apparently harmed in the making of this post)...
MT: I am with the Buffalo on this one. Well, okay, yes I suppose that I have threatened to shoot that dang nabbed DUCK a thousand times anyway...but this is a good excuse. Listen MT, the DUCK gets it if you don't comply with Buffalo's DEMAND...and dang pronto.
Love your response to my recent post. Jolie is a hoot, but I'll keep her....right next to you.
What IS going on with you, girl?
MT: The DUCK is in serious jeopardy. The clock is ticking, tick, tick, tock...
LOL shall i look inside the turkey or ot i nearly didn't thought it would scare me LOL! the eyes are creepy though!
glad you had a great crimbo, and yes i do return at last!!!!!!!!!
Life Aye...........
~((((Lulda))))~ oh there spirits in this house... good ones though...
Not good being in the middle of friends disagreements..... believe me I know lol.... xxxxxx
~(((buffalodick))))~ I miss you to...... just stuff...that Im trying to sort out on me own as usual lol....xxxxxxxxx
~(((Go Figure)))~ oh hush, there was no way we could of stolen it lol.... we dont have endless forests here that have trees just for the taking.... unless its private its owned by the Forestry Commision.... dont hate me LOL..xxxxxxxxx
~(((Wolfie))))~ aint they freaky, it sure freaked us out for sure.... my knight is never going to come, this I now know.... even though me maiden name was Sherwood as in Maid Marian LOL....xxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ cripes, I dont deserve nuffin.... fanks you....xxxxxx
~(((Elizabeth))))~ well crimbo is not like most of me maties here, they all have huge crimbos with loads of family.... we just have us now.... so we make the best of it....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((buffalodick))))))))))~ this comment has so made me smile.... and now smiles through the tears.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Starr)))))))))))~ dont you two gang up on me LOL..... ITS NOT A DUCK its a CHICKEN lol.... dont make me knock you into kingdom come to understand .....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Robin)))))~ your welcome, I need to now get back around to everyones blobs proper, now that things seemed to of calmed down a little here... I loves me some Jolie.....xxxxxxx
~((((((Starr)))))~ gathering up me chickens and running to them there hills :).....xxxxxxxxx
~((((((little wanderer))))))~ your back, oh my your back, Im so very happy...... I'll be over on me rounds, I need to get back doing be blob rounds..... its been a while........ welcome back you dear lady...xxxxxxxx
Well, I think you deserve it, so there! And it's me who got to give the award out to people so it's what I think that goes! :P
Okay has been 18 days since your' last post...disgraceful behaviour is what I say. Tie those little nippers to a table leg with a box of toys and something to eat and sit your butt down and type. Us friends and readers have rights too. Don't you know?
Congrats on passing all the inspections and such. I knew you would. You, I am sure, are a treasure for the little nippers.
We haven't froze here yet and soon the worst of winter's cold will pass so I suspect I'll make it another winter. Of course we still will get mountains of snow...that white stuff that most people love.
I'd hate to be a grave digger in Minnesota in the winter. We may need to pass a law that no one can die here in the winter. It certainly is not a convenient time to die. I mean how fricking rude can one be?
So anyhow...get off the pot and knock off another brilliant post...will ya!? But please no more of those gross pictures. Some of us have delicate stomachs and nightmares when faced with those disgusting sights.
So in mentioning nightmare...let me tell you I had a horrible dream this morning. In said dream my old boy was having a tryst with another woman...Thank God it wasn't with a man...still he is in for a major ass kicking when I get my hands off of his scrawny throat. That is if he is still breathing. How could the love of my life cheat on me...if even in a dream? Am I not his true beloved?
Wow! I'm all fiesty now. I hope the real thing never happens...I'm sure what this old toughy here would do is go to a corner and cry. Maybe I'd better never sleep again. A dream such as this might ought to kill me.
So you like our new President, eh?
I'm still at the wait and see stage...being a 60's child one is never overly trusting of government or authority in general...but I do have high hopes for some positive changes. We sure could use a world of good news.
The old boy is down to a day here and a few hours there when it comes to work. Maybe that rotten twat what was after him in the dream can support us...lmao
Great numbers of peoples are losing their jobs and many are losing their homes with each passing day. I wonder how low can we go until the bottom falls out and we find a way to scramble back up?
I hope you and yes...your gimpy knee and all of you lads are fairing well.
So anyhow...I'm here broke and somewhat worried while I'm waiting to here some news from you and your' side of the ocean. Why the heck can't you live closer so we could share a pot of tea?
Love Ya Mel...
xxxJolie beetle bologna
I have to take a chicken hostage to get you to respond? I know how to push your buttons, don't I?
I tagged you with a photo sharing tag thingy... Come and have a look when you have a chance (it's the "photo tag thing" post).
YEAH! What Jolie said. It's time you posted again.
Did she say 'twat'?
Hi Marmie just dropped in to let you know I've tagged you. Oh and I'm sure you will pass your inspection- you would if I'd been doing it!
Looks like a great time had by all - he your univited guest! Yes very freaky!
I'm going to use the word Crimbo this coming December if I still remember it. I've had trouble posting since I can't remember my password. In case this works, I'll be checking back Marmite Toasty.
Jeez.. people fall off radar screens, and after a while you forget they're gone.. E-mail me with a full explanation of this!
Lets see, Duck fricasee, duck under glass, stuffed duck (with eyes), duck soup, duck ala many options and only one duck...what is a person to do? Maybe duck dumplings? Hmm, roast duck, fried duck, broiled duck, smoked duck...hmm...that sounds good.
Hey, MT, that is why my wife and i switched to tofurkey-har for anything to hide in it.
~((((Tori)))))~ dont make me have to bitchslap you girl LMFAO....xxxxxx
~((((((((jolie)))))))))~ oh shut it will ya.... dont make me have to pack me rucksack and come over and sort you out....
Listen to your dreams and they get you in trouble lol...... love you girl....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((Buff))))~ I would die for me chickens lol......xxxxxxx
~((((Tori))))~ I am a BAD blobber and tagger :(..... xxxxxx
~((((Robin)))))~ oye you NO ganging up on me lol....xxxxxx
~(((((Crispy)))))~ I did with flying colours, and fanks for the vote of confidence...xxxxxxx
~((((Casdok))))~ if I had known you was at Rosies Bistro the other night I would of sneaked in and mingle amongst ya all....xxxxxxxx
~(((((Helen)))~ I cant believe you dont have the word crimbo over there lol.... I have the same password for everything lol..xxxxxxx
~(((((Buff)))))~ Im easily forgotten... story of me life LOL... and your left email addy is WRONG lmfao.... should I take that as a sign?...xxxxxxxxx
~((((((Starr))))))))~ praise the lord I dont have a duck lmfao hahahahahaha....xxxxxxxxx
~(((Cedar)))))~ well next year I might just buy a crown of turkey and be done with the eyes lol.....xxxxxxx
I always enjoy visiting your blog and having a good laugh. I visit but haven't been commenting of late. That picture was a bit freaky, now I know one of the reasons I gave up meat long ago. Keep up the good stuff and I hope you have been well. The Stickman
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