Ok........ I just aint had time to Twaddle of late...... so much has been going on here, I might explain over the coming weeks, if I decide to continue with Twaddling....
I cant believe its been 2 whole years since I was shoved into the world of blobbing kicking and screaming.... Up until just a few months before Twaddle was born, I didnt even have much of a clue as to what a blob was....
Bobs blob (over there in me side bar) was me first encounter of the blobbing world, and jebus, what a blob to start with LOL..... I will confess it did take me weeks and weeks of reading Tubob for me to even understand it lol....... at times I thought I was trying to read some alien language.... and then it dawned, slowly at first, that I was reading a 'master of words' and almost every few words I had to google the meaning of words LOL.....
But through Bobs Blob I then blob-encountered some people that have remained wonderful true friends ever since.... real people that have carved their way into me heart and soul (well me soul is still lost but they're in there wherever it is).... yes, me fellow 'Gumbies'.... you know who you are..... these Gumbies, I hope know, that I would do anything for them.... in whatever capacity I can at the drop of a hat...... they know I love em..... also through Bobs blob I was led to the Dingleberries Newspaper Site left of the Staples, where after a little bit of a rough start (a few thought I was not for real lol) I have been taken under their wing.... like on Bobs joint I have come across some wonderful people, and learnt to blob around, finding some very special people and blobs on there..... Even after I closed down the newspaper site for a while the crimbo before last with a bomb scare LOL..... to bloody funny... what? I didnt Twaddle about it LOL....... suffice to say, the bomb squad saw the funny side of it.... innocent I tell ya, I plead Im innocent
Anyways, I started Twaddle for two reasons, first of, cos I was bullied into it LOL.... and secondly so that I could maybe keep a diary so that one day when Im dead and gone, me lads might get to have a glimpse at a side of their mum that maybe they dont always get to see, and words that I dont always get to share....... except, they dont know about me blob so someone would have to give them the heads up if I snuff it LOL
Many people over the last 2 years have passed through here, many have stayed (I cant begin to understand why) and some have moved on and left or snuffed it......
Its been a funny 2 years, so much has gone on in this short time......... Ive often spilled to much of 'me' on here LOL..... ya see, believe it or not, Im really quite a private person, I do know that over this past couple of years, my 'well ard head' was allowed to become a bit soft, and it lead to me letting me guard down a bit and that made me a bit gullible ... ya see, Ive always been as tough as old nails, always only had me to rely on... always been the strong one..... cos Ive had to be......
Never underestimate the power of the blob world, when I found meself at the lowest point in me life, strangers that read Twaddle dragged me up by me short and curlies and kept me head above water, until I had the energy to blow up me armbands and stay afloat meself..... so I thank you for that...... you to know who you are.... those that I had no clue about held out a hand of friendship, and those that I thought I knew and needed to care, didnt give a stuff LOL and so the world turns...
I dont know how to be anyone but myself....... and those that I speak to or have spoken to on the phone know Im exactly the same as I am here LOL.....
So..... in honour of me 2nd blob birthday Ive decided to do a give-away...... I aint decided what to give away as yet LOL.... but it will probably be a box of well proper British goodies.......
So....... leave a comment on me 2nd birthday post (yes blurkers come out of the woodwork) and I will pick out a winner and send ya, whether ya near or far, a wonderful box of scrummies......
I wanna fank all those that come through Twaddle, those that make me laff and those that make me cry, those that make me think and those that made me love......Im not very good with words.... but many of you have touched the very core of my being........ and I always swore I would never let that happen....but, I let you become real.... was that a mistake? sometimes I wonder.... and so the world turns, and so peoples lives get entwinned and twist and turn and sometimes snap and get used and hurt in this blob world.....
Jebus, sounds like Im at the Oscars LOL
But through your blobs I have travelled the world via your stories and your amazing photos, I read the most amazing food blobs, and shared the most heart wrenching stories..... I have made wonderful friends in Canada and America and bloody hell, even some northern maties over here, and a jock lmfao.... and South Africa and the bloody Welsh LOL..... I have cried with you and laffed at your antics....... I even dragged two of me oldest internet maties into the blob world.... dont know if they think I did them a favour or not LOL
I hope that in some small way, be it only a tiny way I might of reached out and touched some of you...... cos I know so many of you have touched me...... not in that way you dirty bastards LOL
I am me, just me, cant and will never be anyone else........ those that I call friends know, I will be a friend for life.... I aint everyones cuppa tea but thats their problem not mine.... we cant be everything that others wished us to be, cos I know, I can only be meself...... Im honest and true and make the most amazing friend.... and I never say words or make promises I dont mean....
Ok, Im waffling a load of bollocks now lol........so, leave a comment and ya never know, maybe you might even win a box of crap from me LOL
Oh, before I go, just wanna share this picture of Sprite with you, oh and Pod and Dutchy...... Ive had Sprite since she was 10 weeks old 9 hours a day, 5 days a week...she will be 3 in May..... I love this child more then any other child I have ever minded......
These were taken today in me garden.... it was an almost spring like day, so we spent most of it outside.... a mucky kid is a happy kid, right? :)
This child today came up to me and said 'I lub you Meldee' :) she made my heart swell... at least someone loves me right LOL
Tiz such fun to get mucky :) - This is my darling Sprite and Dutchy (his mum is from Holland hence the nicname)... we had been digging for worms to feed to me chickens.... you can see by their faces how much love and fun I have to share..... I hope that I can build memories for them that they will keep forever...
Only had Pod for about 7 weeks now, I wonder if he will crawl and stay snuggled into my heart as much as Sprite has..... he holds out his arms to me, when his dad drops him off in the mornings.... I think he is happy here.....
So come on blobbers and blurkers........ you know you want the goodies LOL..... over 53,000 have sneaked in here over the past 2 years..... who would of thunk that :)
Slater maties x
Happy 2nd Blob Birthday, MT!! You have been such a joy to read over these last two years...just because you write about being you...and that is very special!
Happy 2nd Blogiversary. I don't recall now how I found you but I never fail to have a chuckle at your highly entertaining posts.
Your minded children are really cute, and my guess is that Pod will find his way into a corner of your heart.
don't bother with this contest. just send me the stuff.
Happy 2nd blobiversary :) It is addicting isn't it hehehehehe
Happy 2nd Blobby Birthday! Like ChrisB, Im not certain how I managed to find you ...but Im awfully glad I did. I just know that anytime I visit, I need to make sure I have kleenex at hand because I'll be crying from either sadness or hysterics (most times BOTH in the same entry). You are truly a spot of sunshine in life.
Happy Anniversary from one of those 'blurkers'. As a newbie to blogging I've done a lot of trawling looking at others' efforts, trying to decide how to go about this business. I visit you often and hope and pray I can let myself shine through the words the way you do. Keep it up. Love ya already!
Gosh, sorry for proving how new I am to all this. I didn't mean to be anonymous - that sounds even worse than being a 'blurker' :)
Congrats! Time sure flies when it's trying to get to the other side. Or something like that.
A box o'crap from Marmy!!! Oh, me, me ME!!
I don't know what a "gumbie" is, but I think I want to be one!!
As for Practically Grown's birthday message... much thanks! And she puts me to shame in the snarky quick wit!! I bow down to her superiority!
Your twaddle blob is just lovely! Happy 2nd year of blogging. Very cute kids. I did home daycare myself for some years and it was very rewarding.
Have a wonderful week.
Happy 2nd! You ain't the easiest woman out there to figure out, but you are worth the effort!
MT: 53,000 snuck in, aye? Well you best be for investing in a new alarm system. And no for my prize I do NOT want any of that marmite stuff. HA!
I LOL'd at your looking up words in the dictionery.
You see, I've tried to do the same when I read your posts -- but the words aren't there. Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha.
Oh yes, you've made me have fun and tears, dear.
Happy Blogiversary!!
Happy 2nd Blob Birthday!
Even though I'm a relative newbie to your blog, I'm always learning something new when I come to read your twaddle. Whether you're talking chickens, trips with the nippers, flowers, or the next door neighbor, you always entertain me.
As an American that hasn't had the opportunity to "see the world" it's nice to read your blob and get a personal view into life in England. Even if I don't understand all the words you use, your meaning still comes through, putting a smile on my face.
The nippers are adorable, especially Pod. I'd be hooked on him if I had the opportunity to be his child minder.
ok, I get the prize...because I am a cheap date... see all you need to do is send me a tiny envelope of Marmite. Just a taste, you know... to see if I like it...
And quit the Taddle? I don't think so.. you can quit us... you love us too much... and you know we love you...
So hope I am around to celebrate your 10th year post of your life on the beach, with drink in hand, and a handsome man bringing them to ya...
You just think you've lost your soul.
Problem is, it got lost in the huge shadow of your heart.
Mel...you're more okay than you think you are.
Happy 2nd Blob year to you!
crikey! i thought for a moment kate winslet invaded ya blog lol
i'm sorry i haven't been around or emailed you as of late...i've been getting busy, or maybe not. lol i don't know...seems like i never know if i'm coming or going. then i have all these blobs to take care off on top of my kids and husband. hehe
it's all YOUR fault you know....i never fail to say that it was mel who got me started on blobbing. i'm so glad you sent me the email to let me in to your blobbing world. i've been learning more about you and your family these couple of years....i have cried, laughed, loved, thought you were plain mad! in/over your posts.
can you believe that this is like the 7th year since we 'met' each other in the java chat? is that part of the gloomies, too? lol
my goodness we're just a couple of old slag bags lol hehe i love how we use that term affectionately :)congrats on your two years...hope you don't have to give up blobbing forever. even if ya just post once a wk or once a month, ya know we'd still be here :)
i love ya, matie :) xo
p.s. the lil nippers are adorable :)
I am so glad we have wormed our way into your heart - sounds suspiciously like heart worm, and that is not good!!
'Your' children are too gorgeous - especially PP - too sweet!
Happy Blogaversary!
a very happy 2nd blob birthday MT - and you deserve all of your loyal followers! Take care now.
Wow, two years already in the blogosphere (a tad longer than me) and 53,000 visitors (a lot more than me). Big congrats and best wishes from Gay Paree!
Happy 2nd birthday to your blog! :)
I hope you don't decide to quit Twaddling.... I'd miss you if you stopped all together!
I'm always up for free goodies, but I don't mind if I don't get them. Most of them I probably buy regularly anyway... Send them to one of them lot over the other side of the world who are missing out on all the tasty goodies we have over here! :)
And Many Happy Returns I hope!! Don't be twaddling off anywhere - you would be sadly missed. Its been wonderful getting to know you and your kids - I can see why they all love you. Keep on twaddling for us all. :)
That little girl is just BEAUTIFUL!!! I wouldn't want to let her go if I had her in my house!
Happy Anniversary, or Birthday, and all that!!!! Two years. I think I've been reading you about a year, but I know I would desperately miss you if you left! You are a sure bet for making me laugh and smile. I am so happy I found your blog. You are an amazing person, woman and mother.
Oh, and don't think that comment about "if" you decide to keep blobbing slipped past me! There is no way on god's green earth you can disappear from the blogosphere!
Studly told me that if I ever win the lottery, the first thing I'm to do is fly over to Jolly Old England and track you down for a visit!! He loves your posts too!
Happy 2nd Blob Birthday Mel! I love reading it - makes my day. And your soul isn't lost - it is just resting - gearing up for a new adventure.
Now, I am going back to bed with a cup of tea, because I am unemployed and can watch mindless television anytime I want to! And I just might sell jam on gigham covered tables, take in ironing and such. :)
I'm still here Mel!!
Happy Blob B-Day =]
Keep it up!!!
<3 The Other Melody Ann
*wipes a tear* It ain't nice to make me cry. Your blob is so open and honest. I've loved it from the moment I stepped in here. Friends from around the world - who wouldhave thought it possible when we were young. Certainly not me. The part I like best is through the internet all of the preconceptions of a person is stripped away and we fall in love with the words that usually seem to come from the heart. At least that is the way it is with me. Happy 2nd Anniversary! I'm certainly glad I got into blogging (only a little over a year for me) and you'd better not stop - I'd have to track you down.
Goodies sound good :)
"If" you decide to keep twaddling??? Excuse me??? Uh, I just found you, you know. That would be totally unfair of you to disappear.
Oh...I get it.
This is one of those times when the same word means something different if you're in England...and you're actually telling us that you'll be twaddling MORE, right?
*grin* Hey Toasty!!!! Happy "Birthday"! Glad you started blogging. Even though I don't get to read and comment very often lately, I still enjoy coming by about every week and seeing what craziness is going on at your place. Your "kids" are adorable!
Congratulations Marmie! We couldn't love a blog or a blogger more!
And we always love your parcels!
btw: "Ten Tiny Tadpoles" is going to Kindergarten this week... they are studying the life cycle of frogs! And it will be made known that it is from You- b/c that is a BIG DEAL to my tadpoles!
MELDEE...I LOVES YA TOO...right now my black lab Frisco is barking a "Happy Anniversary" to you too!
My Boston Terrier BeBe is saying who cares about blogs...:P
Thanks for keeping me laughing at times when I needed it...I just wish I lived closer, so we could meet up and get into some fun/trouble adventures...oh well, we're there in spirit for sure.
The kiddes are too cute...your lucky! And so are they...
Wow, 2 years you've been doing this and I missed the first year so you gotta keep sharing yourself with us Melody. I love reading everything you write.
Mel it's been my absolute pleasure getting to know you, I thought you'd been blogging years more than me you had so many commenters by the time I found you.
Anyway m'love Happy Blogversary and please carry on cos I'd miss your antics terribly if you stopped. Love Ya Gal. x
Congratulations. It is funny because I thought you had blogged forever when I started because I had heard so much about you!! Thank you for you gracious comments, thank you for being there with your words when I needed them very much, thanks for appreciating our mom... she can't wait to meet you, and thanks for showing all the rest of us in this blobbing world that it is okay to be real. I hope you are not at a crossroads and thinking about quitting also. I would miss my visits here for sure. Best wishes across the pond to you.
Happy 2nd "Blob" birthday! And congratulations! And in case you haven't noticed, all these 53,000 would form an instant posse if you disappeared, and we would hunt you down!
I was so surprised to read that you've only been blogging for two years- I figured you had been here a lot longer than that. Anyway, in the time that I've known you, you have come to mean so much to me. I've read your posts, laughed and cried with you and feel that you are every bit as much a real friend as ones I actually see. I love the way you let your heart shine through all that you write- no pretentious airs with you, just an honest, real person. The best kind.
I think "Idaho Dad" should be disqualified from the "giveaway" as he is so blatantly trying to kiss butt what with having a Moose sitting next to his comment. A snesky way to get your subliminal attention so he can get the package of goodies. Not fair Mr. Idaho Dad...but awlful dammed clever of you. Now, I want a moose next to my comment too.
I'm taking a vote here...should Idaho Dad be disqualified? (just kidding) YES? NO? sorta kidding.
So anyhow...don't even suggest that you will stop writing you "BloB"...how unkind would that be to those of us that have become hooked on a "Marmie" fix.
I remember when you first appeared on my blog...I thought, what a kook this one is. Next thought was,how the hell do all the kooks in the world seem to find me? (I have stories you simply would not believe)...like the time a strange man (in the middle of a busy city sidewalk) pulled out his wanger and wanted me to verify how pretty it was. Spooky...so okay the thing was sorta pretty. LMAO
Anyhow...you are the best kook I've ever allowed in and I think you are wonderful with those nippers you mind. That little Sprite has the most wonderful, beautiful blue eyes. But...really Mel do you make them watch the chicks eat the worms? Gag me with a spoon. I hope they don't have nightmares. I still have bad one's after seeing those dammed (fake eyes) in you holiday bird. I will never eat turkey again.
Heck that animal rights group, PETA should hire you. Believe me when I say that no-one would ever eat meat again. I (LMAO) at the goofy things you do...you kook.
Don't worry...I am keeping an eye out for your wandering soul. Last I saw it, it was heading for Vegas looking for a good show and a pink cocktail and wouldn't you know it had brought me along for the ride. Wonderful shows in Vegas, don't you know? The cocktail was great as was the jacuzzi, shrimp and slot machines. Gosh...leave that soul of your's alone...it's just in search of itself. It'll be back and so will I.
I gotta go now. I have housework and important things like that to do.
Love ya Mel and here's to another two good years of good twaddle.
...i lub you too, Meldee...my arms(and funds) are way too short to reach across "the pond", but you can always find my pumpkin heart lurkin' about yer garden...
...and a thousand thank you's to Pixie for steering me in your direction...
short and curlies - i think most of what came after that didn't register as i ouched over this, lol
and thank you thank you thank you for your hugs xx happy 2nd blogasary meldee, (((((((((toasty))))))))))) xx
I fell in love with you right from the get go, Marmite! I started my 'blob' on your first anniversary, having met you through Huckleberries. You are the funniest, warmest, most outrageous, endearing writer in the whole universe! (Do NOT stop!)
A toast to you, MT, on your 2nd anniversary. I lift my glass and salute you for many fine moments, and many great memories. Salute, my friend.
Happy 2nd anniversary. I've enjoyed everything you write and I read your blob every chance I get. I don't comment much anymore, but I always love to read your stuff and your comments on the Dingleberries. The Stickman
Ok, Marmie. I took you up on your offer. I'm here, and I would LOVE a box of crap from Britain. Especially if the box contained those yummy chocolate-covered digestive biscuits!
BTW, the kids in your care look so happy. It's clear you take pride in your work. Bravo.
Happy 2nd Blob Birthday!
I love reading what you have to say/write. It almost always makes me smile. So glad I've found my way to this corner of the internet.
Happy, Happy Mel! I'll never forget the two days I sat and read your entire blob~ alot of it out loud to my husband. Lord, you're funny.
And I can't forget you. Hell, there's a chicken named Brian on my floor..... or under a chair, or on a windowsill.... ")
Happy Blog Birthday to You! I haven't been here since the beginning but for the past year I have enjoyed your honesty, your humor and your wonderful accent! You have also taught me a thing or two along the way! Now the last time you were giving something away I didn't win and was sad for days so...;)
And those muddy little ones are TOO cute! Celebrate!
What a heart you have, Mel....those babies are precious... I remember early on when you sent dfo some sort of card and the poloice were called in because something sharp was poking through the envelope...that was the first I'd ever heard of MarmiteToasty. Those were kinda fun days, trying to figure it all out...you won a place in Dave's heart, and now mine, too... so, Congrats on hanging in there for two years, through thick and thin...surgeries and therapies, sad and glad times. I love you, Mel...JeanneH in Idaho (where it's snowing again! xoxoxo
MT: I keep checking the mail. No prize yet. What gives? Don't tell me you sent it to that darn JBelle!
Happy Birthday to you! I found your blog over at punkn's place and I'm glad I did. I've been readin' about your life over in England. You have a great blog and I've loved lookin' at your pictures. I live in the Ozarks of Missouri,USA, Missouri pronounced with an 'ah' on the end.
Like I said, Happy Birthday, I can't imagine bloggin' for 2 years, I've not even been at it for a year yet.
I like all the pictures of your boys, I have one son who is in the Army, and one daughter and a beautiful granddaughter.
I'm so happy to have found a blogger in England. Have a great day.
Woo Hoo! Two years! Here's hoping there's many more to come.
You may think you're not very good with words, but you are. Your blog is very enjoyable to read.
Congrats on the bog Birthday!
I have enjoyed lurking your blob for about a year.
Your house is a fun place to "grow a child". Lots of Toasty's love, mud, worms, and friends. I love the nicknames you gave the children.
Here's to You(raising a glass)!
So glad I found your blog. I LOVE MARMITE!!! Since I'm now in the USA, I have to find a Brit shop so I can keep stocked up. The nearest is an hour's drive away. Worth every inch.
Lucky you living on the south coast. My ancestors are from Devon and Cornwall - a favourite haunt each summer. Aaaagh, great memories :-)
Hey, if you like contests, go check out mine at Not Entirely British this week. Pretty cool books and CD if you ask me. All about pre-birth experiences.
I'll be back!
Greetings from Mexico:
Happy 2nd Birthday! Ah, we need to keep an eye on you. The "terrible twos" are here, well, there. I look forward to more chuckles and giggles.
And, thanks for dropping by my blob -- that Feedjit gadget that I use lets me know when you've been by and it warms my over-heated heart. Gawwds, it was 88 degrees today.......
Read you soon.
I've got it figured out... you aren't going to do any give away until Iggy gets back from vacation and has a chance to weigh in. I don't blame ya.... but I want to win!
Happy 2nd Blobber !! You are not allowed to quit blobbin, you have the funniest blob in the blob-o-sphere. You can tell a story like no other MT...gives me hope that I can do the same some day.
A happy one to you indeed. Out of the woodwork, a true blurker. Thanks for life and true belly busters!
A happy one to you indeed. Out of the woodwork, a true blurker. Thanks for life and true belly busters!
Well, today is the Blogfest. We will sure miss the fact that you, as such an important part of the group will not be there.... I'm sure you will hear all about it, and of course, see the pictures. I will be thinking of you this afternoon!!
Congratulations on the second birthday of the blog. My first one was in January. So yours is older! Don't know why I pointed that out as I am sure you were perfectly capable of working that out.
Little Sprite is particularly lovely. The other two are as well. I expect you get very fond of them.
Lets hope you carry on blogging for years....... Many drop out after 2 years, I have heard. That won't happen to you though as you are full of laughs and good blogging material. LOL!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you have many more blog entries to write - your hijinxes and hillarity ought to be on the BBC.
I'm glad I tumbled into your blog - you always manage to put a smile on my face and to tickle me tummy (whilest occassionally pulling at the heart strings).
Your wee ones show such radiance and joy - surely their smiles will live on in their hearts and minds and they will always treasure the times they had with "Meldee". Such blue eyes Sprite has... and Pod is such a cutey. How do you manage to only get the cutest nippers? :)
*Hugs* I've missed ya whilest being away.
Marmie, I missed you at blogfest today. I even checked out the mens room to see if you were in there.
Two years? Why, it seemed just like yesterday...
You're a national treasure, Marmite, nay, an international treasure.
I'll be back more often, as I desparately need your off-beat, brill humor, more now than ever.
And the lovely cutie Sprite... Oh god, she is so adorable.
Lub you too, Marmite.
Ok...... So sorry for not getting back to anyone..... Im in the middle of a very very nasty bout of acute tonsillitis... and its floored me... I felt it starting on Tuesday but waited until Friday before I HAD to have the doctor out.... he bollocked me for not seeing him sooner...anyways... its left me right proper poorly... and barely able to function... Ive tried to blob around but have found it very difficult...
Im hoping the meds might of kicked in by tomorrow... I reckon I caught something off of Pod cos he was so very ill last week... so I will blame the baby lol
anyways..... I'll try and answer your comments now, but I might only get through half before its to much, AND if so I'll do the rest tomorrow, so please bare with me....
~(((SilverValleyGirl)))~ Im just go glad that I found you over on the Dingleberries... you and your family are very special to me....I know I aint a good writer what with the spelling and bad grammar... and I never have a plot or a plan, I just sit and let me fingers type whats in me head and on the memories of me mind... thats all I know how to do....xxxxx
~(((Crispy)))~ :) well expect for a few bad times, I do try to make light of most situations in my life... I do know Ive gotten a tad soft this past year, so maybe time to harden back up again...xxxxx
~((((((JBelle))))))~ oh hush will ya, I aint made of bloody money ya know :)...xxxxxxxx
~(((JeanC)))~ now if only I didnt have to work a 55 hour week and have this house and me lads to sort LOL...xxxxx
~((((Lady))))~ I dont know how we found each other but Im sure glad we did... :) - I usually can find humour in the most aweful of circumstances lol it gets me into trouble in real life so many times lol...xxxxx
~(((Anon/Pauline)))~ WoooHoooo a blurker LOL quick lets stone her lmfao... now you dont need to blurk anymore you are one of the gang LOL...xxxxx
~(((Idaho Dad))))~ yep it does fly... there is so much I could blob about.... I just open it all up :)...xxxxx
~(((((Lisa)))))~ Ive decided instead of one box of crapo I'll send 4 or 5 smaller boxes of crapo, thats if me lads aint bloody eaten all the bits I keep putting on the side for me giveaway lol...
You would make a great gumbie, but alas.... us gumbies have a secret room and even the most ardent blobbers cant get in lol.... there is a waiting list and then an initiation thing and most die LOL....xxxxxx
~((((Celtic))))~ tiz rewarding and very draining... I do mine a bit different cos I cant be anyone but meself even with me nippers and their parents lol.... its take it or leave it...xxxxxx
~((((((((((Buff)))))))~ I so am the easiest woman to get on with lol I might be stubborn a little, just a little, but most once they get to know me can figure me out LOL...xxxxxx
~(((((((((((Starr))))))))))~ hey its a shame those 53,000 didnt all leave a quid, I could retire LOL.... flicking through me address book and sending you a jar of marmite just to spite ya LOL.... nothing in this world could even replace or match the WONDERFUL Cowie skull that you send me... tis the best present I have ever ever received in me whole life.... *writing marmite on me shopping list* lol...xxxxxxxx
~(((Pamela))))~ it truely was yonks before I could understand what most were saying and I use to google everything LOL.... its you lot that speak strange not me LOL...xxxxxxx
~(((((ChicagoLady)))))~ I just waffle a load of old bollocks and when I read back it all sounds right proper boring LOL... well pod projectile vomited everywhere last week, you could of had him then LOL....xxxxx
~(((((Tosser/Cis)))))~ ok ok ITS SORTED, gawds sake LOL... when Im back on me feet I will start posting lol... I doubt I have another 10 years of life left in me let alone blobbing years lol.... oh, and he dont have to be handsome, he just has to love the person I am LOL... oh and me chickens...oh and banana sarnies LOL...XXXXX
~(((((Robin))))~ sniff... please dont say nice things lol.... it makes me cry...love ya....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Ciara anyones for a free jar of marmite to spread and lick off her hubby LOL)))))))))~ you are me oldest internet matie, you and SirH and Lora, and dear Dan who is no longer with us, I miss him so much.... I do KNOW that we will be maties for ever and ever... of this I know... fanks for being me friend ciara... you know I love ya, you bloody old slag bag :).....xxxxxxxx
~(((((Coral))))))~ when I started I swore to meself that I would not get fond of people and not let anyone in.... I obviously didnt use bad enough swear words LOL....xxxxxx
~((((((Flowerpot)))))))~ I know I will probably end up living in Cornwall if I stay in this country... so we will have to do 'tea' sometime :)....xxxxxx
~(((((Dumdad)))))~ cripes so many of us started sort of about the same time... where has the last 2 years gone?.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((ToriZ Kelly))))))~you do know when I get the change Im coming up to Wales and gonna come visit you both..... I might turn up one weekend over the sumemr.... and you can find me a desperate sheep farmer LMFAO...xxxxxxxx
~(((softinthehead))))~ sometimes I hate me job lol its not truely what I want to be doing.... but one child is called mortgage and another is called gas bill and one is called electric bill ETC lol.... but circumstances in life have thrown me here, so I have to give the best I can to it....xxxxxx
~(((((((Bina)))))))~ aint Sprite just a darling.... I found you via Buff and via Ake.... Im so very glad I did... dont know where amazing comes in... I just do what I need to do...one day MY prince will come LOL... hopefully bring chocolate and ice-cream....xxxxxx
I was asked to delete this post by the author.... I discussed it private with the person and its done and dusted...
~((((Lisa Studly))))~ you bloody cheapskates lol if you win the lottery you can bloody fly me out of here LMFAO... and just cos you commented twice done mean you get to goes at the raffle LMFAO...xxxxxx
~((((((((((BRM)))))))))))~ Ive loved you since first I read your blob, and your journey and that wonderful man you eventually married, it was like reading the most amazing romance novel..make the most of this down time :) the most creative throughts come when there is no money.....xxxxxx
~(((((name of god)))))~ :) I wondered where you had gone.... glad your still around....xxxxx
~((((Punkn))))~ oh hush with the bloody tears you daft cow... yeah who would of thought all this was possible...when I say things like that to me lads they say, you grew up in the olden days LMFAO... scrummies are always good.... see, if only half a dozen people had commented, I could of sent everyone a box LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((((Elizabeth)))))))~ hey everyone - I actually WON a giveaway prize on Elizabeths blob and she send me way more then was on offer.... she is a famous book writer to LOL.... yep, so many words that mean different things, its gobsmackingly difficult sometimes to understand you lot LOL.....xxxxxx
~((((Kati))))~ good job I dont post much then LMFAO.....aye life, whys it alwasy get in the way....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((Angela/gumbie member lol)))))))))~ oh stop will ya lol.... Im glad you still have the tadpole book :) that means the world to me that you kept it...xxxxxx
OK FLAGGING NOW...... be back later with somemore..... OXO
See how popular you are? It's a pleasure to read a blob from someone who has both feet set so firmly on the ground! You tell it how it is and a lot of people appreciate that. No airs and graces, snobbery or pretence.
Love the children's photos, especially Pod. He really appeals to menopausal me.
Here's to your next 2 years of blobbing! Thanks for the little fairy cake. What's everyone else having?
Ok, lets try again whilst Im drugged up to me eyeballs lol....
~(((lulda)))~ I think we would have such a laff if you lived nearer lol....... except ya would have to keep your dogs away from me chickens...... Cedril already had a close shave last week :(...xxxxx
~(((((Helen)))))~ ya can also scroll back to the beginning and read the first year LOL...... I still cant believe people actually read me twaddle lol.......xxxxx
~(((((Ake))))))~ the feeling is likewise.... what a wonderful dear person you are you give so much to so many........ love ya girl...xxxxx
~((((InlandEmpireGirl)))~ omg, my reputation went before me? LOL I thought you had been blobbing yonks when I found your blob via Dingleberries.... your whole family have crept into my heart and will remain there always.... and one day I will meet me adopted mum LOL... ok ok I know she is your mum, but you will have to share :)...xxxxx
~((((Cindy))))~ gulp.... you old softie LOL..... sometimes I spill to much of meself lol.... but, Im just me, no airs or graces.... I to think of you are a proper real friend :)....xxxxxx
~(((((jolie)))))~ my dear dear you... my seperated at birth sister LOL... yours is one of the most wonderful blobs I have ever read.... ever... puts this bollocks in the bin in comparison lol..... yep your a kook to :) whatever that means lmfao...
Im hoping me soul will return this year, even if it is battered and torn.... I will patch it, just need it back thats all.... love ya to jolie, more then you will ever know..... now find the premises for our venture LOL.....xxxxxxx
~(((((soul))))~ taking of souls, yours is one of the most gentle beautiful souls Ive ever come across.... if you duplicate it you could give me one in place of me lost one :)... as our pumpkin plant grows this year I will stroke it and think of you and smile lol....xxxxxxxx
~(((Mei))))~ LOL@short and curlies stopping you in your tracks... you to are a very special person.....xxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS))))~ aint it strange how people come together... I connected with you from day one, day bloody one....and oh stop with your kind words LOL..... I dont do kind.....xxxxxxx
~(((((Cedar))))~ cheers matie :)...xxxxx
~((((((((Stickman))))))))~ me cor blimey penpal :) I will write proper again soon.....you to are a gentle soul...xxxxxx
~(((JCS)))~ do you have any idea how heavy those chocolate covered digestives are to post LOL.... glad you wandered over here :)...
Tiz my job to make sure the nippers have the best experience they can with me, filled with care and love and laughter and then learning lol.....xxxxx
~((((Book and Hook))))~ Im glad you are here to :)...xxxxx
~((((Robin))))~ I remember you telling me you spent 2 days reading me blob from the beginning LOL.... you daft cow... see what I have done for the chickens and postmen of the world LMFAO....xxxxxx
~((((Deb))))~ Pssttt, I dont have an accent, you lot do LOL... I would of thought the only thing I might of taught you would be to run as fast as you can from here LOL......xxxxxx
~((((JeanneH))))~ my other cor blimey penpal :) yeah I shut the whole of the newpaper down for a few hours and the bomb squad was called, to dam bloody funny, and I was 1000s of miles away LMFAO..... I have so many stories stacked on the shelves of me mind, they just need a nudge to set them tumbling out lol..... love ya to girl... I'll write soon...xxxxxx
~((((((((((((Starr))))))))) ya really after the jar of marmite aint ya lmfao ;)..... did you know you was in me dreams the other week, you saved me from being eaten by a bear in the woods, except it was your fault in the first place that the bear was chewing on me foot LMFAO......xxxxxxxx
~((((((rebel)))))~ welcome, punkns gang are a pretty special bunch of blobbers.... I hope you stick around and maybe scroll back and have a butchers at some of the other rubbish Ive posted lol....xxxxxx
~((((((((((((Jen)))))))))~ it dont seem possible does it.....xxxxxx
~(((((Betty)))))~ me next chicken is gonna be called Betty :) - all me nippers have nicnames and the funny thing is all me maties then use those names and then the parents do to LMFAO..... this is a great house for kids.... amongst the mud and the laughter and the noise and music and sometimes the tears.....cheers....xxxxx
~((((Anne))))~ welcome - I nipped in a brit shop whilst in Freeport about 18 months ago...... bloody hell it was expensive lol...
I'll pop over to your blob and have a proper butchers when Im not so poorly.....xxxxx
~(((((Lee Harris)))))~ even though I dont often comment, Im always reading your blob, and now you know cos you have spyware LOL....glad I can at least warm someones heart :)...xxxxxx
~(((((Punkn)))))~ LOL@you, yep thats it, not cos Im poorly LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((Pinkacorn)))))~ your blob is beautiful, I envy where you live... find me a house with a porch there will ya and I will move over :).... do the same? girl you write amazingly.... you inspire me LOL.....xxxxx
~(((((porter))))~ well welcome you blurker :)..... now you have to comment more often lol..... xxxxxxx
~((((Jana))))~ oh how I would of loved to of been at the blobfest with you all, maybe one day.... I will enjoy looking at the photos though :) sounds like a great time was had by all.....xxxxxxx
~(((((Maggie May)))))~ wow I thought you had been blobbing for years? you write with so much class compared with this bollocks over here lol..... yeah sprite is very special to me, almost in line with Janet me chicken lol....xxxxxx
~((((((((((((Intense)))))))))))~ Im glad that you stumbled through me door and dragged me back through your door to meet your gang.... its a strange world how one connects with those that bring them joy, and that is what you do to me.....
Oh as regards the cutiest nippers, I dont show the ugly ones I have LOL they are locked in the cupboard under the stairs and when out with them I constantly tell people they AINT MINE lol..... ;)...... love ya Iggy...xxxxxx
~(((((((Helen)))))~ I was sitting quietly in the corner just observing ;) along with JBelle LOL......xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((((((((((((((MrGreen)))))))))))))~ one of me gumbies whom I love to pieces.... Ive missed you over here, truely missed you.. as for needing me.... you KNOW I would go to the ends of the earth for you.... my dear dear friend...
I thought you would love the photo of our sprite :)... you remember when I got her :)
Love you ((((Green)))) I always be here for you matie....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((((Mean Mum)))))~ dont know about popular LOL I think maybe more a curiosity LOL ya know where people go to poke someone with a stick :)....... dam you nabbed the fairy cake LOL.....xxxxxxxxx
2 years! Congratulations!!
Get your tonsils taken out.. you would still have time to learn English! And think of the ice cream they give you after...
MT: Yep, the story of my life, great ladies who end up getting their respective foots chewed off by bears!(does a foot taste better with marmite?--or perhaps marmite tastes better with a foot!) HA! Oh, and EGAD! not marmite! Did I say, EGAD! already? HA!
I don't mind you doing that. We've got a spare room, and it wont take a minute to change the sheet and such. :)
Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon. Tonsilitis is no fun at all! I've had it... Didn't stop me talking mind. But then, neither did falling down a steep bank... All I did was pause my sentence long enough to say "oops" then I carried on with my sentence like nothing had happened. LOL!
I know you are busy and sick and all, but how long to I have to wait to win my box o'crap ala Marmy??
We could just cut those offending tonsils out! I got a pair of nail clippers. That would work, right?
Thanks for your visits to my blog. It always brightens my day to hear from you.
'I lub you Meldee'
73 responses to a second anniversary post? (eyebrows raised into hairline)
Happy blogday! I always enjoy your posts!!
SORRY IVE BEEN ADSENT........ me tonsilillitis turned into a chest infection and Im trying to get rid of the last of the green snotballs LMFAO...... buckets of it..... went back to work a couple of days ago cos I cant afford really to take to much time off.... but Im hoping to blob around and catch up over the weekend..... AND see who has won the scrummies........ :) instead of one big box of crap I will sort out 4 smaller boxes......
I had started to gather in the scrummies BUT me dam lads keep raiding the boxes and eating them LMFAO.......
I PROMISE not to send a sample of me snot infection LOL
~(((((Casdok))))~ yeah do you think its 2 years to long lol....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Buff)))))))))))~ NO NO NO thats suppose to be the pits as an adult, I would rather put up with acute tonsilillitis a coupld of times a year LOL.... but I will take the ice cream fank you very much :)......xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr)))))))))))))~ hey my dream was just sooooooo real, but then if you had not crashed the snowmobile I might not of been flung off over your head and down the cliff where you left me tucked in a sleeping bag so you could go and find a signal on your mobile, then the bear might not of chewed me foot LOL lmfao hahahahahaha so I blame YOU :)....xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ)))))~ Im gonna surprise you one of these days :)...xxxxxx
~((((Lisa))))~ oh hush it will ya, Ive been at deaths door LOL.... I would of gladly in my 102 fever state of let anyone rip me tonsils out LOL....xxxxxxxx
~((((((Jackie)))))))~ sorry I aint been around, hope to catch up proper over the weekend.....lub you to :) xxxxxx
~(((((((JBelle)))))))~ oh hush, its only cos everyone is bored and they dont have anything better to do :).....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Live Out Loud)))))))~ fanks.... :) xxxxxx
Studly just read about a British woman who can't quit belching. He says he hopes you feel better and quit it very soon!
Mel, I've read this post plus comments more than once, trying to come up with something clever or heartfelt or preferably both to add. Well, failing that, I'll just let you know I'm so glad I found your blob, you never fail to put a smile on my face. And you've got some crazy fans, too! Love and thanx from New Jersey, where the snow is rapidly receding ...
Hope you're feeling better. From tonsils to chest....
You ever think about doing something, ANYTHING half-assed?
Sorry you've been so poorly. Hope you're feeling better soon and don't have many more buckets of snot balls to get rid of. ;)
Stubborn to the last... when will you listen? So independent.. you are your own worst enemy! You ain't bullet proof, nor immune to human frailties. Get your tounsils out, shut up for awhile, and eat your ice cream..
...indeed...what Buffalo sez...a snip-snip here and a snip-snip there and no longer will those bothersome things be swelling up to the size of a baby's bottom...
~(((((Lisa)))))))~ nah that aint me, Im the one that has the continual farts :)..... you and Studly so make me smile - fanks for that, I so need that this week......xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Eastendmom)))))))~ no one is allowed to say nice things on here, Im very emotional of late lol..... crazy people that comment, now that you do have right LOL........ you still have snow? bloody hell.....xxxxxx
~((((((Robin)))))~ I got meself a little run down, I dont know when to call it a day and I work and do whatever until I drop LOL.... and that would be half-ARSED :) not to be mistaken by rat-ARSED lol.....xxxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ))))~ posting you a bucket of snot and 24 bog used bogrolls so you can use it in your craft making lmfao.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Buff)))))))))~ stubborn? MOI? I dont think so, shit, am I? lol - now I cant get me tonsils out, I dont know if you realise what bad luck I have with hospitals and operations etc :)..... maybe I just need a knight in shining rubber gloves to come and nurse me LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((((Soul))))))))))))~ oye dont you go taking Buff's side LOL ... knowing my luck they would loose the snipping scissors down me throat LOL......xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, Marmee...I'll try this again...there is a difference between a blog and a blob. I write a blog, but I AM a 'blob'. Shapeless and formless. So now you know. I'm jealous. You get more feedback from one posting than I get for a years' worth. Happy second blob-iversary...
~((((some guy who blobs))))~ oh hush will ya.... it matters not what the shape form colour or size of someone.... tis the love and life and spirit and inner warmth and the compassion and empathy and did I say love that is the package of a person....
You blob is one just lovely..... such a mixture of things you blob about...... I bet you get 100s of blurkers....
EVERYONE GO TO SOME GUYS BLOB lol.... wow, never had anyone me jealous of me before lmfao....xxxxxxx
Gee thanks. LOL!
i came by to bring you back the bucket o snot you left at my place and to point out to you that i have been here...do you not recall calling me a bloddy old slag bag in the comments? lol
right now, i'm sick...so i could actually give you my own bucket o snot. gone through 1/2 box of tissues yesterday :-/ lol
i will have to email you so i can see what the devil you have been up to :) love ya xoxo
Hope you are feeling better now. I think that you passed your illness to the entire family! Ughh...
AH-HAAAA! Now I know! That's it...I must get a lot of blurkers...no one wants to admit reading my blog, so they blurk. That's why my numbers are down! Seriously, Marmee, you must be truly wondrous indeed to have so many blog (or in my case, 'blob') fans...but then again, you do nice work. Always fun to read ya...
There's an award awaiting you at my blog.
Hope you feel better.
Happy Blob Birthday! I haven't been a good blogger lately either - but I drop by every now and then.
MT: Well, well, well...First any woodsperson knows full well that bears hibernate in the winter and thus I detect a 'story' being spun. Sure it could have been a polar bear, but they are pretty rare in the lower 48. Also, 'crash' heck, it wasn't anything more than... perhaps... a wrong turn. And we both know that had you not bailed out you would have been just fine. Sleeping bag, well when the 'bear' arrived you didn't have to stay in it, ya dern brit...and if you are laying blame...you best look a tad bit closer to home. HA!
~(((ToriZ)))~ your welcome lol....xxxxxx
~((((ciara)))))~ Ive been a right proper slagbagger of late in emailing anyone..... I tend to close doors when Im poorly.... sorry to hear your poorly it was probably the bucket of snot I left at your place lol you were NOT suppose to gargle with it :).....xxxxxxxx
~((((Angela))))~ go on blame me for everyones sickness LOL... sorry you lot are poorly to :(...xxxxxxx
~((((SomeBlokeThatBlobs))))~ oh hush, I blurk on blobs all the time without commenting.... my blob compared to yours is like my bucket of snot.... dont put yaself down, yours is GREAT....xxxxxxx
~((((Dumdad)))))~ fanks you, I will pop on over..... xxxxxxx
~((((momNmum))))~ Ive been a slagbag blobber of late to... lets both try to do better LOL sounds like me report card from school....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((((Starr)))))))))))~ nope you was definetely to blame, you was driving and I was just sitting behind ya hanging on for dear life and YOU CRASHED sending me flying through the air and over the cliff LOL.... jebus that dream was soooooo real.... do you know, the best nights sleep Ive ever had has always been snuggled in sleeping bags :).....xxxxxxxxx
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