This will bore you to tears, its long winded, but I need to get this down on paper for me lads to oneday realise the shit I have to go through LOL...
Now the frustration and boredom and cabin fever have crept in and thats harder to deal with then the fear and the dam pain..... still no weight bearing until Ive seen me consultant in another fortnight then they will take things from there...
Ive been stuck in the house and the little garden for over 3 weeks mostly on me own, and except for my 3 weekly hospital appointments, for which they send out hospital transport for me, I aint seen another living soul besides me matie Wendy LOL - our Ben went off to Thailand and our Sam has been away most of the time with his maties, our Tom and his girlfriend are abroad on holiday, and Jacob finished compulsary school just 2 weeks after his 16th birthday so I let him go off with his maties, and he is off again next week on Bivi Camp in the New Forest.... but tomorrow he has his leavers Dinner and Dance which I think is like a doodle PROM, and the flash car I had arranged for him only yesterday let me down, so have been racking me drug induced brain today trying to sort something else out (I do not know why the other bloody mothers leave it to me to sort out, especially knowing me circumstances - tossers).... other times I would relish a bit of time on me own, if I was well and able to do things, but being totally on ones own under the circumstances I find meself in have weighed heavy on my soul...
So all in all Ive had a very difficult time of it.... ate nuffin but toast for over a week cos I couldnt stand to make anything, and then had no milk for tea for 3 days.... seems like most of me maties have been to bloody busy with life or just cant be arsed or bothered to help out, not that Ive asked, but they KNOW Ive a broken leg as well as me knee surgery.... so Ive struggled as best I could with what I could manage.... not suppose to go up the stairs but I have no choice, there is no way I can sleep downstairs... it takes me at least 15 minutes to get up the stairs each night and Im sure its a funny thing to watch, so maybe its for the best that no one has been here LOL.... except sometimes its been a little scary on me own... oh well, such is life aye... its what we sign up for..
Anyways.... enough of my troubles LOL..... I know they are minor compared to so many others out there, and to be honest I shouldnt have anything to complain about... not really, should I... so I will shut up now...
So.... Monday 1st June, me best matie Wendy picked me and me bag up at 6.30 on a bright and already sunny morning, I had to be at the hospital by 7.30 so she kindly offered to take me and drop me off and try and get back home in time to take her 4 kids to school and college... we would be cutting it fine.... she knew how scared I was over this coming surgery especially after all that happened and is still going on with the other knee from last year, Wendy me matie, is probably the only person on this entire planet that really really knows me... and I love her and her family to bits.... I know that she is one of the only people in this world that I can truely rely upon in any given things....
I was gagging for a cuppa tea or some toast or something, I was starving, ya see, I have this daft thing that I do LOL.... oh shut it, I dont care that you will probably think Im crazy to LOL... it was Monday and I had not eaten anything since lunchtime on the Friday, and had nuffin to drink since Saturday lunchtime, ya see, I have this fear of hospital bedpans or auntie morris's LOL and my pea sized brain tells me that if I dont eat or drink anything for 2-3 days before surgery then I will NOT need a pee or a poo for a few days after surgery and until I cant get out of bed and get to the loo meself.... I KNOW its crazy, but thats me aint it, I aint normal....
So we signed in at the military security gates and got a carpark pass, we found the little ward that was like a holding bay... ya do all the paperwork and see the surgeons and anthesetist in this little ward and after ya had ya surgery you go onto the 24 bed ward, which was to be the same ward as last year....
This weeks intake of patients would be the last cos you see Haslar would be closing in a few short weeks after over 250 years as a military hospital, cos a new super dooper hospital is/has been built at Cosham where the QA hospital is (thats where I go for fracture clinic and for physio etc) so the atmosphere in haslar was a mix of saddness by the staff and excitement.... the other hospital is only about 6 miles from where I live and it would of been so much easier if I was there, except haslar is special, and homely and old and quaint and loverly and I would rather be there then in the new fangled modern hospital....
So Wendy drops me off and with tears from both sides (she knows how scared I was and that I had no one there like all the other patients, no one to hold me hand), but she also knows that Im a strong old cow, and if anyone could do it alone again then it was me.... so much hugs and tears and promises of ringing me and coming in to see me... she walked down the ward and out the double doors...
I had no time to worry though, ya have many forms to fill in, forms that repeat themselves over and over, then ya surgeon comes and sees ya and talks through things with ya, then the anethestist (sp) comes and has a chat with ya and this time he was a gorgeous hunky dutch army bloke..... MMmmm mmmmm LOL
He had a great sense of humour which matched mine, and we so did laff whilst going through things, he said, in the most juice flowing accent, Ive a feeling your gonna be trouble LOL.... I was 5th on the list which meant sometime around teatime I would go for surgery, they put me last on the list cos of the added complications that were involved this time...... dam and bugger, that meant almost a whole day with still no food, this would be day 4 without a nibble of grub, but, it was for a good cause, right? lol
Well noon came and went, and I was glad I was not having to watch others in the other ward eating there lunch, cos my tummy was well rumbling, and I had the beginnings of a sick headache where I had not had a drink for a few days.... 2 o'clock came and went and slowly the ward I was in began to empty where patients went to theatre for surgery and then went onto the other bigger ward..... 4 o'clock came and I was the only one in the ward LOL.... so they suggested that I might as well have me bed in the ward where I would be later after surgery, instead of sitting there on me own.... so as luck has it I had a bed by a huge window which I straight away opened fully to let the air in, cos it had been a hot day outside...
4.30 came and went an by then my head was thumping, why had they not come for me, time was getting on, the ward doctor walked by and said I looked as white as a ghost, and I had gone so very quiet.... I told him I had a sick headache and had a throat like a parrots bum where I had not had a drink for 3 days, and I felt a little light headed and dizzy, and was it possible for me to have just a tiny sip of water, to which he said NO, he did a few checks and said I was a tad dehydrated hence me sick headache and that he would put a line in to give me some fluids before I went down to surgery, and they could use the same line down in theatre...
Twas a little hard to fine a vein cos I was a little fluidless LOL... do you know that on my notes is says 'a bit of a bleeder' LMFAO... it truely does, I read them hahahaha... as you can see by the above photo as soon as they dig a hole in me, I bleed, and thats before they attached a fluid line....
Anyways, they hung a fluid drip up and they said it shouldnt be long and I should be going down to theatre..... and that the fluid would help with me headache.....
Well 5 o'clock came and went and the nurse in charge came and sat on me bed and said that I would not be going to theatre cos they had run out of 'theatre time' WTF and cos mine was gonna be a long one there would not be enough 'recovery' staff still available SO THEY FUCKING CANCELLED... when she told me this, I lost it, I just broke down and sobbed, they didnt get it, I had waited all day on the edge of me nerves, no food for 4 days and 3 days without a drink, they couldnt cancell, not now, everything was in place, my Jacob in the middle of his exams and lifts to school arranged, I had sorted out me 13 nippers with other childminders, it was so hard to organise everything for everyone, they didnt understand how much energy and courage it had taken me to be there today, after what happened last year.... they couldnt cancel, they couldnt, I sobbed and sobbed like some demented lunatic, I dont know if it was the lack of food and drinks or just that EVERYTHING GETS COCKED UP where Im concerned.... the nurse said me consultant/surgeon would be down to see me in a little while to explain... and she pulled the curtains around me to give me a bit of private time to compose meself... LOL
Now what was about to happen I find funny now, but at the time I didnt... I was distraught.... I never felt so alone in me life.... how pathetic was I, what a total loser was I.... how come everything never goes to plan in life where Im concerned, no matter what I do, or what I dont do, Im constantly tested....
I was still connected to the IV drip in the back of me hand, but I didnt wanna sit behind this curtain on me own, I needed to get the hell out of there and find someplace where I could have a right proper cry and to think what to do.... and I certainly didnt need fluids anymore, so I yanked the IV tube thingie out of the connecter thing in the back of me hand... and got off the bed to try and find the loos where I could sit in peace and have a right proper breakdown LMFAO...luckily I was only 3 beds from the end of the ward, as I got off the bed I went so light headed and had to stagger down the corridor, I found a washroom and loo and went in and locked the door.....
now the funny bit...well I think it is lmfao
I had on a new white fluffy dressing down, and a hospital flapper gown and me pink crocs as slippers... but as I looked down, the front of me white dressing gown had streaks of red all down he front, wtf, when I look at where my hand should of been there was blood actually gushing out of the end of me sleeve of me gown.... now, remember I had not eaten for days or drunk and that I was so overwhelmed and light headed and not thinking straight due to crying like a pathetic child... well LMFAO.... my brain registered all the blood coming out of me sleeve and it said OH SHIT, someone had cut off me hand cos there was no hand there, and the blood must of been coming from the STUMP ..... fear... panic.... my brain screamed WHO CUT OFF MY BLOODY HAND HOW DARE THEY.... I raised my arm in horror to look at the bloody stump, and as I did so the blood gushing out hit the mirror on the wall and splattered in the sink and as I turned round it splattered up the shower curtain..... by now I was actually bleeding quite profusely, and my brain was working overtime.... I lowered me arm and what I thought was a bloody stump, only to realise no one had cut me hand off LMFAO it was where the sleeve of me dressing gown was a tad long and had fallen over me hand, making it look like I had no hand there at all, cos I must have short arms LOL Jesub when I looked I could see me fingers but no stump, just blood pumping out everywhere..... they was not wrong in having in me notes that I was a 'bit of a bleeder'....
oh my, how ones brain works when faced with just so much lmfao I think it was the lack of food and water and the shock.... the blood was actually gushing out real fast and the front of me dressing gown was just totally red..... when I took stock of the situation and looked around the little room looked like there had been a mass murder going on, blood was on the mirror and on the wall as I had turned around and over the shower curtain and dripping all over the floor, I hung over the little sink and watched in a daze as the blood was pumping out of the canula that was in the vein in the back of me hand, how was I to know that the blood would just pump out when I took the line out... KNOCK KNOCK on the door, Mel are you alright, a little voice asked, only there is a trail of blood up the corridor leading to this door, is your canula bleeding.... oh shit oh shit, my mind was racing, they will think Im right proper stupid..... 'no no I say, its okay, its fine' how could I let anyone in, the state of the washroom looked like a slaughter house LOL - I grabbed a handful of paper towels and wrapped them around my hand which soon became soaked with blood and again began dripping on the floor, I pulled loads of paper towels out of the machine and tried to wipe the mirror and walls and sink lmfao but all it did was smear it to make it look worse, by now I was so very very light headed and I really thought I was gonna pass out.... BANG BANG BANG on the door, okay Mel open the door there is blood and water seeping under the door, you need to open the door' the sink was over flowing where it was blocked with the paper towel and that mixed with all the blood on the floor it had no where to go but under the door and out into the corridor...
No matter where I looked there was blood everywhere, but I had no choice but to open the door to a look of horror on the army doctors face, I stood there in a panic with the blood still really gushing out of the thing in me hand and swaying almost at the point of passing out, he gently takes my hand and puts his finger over the open valve stopping the blood instantly, he is standing in the washroom with me blood staining his brown brogues and dripping on his clean blue shirt (WHERE WAS YA CHUMPA WHEN I NEEDED YA LOL) he says ' quite a bloody bleeder aren't you Mel' then he says my goodness it looks like a slaughter house in here.... I started to cry again and kept saying Im so sorry I was trying to clear it up...
Its funny now, but it was not at the time, I truely honestly thought in my stressed out state that some bastard had cut my hand off....
He took me back to me bed and after a cuppa tea and a few tests put up a new drip with some blood in it for a top up LOL apparently I had lost almost a pint and a half...
An hour later I was cleaned up and dressed in me own clothes.... having a fresh supply of blood in me... I still needed to get out of there.... I needed to gather me thoughts... I needed I went down in the lift to sit out on the back steps in the fresh air, I sat there trying to get me head around how I could re-organise everything.... the tears began to bubble up again... and those that know me know I dont do 'tears' unless at the end of me head was pounding, my mind whirling... why does shit and bad luck always sit on my already overcrowded shoulders.... the nice little nurse came rushing out the door all a fluster LOL... she well made me jump..... 'christ Mel, we have been looking all over for you, come on, come inside and lets see what we can do about this mess... you really shouldnt be sitting out here on your own after everything' .... I kept saying Im so sorry about the mess, how was I to know the blood would just keeping gushing out the thing in me hand'.... not that mess she said, you loon Mel, I mean the mess about the cancellation of your operation' to which we both burst out laffing...
I went back to the ward and again sat on me bed.. and whilst sitting there someone come up behind me and put there arms around me and just hugged me real tight, it was me bestest matie Wendy, she had rung the ward to see how the operation went only to be told about the cancellation, and the blood loss and how sad I was.... she knew I would be distraught, she knew how hard it was for me to be there in the first place... not just organising everything but also being self employed I would be losing hundreds in wages and putting me home on the line with no money coming in for the mortgage and bills... she knows me like a favourite book... so as soon as they told her, she asked her John to sort their kids out and she jumped in the car and 50 minutes later she was with me, she and I are so close and she just let the tears flow, she knows me like no other...
Come on she says, lets get a crimple chair and I'll take you for a coffee, the cafe might still be open.... we found the little hospital cafe and we was the only ones there, she bought chocolate cake and a mug of tea... jebus it hit the spot after not eating for 4 days LOL and we talked and talked, and laffed and laffed at how its 'always me' that shit happens to.... these complications these hiccups these things only happen to you Mel... you sure are being tested...
When we got back to the ward me consultant was there, he stood in front of my red puffy tearstained face..... Dave you cant cancell, not now, YOU know how hard its been for me to organise everything and to have the courage to get here today, you cant cancel... he said he would put me back on the waiting list and it would probably only be a couple of weeks or even maybe next week.... I told him, why not tomorrow, just bump someone else off the list and let me be first tomorrow, he said it dont work like that and that he was not in theatre tomorrow... I told him it was NOW or never, I couldnt do this again in a few weeks and I would have to just hobble around for the rest of me life a crimple and have no life like I hadnt for the past few years, I said everything was arranged at home with everything.... please Dave DONT DO THIS TO ME.... you aint wearing my shoes Daveieboy, just bump some little old lady off the list and do me next..... he said that would not be fair, so I said 'fair on who Dave... what, and your being fair now'.... the nurse just looked at me in horror LOL no one talks to top surgeons/consultants like that....
A loverly nurse called Lisa came and sat on the bed to talk to me and to Dave (me consultant) she knew me from last year and during the day we had had such a laff together, she knew me story and how hard everything was to sort out and how badly I needed me life back and after all the shit promises from last years left knee balls up, she was in my court..... I said, look Dave, if your not in theatre tomorrow, get someone else to do it, someone else must have a space, a slot, I dont care now who does it, be it the bloody teaboy, its now or never.... he said, surgeons dont like to take on at the last minute someone elses patients.... I said, then make me the first, make me the expection to the rule.... Dave YOU OWE ME THIS AFTER LAST YEAR...
The nurse said to him, but it is possible that someone else would do it if they had a gap, a space or a cancellation... he said they might but the chances were it was slim, he said he would ring around tomorrow and see if there was anything that could be done, oh yeah Dave, so, I says, that means you go home and forget about me, your just saying that to cover your arse..... Mel, he said, I promise you I will ask, if not, then I will have you back in within a fortnight..... he said go home and wait to hear.... the nurse then said..... look MrD, the bed is Mels, she might as well stay the night and see whats what in the morning.... ok he said, but no promises, and Im not here and someone would have to spend much time going over me notes cos of all thats gone on before.. no promises he said.... and he walked away.....
Wendy hugged me with promises of ringing me in the morning...
So that night I went to bed on a ward scared and confused and almost praying that just once JUST BLOODY ONCE... my life wouldnt be messed with... why me, why does this shit always happen to me....
Lets see what tomorrow brings.....lets just see what else will kick me into kingdom come... lets just see....
Okay enough boring Twaddle, its a little after midnight and its now I suppose Friday morning just...... knackered beyond knackered....
If you have read down this far you need to admit yourself to a loonie bin LOL
know you are loved....
*HUGZ* You need to remember that yourself, you are loved.
As for having to be committed for reading all the way to the bottom, too late...I reside there already. No need to commit me.
MT: I couldn't get past the part about where you said the dutch dude had sense of humour that matched yours without falling out of my chair gasping for air. A pretty down in the face type guy aye? I will try to read more later. When are you going to rewrite 'War and Peace'? Haaaaaaaa
I think I am going to ask Silver Valley Girl to send you some good old 'lead creek water' for what ails you. If it is good enough for R Pert it should help you too. 'Hang' in there.
Well, I down-played some of my mishaps when I was in the hospital 2 weeks ago, but your blood-letting story convinced me to share this with you.. The "pic" line they had in my arm dripping blood into me had some unused ports- one did not have the proper valve in it... I woke to find my hand, clothes, bed, and floor covered with my blood! Called for the nurse, who assisted in cleaning up what appeared to be a slaughterhouse... That was bad enough, but the following night this same meatball unplugged it again, repeating the mess... I asked her if my insurance had to pay for the pint she spilled, and did she know I was anemic and really needed that blood! She never came back to my room the whole time I was there... Oddly enough, I also hadn't eaten before being admitted, and they put me on a liquid only diet for 2 days out of 5- when I was told I'd only be in overnight! Got the statement of charges for my stay... $1000 dollars a day for a semi private room and crappy food! That didn't include what the doctors will charge... $900 a month for insurance seems more reasonable now!
I'm getting better, so you had better do the same!
*Hugs* I always thought I had a bad time of it with my hospital trips, but they're nothing compared to yours. Hang in there, and look after yourself. *Big hugs*
Oh yeah, and...
The loony bin don't want me. Plenty of people tried to send me there, but they wouldn't let me stay. Shame, 'cause I always wanted to practice sitting in the corner of a round room. ;)
The daft cow read all the way thru, just shaking her head wondering how you manage it...
can't wait to read p[art 2...
Mel! First of all, you know you are loved. If you don't, you really are looney.
Second of all, do you remember the US Dallas TV show where they had the cliff hanger "Who Shot JR?" Well, damn lady! Yours is the first blog cliff hanger ever. Who operated on Mel? Or "To Be or Not to be..."
I know you had the operation but I'll just have to continue biting my nails and wait for the rest of the story.
I so wish you didn't have to go through all of this alone. Thank you Wendy for being the light in Mel's life.
HUGE HUGS. Staying tuned...
Anxiously awaiting part 2 - if nothing else, I hope sharing this with all of us helps you to laugh. I have a best friend named Elaine who sounds just like your Wendy. How would we survive without them? We "get" each other more than any other people on earth, I swear, and that includes our husbands! Mel, I'm looking around this weekend for those postcards for you - if I can find something not totally tacky it will be a miracle. {{{}}} take care of yourself
*bites her nails along with Deanna* sure have been thru a lot. *hugs*
Holy crap, Mel...I'm glad you started by telling us you're home, otherwise I'd be afraid you'd figured out a way to blob from the great beyond. Because what ELSE could possibly have happened?
Your "daft" not eating/drinking thing makes PERFECT sense to me, so at least you aren't alone in that.
Sorry for all the hell you've been through.
I am angry at your sons for not being there for you. There that being said I just want to SCREAM at what else you had to go through. I was feeling downright depressed and thinking that I would have probably ripped the line out of my arm and gone home.
Only a sweet, if daft, cow like yourself would starve for days before going in!! Me? I would have had cake and chocolate and steak and more chocolate. Auntie Morris be damned!!
At least you didn't go wandering about leaving a blood trail up and down the lift and in and out of different wards, making the nurses call for security!
Make your boys come home and care for you!! But you have to actually say the words outloud if you want them to hear it!
What a story! Good for you for standing up for yourself about the surgery and what a great nurse to stand behind you, too.
Oh you poor thing Marmie - you go through so much. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine. So what happened????!!
I am just imagining what that bathroom looked like - :0
You are so strong my lovely, you realy don't deserve all the shit that comes your way.
Know I'm thinking of you and still sending much love and oodles of Reiki. xxx
Oh Mel I can't believe it. What a bummer!
I'm so glad I had a daughter most lads just think about themselves and like the mad things mothers are we let them! Martyrs I think is the word for it. The stronger we are for them the stronger they let us be.
Wendy is certainly your guardian angel. What a star. I wish I lived nearer to you.
Oh I hope things get better for you soon you've been at the back of the queue when the goodies were handed out. Take care.
Well Mel, I have a sign in my living room that says..."The Loony Bin"..We're a bit looney here
Odd things tend to occur here...
"Abnormality is the normality at this locality"!
So, I feel your pain. Hang in there my friend..this too shall pass. But please make sure you keep up your strength and eat something! :) I send some positive vibes your way...
I wish we lived closer. I would also come and put my arms around you and sit with you with my matching crocs until they decided what to do. Hang in there my dear friend and I can only hope things will go in your favor. ( as an aside... I do have to wonder what the nurse thought when she saw blood coming out from under the door. I love a person that makes their presence known. We need to, don't we?)You are in my prayers.
Hi Mel, you deserve a medal! Good luck with everything. Bob.
Bloody hell, Mel. What are we going to do with you?
Well I'm send my love and care and enormous huggles. And wishing NZ wasn't so far away from you, coz I'd be there if i could.
Now, dear one, stopping all liquids 2 days before will make your innards all bunged up and the medics will put up drip pronto every time. If I terrfy you by`the thought of an enema will you keep up fluids please!
If that doesn't do the trick then how about a well chilled retention enema - or a colonoscopy (I've had 8)
i do understand the incredible loneliness of hospital stays.
Now where the hell are those sons of yours? They should be there helping you. And at least feeding the chooks!
Too late for the looney bin for me - 13 years since mental health issues diagnosed (after most of the other, lol).
You go through all this, and then tell us about it like a radio serial, keeping us all hanging on for the next episode.......
its one way to ensure you get high readership - Dearheart, only you, only you would put us through this.
The best I've done was being put in the children's ward as a patient when I was 38!!!!
You are very much loved, and cared about, and after this episode - worried about.
Michelle xxxxxxx, and Zebbycat (typical bloke - he's sound asleep!)
I'm feeling very emotional for you after reading this. All that preparation for nothing is enough to make anyone feel distraught. You clearly have a wonderful friend in Wendy.
Lots of ((hugs)) and good wishes.
Wish I lived closer,
If there is only one bright spot in all of this, it is probably that you always seem to get blog fodder from your experiences.
I'm glad you posted. We were getting worried over here.
Well I had many tears Friday evening as I waved my Jacob off to his PROM with his friends, one of my childminded kids dad took them in his soft top black flash car, so it didnt cost me a penny :) and he borrowed his suit and bowtie and dress shirt from another one of me minded kids dads (these 2 dads are just super and really really like my Jacob) so I didnt even have to pay the $140 for the hire of all that :)..... anyways the tears were cos I stood alone out on the kerb waving wishing I had someone standing next to me waving and feeling as proud of my boy as I do, but he only has me to be proud of him and to have no one else that will love him like I do, just made me so tearful LOL - daft cow that I am lol
~((((LadyStyx))))~ oh hush, I aint loveable lol.... well you can have the bed next to me in the loonie bin lol.... jebus we would laff lmfao...xxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))))~ *rolling me eyes* ya moan when its a quickie and now ya moan when its a longie lol ok ok what do you mean about the 'falling off your chiar'??? am I missing something here? - now get back here and read the rest....... and, I could of so done with you this past few weeks in your solicitor capacity LOL.... I need sometime to get rid of what ails me... maybe some sort of future LOL.....or a light at the end of a tunnel....or a knight in shining armour LMFAO.... but then I think of all that polishing I would have to do :)......xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Buff)))))))~ so sorry you had a rough time, you can load that on my already loaded shoulders if you wish - so your a big bleeder to LOL.. I need to take out some sort insurance policy to safeguard me some wages if I ever have to have time off work again... cos this is making me have to think about going back to work even against top notch advice.... and, Im trying to get better, there aint much anyone can do until the broken femur is sorted then can concentrate on the rest....xxxxxxxx
~((((Tori)))))))~ tiz the story of me life - shit sticks to me for some reason without me asking for it lol Ive certainly been tested throughout me life... maybe one day the tester will give up on me and give me a dam break and a life.... yep you to can have a bed in me loonie bin ward LOL.... it would be like one flew over the cuckcoos nest LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((Sorrow))))~ well you to are a daft cow LOL said as a term of endearment of course.... my life is a dyaster no matter what I do LOL.... and hush with your laffing :)....xxxxxxx
~((((Deanna))))~ then Im a loonie lol.... lmfao@ Dallas, jebus I remember that telly programme..... well going 'through' things seems to be what Im here on earth for lol.... I suppose it takes the flack off of someone else though....xxxxxx
~(((((Easterendmum))))))))~ well Ive had some extremely 'bad' days, but I do laff most days over something, or I try.... Im just so dam bored and frustrated though and have extreme cabin fever....xxxxxx
~(((AliceKay))))~ wow you bite your nails to :)... I so wish I had nails, you know, proper lady nails lol.... I just tell people I aint got nails cos they 'strink in the rain' :)....xxxxxxx
~(((((Elizabeth)))~ well haslar has no wireless connection or me matie would of leant me a laptop, the nice nurse did say one night that I could sit for 10 minutes on the ward computer BUT it would not let me log on to me emails etc.... cos of security blocking..... but we tried :).. yep no food or drink for days lol..... I cant help who I be...xxxxxx
~((((Charles))))))~ oh you dont know the half of it LOL...xxxxxx
~(((Pamela)))~ well please dont be angry cos they had booked there holidays and paid for them way before I got a date for me operation, and there is no way I would of let them give them up just for me.... and Im use to doing 'it' 'life' alone, so somehow Im just managing....the thing is there is no way I could of got home from the military hospital at that time of day lol and I knew if I left, that would be it, there is no way they could of gotten me to go back....xxxxxx
~(((Lisa))))~ nope nope nope, the fear of auntie morris's was greater then my love of chocolate cake LOL
I cant make them come home they needs their one yearly holiday to.... and I find it hard to ask others for help, it was knocked out of me as a child and when married, so I dont do that no more :)...xxxxxxxx
~((((Jen))))~ well some would call standing up for meself as being 'gobbie' lmao and yes, that lisa went beyond the call of duty as you will here in my next post..xxxxxx
~((((Flowerpot)))))~ it just seems like this has been forever trying to get my life back to hiking what with last years crazy operation and all that shit.....xxxxxx
~((((((Ake)))))))))~ my god, it was such a mess and the more I tried to clean it up with paper towels the worse it became lol.... I certainly bleed a lot of that I know LOL...
Well, Im a shit magnet and have been all me life, so I dont really expect much from life no more lol..xxxxxxxx
~((((Winifred))))~ well, they had booked and paid for their holidays way before the operation date, so there is no way I would of asked them not to go... they to need a break.... but unlike my break in my leg LOL.... and yes, Wendy and me matie Sharon have been stars... its gonna be a long haul, but it aint like I aint use to long hauls, its been me whole life lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((Lulda)))))~ Im thinking at least in the loonie bin I would get 3 proper cooked meals a day and no washing and cooking and trying to do housework which I aint suppose to be doing lol. there is a lot to be said for being insane, they look after ya :)....xxxxxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ fanks matie... I do get lonesome with no one to talk to for days on end lol... I am hanging as is me leg lol... I bet the nurse thought I had 'topped' meself lol last year I flooded the bathroom from the shower this year from a bloodied sink lol.... xxxxxxxx
~(((UKBob))))~ nah no medal, just need a break in life thats all, Ive been waiting 51 years lol its about bloody time I had some luck before its to late....xxxxxx
~(((Mickle))))~ sigh... Im beyond economical help lol oh hush with the stopping liquids etc.... I DONT DO AUNTIE MORRIS'S the end :)... and certainly do not do those other things you speaketh of lol.... oh there is plenty of room in the loonie bin for you as well lol...xxxxxxx
~(((Crispy)))~ I was beyond distraught I was devastated, it took so much courage for me even to be there after all what happened last year.... and then to be told it was cancelled was the icing on the cake....xxxxxxxxx
~((((NotWaving)))))~ arr fanks :) xxxxxxxx
~((((Basicliving)))))~ dont worry, sometimes when things are to rough I just button me cardigan around me and keep quite, others have enough worries of their own, without me making their life worse....((((J)))) hugs back and fanks for 'you know what'.... xxxxxx
Marmy- Heal up first before even thinking about working! Make the wolves at your door wait.. tell them you can't get blood out of a turnip, no matter how much it leaks!
Oh Marmie, Your post was like a movie without an ending or maybe a soap opera that keeps one hanging. I'm so anxious to read the next blog. And please tell us if the bank will be patient for a payment. You are so much stronger than anyone I know!
I really wish I lived just around the corner from you. I have my own kak going on here, please read my blog. One of the reasons I have not phoned you is that my phone was stolen. And then the blog will explain the worst stuff.
First of all I am sorry that you've had to go through so much and am a bit appalled that you had to manage on toast & had no help to get things from the shops etc.
I feel sure that you could've had some sort of help. Sad to think everyone left you on your own..... I just can't get over that.
Anyway, you must be over the worst of it by now and well on the way to recovery.
((Hugs)) X
I've never read a blog where disaster and heartbreak come wrapped in jokes and funny asides. But your great sense of humour must have been stretched to its limits when they cancelled the op. How could they? The utter disappointment and frustration must have been a killer.
Like all the commentators above me, I wish you the very best and just hope you get a good break. You deserve one.
~((((buff))))~ I had no choice today but to walk/crutch lol 2 nippers to school today.... I only had to walk 250 metres and it was the first time Ive been out besides the hospital visits... I did put it past me physio who was not happy but told me to be so fucking careful.... I will JUST be walking these 2 children to school (they live opposite me and HATE the placement I found them) but just by doing that this week, it will be enough to restock my food cupboards for the week.... I was careful, and oh so bloody slow, and its a different kettle of fish walking 'outside' with no walls to hold on to..... but, I had no choice.... its not really working, they came here at 8.20 and we left for school 10 minutes later...
I came back totally exhausted LOL.. but fine.. and Im afraid they did have to get blood out of a turnip....ya see me 12 week sick certificate aint worth the paper its printed on.... and the cash this morning was nice... and if I can do just that for these last 2 weeks of school, then the parents HAVE to pay me my summer retainer, so just by doing that for 2 weeks JUST that, I will get full pay all summer holidays without working.... and yes, I was scared of falling and getting it wrong, but today went ok....phew...xxxxxx
~(((Frum Helen))))~ oh hush it aint no movie its my life lmfao.... Ive sorted me mortgage, dont worry.. once I get me head around things Im unstoppable, its just that initial panic with no one to put things past, but when me peabrain registers that 'this is it, just me' then I go into overdrive and sod the pain...
AND A BOX CAME ABOUT an hour ago from you :)...... you are soooooooo naughty..... email to follow.... I now have a new addiction LOL Annies homegrown Cheddar Bunnies LMFAO.....I dont think Im strong, once the panic has subsided I just do what I have to do....xxxxxxx
~(((((((Coral)))))~ ok coming over :( scared to find what I might find...xxxxxx
~(((((Maggie May)))~ well some people have let me down big time, it was the same last year to, but again we live and learn.... Ive sorted some other things out today, do you know the hardest thing ever for me to do is 'to ask for help' but today I bit the bullet and asked someone, and you know what, they jumped at the chance :)... as hard as it was for me to do.. maybe oneday I will explain why...
Not over the worst yet by any means lol.... cant really do much until the broken femur is strong enough to weight bear, praise the lord for painkillers thats all I can say... I think I would rattle if someone shook me....xxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~well I wish it all came wrapped in a prawn baguette :) - and yes, when they cancelled, my sense of humour let me down....big time.... even though I truelly didnt want this operation, not after what happened last year, I knew I needed it if I was to have any chance at getting my life back on track and 'me' back.. and I knew it was now or never, it took every bit of strength and energy to actually be there on me own, so to be told it was off for a few weeks was horrendous....
and I did get an unexpected break, they broke me leg during the operation lmfao...... so thats me lucky break...xxxxxx
MT: Well, made it through.Leave it to you to make a mess of a perfectly simple procedure.It is a wonder that the 'theatre' doesn't ban you for good. Heck if you were in the states there wouldn't be a 'self respecting' doc who would take you as a patient. Too much trouble. As far as the blood, heck, every good operation needs a little blood. Being a 'bleeder' just makes you a much more interesting patient. Heck, they should have welcomed you. So, if you are wondering about where to get more blood, well...a little that warm crap over there across the pond, but nice cold beer. So there you go. That is the it is to so many questions in life...more beer...cold beer!x
Cripes Starr you posted as I did LOL.... its a sign lol
~((((Starr))))~ well nice you could read it all lol... did it take up all of your lunch break lmfao... but ya know what, I aint actually any trouble, and the doctors like me for who I was and that was honest and up front... so, hush your mouth LOL..... *hiding all the empty beer bottles and tins* that are outside me back door in the recycle bin LOL..... and oh.... its a myth that Brits like warm beer.... I can only drink ice cold lager.... one day I will get you over here and will take you on a pub crawl LOL.....xxxxxxxx
Hear, hear about that warm beer nonsense. I like all sorts of beer but never warm. Ugh. And lager can't be too cold, in my humble. In fact, if there were a lager ice lolly....
what a day! Glad you're hand was still there and that you didn't bleed out! We'd miss you!
Well, I've read this entry three times - and even with some foreknowledge of what transpired I am still utterly without a comment.
I would like some clarification on one point.
The "anethestist (sp) ... [that] was a gorgeous hunky dutch army bloke ... said, in the most juice flowing accent..."
I'm assuming this isn't the morning's Orange Juice you are talking about but I just don't know what other juice it might be...
*Hugs* I am happy you can look back at the that bleeding episode and laugh. Goodness Mel - I hate to think we could have lost you due to something as bizzare as that.
Please forgive my being late to comment. I've not been too good lately - but its certainly not anything such as your ordeal.
*Hugs you again and again*
Holy crying sakes! Is this what I have to look forward to??? Between you and Buffalodick (yikes, I can hardly type that name out), I'm doomed, I tell ya, doomed. I thought positive attitudes and all that would carry me through. But, noooooooo, I see I need to have a proxy (some ding bat with no clue) to stand in for me for my bloodletting. eeeeuuuuuu. Would it help if Antonio Banderas was my nurse???
ON REFLECTION THE IDEA OF TAKING TWO NIPPERS TO SCHOOL THIS MORNING WAS A BAD IDEA, AND IVE BEEN PAYING FOR THAT STUPID IDEA ALL DAY.... tomorrow my Sam will walk them to school with permission of the parents.... I always run before I can walk, thats me trouble.. hopefully not to much damage done....
I did help my Jacob suss and sort out all his gear and grub and stuff for bivi camp which starts tomorrow, I say helped, I actually mean, I sat on a chair and directed LOL
~(((Dumdad)))~ I use to drink Newcastle Brown Ale when I was about 16 warm up the Bird In Hand Pub, the thought of that now makes me gag lol..... ice cold lager with ones feet dangling in the river Meon on a hot summers day with a prawn baguette to match :)....xxxxxx
~(((Karla)))~ I think I was just so overwhelmed my brain said someone had chopped me hand off lol..... I did bleed hell of a lot though lol..... its a good job I didnt wander off and collapse somewhere never to be found LOL.... and I would be missed like a bad smell....xxxxx
~((((((Iggy))))))~ Im so sorry your out of sorts :(
oh the hunky dutch army bloke was not to be mine in the end, cos that op was cancelled lol...... juice flowing = nether juices LOL
Iggy, you know me, at first I panic and then I see the funny side and then I suss and sort out all the shit and nonsense...
big hugs to dear you...xxxxxxxx
~((((JeanieS)))))~ just dont be a bloody bleeder LOL....xxxxxx
You sound so much better and I take it Sam is now home to give you some TLC. Take care dear Marmie.
Maybe one of these days you'll actually take time out for yourself and relax for reasons other than being forced to do so by doctors. You could use a long holiday somewhere with no doctors, no nippers to mind, no lads to worry about, and plenty of good looking men to goggle at. ;)
Hi, a point, I can identify with how you feel. Before I began getting regular treatment for The Gout, my knee would swell up to the size of a basketball and hurt badly with screaming hot blinding pain...and it would take the greater portion of a month to heal. I remember going to the emergency room because the Gout was so bad. At the E.R., they wrote me a prescription. But I'd forgotten to bring my money. So I had to drive, with one leg, all the way back home to get my wallet. As I was hobbling to my front door, my crutch gave way and "wham", I landed on the frozen ground, my head just missing the car which I'd just driven home. If I hadn't been in such pain at the time, it would've been hilarious. I survived, and religiously take my "Allpurinol", the Gout wonder drug, so hopefully I won't have any more Gout problems. True, a bad back and terrible knees (acquired from my running days when I thot Running would improve my health) slow me down quite a bit, but I guess I'm still "ticking". I hope all your knee problems will someday get sorted sounds like you have a tough ol' time with 'em. I think you need to be a Bionic Woman (Bionic with supercharged body parts so you can save the world)...well, at least your will-power is Bionic...anyway, 'tis great to have you blogging once in a great while...I know what would've stopped the bleeding...just spread some MARMITE on the puncture...that oughta do it!
Two words:
Oh my Jacobs went off to bivi camp in the most horrendous rain...oh well, its fun putting up a home made tarpaulin tent in the rain right? lol
~((((Frum Helen)))~ Im so much better in meself, just so very very tired and frustrated and bored and going stir crazy.... I hate not being about to 'do things' or 'get out and about' and yep Sam is sorta around, so at least I have someone to make me a cuppa LOL... and of course now I have the most amazing collection of scrummies to munch on :)...xxxxxx
~(((((Tori)))))~ well, I cant see any of that happening any time soon or ever to be honest lol not now.... a nice bloke to just chat with let alone goggle at would be nice LOL.... hugs backatcha...xxxxxxx
~((((Some guy who blogs)))~ bloody hell, war and peace or what? you know that marmite is the cure for many things that ails one.... not that poison that Starr was gonna feed me LOL.... I told the 2 little nippers yesterday that I had bionic knees.... and cos we have 3 pairs of crutches in this house I made 2 pairs small so they could use them and we tried to have races then realised how dangerous I was being LOL.... sorry you cant get back to your running days, and I thought it was only blokes in there 80s or pirates that got gouts? :).... you win the award for the longest blob comment LOL.....xxxxxxx
~((((basic living))))~ two words: SOD OFF.....:) xxxxxxx
OH MY GOD ! I just read your very gory story and I can't believe you survived all that. I hope your son's are looking after you now.
Thanks for taking a peek at my blog via Bob's.
I hope you are on the mend and will eventually get an allotment. A warning though it's very hard work and you sound like you already work flat out. Take it easy as there is nothing so precious as your health, without it your fucked !!!
Thank you for dropping by at my blog. I am absolutely stunned at what you have been through. Please accept my compliments on how you have survived the experience, and how cheerfully you are able to handle the aftermath. You are an inspiration to others.
hospitals are NOT supposed to be vacation destinations!!
hope you're feeling better.
Can you believe that Scotz abandoning us and all!!!??!! ;D
MT: Poison? HA! Lead Creek water from the Centre of the Universe is the cure for all ailments! You doubting Tom you. Say, now that you have me hooked up reading this remake of war and peace, when is part II coming. It takes many hours for me to keep checking your blog for updates. Pretty unreasonable of you, don't you think?
~(((maureen)))~ welcome to the crazy house :) - oh please dont be put off by the last few posts - scroll back and you will see Im quite respectable and normal LMFAO.... well, Im still gonna get an allotment next year, or nab a single farmer with land LOL... xxxxxx
~(((rummuser)))~ welcome to you also :) - oh this aint nuffin to what Ive been through in life, this is just a doddle LOL... nah no inspiration, others dont see the tears :)....xxxxx
~(((His Girl Friday)))~ well I knew if I left then I would loose the bed LOL....
yeah and that dam bloody Scot abandoning us.... Ive a good mind (when I can drive and walk) to drive up to scotland and hunt the bastard down.... I will email him in the next few days and check on him and McTavish.... he is bang out of order lol....xxxxxx
~((((((((Starr))))~ oh, ya sound like one of the medicine men that use to drive around the towns with his horse and wagon like in the wizard of oz trying to sell 'tonics' LOL.... and oh hush with the war and peace, Im sure you have much to do besides reading my rubbish.... :)...xxxxxxxx
Grannymar sent me a link to this post. I nearly laughed myself SICK!
You see... I'm in hospital at the moment on a drip (long story) and your experience just cracked me up'
I'm sorry you had to go through it but thanks so much for sharing. I really hope things look up for you soon.
I'll be back for more!
Your 'patient' friend,
~(((Steph)))~ welcome, sorry to hear your in hospital dripped up to DONT PULL IT OUT lol....
oh this is nuffin so far compared to last years operation LOL
There, those will cheer ya up LMFAO..... get better soon...but DONT drink no potion that Starr might try and flog ya lol....xxxxxx
I think that if it weren't for bad luck, you'd have no luck at all! You've sure been through a lot lately. Hope things are getting a bit better each day and I'm glad that at least one of your boys is around.
~(((Cindy)))~ I think 'shit luck' is me middle names.... but its not like I go out to achieve it... it dont seem fair, but you know what, its been all me life and in every aspect.... so, to me its just the norm...xxxxxxx
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