Before I show ya the blood and guts post, I'll quickly say whats been going on this past couple of weeks....
I had me consultant a week and a half ago, I had to go to the other hospital in town, what a cock up that was with hospital transport again lol, they had to fork out the cost of a taxi there and back for me cos they cocked up.... suited me just fine fanks very much lol
Anyways, I had 4-5 Xrays, only to discover that the 4 inch break in me femur as yet even after 6 weeks has not knitted together as it should of.... I have been non weighbearing as much as possible over the past 6 weeks, but just sometimes its been impossible..... anyways, me consultant was a little concerned, the break though had not got any bigger it had just not knitted, and the hole where they took the acl/pcl reconstruction screws out was also gapping like a toothless old hag.....
So, MrD me consultant gave me options.....
1. Further surgery to have a plate and little screws placed over the break and gapping hole in me femur.....
2. No weightbearing for a further 6 weeks, but be admitted to hospital to immobilise me leg so the break cant move but have the physios come in to keep the robot knee joint moving so it dont scar over like last years one and stop bending....
3. Start partial weighbearing and work up to full weightbearing under strict physio at the hospital 3-4 times a week, and hope that the way the new knee joint is in place, the weight of the joint is dispersed right across the femur spreading out the force of weight and hope that cos of that, the break in the femur wont continue to split up me femur, and see what happens.....SEE WHAT BLOODY HAPPENS lol......
The first 2 options are not an option for me, as the 14 inch wound scar is now fairly clean and healing nicely and the infection is very minor still, to open me up again and fiddle around, well, nope..... I aint doing that....
The second option aint happening either, I cant not be here for 6 weeks as much as I actually could do with the rest LOL....
So...... after much discussion I/we have plumped for option 3.... I do not know who is more scared and worried, me or nick me physio lol.......if we get this wrong or I fall then Im buggered cos the femur will crack right up to me bum...... so you can imagine how careful I am being, and 4 trips to the hospital physio gym this week have been like a trip to hell LOL.... a week and a bit on and things seem to be going ok.... very painful, but no falls, Im still on crutches but trying to use them mainly for balance.......but Im wicked on them now.... I did nearly come a cropper yesterday though, but the least said about that the better LOL suffice to say I have a graze about 5 inches down the side of me face and the wall in the kitchen is sporting bits of my skin LOL
Im great in meself though, and very positive...... just dam bloody bored LOL.... its ok having time off work when one is normal and with dosh in ones pocket, but Im neither so its a tad frustrating.... hence why Ive been a little quiet, mainly cos after the hospital trips and what with trying to deal with me solicitor, its left me knackered.....
Anyways enough of all that bollocks.... I need to get this last part down on paper as a record of events, so one day me lads might realise some of the horrendous things Ive been through lol......... they refuse to look at the photos, said they dont wanna see, cos it makes them feel sick LOL
So, after a night tossing and turning and getting hardly any sleep, I awoke with the sound of the tea trolley doing its early morning rounds....... no tea for me, today was the day..... please lordie dont let me be like last years operation, please give me a break and let things be good.....
Me consultant did his rounds about 8ish... this is MrC the one that took pity on me and added me to his list lol..... he introduced himself, and shook my hand with the words...'you are quite a celebrity, fanks to nurse Lisa and MrN, after hearing from them both, Im very pleased to have you on my list for today, it will be about teatime, but Im told you havent eaten or drunk properly for days, so Im making an exception, you are allowed to drink water throughout the day, we cant have to dehyradated before we even start, but just water, nuffin else - Ive studied your notes from MrD and realise we face a few problems cos of the acl/pcl reconstruction a few years ago, but you my dear are going to have to put your trust in me and let me do the best I can for you in whatever circumstances that might arise.... any questions Mel'?....
ok, I says, just a couple....I know I will be having the spinal block right? and last year I also had a bit of sedation which was like a nice drunk feeling, so I was awake but not really truely with it right? well this year, I do NOT want any sedation whatsoever, just the spinal, I want to be fully awake cos last year I think it might of been a reaction to the sedation what made me really poorly the first few days after surgery, and thats when things started to go to pot - well he says, its not very pleasant not to have some sedation, you will be fully aware of every word spoken and even though you will not feel any pain you will feel the hammering and drilling and your body moving as we bang and drill etc.... but I NEED to hear whats going on, and I so dont wanna be poorly like last time..... ok, he said, its your shot, but if you feel its all to much then let us know and we will sedate you.... you will be the first that will of only had the spinal, you are crazy LOL......
Anything else, he asks...... yes, can I take me camera into theatre and could one of the theatre staff take photos for me, please........ well he says that also is a first, well, I says, last year MrD let me take the camera and he captured great photos, now you cant let him outdo you can ya? - with that he let out a huge laff LOL...... oh my he says, I can see why MrN and Lisa shout your corner for you, you certainly are not the run of the mill patient LOL....they sure were correct about you - ok he says, its a deal, if MrD can have photos of your op then we to must out do him with better photos lmfao.....
Oh, and one more thing, no Auntie Morris I says, he blanked stared at me and so I had to explain all about Auntie Morris and me Auntie Freda's wee bag LOL.... I dont think many patients talk to these top surgeons like I do LOL.... he just smiled and said, no Auntie Morris then - see you around teatime he said.... and with that he walked away chuckling.....
So I had the rest of the day to worry and read to Violet and get things from the shop for others....I had to keep telling meself that this would not go like last years, that was just unlucky, this is different, things will be ok... they had to be....
A little before teatime the call came up that I was to be got ready and someone would be up to collect me to take me to theatre, all systems were go, and the call said, tell Mel not to forget her camera LMFAO hahahahaha
This is one of the theatre nurses, I cant remember what I said to her but she is finding something wellabit funny LOL...I will admit all through the op, problems and all, we laffed and laffed...... note the time on the clock on the back wall.. 4.20pm just past teatime..... I didnt get back to the ward until a little before 9pm.... cripes, things did get complicated LOL
They wheeled me bed down to theatre where I had to hop over onto the operating table and sit on the edge with me feet on a chair and curl me backbone so that they could insert the spinal.... so there I sat.... with one of the theatre nurses infront of me holding me hands incase I fell off the table LOL.... cold spray they said and then you will feel a little prick.... its been a while I said, since Ive had a little prick...... I NEED to learn to keep me mouth shut LOL.....well I could feel the anthestist running his fingers down my spine, and then a sharp prick and with that me left leg shot out and kicked the nurse who was holding me hands right in the shins LOL........ oh my says the anthestist, thats not quite the right gap LOL..... I asked if he had done this before or if he had just wandered in off the street.... with that he was standing in front of me and said, its not me doing it LOL Im teaching today.... blimey, they had only let a student loose on me spinal column lol..... 3 attempts later and 2 kicks at the nurse and they finally got the spinal in.... I had no control over the leg movement, it was the strangest thing ever, its where the needle had hit part of the spinal cord nerves and it must of been the ones that go to me left leg....
we did laff but my back was like a dot-to-dot of holes lol - I did think to meself..... oh shit, here we go again....
I was asked if I was sure I wanted to be fully awake, I said yep, but if things went wrong I didnt wanna hear them say 'we are losing her' or 'my what a fat arse' LOL.... MrC just stared at me and shook his head smiling lol
Ok, he says from behind the screen, lets start, are you ready Mel..... can you take the screen down so I can see, I says..... nope he says we so aint doing that LOL....ok I says but you have to talk to me and tell me whats going on, I dont wanna hear like on the hospital telly programme in surgery where ya discuss who is shagging who and which doctor is cheating on his wife LOL..... he pops his head over the screen and says, dam, which telly hospital programme do you watch LOL...
Ok Mel just tell me if you feel anything, you shouldnt but let me know ok.. first cut.... I asked him to give me a running commentary lol again he said that would be a first, Im glad I had MrC he was not so straight laced as MrD, and the other top surgeon that was MrC's sidekick was wellabit funny.... There was 8 people in theatre plus 2 students and me..... I didnt realise there would be so many, just thought it would be 4 or 5 people....
This was the first cut, little was I to know they then cut much longer and higher, 14 inches in all.... I think my days of modeling are over lol
Throughout both the surgeons so made me laff, it was not until after I put the photos on me computer that I realised how they were both playing to the camera lol.... see the thumbs up in the above photo LOL to dam funny
ok.... be warned gross photos to follow.....
Now this is just the funniest photo ever, it must be the angle or something cos my knee looks like the size of a bloody head LOL...... you can see how much bigger the opening is in the above photo... its right proper wide cos they are pulling it apart with clamps....
No wonder one is very sore after LOL
Just some of the many instruments used during the operation, and yes thats a drill just like I have in me tool bag in me shed LOL....
See the bits of me femur in the little pot, its a strange thought that they cut the end of ones femur off and chistle it out like a dovetail joint to get the metal knee to sit straight...... and then part of it is shoved up the bonemarrow part of the bone....the thing in the photo is the bit that measures where the dovetail will go lol
This has just gotta be the bestest photo ever, these are two top orthopedic surgeons doing a complicated operation on 'me' LMFAO and they have time to take a bow, you can certainly tell they aint never had a camera in theatre before.... I just so love this photo.... and all the time Im chatting away behind the sheet LOL see, it just goes to prove these top surgeon are really just the same as everyone else lol - see the bowl of me bones lol
I did ask if I could have some of the bones and the screws but I was not allowed cos they were not sterile.... I so wanted to make a necklace out of the bones lol
Yep, they really stand on a little stool and put all their force behind hammering..... this is the part where I heard me consultant say 'oh shit' and whats that suppose to mean I say.... well he says, remember how I told you that cos of the weakness where the screws would be out from the acl reconstruction, and how the bone might sheer off..... well, he said, it didnt...... phew I said.... it didnt sheer off he said but I broke it instead...... oh my I says..... well, lets just call it a lucky break then aye?.... with that he comes around my side of the sheet and just bursts out laffing, saying 'a lucky break lol'.... see to some it would of been devastating, but to me it was the best of the two evils... whats a 4 inch break when it could of been the whole bone sheered off ....
Even though the cut dont look it, it actually measures 14 inches from top to bottom...... see the new metal robot joint in place..... all me bits of femur and tibia are in a little bowl, probably going down to the kitchens to make a stew from LOL
That just left the closing up with staples... 46 altogether, he said it was the most he has ever used but with 14 inches to close up he had no choice.... I will admit the scar is horrendous, the bottom half aint to bad but the top half I think he must of done bloody blanket stitch on it lol.... but I say, scars are the roadmaps of ones life, and there aint much I can do about them.... and its not like anyone will ever see them but me.... no one would want me now anyways LOL
They had to be so very careful putting me back across onto my ward bed, cos of the broken femur they made sure things were smooth by having so many people to help LOL...... if you could see me face, I was rolling me eyes lol mainly cos I couldnt see what all the fuss was about cos I was painfree still and numb from me bum down.....
This was the portable Xray machine they had to send down to theatre to Xray the break in me femur before they would move me from recovery back to the ward.....
This is Francis on the right and another chap in recovery, Francis was beaming when he saw me, he remembered me from last year LOL.... they are trying to put me leg in a PMM passive movement machine, they dont usually use one until a few days after a knee op, but cos of all the problems with lack of bend last year, they put me on it straight away, not 10 minutes out of surgery LOL....Jebus just look at me huge cankles lol - see all the blood in the tubes, I told ya I was a bit of a bleeder..... they collected my blood in a bag and when I needed a blood transfusion the following day, they just used my own blood.... talk about recycling lol....
Proof I was alive and kicking LOL no flatlining for me....
That just left Francis to put the end of me bed back on before they whisked me off back to me ward....... you can see me little name tag on the bedend LOL.... see his beaming face.... we giggled like 2 school kids for the whole hour I was in recovery LOL...
They took me back to me ward a little before 9pm.... I know it was that time cos just as they got me settled in and me morphine drip thingy inplace, The Apprentice programme came on the little telly high up on the wall.....
Do you know it was the strangest of things..... last year when I came back to the ward I was so very very poorly.... for 3 days, really out of it...... but this year, it was as if I had just popped out somewhere fore a coffee and a cake..... I was not drowsy or sick or light headed or in pain.... it was just so odd...... even the ward sister and the ward doctor couldnt believe how 'normal' I was LOL..... everyone did hush though so I could watch the programme I had kept on about all day LOL you see, I had watched this programme for weeks and those that know The Apprentice will know how it grabs ya by the short and curlies and I was so worried I was gonna miss it LOL and it being the last but on in the series LOL..... so I sat and watched the telly straight from recovery, they had fixed me up with me morphine drip....
One is in control of ones own morphine, its impossible to overdose though lol cos ya can only get a blast every 6 minutes...... it was funny to watch in the coming days as others bashed their machines and clicked the buttons lol hoping they could get more....
As the telly programme finished around 10pm..... me leg had been in the PMM since coming out of surgery, it was to stay on all night... what it does is automatically bends ya leg for you as it sits cradled in the machine.... what with that and the pumps on me feet which keep the circulation going to save blood clots, I was wondering how the hell I would sleep...... but do you know what, within 5 minutes of The Apprentice programme on the telly finishing, I was out for the count.... I think my body had just given up the ghost, it had been a long stressful hard day with many complications..... so when the nurse went down to the kitchens to find me some sarnies to munch on, cos I had not eaten now for 5 days LOL.... well, when she came back with them.... I was away with the fairys.... dead to the world........ and thats how I was until 7am the following morning, I was still dead to the world and they had to wake me up....... bloody hell...... how different from last year....
Lets just see what was to be forthcoming in the days ahead......
ok.... way way to much twaddle for anyone to read.... but, its just me diary for me lads, so I aint bovvered if anyone read it or not.......but if ya did, I hope the photos were not to gross, I actually have another 30 or so and it was hard to choose which one to put on here......
Tiz a little past 10.30pm now, and I have hospital transport picking me up at just gone 8am tomorrow, so I should think about bed I suppose..... just wish I had a morphine drip now LOL.....