So Ive dosed meself up with double the strong meds in the hope that things will settle until me Friday appointment...... so before they kick in I thought I would stop GoFigure nagging me and shove up a quick post... before me head explodes and the sweat pouring off me floods the keyboard LOL
So...... I woke the following morning on the ward of 24 patients, unlike last year though it was not filled to overflowing with little elderly people, yes there was a fair quota of them but there was almost many that was around my age.... some woman next to be had her bunions done and a hammer toe straightened out (remind me NEVER to have me little hammer toe straightened - I would not do that for love nor money after seeing the pain this woman was in) - there was a wrist problem in and the various hips and two partial knees, and down the other end there was some elbows, this is an orthopedic ward after all..... it was strange waking up semi normal, well normal for me, you know, still able to get out of bed etc.....
I hadnt slept much though, not knowing what today was gonna bring........they wouldnt let me have tea or breakfast - just incase, they said....
Well remember the loverly nurse Lisa..... around 10ish she came to see me, my heart was in my mouth as she sat on me bed, I thought she would tell me that I had to go home and go back on MrD's list..... this is the nurse that most of yesterday had laffed and joked with me and eating chocolates and teased me cos I hadnt eaten and was not allowed to eat, she had the most wonderful sense of humour and under all that she was the most caring compassionate beautiful person....
Right she said, Mel, Ive been in since 7 this morning and my shift did not start til 8.... I grabbed todays theatre lists from all the surgeons that are here today to see if there was any cancellations etc..... she said after an hour of trawling through pages and pages of lists she couldnt make head nor tail of it..... so at 8.30 she went to the 'surgeons lounge' which is where all the surgeons on duty that day gather to discuss things and have breakfast and tea/coffee.... she said she had never been in there before but my case had touched her so much LOL..... she said she stood in the middle of the lounge and asked for quiet and then spilled my story... she told everything, about me and my job and life and struggles.... (jebus christ what was I a charity case lol) and explained what had gone down yesterday and if there was any chance that someone anyone would take me on their list today, even though there were a few complications...... she pleaded me case well LOL
When this nurse spoke my name in the lounge one Surgeon Nigel L-Bottom piped up and said, oh my its Mel, I did her acl/plc reconstruction a few years ago and started her off on this knee replacement journey a couple of years back but handed her over to someone more in tune with new technology, and get this, apparently he went on to say (no wonder me ears were burning lol) she is one of the nicest most geniene patients I have ever had on me file or met in over 30 years, even when she is real poorly and in pain she will light up the ward and everyone around her, she can make even the frailest most frightened patient feel special and bring a smile to those that most need it, despite her own problems.... someone needs to take her on today.. I would add her to my list but she is to young for me to do, she needs to be back hiking etc and got endless promises last year with the other knee, she is to young to be just pottering around and hobbling through life, someone NEEDS to get her back to full strength....
She would hate this photo of her lol..... she is not only a nurse but she was the ward sister.... she truely is in the correct job...
Oh my God, I said to Lisa, he so didnt say that.... she said he bloody did, he had me in tears she said, cos I know that you know Nigel and I know that Nigel sees through your hard outside shell, just like I do.....
Lisa then also said in the lounge, Mel so needs a break, she has had the most horrendous couple of year with these ops.... come on.... with that MrC who is actually a higher consultant/surgeon then my MrD said.... Dave knows about this right? this, passing Mel onto someone else, Lisa said yep and he is hoping to ring around today and try and fix one of you up with her..... so apparently MrC says, give me half and hour to go over her notes cos now Im intrigued with the woman LOL....... within half an hour he was back and said OK if Dave is ok with this I'll put her on me list, BUT it will not be today cos its a little complicated, but she will definetely be on me list for tomorrow.... tell Mel I PROMISE...... Lisa said, please MrC dont make empty promises she has had them for years.... he said, my word is my word, unless the building catches fire, Mel will be on my list for tomorrow, I will juggle around my time slots and tomorrow we will see what we can do for her.....
Dam girl she says, your bloody famous LOL - her smile was huge, she said she had NEVER done anything like that before LOL faced all the top surgeons on their own ground.... but she said she remembered me from last year and all the good I had done to those on the ward even though I was so very poorly LOL.... I was smiling and tears flowing at the same time, someone actually really cared about me and me plight, she had tears rolling down her face to, both were tears of joy and she said when Nigel had started saying those things about me to the other surgeons she said she KNEW it was meant to be... she went way beyond the call of duty..... she is an angel....she was my angel....
So, says Lisa, you aint going home today, the bed is still yours, think of today as a little holiday, go wander around the grounds of this 250 year old military hospital, go sit in the sunshine with a book, go hobble down to the waters edge.... but DONT go home (not that I could even get home from there LOL).. so thats what I did..... I was scared cos I really didnt want this operations cos of last year, but I was excited cos I had no choice but to have it done if I wanted any resemblence of a life back..... and guess what, even though they said I had missed breakfast they said I could still have lunch and they would ring down and get me a sarnie bought up, but, I declined, wasnt going down the Auntie Morris/Bedpan trail after I can come so far, they was not happy BUT I had to promise to at least DRINK DRINK DRINK today....
Ya see, this military hospital was due to close in a few weeks time, its been a hospital for the military for 250 years, they use to row the casualties down the creek to the dock and into the hospital, in and around the corridors of the hospital are wonderful old photos of staff and patients etc..... and as I love history I LOVE this place.... so wander I did...... the main building is HUGE and is built with 4 sides around a quad in the middle.... it is a listed building which means it has to be preserved as historical interest..... its not until you truely have the time to wonder the many many acre site that you get to breath in the history of the place.... all around the edge of the sight are beautiful 200 year old houses where the top surgeons would of lived and the naval captains etc.... I do not know what will become of these buildings as many of those are also listed.... that means you can change the insides but NOT the outsides, I expect the main part which is HUGE and on 3 levels plus basement will be made into luxury flats on the inside but the outside will remain as its beautiful self....
Just look at this entrance.... beautiful..
And this plague for those that died in the great war, there were other plagues around the place with those that had died in other wars to....
There were so many interesting (to a history nut) plagues and things scattered around the place....
And of course our union jack in the little rose garden, again with plagues with meanings and thats the old bell off of something or other LOL....
This is the looking through the doors under the first carved main entrance into the building I was in, just see how deep the building is - look at those 250 year old quarry tile floors and if you look real close you can see the old iron tram lines that are embeded in the tiles, well old or what... I was in me element.... maybe my cancelled op was a sign to breath and take in all the history of this place...
I spent much of me day sitting in the sunshine reading me book, I never usually have time for that, just lazing around doing nuffin.... and much of the time I spend running/hobbling up and down in the lift getting things for patients from the little navi shop.... newspapers and extra drinks and sweets and stuff..... throw me arms in the air, what am I a bloody servant I exclaimed once LOL...... I sat with a real old little lady called Violet who was not allowed out of bed and who had asked me if I could go and buy her a paper, when I bought it back for her she said 'I dont know why I wanted it cos my sight is so bad I cant read it' LOL you daft cow I said... so I spent the best part of an hour sitting on the chair next to Violet reading her the daily news...... she kept taking hold of me hand and rambling on about different stuff, what is it with people and me that they seem to spill their life stories out to me lol..... I think the paper was just a ploy and she just wanted someone to hold her scared hand and to chat to......... gawds sake.... she said her family had visited but they had just talked amongst themselves as if she was not even there, she said they was only after her money if she died lol so I said she could leave it to me if she wished LOL..... she said I had chatted to her more in that hour and had made her smile then her family had bothered to talk to her on their visits.... I said, cut the bastards out of ya will Violet and leave anything ya have to the Cats Home..... with which she laffed so hard the top set of her teeth shot out and landed on the covers of her bed....... oh my goodness I almost piddled meself laffing as did she lmfao...... the nurses had to come and see what the fuss was about..... they to started laffing.... when she had stopped laffing she said, just because Im old and cant see to well, it dont mean Im not a person with feelings and she squeezed me hand.... good job she was as blind as a bat and couldnt see me tears.... I just wanted to scoop her up and take her home to live with me LOL.... I wonder if she is good at ironing lmfao....
This was Ally that just couldnt stop laffing LOL she remembers me not only from last year but from 5 years back when Nigel L-Bottom had done me acl/pcl reconstruction.... I had no idea out of the hundreds and hundreds of patients since, why she remembered me LOL
When Violet dozed off for a nap and everyone on the ward had worn me ragged with running back and forth to the Navi shop, I took me book again and went and sat outside in the sunshine to read me book.....
This is looking across to the upper ward where I was and across the inner quad, its very sheltered there cos its enclosed on all 4 sides, cos it can get right proper windy in the grounds cos the hospital is right on the seashore....
It was amazing to think of all the Sailors that would of been treated in this hospital over the last 250 years, when medicine and treatment was still in its infancy.. the pain and suffering and the not really knowing, and without the technology of nowadays.....
This is looking the other way, you can just see the beautiful ancient water tower, aint it just gorgeous.... obviously it aint no water tower now, not sure what they use it for, but its my the military security entrance just as you come onto the sight.... its quite outstanding....
I didnt eat lunch nor dinner that evening, just sips of water... I sat in the telly room whilst everyone else had their supper... thoughts rushing through me head about tomorrow, fears cos of last year..... I had idled about the day, what a lazy cow I was LOL.... I sat and watched telly til 1 in the morning, knowing I wouldnt sleep.....someone keep popping their head around the door just to check I was ok.. of course I was, not a drop of blood in sight LOL..... Lisa came and said she was off and was not in tomorrow and good luck and that she would be thinking of me and would be back in the following day, big hugs and tears all round.... she said 'your okay you are Mel, crazy and mad, but loving and caring and alright, I bet you dont let many people see that' .... oh shut ya mouth I said LOL Im well ard ;)....
I crawled into bed just gone 1am knowing the last night of tucking me knees up and sleeping all curled up like I usually do with me blankie lmfao I tossed and turned.....
Lets just see what happens tomorrow, surely something would crop up to put a stick in the works...... something will go wrong, cos after all..... it always does where Im concerned.....
But lets hope that tomorrow was not empty promises like last year, I could do this alone again, no hand to hold.... tomorrow might be the first day of getting my hiking legs back and getting my life back on track for ME..... I so wish I had had someone to snuggle up to that night.... my pillow was wet with tears.... but I knew there would be no one there to wipe them away......
Tomorrow...... lets see what cock up would happen tomorrow lol
Happy now GoFigure? LMFAO ;) Im burning up now and I think I might go to bed for a little while...
Ok, to much waffling Twaddle.........
Know you are loved.....
It sounds like you have a pretty bad infection in that knee or leg or somewhere in your body. That would worry me. Seems like it would worry them, too. (but you should have told Nick the whole story) I sure hope they'll do something for you at your appointment on Friday.
I skimmed down thru your blog this morning before work but I need to get going for now. I'll be back this afternoon to really read it and take in all of the beautiful photos that you've posted. *hugs*
What a beautiful place. Too bad you had to see it as a patient and not just as a history lover.
And what a great story about Violet. You did something for her that no one else could. I hope she leaves all her money to you! :)
Be careful of that fever and swelling.
MT: About time! Now I just need about a week or so to actually read it. HA! 'Hang' in there. I have a case of 'Lead Creek' elixir heading your way via ground. I wonder what they will do when they reach the big pond? Oh well, I guess they will figure it out. The instructions are on the box. Drink one bottle a day until all 100 bottles are gone. Don't worry about the skull and cross bones on the bottle. It is just to keep 'pirates' away from the goods. After you are done drinking all of the bottles, you will either be cured of what ails you, or you won't.
It's nice to have a place where everyone knows your name. Too bad in your case it's the hospital. I hope they get to the bottom of this quickly.
Violet will always remember you and your kindness and might even leave her money to the cats lmao or maybe you!
I loved the history and though it was hard to have to wait for the surgery - what an opportunity to stop and smell the roses (or history).
Shame on you for not telling Nick the whole story! Maybe call him back and get some antibiotics... Please...
Get well hun and thanks for the post. Am looking forward to hearing more. HUGE HUGS - you are loved!
{{{{{{{{{{ Melody }}}}}}}}}}}
I hope you slept a healing sleep - that infection sounds quite bad. :( I wish you didn't struggle with things alone.
RNH Haslar is a historic place indeed.
The dry facts such as "[t]he grounds are said to contain the bodies of at least 20,000 service personnel" and "Haslar was the biggest hospital and the largest brick building in England when it was built" and its "last military-run ward is ward E5, a planned orthopaedic surgery ward. The ward encompasses 21 beds in small 'rooms', and is run by the military staff with some NHS colleagues" just doesn't give you the sense of awe like your pictures do.
Melody - you may of blushed when Nurse Lisa and Surgeon Nigel L-Bottom spoke so highly of you - but look at your own actions, giving comfort to Violet and helping the others laugh in face of the horror of their pains.
It might be even be fitting if when the hospital closes down - that they give YOU one of those listed buildings as a sea side home.
You make War and Peace seem like a short story! It was a thoroughly engrossing read, as usual. Let's hope all this long saga has a happy ending. Fingers and other parts of the body crossed.
Flippin' heck, you wore me out just reading about all that running to the shop and looking after everyone. I hope everything goes okay for you. Bob
Mel I don't like the sound of all that swelling and heat and stuff! I think you need antibiotics gal. Can't you get some from the doctor befor Friday?
Right my lovely where do I send the medal to the lovely Lisa - a born nurse if ever there was one? What a true Florence Nightingale!
You see honey, I keep telling you you're loved do you believe me now?
I'm sending lots of Reiki - I hope that swelling goes down PDQ. xxxx
What beautiful buildings with such wonderful old history. I'm glad you had that day to take it all in and to take photos for all of us to see.
You sound like such a wonderful person...always making other people feel better in spite of how badly you feel. I hope you're doing okay, but that leg being swollen and the high fever you describe scares me. *hugs*
Oh Mel - that fever is not good. Please call Nick back and tell him about it. Call SOMEONE and tell them about it. You can't wait until Friday, my dear.
I have to tell you, I read every word, but Violet stole my heart. And so did you. I laughed at her teeth flying out her mouth, and I cried at what your short visit meant to her. I'm still crying. What a sweetheart you are. And don't call me an old cow, dammit! You are. And she is. And the whole thing makes me cry.
Please call someone that can do something about getting you to the hospital to see after that fever. You don't want to end up worse than you've been.
I'm with Alice.Ya shoulda told Nick.
*briefly gives ya the stink eye and waggles her finger at ya*
That's a beautiful place though....nice pix.
Good deeds beget good memories from others..
MELODY MOOSE! I am going to come over there and eat white chocolate in front of you without sharing!! How could you NOT mention the fever and swelling... you pin-headed, stubborn woman!!
*Whew* Okay, I'm over it. I hope you make it to Friday alright! But you better have a back-up plan for transport in case you get stood up again.
As others have said I'm concerned about your knee. If it gets any worse don't leave it until Fri even though it's only another day, you probably need antibiotics.
I remember thinking before what a lovely old building this is.
Your writing is so powerful it brings out so many emotions. I nearly always end up either crying, laughing or both. You give so much and you do deserve the best.
If you run out of reading material let me know and I'll send you a couple of novels.
((((((Mel))))) Since you wrote to me and SHOWED ME GROSS PICTURES!!! I am assuming you really went to the hospital or doc to have your knee looked at. {sigh} I know you didn't. You propped your leg up, laid back on the couch and at bon bons all day long. If I lived there, I would take you myself.
I love you! Hugs and kisses. you aren't contagious are you?
Mel- didn't you get one of those papers that states you are to call your physician immediately if you experience pain, redness, swelling, heat at the injured site? I hope you've called someone and told them since you posted. All you need is for an infection to get into your system!
I loved reading about Violet- you were so kind to her! I bet she never forgets you. I laughed out loud at the part where she lost her teeth from laughing so hard with you. I bet you were the best medicine she could have had!
What a cool post. I love history, too...out here on a cliff above the ocean was built a mansion (which burned down long ago), but in back of that mansion is located a giant cement slab that served as TENNIS COURTS for the people in the mansion...and it's right on the edge of the cliff that tumbles into the ocean.
It seems that you've made a lifetime of caring for others, and you did that again in your conversation with that sweet old lady. I think if a person can do even one good thing a day, life seems to have more meaning. How can you not care? Because you always do.
The way your knee swelled up is exactly what happened to my knees during gout attacks. One of these days, Marmee, ask your doctor if he can determine the levels of uric acid in your blood...'cos that can bring on the gout if the levels are too high. Anything above 6.0 is dangerous...most people have levels from 2.5 to 4.0, somewhere in that range. Uric Acid can be controlled with inexpensive drugs.
As to your current situation, let things run their course; the doctors and staff are trying to make you better, and after the operation, just go really easy on yourself. I hope only good things happen to your knees. And the rest of you, too...
I haven't bothered to read your post or see when it was posted.
Girl, you SHOULD NOT WAIT until friday. Infections going through the bloodstream can be....well, not good.
Think on it, Mel. You worry me and I love you.
MT: Fooled me you did. Read all the way through and dang if it doesn't appear that there will be a Part III!!!
I was a little puzzled by your statement that it had been a "horrendous couple of years with these ops". For Pete's sake, MT: if you weren't always breaking the laws the 'ops would leave you alone. So, I say, keep the straight and narrow, abide by all the laws, and the dang 'ops will leaf yous alone.
Also, the statement of "DRINK DRINK DRINK" Now there you go! You didn't have to go to the 'ospital to get that information. I told you that you should drink plenty of brewskis in an earlier comment. Additionally, I told you to drink a bottle of "Lead Creek" a day for 100 days. See you should have listened to me from the get go. I have a doctorate after all. I admit that I don't do knee surgery,(unless asked) but it can't be that hard now can it? Look at all the people that do it. Besides, as you well know, solicitors know pretty much everything...or at least they like to tell people that they do, right?
So my friend, there you nice and the 'ops will leaf yous alone, and DRINK DRINK DRINK!
Fingers crossed re your appointment today Marmie - you take care
Hope all's well today,
Get that knee looked at! Then lie down and eat bonbons! You deserve it, after all that!
{{{{{{{{ Melody }}}}}}}}}}}
Just thinking about you. I hope you got the knee tended to today (actually I hope you did that yesterday).
(Insert heavy sigh here). I'm lousy about getting medical care when I need it too, but MEL, that is an INFECTION you're messing with!!
Sure hope you're doing much better now. Love your post and all the photos. Of course hospital photos from you always make me nervous, but this set made me wish I could have seen the place.
You simply got what a more than decent person had coming- a break. Don't ever think a good deed goes unpunished again! We know your worth, and if you have been this person to everyone, good folks that you get to see in real life know your worth too! Geez.. you are your own worst enemy! Damn good thing you got people like us... and the people who are there- that can help.. You get better, and quit being such an annoyance to good, upstanding people... I love you muchly- The Buff
Sorry, I didn't notice this post before, because - apart from quickly putting up posts on my own blog - I haven't been on the blogs for a few days. Hope the hospital transport showed up yesterday, and that Nick managed to get you sorted out. *Hugs*
Sorry I aint been around.... a slight hic cup LOL....
~(((AliceKay)))~ oh Nick now knows the whole story lol... and I owe him a pint for reading me like a book and ignoring me protests lol...xxxxxx
~((((Jen))))~ it truely is the most beautiful of places, the whole sight has beauty at the turn of the corner..... I dont know what it is with me and old people, they sort of stick to me like magnets lol....xxxxxx
~(((((((Starr)))))))~ well it aint like you have anything else to do with your week, you could read a paragraph a day LOL.... say NO to doodle medicine potions :)...xxxxxxxx
~((((Charles)))))~ Im thinking they know me cos Im a bit gobbie LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((Deanna)))))))~ some of the old ladies in there were such a laff, I did have after me op such a funny time with them, one forgets that they were probably freisty birds in their time.. and oh hush about not telling Nick, in the end he read me like a book...xxxxxx
~(((((((((Intense))))))))))~ well it turned out to be a little badder then I thought... I should listen to sound advice a little more LOL....
facts for the link, aint it just the most amazing place with so much history.... oh the flats will go way more then what the likes of me could ever afford....xxxxxxx
~((((Dumdad))))~ Oh shut it you lol - it better be a happy ending after these past couple of years, I have a life to finish living before Im to old to enjoy it....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((((UKBob))))))))~ Flippin eck is right LOL.... yeah the running to the navi shop bloody done me in lol.... some of them people are want want want :).... I didnt mind, I know what its like to be stuck in bed or not able to walk far and so desperately wanting/needing chocolate LOL.... the bastards didnt tip me though :)...xxxxxx
~(((((Ake))))~ Well if I had maybe listened to Starrs advice on the phone then what then happened might not of happened the way it did lmfao... I need to learn to be less 'stubborn' and stop thinking that Im making a fuss..... it was a little touch and go for a few days lmfao....dont send reiki send chocolate lmfao....xxxxxx
~((((AliceKay))))~ oh the buildings are just so beautiful, so many just take them and the history for granted, me on the other hand, well I get engrossed with it all.. it drives me maties crazy if we go anywhere with a bit of history lmfao.. xxxxx
~((((basicliving)))))~ Well nick called me the following day and tricked me LOL....
Violet was a dear sweet beautiful soul she touched my heart with her honesty... and hey NO CRYING....xxxxxx
~(((((LadyStyx))))~ LOL@Stink eye WTF does that mean LOL.... oh the place is just beautiful...
oh and I only do one good deed a day just incase I need the chuftie points to get into heaven LOL...xxxxxxx
~(((((Lisa)))))~ checking backside, yep, very moose like LOL.... I can just imagine me and you sitting munching chocolate and sipping tea LOL.... and DONT CALL ME STUBBORN lol....xxxxxxx
~((((Crispy))))))~ oh it got worse LOL.... as regards the buildings, I could of taken hundreds and hundreds.... jebus how I love old things.....
oh my, Ive just thought, cos I like old things, I think I will meet me knight in shining armout in a home for the elderly when Im way pass me sell by date, out eyes will meet over the sweet trolley and our teeth will talk to each other from bedside cabinets LOL...
Cripes, Ive always thought my writing to be crap LOL just written from me heart... so no tears LOL.....xxxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS)))))~ oh they aint gross you wanna see gross you wait a post or two LOL.... well something happened and I went the following day....
love you back girl.... Im infectious not contagious, infectious in the fact that most end up laffing with me around lol....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Cindy)))))))))))~ emmmmm I think I did, have no idea where I put it though lol...
Wasnt violet just the sweetest.... when her top set of teeth shot out, I think I really piddled me pants lmfao....xxxxxx
~(((((some guy))))))~ I know your love of history, aint us history nuts crazy to others LOL... I love social history best of all.... I think that stems from always wanting to know how I got here and not really having a family that I knew going back a ways....
I try to be caring, I cant help it LOL.... sometimes though I think I should stop being so caring cos sometimes it comes back to bite ones arse.... I DONT have gout LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((Robin)))))~ havent bovvered? LMFAO..... well I worried stubborn self, but I dont like to make a fuss.... and often cos I dont fuss it makes things more fussy LOL..
love you to girl :)...xxxxxxxxx
~((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ oh shut it you lmfao.... like anyone could fool you.... and oye, it so has been a horrendous couple of years on many levels.... but Im determined to get to the end eventually.... even it takes ploughing through blood and guts to get there....
DRINK DRINK DRINK that is often me downfall, NOT in that sense of the word lmfao..... I just forget to drink sometimes and often it can be days before I remember LOL.... do NOT send lead creek water LOL you aint no medicine man LOL.... and yes you are a knowlegeable man and I so should of listened to you on Wednesday night LOL its your fault you should of been more forcefull LOL hahahahah......xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Flowerpot)))))~ I missed THAT appointment lol....xxxxxxx
~((((NotWaving))))))~ well something went, dont know it was well though lmfao....xxxxx
~((((((SisterOne))))))~ hey you, its been a while... oh I love toffee bonbons, I wonder if one can still buy them lol....xxxxxx
~((((Intense)))))~ well something got sorted.... and I got bollocked along the way LMFAO....xxxxx
~((((Elizabeth))))~ its just i dont like to make a fuss, I always have to think is it life threatening, if not, then dont fuss...... but in this case I should of fussed LMFAO.... nervous hopsital photos, you wait a while and then see what I have in store LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((((((Buff))))))))~ a break is what I so desperately need after all this.... its different being off work but not being well or able enough to relax and enjoy... I need time away to relax and laff and recoup.... anyone got a cabin in the woods I can hire off ya LOL.... no bears or snakes or spiders though oh or scarey rednecks.....
I am my own worst enemy at times of this I know.... I speak out when I shouldnt and dont speak when I should LOL....
I always presume I can suss and sort things out meself, long story as to why, maybe I just need someone with a firm strong hand in me life that wouldnt mind just taking me reins once in a while LOL....
annoyance is me middle name didnt you know lmfao..... I love you muchly to :)...xxxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ))))))~ tiz ok, Im been a blob slagbag of late not being able to get around everyones blobs, but I aint been around for a few days either lol.... I didnt need the hospital transport in the end :)....xxxxxxx
My goodness, you've been through quite an ordeal. Even through all that though, you did such a lovely thing by sitting with and talking to, Violet.
I hope she remembers your name and you get a call from her lawyer when her time is up. :)
Guess i can't yell at you for footing around with a fever, daft cow indeed.
you lady are a piece of work for sure.
( and a big old marshmellow to sit and read that paper to violet) so don't think I don't have your number...
Dearest Marmie,
So ... no more wet pillows from tears.
Naw, just kidding...sometimes a good crying jag is just what we need to release the stress of a horrible situation and tears clean the soul and help put us to sleep.
Thank Goodness the surgery is over and a success, eh?
I love all the old haunts that you get to explore. I too, as you know, am a lover of history so I so enjoy it when you put these wonderful photos out to share with us. It puts a whole new light on things being built to last, doesn't it?
I love little (old) Violet type ladies. They always have such neat memories that they love to share yet, generally they don't have anyone who will actually listen and ask them questions and actually tease or laugh with them.
You'll probably want to go visit her often when you are up and about again. It'd do you both a world of good. Kindness is so contagious and so are you. You are one of the best example of giving to others that I know. Thanks for being in my life and being my friend.
So buck up girl and I hope you heal soon.
Love you girl. Jolie
How could you tell Buffalodick that you won't go somewhere with scary rednecks??!?! How will you ever come visit me then?? And after I planted pretty flowers outside of Steve the Shed!
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