After chatting to me matie on the phone for a bit on Wednesday night not really remembering what we talked about, only remembering words of Stubborn and PigHeaded being thrown around lmfao.... I went to bed to awake the next day not really with it.... knowing I had to post a message to a knobhead on a certain blob sight, I then went back to bed..... lazy cow or what LOL..... well with no one here but me there was no need to get up and faff around..... well I awoke hours later with the phone ringing, but by the time I eventually got down the stairs it had stopped.... I replied to an email to a friend, for that I apoligies cos upon reading its back now it full of spelling mistakes and horrendous grammar, but please remember I had a temp of 103 and was not really in this world LOL....
The phone rang again and it was me physio to say he had sorted out the transport problems for the following day and he would see me then..... ok I said...... he asked if I was ok cos I sounded like poo (his words - charming aye LOL)... I went on to tell him actually I didnt feel to good and then explained about the swelling...... I remember hearing a huge intake of breath and I had visions of him shaking his head lol (people seem to do that alot around me lol)..... right, he said, Mel listen to me, I actually have a cancellation this afternoon so I will arrange transport and you can have that slot...... no Nick its ok, I dont feel up to it today, I'll stick with tomorrows appointment...... tough tittie he said, Im arranging it now.... be ready for 1.45 I MEAN IT....
Well when I get there thinking I was to have me physio and also thinking I dont know how Im gonna cope without passing out on the rower LOL he takes one look at me and said I looked like shit.... charming again right LOL.... Ive known this bloke for 6 years or so and he knows he has to talk to me a certain way lmfao..... well, the bloody trickster, I didnt have a physio appointment with him, he had made an appointment to see a consultant at the clinic cos he KNEW I was not well and wouldnt of gone meself without kicking and screaming lol...
So there and then they admitted me..... I cant I said, Ive got nuffin with me, no phone, no money, no bag, nuffin, me back door is open and me chickens are out and will miss me........ the consultant and young doctor just looked at me like I was deranged LOL.... I will put it down to the fever :).... but I was not given an option.....
So up to a ward with nuffin but what I was standing up in I went...... ya see, on Tuesday I was doing me exercises at home.... the wound on me leg is the biggest me physios have ever seen for a knee replacement, but they had to cut lower to dig the screws out from me acl/pcl reconstruction a few years back and then cut higher to fiddle around with the broken femur.... anyways, besides the 46 or so staples I had on the outside, apparently there was many stitches on the inside, and some of them had been put in a tad tight and had puckered and pulled the skin in making like big dimples.... well when I exercised I felt something tear inside and then part of me scar/wound opened up and began to seep....the tear I felt was some stitches either snapping or being pulled though the skin, it then felt right proper cold...... and that is where the problem started with infection lol...... but besides that apparently so they say I had a very high fever and was totally dehydrated LOL.....
So I spent a couple of days in the new hospital drugged up to the nines... with huge amounts of anti-biotics being pumped into a vein and fluids in another..... but now Im home...... well I had to come home to put me chickens away.... oh shut it, you dont understand.... I dont DO hospitals...
Things are looking good though right? lol..... I think the swelling is subsiding a little, and Im on anti-biotics so thats good right?.... me physio rings to check on me lol..... I do owe him a drink, I think he might of saved me from a fate worse then death....... dam this bloke reads me like a book lol.... he actually saved my life 6 years back, it was a very touch and go situation, so maybe I owe him a whole unopened bottle of drink LOL... and that is how he knows me like a book and knows how to talk to me to see sense, or how to trick me LOL
Ya see, cos Im prone to infection, remember last year... jebus.... sigh...... they will wait and see whats what on Tuesday (there was NO WAY I was staying in hospital until Tuesday).... and if things have not settled down to their satisfaction they will whip me in and open me up and have a good scrape around inside...... but, that aint gonna happen right? lol
I know I know, I should of listened to GoFigure's advice on Wednesday.....but alls well right lol..... and no I aint stubborn or pigheaded....... I just dont like making a fuss......
Im ok though, still smiling..... its just par for the course with me..... smooth aint a word in my life that seems to fit me LOL
Praise the lord for me sense of humour and friends that care.......... and praise the lord for smiling carrots...... hahahahahaha
I fixed me self something to eat..... I will admit I was feeling a little sorry for meself yesterday...... no one in the house but me.... (my Jacob was due home from camp that evening)...
I didnt want nuffin heavy to eat so I just steamed some veggies I found in the freezer.... which I LOVE with vinegar and mint sauce on.... oh shut it, its nice like that lol.....
I sat down at the table and looked at me food, and there smiling back at me was a happy little carrot lmfao....IT WAS A SIGN.... a bloody sign ... how can one not be moved by that happy little face.... everything is gonna be fine..... cos the carrot says so LMFAO....
and yes.... I did talk to him before I ate him.... he took one for the good of mankind LOL.... see, how low maintenance I am LOL..... see a little smiling carrot can make me so happy lmfao.... smiles ARE contagious..
Ok... enough Twaddle for an overcast Sunday morning......
ps - this was gonna be a tiny short post with just the photo and a few words, but you know me by now, right proper gobbie I am lol
WARNING - right proper gross photos in me next post.....
Keep taking the tablets and hopefully come Tuesday they won't have to keep you in! Thinking of you hon.
If you get time pop into mine tomorrow there's a little something for you. x
Good thing your physio can hear when someone sounds like 'poo' over the phone. You'd be in worse shape than you want to be for sure. Glad you're back home and enjoying some friendly veggies. :)
I'm guessing someone put your chickens up for you.
Stupid question time---do you have any predators that would bother your chickens if they stayed out? During the daytime we have hawks and the occasional domestic pet. At night we have owls, opossum, raccoons, fox, skunk, and coyotes.
If I were there I would shake you hard for not going to the Dr. the minute the fever and swelling appeared. Are you crazy!!! That aside, I'm relieved you are on meds and you have a physio that cares about you almost as much as we do.
I am smiling back at the sweet little gobbled up carrot. I'll bet he was sweet to the taste.
Huge hugs and keep mending.
Glad you are getting better! Sorry to hear that you had to go back in again & leave your chickens out & your back door open. Just as well you didn't live here cos your chickens would be fox food & the house done over!
Are you SURE that carrot is smiling naturally or did you *help* it?
~(((((Ake)))))~ yeah Im sure Im gonna hear wonderful news on Tuesday :) - and oh my, is it a big bar of galaxy chocolate lmfao....xxxxxxx
~((((CeeCee)))~ yeah good old Nick, cos I usually talk 13 to the dozen and I was obviously a tad quiet and he KNOWS me so well, he knew something was amiss LOL
Nope no one put the chickens away, they would of got themselves to bed but there was no one there to close the door to make them safe....
our only problem is a fox, we dont have all them other dangerous wild animals here LOL oh hang on we do have owls but they are cute :)...xxxxxx
~(((Deanna))))~ oh stop with the shaking you will give me brain damage :) and make me crazy DONT SAY A WORD lol yep Nick is a diamond he knows I wont say nuffin so he has to widdle things out of me lol
That little carrot was as sweet as brown sugar...xxxxx
~(((((Maggie)))))~ well to be honest me back door is NEVER locked anyways but I had left it open... and sometimes Ive even left me front door wide open at night and we are almost right onto the pavement lol I think anyone would be to scared to 'do me house over' LOL well local people anyways :)
and NO I didnt fiddle with the carrot lol..... if you look its where the end was not cut enough when whomever cut the green leaves off and the one eye I think was a bit of mint sauce LOL.... no help here, its a sign I tell ya, just like the eyes inside our turkey at crimbo lol...xxxxx
Awww, the carrot was happy to be your dinner. Good for him! ;)
I like veggies with vinegar and mint sauce. I especially enjoy sprouts done that way... Very tasty! :)
I'd say something about how you should have gone to see a doctor sooner, but I don't think it's right for me to lecture you on that when I'd have done everything in my power not to go too. Still, I'm glad they got you in there and got you on antibiotics.
Hang in there. *Hugs*
Is there any omen in the entire universe more cosmic, more affirming, more ultimate than a smiling carrot?
Marmie, You sound sooo much better. What a great picture of your smiling carrot. :) Love and hugs to you!
I'm so glad your physio tricked you he's a great guy.
Ha love the smiley carrot you will have to make that into your very own button.
That physio sounds like a good bloke. You should marry him! Nice to know there are some real professionals around.
Love that carrot! Maybe it was Jasper.
Take care.
I'm glad Nick knew what was up and that you needed medical attention. I was worried about you, along with your hundreds of other blog readers. :)
I love carrots. And that smiling one for you was definitely an omen. I hope you're on the right road to recovery now. *hugs*
YAY!! GO Nick!! Sorry Marm, but you are one stubborn cow. Glad to see you got the help ya needed. I was really worried.
LOL@ smiling carrots! Too funny.
Thanks for the warning on the upcoming post. *makes note, no food or drink and make sure you read it from the comment section...*
~((((ToriZ))))~ oh my goodness you are like me with the veggies and mint sauce :) aint it just the bestest....
oh hush, me and you are alike in so many ways, we dont do hospitals as such, but we just keep ending up in them lol..... and your 30 years younger then me LOL....xxxxxx
~(((((((((((JBelle)))))))))~ nope then is nuffin greater LOL..... its a sign I tell ya...
That little carrot almost put a stop to me eating veggies for the rest of me life.... I now think they have souls, just look at that little smile :)....xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((JeanieS))))))~ still running a temp and very swollen and sore and weeping and hot, but Im ok in spirit and that will get me through..... love backatcha...xxxxxx
~((((Crispy))))~ yeah the bloody trickster that he is LOL.... the thing is with my physio, he dont ask me to do things in the physio gym, I get no choice, he tells me and is often to strong willed for me to not follow what he says no matter how painful it is.... he lets others get away with things but not me lol....
LOL@me own button........ one nic that I go by on the internet is Button-Moon LOL maybe it should now be Button-Carrot lol......xxxxxx
~((((((Winifred)))))))~ he just knows how to handle me LOL and that is rare in itself .... and he is married to the most beautiful lovely lady, and besides he is only early 40s so way to young for the likes of this old bag LOL....
But, dam he is X military and such a diamond lol....
lmfao@Jasper Carrot..... do you know our Jacob when he was born looked like JasperCarrot LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((AliceKay)))))))- ya snuck in whilst I was posting :).... well dont worry about me, please.... well lets see what Tuesday brings :)....xxxxxxx
I'm not going to say a word about how you should have had someone looking at that infection sooner, or how it could have cost you a leg or worse. No, I'm not going to say it. I know you don't *do* hospitals or regular surgical recoveries or normal people things. I won't shake my head like Deanna since all that will do is shake the dust out of my hair.
I will say, THANK GOD NICK is so on to you and THANK GOD for smiling carrots.
Smiling carrots that give their lives for feverish, spaced out on drugs, wonderful, much loved woman.
The world needs a lot more smiling carrots and a lot more smart physio's and god help me for saying this, YOU.
Hugs. Be good. Get well.
I wish my veggies smiled at me. OK, I won't lecture you, either, but you should have seen to that leg sooner. Bring on the gory photos. You can't run me off!
~((((LadyStyx))))~ moi? stubborn? I DONT THINK SO lol.... :) I just need someone more forceful to TELL me instead of ask me LOL....
I remember as a parent helper on one of me lads school survival camps MrP the main X marine bloke saying to me.... Mel your like a centurion tank and the only way to challenge you is head on as a rhino LOL........ he was another person that sussed and sorted me out LOL....they are few and far between....
Aint that smiling carrot just the cutest thing LOL.... it almost made me stop killing and eating veggies :)...xxxxxxx
~(((((Intense))))))~ putting me fingers in me ears so I cant hear you lol....
I will say Fank God for people like Nick he most certainly 'has my number' as we would say over here, meaning, he has sussed and sorted me out, and that is very rare for anyone to do LOL...
The world certainly needs more nicks and more smiling carrots, but it certainly dont need any more of me......
Hugzzz backatcha.... and Im always good LOL....xxxxxxxxxx
~((((Betty))))~ what? you dont have smiling veggies LOL.. our Sam cant look at me gory photos, he couldnt look at last years let along this years, only some of these ones are just the funniest, with me consultant and top surgeon thinking they are hollywood stars LMFAO to dam funny...... so to tease our Sam I sometimes leaves one of me gory photos as the background on the computer screen and he squeels like a girlie lmfao....xxxxxx
Oh lord, you are a train wreck!
been busy with my own little one who has been sick as a dog 103 fever, don't suppose she got it from you? I could blame you...
and I come back to see you have posted 2x.. Holy cow! and I have yet to get o the one before this one.
and of course you don't post anything short..
but I thing your swell anyway, insane women that i am.
now be good to you
(((((HUGS))))) Toasty, you are one beautiful, crazy lady!!!! I hope you take care of yourself and go lightly this time, so you heal more quickly. Don't want you spending so much time in hospital and away from us and your kiddos, this time around.
Put yourself first until you're better.
I know this is not your preferred state of mind, but just do it!
There, I've told you off, but I do worry about you,
That smiling carrot made my day! He kinda looks like he has a pig nose. I would have definitely taken pity and NOT eaten him. But I don't like to eat cooked carrots, so even if he were frowning, I would not have eaten him ;-) I think he was indeed sent to you - to let you know that all will be well. But if you had put your ear up to his little mouth, you would have heard the caveat - All will be well IF you eat all your veggies, take all your pills, and do exactly as the doctors tell you. And then he would have called you pig headed ;-)
I have nothing pithy to say to you, my friend. it has all been said before.
I hope Nick swatted yer bottom on the way to the ward, just for being so stubborn. Then I hope he plied you with tons of white chocolate and a bottle of brandy so you didn't notice when they hooked up yer Auntie Morris for all the brandy you just drank!
Your are the sicklyish Brit since friggin' "Tiny Tim".... Get better soon or America will kick your ass again... Funny stuff in my hospital stay, wasn't it? I threw up twice after I was there, and now it occurs to me it might have been that "open gown shot" I got.... Be well, dear!
praise God for your physio.
And for the smiling carrot too.
(pretty much taking a blogging break - and I'm spending some wonderful time with my grandchildren.)
Mel, not knowing how to respond to your last couple of blobs, I just read them and cringed and thanked God that the few surgeries I've had went well. When I saw you visiting my blob site, I knew you were doing better. Thanks for visiting and giving me encouragement.
Please keep writing. You are just too funny and too precious....Your Nick, Lisa, and surgeons sound like living saints. You are truly blessed.
~((((Sorrow))))~oh hush with the 'train crash' LOL.... what will be will be, no use loosing me rag over things now is there? :) = yep 2 in one week I MUST BE POORLY lmfao...... nope, Ive tried to so short but I cant lmfao.... I am being good to me, I just ate lemon cake LMFAO.... now you are loved...xxxxxx
~(((((Kati)))))~ crazy maybe, beautiful most certainly not LOL.... I am going lightly thats the problem....boredom is kicking in now.... oh I have much I can do without causing problems but I can get out the house to the shops to buy what I need to fullfil those hours of boredom.... Psstttt dont tell anyone, but Im gonna see if its possible for me to drive me car in the next few days...... Im going crazy stuck in the house with the walls closing in...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Not Waving))))))~ *cough* I do not reconise that word LOL.... I will consider meself told off ;) and DONT worry, Im fine, sorta of, maybe lmfao......xxxxxxxxx
~((((basicliving)))))~ aint that little carrot just the cutiest lol.... I know you dont eat cooked orange anything lmfai....maybe I should of sent him to live with you lol - I cant be pig-headed cos I cant do PORK lol....xxxxxx
~((((((Lisa))))~ pith is the white stuff under the skin of an orange :) and if you eat it, you will get worms.... or that was what I was told as a child....
As regards dear Nick, I think he just knows how to handle me LOL.... he never asks me things he just TELLS me.... and if like in physio I protest, he just says... oh shut it Mel and do as your told LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((Buff)))))))~ that was just the funniest story lmfao.... oh how I hate thos bum flapper gowns LOL - at least Im well in the head :).....ok i know some would argue that point lol.....xxxxxx
~(((((Pam))))))~ well praise the lord for good caring people and carrots :)....... I will miss you, but enjoy your grandchildren heaps, and be safe, I will pop over every few days and keep the place clean for you :)....xxxxxxx
~(((((((Lee Harris))))))~ giggling at you calling a blog a blob now lmfao... dont cringe please.... ya know nuffin in my life ever goes to a set plan, Im use to it, and sad to say I would be scared if things went smooth LOL.. I nearly came a cropped last week at physio lmfao, it was just so funny if not a little scary and nick lowered his head and raised his eyebrows and read the situation like 10 seconds before it happened and stop the cropper from happening.... then said.... why did I even begin to think that would go right Mel LMFAO..... yep fank goodness for real good people in this world oh and smiling carrots :)......xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Marmite
Wondered where you were and found out you have have some health issues - very sorry about that. Also transport problems to and from hospital.
Pity I cannot help in my ambulance guise!
I will catch up with your news soon but please meanwhile accept my very best wishes.
You may remember my horse race prelims - in the Grand National Eddie flt hungry saying "I could eat a horse!" then saw a Marmite Toastie and tried to eat you! See you soon and you are always welcome at my place.
Oh I am very interested in your little moving picture. I am looking to have some blue flashing lights coming out of my eyes with a pig pulsating red heart! Any ideas? ~ Eddie
You are always around my humble abode, though I haven't a clue who you are. But, I like you, and that will have to do. Get well soon of course and hopefully the same smile your carrot has is instilled in you. The Stickman
The Smiling Carrot.
PROOF that there is a God.
<3... I love you, yes I do.
~((((EddieBluelights))))~ :) me problems are not here to stay.... I'll eventually get this sussed and sorted....
Yeah the hospital transport (cos they said I aint allowed nor can I drive) was offered to me.... how else can I get to the hospital, but jebus its such a bloody pain, sometimes they pick you up 2 hours before you appointment and drive right out miles away to pick others up with me onboard, when I only live 12 minutes down the back lanes from the hospital, its well frustrating... I HAVE to get back to driving..... but on the otherhand, I am so totally grateful that the transport service is provided for those that cant get to their appointments.... and it saves petrol and parking fees LOL. its just a drag.... especially when they dont pick you up.
Today my appointment cos of the complications is NOT at my usual hospital but the other main one right into Portsmouth, so Im a little apprehensive about whats gonna happen LOL...
now get your arse down south and give me a lift in your proper ambulance LOL
oh you want blue flashing lights and a pulsating pig, you need stop hitting the whiskey bottle LOL....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((Stickman))))))))))~ LOL@havent a clue, didnt ya know, Im a pervuian goat herder in real life :)...and hey, Im fine, honestly, in spirit Im really good, if not a little frustrated and bored, the pain I can deal with, the boredom I cant LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Pixie)))))))))))))~ Jebus, the carrot was proof of God, maybe thats why when I saw it smiling back at me I said.... GOOD GOD ABOVE lol...... I love you to, oh yes I do lol....xxxxxxxxx
Am very impressed with your physio - mine are hopeless.
Hope your carrot is a good sign of things to some :)
dear Mel,
You've left me wordless....
Hugely relieved you're recovering. Keep taking those tablets, I hope today goes well for you.
Love and enormous, gentle huggles,
Mickle and Zebbycat, xxx and cuddly purrrrrumbling
All caught up on you now, lol!
I'm sooooo glad you had some "angels" stick up for you when you needed it most!! Even if they had to lie and cheat, lol!!!
Gentle hugs. I hope you are recovering quickly and with as little pain as possible. Say hello to your chickens for me!!
I love the smiling carrot but it couldn't have been because of the vinegar and mint splashed on it. Oh my...what a combo. I can go for either or but not both. Crazy you. LMAO
So it's Tuesday now and I am here wondering what is going on with your check-up. I so want your infection to be gone and for you to be back on the mend. So I have my eyeballs and fingers crossed and my toes too in the hope that you get good news today. If they have to scrape the wound out I known that will be for the best and you will heal even quicker.
I am so glad for your humor I feel it'll help you heal fast and have a good outcome. Keep smiling and laughing my friend. I just know the future will be've been through enough.
You are so loved, my girl. Stay in touch and know that this too will pass.
Love the carrot.
Love you.
Wish for you health and happiness.
Take care and I'm thinking of you.
I am glad to see others are taking care of you in spite of you!!
Infections, as usually exhibited by fever, are nothing to fool with. You must know that. But sounds like they fixed you up alright.
My problems with medical records are nothing compared to your knee infections. I read where hospitals are the best place to catch infection and germies; but if ya gotta go,ya gotta go!!
MT: I could of sworn that I posted a comment on this one already. Yep, pretty darn sure, and it was a beaut too. Oh well, I will wait for the gross photos!
OMG Mel I have been away so just read your last three posts altogether. What a mess! and what a silly you are!! I was just in the UK visiting a friend who just had back surgery and now has MSRA and is back in for god knows how long so you just take care of yourself, please!! Thinking of you, hugs, hope everything now progressing well xx
Tell me about it! I've already decided that - if I ever have the money to buy a house - I'm going to have to move close to the hospital. Or, maybe it would just be easier to rentt a room in the hospital? At least then I'd have all my stuff with me whenever I had to go in again. LOL!
I'm hoping I can just stick to my "once every six months" appointment with Irona, but I wont hold my breath. After all, I couldn't even last between appointments with her without ending up going to A&E because of what I did to my knee. I just hope they don't have me in to remove too many more things. I'm running out of things for them to remove. LOL!
Anyway, hope you're doing better, and that you can keep the hospital trips to a minimum. *Hugs*
I'm so glad that I've been too busy to check your blog for awhile. It's much better to read the horror and find out how much better you are now at the same time. Thank goodness a fox didn't get the chickens while you were gone. Maybe Nick could arrange for them to stay on the hospital grounds while you're there. He could build a coup for them.
{{{{ Toasty }}}}
Just stopped by to give you a hug and to tell you I was thinking about ya. Why? Well, I just ate a carrot. A normal, ordinary, non-smiling carrot, and I thought, Toastie gets all the good ones.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know I was hoping you are feeling better and better -
...glad to see yer eatin' yer veggies...with vinegar and mint...yum...was that balsamic vinegar?
...please pardon my absence...been lost in the ozone again...
Had hospital 4 days this week.... sigh.....and double sigh LOL it certainly is a drain on any energy reserves I thought I had....
~((((Casdok))))~ yeah he as well as Anita me gym physio are the bees knees.... both amazing people, but I have known then about 6-7 years now from when I first did me acl/pcl snap.... I should of kept the carrot for good luck lol...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Mickle))))))~ dont me wordless LOL Im never wordless, Im just to gobbie in life for that... today didnt go as planned.... other things are now in the planning and we will see whats what...hugs back at ya...xxxxxxxxx
~((((((Queenie Jeannie))))~ LOL@Caught up :) - I found a blob quite a few months back and I was so entranced by it, I started at the very very beginning of it, and read right up to represent day and I LOVE it, I just couldnt get enough... and YES blobber you know who you are LOL... saying hello to Janet as I type as she is in me kitchen eating me cats dinner LOL... Im serious...xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((Jolie))))))))))))~ its the best combo, you know its the mint sauce vinegary stuff one puts on a sunday roast of lamb... its just the bestest on veggies...
Lets just say Tuesday didnt go to plan and neither did Wednesday and if one more person calls me stubborn or says 'oh my thats the most bestest wound Ive seen for that kinda op' so help me jebus I will not be held responsible for my actions...
no scraping hopefully possibley a little plate with some little screws, but Im told them aint doing that Ive had enough, so gonna see if this break, even though aint knitted over, will withhold me pushing it, if not Im buggered lol but then Im buggered if I do and buggered if I dont....
Ive had a few down days, but not all to do with op problems, just other stuff, and being constantly knackered dont help, but Im ok, and me humour is still there, and now the hospital transport LOVE picking me up LMFAO.... cos me, I talk to all the cripples and lunatics on the transport and we usually end up laffing....
Some little oldish woman in a wheelchair today that we picked up almost fell out of her chair with laughter, she then grabbed me hand and said she aint laffed that much over the past 10 years since she fell off a bus and broke her neck, then you would of thought she was me best friend and I got the life story all the way home LOL the transport driver who I know well now kept looking at me in the mirror and just smiling and shaking his head LOL....
If I didnt know better I would of thought I had 'pulled' as us Brits say :)... know you are loved beyond measure my dear dear friend...xxxxxxxxx
~(((((((Jackie)))))))~ know you to are loved, one has to eat up their veggies :)....xxxxxx
~((((((((((chupa))))))))))~ Talking of wonderful blobbers... :) - thinking of you to and smiling.....xxxxxx
~(((((((goatman))))))))~ LOL@inspite of you!! to dam funny, and yes I know that, I just dont like to make a fuss incase I waste everyones time and patience LOL.....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((GoFigure)))))))))~ well dam well repost it... the photos are so gross that one of the surgeons that was second in command in theatre came to me after and asked if I would email him the photos LOL... but you cut up dead animals so they probably dont gross you out...*ha....xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((((softinthehead))))))~ wow I feel honoured that you read so much lol dam and bugger you should of said you was coming over to jolly ole.... sorry to hear about your matie...xxxxxxxx
~((((Tori)))))~ we should get a falt to rent right next to the hospital the pair of us LOL.... what with my 4 lads over the years there was times when one or other of us was in A&E and once I had one son in ICU and one in the eye clinic LOL...xxxxxxxxxx
~((((((FrumHelen))))))~ dear dear you that has made me an addict...... to them bunny cheese tiny biscuits that you sent over LOL... I might have to go to an BA meeting to wean me off them.... dam girl I LOVED them like no other thing Ive eaten LOL.......well nick might be good but he aint a god and me chickens are strickly off limits.... he takes the piss out of me when I start talking about me chickens lol....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((Intense)))))))))))))~ big big hugs back atcha.... LOL@ you think of me whilst munching on carrots lmfao I suppose it could of been something worst that made you think of me LOL...... had a few bad days... but Im ok....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Soul))))))))))~ oh I LOVE veggies, and cardboard food LOL.... no it was just the normal mint sauce for lamb but I add loads of vinegar.... do you know the bestest sandwich in the world? no? then I will tell you..... Its a fish finger sandwich with loads of vinegar soaked in the fish fingers LOL...... dam now Im hungry....
(((((Soul))))) sorry you've been lost in the ozone..... that makes 2 of us, did you see me there? the crimple carrying a bag of carrots in one hand and a chicken in the other lol...... know you are loved...xxxxxxx
They will call you many things at your Eulogy (At 96!), but we won't hear them ever say you were in your right mind.... Probably the only reason I, above all others- understand you.. I am functionally insane, too... Just get better soon, wouldcha? You are in my thoughts, and for what it's worth- most of my nightmares! Just kiddin', kiddo...
damn you daft cow.... start taking better care of yourself will ya!
damn mel... take care of yourself... I am not anonymous.. I am slb.. but cant figure this bloggin crap out
Mel - I'm not the worrying kind... what will be will be.. BUT... pop back in and ease my notworrying mind hun.. please
Toasty I admire your humour and stamina! That little carrot face was sooooo appealing!!lol
((((mel and anyone's for a long thick smiley carrot))))) sorry i haven't been around as of late. i just suck (no comments, k? lol). i have not been reading or blogging much. i do come by and read all the updates. the whole thing where you thought your hand had been cut off had me in stitches tho i'm sure the bloody horror scene you left behind was NOT funny. :-/ hehe i do think about you often and you know that i love you, matey. i hope you can forgive me for being a shitty friend as of late :(
Hi Marmite, I don't do hospitals either. I had to attend for quite a lot of treatment a while back and I got to wondering why they always asked my date of birth at everyturn and when I asked they said it was to make sure I was who I said I was cos there are actually people out there who like to go and get treated for stuff. I still find that hard to believe but I'm sure thats what they said. As for the knob head who accussed you of whining they need to read your blog more instead of just looking at the pictures then they would know you aren't the sort to complain without good reason.
~(((((Buff)))))~ LOL@96 - well having no pension its best I dont last last pension age lol - yep we are always on the same page me and you :)....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((slb)))))))))))))))~ well slap my thigh and call me Boris - oh slb how I have missed you.... hey Ciara is slb, its like old times with the 3 of us from the gloomies...... and one of the few people that can call me a daft cow and know the true meaning lol.... hoping the girls and Grandma Jones are all doing well, jebus girl I miss you... know you are so loved, I told you that once to your face and it means always... our friendship is forever :).... I remember our trip to Wisconson as if just a few weeks ago, and not 4 years ago, thats how much impact you and your family had on me/us......xxxxxxxx
~((((((Deanna))))))~ oh quit with ya worrying :) - Ive had much to get me head around this week and I tend to clam up and go quiet lol...xxxxxxxx
~(((((((Lena)))))))~ oh my tiz you :) - me computer crashed and I lost where you was..... sorry I aint been around your blob.... oh I should of made those little carrots and sold them as necklaces lol.... I would be sitting on the porch of a blue farm house in America now if I had made me fortune with them LOL.......hope all is well with you and the boys...xxxxxx
~(((((((((((ciara anyones for a non frozen veggie)))))))))))~ I was just starting to get worried about you, Im popped over and over to your blob and was beginning to put a travel plan together and come and sort you out, like I aint got enough to worry about.... ya bloody old slagbag lol..... well, me bloody stump made me laff the following day LOL, you know me.... panic first, run around like a headless chicken (sorry Janet) then suss and sort whatever out... I just need to cancell out the first two parts LOL....
Hey did you see who is up there ^ its slb, blimey its like old times.... know you are so loved to, now and always.... no forgiveness necessary, not with true friends....
Now we just need Lora to show :)...xxxxxxxxxx
~#(((((((Bob))))))))~ well I have to do them but just have to be dragged there kicking and screaming lol..... aint that right about the number of times they ask ya dob LOL..... everytime the medicine trolley came round they asked the same questins, so I use to make up different answers LOL....... and fanks for the knobhead thumbs up.... I know I whine but I dont mean to lol I just try to explain whats what :).....xxxxxxxx
Your physio sounds brilliant - what a star. You take care Marmie. We're all rooting for you! xxxx
Only you would have such problems, but only you would get a smiling carrot.
Thanks for the warning for the next post--I seriously appreciate that!
Where is my freaking comment? I KNOW I left one! I left it before I went to freaking Ohio where my van broke down! I READ this, so of course I left a comment, but unless my blind, it isn't here!!! DAMN BLOGGER!
I can't believe you are having to go through this, AGAIN! It just isn't right! Get well, stay well, stay safe, for the love of God. do you even remember what it's like to NOT have a bum leg? LOL
Can't wait to see the really gross pictures! Woo Hoo!
LOL! Yes, I think we should do that.
(Sorry I took so long to respond, I've not been on blogs as much as normal lately).
Hope you're doing better. *Hugs*
I'm glad to see that you are getting better! Sorry I haven't been around these last several days. My oldest daughter is going through some tough stuff right now- just had gallbladder surgery a week ago, and her crappy husband is going to fight her for the kids- just a big mess with her.Like he could actually get them, being a registered sex offender.
Good news for one of my other daughters though- she thinks she might be pregnant!
Anyway- I'm glad you're better!
Melody: It's not that I don't really know you, as I have learned a bit about you from the blob and your own blob and the e-mails we send to each other once in awhile. I will always hope the best for you and continue to light candles and play the didg for you every night. Some people have a connection from the beginning, I think we have that and I'm glad. Take good care or yourself and hopefully the boredom subsides. The Stickman
Hi Marmite, The Aubergines are grown for the family at the hall but if there are any spare I may try one. There is usually more than enough stuff for everyone. Bob.
*Hugs, hugs, and more hugs*
(Just because!)
~(((Flowerpot))))~ yep Nick is amazing... we go back a long way so its makes for a great working relationship.... he also knows he is one of the only ones that I will listen to LOL.... he dont take NO for an answer....xxxxxxxx
~(((Elizabeth))))~ yep, problems and shit is me middle name lol....xxxxxxx
~((((((Bina))))))))~ fank you sooooo much for my loverly get well cards, it was so very sweet of you to think of me....
Bloody blobber eats everything if ya aint careful lol..... do you know what, Im now finding it very hard to remember what life was like before, when I was running around etc... its been a long 3 and a bit years of pain and hobbling..... but hopefully..... things will get back to some sort of normality soon.... I know it will never be the same, especially last years knee, which is still shit, but things are different this time.... so soon, I hope to be rebuilt and back to at least hiking.... and walking with no pain, be it like a penguin LOL.....xxxxxxxxx
~((((((((ToriZ)))))))~ big hugs back attcha crazy hospital texting friend lol..xxxxxx
~((((((((Cindy))))))))~ well, better, slowly but surely.... one day something to do with me will run smoothly LOL.... oh my, my thoughts are with your daughter and her gallbladder.... do you want me to send me lads over to sort her Tosser husband out?.... cripes at her husband, there is no way he will get them.... woooo hooo at your other daughter.... babies make the world such a better place lol......
I STILL would have another baby even at my age LOL.....maybe someone will send me some sperm in a jar to use LOL....
Im far from being better, but Im great in mind and spirit :).... much love to you dear friend....xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Stickman))))))))~ fanks dear you..... and yep, we have connected from day one.... I will write proper soon, someone has just bought me some beautiful handmade paper that I asked them to find me, so now I can put pen to paper proper :).... like we use to....xxxxxxx
~((((((Bob)))))))~ Aubergines are just so pretty, its a shame they dont agree with me lol everytime Ive tried them in mousaka they have made me right proper poorly..... next year Im hoping to get an allotment so I can grow loads.... and me 10x8 greenhouse is almost completed in me garden, so that will be fun for next year to.... we are over run with courgettes though LOL....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((ToriZ)))))))))~ hugs and a bitchslap just because lmfao.... xxxxxxxx
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