But in actual fact I have boxes and boxes of stuff...... some of it is very precious to me... some of it going back to our first crimbo in this house....
This is just one of the boxes of bits and bobs....
I told me maties over the school about how our tree decorations are well old and mostly wooden or glass and all hold a special meaning for me - but ya see, me maties all have these fake trees all done up like something out of House and Garden magazines, each year they change all the baubles to a different colour and have everything matching and designer LOL - well call me ungrateful, and maybe I am, but ya see..... me matie Anne turned up in the week with an armful of boxes of baubles.... PLASTIC BAUBLES.... bloody plastic - now, this is when I say as much as I love me maties, they really truely dont know me..... Anne says, ya know you was saying all your tree stuff is old, well Ive bought you some new stuff..... you cant have old junk on ya tree and she handed me over 4 boxes of what basically I call CRAP lol....see, how ungrateful I am....
She just didnt get it..... I treasure each and everyone of our OLD ornaments... and every year I hunt out and find a wooden one, usually a father christmas and I write on the back the year and all our names and ages.... its like a record of who was here on crimbo day on that year.... all the actual baubles we have are glass NOT plastic and Ive had them since the first crimbo in this house.... I love that they are old and faded and have seen so many christmas's here....
Like these two, these must be 27 years old, and even the little wax holly on the silver glass is still intact....
The most precious little ornament I have is tiny and is two little glass sort of stickmen.....ya see, I remember these on me parents tree when I was a kid, but more importantly I remember them on me dear nanny's little tree she use to have in her little flat.... ya remember the nanny that loved me.... well, I rescued these little glass ornaments when me parents got divorced and me mother threw loads of stuff in the bin.... I rumaged through the bin like some bloody hobo looking for a pasty crust.... and I found these, to me, the most precious item I actually have in my home.... cos its my only connection I have with that nanny that loved me, and each year when I hang them on my tree, it not only makes me smile but it makes me cry with such a rush of emotions that I just cant explain it to anyone......
Here they are, old and faded and almost now faceless, but they were my nannies before they were my mothers, and now they are MINE cos I rescued them, and also rescued a precious memory of me nanny at the same time..... how dare me matie call it old tat... see, they just dont get it....
I wanted me lads to have special little glass people to remember when they are old like me.... so about 8 years ago I found these......
They to are glass with dangly wire legs with names upon their hats.... there are 4 of them but we had not yet found our Bens in the box until after I took this photo....
I have stuff on our tree that me lads have made over their growing up years at school and even as far back as preschool LOL..... my friends think Im crazy to put them on our tree year in and year out.... but then, I dont do plastic very well either LOL... each to their own...
My Ben made me this 21 years ago LOL and each year I get it out the box and it looses a little more glitter and it gets a little more curled, and I gently hang it on our tree and it makes me smile.... cos on the back it says TO MUM - I LOVE YOU - lov Ben..
Oh and a few years back I made 4 of these....guess what they are made out of...
Its an egg that I carefully made a hole in each end and blew out the insides then hand painted the faces upon them..... alas we only have 2 of these left now, cos they are quite fragile, maybe I should make somemore out of Janets eggs come the spring :) - aint they good - I aint just an ugly face ya know lol
When Jacob was a baby, so that would be 15 years ago now lol I also made each of me lads a moose head out of salt dough... never in a million years did I expect them to last all this time.... we do pack them up carefully every year and hope that they dont break in between crimbos...
Aint they cute LOL...
These will all in turn be upon the trees of my lads when they have families of their own, and I hope they will remember them upon our tree all through their growing up years and have such wonderful crimbo memories of our time together...
I can tell you where each of the hundreds of little ornaments came from and when we got them and if they were gifts, from whom they came lol....
I so love the little wooden bits and bobs.... here are a few of me favourites..
Date on back 2001..
Date on back 2003
Even though I dont do 'god' as such...... I LOVE little wooden angels LOL..
She has little tin wings..
Glass chicken from my dear doodle matie JBelle - 2008
A little handmade beaded elephant that my Indian friend Shimla made me a few years back, cos I let her child come to my pre-school for over 6 months without her paying a single penny, cos she was going through a rough spot and she had no money to pay for it... I LOVE this little beaded elephant cos it was made with pure love....
This little china and tin fairy thingie that I found a few years back which I absolutely fell in love with and is NEVER packed away, but lives constantly hanging on a hook from me dresser.... I LOVE this little magical fairy, I think its me favourite one... besides me nanny's stickmen that is..
This one Ive had for just 19 years and it to is one of me favourites lol..
Sam, ya bloody twit, get out of there LOL
We dont have that tinsel stuff on our tree, but strings of red beads and stings of silver musical instruments and a few years back I found some strings of wooden moose/reindeers and red tin bells all joined with twine.... I LOVE em....
Ok way way to many to show them all LMFAO..
I have had a white tin norwegian star hanging in me window at christmas for about 20 years, me sister sent me it when she was living in Norway and it lights up our window each and every year as a welcoming light to friends and me lads who will always be able to find our little house down our dark lane at night...... it even has the same orginal bulb in it from after 20 years lol
A bit fuzzy but oh well, tough tittie LOL
And one of the most important last on the tree things of all........ our little 3 inch angel LOL...... no posh huge angel on the top of our tree, this little angel has been on my tree since my first christmas in this house..... it is only 3 inches tall and is sorta made of felty stuff.... it will ALWAYS be our tree topper, and each year we take it in turns as to who puts it on the top, which we do when we have finished decorating the tree.... this year it was MY turn LOL
My maties would die if they saw me little angel, Anne has a new tree topper every year, and sharon has some electrical thingie LOL.... me matie Wendy is a little more like me with traditions and things, she approves of me tree LOL, black Michelle just loves plastic so shes out the bloody door.... yep Im the only one that has a tree full of pure love and tradition and memories by the score....
A wooden little CHRISTMAS strung thingie that hangs over me fireplace :) yep wooden and handpainted LMFAO
ok OK so I love wooden father christmas's LOL.....
Still on the Ornament theme..... I found a blob a few months back that seemed like fun, it was someone co-ordinating a doodle ornament swap.... I had never heard of such a thing before so like a fool I put me name down LMFAO..... omg.. to dam funny.... the idea was when all the names of who wanted to participate were in, the co-ordinating woman would send everyone someone elses name and address and the idea was that you go out and buy an ornament and sent it to the person whose name you were sent..... it would NOT be the same person that would be sending you an ornament......
Well, I DONT think I quite have the hang of it lmfao....... Im laffing now as I type..... well, I made a special trip the week before last to the huge crimbo display at our favourite garden centre cos I wanted to pick out a couple of what I thought would be nice ornaments from England...... I carefully wrapped them and sent them off to the person I had been given the address for...... she turned out to be such a super lovely lady...... and the idea is that when you receive your ornament you put up a blob post about it......
This is the stuff I sent, and theresa's post about it lmfao.....

This is what I sent to Theresa, see how lovely she displayed it LOL a little british phone box a gingerbread man, a glass heart and some chocolate mice LOL - look at her lovely photo and see how grateful and appreciative she is.....
All well and good, but you see, my ornaments came from a lovely lady a few days ago, and today I thought I had better take a photo, just like teresa had of what I had sent her..... well...... YOU KNOW what a scatter brain I am, well first off I couldnt find the crimbo card that came with the ornaments, which has her blob details on (so I cant even send a fank you note lol) cos its amongst the 50 or so cards I have in a pile on the side...and as many times as I go through them, I cant find THE ONE lol.. and second, I heard the cat munching something and upon closer inspection I found she was munching on a father christmas ornament from my swap that I had left on the side, I shouted at her and she ran with the father christmas out the cat flap and into the garden, we have never found the stolen father christmas....RIP father christmas...... also my Sam was sitting on the computer yesterday and he has a habit of chewing things, like pens left next to the keyboard, only yesterday I found him chewing the antlers off a bloody moose ornament that was also from my swapper box LMFAO..... so, that left me only able to take a photo of what was left.....
A lovely tin engraved (with date ornament)...... a lovely pretend horny wreath thing... and a plastic *gulp* see through ball thingie with a father christmas inside LOL.... there should of also been a card (lost) and a father christmas (the cat stole) and a moose (sam chewed) in the photo....
So you can see me predicament LOL........ what do I do, someone suggest something - THERESA help ME lol - do I consider THIS twaddle post as me ornament swap post or what LOL...... I cant for the life of me bloody remember who sent me the bits and bobs LOL..... so if you read this ornament swapping lady, please receive my fanks for all the bits LOL even though I didnt look after them enough to stop me cat and sam destroying 2 of them LOL
Im a failure at this ornament swap thing :( they will think, dam bloody Brit, we wont let her join in next year, she lets her cat and kid eat and steal the things that are sent her LMFAO......
It was fun whilst it lasted LOL
LAST BIT lol I doubt anyone has read down this far LOL
On Friday, just as I was dashing out the door with a car load of nippers a white van man pulled up outside and delivered a HUGE box with my name on it......
Here is the said box....
I didnt have a chance to see what it was or whom it was from or even if it was for me, before I had to dash out with the nippers....
Well imagine my surprise a few hours latter when I got in and inspected the box ......
Jacob and Sam both said, just open the dam thing for gawds sake LOL....
This is what was inside, when I opened the lid of the HUGE box a snowman balloon flew out :) and as I peered inside there was the most gorgeous HUGE bunch of sunflowers that I have ever ever seen, and I truely mean that......
They were sent to me by my friend IntenseGuy as a crimbo pressie.... oh my, I am so not deserving of such a beautiful gift.... but I feel honoured that Iggy thought to send me, me of all people, such a gift of frienship....(((((Iggy))))) thank you dear friend....
Sighhhhhhhhh this dam blob world is always full of surprises......
Ok, now you have all fallen asleep, I'll love ya and leave ya....... and if I dont catch ya this side of crimbo, have the most wonderful of holidays with your family and friends or just family or just friends..... it will just be me and me lads, I tend of late to keep meself to meself over the holidays.... I get many invites to different parties and nights out.... but I tend to just disappear from the world for a few weeks, and just sometimes I dont feel worthy enough without me soul (which is still lost btw lol) to go to the many invites that I have pinned upon me fridge.... not anymore.... not since..... since..... oh it dont matter LOL....
HAPPY CRIMBO TO YOU ALL..... be safe.... laff until you sides ache... enjoy what you have..... enjoy who you are with...... and remember, I will be thinking of you all with love and smiles.....
ADDITION... This is the cat that stole father christmas.... this is a photo of her also trying to steal the sting of musical instruments lol..... I LOVES me my cat, she has not tail and is now about 13.... and she follows me everywhere and loves Janet our chicken and can often be found in the garden sitting next to her LOL