But, within all the hectic hustle and bustle of this week, something happened that warmed the cockles of me heart.... it made me smile and beam and feel all warm and protective inside.......
Anyone that knows me KNOWs how daft I am about me chickens Janet (who I found wandering around outside our junior school about 18 months ago) and Mabel (who just turned up on Sunday morning in our garden, we have no idea how she got here) and Cedric (who is our cockeral and was given to me by me bestest matie Wendy, who I started off with chickens last year for her birthday, Cedric came to me cos her neighbours complained about his cocker doodle doodling and she knows I aint really bovvered what my neighbours think lol)..... anyways..... I love these 3 chickens like I never thought I would LOL daft right?
Since Cedric arrived on the scene he has been 'getting his oats' as us Brits would say, daily from his 2 woman.... and during the summer we so hoped that Janet or Mabel would go broody and maybe hatch some eggs, but alas no such luck....
Until, 3-4 weeks ago, Mabel laid a couple of eggs and just wouldnt budge off them and even pecked me hard when I tried to have a look to see if she was poorly or not, ya see, I had no idea she had these eggs, she had stopped laying a few weeks previous, so I thought that she was poorly and went to lift her out of the coop with thoughts of dam vets and high bills...... but to my surprise she was egg sitting....
It takes 4 weeks for a hen to egg sit, until hatching..... and all day this little Silkie chicken would sit on her eggs only briefing coming out of the coop to rush up me garden, grab a bit to eat and drink and dash back and sit in the coop on her eggs, how dam boring for her... no telly and not even a newspaper to keep her sane LOL
This is Mabel a few weeks ago sitting on her 2 eggs, its not a good photo but she was getting cross with me.....
Mabel is our little punk rocker chicken, cos she dont have a red comb on her head like Janet does, nor a dangly wattle under her chin, instead she has the most tiniest of weenie feathers, so tiny and soft that they actually resemble downie hair.... the only thing with that is that she aint waterproof like Janet and when she stays out in the rain she looks like a drowned rat LOL
So, imagine my surprise when on Tuesday I hobbled over the school to pick up 5 nippers, we came home down the little track that leads to the bottom of me garden instead of walking the road way round... so we have to walk up me garden, I could see Janet and Cedric up the top end of me garden near the back door, but as I passed the coop I heard Mabel making a fuss and I hear chirping.... YES chirping.... it stopped me in me tracks and I opened the little door into the inside bedroom of the coop......
There was Mabel still sitting with her wings spread out wide.... as I went to touch her she went crazy at me lol..... I shouted for Jacob to come help me, I thought he can get pecked LOL.... he gently grabbed Mabel from behind in the 'chicken holding' position lol.... and Oh my gracious..... there was a tiny weenie chick...... AND... which was sad, there was also a flat as a pancake dead chick.... amongst the broken egg shells....
So, I present to you....... Marble...... my little miracle..... my first ever little hatched chick, I could not feel anymore proud then if one of me lads had given me a grandchild LMFAO hahahahahahaha....
Marble is small and round and fluffy and multicoloured.... whereas the other chick was flat and wide and squashed and dead..
We think that maybe this little chick hatched the day previous and somehow got squashed or even pecked by Cedric during its first night.....
When I reached in to remove the dead little chick poor Mabel went frantic, she didnt want me to lob it in the dustbin.... but I had to.... I couldnt just leave it in the coop to rot....
I then thought, I should remove Marble and mum so that the surviving chick didnt get squashed...... but I had nowhere to put them, so I rang me matie Wendy whose chickens had hatched eggs in the summer and within 5 minutes Jon her hubby had brought round a little hutch and run, so we lined it with fresh herbie hay and lemon sawdust LOL yes, me chickens are spoilt.... and carefully lifted Mabel and Marble into the seperate little hutch, she snuggled down and marble crawled under her wing.....
The night was to be bitterly cold and I was hoping against all odds that this tiny weenie chick would survive, and come the morning I was a little scared to uncover the hutch and peep inside........
I could of bought them both into the house in a box, but, thats not nature, and Im sure Mabel would be a good mum and keep the chick warm, she had enough hay in there to keep an army warm lol
But as you can see, I worried for nuffin...... and as soon as I had dropped nippers off at school, I shot up to the petshop and bought some chick/crumb so that the chick had its own special tiny food....
First Mabel showed Marble how to peck LOL.... and then the chick begain gobbling up the chick crumb....aint it amazing how independant they are almost from the outset...
You can see in the above photo that Mabel dont have a comb and waffle but looks like a beady eyed punk LOL
I love this little chick and Im hoping so much that nothing now happens to it.... me minded nippers love it and it will be a great learning thing for them to watch it grow....
Im hoping its a hen, but if its a cockeral then Im still gonna keep in, and Cedric will just have to learnt to live with another cock on his patch lol..... on saying that, this chick would be a tiny cockeral compared to Cedric.....
Here is Janet, Cedric and Mabel back in the summer..... dont they look healthy :)
I dont need flash cars or houses, or posh resturants to make me happy, I certainly dont need diamonds and jewellery, I dont need expensive paintings to bring me so much joy.....
I just enjoy the simple things in life..... my maties here in the real world just dont 'get it' with their flash cars and big houses and gardens all neat and tidy.....
Me, well, Im just low maintenance, I gleam so much from the little things in life.... just a simple life, thats all Ive ever wanted........ but, Im still hoping that one day my prince will come.... but he would have to love me chickens to LOL
Ok, enough Twaddle for a damp Friday morning, I have to much to do today WITH kids in tow LOL.... but thats me, Ive usually got a kid in tow, no matter what I need to do...... wish me luck tonight, I know I am well out of me depth with so many people and I will feel like a fish out of water..... but I love our Tom so very much, and I need to be there, he needs me there, that was his words last night...... so be there I will....
What a heart-warming story!
So, you have much to celebrate at the party tonight. Don't be chicken - have fun! Eggsactly.
Please, please keep us updated on Marble!! You know how jealous I am of your chickens, so I need frequent updates. And I said please!
Also, share Tom's party with us if you had the strength to take photos!
I know that's a lot of sharing I'm asking, but humor me!!
Oh Mel, I love this post. Please keep showing us pics as Marble grows up.
Hope the party is a grand success.
It's been great seeing you over at my place.
Sounds like you've been busy- but happy! Sounds like quite a party..
Awww what a cutey pie!! And the family chicken portrait from this summer is truly spectacular! Cedric looks more than healthy - he's positively glowing.
How long will it be before you know Marble's gender? And great choice on the name - it works either way doesn't it?!
*Hugs* I hope both you and Tom enjoy his special evening! ...and that you get some rest in the morning. :)
waiit you have chickens?
::thinks up plot to steal marmite toastys chickens::
Now that is just sweet. I laughed so hard when you described the chicks "Marble is small and round and fluffy and multicoloured.... whereas the other chick was flat and wide and squashed and dead.." Geeze! I had to look twice at the pic of the lil chick in the plastic container - it looked like he/she was in a little bathtub. I am looking forward to updates and more pictures. Hope the party went well - I'm sure it did, though.
Great post! Congratulations on the chick indeed. I think one day I should very much like to have a pig myself (would it be as entertaining as a hen? I wonder.)
~(((Dumdad)))~ :) it warms the cockles of ones heart dont it lol... I'll be ok once I get there, maybe I'll have a drink of the 45 quid champagne I just bought LOL...xxxxx
~((((((Lisa))))~ of course I will and if it dies I will post it off to you so your dogs can have a free supper lol....
I will take photos tonight....xxxxxx
~(((kaylee)))~ fanks for the hugs...xxxxx
~(((buffalo)))))~ yeah, way to busy, just dont tell me consultant lol..... Its a very special night tonight, and I know, as daft as this sounds, I will be quite emotional, god help me when they get married in a couple of years time.....xxxxxx
~((((((Intense))))))~ it really is a cutie, Im not sure how long before I will know, I suppose only time will tell if it cocker doodles or not lol....
Im hoping it will be special and yep, I will get to have a lay-in in the morning.......hugs back atcha..xxxxx
~(((kaylee)))~ thinking you didnt read the post first time round lol.... you steal my chickens and I will send me lads to hunt you down lol....xxxxx
~(((Punkn))))~ I described it spot on right LOL..... I try and be descriptive for Toriz LOL... early days with the chick, I will be devastated now if it should die.... AND the party is tonight we aint had it yet LOL......xxxxxx
~(((Gary)))~ hey you, oh I use to crave for a pot bellied pig now I would love an old english spot, but cos I cant do pork it would just be a pet, one day, and me llama and goat I shall have lmao.... oh I dont know if a pig would be as fun as a chicken, I mean, my chickens come in me house through the catflap, I cant really see a pig doing that lmfao...xxxxx
MT have a great day and evening. Best to Tom.
~(((((((((Starr)))))))))~ its almost 4.30pm here now so the day is almost over, me nippers wont go until 5pm, told the parents to get her earlier then usual, cos from 5.30 there is gonna be loads of people turning up.... gawds sake, why do they always use my house as a stop gap LOL....
I know I will have a great time this evening, it would of been lovely to of had someone special by my side to feel as proud as I do of my Tom.... I would love someone else to be proud of him.... but I will have to do......xxxxxxxxx
Marble is the cutest! Thanks for sharing him/her with us.
And congrats on Tom's engagement. I'm just trying to imagine what a party at your house is like. Fun, fun and more fun, I'll bet.
I'm sorry to hear about the dead one but glad the other is alive. Little chicks are so cute. We used to raise them. I even got little uns for Easter. so soft and cuddly.
~((((Jen))))~ aint he/she cute... I just had to blob about it after Davieboy feature marble on the Dingleberries newspaper site LOL...
The party is NOT at my house you loon LOL there is no way I could or want to fit 140 people in my house, its hard enough fitting 5 of us and the various band members and girlfriends that always hang around here.....
Im book the Party Hall at the pub where Tom and his maties usually frequent..... its where me matie Sharon had her 40th and its really nice and within staggering distances home LOL....xxxxxxx
~((((Charles))))))~ yeah it was a little sad to find the flat as a pancake chick, but thats nature, I would be very very sad now if marble was to snuff it.... oh I LOVE chicken raisers LOL.... one day I would like to get a little chicken that lays those blue eggs.... I NEED TO marry a farmer or someone with land LOL.....
ok, who wants me LOL.... visions of everyone running for dem dare hills LOL....xxxxxx
I love reading your stuff.... Enjoy the party.
Give little Marble a bit of a peck from me!!
Awwww! Congrats on the new adition to the family... Love the name!
Hope all goes well for the engagement party later. :)
I'm so thrilled for you Marmie. What a lovely little chick Marble is!
Can't wait to hear the stories you're going to tell about your little grandchick. LOL
Hope the Engagement party goes fabulously well and do try to enjoy yourself m'deario. x
I love this story about little Marble. Have a wonderful time tonight. What a wonderful, special soul you are....God Bless!!
What a cute little chick! And a nice surprise for you!
I'm sure Mabel will take very good care of Marble (such a cute name).
Can't wait to hear stories about the party and see pictures.
That was an eggciting surprise.! I'm sure Marble will do well now.
I really hope the party goes well and you enjoy yourself. Will we see some pictures??
(((((mel and anyone's for a good pecking))))))congrats grandma! LOL i hope nothing happens to marble either. looks a lot like mabel w the coloring, aye?
i know the party tonight will be a success. i know how you will do anything to make sure your children & animals are all happy :) congrats to tom & his girl (just tell him to wait at least 2 yrs k? LOL)
i'm w everyone else...we need pics..of party, of chickens & baby chicks, etc. :)
ahh, how sweet...your a grandma...
awww what a darling little chick. Time to learn how to sex 'em so you know whatcha got without the wait....
Aww congrats on Marble! My little Jordan would be so jealous that you have a baby chick in your back garden!
Hope you had fun at that engagement party!
What a lovely heartwarming story about the chicken. Congratulations, Grandma Marmite!
Congratulations to your Tom too, on his engagement!!
smile all over 'me dial'
it reminds me of when we were young and had chickens and ducks, they were great!
daaaamn, those are good-looking chickens. Can't wait for the party update. Mail me.
sooooo. do we send ... what? savings bond for Marble's college? I'm confused here.
Oh Marmy!!! I love the baby chick! What a great post that was!!! Keep us filled in on Marbles activities!!!
I hope you took some pictures of the party! How special for you and Tom...you are such a sweetheart Marmie....no wonder everyone loves you!
I love it. You have some good looking chicks there.
Heeerrreee Chickie, Chickie!
Mel won't notice if you come to the States to visit your favorite doodle!
~(((Jim and Jana)))~ LOL@stuff... I so enjoyed the party fanks... today Im going to have a cuddle with marble :).....xxxxx
~(((Ake))))~ aint the chick cute :) Im hoping and hoping that it will be fine and beable to record its progress....xxxxxxx
~((((SilverValleyGirl))))~ *Blushing* I aint a special soul... Im just a mum.... bless you to dear sweet lady...xxxxxxxx
~(((ChicagoLady))))~ it was a lovely surprise, all me maties here think Im mad lol.... we are like chalk and cheese, I might have to trade them in lmfao...xxxxxxx
~(((Crispy))))~ Yeah you will see some photos once we all recover LOL.... it twas a lovely and very emotional night lol.....xxxxxxx
~((((ciara who is anyones who can keep their pecker up lol))))~ Marble does have the same colouring as its mum but it also matched Ambrose me tail-less cat LOL...
Fank.... now you have me in tears lol.... Tom was the most beautiful tallest handsome one at the party and his girl Sammy was just as gorgeous..... it was such a lovely night.... we laffed and we cried and we danced or in my case hobbled...
And YES they are gonna wait a couple of years - praise the lord.... unlike me, engaged then married 6 months later LOL....xxxxxxxxxxxxx
~((((yellowdog)))))~ I think Im now officially called a 'Chickma' LOL...xxxxx
~((((MnM))))~ GET LITTLE JORDAN some chickens :)....xxxxxx
~(((meggie))))~ :) I loves me chickens, daft right? lol.... fanks for the congrats.... xxxxxxxx
~((((((((Coral)))))))))~ aint they fun to keep, mine get the run of the whole garden and just get shut in at night so Mr Foxy dont get them.....xxxxxx
~(((((((((JBelle))))))))))~ aint they just gorgeous chickens.... if I had the room or a barn I would keep so very many different breeds, I so want a chicken that lays those little blue eggs.... Im gonna hunt around come spring and see if I can get one.....wonder if I have to get them Visa's if I move to the states lol....
LOL@College..... nah, just send white chocolate lol...xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((((((Catch)))))))))~ Aint that little chick so loveable.... yep we took loads of photos..... our Tom is a very special lad.... everyone loves Tom.... thank goodness I persevered through his 'shit few years' when he was about 17 LOL.... I had never felt so proud as I felt on Friday at the Party.... and I actually felt he was a little proud of me :)....
Oh hush with all that love mush LOL.... xxxxxxx
~(((((CedarStreetKid)))))~ :) They are the bestest looking chickens in the world LOL......xxxxxx
~(((((Lisa)))))~ LMFAO@you....... I will bring them to visit.... actually.... I dont think you can take chickens out of the country to the States cos of Chicken Flu and the spreading of it...... or maybe its just England that wont allow them in, I know my matie who has just moved from France back to England had to leave her chickens there......
I will just have to smuggle them into the States :).....xxxxxxxxx
your lads? Are they someone I want to encounter with? Otr shall I think twice about stealing those chickens?
~(((kaylee))))~ my lads are super, ask Sharkie, he has met my Jacob...... but, on saying that.... they aint ones to mess with, if you get me drift LMFAO....
I guess it's why I am a vegetarian of late, I love all animals no matter what. Mabel will be thrilled if you treat Marble as you would her, such a celebration of life is that. Thanks for being who you are, we all obviously love you, though we haven't a clue who you are. Maybe someday, soon? The Stickman
aww that lil chick is just darling! i think you are a great mother hen!
~((((((Stickman))))))~ me chickens are really spoilt lol they get herby hay to sleep in and lemon sawdust....
They get fresh corn on the cob every day LOL.. as well as a mix of different cereals... they LOVE scrambled eggs and pasta.... fanks for the kind words Stickman, and Ive just read and commented on the Dingleberries after Digger IM'd me with your plans and scemes of how to get to your Blobfest :).......xxxxxxxxx
~(((Mei Del)))~ LMFAO@me a muvver hen.... I have been know to cluck and chirp LOL.....xxxxxx
are you ok?
What a great story. During all our chicken years we never had a chick. I hope the party went well... I like others wait in anticipation to hear all about it. Thanks for your warm wishes our way. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving week-end for all. .. and as Silver Valley Girl said... you are invited any time any where when our clan gets together.
Toastie, I hope the party went well and I'm sure you will make a great Mum to little Marble. I am very envious as I miss our chickens. Keep me in mind should you need a home for a little cock, I'm not known for turning them away. Lots of love France and Bob ((((xxxx))))
Marmite! What a great story - I'm almost as proud of your chick as you are! Boy - we need grandchildren or something, don't we?
Cutie Pie Marble! And Mable looks soft enough to pet, like a kitten. Great story!!! I feel like Marble's godmother!
~((((Kaylee)))~ yep, sorta, maybe lol...... tiz you Im concerned about...xxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl)))~ I so so wanted a chick in the summer, and Mabel has left it a little late in the year, but as you probably realise by now, nuffin goes to plan with my life lmfao.... and fanks, you are way to kind to me... even though I love all your clan lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((France)))))))))~ oh no, you get you mitts of me cock LOL..... even if Marble turns out to be a cockeral there is no way I could part with it.... I just so wish I had more room for loads of chickens of all different flavours LOL... hugs and bigger hugs to you France and Bob....xxxxxxxxxxxx
~((((JeanieS))))~ NO I DONT need grandchildren LOL..... there has been a baby in this non stop for almost 25 years lol..... and with a 5 month old starting 4 days a week at the beginning of January and then another baby who will only be 8 months and its pre-school brother, starting just after the middle of Febuary, plus the other 13 nippers I have, I will have me work cut out.... I aint worked out how Im gonna cope yet LOL..... actually, its ok, I just take them all in me stride, fank goodness its not all at the same time...
So, you see, I aint really in any hurry for grandkids, cos I aint never had a break from babies, so its different for me....
I tell me boys to please keep their bits in there boxers lol
And your correct, Mabels feathers feel so soft and downie to the touch, its just like a kittens fur.....xxxxxxxx
Baby chicks are so cute! I grew up with alsmot every kind of feathered friend you can imagine, pheasants, chickens, duck and quail to name a few...a regular McDonald's farm.
Wish Tom the best from me in Idaho!
And, you hang in there, girl!
This is the cutest story and the funniest! I love the fact that you posted a picture of the dead chic as well. Only you would do that! And ya know, as far as chickens go, Mabel is one good looking chicken!
Well, Mizz Marmee...I love fried chicken, but I don't think little Marble will be even as big as a Cornish Game Hen. So, Marble will be the Tiniest Old Chicken on the face of the Earth someday.
I live out of the city, in a rural neighborhood...and a few of the residents around here have chickens that walk in slow motion, across the street, in front of cars. At any given time of day, I can hear those **** ROOSTERS crowing. Aren't they supposed to do that only in the mornings?
I am not doing well right now mel, but I know that I will be okay. I just need to take better care of myself thats all you know not say up til 5 am talking to tori would be a good start and actually eating! and many other things that I should be doing that I am not OOPS!Like I said in one of my blobgg posts this cancer can bite my ass. IT aint gunna kill this little girl :) I will not let it!
Great photos! Your summer pic is so beautiful! I would love to have hens... unfortunately I live in a somewhat urban area that doesnt permit it. I may have a go at a bee hive this spring though! lol We'll see!
ps found you through Buffalodick =]
Marmie: I have been appointed to find out when you can come over the pond for blogfest. Can you please email me at Taylorsidaho@aol.com and let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
Truly/Sam's Mum
Congratulations on the new family member! What a cute little chick!(I'm referring to the feathered one)
Congratulations to your son and his fiance, too!
Don't worry about the big party- just be yourself- they'll all love you!
Well, congrats ole granny! What a wonderful surprise...a wee little chick. I think his middle name should be "Arch"! :D
Ok, if it is a girlie..no clue!
Maybe "Pinkie"...LOL
I hope all went well at Toms engagement party...we need some pics and I'm sure there will be some funny tales to tell!
your chickens are just wonderful and what great pics Marmie!
~(((PinkAcorn)))~ aint they just, Ive never had a chick before, unless you include the time years ago when me little mopped headed canary laid and egg and hatched it, and then she proceeded in stuffing the little blob of a chick with lettuce, I came home from work and found the chick dead but could see all the food the mum canary had tried to stuff down its throat......
RIP dead mopped headed canary chick...
Then there was the encounter with my mothers love bird I had to look after whilst she was on holiday and I hoovered it up the vacumn LOL...
RIP dead little love bird...
I'll stop now because the list is long LMFAO..xxxxxx
~(((((Bina)))))~ Im always taking photos of dead things you wait til you see the badger we actually captured on a camera down the 'dead badger lane'..xxxxxxxx
~(((some bloke that blobs))))~ Marble would only make one of them little round fried chicken balls that KFC now do lol.... if I get desperate I could always sell her to them.
Our cockeral Cedric doodles when I let him out into the garden and then occasionally throughout the day and then rising to a 10 minute spurt at around 4ish, which is now about 3ish cos it gets dark early now.....xxxxxxxx
~(((Kaylee))))~ I know your not dear girl... but you have to just hang in there.... you are on top of this... know you have many many gunning for ya....xxxxxxxx
~(((Helene))))~ welcome from buffalos blob - me loves that man LOL - I cant imagine now not having chickens, I did keep a few up our nursery land when I was married to the tosser..... but he took the chickens and our business and I got the greatest treasure.... the children.... there have been times when I would have swapped LOL...
Over here even people in towns are allowed to keep chickens unless they become a disturbance.... or unless in rented accomation and if the landlord dont want chickens in their garden..... in this little terrance back in the day, the old couple that use to live in my house had a pig at the bottom of the garden LOL it was in a tiny pen...
Say NO to people telling you want you can and cant keep in ya own garden :)..xxxxx
~(((truly))))~ I have been so bloody touched by everyone at Dingleberries.... you will never know just how much....xxxxxx
~(((((Cindy)))))~ hoping the chick survives, the weather here this week is suppose to be bitterly cold....
fanks for the congrats, it was such a lovely party, a tad emotional but such fun... and, I was just meself and I knew everyone there except a handful... and those I didnt know, KNEW me lmfao.... my reputation goes before me I think lol.....xxxxxx
~(((lulda)))~ it was a lovely surprise, I could well get into raising chickens LOL..... nope, its gonna be called marble cos thats what all the minded nippers now call it lol.... the party was fab..xxxxx
~((((Flowerpot))))~ :) I loves me chickens, what a saddo I am LMFAO....xxxxx
I love your chicken tale. I've always harbored a secret desire to have fancy chickens. Here in the mountains, though, too many predators, too much winter!
Just popped in to see how YOU, Tom, and Marble as well as Marble's proud mom and dad were doing...
Hey Mel!...do you know why a chicken coop has two doors...
...cuz if it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan...
~((((anya))))~ I cant imagine my life now without my few chickens...
When I was married to the 'tosser' and we owned a plant nursery, we had some chickens and ducks on our land, but he took custody of me chickens and ducks AND the business and I got what he didnt want, that being our 4 sons...
But the chickens I have now are more pets, whereas the ones at the nursery were sorta 'just there' lol.... we do have a MrFox that comes snoopying around at night time...xxxxxx
~(((Intense))))~ hugs backatcha...everyone one and thing is sorta fine LOL...xxxxx
~(((((((((((((soul)))))))))~ can you see me picking meself up off the floor from laffing so much over that BAD joke.... no? thats cos I AINT lol its aweful.... and so you should be bloody sorry LOL....xxxxxxxx
Tell Mable I have more then enough of a dangly wattle to share with her. Richelle took a couple of pictures of me at Jordan's Christmas play (he was a very saintly shepard...as if)...anyhow I was sent into a week-long depression at how old I look and the dangly wattle was a big part of it. The wrinkles, sallow coloring and gray/white hairs didn't help. I'd gladly give that pink chick a hand and give her mine. I'm sure it'd be cute on her.
How is that cute "Marble" doing? Such a clever name to go with her mom "Mable" Marble can have some of my unwanted parts too.
So I need you to elaborate about the engagement party and when is the wedding and who is she and do you approve...gosh gal...I need the scoop. You know how snoopy I am so share. (LOL)
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