Ok...... It dont seem right to Twaddle about my rubbish when people that I care about are struggling with such pain.... but...... twaddle I will.....
Im still at the hospital at least twice a week and sometimes 3 times, its very draining and buggers up my whole day having to organise me minded nippers to go elsewhere for a good 2-3 hours of my day.......
Anyways.... I dont have to go right over to Haslar Hospital but I go to our more local hospital for my twice weekly visits.... and if I go down the back lanes and up the back of Portsdown Hill, the hospital lies just over the hill on the Cosham side of Portsmouth.... well, from my house I suppose its only about a 15-20 minute drive, depending on if I meet any tractors or farmer Cutler moving his cows along the lanes or if the ford is flooded like it was last week and I have to make the decision whether to try and drive through a 3-4 foot flooded road or back track and go down the other lane.....
So..... twice a week I drop Sprite and whoever else I might have at the time, off at me maties house and my car just seems to go on automatic pilot as I drive the well driven route.... well, a couple of weeks ago I thought I would shoot up Pidgeon House Lane where the ford is and come out on the top of the hill cos it would knock about 5 minutes off the route cos I was running 5 minutes late...
Pidgeon house lane is muddy from the farms and very very narrow with just little passing places cut into the hedgerow for the occasional passing traffic....
Im driving along trying not to think of THE TORTURE CHAIR that I knew I would get the pleasure of at the hospital that morning, which leaves me in tears and often uttering the odd swear word lol....with me radio tuned into Radio One, and the sun was shining...... as Im driving along in autopilot I always have a look around the fields and often stop to talk to the cows that come up to the fence if ya lucky.....
This is what a right proper black and white British cow looks like....its a milking cow and not a steak and mince beef cow, aint it pretty..... I LOVE cows and I would LOVE to have a pet cow one day...... I know I know, like that is ever gonna happen lol -(for Toriz who is blind - a photo of a black and white cow sitting down in a field)..
As I get almost to the top of the lane I glanced over to the right cos I could see a tractor in the sloping field.... it was pulling something behind it, I thought maybe a plough or something, but I couldnt see to clearly as the sun was actually shining a little in me eyes...
Often when Im driving on me own round the lanes, I sort of go into a little dream world of me own, always looking around at nature or wildlife, me maties hate driving with me down the lanes cos I look more in the fields and hedgerows then what I do at the road LOL....
As I got a little further up the lane, still staring at the tractor in the field, cos I LOVE tractors LOL and all things farmish... something dawns in me head, and I actually exclamed out loud to meself.... OH SHIT...... and I frantically searched for the button to shut me electric window........
It was not a plough that the tractor was pulling, it was a bloody 'muck spreader' and it was flinging poo every which way out the back of the spreader.... I might be dam old but my reflexes are on the ball lmfao.... me window closed just as the most enormous blob of 'poo' hit my drivers side window right a face level LMFAO.... if I had not been so quick the poo would of hit me smack in the face LMFAO.... I could hear me car being attacked by splatterings of the stuff as I drove... I could see the dam farmer smiling the biggest smile ever and I was laffing so hard, me thinks he knew what had just happened LOL.
So I drove on up the top of the hill and stopped me car....
Who Flung Poo is so not an item on the Chinky Take-away Menu.... well, I dont think so, cos I couldnt see not one noodle mixed up with the poo on me car window...
I didnt have time to get out me car and look at the damage, so I just quickly took the above photo and continued to the hospital which was then only 4 minutes away...
Oh my..... oh my lmfao.... I got out me car.... already now late and was gonna hobble to the physio department, but as I was locking me car this is what it looked liked lmfao......
I think me windscreen on the drivers side took the worse of the poo hit LOL
Side view, it dont look as bad as it actually was LOL
This one is a bit fuzzy but you get the gist LOL
I hobbled into the Rehabiliation Centre at the hospital, where now they know me so well, and I was still laffing..... as were they when I told them what had just happened...... Anita said.... why is it you Mel, why do these things always happen to you... most fall in poo and come up smelling like roses, but you, you just get covered from head to tail in poo LOL
The laffing was not over though, cos after me two hours of pain and torture with me physios I usually have to sit a while with ice bags on me cos after THE TORTURE CHAIR and what it does to me, I cant actually walk for about 10 minutes after LOL... and I hobble through the reception area far worse then I hobble in lol, it makes me smile looking at the faces at the 'new people' waiting in the waiting room as I hobble by lmfao....
So.... I gets me token out me car to go and pay and get an 'out token' for the carpark barrier and hobble over to the paying machine, when I gets back to me car there is a bloke just gonna squeeze down the side of me car to get to his car that was behind mine.....You dont wanna be doing that, I says.... its ok, he says, I aint that fat, I will just be able to squeeze by........ YOU REALLY dont wanna be doing that I said again.... he had stopped by now and was staring at me....... its ok he said, I aint gonna scratch ya car...... and with that he squeezed down the side of me car and I started to giggle..... as he got past me car I was standing about 10 foot from him and he says...... OH SHIT...... to which I reply..... I TOLD you that you didnt wanna be doing that LMFAO...... he had only squeezed past me car and had scraped onto his business suit all the poo that had been on the side of me car LMFAO...... he burst out laffing as did I.... to bloody funny.... he was covered in cow poo, his jacket his trousers and his lovely pale blue shirt and tie LMFAO.....
See, sometimes I do give good advise, its that others just dont listen to me :)
This is what me windscreen looked like from the inside....... praise the lord I was quick enough to shut me window when the first flinging of poo began....
Enough boring Twaddle for an overcast Thursday morning.....
Please dont forget to gives thoughts and well wishes to Shelley, Bob and of course dear Mike who is right proper poorly....
Thank's for the chuckle. I'm glad he saw the funny side.
hilarious... by the way my dog once kicked his poo over the fence into the next door neighbour's garden and this is a 5 foot fence i might add. but as he's a smaller animal than a cow i don't think they mind the occassional extra fertiliser ...
Firstly I'm saying a prayer for your friends and their brother.
Secondly the rest of this story had me spluttering into my key board( must remember to put the coffee cup down before I read your posts!).
You got some good photos of the muck spreading-good job that guy had a sense of humour!
Oh Shit!
You could have just told me the cow flew over your car, and let you have it... :)
Will spare some thoughts and such for Shelly, Bob & Mike.
Just as soon as I can stop laughing long enough. LMAO!!!
Good thing you realised when you did... You'd have been in deep sh*t if you hadn't. LOL!
I know Cosham - I stayed there a long time ago when my newspaper sent me there for a block-release course. I had a room in a house run by Mrs Pepper. I used to play the pinball machine in The Rocket pub.
Happy days.
Sorry to hear about your friends troubles. I'm wishing them well.
I hope Shelly and Bob from Seattle's brother Mike has a complete recovery and is up to reading the Twaddle soonest - for laughter such as the kind brought on by this "blob" is the best medicine there is...
With your current zoo (or is the word I want, menagerie?) you will soon be running out of good names - and your new cow(s) will just have to suffer from having less good names...asian names evens... like Flung Poo, Moo Shoo Go Poo, Ants Climbing Trees, or even the confusing names like Slobbering Chicken or Rolling Donkey.
If I ever get to England I'm going to make absolutely sure I listen to YOU...
Oodles of Reiki and positive thoughts are winging their way to Mike as I type Marmie. x
Lucky you've got quick reflexes m'dear otherwise you'd have been in the shit! LOL
Oh! I know! Name the cow Luther!!
Just wanted to let you know YOU are in the ol' thoughts and prayers too...hope you feel "all betters" soon!
Lots of good wishes to Shelley, Bob and Mike!
Aren't you glad you were in the car and not out for a nice country walk? I'm relieved that the suit saw the funny side of it. You seem to have a good effect on people! Decent of him to clean up the car a bit, though, as he was squeezing past.
I'm sorry to hear about the pain you're going through with your knee. It sounds dreadful.
Thoughts going out to your friends. I hope all Including yourself my friend) are well and soon.
*shakes head at iggy's "call the cow Luther comment"*
Dontcha just love when people dont listen to good advice? Im guessin you were upwind of the machine and didnt smell it or were you that far into your daydreamin?
*goes to get some paper towels to wipe my monitor off with and stamps a NF/DWR warning on Marmies blog*
LOL Oh I so don't miss England after reading that. That happened to me MORE than once on the nice stretch of the A59 we lived off of. My poor little picnic would be all covered in poo - not fun!
Now that's something that doesn't happen everyday! At least I hope not. I know a few people who wouldn't have been laughing. But what else are you going to do? Besides it makes for a great story.
I've followed a cattle truck and had similar experience -- on the windshield. aaaack. pugh.
I didn't have the energy to laugh like you tho.
I always know where to find a good laugh! Why is it people never listen to your good advice? LOL
I will keep your friends in Seattle in my thoughts and prayers.
Pigeon House Lane, is there a house on that lane where pigeons live or nest?
See? I knew you were just full of sh*t!
Glad you figured it out and got the window up in time. Also glad the driver's side is over there and I was on the other side. (Don't mind me, just taking an imaginary drive with Mel!)
And the correct menu item is Who Flung Dung. Try it sometime!
I still say you should write a book...or, at least, have your blog published. You are a great writer!!
(and, btw, I visited your friends blog. So glad to read that Mike is showing improvement.)
Oh Mel...thank goodness the guy thought it was funny too!! of course you did try to warn him! No matter where you go or what you do....something funny always happens! lol
Hey! Good news, Marmy! I just read this online. Beavers are being returned to Britain! I'm sure as heck going to send mine over!
Sending positive thoughts to Seattle!!
Damn you are quick on the trigger girlfriend...And I'm glad I ate my Chinky food earlier before reading this blog tonight! :D
I love cows too!! moo moo to you friend...have a great shit free weekend!!
This story is too funny and I love the part the best about the man in the business suit... will there ever be a time that men really listen and realize we are saying something important!!! lol!!!
Only you, Mel... Keeping your friends in my thoughts.
OMG do attract such shit and shit seems to attack you. Sometimes you must feel full of the stuff. Thanks for the morning giggle. Humor is such a great way to start the day...even though one never likes to see a friend get shit on. lmao
The Chinese do call their food and their eateries some gawd awfuk names. I have to smile each time Idrive by a couple of is named "Mi Cox" and the other is called "Fuck Ing Goo"...I shit you not. I never dropped in to eat...just couldn't get past the names. lmao
I'm sending out good luck and fast healing thoughts to your friends from me and good wishes for your knee to mend and heal right proper too. And soon.
Please send some good thoughts Robin's way...she broke her arm and Coral's God-mother is in a bad way in France. Gosh what next?
When it rains in blog/blob world it dammed near pours.
Love you Melody...have a great weekend and try to stay out of the deep shit.
Them farmers sure know how to give back to the world and then the dingleberry had the guts to plaster a big smile on his face. Too funny.
~(((terry)))~ welcome whomever you are :) - I laffed so hard at the bloke, glad it made you chuckle to..xxxxx
~(((Mei Del)))~ LMFAO@your dog... I only lob slugs over me neighbours fence :)...xxxxxxx
~(((Crispy))))~ fanks you, I KNOW they are appreciated cos Shelley has read Twaddle and commented to me in private about all the lovely good thoughts from everyone here.. yep the bloke certainly had a great sense of humour, he had no choice there was not much he could do about the poo lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((slip))))))))~ oh shit is the right words LOL....xxxxxx
~((((((buffalo))))))~ did you not know that cows dont fly, thats pigs ;)......xxxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ))))))~ fanks for the good wishes.... Im just glad I didnt squeeze down the side of me car lol....xxxxxxx
~((((((Dumdad)))))~ oh my, I KNOW the Rocket Pub, its quite a dive LMFAO...xxxxxxx
~(((((Charles)))))~ fank you so much, I know the wishes ARE being sent on to him by his Sister....xxxxx
~((((Intense)))))~ fanks also to you for the wishes....
Iggy, if I had the land I would keep Llamas and pgymie goats and ducks and loads and loads of different breeds of chickens, and I would grow as much of me own food BUT how can one do all that when one has to work 50 hour weeks to support everyone LOL.... one day me prince will come....
You would listen to me? LOL wow, that would be a first from anyone lol...xxxxxxxx
~(((((Ake)))))~ Fanks, Im sure Mike can feel it all....
Yep, aint I quick on the draw lol would make a good cowboy in one of those cowboy and indian films lol..xxxxxxxxxxx
~(((((Mean Mom))))~ I will pass on the wishes fank you :) - the suit didnt really have a choice but to laff cos I was laffing me socks off at him LOL he took one look at me and his annoyance of what happened just seemed to disappear LOL.... I did offer him a baby wipe even though I knew it would not be of much use lol...
Yep I have an effect on people, they usually run shouting and screaming as far from me as possible lol... Mean Mom scroll back to April/March and you can read about me knee ops lol..xxxxxxx
~(((ladyStyx))))~ fanks for your good wishes, passing them on to Shelley who will pass them on to Mike....
DONT encourage Iggy LOL cos I still dont get the luther joke :(
As regards the daydreaming, thats how I drive lol but here with so many little farms there is often the smell that comes with it, I LOVE that smell so it would not have clicked that it was a muck spreader LOL.... and no snorting over monitors lol.....xxxxxx
~((((MnM)))~ see, you doodles need to pick ya picnic spots better LMFAO...xxxxxxx
~(((((((((Jen)))))))~ shit always happens to me, I can be minding me own business and BAM a giant figure points at me and says 'lets get Mel' LOL......xxxxxxx
~((((((Pamela)))))~ LOL@you.... do you know that our little vintage wedding car back all those years ago followed a muck spreading tractor through our village when I was going to get married..... I SHOULD OF SEEN THE SIGNS AND NOT OF WASTED SO MANY YEARS lol....
I will suss out the naming of Pigeon House Lane..... we use to go there as kids and get the most amazing blackberries... never really give a thought to the name...xxxxxxx
~(((((((Lisa))))))~ I would of turned me car around so you got full blast lmfao..... I LOVE Chicken Kung Poo from our chinky, its me most favourite take-away, not that I have it often..... hardly ever have food outside the house lol........xxxxxx
~(((Inspired)))))~ oh hush... no one would wanna read my rubbish lol....yeah, Mike has had a sudden upturn, its a very up and down disease..... Im keeping everything crossed for everyone over there.....xxxxxxx
~((((Catch)))))~ I was laffing so hard I think it must of infected him, he could do nothing but laff LOL... I would of loved to of followed him and see if he went home to change LOL....xxxxx
~(((((((((Lisa))))))))~ well bugger me, we be getting our own beavers to blow into kingdom come lmfao....... aint it funny, we are introducing them into this country after centuries and you doodles blow their brains out lmfao.... fanks for the link, I loved it......
~((((lulda)))))~ fanks you...... hey, I aint forgotten ya jar of marmite I own ya.... I will send one promise lol.... have a shit free weekend to :) - on saying that I need to clean out me chickens tomorrow, but thats a different kinda poo lol.....xxxxx
~((((InlandEmprieGirl))))~ nope, blokes will never listen, cos if they did the would loose control of the world LOL.....xxxxxxxx
~((((((Robin))))))))))~ keeping YOU in me thoughts...... a dam broken arm? WTF? explain....xxxxxxxx
~(((((((((((jolie-jordan))))))))~ did you ever get me email explaining so many fings? - LOL@your chinky take-away names lmfao....
Fanks for the wishes for Mike and his family.... I KNOW they are appreciated...
Yep, it rains blobs LOL
love you to Jolie, you know that :)... I should of married a farmer, of this I know LOL.....xxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry to hear your friend is doing poorly. I will definitely keep him and his family in my prayers.
Thanks for the laugh. The funniest part was the guy in the business suit! Oh my how that made me laugh. Only you... well actually we had a similar experience. We were driving down a highway and a guy pullinig a large transport truck pulled out in front of us. He had just left off a load of pigs. As he headed up the hill, the "Poo" started rolling out. Hot, ripe, stinky piss and poo! We got the windows rolled up but the stench! And it stayed with us the entire way home. It took several washings to get that truck clean again :)
I hope you never come across a poo spreading system like they have at the farm here. It's like a huge hose on a huge reel. They take it out into the field, aim it where they want it and let it fly. As it spreads, it reels a bit of the hose in at a time till the whole section is eventually covered. Someone has to watch it all day long because if it comes apart, thousands of gallons of liquid poo will go rushing down the creek to the lake. (Huge huge fines when that happens) Anyway, my daughter was watching it one day and it broke. The hose was lashing all over the place, slinging the nasty stinking stuff everywhere. Becky couldn't jump into the tractor fast enough to get on the radio and yell for help.
I remember one time when my younger brother, who was not real familiar with the farm, fell into the gutter. The gutter was about two feet deep on the upper end and Brandon was completely covered from head to toe. We had to take him and hose him off in the milkhouse.
Will keep your friends in prayer!
thanks for the tip ......keep windows shut when driving along those lanes.
I don't often drive along those lanes but sometimes when time allows and the sun is shining I will just follow the lanes not
knowing where I will end up.
Knowing that car park and how full it is most of the time I could just picture that guy squeezing past your car.
The last time I was in that car park it was virtually empty though as it was 2.30am raining hard when we were called in when my grandad died.
thinking of the name of the lanes around there I like swivelton lane and crooked walk lane, my boys love the name of scratch face lane
Cool that the poo-collector had such a good sense of humor and you two had a good laugh. I love little unexpected moments like that. He could have been an ass, though you would have still had a good laugh yourself.
I'm so glad you came by my blog because that led me to yours. I see we have a few things in common, plus you are funny and I know I'll love visiting here. Been catching up on past posts.
all the best to Mike, Shelley and you too - take care Marmie!
you are just too funny.... I do enjoy hearing from you. Your household sounds as wild as ours; makes for lots of fun and lots to write about!!
one of my kids care providers is from your neighborhood, andas we read your blog, he translates (ha ha) and also is familiar with the area and fills in my picture. He is from Portsmouth, his sis is still there.
Thanks for the laughs... keep 'em coming.
~(((Punkn)))~ fanks for the prayers I'll pass the thoughts alone to Shelley and Bob and they inturn will pass them to Mike.... its like pass the bloody parcel lol... LOL@your pig poo story :)...xxxxxx
~((((Cindy)))))~ oh my at your system lol to dam funny.... maybe I could get a muck spreading job in the states, seeing as how I can be a bit of a shit stirrer lol.... when me lads were younger and we use to go for a walk over the back meadows we use to have cowpat fights lol.... it you find a crusted over pat and gently ease it off the ground, its still all fresh and wet underneath lol and great for frisbing lmfao.... your poor brother lmfao hahahahaha......xxxxxxxx
~((((((LIR)))))~ I know where Scratchface lane is, I use to go riding up there as a kid, if its the one in havant that you talk of.... we have just some of the best names for lanes around here dont we :)...xxxxxxx
~((((anya))))~ welcome :) - well if ya cant laff at oneself what else is there to laff at lol, I think the bloke )who was a bit of a dish If Im honest, and I would of offered to sponge him down in a shake of me gimpy leg) realised there was nowt he could do about the situation lol..
I LOVE your blob, and I spent a crazy amount of time scrolling and reading back :)... you live in the most amazing place.... I was a little envious lol but in a nice way you understand....xxxxxx
~((((Flowerpot)))~ fanks you.... I'll past them on to those concerned.... Shelley has said fanks to everyone for the well wishes, she nipped over and read them all.... it must help knowing that even strangers are gunning for ya....xxxxxxx
~(((jim and Jana))))~ I go about me life, minding me own business and trouble and nonsense and daft things just come flying at me from all directions lol.... Im like a trouble magnet :)..
Yep this certainly is a mad house at times...... LMFAO@you using a translater hahahahahaha..... and oh my Portsmouth is our main town and whom our postal region comes under, Im in Portsmouth at least twice a week.....want me to pop in to your carers sisters place for a cuppatea and a chinwag? lol....xxxxxxx
My thoughts are with Shelly Bob & Mike. Now they do say up here "were there's muck there's luck", so this could be a good sign (not for the chap who foolishly ignored your warning)!!!!!!
Start my first Physio at the hospital Wednesday at three, will think about you......
What a funny story, Mel! I needed a good laugh and you always provide. :-)
My 5-year-old niece from Spokane is staying here for awhile along with my parents, during Mike's difficult time in the hospital. She has a Winnie the Pooh blanket. My dad, who has a very fun sense of humor, mentioned to me his joke to her about "poo" on her blanket. So of course I had to repeat the joke and say "Oh my, Grace, it looks like your blanket has poo all over it!" And she laughs and says WINNIE the Pooh!
Thanks to you and to all your fabulous blog readers for the prayers and well wishes for Mike. It helps more than you know. The flowers and balloon you sent to Mike are beautiful, colorful, and fun, and really brighten up his hospital room. What a caring and compassionate person you are, even while dealing with your own health challenges for all this time. You are such a blessing to us all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
XOXO, Shelley
I’ve added Shelley, Bob and Mike to my daily prayer list.
I must say that I’ve seen a lot of shit flying around in my life, but never the real stuff.
Let me tell you Mel, that I have really missed your blog while I was setting up three new computers, two of which crashed soon after getting them working. Finally I have one that has worked over two weeks and I found your site again. So I've been catching up on all your goings on since October 13 I believe. Your dad was so wrong. You are a very talented writer and gifted person. And you really entertain me with your blog! Thanks for being you.
~((((((Queenie))))~ fanks for your well wishes, Shelley has been reading them all and passing them on to Mike ~~ there is another saying.... those that fall in poo often come up smelling like roses... Im still waiting for that to happen lol.... good luck girl with the physio.....xxxxxxx
~((((((((((Shelley)))))))))~ talk of the devil..... LOL@you dad and the winnie the pooh blanket.... my sister, when she lived in Norway actually lived in a house called Poo House LOL....
The Flowers and balloons are so little really, I wish I could do more then just brighten up Mikes hospital room.... I just wanted Mike to know that I had him in my thoughts and that others care.... DID YOU LIKE THE CHICKEN BALLOON lmfao hahahah how could I not send a chicken balloon :) - just hope it made Mike smile a little whilst he is going through such a terrible disease.... Shelley, know you are loved.... OXOXOOXOXOXOXO
~((((((((Saintly)))))))~ oh my, goodness Ive missed you over here on Twaddle.... fanks for your prayers, I KNOW they mean so much to those that need them... Saintly you aint lived until you have been splattered by poo LOL... make it your mission this coming year to get splattered :)....xxxxxx
~(((((Helen)))))~ I wondered where you had disappeared to :) - welcome back.... yeah, I know me dad was wrong.... except I dont think I have any talent LOL... thanks also for being you :)...xxxxxxx
Sidebar to my homegirl:
Your difficulties are not testicles
Well, now, upon further reflection I'm not so sure. You might be on to something. (As usual)
Better alert the San Diego Zen Center and tell Ezra Bayda he's got competition.
(hee hee hee)
You never cease to amaze me. God, I do love you so.
~((((((((((((((Wendy))))))))))))~ you are correct, tiz not the testicles that are the difficulties in life, tiz those that wear them LOL....
Alerting Ezra to bung the kettle on for a chat and a cuppa tea... now can you imagine, just what the hell he would make of me :)....
Jebus@God.... I so LOVE you so much to.... that goes without saying, but its nice to say it to :)..
too funny, mt :P lol
sending the ill folk all the positive energies i can....
now be done with poo and come over to mine for something worthier!
Prayers for yor friends and their brother.
Reminds me of the dang Canadian beef haulers that use to dump their 'load' on a step hill that comes into/goes out of a little berg called Bonners Ferry...all over the road...actually caused an accident or two...a little slippery. HA!
More Reiki for Shelley, Bob and Mike.
And a very funny story!! :)
~(((((Wolfie))))~ fanks, all the good wishes have been so appreciated by Mike and his family...xxxxxx
~((((Mei Del))))~ :) I'll pop over proper over the weekend, once Ive gotten over this week...xxxxxx
~(((((Pl)))))~ fank you so very much....xxxxxx
~((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ dont tell anyone but I actually love the smell of stinkie farms and the cow poo LOL.... oh Ive been behind a lorry going up hill and its dropped little parcels of poo LOL........ hugs xxxxxxxxx
~(((((Casdok)))))~ fanks you, I know they are receiving all thoughts....xxxxxxx
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