Ramblings of everyday life in this mad house....which is filled with Laughter, Sons, Music, Drumkits, Guitars, Saxaphones, Jugs of Flowers, Books, Cats, Brenda Our Chameleon and Geoff The Scorpion, NOISE, Friends, Wicker Baskets, Clutter, Nippers, Skateboards, Mess, Smiles and Sometimes Tears... and Our Beloved Special Wonderful Chickens Janet, Mabel, Cedric and Marble...
Marmie?????? What's happening honey?
pretty pics, mel...but i got a feeling there's a lot going on. you know you have a friend if you need to talk about it. much love to you xoxo
Dang those are some beautiful pics, Toasty. But um..... I hope things aren't as morbidly inclined as that heading sounds. ((((HUGS)))) Hope you're staying with us, Toasty. Sending stength & healing vibes your way!
sure it was... just look at the sons you have, and all the friends, online and in real life...
'sides, there's still spit n vinegar left in you, so never say never!
Is that the light everyone keeps talking about? The one you're suppose to walk into or not walk into??
Resist!! Don't go into the light just yet, Marmy!
Please be okay.
Okay... I am really, really, really, really worried about you. Near panic, worried about you. I'm going to find someone to call you right now....
Someone in England NEEDS to check on M. Toasty.
Thank you, Anonymous!
hey, Mel; surface for a minute so everyone can see you. You are deeply loved.
Yup, you're right. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Most of us feel that way.
Which is why NOW begins the second part of your life. And it only gets better from here.
Forget the first act, the second act is where the fun begins.
We all wish you well. Just think of the literally hundreds of people around the world who have never met you but are concerned about your happiness and well-being. You are very rich to have such friends!
Melody. There are a circle of us holding hands for you right this second sweet heart.
I love you.
Right.. so here's the thing ...
a word or two to let me know you're okay, or I may just have my bro or parents call ya...
Promise.. not an idle threat...
(nag nag nag nag )
(((Peanut))), I would like you to do that please.
Listen girl. You tone is scaring a lot of people who (believe it or not) really give a shit about you. Really love you. So please, check in. And if you are considering something that you shouldn't, I need to please say to you - don'y do this to me. You don't really know me from Adam's cat, but you must understand that if anything happened to you, I would be devastated. Truly. As would so many. And I really can't handle that right now. So please, as a favor to me, check in. OK girl? OK Lady? Without you, Interplanet Chicken is going to be one screwed up egg.
I love you Mel.
Hey kiddo,
It's always darkest right before the dawn. Don't do anything rash, it'll get better. People truly give a shit about you and that's more than most get and all that matters.
Come tell us to all sod off ;)
Beautiful pictures,Mel... each day is a new day, and right now as I write it is 9:36pm our time, meaning 5:36am yours.. so the day is starting. So there you are.. and new day to louse up. lol... seriously kid, better put this bunch to ease, and tell them, you are tough, and no you aren't going to off yourself. Got too much to live for.. and while it is still a shitty day with this leg of yours, ... the saying this too shall pass is true..
We are all thinking about you, so send us a sign that our positive thoughts are getting to you and you feel good about how much everyone cares for you on this side of the pond. The Stickman
I've been worried about your tone for weeks now, but this is really scary, Mel. Let us know you're okay... Please?
I've only just started reading your blog, but what I've found here has been warm and strong in the face of adversity. Enriching my world with your sharing.
We are, so to speak, waiting at your door till you gather enough strength to open it again and let us know you are okay. I am sure many of us would be there if we could.
Okay, enough suspense - what's happening?
Do I need to phone you?
Watch me, I have the means to get simple things like phone numbers!!
a big warm healing hug from me!
My prayers continue. So, what's up, darlin'?
Toastie, I hope all is well, I hoped your visit to my place might have cheered you up. Please let us know what's happening. If anyone out there knows toastie please check on her! France (((X)))
yeap the sunday and today - total wash outs. see you soon marmie all love xxx000xxx
I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT ANY COMMENTS HERE UNTIL A FEW HOURS AGO.... I fank you for you all caring thoughts...
BOB I WOULD SO LIKE TO TALK TO YOU.......if thats at all possible...
PLEASE FORGIVE ME........im just not in a good place right now...
Toastie, Thank God, I thought you'd done something terrible, I've been checking the UK newspapers on the internet. Please speak with Bob, I know I'm a new visitor, but my email is on my site RHS (Right Hand Side)if you need or want.
France (((X)))
Coral, if you can call her PLEASE DO IT. Debs x
Good morning...
Check your email @ yahoo!
Marmie, dear. I usually don't comment, although I read your blog faithfully. I just wanted you to know how much I care. I am a critical care nurse and I know how depressing it can get when you are in pain and facing a long, maybe rocky, road to recovery. Just take one day at a time and keep your eyes on the goal. It is much too early in the game for you to look to the bright light.
Up and at 'em, you daft cow! There are a lot of people out here who love you. You have helped so many so much. Tell us what we can do to help you through the dark times.
Sending love and healing vibes your way.
Hey Mel,
I'd be glad to talk with you, Shell emailed you my cell number and you can call anytime or send me or her yours and I'd be happy to call you. Hang in there :)
I won't be online too much today as I'm driving back home across the state.
Peanut, please email me with toasties contact details. I'm in France, but I can call her. I've read her last few posts and they seem to be a preparation for something very negative. My contact details are on my site. Debs x (She calls me France)
Peanut, yes please, do.
ANYONE within driving, walking, calling distance, please check on Melody NOW.
It sounds like you are in a lot of pain, and no doubt the meds you are on, and the pain itself, is playing tricks with your thinking and feeling. But hang on anyway. You have overcome so much, you will overcome these feelings and this pain. Stay and accept the love that everyone here is sending you. Stay and accept the love that you are. You are so important and so valued by so many. Your boys love you and they would be lost without you. Same with the "nippers". Hang on Mel. Hang on.
Keep talking, keep writing! Times you can't help yourself, let all the people that would love to help you.
Thank God you are alive. Yikes you had me worried sick Marmie. When I was your age I had something bad going on and an older and wiser woman told me, "This too shall pass." She was right so I'm passing this on to you. You are so loved.
Hey Toasty...sending you love and peace from amongst the cacti, rattlesnakes and gila monsters...
...your friends from all corners of the planet are with you...
My lovely Toastie, please don't do anything rash. A lot of us have many things going on and we have to cope. You came to see me in France over the weekend and you enjoyed it. I have to go for my 6 month check up the week after next MRI. Something I have to live with. Please Toastie, live through this and enjoy what life has to offer for all of those that don't have the choice. Love and big hugs ((France))
It's 9:30pm your time, Marmie, and I have just read all the comments on your blog from people who seem to genuinely care for you, even on gumby from M that seems truly worried for your state of mind.
You really leave me speechless and feeling helpless (as I am sure you do many here), since there is no other way to reach you such a far distance away, other than to stretch out our arms in love and compassion (as you have done for so many others).
You need peace of mind, so that you can find some contentment. I can't imagine telling my children (who love you) that you are gone.
Angela (toadgirl)
Hi Mel,
I wish I were a hell of a lot closer to you than oceans. I'd be right there with you! I have lots of jigsaw puzzles we could put together. And I would dearly love to clean your house; cook dinners for you and the laddies; make sure you were all tucked into bed comfy and warm; find all the handsome hunks in the neighborhood to come over sporadically and continuously to pamper you. We haven't met but I feel like you are my sister. Your humor and light is my strength. I can honestly say I love you very much. Send me your phone number and mail address to jeaniecookielee@yahoo.com.
Hugs and Kisses!
Hey, MT...great photos but shoot me an email one of these days...my computer (dang thing) has erased all of the email addresses and I can't find yours. You are going to kick the crapola out of this thing so...get to kicking!
I'm no doc.
I've had fever spikes,though, and the mind goes to some dark places.
It's the fever and the world outside that fever is full of love and care for you.
Talk to Bob.
Get that fever down.
Think of Jude Law. (Same as Bob in the looks dept.)
Me and Snug and the boy in the chair where I teach are all pullin' for ya.
So's me mum. That's some kind of power, I'll tell ya. It got me through my trial with meningitis and I think me mum's powers can help you, too.
You are, after all, me honorary sister!
Hang in there!
Whoa, look at that, Melody: two Silver Valley comments in a row from me and Starr...he and I go back almost forty years, you know. It's Idaho power pulling for you and I'll tell you it's a mighty power...it's pulled a lot of miners and loggers through hard times and look to us along with all the others here: we'll pull you through!
I meant to say help pull you through..
There are rays of sun shining through in that last photo :)
Okay Mel... this is FOR YOU
Just a thought:
To all of you who suggested you "might" come over ... or call... or get your 'brother', 'parent', 'friend' to check in... that was sweet and endearing and well-meaning. But fuck you.
You didnt.
Why didn't you?
Fuck you.
Pixie....With all due respect, get a grip.
Surprisingly, this isn't about me, or you.
Step back.
Thank you.
My Nut Nurse friend her irl thinks part of my being so low and not being able to cope well with all the shit that is piling up, with the lose of friends and the lack of support from special loved friends is partly due to the fucked up mixture of drugs they have me on........ 7 different drugs 3-4 times a day, she said there are some very comflicting drugs in there that when mixed together dont make for a good cocktail.......... SOOOOOOOOO maybe Im not really going crazy....... maybe this darkness is not down fully to me...... where usually I would brush shit off and out of me life, this time its compounded into a ball and is smacking me in the side of the head like a fist......
Sooooo....... Im going to keep me appointment with me consultant today and take all the drugs that the hospital AND me local doctor have mixed up between them and see what he has to say...... I know one of the drugs is making my stomach bleed cos Im not eating and its to be taken with food and that why me temperature is up to 102 some days and real low others..... and thats why I maybe feel like shit and unable to process things rationally in life at the moment....... and this maties knows how important friends are to me and how I feel Ive been left alone to float with this one without the support of me special friends......
So, maybe Im not crazy after all, maybe there is a reason why I feel like shit and let down and worthless and of no use to anyone.... maybe its not all down to me...... maybe my marbles aint all smashed..... and maybe I also have a right to feel a little 'let down' and maybe that feeling of rejection has been compounded by the drugss messing with me mind......
((((((((((Bob)))))))))) THANK YOU for listening and for taking the time to not judge......
and Fank you for this outpouring of thoughts from everyone...... i really had no clue that people would be able to read so much between the lines from a few simple photos and a title....... and WHAT ya didnt like me photos of Bracklesham bay??? :) ......
Wish me luck this afternoon....... maybe I wont end up in a loonie bin or at the bottom of a cliff afterall...... lets see what this afternoon brings......
Just please please dont fight and argue..... I have enough off that in me life..... and those that just dont have a clue.... then, thats down to you and your inner self..... I aint bovvered no more.... FUCK IT......
Or maybe its just cos Im on the 4th day of me 'lady days' LOL and the bleeding from the drugs I put down to just a prolonged 'lady days'..... but deep inside I knew different, just to scared to say anything....
Maybe Im just hormonal LMFAO...... SHIT and I thought that beard I was growing was just cos of old age.....
Hey Buddy,
I go dormat for a couple of days and you my darling go to hell in a hand-basket. Get it up girl. Too many people counting on you for you to have the luxury of chucking it in. Let's concentrate on the positive like your wonderful sons and me and all your other great friends and me and Oh did I say me? (Smile)
And for Gosh sake get rid of those yucky photo's of your knee being mutilated...it's enough to make a grown woman puke. Visuals are too much for this touchy stomach of mine. I mean those doctors get the big bucks so they should see it but have pity on a whuss like me.
Tell your doctors you want some happy drugs not those dammed things that make you sick and feeling like dying. One doesn't need a dose of depression what with the pain.
Not by the hair of my "chinny chin chin" says the 3 little pigs who would not let the big bad wolf in. Well grab your hairy little chin my sweet and take a ride with me while we give life a hell of a good fight. And dammed if my mouth ain't all sore what with all my uppers yanked. Last night I simply sat and had a good old fashioned cry.
Tears wash the soul, clears the sinuses and gives me a blotched red face...but when it's all said and done I felt some better and I had a pretty good sleep. So go ahead and allow a good cry. Heck...have yourself a real tear-jerking jag.
E-mail your phone # to me and I'll let you hear my lovely voice. We can commiserate together. I've never called Europe before. See there is much left in life to do.
Start writing a list of 100 things you want to do before you die and remember this too will pass. You got through those terrific childhood days and the tosser and the labour of having four kids...hell, this will be just another blip. Think chocolate.
Chin up and all that rot. Get well soon.
Love you Mel. Jolie
Toastie, So pleased you got to the computer. Good luck this afternoon, we are all thinking of you. Insist your consultant sorts out your meds, meds can do terrible things to your frame of mind. Take no shit and none of this "doctor knows best crap." Make sure he knows how bad you are really feeling and don't gloss over it by making a joke.
Fingers crossed for you toastie. I may be in France but if you can email me at sometime with your phone number I can telephone you.
My email in on the right hand side of my blog.
Lots of love and best wishes
France (((X)))
Drugs can help- or in a wrong mixture, make you think irrationally( to say the least!). I know this is a hard, not fun time in your life, but please hang in there a bit longer... Things will improve, I just know they will...
Mel, glad you're feeling there's some hope. I wondered if one of the comments was right in that your feelings might be due to a fever....and a bad drug cocktail would be downright scary. I'll be sending you all good thoughts today as I slog through work.
Hi everyone, I have chatted to Mel, she is to see her consultantt in 20 mins time and have an opinion on how she is doing. That will be at 15h00 her time in the UK on 27 May.
She will update us later with his observations.
Melody is okay, more than that I will not say, it is for her to say more later.
Mel, keep well, kid.
hugs and all!!
I hope your appt is going smoothly!
If you end up in the loonie bin, we can play cards together! Or throw them at the cute nursie mens. =] =]
<3 <3 <3 Melody Jr.
Coral, thank you so much for updating us. It's good to know Mel has you there. It sounds like she is having a real tough time. Please continue to update us whenever you can. Many thanks Debs x
Thanks for the update Coral, we needed that. Marmite is like a sister we have never met and when something isn't right, we worry to no end. Today I will light some favorite beautiful candles and make a very special stick and play the didgeridoo all afternoon in hopes that all of that will reach you. Maybe cause just a tiny smile, that's a beginning. Take good care of yourself and drop in when the mood strikes. The Stickman
In spite of whatever may happen in your day, it's going to be ok.
You've made it thru difficult things before right ? And you always land on your feet. Maybe not dancing, maybe not always sure about what to do next. But you always manage to figure things out. Especially when you're able to keep your sense of humor and not lose your smile. If you really think about it, you'll realize that you are a very strong individual. Someone who may not have all the answers, but who, at least, is willing to hope and try and believe.
You can see your way thru just about anything, it all depnds on how you look at it. And when I look at you, I see someone who really is......pretty amazing !!
Love ya Mel !!
ps...how about some BBQ pizza ?
Thanks, Coral.
Mel.... still sending good thoughts across the staples....
Mel! I hope your consultant gets your meds all sorted out. I was on quite a few meds after my toe surgery that really caused me to lose it! I'm pullin for you and hope that you get back to normal soon! Don't hesitate to call me if you need to talk! ~ Digger
peanut, I tried to contact you after your first comment, but your blog isn't up and running. You did a great thing getting in touch with Toastie. If all of her meds are mixed up, she would not have been rational. Don't take it personally. You tried and that's what matters. Please email me at debslehner at hotmail dot com
Debs x
Nice shots. Hope all is well.
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so down. You do have every right to feel this way with everything that's been going on lately. But, I also think the tablets are making it worse. Hopefully the doctors can sort that part of it out for you. The rest of it, I'm sorry to say, is all up to you. You're the only one who can find the inner-strength you need to over-come all this and get back to being your usual cheerful self. I'm just sorry that it seems you are having to try and do this without the help of your closest friends, who - I'm sure - would have made things easier for you if they'd just been there. Unfortunately, that's the way the world works. Nobody's ever there when you "REALLY" need them. So... That means you've gotta be there for yourself. Which means you've gotta find the key to over-coming this depression. You CAN do it! You know you can. If others aren't willing to be there when you need them... Sod 'em! Be there for yourself. Just like you always have.
Just dropping in to leave some *HUGZ*. Wish there was more that I could do for you in your time of need. I hope things get sorted out for you soon. Just know you're not alone. Many here have more than likely hit dark spaces in their lives (although for different reasons) too. Im sure once you figure which of your friends here suit the need, you'll have someone to talk things over with. Crossing my fingers for brighter days for you.
Hey Toasty! I hope your appt. went well yesterday and your consultant got you all straightened out without you to threaten TOO much the safety of his shins once you're patched up enough to start kicking again. Dang, footballer like you could do a lot of damage to a nice Dr's shins, if you took it in your mind for some payback. *grin*
Ahhh sweet Toasty, I DO hope you're feeling more yourself today.
MT - you always make me think of my favourite breakfast panini at Starbucks (Is that good or bad?). Hope the consultants meeting went well, hope the meds are sorted and hope you are feeling much, much better so we can all enjoy more of your very special outlook on life. Smiles, VLIF
MY APPOINTMENT WAS SCAREY ON TUESDAY.... ME CONSULTANT WAS GOBSMACKED BY THE MIXTURE OF DRUGS I HAD BEEN PRESCRIBED BETWEEN THE HOSPITALS AND ME LOCAL DOCTOR.... HE SAID THE MIXTURE WAS ENOUGH TO DRIVE SOMEONE CRAZY AND TO THEIR LIMITS...... if only he knew..... I HAD TO STAY IN.... well I came home first to get some things and me matie leant me her daughters laptop, but I was only able to send off a few emails at around midnight last night to a few people....
Anyways.... they have inserted a drain in me knee to try and get out some of the gunge.... I also had a huge dose of antibiotics via an injection in me arse.... and a doze of morphine while he tried to bend me knee... he mentioned how quiet I was... but I couldnt bring meself to tell him why...
So, no drugs, especially NOT the 7 different ones they told me to take.... except for Code-a-codeamol... trying to flush me system out.... one of the drugs has cause me stomach to bleed and thats not been pleasent but I just put up with it thinking it was what it was....hence the antibiotic injection and also hence apparently why me temperature has shot up and down....
I also drove me car for the first time in 6 weeks this afternoon, even though I was not suppose to, I had to do something and also needed to test something out.... but on climbing out which was difficult, I yanked the drain and its leaked everywhere lol see, I cant even do that proper...
lets just see what the morning brings.... lets just see if its fucked with me mind beyond repair..... lets just see......
Another appointment at the hospital tomorrow at 11.... sigh...... I dont like this dark room Im in.... someone please turn on the light...... there was just to much piled on top of me besides the knee.... someone shovel some of it off please... someone just hold me hand.....please
Gawd, it's intense in here.
Here's a hand for you, Toasty.
But the incredible high emotion of all these people, as much as it might be disconcerting to you, all points to one thing:
How much they all care.
I've been following the trials and tribulations, at least enough to know the basics.
Know, from what you read here, of the emotional support you've got from people who care for you.
Know, from what you already know and which nobody has to tell you, how strong you are.
Know how no matter how bad things may appear right now, this will all blow over.
Life may not be what it's been cracked up to be. But you've always made it more than what it might have been.
You know that, your sons know that, the gazillion commenters before me know that.
Go with what you know.
All things must pass. And this will pass too. Big hugs, Toasty. Big ones.
{{{Melody}}}... that is a perfect name. Your voice was music to my ears. I will deliver messages as promised and will see you "in blue" at 02:00 my time.
Thank you, a million times for making my day.
I love you.
I've been out here several times in recent days, and every time it makes me cry - to see you in such despair, to see the level of concern everyone has for you.
Marmy, you are so very loved. You cannot for one minute doubt that, or that you are alone. Because you're not.
When you are NOT online, we are. We are here, reading news from others who've talked to you, and we are in email to those we know who've talked to you.
The amount of love for you is nearly overwhelming, Melody. You are so not without people who care...
hugs and tears
Marmie, sitting here in the dark room with you holding your hand. Your private duty nurse. The labile temperature and continuing pain makes me fear infection, hence the antibiotics for treatment or prevention. Hopin' those idiots have your drugs sorted and are giving the proper teatment.
I know better than to tell you to comply with instructions :-), but, dear, "TRY TO KEEP THAT FUCKIN' DRAIN IN YA LEG, OK?" You need to get the crud out so it can heal!
We are here with you through the night. All your friends, watching over you. Rest well, dear one.
...yeah, Toasty, this dark room is quite crowded with all the friends hangin' about...love abounds...
Toastie, it's lovely to hear from you. We are all out here rooting for you. You must give nature a chance though and not do too much before your body is ready. None of this pulling out your drain again. You can email me anytime, if you want I can phone you it's not a problem. France (((X)))
Settin here in the dark with everyone, it's hard to tell who is guilty for passin all the gas. Someone should have told me to bring a mask
Hey woman???? Are you okay? Hope that you are doing much better. So sorry to hear that you may have gone back into the hospital. Chin up, pls keep in touch. M
OMG!!! I'm glad your consultant got you off that nasty mix of drugs that you were on. Oh, and PLEASE be careful with that knee, Toasty!!! Overusing it will not allow it to heal. You've got to let it be for a while, sweety!!!!
I may not be able to hold your hand in real life, but I'm sending lots of wishes for strength and healing in your direction. (((((HUGS)))))
I'm glad your consultant got you off that drug cocktail. Hope you're feeling better for it. *hugs*
We're all in the dark room with you dear Marmie. Hopefully the light will start shining through really soon. D. J.
It is SOOOOO crowded in here. I think someone is fondling me!!!! So, I hope you are getting well high on the good vibes running amok in this teeny tiny CROWDED dark room. All my love to you, kiddo.
I am so glad you are okay, and off those damn pills that were screwing with your mind. That just makes me so angry!
I hope everything starts clearing itself out and you feel better soon!
god i didn't even realise i'd been holding my breath reading all the comments - intense! like hell! just so glad you're a survivor old matie
I've been in the dark room with you too, Marmy, but somebody pinched me arse, and since they didn't buy me a drink first, I'm stepping out!! Nah!
I think you are now on the proper road to recovery and as soon as you can consume larger quantities of chocolate and other sweets, things will pick up!
Besides, nobody will publish your snail mail address online, so I can't send you a card, or a hot fireman, or nothin!
Hey Mel, I hope today brought a bit more light into your life and that you are feeling even just a little better than before. The days are just going to keep getting better... they really, really will.
There is sooo much love and friendship and support for you here... I hope you are feeling it! I went through and looked up all your commenters above that had links with their names, to see where they are from.
Did you know that just on this post alone, you have commenters from at least 5 different countries, at least 15 states in the U.S., and ranging in age from their 20s to their 60s? I'm going to email you the list of locations so you can see just how far and wide you and your "Twaddle" has reached.
"Can you feel the love tonight?" I sure hope so!
XOXO, Shelley
Oh, Shelley! That is so very kind of you!!
Do you see, Marmy? You've touched people in the hospital - doctors, nurses and patients - and you've touched people hundreds and thousands of miles away.
And every single one of us wants you healthy and happy again.
Just checking in. I'll be glad when there's a new post up, showing you happier and healthier. It's hard having you sad, Mel....
Keep hanging in there, MT. My prayers are with you, and you will make it through this, because light can chase away the darkness you have been experiencing. Know you are so very loved.
Thank you W_S.
Toastie, I hope there is a ray of light making it's way into the dark room we are all in with you. Even though miles away we are all with you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Not only do I have a silkie sitting, but also my goose is too, so I should have some lovely chick flicks for you soon. France ((X))
I thought of you yesterday when I saw two moose in the field on the way home from town. Wish I would have had my camera.
And hang in there. I can tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I found it and so can you. Love ya!
You are one incredibly loved woman. And look at all the people pulling for you. You can do this.
Sending every good thought I have your way, sweetie.
Hi Marmie,
Just saying howdy! Lovely photies!!
(and you're right, life isn't always what it was cracked up to be...but we gotta keep going, 'cause tomorrow's a new sunrise! :/ :)xx )
Hoping your ok.
Beautiful photos.
Wow! Marmie- with all the love and support pouring out for you from literally across continents, you have to know how much we all love you and care about you. I may not have met you in person, but I feel like I've known you forever. In the short time I've been reading your blog I've not only come to love you as a truly wonderful person, but I deeply admire you as well. "Within, without" said it beautifully when he wrote "Life may not be what it's been cracked up to be. But you've always made it more than what it might have been."
And you will again.
You hang on, dear friend.
Hey Toastie! Well, it took me a while to catch up and to try and get an idea of what exactly is going on. Hold on in there, young lady. I'm sure you and Jacob will be hitting the shops and making wonderful trouble in them, in no time!
Mel....I finally get time to check your blog and find all this!! I'm going to send you an e-mail and HOPE that you get back to me!!
Just poppin' in to see if there's news.
I'm hoping to read that you are back on the rugby pitch real soon.
Okay, Milady....you've hit 100 comments now. Time to tell us all you're okay.
I love these photos and I am waiting for the red geraniums to bloom to post some pictures. Hang in there dear friend.
What's up, Ms. Toasty darlin'? That means "Are you OK?"
Here I am, 4:00 a.m, Texas, USA..wondering about you. My heart has been so burdened by the situation in our community, of which I wrote you, that I neglected to check your blog. I was completely unaware of what you are going through. Please forgive me. Another e-mail is on the way. Maybe soon...you'll be back to your old self.
Beautiful pictures .............. sad caption! Sorry you are feeling low. Maybe after the surgery???????
Hope you're doing better today, Toasty. And that you're no longer in the dark place you've been in so much lately. *hugs*
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