I suggested that I actually take MY car.... cos I NEED to get back to driving and seeing as its an automatic, and as long as I could get in and out and sit comfortably then I didnt see a problem :)
Jebus, it was just so funny trying to get in me car lol..... but, get in I did and I drove round to Sharons to pick her up..... and off we went.....
Keydell Garden Centre is only in Horndean and about 8-10 minutes away with my driving..... the huge car park is built on a real steep slope except for the top part near the entrance, but there are not many parking spaces there........ so Sharon suggests cos it was like only me second trip out and I would be a bit wobbly on a slope, that I park in the space allocated to 'crimples'....... no no no I says, cos Im only a part time crimple and there might be a full time crimple that needs the space....... oh shut it she says, there are 3 other places for full time crimples so stop with the old 'giving a dam about others' crap and just park OVER THERE.... and she pointed to a car park space right next to the entrance.....
So I pulls up and we start to gather our bits when someone taps on me side window and nearly gave me a heart attack...... 'oh ere we go' says me matie..... so I put me window down and says......... yes???..... and this bloke says all smug like.... you aint allowed to park here.... so I says, who are you the car park police??.... this space is for blue badge holders only and you dont have one on your windscreen, says the bloke..... well, I says, I do have an I AM 50 BADGE back home, and a BESTEST MUM badge that I could go back home and get if that would make you smile *smiling at him*...... YOU CANT PARK HERE its for the disabled, he says in quite a rude manner....
Do YOU need this space I ask politely?...... no he says, but someone else might.... I says, its Thursday morning and the carpark only has a few cars parked...... look..... there are plenty of spaces, as you can see there are only a handful of cars actually here so what are the chances that all of a sudden there is going to be a mad gathering of crimples all deciding to gather NOW this minute at this garden centre.... there is NOT an average of 3 crimples to every non crimple..... me matie snorted and she started me giggling...... look Sharon says to the bloke, me matie here IS a crimple, whether she has a blue badge for the windscreen or not, she has crutches and cant walk very far and this is only her second trip out SO WE ARE PARKING HERE so I suggest you go hassle that little old lady over there that is breaking into that car... and she points to this dear little old lady that was innocently trying to open her carboot LOL.......
The bloke by now was a bit red faced.......... so, are you going to move or not, he says....... and at the same time me and Sharon say NOT and start to laff LOL...... well we will see about that he says, I will go and complain to the staff.... cos I dont believe you have the right to park here, you are not disabled and I think you are just to lazy to walk up the slope...... HOW I DIDNT DRAG THE BASTARD through the window and poke his eyes out is beyond me lol....ok listen me matie says...... picking up one of me crutches...... see this, this is a crutch.... a walking crutch that is and NOT a crotch.....*giggles*..... this is a walking aid for CRIMPLES..... see my matie here, this crutch belongs to her, well not technically her cos its the property of the hospital but its for her to use all the time she is a CRIMPLE.... so I suggest you bugger off before I hit you over the head with it......
How rude, the blokie says..... right me maties says to me..... GET OUT THE BLOODY CAR and show him that you are a dribbling spazmo crimple will ya for gawds sake, cos help me god I could be up for murder by 10 o'clock.......
So I drag meself out the car, over exagerating me movements and making strange noises.... and I do me little spazmo walk... SEE me matie says...... this here crimple, as you can see it REAL........ do you know what the blokie says LMFAO.... he says, you might just be using them as a prop LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA well that started me and Sharon laffing so hard that its all I could do to stand up on me dodgy legs lmfao....... Sharon walks up right close to the bloke, about 5 inches from his face and says..... I suggest you bugger off NOW cos I will not be held responsible if my crimple friend beats your head in with her crutch and then whilst you are screaming on the floor, I will also not be responsible for stomping on your head, and then YOU will need to be using this crimple carparking space next time you come here....... now SOD off, Im bored with you now LOL....... and with that this bloke used the 'F' word on us and scurried off and got in his car and drove like a bat out of hell out of the garden centre LOL..... leaving his basket of plants on the floor lmfao....... fanks matie for the 6 perennials.... they look beautiful in me garden lol.....
These are the plants that the bloke left in the carpark cos he was to busy having a temper tantrum.... Im mega chufted lol over $40 worth of plants..... fanks matie, it must of been 'Do A Good Deed For A Crimple Day' for you LMFAO....
Anyways, we had a little hobble around, and it was lovely to get out, I needed some bits and bobs to do me hanging baskets etc...... and now, seeing as how the nice man in the carpark had donated his other plants for me, I didnt need to buy perennials lmfao.... It was a bit slippy in places where the paths were wet where the staff had been watering the plants, and a couple of times I nearly went arse over tit, which made me matie scream with laughter..... nasty cow LOL....
This is crimple art..... we decided to use me crutches to do a bit of art work, well until the nice man in the green T-shirt that had STAFF written across the back, asked us politely to KEEP THE DAM STICKS off the plants lmao.... some people just dont have an appreciation for fine art :)
This is me matie on the other side of one of the greenhouses ringing me on her mobile to say that I needed to hobble me fat arse over there cos thats were the buzy lizzies were lmfao...... sometimes she just creases me up....
This little robin thats on the handle of our plant trolley followed us around all the time we was there.... I tried to get it to pose on me crutch but it was having non of it lol....
After about 30 minutes I was already knackered lol remember this was only me second trip out of me house, so we headed for the lovely little cafe which is situation in this beautiful little cottage that had been converted.... so me matie plonks me down on a table outside and goes in to get the teas and cakes....... she comes back out empty handed and says, get up, and come and get in the queue cos there is NO WAY IM gonna gueue lmfao..... so I hobble inside and Im about the 7th in the queue (AND I SO DONT QUEUE WELL) so I says to the people in front....... Im so very sorry to bother you.... *said in a sweet voice*.... is it possible for me to go first cos Im finding it very difficult to stand for long..... LMFAO....... and with that it was like moses and the parting of the waves.... they moved out the way with words of.... oh you go in front love, and... of course, let her through lmfao....... so I get to the front and I give me matie the nod and she comes and takes my place and I go outside and find a table lmfao.... with sounds of tut tut tut from the others in the queue lol - some times crimpleness has its advantages lol
This is our goody tray with the biggest clotted cream scone and carrot cake that I have ever seen LOL...Sharon had to go back in and get the mugs of tea... no wonder we are fat cows lmfao....
More crimple art, and NO, one crutch is not shorter then the other, I was trying to make the photo interesting lmfao...... on saying that, once when me father had a broken leg when we was kids, me and me brother shortened one of his crutches whilst he slept and when he work up he stood up and grabbed his crutches little beknown to him that we had made one tiny and he fell over on the floor cos he was off balance lmfao..... omg I couldnt sit down for a week with the leathering I got, but oh my it was so worth it LOL
This is me trolley of goodies :)
These will be pretty once they start to grow and fill out........
I love plants with a passion, maybe it was the many years I was involved with my X's family nursery business and then our own plant nursery before we split..... but I do know that plants give me so much joy.... and I like nuffin better then getting stuck in and getting me hands dirty.....
Knee update - over the past few weeks Ive been at the hospital 3-4 times a week, they are trying desperately to sort me out......
What happens is, I see me consultant and they drain the gunge from me knee, then its straight round to the physio department where Nick and Anita do the business on me for over an hour lol..... they are me physios from when I had the ligaments reconstructed in me other knee, so they know me well and I will say even in my bad days we have laffed and laffed so much......
But last week I had physio last Mon Wed and then Thursday the decision was made to admit me, so I went into QA Hospital this time and had further surgery late Thursday evening.... they scrapped away all the bad tissue around the bone graft and bionic knee, and whilst under they stretched and manipulated the muscles to try and give me better movement.... and took internal photos so as to help with decision making in a few weeks......I persuaded them to let me out on Saturday, as me 2 older lads are away in Spain and I didnt want Jacob left to long in the house on his own, cos his other brother was away for the weekend..... AND I had his birthday treat to arrange LOL.... so, back to worse hobbling this week.... but they are trying and aint giving up on me yet......
So, yesterday I had 1 1/2 hours with Nick and Anita on this special spazmo bike that ya can change the sprockets on the peddles so that ya dodgy leg dont make a full whole rotation in a big arc, just a tiny one on me dodgy side.... its to keep the movement free....and on a few other weirdo machines... it was very painful and Nick had to swear at me a couple of times lol GOOD JOB he was me physio for 2 years and we get on well........ he repeated what he said to me 3 years ago when I ask to many question......... he said 'Mel, as I slide down this big wooden banister of life, you are like the bloody splinter in me arse - now just get on with it and stop with the questions' LOL.....
Thats Anita on the left with two ladies at receptions that always seem pleased to see me lol they said despite everything I always make them laff and they hear laughter coming from the gym when Im there....... Nick wouldnt let me take his photo YET lol.... he has just come back from a year traveling the states, starting in Alaska.... he said he got the urge from me a few years back when I would tell him my dreams of taking a year off and hiring a camper and just travelling all over America.... so thats what he actually did, they kept his job open for him and he only came back last month..... so we had a lot to catch up on..... I think they are secretly glad Im back with them, cos Jebus, some of those getting physio are so dam boring lol and the noise level most certainly goes up when I hobble in lol AND as strange as this is, there is ALWAYS every week someone else in there that I actually know lmfao...... I hobble in and usually have to say hello to someone lol it aint my fault I know a lot of people....
Anyways, thats whats happening so far with me knee, hospital again tomorrow and again this Friday.... Hoping to maybe have the drains out tomorrow *fingers crossed* cos since the Surgery on Thursday there aint been much gunge coming out....... maybe JUST BLOODY MAYBE this is a turning point...... Im holding me breathe so tightly....
I wasnt so scared this time going into surgery..... Ive gotten a bit numb to it all now if truth be told..... and didnt even tell anyone what was going on....
And now me head is clear of that cocktail of drugs, I can think things clearly.... Im still very humbled by most peoples comments and actions...... and disgusted by a few others, but ya know what..... those few others aint worth the drippings from me nose..... they will always look at themselves as victims and turn every situation around to themselves..... well I dont have selfish people in me life..... so thats that done and dusted ..........
Way way to much Twaddling rubbish for this overcast showery Tuesday....... Ive got things to do ya know..... now where is me book ;)
Marmie is back! Good job on the turd ball at the garden spot. Sounds like your knee is on the mend, sure am glad they are hanging so close until they get it all working.
You must be getting a bit soft, no one got hurt in the making of this post!
Dear Sweet Shithead...I mean Marmie, lol
Where there is hope there is Marmie. That's one of the things I caught myself thinking as I read your twaddle today.
You go girl. You sound so much better...in spirits and otherwise (knee too). I'll thank the one in the sky for me and for you since you don't do God. I'll try to do him enough for both of us. I'm good about sharing like that. A prayer for me, one for you and more for others. I wonder if I would have made a good Nun? Probably not...I like cigarettes and sex too much. And as I get older the cigarettes are taking first place. Who woulda thunk it, hey?
I know, I know as my girls would say (TMI) Mother. They call me Mother a lot. Especially when I annoy or embarrass them which has been most of their lives. Poor little rightous dears. LOL
I love that you ended up with that wretch's plants. What a butt-holy-o was he. Those holier then thou people drive me nuts. They get some sort of (importance) they think...by telling others how to live and what to do. The parking lot Guru must be like Santa and the Easter Bunny and travel the world around cuz I know I've met him in Minnesota too. LAMO...Keep him over there, will you?
I want to have tea and treats with you gals too. I am so-o-o-o envious of Sharon getting to be so close to those sweets. LOL and I am so glad you have her in your life to go have some fun with. You two are a real hoot...still dammed naughty though. Some day I suppose we'll be called upon to bail the two of you out of the clink. At least now that you are a cripple maybe you won't be running around peoples yards in search of rabbits and chickens and such. LOL
Your new plants look dammed lovely. Isn't new blooming life simply grand?!!! So spirit lifting.
Be a good girl in therapy (and) per the norm...in my house we think good healing thoughts to send across the sea to and for you.
Love Ya Mellie,
I was just watching the movie, "Agnes Brown" with Angelica Houston-the scene where she is in the car with her mate who wants to take driving lessons and the instructor...well, you two could have done the scene even better! She IS back!!! (That guy will never be the same). If the UK outlaws crutches as a deadly weapon, we will all know why. But meantime, how nice that you got free happy plants and were involved in some crutch performance art. Prayers for the drain removal surgery.
yay you're back! it was sooo good to read about your adventures at the garden centre. i love how you got his plants in the end! served him right the twit.
good luck with the next round at the hospital. i hope you'll get to take a pic of your physio next time. i'm sure you'll find a way to persuade him...
Well done you two for sorting out the miserable git in the car park, and how lovely of him to leave you a gift! I think Damian Hurst is probably bricking himself after seeing your art. Forget Acorn Antiques you should go in for "Crimple Crutches" it's far more interesting.
I'm really pleased that they are working so hard on your leg it's a good sign. You have lots of maties out here rooting for you. Great post and lots of love France (((X)))
P.S. Chicks any time now, Simone's sister is sitting in the nest too, so it will be interesting to see if they rear the chicks together. France x
Glad you got one over on that guy~ I love a freebie, you did well. LOL Hope he didn't bust a blood vessel when he realised he left his plants behind!
It does sound like your knee is making progress, and you seem to be in better spirits :)
I'm off on holiday on Thurs so will catch up with your 'twaddle' when I get back.
Sounds like you're getting on a lot better! I love plants too- I worked in a nursery a few summers ago. One of the best jobs I ever had, cept for the damn boss.. what a jerk.
I wonder if Love Of Living Things is something that comes with the name...
Keep on truckin =]
<3 Melody Jr.
You sound like your old self now. That makes me happy. The flowers are beautiful. You have good physical therapist people. Mine were too young for me. I would tell them. "No, I don't want to do that now. Come back later." 'Cause who wants to walk when the world looks like you just got off of a carnival ride. And they would go away. That wasn't like me at all. I am normally all follow the rulesy, but steroids make me aggressive and a yaha. Ha. Those young therapists need to get used to telling people what to do.
Please make a promise that if you come to America you will hire a film crew to document your adventures-you would be a sensation!! I'm serious. You'd beat the pants off Borat. (Ok, back to my laundry...)
I'm glad you were able to get out and about. Definitely sounds like you're on the mend. Too bad about the troublesome wackos who bugged you.
Good to know you are feeling better Mel....keep healing and get back to normal ! ( not that you were ever normal )
Sounds like you had a "fun" trip out. :) LOL! And, wasn't that nice of the man to give you those plants? Bet he wasn't too happy when he got home and realised he'd left them behind. LMAO!
I've had quite a few ignorant people asking if I was really blind or just using the cane as a prop. I find pulling my artificial eye out shuts them up pretty quickly though. Can't think why. LOL!
And, after my op I'll have two to choose from... Maybe I'll alternate or something? LOL!
Glad to hear you're feeling better. Hope things start looking up for you with your knee. *hugs*
LOL I bet that w****er came back for his plants once he'd got over himself.
How come you haven't got a blue badge - you need one! Get your aplication in.
Love all the photos Marmie and I'm so glad you still have your sense of humour.
You know I'm thinking of you right? xx
Nice plants!
And an aside to A You can go ahead and say Wanker
You're gonna earn that parking place Marmy...for that matter, there should be a parking place at every Garden Center between Seattle and Denmead with your name on it...or at least a picture of you on your crutches flying the bird at passerby. heh..
So glad you're up and out and about and running amok in the village again. What would they do without you anyways, yeah?
Also, good grief! Those are AMERICAN SIZED portions of Carrot Cake and Scone! Is that place run by a yank? You can see why we're number one in the "fattest country in the world" category!
I am glad that Ol' Lady is a friend and fan of yours. I found your twaddle through her and was delighted to read about your garden center adventure. Hang in there....
Geraniums, petunias, foxglove, rosemary, verbena -(free at that!), impatients, ice plant, planting cute twiggy hanging baskets, clotted cream scones, tea, laughter, a beautiful day in the english country side... AGGGHHHH... someone help me... I am hyperventilating!!!!!! I have told the kids to keep me OUT of the garden center when we would pass by each day on our walk to school, its like a toy shop, or we would be penniless... a gorgeous garden but no food on the table! Thank God its summer break!
Glad to hear that there may be a good turning point for you and your knee, and that your state of mind is a bit clearer.
Wow. Im with the rest before me, whatta wanker you had to deal with. I hate people that are that rude.
The plants are lovely. I look forward to pictures of when they're planted and growing in.
The carrot cake looked wonderful too. I think I'll have to get me the ingredients and make some in the next week or so. The problem is that hubby wont eat it and I'll be stuck with a whole cake for myself (oh wait....that's a good thing right??). I cant get it here because most places put walnuts in them and I cant eat those.
Glad to hear that you're feeling better then. Yet again you had me laffing so much I cried through out your entry. *HUGZ*
There seems to be more laughter in your words this week. Check out my blog post today. I have given you a much deserved award! Sunny Days!
Mel, I just can't tell you how refreshing your spirit is in this posting! I've had you in my prayers and I, for one, am so happy to see this post. I love the scene at the plant center (s'cuse me - centre!)~ cracked me up!! I know you have fun NO MATTER what you're doing...I don't know why anyone would think they could take Mel on!!! You keep up the good work, my friend...and I know it HAS been a LOT of work on your part. It will pay off. God bless you!! Jeanne in Idaho (where the sun is FINALLY shining!). By the way ~ that carrot cake looks like one of my favorites!! xoxoxoxo
You made my day by spreading joy again. Thanks for being you.
Mel, I just can't tell you how refreshing your spirit is in this posting! I've had you in my prayers and I, for one, am so happy to see this post. I love the scene at the plant center (s'cuse me - centre!)~ cracked me up!! I know you have fun NO MATTER what you're doing...I don't know why anyone would think they could take Mel on!!! You keep up the good work, my friend...and I know it HAS been a LOT of work on your part. It will pay off. God bless you!! Jeanne in Idaho (where the sun is FINALLY shining!). xoxoxoxo
Umm... Since when is getting to eat the whole carrot cake a problem? LOL!
From where do all these wild words come? Crimple? Would that be the same as our word cripple.
Gunge? I'm guessing pus? oh ick. ha ha ha.
I'm sorry - but I laugh and snort all through your post -- even in places where I'm sure I'm not supposed to do so.
Great to hear from you again, you really sound a lot better and almost 'up and at 'em'. Next week will be even better.
When are the nippers due back?
Keep well and try hard at physio, it will all help in the long term.
hugs and all!!
hey Sweetie Peach, Didn't have to go through the whole post as I am on battery-less wireless in a hotel lobby in Avignon. I feel like a huge web has lifted in reading your posts. You're back and getting better! Thank God. I have been waiting for this with baited breath. I will think of you in the next few weeks and smile, smile, smile. So many laughs between us and so many more to come. In fact, the best, THE VERY BEST, is yet to come. That's for sure.
love the freebies ya got, wonder when he realised that he had given you a lovely prressie for pissin ya off LOL
really hope the knee is o the mend x its me with a new place!n
We have a large organized gang over here like the Hell's Angels but they're called the "Crips"... Your physical threats of bodily harm to that concerned citizen and your ensuing plant theft ought to get you membership.... LMAO!
Sounds hopeful on your knee- keep doing what they tell you to do! Best of luck, as usual!
I bet that old fart was madder than a wet hen when he realized that you probably ended up with his plants!! The ultimate revenge!
Glad things are on their way up! i think it is the magic of digging in the dirt and fondling new flowers that has turned the corner for you!
Well, whatever! The point is, I'm glad you have a ball-busting friend to get into trouble with and raise your spirits! Keep up the naughty work!
Good to see you back on form! You mean to tell me that crabby man was not working there at all! Just a customer? Well what a cheek! I'd have loved to see his face when he realized his plants had been left!
Heres hoping that the knee is healing and that will be that! Fingers, toes & everything crossed!
One of your hanging baskets looks just like the one my boys gave me for Mother's Day. Now if I can just keep it alive! :)
LOL Tori...true there but when you weigh more than 100 pound more than your frame should rightfully have to handle....well, eating the whole cake shouldnt be an allowable option ;) Pretty much why I try to keep sweets like that outta the house. Now portionable, pre-wrapped sweets are different...if I have to work for the goodie, I dont eat as many.
I understand that one all too well. :(
How're you doing today, Toasty?
Nice to see that your gettin back to your own bitchie self :)
That stupid man...I'm sure he had no idea what and who he was up against in the parking lot...
So it is 1 to 3 crimples to non crimples in your country. Seems they could do with some old fashioned "rehabilitation". But that may cost so let the crimples out to fend for themselves.
You make me laugh pretty lady!
OH, Marmie, you blog is a treat and a half. I can't believe you were hassled over a parking place in an empty parking lot. At least you got his flowers -- turnabout fair play. Lovely posies and the little bird is a charmer!
Take care and I look forward to more posts.
Wow. All that effort for PLANTS. I guess that makes you the Crimpled Flower Lady. But ya know, it's great to be passionate about something. In which case for me, it's records...I've spent entire days until I was totally exhausted, searching thru dusty record racks in second-hand stores. Sounds like you're trying to find humour in your afflictions...keep yer chin up and remember the knee is a complicated piece of machinery...
Hi Five,Marmie, you are back and hitting on all 8 cylinders...
I thought I would laugh so hard over the old man and you and your matie, I almost peed my pants...
too funny... just sooooooooo,Marmie
Marmie, Glad to see you getting back to yourself! Don't they have temporary blue badges over there? You should carry around 1 or 2 of your staples with you. That way when some jerk gets in your face again, you can offer to give him one and watch him turn green and run away!
You know the sassiest people in all of France are the Brits. ;) ha! But I know one sassy than these....
BLIMEY..... and cripes lol so many comments to answer.... I'll see how many I can do before I have to leave for the hospital at 10...
~(((slip)))~ Im hoping that this is a turning point, they said that the drain will possibly come OUT this morning.... and to me that is such a BIG move forward lol... saddo that I am lmfao....
and yep, Ive gotten way to soft this past year lol.......
ps..... look for your wobbly red biked postie... he has something for you......xxxxx
~(((((((jolie)))))~ no where there is trouble there is marmie lol - Im detoxed and also come to terms in me head about certain people etc in me life, and its not worth the time or energy bothering with people that 'just dont get it'... so they have been binned lol so that makes for a much more spirited ME :)... Ive learnt to let go of the bollocks and just keep the nutsacks lmfao hahahahahah....
Well, I dont smoke and never ever have, just find me some sex lol ya know, for medical recovery lmfao..
You would have such a laff with me and me 3 special maties here.... we always get into trouble even when we are being good, we are trouble magnets lol.......much love (((jolie)))...xxxxx
~(((joanne))))~ me and me maties have this saying when we KNOW that something is gonna happen and thats 'ere we go' LOL.... xxxxx
~((((mei del)))~ Ive HOPING to get a photo of Nick this morning lmfao....xxxxx
~((((France))))~ aint me art work a joy lmfao... well they told me they wont give up on me yet.... I have good feelings today about me appointment... but Im trying NOT to get to excited....
Cedric is bonking Janet and Mabel like its going out of fashion (lucky girls) but neither of them are sitting on any eggs....so I look forward to seeing your :)...xxxxx
~((((Crispy))))~ well getting the freebies stopped me and Sharon having to get ourselves a 'sovenier' of our visit lol.... we like to do that, its always been our mission, our task to come back from wherever we are with something for nuffin lol.... HAVE A SMASHING HOLIDAY.... I need one of those lol......xxxxx
(((((guilty))))~ well for 22 years I was surround by my X's family nursery business then the last 5 years of marriage I/we had our own little place, but I loved plants even before those tossers lol....xxxxx
~((((susan))))~ not quite me old self, somethings never get back to how things were... but thats life.... its what we do with those lessons learnt as to how we enrick our forward path.....my physios are just the bestest..... and cos Ive known them for a few years, its a very comfortable relationship/friendship and it means they know me very well and they can tell me like it is and if I say I CANT do that, they say.... shut up Mel and just bloody do it for gawds sake....lol.....xxxxx
~(((joanne))))~ LOL you daft cow...... I did go to America last August, you can read the 4 or 5 blob posts dated Sept 07... but I was VERY GOOD lol.... and I didnt get into to much trouble....xxxxx
~((((charles))))~ ya still here :)... glad ya sticking around... yeah well wackos are wackos the world over lol.... its just a case of shoving them onto the right shelves of me mind....xxxxx
~((((lora)))~ I owe you SOOOooo many emails..... normal is for normal people and not me lol.... love you...xxxxx
~(((ToriZ)))~ I would of loved to of seen his face when he realised he had left the plants lol.....
WOW ToriZ I so didnt know you were blind blind as in like totally blind.... no wonder my whining posts hit home for you.... ok... how the bloody hell do you read me posts?...... love to you and Kelly... even though he is Canadian and your Welsh lmfao....xxxxxxxx
~(((((ake))))~ I bet he drove up the road and then realised and drove back at speed LOL.... I so wish we had left a note for him...... LOL.....
Well I was told that a short term one was for 3 years and I didnt think I would need it for 3 years.... on saying that I struggled for 18 months with bone on bone..... I might try again, cos it could be fun having one of them and parking on the yellow lines lmfao....
much love ....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((Sharkie))))))))))))))))~ yeah they are beautiful plants..... the freebies have been in me garden now for a fortnight and have grown real big with all this rain and sunshine..... I just wish I had more land so that I could have a beautifully big plant garden and a veggie plot and more chickens and maybe a Llama LOL....and yep the word was WANKER.... I taught you well LOL...... HUGZzzzz...OXO
OK times up I have to get sorted for me hospital appointment.... will get back to the comments later today........X
Hi Toastie, How did you get on today? Have they removed the drain? France (((X)))
My God woman you CRACK ME UP! Have you EVER gone any where and NOT have had something happen?? That stupid man trying to get you too move. That should be in a movie. I thought I was going to pee myself I was laughing so hard! And good for you getting his plants!!!!!!
I so glad you sound back to yourself!!!! And I sure hope your knee calms itself down you are able to get out and enjoy your garden, your fence and your neighbors!!! LOL
I didn't realise you didn't know... LOL!
I've got a screen reader programme called "Jaws" (I think it stands for "Java application with speech" or something like that) and that's how I can read the posts. It doesn't do pics though. Just says weird things like "link graphic" then some kind of code with the pics title in it.
Marmitetoasty is back - and this time she's not taking prisoners!
Great post.
And Sharon is my hero. What a lovely pal.
Oh, I'm glad to hear that you DID get out of the house and go find some lovely plants for your home. And I started drooling over that pic of the cream scone and carrot cake your friend was holding. I'm glad y'all had a pretty good time on your expedition.
I'm also TERRIBLY glad to hear that the Dr's haven't given up on your leg, and they're still busting their rumps trying to make sure it all comes out all right. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers, Toasty!
How'd the appointment go, Toasty?
Ok.... well better late then never lol...... didnt get a chance to get back on the computer last night and except for a quick gander this morning before the hospital this, at 1 o'clock is me first opportunity to get on here.....
HAD THE DRAINS OUT THIS MORNING wooo hooo tears all round, even Nick was a bit shiney eyed lol daft sod... me elephant leg has gone down 2cm in this past week and even though thats not much ITS SOMETHING.... so, Im thinking that NOW is the beginning of recovery.... being positive here... and havent got the hospital now until Wednesday and Friday unless I feel I need to see someone..... so, thats a good sign right? :)
I WILL TRY AND GET AROUND TO EVERYONES BLOBS OVER THE WEEKEND AND CATCH UP.......sorry I aint been a very good blob flitter of late :(
~((((Toadie))))~ I do have a better understanding of those crimple parking spaces now, and I realise the importance of them, not just cos they are nearer, cos if ya can hobble around a garden centre then a few extra metres aint gonna make much difference, but its the extra space they allow for getting in and out of the car, thats whats the most valueable part....do you know, those huge cakes gobsmacked us both lol our portions are NEVER that big usually, so what we did was to cut the scone in half and Sharon took the carrot cake home for her 2 kids..... :)....xxxxx
~(((le harris)))~ welcome you, any friend of that daft cow ol lady can be a friend of mine :)...... if you scroll back and read some of the older posts before the previous few buggered up ones, you will see, I aint always so crazy LOL......xxxxx
~((((angela)))))~ having owned a little plant nursery for 4-5 years and my X's family owing plant nurserys, Ive been around them for what seems a life time..... but I find it hard to pay the prices that garden centres charge LOL.... after knowing THEY get the profit cos they buy most of their stock in from little places like I use to own, for peanut prices, yet THEY make the major profit margin and NOT the little growers.... thats why me and me maties often nick cuttings and we have been known to swap the price labels around on the plants so we get them cheaper LMFAO......bugger... maybe I shouldnt of told you that lol....xxxxxxxxx
~(((ladystyx))))~ I make a wicked carrot cake, but I leave out the walnuts in one of the cakes I make cos my Jacob cant do nuts very well.... and I can always guarantee a laff when Im with me best matie....xxxxx
~((((InlandEmpireGirl)))~ yeah, feel more me old self most of the time, and those times I dont, well, I just give meself a talking to :) - oh my fanks for the award, I certainly dont deserve it, well, unless it comes with a $500 gift certificate LMFAO......xxxxx
~((((jeanne))))~ yeah a lot of work and much more to come, but I can look upon it now as I usually would, with a mission and determination..... :) fanks you...xxxxx
~((((helen)))))~ spready joy I suppose is better then spreading legs lmfao only I expect there is more money in the later LOL... ;).... xxxxx
~(((toriZ))))~ packing you off a carrot cake all to yourself lol.....xxxxx
~((((pamela)))))~ :) LOL, well I cant bring meself to use that aweful word cripple lol and when I was talking to one of me maties I sort of stuttered and cripple came out as crimple and thats now what everyone here calls me and it LOL.... yep and gunge is pus lmfao.... sending out Meloneese dictionaries to everyone :).....xxxxx
~(((coral))))~ Im thinking, with help from me maties with the school runs to try and get some of me nippers back next week, well the before and after school ones..... but we will see.....xxxxx
~((((JBelle))))~ oh my, have the most super time in France....take loads of photos to share when you get back..... I feel like a cloud of fine london smog has lifted from me, mind body and soul.... just needed to adjust much in me mind and stack shelves and file the shit away....its been a huge learning curve for me, and I think it happened cos I was getting to soft and trusting of certain people.... I think the knee shit is happening as a wake up call, telling me I aint got long left and to make some major decisions in my life before its all to late...... but my mission for the past 7 years has been to try and raise me sons as best I can completely on me own....and I have put me in every single way possible on the back burner... in every way....financially, health wise, physically, emotionally.. everyway... and I got to soft this past year maybe thinking my time had come for me lol........ oh well... hard head back on :)......I'll have to be content with whats what and whats thrown at me like always lol...... I do know that through all this, I am very much a different person in many ways... and trust is now a very big issue with me... and I dont like that part of change...xxxxxxxxxx
~(((((wanderer)))))~ I bet he had steam coming out of his ears LOL.... I will this weekend get around to everyones blob.... at the moment there are 5 of us all needing/wanting to use this computer, so its difficult....xxxxxxx
~(((((buffalo)))))~ Im as soft as toffee really, except I can be well ard and also stubborn when needs must..... OK ya twisted me arm, I wanna be in a gang LOL....xxxxxx
~((((lisa))))~ well Im gagging to get stuck in proper, but a little at a time, its been so very frustrating not being able to get on me knees and get things done..... so I make the most of what I can do at the moment...... and omg the trouble that me and me matie Sharon get up to is just so funny...... harmless though.....xxxxxxxx
~(((maggie may))))~ yep he was just a grouchy old customer lol I should find out who he was and send him photos of his/me beautiful plants LOL.....xxxxx
~((((jen))))~ they have grown in the couple of weeks since I did them, and yesterday I planted up me poo buckets out the front of me house :)....just love plants so much.... good job I suppose, seeing as how I aint got a husband to love LMFAO......xxxxx
~(((ladystyx))))~ sending you a gift voucher for a cake factory LOL....xxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))))~ doing better each day :)....xxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((ol lady)))))))))))))~ yep once a bitch always a bitch I say lol.....ya can take me soul and spirit but DONT touch me bitch LOL...... love you....xxxxx
~(((((((((Goatman))))))))~ yeah, anyone would think us crimples were like 10 a penny LMFAO......
lady I may be but pretty I aint LMFAO.......xxxxxx
~((((blue)))))~ yeah that will teach the tosser lol...... at least it same me having to roll him and mug his wallet LMFAO..... I love our little British Robins with such a passion, they are little and round and fat compared to American Robins though..... and ya can get them right proper tame with a bit of time :)......xxxxx
~((((idaho Escapee)))~ oh hush with 'all that effort' it is something ya love then there is no effect involved :) - well Ive tucked me chins under me hat :)..... and yes the kneed is a complicated thing except now I have a bionic one on the left and reconstructed ligaments in the right lol...... and hey, fanks you....xxxxxxx
~((((((Tosser)))))~ if only you knew how much I laff having to type 'tosser' for your name lmfao.... and fanks for all your encouragement and emails and love.... ya know me so well lol......xxxxxxxxx
~((((shannon)))))~ a temp over here is like for 3 years and there is sooooooooo much paperwork that has to be filled out, that I cant be arsed LOL.......oh no Im sending some of me staples to MrP lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((((JBelle))))))~ it takes a sassy person to know a sassy person lol.....xxxxx
I'm so glad you're sounding like your old self. I envy you that garden center. It looks like it goes on forever.......
And I love the term 'blob flitter'! ")
Still thinking of you...
Woot Woot!! Yay the drains are out!!! Now for some quick healing to get ya on ya feet a bit more comfortably again!
That little altercation with the man in the garden centre was so worth it! What a result! Glad you didn't give in to his demands!
Sounds like you had a really good day, with your friend and it was just what you needed. I loved the bannister and splinter remark. Oooh, I've met a few splinters, in my time, have you?
Silly me-I will do more reading! I'm playing "catch up" with so many blogs, trying to get to know people.
Oh- I'm glad you got his plants! I hope he knows that you got them ,too! Too bad you couldn't send him a picture of how well they're doing...in your garden.
Glad to hear that the drain is out now. Sounds like you just might be turning a corner here. Sure hope so for your sake- you've been through enough lately.
Marmite! You are back, with a vengeance. I would have loved to be a little mouse on the ground with that so-called handicapped-parking cop. What a dufus! It is so fitting that you got his plants. I peed my pants on that one! I am thinking of you all the time. Just so you know, I'm off for a vacation this next week to the Oregon coast. My first vacation in three years! And nobody to take care of. Now - don't get any wild ideas, little Missy - If I see you on the front porch of my beach house - well, we'll do no therapy at all! We'll just sit on the beach and eat cookies and bon bons and grow fatter and fatter. That should help your knee!
Good Lord, Ms. Toasty! You are have even more problems with that bionic knee than me mother did when they replaced her bionic knee with a new bionic knee and forgot to tie the damned tendons on it!
As for the jackass in the car park, I wish I had been there with my special cane/walking stick with the short sword inside it. I’d have run the damned blade up his puckered ass hole!
There! Now I feel better getting all of that out of my saintly mind!
I am confused...natural. Just what is the "F" word that you write about in GB? Is it cold beer?
Toastie, so far I have 3 beautiful little chicks, two yellow and one black and yellow. Aaaawww!!!
France (((X)))
soon to be good as new, right? :)
~(((((robin)))))~ that greenhouse is just one of the many at that garden centre, its a local family that owns it and when I was married me and me X (spit on the floor lol) would be one of their suppliers of alpines...sigh....xxxxx
~(((Inspired))))~ fanks you..... Im doing fine..... honestly.....I'll try and pop over this afternoon and catch up....xxxxx
~(((ladystyx)))~ Im hoping this is the turning point, still real painful and not much bend BUT the drains are out so thats a good sign :).....xxxxx
~((((mean mum))))~ aint that splinter saying just so dead right LOL..... Nick loves me really and he knows I ask to many questions so he has limited me to 3 pers session LMFAO......xxxxx
~((((joanne))))))~ :) .....xxxxx
~(((cindy)))))~ its all for a reason I think, Ive become way to soft about people and life of late, so its been a wake up call....xxxxx
~((((jeannieS))))~ I so wanna go on holiday and have a little cottage by the sea and sit and eat bonbons and recharge me batteries..... its difficult here with so many in the house and I still have to do things and keep this place ticking over, so its very difficult to recharge anything...... Im totally exhausted lol - HAVE THE MOST SUPER OF HOLIDAYS YOU LUCKY COW lol....xxxxx
~(((((Saintly))))~ so sorry to hear about your mum :( - me consultant said sometimes its more difficult in younger clients cos little old people just need to potter around from the kitchen to the telly whereas younger clients (me) need to be hiking and running around after kids SO HE HAS TO GET IT RIGHT..... sods law with me and ops though lol..... Im being tested as to my strength in many things, thats all......
LOL@you and your sword/can, now I have visions of a squashbuckling sword welding hero in the garden centre carpark LMFAO..... you are my hero........ ((((Saintly))))).....xxxxx
~(((((((((Starr)))))))~ taking your hand and taking you to the quiet corner to explain about the 'F word' :) - there is a telly cook over here called Gordon Ramsey whos programme is called 'The F Word' cos he swears a lot.... and NO its not beer..... now I want an ice cold lager cos its right proper sunny here today...... maybe I will see if any of me lads want to drive out to Corhampton (5 miles away) to the Bucks Head Inn/Pub by the river and do lunch and drink Ice cold lager...... do you wanna come? Im afraid there are no bears or mooses though so you might be a tad bored lol......xxxxxxxxx
~((((France)))))~ I want photos lol..... Im so envious of you..... Cedric here is bonking Janet and Mabel daily lol but they still wont sit on the eggs.... I SO WANT baby chicks to rear.....sigh....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((Wolfie)))))))))~ fingers crossed right? and eyes and legs lol....... if I get through this I will be stronger, a better person, and on a mission to travel the world and prove what I can do with a bionic knee and reconstructed ligaments..... fanks you.......xxxxx
It sure was nice to get your letter, always a pleasure. You have been through so much and still are, but your attitude is fantastic and of course your humor shows through. I will write you back in a few days and hopefully you improve day by day. Remember we all really think of you and hope for the best for you, the bloggers are an amazing family of sorts. I will continue to play that weird music and burn exotic candles and such in your honor, maybe some real good will come of all this soon. Take care and I will be coming up your path in a week or so delivered by the bloke on the red bike. Thanks again for the time and effort it took to sit and write that letter, much appreciated. The Stickman
I am never bored when a Beer is involved...at least a cold one. HA!
Toastie, I've done a chick flick slide show just for you on the Right Hand Side of my side bar. Enjoy they are sooo cute and only a day old! France (((X)))
*Drools at the thought of that carrot cake*
I'm glad the swelling's gone down a bit and the drains are out. That's definately a good start! :)
hooray the drains are out - toasting to a more mobile marmie and who knows what other mayhem to follow heheh
I started reading this post in my lunch break at work but had to stop and come back another day.
I may just have to look out for that garden centre and take my mum there. Like you she is still not good on the old pins. she had to see her consultant at QA last monday and they have decided to open her knee up again to have a look ans see what has gone wrong. Her knee still keeps collapsing and its nearly 18 months now. I did tell her to watch out for you and say hi if you were there. But then I thought the pair of you would just make each other more depressed.
Its good to read that you are in a more positive place now.
~((((((Stickman)))))~ sorry the letter was so very long winded lol..... it must of bored ya to death lol.....
I love being a cor blimey penpal to you and Digger and JeanneH, and now that things have calmed down a little, I promise to do better :)..
Fank you for you love and encouragement and for not being judgemental..... much love....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((Starr))))))))))))~ nowt better then an ice cold lager on a hot sunny day.... and even better is munching on prawn and salad baguettes or a ploughsman lunch whilst sipping the cold lager with ya feet dangling in the River Meon :)......xxxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ))))))~ I made a beetroot and chocolate cake this weekend that Mrs Toadie sent me the recipe for..... I LOVE it, me lads aint to sure as yet though lol.....
Ive sent you off a reply email to your amazing email you sent..... you my dear are such a strong amazing woman.... love to Kelly even though he cant help being Canadian LOL......xxxxxxx
~((((mei del))))~ do you know just by having the drains out have made so much different to my inner self.... its now like the beginning of recovery.... I hope.... xxxxxxxx
~((((LIR))))))~ oh my, much love to your mum.... I wouldnt make her depressed I would make her smile :).... Im no longer in a dark hole..... maybe just a little cupboard with the light on lol....... tell your mum to wear a red carnation when next at QA and I will then know who to shout at lol.......xxxxx
That's definately a "different" cake. LOL!
Marmie! I received your most welcome letter today! And in the next day or two I will be sending you another ~ I have some pictures to send you too. You will like them. You will LOVE some of them! Ta-ta!! Love Jeanne xoxoxo
((((mel)))))sorry i haven't checked in with you a bit sooner. i'm a sorry ol' excuse for a friend, eh? last week or two i couldn't be arsed w blogging (w the exception of the 55s_, i'm rarely commenting, and i've been depressed since my girls left for their dad's this past tuesday. i'm glad they took the drain out and the swelling has gone down. a little is better than none at all.
speaking of drain, the situation w my ex is also draining me...of my finances and my sanity. he is someone that i intensely 'dislike' as hate is such a strong word. LOL
but i won't complain anymore. you are going through far more stuff than i am so i should count myself lucky. i'll be checking back in with you again soon. love ya xoxo
~(((ToriZ)))~ different but OMGOODNESS it was so scrummie, me lads finished off a huge 10 inch cake in just 2 days LOL...xxxxx
~(((JeanneH))~ sorry the letter was little and late LOL I promise to do better with me 'cor blimey penpals' :)...xxxxx
~((((ciara anyones for a wonderfully super X husand, I can feel the love from here))))~ Im so sorry he is being such an arsehole.... I will swap him for my X arsehole if ya like.... mine is giving me such grief, time I think to get a contract out on him lol....you KNOW you can share with me ANYTHING..... we have been maties for a long time now :)..... xxxxxx
hey, did Ed call?
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