I also have a pair of retro kitchen scales in shocking pink which I LOVE so very much, and of which I would run back into a burning building to save in the event of a fire....but thats different....oh and I do have a little pink stuffed cat wedged on me dashboard near me windscreen in me car....
But do LOVE pink plants though... I have many pretty pink delicate flowers in me garden..... which is strange cos I DONT do pink lol.... maybe its my inner 'I wanna do pink but I cant' trying to come out in me plants lol
Besides these few pink plants I have pink mallows, and a huge pink Hebe and a pink Bleeding heart and various others.....
ToriZ proably good you cant see these photos cos they are out of focus and crap LOL
But I DONT do pink...
Then pray tell me why do I LOVE my pink Etnies with a PASSION lol (wondering how many of ya actually know what Etnies are lmfao)....
At Hayling Island..
At Thorpe Park..
Bognor Regis..
At the Ferryboat Inn on the eastern tip of Hayling Island looking across to Portsmouth.. ya can just see the ear of me pink cat which is next to me redneck horn that says rude redneck road abuse words that me matie David sent me a couple of years ago from California cos I told him I often swore at other drivers whilst driving lol so now I just hit the button and laff instead of swearing.... I can swear like a fishwife when I have to lol...
Langstone Harbour Foreshore..
My orange and red flowered doc martens (ya know, the ones I will be buried in) are getting quite jealous of me Etnies... cos they have been me hobbling shoe of late....
And when I wore them to me physio appointment on Friday, first Anita said WTF you dont do pink lmfao....... and when Nick came in to torture me double he said.... Mel, well well well do you now do pink?..... I think my NON PINK REPUTATION is spreading lol......I had to tell them both to SHUT UP lol......
Ya see.......... I DONT do pink........ not even on a dark wet cold Saturday November night....
Twaddle over.....
I would have considered you a "pinkie" what with the dancing duck and all. Oh, well, I am off to go duck hunting in the morning with Matt and one of his buds. If I don't get any, I am a notoriously bad shot with a shotgun, I might just have to take a pot shot at your dancing duck! HA! (just kidding)
~(((((((Starr)))))))~ the only pinkie I have is me little finger that I stick out when drinking me cuppa tea lol...
and its NOT A BLOODY DANGING DUCK, its a chicken lol....
Ive missed you matie...xxxxx
DANGING is code for DANCING lol
Be safe with whilst out shooting those poor little defenceless cute as a button sweet ducks :)...xxxxx
I have never done pink either, but now I'm having to get used to it with a baby girl in the house. She is always a big pile of pink--pink clothes, pink blankets, pink toys.
I don't normally wear much pink either. I remember having a pink sweater years ago that I loved. Maybe it's because I come from a family of red-heads that can't wear pink. But I think it's because I've never been a girly girl, always the tomboy, playing sports with the boys.
For being pink, your Etnies are cute.
(((mel and anyone's for something BIG, THICK & pink..use your imagination...heehehe)))actually i do know what etnies are! we have them here...skate shoes. showboat had a couple of pairs. i like pink, but i'm more of the look-at-me pink. you know the vibrant kind? hehe
Someone is going to be quite the trendsetter taking pictures of their feetsies.
I really wish I knew how you made your chicken dance. I've tried making an animated avatar but blogger just wasn't having it.
((((( Toasty ))))) - its nice to see you are out and about (or at least your feet and Etnies are) - I sure hope they aren't on prop legs. Do you have a space you can call a greenhouse?
I don't do pink either... not much for purples either...
I am more the reds, greens, and black.. are those old lady colors... maybe that is why I like them.. no..I like brown, marroon too.. but Pink no way Jose,
maybe it is us Tomboys who ever wore them as kids.
well. okay. good to know. no damn pink for you. bet you never played with Barbies when you were little....
I don't care what anyone says. There is just no justification for pink. And yet.....
I never used to do pink. I hated it. But then I turned 40 and the pink fairy came and sprinkled her dust on me and now I have a pink scarf and two pink tops and even a pink lipstick. How about that!
I love pink, but Im particular about the shade. I like the real light shades and those close to mauve...but Pepto Pink or neon pink, no thanks! The only thing I have in that shade of pink is my watch. The white with silver trim and it came with 5 different bands so I could change them out. Mom bought it because the one band is leopard print...Im sure that's why she got it. However, the Pepto pink has pretty much been the band of choice since I got it.
I absolutely know what Etnies are. I have girls, one a teenager! We look for shoes online now. Oh, my kitchen is...well, it's supposed to be "salmon", but I went to paint over it one year and a friend of my daughter's told, "Mrs. O, don't you dare paint over the pink! I LOVE it!" Chuckle. In honor of Danielle, my kitchen stays "pink". My whole house is colorful.
~((((jen))))~ I have a friend who has just had a girl after 3 boys and she to has gone pink crazy lol...
I made quite a big mistake last year buying some 'pink' baby bits for someone special, only to be told the 'pink' bits were never passed onto the baby as 'they didnt do pink' I should of saved me $50 lol we live and learn :)...xxxxx
~(((chicago)))))~ A pink jumper, say it isnt so lmfao.... oh my redheads and pinks are soooooo not working lmfao....xxxxx
~(((((ciara anyones for a big pink lollypop to suck)))~ I can see you in pink.... yep, you are a girlie pink and all that portrays lol....xxxxx
~((((intense))))~ ya think? lol
Me dancing chicken is a trade secret, if I told ya then I would have to hunt ya down and slice ya achilles heel :)
Yep its just me feet and etnies that are about, I cut them off and me maties takes them on trips lol....
I had a greenhouse but had to get rid of it cos it was glass but I have seen an amazing one that I hope to buy in the coming year..... its strange cos when I was married to the Tosser we had 66 foot greenhouses lmfao....... I just want a 8' x 6' and I would be happy.... xxxxxxxxx
~((((Tosser))))))~ can you see how hard it is to type your name LMFAO - I cant see you as a pink person somehow I knew you wasnt.... Im sorta earth colours but I do like purples and mauves lol.... not that I buy any clothese really, just essentials.... I use to have loads and loads of beautiful clothes but the tosser cut them all up before he left and I never had the need to replace them, life was to be different and I wouldnt need them anyways.... yep Tomboy here to lol....maybe oneday I will have the courage to write about the reasons why on that one lol.......xxxxx
~((((((JBelle))))))))~ nope, no Barbies here, I was not allowed to have barbies even if I had wanted to lol........ so it was Action Men (I think like your GI Joe) and cowboys and indians and soldiers and forts and trains.... non of which were mine but my brothers..... I did have one doll though..... xxxxxxx
~((((robin)))))~ LMFAO@you..... but whats the yet?.....xxxxx
~(((((elaine)))))~ LOL@the pink fairy came - I do look at the little pink girlie bits and bobsthat Sprite has and sometimes I smile..... its to late in life now anyways to be a girlie girl lol....xxxxxxx
~((((ladystyx))))~ Most of me maties are 'pink people' but then ya know I dont follow anyone lmfao..... dam, no wonder Im on me own lol...... maybe I should go out and kit meself out in girlie pinks and heels and hang around street corners LMFAO......xxxxxx
~(((((((((((Sue)))))))))))~ ya snuck in when I was typing lol....... YOU HAVE A PINK KITCHEN... oh my lol...... when we moved into this house, we had looked at about 40 properties to buy and the one thing I kept saying was, i so dont want a house with a pink bathroom suite...... and bugger me, this is the only house that I had a vibe for and a peaceful presence and this was the only house THAT HAD A PINK BATH AND SINK lmfao.... I had to live with that for 3 years before we could rip it out LOL.....
I do love me pink kitchen scales though, with a passion.....
Well my Etnies aint like the fat skating shoes like me lads wear, but they are more like a running shoe :)..... but dam, they are comfortable lol....... I didnt go to buy pink ones I went to just buy a pair of trainers, but these shoes just kept dragging me back to stand in front of them, so I took that as a sign :).....xxxxxxxxx
I think you're in denial: you DO do pink and you'd like to do more. Embrace your pink side, don't be scared.
I can safely say, though, that I don't do pink. But my clothes sense is much on a par with a hedgehog's road sense or so my wife says.
Well for someone who doesn't do pink you sure have a lot of it!! LOL
How's the physio going Marmie? x
I'm the same as you. I DO NOT do pink! I do have a couple of pink teddies though. And some socks with pink in them. And I've got some pink PJs, but that was because my Mam got them for me and I desperately needed PJs... Besides, short of having all my PJs the same (which is boring) I had no choice. People seem to think that if you're female you love pink. Personally I've never liked it. Purple and red are fine... But not pink!
P.S. When you've finished Ken Follett's 'World Without End' let me know if it's worth getting.
I have my pink days...girlie-girl and all that I generally am. I think your little tennies are adorable with the baby pink and baby blue and white and dammed if they ain't girly-girl. (LOL)
I think the only pink that I am not very found of is pepto bismol? pink...it makes me think of having the stomach sit on the toilet flu.
For years I wouldn't wear blue or ever have a blue wall or piece of furniture and I still am not fond of most blue shades...simply because my Mom thought I looked so dammed adorable in blue...something about matching my eyes...but in later life I have found there are many shades of blue that I do like. Still...not on me.
I like my blues in the sky and eyes and slushy drinks and jello and such. but no blue eyeshadow for me. (smiley)
Truth be told there are very few colors that I don't enjoy...even whites and grays and blacks.
just sharing this valuable info about me...teeheehee
Love Ya...J-
Well, shoes are different... After a girl gets past her teen years, you don't see too many pink clothes..
I like pink, but think it makes me look dumb! That said, I wear it often enough cus Studly likes it on me! But I do have a pair of pink Sketchers that I got in Paris and have never seen sold in the US. I call them my kindergarden shoes cus they have a crackle finish and a floral inset and look as if I've had them since I was 5.
I luv luv luv them!
Such nice pictures. I especially like the one of your shoes over the rocks. I love stones of all sorts as you know and it looks like you have your fair share there in Jolly old England. Is it okay to call it that? I hope so. I hope you have been well and it looks like you are getting out a bit more, hopefully your leg is healing up quite nice. The Stickman
I was at a gun show the other day and they had Pink guns. I assume for sale to women. Egads.
Mmmmm! the cookies on my post you said you liked, now then what colour were they????? Whats that you said, pardon, shout up, didn't quite get that!!!!! Oh! right you don't do pink!!!!!!!!!!
I'm nice and snuggly in my lovely pink jumper. Pinky pink. Pink. Pink? Came here from Intense Guys blog. He gave you an award!!
I don't think pink really suits me but other people say it does. Perhaps pink is just an all round spectator colour.
*grin* I'm with you, Toasty, I'm not a "pink" girl either. Unless they're flowers, esp. wild roses. I LOVE wild roses. And it's ok with me that those are pink. And pink (naturally) cheeks. Those are good too. Put, you won't catch me wearing pink. *gag* *grin*
Hope you're healing well, Toasty!
I love pink...and I like your pink Tennies!!! And your flowers! They are beautiful!!
I never meant to have pink, you know, being a guy and such, but lo and behold, for some mysterious reason when I washed my undies at the laudromat, they came out pink!Must have mated with some panties left over in the machine.Could have been the bleach, though.
~(((dumdad)))~ I aint in denial thats a river in Africa :)... I cant do pink no way no how lol....lol@hedgehog....xxxxxx
~(((((adelamalu))))))~ oh hush it lmfao.... I also realised today that I have shocking pink crocs that me matie bought me to take into hospital cos I didnt have slippers..... she laffed so much when she bought me them cos she KNOWS I dont do pink...... remember whilst I was in hospital and they covered me with a pink blanket and thought it right funny lol.......xxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ)))))~ do pink knickers count lmfao....xxxxx
~(((dumdad)))))~ Ive just read for an hour in the bath lol...... I got to the bit where Tom the Stonemason dies, good job I was in the bath cos me tears wouldnt stop flowing lol - I'll let you know what the other one is like, if ya good, I'll send it to you once Im done and dusted with it :).....xxxxx
~((((jolie jolie)))))@ I can see you in pink, all pink and pretty and poncy tiptoeing around lmfao..... taking note of all the valuable info you be sharing lol...... lubs ya to :)....xxxxxxx
~(((((buffalo))))))~ your right, ya dont see to many elderly people wearing pink now do ya..... I might have to conduct a survey at the home for the elderly and go check out their colour sense LOL......xxxxxx
~(((lisa)))~ yep you to are a girlie girl..... I would of liked a little bit to be one, but i never really had the chance LOL..... and then living with just boys aint helped lol..... xxxxxxx
~((((((((((((Stickman))))))))))))~ these photos have been taken over several months.... I am getting out more, but like before, and the stick is now a wonderful help..... wouldnt say anything is healing up nicely lol I just try to keep stumm about it all now, still at the hospital 2-3 times a week and each session is 2 hours long lol..... but Im a tough old bird and something has to eventually give, even if it is me mind :)....xxxxxx
~((((charles)))))~ I will say I did send me matie JBelle last year a pink garden trowel lol but she really is girlie girlie but with the rough boy edges lol.....pink guns? say it aint so.....xxxxxxxx
~((((Queenie))))~ now your grub is a different matter, it dont matter if its pink as long as it tastes great lol.......xxxxxxx
~((((jess))))))))~ welcome from intense guys blob..... some can get away with pink but pink things make me feel vulnerable lol.....xxxxx
~((((((kati)))))~ woooo0 hooooo katies on my side lmfao..... jebus I love those wild dog roses to.... we use to get the rosehips from those as kids, crush them and get the itchy powder out the middle and put it down colin Fs back lol.... healing slow slow slow... its totally drained me :) but Im tough....xxxxxxx
~((((((catch))))))))~ gawds sake, another girlie pink user lmfao.......
ok, what the hell are tennies? you cal trainers/running shoes tennies? lol you are just to funny....xxxxxx
Now MT, if it looks like a duck (e.g. bill) and it dances like a duck...it is a... duck. And no ducks today for the 'oldman', all thought the youngest edition of me...e.g. Matt...'harvested' a couple. I told him that he should be proud that he 'harvested' the last two ducks in N. Idaho. HA! I will admit that I have the urge to blast away at your chicken (duck)but deep down I am non violent. HA!
I went through a pink phrase, but after teaching middle school girls, I got over it quick. They love pink! Your flowers are just gorgeous. I can't believe they are still in such full bloom!
hmmm...lot's of aversion to pink here it would seem...it's just red with varying degrees of white, after all...i have bucked typical male avoidance of pink and at one time drove a pink Mustang, have had pink shirts and sweaters and a snazzy pair of pink Converse All Star tennies, not unlike Marmy's equally snazzy Etnies...was in a
50's group where the band uniform was anything black and/or pink...
...embrace your pinkness! (ahem)
~(((((((Starr))))))))~ my dancing chicken has a beak ya loon lol...... so, no ducks for you, I think you might be loosing your touch with the old hunting game..... MMMmmmmm roasted duck.... makes hell of a mess of ones oven though.... I KNOW your a gentle soul at heart, you dont fool me with ya macho stance lol.....xxxxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl))))~ yeah, the little girls that I childmind are a vision in pink lol especially in the summer.... that foxglove was actually flowering last week lol I think its a retard one.... now this week all the tiny pink fushia flowers have dropped and bush is looking quite bare, but come spring it will awake again....xxxxx
~(((((soul))))))~ :) one of my lads have a couple of pinkie shirts and a fine dandy he looks in them to lol..... ok ok I would LOVE a pink Mustang..... but shhhhhh dont tell anyone :)
Theres that word tennies again? WTF.... Im hugging your pinkness soul :)......xxxxxx
How funny Mel...I just sent you some PINK Hollyhock seeds from Idaho last week - did you get them yet?? Watch your mailbox!! I never wore pink until my hair turned white, and now I'm told it looks good on me...but my youngest daughter loves pink, anything pink. She even has pink camo outfits....and her little daughter will probably end up with a pink Daisy B.B. gun sometime, since her husband is an avid hunter...I like pink, but I don't go overboard...your shoes are cute, too, by the way! Love you...JeanneH in Idaho
You know, sometimes when I get really frustrated and/or angry I just sputter and spit since I don't know all the "good words". Maybe someday I'll visit a fishwife for lessons...
Just stopped in to give the dancin' chicken Twaddler a great big hug!
*Shrugs* Other than to grab a pair to shove on I don't tend to give knickers a thought to be honest. They can count if you want though. LOL!
Now if you could just get those pink Etnies on the dancin' duck, errr I mean chicken - THAT would be impressive! Well, actually the dancin' chicken is pretty impressive. If you tell Iggy, I hope he tells me before you get a chance to hunt him down and slice his achilles heel (ouchie!)
Oh, btw I do pink! and orange and green, and yellow and purple and... ok I do all colors!
Don't like pink! Shame on you! Its a good colour in moderation, especially a lovely rose pink not the yellowy pinks...... don't like them. What about purple. Thats a good colour too! LOL.
Like your shoes! Aren't they pink?
What's your favourite colour? I like Gray (or Grey!)... it rhymes with Fey..
I love love LOVE the shoes pics!!! I had a pink phase after my girls were born. Lasted about 3 years. Now I'm in a blue phase. That is not indicative of wanting another baby, thankyouverymuch.
I got the box.. thank you! My mom died when she saw the Bisto that you so thoughtfully popped in. What a doll you are! :)
Of course I know what Etnies are! And man, that is a really pretty flower, and I love the pics with your shoes in them! Very creative!
Marmie - the thing I love most about this is your confession to cursing out other drivers. We're TWINS! I've told you that before.
Looking at me - 5'2" of sweet mature almost old lady looks - people would be SHOCKED at my really bad words I use for other drivers - they are all nuts, whackos, idiots and don't know how to drive a car anymore than they could build a skyscraper with toothpicks. Dufuses everyone.
I don't normally like pastel pink, but I do like dark pink, especially teamed with black, or navy blue.
I like your Etnies, though, but I'd never heard of them before. I think you really must be in denial about your liking for pink. My son's girlfriend has a pastel pink leather motorbike jacket! Hmmm.....
I don't know how you drive with your feet, and take a photo at the same time. It looks as if you're heading for the sea. Hope you stopped in time.;0)
I sent you an e-mail. Thought I better let you know because of how e-mails from me to you like going in your junk folder instead of your inbox. ;)
I think your in denial...go on just embrace the PINK....ah, that's it NIRVANA! :D
Well I'm an artist so I do not discriminate against any color. And well I do look HOT in HOT PINK. And don't worry when I'm old & White i will continue to embrace a little PINK!!
I'm neither a Tomboy or a girlie girl but i do need a fix of Pink now and then. LOL
I love pink, but I think it is more a childhood obsession than a real affection. My cousin and I were close in age, and we got many things alike. She always got pink and I always got blue. She was blond, and I was redheaded and the old thinking was redheads can't wear pink. I really got to thinking pink was a far superior color based strictly on denial. Truth is, I buy blue far more than pink -- call it conditioning.
Love the pink shoes.
don't do pink? you're rebelling against your feminine side, that's what you're up to. i should know, it's not my favourite colour, bu as you pointed out, it's all over the place in nature's garden (and yours too) lol. love your pics xx
~((((((jeanneH))))))~ oh my PINK Hollyhocks...... just like me twat neighbour grows in his front garden....... I LOVE hollyhocks with such a passion...... fanks you so much, I cant wait for them to arrive..... I will plant them and nurture them and have the most amazing patch of them next year... you are to kind.... I can get any 'pink fix' I need from when I have Sprite LOL.... love you to :)...xxxxxx
~((((intense)))))~ you would NOT want to hear me when I get started, I could put a sailor to shame lmfao.....and I can quite hold me own with most lol..... fanks for the hugs ;)....xxxxxxxx
~(((((ToriZ)))))~ok, sod the knickers, go commando lmfao.....xxxxxx
~(((((punkn)))))~ my lads were well impressed when I came home with me pink Etnies lol.... they aint the usual fat skater shoes those, these are more like normal trainers and I got meself a bargain with them, I got them for only $120 so I was meg chufted.... I do like most colours I suppose, its just pink I have trouble with, except in me garden, oh and me scales oh and me crocs oh and me cat (but thoses pinks DONT count lol)....xxxxxx
~(((((maggie may)))))~ oh shut it lmfao... and yes me shoes are pink lol, which is a first for me, and EVERYone has commented on it, I must be famous around here for 'not doing pink' LOL....xxxxxxx
~(((((Buffalo))))))~ I love earth colours and purples LOL...... I do have such a passion for true blue plants though.... I mean a run away passion lol for gentians and pensitmons and delphinuims are my absolute favourite.....xxxxxx
~((((bina))))~ LOL@creative....... so some reason Im always taking photos of me feet LOL I have scores of them lmfao.... weird right? lol...xxxxxx
~((((jeannieS)))))~ curse LOL well I can swear like a right proper fishwife when needs must :)..... sometimes I dont realise I know so many swear words LMFAO..... my matie David from California thought it would be a good idea for the REDNECK Horn LOL.... everyone loves it :)...xxxxxxx
~(((((mean mom)))))~ I think much of it is that I was never allowed to be a girlie girl growing up, and sometimes 'pink' portrays so many things to me lmfao..... I'll explain proper oneday :)....
LOL@driving with me feet up...... nah I had parked up in the carpark that overlooked Hayling Harbour inlet..... I did have a HUGE moose mug full of coffee with me that FamilyPhil and his kids had sent me and I was just sat there watching the water and sipping me coffee lol..... Im actually an amazing driver and nuffin phases me in traffic :).... most actually get out of me way cos I drive like Im in a TANK lol....xxxxxxx
~((((ToriZ)))))~ got it and answered it :) check your mail....... AND GOOD LUCK for tomorrow.....xxxxxx
~((((lulda)))))~ LOL@pink denial.... :)....xxxxx
~(((compassrose))))~ welcome :) - oh all my cousins were pinkie pink girls but I was NOT allowed pink... or barbies lol.... and my Action man dressed in my cousins pink barbie dress did not go down to well LMFAO...xxxxxxxx
~((((mei del))))~ well I do do shocking pink kitchen scales which I love with a passion lol and I just realised I do that a pinkish Kath Kidston tote bags for shopping lol..... BUT thats different, right? :).....xxxxxx
OH MY BLOODY GOD........... IVE JUST REALISED....... I HAVE PINK BLOODY TRAVEL LUGGAGE...... when I went out to visit me matie Sharkie last year...... my luggage consisted of a BRIGHT PINK and white HOLDALL and a smaller plain pink holdall stuffed with pressies........
OH MY GOD......... OH MY GOD......... THERE IS PINK INSIDE ME TRYING TO GET OUT....... AND...... I LOVE MY LUGGAGE WITH A PASSION..... LOVE IT....... Ive let meself down.... I have pink and white luggage...... gawds sake, what the hell is that about......
~(((elizabeth)))~ how did I miss your post lol..... How could I not put a packet of Bisto in with your winning cockles LOL.... you said your mum missed bisto most of all..... I had also put in a bottle of HP Sauce but cos of the weight the dam sauce would of cost just under 7 quid ($14) extra to include and sorry but HP sauce aint for 7 quid to post lmfao..... Im glad you entered the competition and now dont lurk here :)..xxxxxx
Guess I won't offer to let you borrow my bright,and I do mean bright, pink T-shirt...
Hollyhocks, fuschias, foxglove. These and bleeding hearts are some of a woodnymph's faves :)
I'm listed as The Goat in the Secret Ornament Swap. Shhhh don't tell anyone lol I just thought I'd stop by - I look good in pink - pink shirts make my face look rosier - otherwise I'd be pastey. You don't do pink, I can see that - Love the shoes! :0)
Just when I was digesting the image of you and Tori in pink knickers and/or going commando... you went off the deep end and had to mention you had pink LUGGAGE?!?
Jeebus almighty...even your fashion taste needs to be slattered in marmite.
((((( Toasty )))))
Hope you are well today!!!
Just dropping by from the secret ornament swap to say Hello! Cute blog, even if you don't like pink! :O)
Take care,
haha just laughing at you not noticing the pink stuff in your possession before
I know you don't do pink and the Starr man needs to clean his spectacles if he thinks that is a DUCK but I was more concerned that in the picture from Bognor Regis your steering wheel appears to be on the WRONG SIDE.
Best- Shark
Where you at? Women have to bitch or explode... better post soon!
thanks for stopping by and sorry about the crappy pictures..i feel the same way about my lime green baby phats shoes..and normally you couldn't get me to wear lime green anything anytime any where...but i love those shoes..
Well...Mel....I've never been a pink person myself. Having auburn hair, I always thought pink wasn't the color for me.
But I do have to say....I LOVE all the pink shoes you posted!!
Great reading, as usual!!
Hi! Just wanted to make sure you received my email listing your ornament swap partner's information. If you did not please check your spam filter - some have been getting stuck in there. If you still don't have it please email me.
Julie from Abbilyeverafter.com
~(((cindy)))~ I'll pass on that fanks very much though for the offer LOL....xxxxxx
~(((kirby))))~ welcome :) - Ive never joined in nuffin like the ornament swap, so it should be interesting :) - some can do pink and some cant - I CANT :) ....xxxxx
~((((Intense))))~ I will say that going 'commando' chaffs ya bum LMFAO.... YEP pink luggage, who would of thunked it LOL...xxxxxxxxx
~((((((lisa))))))~ fanks for popping over.... please scroll back and read other stuff, its NOT all pink and frilly lmfao....xxxxx
~(((mei del)))~ Im NOT thinking about what else I might have pink stuffed away lol....xxxxxxx
~(((((((((((((((((((Sharkie)))))))))))))~ Yes you do, probably more then anyone I know.... your face when I turned up with pink luggage lol even after all those weeks of trying to explain stuff about me... and me keep saying I DONT DO PINK.... maybe I should try it, pink, I mean, maybe I will get somewhere in life lol.... yep Starr needs his specs cos that sure aint no dam duck... no no no no.... its your steering wheel thats on the wrong side lol.... it was hard to fatham out driving in Maine cos everyone except me would be driving on the wrong side of the road lol...... hugz to you dear friend - know you are loved (((((Sharkie))))).... oxo
~((((buffalo))))~ oh hush ya mouth you :)...... unless you want to carry some of my load thats heavy on my shoulders which way..... nice to know ya've missed me.... XxXx
~(((yellowdog))))~ :) I love your blob, you, like me, can swear like a fishwife lol... we all have that favourite item, my most favourite pair of boots are me orange and red flowered doc martens... Ive had them for years and years and I will be buried in them..... and NO I aint no lasbo lol......xxxxx
~((((Inspired))))~ no no GINGERS cant do pink LOL.... you will have to wait until you go grey :).......xxxxxx
~(((julie)))~ welcome - yep I got me email.... and Im now on the hunt for a suitable ornament for my swapper :).... my god help them lmfao...xxxxx
ooopss....... ((((Woodsong))))~ sorry ya slipped through the net :)..... I do LOVE with a passion all the natural wild sorta plants.... Im wild at heart.... a true wild of nature person.... give me woods and forests and mud and soil and nature and I would be a happy soul...... if my soul ever comes back to be happy that is lol.....xxxxx
Don't know what I'm worried about more here. Toasty suggesting we go comando or Iggy taking the time to digest the image. LOL!
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