But last week on the Monday before all the poop hit the fan with me knee, me matie begged me to go out with her to Makro...... well in my car lol...... Makro is a HUGE shop about 14 miles away, down the dead badger lanes...... its what I think me doodle maties would call a wholesale shop place...they sell EVERYTHING.... ya have to have a trade card, of which I have 2 :) - you dont have to buy anything in bulk there, and we love to have a wander around and usually do lunch there in the cafe place..... once or twice we have taken 9 under fives with us lol.... and yes we still had lunch in the cafe, we just get out their pack lunches and they sit at the tables whilst we queue and treat ourselves to lunch... the kids have always been commented on as to their wonderful behaviour..... 9 under fives all as good as gold, some ask how we do it :)...... they just KNOW the rules LOL
Anyways...... me matie Sharon wanted to go to Makro cos they would have all the crimbo stuff in and we so have such a laff when we go shopping together and I so needed a good laff.....
So, we only had Sprite, Rhys, Cerys, Charlie (remember we lost him in a garden centre back in the spring lol) and just Jack..... so it was to be a doddle......
This place only has but a handful of shopping trolleys that have kiddy seats in them, so ya have to hunt the carpark trolley place for them....... but oh no, could we find any...... so we go into the entrance part where ya sign in to enquire as to where we could find some, when I spy 2, yes 2 bloody shoppers just going into the shop with kiddy trolleys....... BUT WITHOUT ANY KIDDIES in them...... RED FLAG RED FLAG lol......
So, I says, excuse me you seem to have left something in the carpark..... to these people that were obviously together (sort of oldish, probably late 50s).... puzzled look on their faces...... so I repeat..... you seem to of left something in the carpark...... no, not us, they say..... but you must of...... I says....... still puzzled looks..... ok, I says, did you have kids with you this morning?...... errr no, the bloke says....... were you going to buy some kids whilst in the shop I says?...... puzzled looks with a dont be daft woman expression on their faces...... ok, I says...... kiddy trolleys with the seats are few and far between and you seem to have the only two trolleys with seats yet you have no children with you?....... OH the bloke says...... Sharon is shaking her head and glaring at me..... lol...... We couldnt be bothered to walk to the trolley park and these were near the door...... well, would you mind awfully if I went and got 2 other trolleys for you, so that we WITH KIDS could use the trolleys MEANT FOR KIDS.... sweet smile :)..... the woman said.... but the seats are handy to put me handbag in...... LMFAO..... no no no no...... with that Sharon cups her hands around her mouth and says loudly...... SECURITY SECURITY TO THE FRONT DOOR PLEASE, TROLLEY THIEVES IN ACTION..... oh my goodness, the look on this womans face lmfao...... the Security bloke did come rushing over LOL and the people eventually swapped trolleys.......
I will say, this is NOT the first time I have had to use this approach... I almost have the script off pat with the trolley stealiers in Makro...lol
Goodness what a start, and it was only the tip of the iceberg that morning ... oh why oh why cant I just shop like normal people, how come there is ALWAYS something lol
Ok, whilst I was in the states at Sharkies on holiday, I fell in love with a lobster called Larry..... read here and even though I couldnt save Larry... RIP.... I bought meself a T-Shirt in his honour...... its way to big but I just loved it and I wear it usually when Im minding :).... and I had it on during our trip to Makro...
Here is me T-shirt.... Sharon was suppose to take a photo of me in it but just took the picture of the front LOL
So picture it..... :) me in me Larry T-shirt looking around the fish section of Makro when I hear...... Oh My Giddy Aunt Mel... I dont believe it, just come and look at these....... its one of your signs.... so I walk over to where me matie is pointing in one of the freezers and I spy this....
How sad :( - these lobsters were from Maine, where I was in the summer, where Larry had lived and died, these lobsters could of been Larrys family...... this I explained to Sharon, she just rolled her eyes.... she just didnt understand the trama of Sharkie not being able to save larry from his hot bath.....
So I took the photo, cos it was a sign, there I was in me lobster T-shirt from Maine and there before me was a freezer full 'ON SPECIAL OFFER' larry relatives...
Well, with that, I heard 'excuse me madam'?..... me continuing to take photos of the lobsters.....then, 'oye you with the lobster shirt'...... Sharon giggling, I look up to see this shop man walking towards me...... you cant take photos in here he says...... but thats larrys family I say, you dont understand...... Im doing this for larry..... Sharon giggling....... well, I have no idea what your on about, he says, but you cant take photos in here for security reasons....... me now laffing...... but you DONT understand..... thats larrys family....... I aint no spy, I aint no security risk, have a heart mate... they are special lobsters........ he must of been a right dinlo cos he says..... yep they are on special offer.... but you still cant take photos in here....... and if you continue, you will be asked to leave the shop LMFAO....... oh my goodness, we could be evicted at our ages LMFAO...... so, I just smile sweetly and mumble...... you dont understand, I loved larry and we wander off down the freezer aisle in search of prawns LOL......
Well so, an hour into our trek around this huge shop, we take the nippers to the crimbo aisle to have a look at the toys and the lights and decorations....... ya know, it was their trip out to LOL....
Ya know those toys, usually bears or whatever, that ya squeeze a little button on their hand and they sing and dance and play awful crimbo tunes...... well, there was a very large display of those and Sprite LOVES em.....I squeezed the hand on one bear and sprite was giggling and just so loved it.... but oh no, Sharon was not happy with that, she needed to test them ALL and to make sure they all worked..... even though we had no intention of buying one.......
This is Sharon making the bears dance LOL we decided to see how many bears we would make work before the first one stopped playing its tune and stopped dancing lol..... goodness, how childish, we was so giggling...... until...... thats right....... Jobsworth came around the corner to see what the noise was LOL....... NOT YOU TWO AGAIN was his opening line.......
He asked us, everso nicely to go to the checkout and purchase what we had in our trolley and LEAVE THE SHOP lmfao............
Some people just have no christmas spirit....... bloody jobworth....... least they didnt take me membership card :) - so we can do it all again next week LOL
Ok, enough boring Twaddle for a wet windy Wednesday.......
I hear the BBC is going to do 1/2hr. comedy Sitcom featuring you!
You and I could get thrown out of alot of stores here too...
i do the same thing with the chrsitmas all singing all sancing toys too, but never been slapped on the hand for doing it, yet anyway lol, so much fun you had too
You sound just like my Grandmother- she couldn't behave anywhere you took her either! But, we sure used to have fun! You would have just loved her. And by the way, she was from Maine, and once the wife of a lobsterman...
HA! You're priceless Mel. Angela and I would LOVE to take you along on one of our trips to the "Big Box Store" here. You'd be a hoot...and probably get us kicked out.. but hey, that's ok, besides, I think the boys would laff at you a lot.
I do the same thing with all those goofy little dancing christmas thingies in the store...it annoys the hell out of everyone else, but it makes me smile...so there!
(((mel and a any jobworth's with crimbo bears)))lmfreakinao...you do cause a lot of ruckus. ya probably woulda had to pick me up off of the floor from laughing so hard. i don't have to start up all the dancing/singing toys...that's what i got me girls for lmao
This time last year, I had to do a run to the supermarket for work. They needed photos of hotdog rolls, bread, spaghetti noodles and a can of baked beans...
I had figured ahead of time, that they might throw a daft limey out of the store if I didn't tell them first what I was up to.. so I'd already got clearance from the manager.. but you'd never believe how many people came up to me, asking if I was feeling okay! lol
Sorry to have been so scarce, Mel.. trying to get back in to the blogging mode now..
"What you like"?
I wouldn't dream of doing anything like that!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the vote and explaining things for Elween, sorry to say this hon but your more like Maid Marian than you think, read my write up on flash fictions famous women and you will see what I mean.
Daren't tell you what I have in my freezer!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were thrown out of Makro?????
I love it that you got the trolley off those people who couldn't be bothered to walk a few yards.
Can't see the last photograph hon!
PS I've posted the second Christmas Carol Quiz today.
What an awesome idea ... next time please take a video. I want to see all those dancing bears!
I know we would need bail money if you and I went shopping together...Ol Man would bail us out I'm sure...maybe :o
~((((buffalodickdy)))~ sometimes ya just have to push the boundaries :)....xxxx
~(((katy))))~ well, some of these shop workers are 'power merchants' LOL.....xxxx
~(((cindy)))~ grandmother GRANDMOTHER.... Im like your grandmother LMFAO.... I aint that old ya know :)... keep telling me lads, to keep their bits in their boxers for a few more years..... but I understand what ya saying.... and Im sure I would of LOVED her - oh my oh my and she was from Maine...... oh how I LOVED Maine and the special people there...... maybe I'll go back and find meself a lobster fisherman with a little cottage overlooking the sea :)....xxxx
~((((Toadie))))~ me finks I ought to grow up at my age lol..... I have this dancing life like cockeral that me nut nurse Wendy bought me last year for me birthday, its the most lovely thing ever and Janet and Mabel get well confused over it lol...... and I would dearly love to go shopping with you lot :)...... ya see, I hate shopping, unless its pressie hunting for others, I think thats why I push the boundaries sometimes lol
You do NOT wanna know what we got up to at Keydale Garden Centre yesterday LMFAO.....xxxxxx
~(((ciara anyones for a squeeze of her soft spot)))~ we laff so much when me and me matie is out, this job otherwise can be so very lonely and isolated...... I will take your girls shopping when I eventually get out to visit :).....xxxxxx
~((((((((Peanut))))))))))~ hey you, welcome back.... scroll back and catch up LOL..... ya know, I take me camera just about everywhere and me and me maties often get looks and into trouble just by taking photos lol..... yesterday was just the funniest.... I had to get out yesterday for me own saniety.... it gives me a few hours of smiles.....xxxxxxxx
~(((queenie)))~ you would dream of doing that? come on? you fibber LOL....
nah Im Friar Tuck LMFAO...... I do have the most funny photo from YEARS ago when we went to a fancy dress party where I was dressed a Friar Tuck NO ONE knew it was me for over an hour lol.... I needed to stuff padding in those days :).... ok I'll go back and read, but Im NO maid marion....xxxx
~((((ake)))~ yep lobbed out of Makro at our ages lmfao.....
Its not the first time Ive had to almost wrestle a shopping trolley off of some tossers LOL.... I'll pop over and have a go at the quiz, only you make them SOOOOOOOooo easy :).....xxxxxx
~((((dan))))~ Maybe I should get me old video camera out of the cupboard :)...... good lord, now thats a thought lol......xxxx
~(((ol lady)))~ I bet old man would only bail you out LOL.... me and me maties often talk about if we was arrested and lobbed in jail and how we would cope and what a laff it would be if we was all in the same cell...... :)....xxxxxx
Hi Marmie,
could you go to my blog and e-mail me so that I can e-mail you back, please? For some reason (I'm probaby doing something wrong) I can't seem to e-mail through the e-mail on your blog.
You are such a shit...by the way. (LOL)
I think your actions were perfectly appropriate for the holidays. How dare they ask you to leave! Aren't we supposed to be jolly and everything at the holidays?
They aren't even meeting the needs of their customers if they don't have enough "shopping trolleys with kiddy seats". You should complain to the manager that they ought to know that most of their customers are women and that they should be accomadating and buy some more carts, ahem.. I mean trolleys.
My goodness, if they had any business sense at all they would know that if shopping there is a pain then people aren't going to want to do it.
Mel, I think you belong in America. I think we are a bit noisier and tolerant, and we would all love you.
~(((jolie-jordan)))~ done and dusted :)
LOL@such a shit lmfao......xxxxxxx
~(((((((Susan))))))))welcome you :) Ive missed ya....
Well Makro is a Wholesale Mega Shop and its for business and they dont really LIKE KIDS there cos of how high everything is stacked to the ceilings etc..... hence only a couple shopping trolleys with kiddie seats..... there use to be a time when they wouldnt let kids in at all :)....
Well 'jobsworth' did ask us to leave in a nice way LOL..... so we left to get to the checkout via the sweet aisle and opened a box of white chocolate mice to munch LOL.... that will learn em :)
I dont think america would let me in.... I would get evicted LOL.... but oh how I would love to live there.... oh well, dreams aye.... they are for the foolish..xxxxxx
Ok........ if anyone else pops in, can they turn off the lights and unplug things and shove the cats out...... cos Im off to bed, completely drained, knackered and incoherent ..... nite xxxxx
OMG, I have a friend named Debbie. We were acting the fool in a Shopper's Drug Mart in Ontario. You made me nuts with your story! I can so identify...lol. Keep on doing what your are doing BUT make sure you buy what you came for before they ask you to check out...lol. Loved it! Sign me, M
LOL That is great that you were evicted from the store. Totally classic!!!
Toasty, you never fail to make me laugh! And good on ya for the trolley-bashing! Handbag indeed! I'd love to have seen the look on her face for myself!!
ps......I visited Jacobs birthday link. So many similarities with Adam. I reckon they'd make great pals!
Where are you my silly girl? I've been missing you. I hope you are well and just busy what with the holidays and all. I will have to come clean and confess that I too have probably ate some of Larry's kin. I love seafoos especially Lobster. Does it help if I say a thank you prayer before I partake?
Merry Christmas my pal to you and the lads.
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