(The front of me tiny little house)
Ok, first of all I want to wish you all a very HAPPY CRIMBO.... thats to all of the maties and blobbers that have posted on Twaddle since I started in Febuary...... and also a HAPPY CRIMBO to all those hundreds of blurkers that lurk in the shadows and dont post...... you should of posted and left a few words, I dont bite ya know..... over 21,000 visits since I started....... ya must all be lunatics thats all I can say to even wanna read the rubbish I post..... its just Twaddle ya know, but honest truthful twaddle.....
(Me little lounge in me tiny little house)
So I wanna fank you all for bovvering to have a butchers over here...... Im not sure if I will be back after crimbo even though I have hundreds of stories to tell ..... Ive got many decisions to make in life in the next few weeks..... but we will have to see how it all pans out.....
Anyways.......enough of all that mushie bollocks.....
How ungrateful is Sprite.......
I bought her a special hat when I was in town with my Jacob doing our one day of Crimbo shopping....... she was NOT impressed.......
I mean, Sprite LOVES Janet me chicken and I saw this hat and I laffed so very much.... BUT LOOK AT HER DISGUSTED LOOK ON HER LITTLE FACE.......
Ungrateful little cow LMFAO.......
Please all have a safe and jolly Crimbo...... love the ones you are with and love the ones you wish were there with you.... cos ya never know when it is all gonna disappear...... may your Crimbo holidays be filled with love and laughter and special people...... mine, believe it or not will be real quiet.... wish some of your were here with me lol....... but most of all..... I wish I was in Maine.....
(See Father Christmas IS real, even if he is wearing my Jacobs socks and sounds like Jacob and is thin like Jacob ....... this is my special gift..... this boy is my main reason for living)
Much love to you all....... be safe...... and enjoy.......OXO
OK, way to much mushie Twaddle for Crimbo Eve.... PEACE OUT...
Have a great Christmas, hope you do come back.
take care sweetie x
Merry Christmas! It has been a great joy reading your blog this past year.
Merry Christmas, MT!
(((mel)))i hope you do come back. where else are we gonna get stories that make us laugh, make us cry, and put smiles on a lot of faces? i'm sure glad you invited to invite me into your blobosphere...it's been fun. here's wishing you and the boys a very merry christmas and joyous new year...and a extra special wish that you get you're white knight in the new year lol love to you all xoxoxoxo
hey Ciara ... I think she got the message!!!! LMFAO
Well Marmy babe I truly hope that you have the most fabulous Christmas and superb New Year - you deserve the best!
Hope that you and the boys have a fabby Christmas holiday and that Santa pays you all a well earned visit ... and here's hoping for a bit of snow to make it all just that wee bit more festive!
Luv ya loads <<< from myself and McTavish who thinks you are fabby too ;o) xxx
PS .. I'd better be seeing yer ass back here after "the bells" - just wouldn't be the same without ya ... well not literally seeing yer ass ... that would be rude hahahaha
crikey, that must have happened when i hit the browser's back button a couple of times...let me delete two of those comments...and watch it scots. remember, i'm older, but i can still box ya ears if need be lmao
oooohhh Ciara .... is that a threat or a promise? LOL
Merry Christmas Mel!
I love it! The poor little one with the chicken hat on...awwww. You crack me up. M
Hey you, too. Happy Christmas!
Whatever you do, wherever you go, remember you are loved and many think of you every day. I know I do.
Quiet is good this time of year. Okay, shit, any time of year. That better? Good.
I loves ya, matie. Arrrrr.
Maine Shmaine. So I hear it's a great place to live. So what? So's Asheville, North Carolina and Charlottesville, Virginia and _______ and _______ and then there's _________.
(winking and smiling)
Peace to you, girlie girl.
Lentils, too.
(more smiles)
I hope you have a great Christmas! And I hope even more than that that you come back to us afterwards. Even though we've never met in person, I think of you as a friend and someone I am privileged to know.
This year is our Christmas brought to us from Mel (and Jacob.) Thanks ever so much. You are always with us.
You WILL be back. and you WILL, ...well you know.
Peace and Garlic, lentils in a pinch.
Merry Christmas, Toasty!!!!! I hope you & the fam & the kiddos you sit have a fantastic time!!!!
(No, my tree isn't real. It's fake. And Fairbanks is in the center of the state of Alaska, while Valdez is down on the coast even further away than the pin-point labled Anchorage. *grin* Maybe you should go on a tour of the state??? *wink*)
Merry Christmas to you! You are my kind of Holiday fruitcake! I'm happy as heck to have come across your "blob", as you are the kind of person the world needs badly. You do the right thing, and yet you find humour in all things that should indeed be poked fun at! I know you enjoy everyday you can, but make sure you really have fun on Christmas!
Meeeerrrrrry Christmaaaaaassss!!!
mel-i know you have a thing bout pkgs gettin here by crimbo, but alas, nada in the mail. but that's ok, when i come back from vegas i should have a crimbo pkg filled w love :)
Merry Crimbo—I mean Christmas!
At midnight Christmas Eve all animals can speak—or so Alex told me at midnight last night. He wondered if that includes doggies. Do you know?
Your little house looks lovely Marmie.
What do you mean 'if' you come back after Christmas???? I only just found you, you have to come back! Who's gonna make me laugh if you don't???
I hope your Christmas is as fun-filled as you are my lovely blogging friend, may you have happiness and peace and I wish you good health for the coming year - get that knee done! xxxx
(((( Melody )))
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers....please, don't ever just disappear from my life...keep in touch, somehow, ok?
p.s..... the sparkly hearts that fell from our christmas card was so pretty.... oh, and everything else, too! yo are MUCH MUCH MUCH too kind.
I love you to pieces,
* gazey *
I just got your message in my comments and can't tell you how much it meant to me that you called me matie. Thanks for that. And very Merry Christmas to you, too. Hope all is well. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
A most Merry Crimbo and a-rockin' 2008 to you, Mel.
Wow 4 days since Ive stuck me head in here - I hope you all had a lovely crimbo break..... and ya are as stuffed as pigs lol
~(((katy)))~ sigh.... xxxx
~((((SilverValleyGirl)))~ goodness, I didnt fink anyone actually enjoyed reading me rubbish lol.... but fankyou anyways :)... Ive LOVED your blob, I know sometimes I just lurk but I always read it.....xxxx
~(((sophmom)))~ Merry Crimbo and a happy new year to you also....xxxx
~(((ciara anyones for a nibble of their mince pie)))~ sooooo, Im just here for your entertainment aye lol. I have so many stories, yet often I feel I spill to many beans, Im a very private person really....and this has certainly been an experience....
I too am glad I showed you the secret side door out of The Gloomies Room lol.... I only showed the best where the key was kept.... knight nite LOL.... whatever as you doodles say.... love ya ... xxxxx
~((((Scottie)))) nar may ya chimney smoke :) - you Sir are way to kind.... ya aint got a much older brother have ya, one thats got a suit of shiny armour? lol hugs to you and McTavish lol.... see, I have special names for everything and others pick up on them... so now we have McTavish LOL......xxxxx
ps....... mooning me arse lol.... people thinking there is an eclipse lol...
~(((((((((((JBelle)))))))))) merry crimbo to you my dear dear friend.... know that I loves ya....xxxxxxx
~(((mistress of the moonlight)))~ ok fess the bloody hell up, how are ya lol......ya must be a doodle cos ya said 'crack me up' we would say 'crease up' lol.... yeah that photo of sprite is just sooooo funny...... xxxx
~((((((((((Wendy)))))))))~ fankyou.... I doubt anyone thinks of me weekly let alone daily lol I aint a pint of milk ya know :).... LOL@Maine ScMaine..... sigh... I hope to get to WViginia before Im to old, we could meet in that little cate at the base of those Apple Mountains.... I'll toss ya for a cuppa tea and a crumpet lol ...... Love you Wendy..... and I LOVE lentils :) xxxxxx
~(((((Cindy)))))~ oh my goodness, what a lovely thing for you to say.... I consider you a matie....it is I that feel privileged ...... xxxx
~(((((((((((Sharkie)))))))))))) oh hush with that crimbo malarkie.... it was just bits and bobs... always with ya aye :) same here, you are always with us.... and the second 'will' well you know that so aint gonna happen no more..... lentil and mushroom gratin with stilton topping is to die for :) and I make it at least once a fortnight :)..... hugs and kisses....xxxxxxxxx
~(((kati)))~ fake FAKE you have a bloody FAKE tree LOL :)
When I get to visit me matie in Valdez I will get on a bus and come visit you :) I will bring me pink flowered tent with me :).... xxxx
~((((buffalodickdy))))~ fruitcake aye LMFAO..... as nutty as a fruitcake... you my dear man are way to kind with your words..... but Im glad you stumbled through the door, cos I would never of found your blob.... which is just so lovely...... fankyou....xxxx
~((((((Side Note)))))~ Happy Crimbo to you to..... hope it was a good one... where ya been?...xxxx
~(((((ciara anyones for a $2 bar of british chocolate))))~ I sent Sharkie and his mob 4 parcels and they arrived, and me 7 Gumbies maties one each and they arrived, Pattie one and it arrived, Surfer one and it arrived, but 3 others including yours aint got there :( as of yet, either that or you have wellabit dodgey bloody postmen....I wont panic yet....but I do have this 'thing' about them getting their before crimbo... I dont know why... but I just do....xxxxxxxx
~(((((Saintly))))~ I think your correct about the midnight thing, I swear me cats told me to bugger off to bed on crimbo eave when I was falling asleep infront of the telly at just gone midnight :).... hope yours and Alex's crimbo was special.....xxxx
~(((((ake))))))~ me house ok :)....its mine and thats all that matters lol..... what with 4 lads STILL at home and janet and mabel always in and out the kitchen and the chamelion and jacobs bearded lizard and geoff the scorpion and 3 cats and all the minded kids, its never gonna be a palace..... I make you laff??? oh hush.... and the knees off the list........xxxxxxxx
~((((((Patti)))))))~ friends forever we said, and thats how it will be, always.... you know I would never forget you at crimbo, just something tiny sent with love.....know that I love you dearly....xxxxxxx
~((((jen))))~ yep, your me matie :) and I dont bestow that word on just any old hag ya know lol.......xxxxx
~((((((Foolie)))))~ long time no see over here...... Happy Crimbo and a wonderful new year to you to.... I know your 2008 will be so very special.... I can feel it in me bones....and in me water..... or is that a blabber problem lol.....xxx
~((((((((ake))))))~ slipping in me reply to your comment on me previous post.... oh my, your little post made me tear up.... gawds sake woman..... I raise ya one wish and send it back 10 fold, you deserve the wish most of all.... fank you..... just fank you.....xxxxx
I still read, you know, Mel. I don't always comment, but I wanted you to know I was here.
happy crimble to you too!
Just stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year! And to tell you how very much I enjoy reading your posts. I always leave you till last on my trip around to visit blog friends, you know, saving the best till last!
~(((lynn)))~ :) its nice to know your here..... Im also 'there' lol.... what are we like aye? LMFAO ... xxxxx
~(((flowerpot)))~ goodness, well, welcome :)...... crimbo crumble with lashings of custard LOL .....xxxxx
~(((cindy)))~ ok now just you stop with the niceities lol.... is that a proper word :)... xxxx
What? You only feed your kids on the holidays?
(Nope, did not receive package - but hey I live in a small town - so it may take our post office a bit)
Don't you dare stop writing your blog. My gosh you give to much joy to take it away. And tell that ungrateful child Sprite that I love her hat and I think the chicken and her do each other proud.
Santa is always welcome no matter how thin he is. (s)
Merry Christmas and on to another great year. I demand greatness for 2008.
love Ya, Jolie
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