Anyways, enough of that bollocks.....
Now that the weather here in jolly old england is crap, me after school minded nippers cant really get out in me little garden....... its just to wet and muddy and cold...and gets dark real early... well the colds ok but the wet and mud aint so great....... so we spend most of the after school day doing drawing or baking or puzzles or slouching in front of the telly......
This is their second home, and I would like to think they know that...... we have set rules and guidelines and generally they stick to them....... cos they DONT wanna make Mel cross :)......... I only have to up the volume of me voice one notch and they know they are up to the limit of me tolerance :).......
So..... this week, what with being down the hospital so much and just back in time for school pick up they know that Mels tired and not to ruffle her feathers lol...... a lot of drawing and craft stuff has been in full force this week..... I dont have a big house and I dont have a seperate playroom in this tiny cottage, so this middle room (which use to be a dinning room lol) is now a playroom and computer room and a mong out room........ There is a low table for the nippers to draw on or do playdoh etc........ if you saw the amount of toys and stuff in this room you would die LOL - I WOULD SO LOVE ME HOUSE BACK...... but alas, I have no knight in shining armour tying his horse up out the front, so I have to continue to earn a crust meself and continue in a job I know Im good at, even though its NOT what I really would like to do with me life....... sigh lol
But this week, one of me minded kids SO made me smile.......
This is me regular before and after school mob, plus I have other younger ones during the day when most of this mob are at school and I have usually add-ons of different other kids on different days, but this is me regular mainstay mob :)..... ugly looking bunch aint they...... so you can see, its almost impossible to have time off work cos I would be letting to many parents down...... anyways.......
I have to make sure that, especially after school this mob have enough to do to occupy their minds and to keep them amused..... they dont always like to mong out infront of the telly........
So after drinks and biscuits or hot buttered toast or hot crumpets, we get the stuff out, they love making cards, there is always a birthday or whatever coming up and we make homemade cards for them to give........
Did I say, I WANT ME HOUSE BACK lol.......
Now the culprit of the below tale is the young girl in the middle of the picture...... she has just turned 6 and Ive had her for 2 1/2 years, she is an only child and bright as a button, except at home, she rules the roost :) BUT NOT in my house she dont, she LOVES the boundaries I set and I NEVER get any hassle from her, like she gives at home..... I love this overstrung, stubborn little miss :)..... and sitting to the left of her is Jon, Jon is Sprite's brother and he is just 5 and has just started school, Ive had Jon for 3 years now and Sprite since she was just 6 or so weeks old..... and on the right of K is R, he to is an only child and he RULES THE ROOST big time in his house, a couple of times it has tried to spill over here with the other children..... yeah like Im gonna let that happen....... cripes, dont I sound like a hard bitch LOL......
Yeah see, K and R aint allowed to have playdoh or felt pens or bake at home, I dont know if its cos they are only kids, but I know both sets of parents DONT like the mess, that is why its nice that they get the chance to do many things here, that they otherwise wouldnt experience, just simple things, like when its pancake day and they get to make and toss pancakes, and I dont care that they end up on the floor lol..... thats just all part of being a kid.......and if I can clear up after me chickens I can sure as hell clear up the mess after kids...
Anyways......... after a busy hour of card making, and biscuit munching and drink sipping lol they eventually all monged out in front of the telly, and I cleared up the mess........
When I found THIS....
This was Ks, I so smiled when I saw this........ so I says to her.......
Me - Hey K, who is the card for...
K - Well it was for Jon, but he told me he didnt love me so now its for my mum, cos
he dont want it...
Me - But wouldnt it of been nice to have made your mum one of her own...
K - Well that is hers...
Me - But it has Jons name on it just crossed out with 'mum' written on instead...
K - Yeah, well I couldnt be bothered to drawn another one...
Me - Whys that, cos you know we have loads of different paper its not like we dont
have enough paper to use...
K - Well, me mum will probably just put it in the recycle bin anyways...
Me - Nah she wont K, she will keep it forever, even though its a second hand one
K - I can cross 'mum' out if you like and write 'Mel' if you want it...........
Girls can be sooooooooo fickle......... Boys, ya just better get use to it.......
Ok, enough knackered twaddle for a dark Saturday evening.......
Not partial to cards mesef. That twas funny it twas.
crikey ((((mel and anyone's for a well proper knee drain))))you've been through a lot this week, eh? but i'm sure ya nippers making ya smile help ease it a bit. i love getting homemade things from my kids.
I hope things now calm down. What a sweet card!
ouch, ouch on the knee.
dont understand mums who fear letting their kids be kids.
kids are great for keeping us peckers up, and homemade cards are the best.
Weather report from Michigan, USA: 7AM- Went to check thermometer- it had been blown off it's bracket, and was lying on the front step incased in a 1/2"of ice from the freezing rain we got last night...
Same freezing rain covered the 3 inches of snow already on everything... Think we'll stay in today!
Marmie, your home looks wonderful, its alive and warm (like you).
Sorry to hear about your knee, are they still going to replace it?
I'm not a horder but I still have cards and stuff that my son made me from about 2yrs old, there is a Christmas tree deco that is so battered you can't tell what it is (its a robin)I'll never part with them and I know even though hes 25 he likes that I've held them dear to me...
Ain't kids just the best! So many people questioned me when I went into my career but I am the one who loves my job and wouldn't swap it and they are busy shifting from one job to the another - who got it right? LOL You may not be doing what you really, really want to but you are so obviously great at minding the pipsqueaks ;o)
PS - I didn't think anyone elso used thee word "mong" hahahahaha
Hope yer knee is good Marmy
I have girls in my kindergarten class who make cards at home and bring them to school and then decide who they want to give them to. I guess they look around and decide who they want to be friends with that day! I think it's based on who has the best show and tell.
Lovely smily photos!
Sorry to hear your knee is so bad Marmie, I know what it's like don't I?! How you gonna manage when you have to have your knee op Hon?
Kid's eh? They do make you laugh. I can't see the pictures you've posted it's just a square with a cross in it. x
ROFL!!! Too cute. I DO like the cards & pictures DD draws for me, but I have a hard time deciding when they're too ragged to keep any longer and not hurt her feelings. And sometimes, enough is enough, ya know.... Like when they make you a new one every single day and hope you'll plaster it on the fridge along with the previous couple dozen from the previous couple of dozen days. LOL
Your kids sound like a hoot and I don't think your a "hard bitch" to expect them to stay in line in your house and not let them rule the roost there like they do at home. If you had a dozen kids all trying to rule the roost at your place like they do at your own, you'd be one miserable Mel. *grin* (Hey, I've GOT one who rules the roost here, you wanna tell me what I'm doing wrong so maybe I can get through her thick skull that she doesn't own this joint???? I'd LOVE to take over control of the reins!!!!)
Hope your knee heals quickly and that the weather clears up so that you can send the kiddo's out to enjoy the great outdoors.
Art Linkletter said “kids say the darnedest things.” My dear Marmite Toasty you are constantly proving that they not only say but also do the darnedest things. Thanks for brightening my cold and wet day in Kentucky.
Just popped back to say don't forget to come and check your answers in the carols quiz. I can see your photos now and your house looks like a proper home, no wonder the kids love it! That card is just so sweet. x
LMAO That is awesome - I love the card. Sucks about the knee - hope they're fixing it up for ya.
Hello, you. Sorry to hear of your troubles with the bum knee but it's getting closer, isn't it? You're in the right line of work, that's for sure. Everyone loves you, kiddo, and you provide a wonderful loving place for children to thrive.
Lucky them!
thanks for the visit by my place. my but you've got your hands full with all the wee ones don't you?
what a cute story Mel....I bet those kids love you forever...
~(((((Starr)))))~ it twas wasnt tit lol..... *peeling off the stamp from ya crimbo card* :).... xxxx
~((((ciara anyones that can put her leg in the air with or without a drain))))~ I SO NEED to email you, I just aint had time :(.... and I could of done without the bloody nippers this week lol..... I had to drag 4 down the hospital on 3 of me visits LOL.......xxxxx
~(((InlandEmpireGirl)))~ Im just thinking of hacking me leg off with the bread knife :) - wasnt that card funny lol.....xxxxx
~((((her in doors/Katy)))~ Jebus you should see the state of some of these nippers during the school holidays when we all go in the woods LOL...... :) a muddy kid is a happy kid .... xxxx
~((((buffalodickdy))))~ cripes to your weather.... we have had horrendous downpours here with severe weather warnings for the South of England this week with gale force winds, yet to day is bright and sunny one minute then heavy showers the next - bloody British weather lol.......xxxx
~((((Queenie))))~ me home is TINY lol.... I'd like to think its warm in this organised mess lol...... they say march, but, I think I'll bottle out lol....xxxxx
~((((Scottie))))~ I LOVES that your a teacher of wee nippers...... dam you being so young, we could of ran away to Gretna Green LMFAO...... and I know I have this calling towards the little tossers.....
What? dont say you dont say 'mong out' LOL....... :) xxxxx
~(((jen)))~ lol and waiting to choose someone to give the card to LOL those girls will go far :)......xxxxx
~((((casdok)))~ they mostly smile around me..... well except when I have to raise me voice a tad.... I can make a kid cry just with a look LOL...... Im very proud of that :) hehehehehe.....xxxx
~((((ake))))~ yeah you know....sigh....... to be honest I have no clue how Im gonna manage, hence Im gonna bottle out.... I mean.... Im old anyways.... as long as I can hobble thats good right lol.....xxxxx
~((((katie))))~ I do have one little lad that is uncontrolable at school and in his under 7s football team, he kicks and swears and fights and is rude and nasty everywhere....... except here...... his mum didnt believe me when I tell her he is polite and kind to the other kids and an angel here.... Ive had him since he was a toddler he is now 7.... so stayed sat in the kitchen once to listen how he is here and with the other kids (he didnt know she was there)........ she sobbed and sobbed uncontrolably, she had never seen him like this before..... NEVER..... she saw a side to her child she had never seen before and knew that when he is labeled ADD its all now bollocks :)..... xxxxx
~((((Saintly))))~ :) kids aye..... they do say the most funniest of things lol I love to earsdrop on there chatter in me car, I always smile..... sending you warm thoughts to warm you up...xxxxx
~(((ake)))~ again :).... I reckon being in the top 12 we should all receive a tenner LOL.... glad you can see the pics now :)..... me house is tiny LOL and would fit into Sharkies house about 9 times LOL.....xxxx
~(((MnM))))~ that K is such a funny little lass..... a bit of a madam at times, but I cant help but love her...... and what will be will be with me knee.......xxxxx
~((((((((Wendy))))))))))~ GO LOOK AT MABEL ON THE PREVIOUS POST :) - nah Im not really in the right kinda work lol........ I wanna grow and have animals and be self sufficient lol.... but thing has to pay the mortgage..sigh.... but I do put meself fully into this job.... and I think the nippers like me LOL....and NO believe it or not lol not everyone loves me :) - I treat them with the love that I would of loved as a child..... xxxxxxxx
Don't you dare, if I'm doing it so are you!!!!!!!
'put it in the recycle bin' how not nice for K :(
I really don't care for kids much but at least I do have a heart and when the girls make me anything I keep it so I can smile when I look at it. In my dining room alone there must be 10 or more things that the girls have made for me over the last many years.
K's mum needs a good swift kick in the arse!!!
Oh and so sorry about your knee :(
I'll give the 'tenner' some consideration Marmie but don't hold your breath ;)
I really recommend you have the knee replacement if you've been offered it. It has totally transformed my life, you wouldn't regret it I can virtually guarantee that. x
Mel, that is so funny. Your mites and sprites sound sooooo cute.
Can I come to your house after work?
TN Becky
~(((Queenie))))~ its out of me hands now....xxxx
~(((ol lady))))~ I aint that struck on kids either LOL..... I have some of me lads stuff dating back 20 years..... Each of me lads have a growing up box, where over the years I have placed precious treasures of their life with me, from photos to shoes and drawings and uniforms and old toys, its like a diary of their lives...... they each get them when they are 21.... Ben and Tom were very moved when they got their younger lives in a box lol.... I think its cos I only have one item and a handful of photos(that I salvaged from me mums rubbish bin) from when I was younger...... at least my lads had the chance to have bits and bobs, and what they choose to do with them, is up to knee is me knee that will learn me for playing football lmfao ....xxxxx
~(((ake)))~ I hear what you say, but circumstances and things are so different....... sigh...... xxxxxxx
~(((brm))))~ sure, bring a duster and smiles LMFAO......xxxxx
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