Well, this past week, there has been occasion to have 3 seperate 'quiet words' with the bloke LOL I so LOVE to wind him up at ever given opportunity..... I think it is becoming like a sport with me and he takes the bait EVERYTIME.....
I will tell you about the first 'incident' this past week....
Each year our village enters this county competition called 'Village In Bloom' and its to see who has the prettiest summer village, and then a by product of that is 'Street In Bloom' which is within this village and to see which street is the prettiest or makes the most effort over the summer months with their front gardens....
Well, me twat neighbour has only lived here for about 3 years and he is a right proper tosser.... no one can stand the bloke, he is right up his own arse sorta bloke and she aint much better, always looking down their noses at everyone else.....
Anyways, I usually just plant up me poo buckets out the front of me house and 2 years in a row I won the individual container part of the competition..... I knew this year that there was no chance that I would cos I just quickly planted them with not much thought this year cos all thats happened with me knee and stuff I aint had much time to think about me garden........
I know, I know, they are wellabit rubbish, but I have had other things going on ya know..
I let meself down with these lol
Anyways....... I was getting out of me car last Wednesday, after just having a horrendous 2 hour session with me physios, so I was drained and in much pain and gagging for a cuppa tea..... and HE was faffing around his tiny front garden, our houses dont really have front gardens, but just a 3 or 4 foot front yard, our little cottages almost step onto the pavement.... HE has this daft iron railing at the front of his house like some bloody mansion lol where as I have a wall....
Anyways..... as I got out me car I saw the tosser watering the plants in his front garden.... my brain said ignore the tosser, but I thought I would be neighbourly and so I said..... your hollyhocks are beautiful they make quite a picture.... I cant seem to grow them, no matter how many times Ive tried....... to which he replied, well ya have to be clever to grow them...... BIG BIG MISTAKE....... this is the conversation that followed.....
Me - You saying I aint clever?
Him - No, that is not what I said..
Me - Anyways, you didnt grow those hollyhocks they were there when you moved in, so ya aint that clever ya self.... where is it you work? Tescos? sweeping up?
Him - Its a part time job cos Im retired..
Me - Ok thats right, sweeping up keeps ones elderly mind working lol..
Him - Im sorting out the fronts cos the 'Street in Bloom' lady might be around today to judge..
Me - Well my poo pots aint up to much this year, never mind, its not the be all and end all of life..
Last year this bloke went along all the fronts of everyones houses in this road and swept up the dead leaves and pulled up weeds..... so this year I thought I would cultivate some dandelions out the front cos I KNEW it would drive him mad.....
As he was talking my eyes scanned my front wall to see if me cultivated dandelions needed watering......
This is a photo I took last week, do you know how hard it is to grow a dandelion on a pavement lol I squashed a bit of soil between a tiny gap where my front wall meets the pavement and I dug up a tiny baby dandelion up from the back of me garden and squashed the roots into the tiny gap LMFAO....... I was on a mission.... this was a few weeks ago and I myself was very surprised that it actually grew to this fine specimen LMFAO.....
But to my horror the dandelion was not there, my pride and joy, my bait for me twat neighbour WAS GONE....
This is what I saw, WHERE WAS ME DANDELION.......
I turned to face me neighbour.....
Me - Did you touch my dandelion?..
Him - Yep *smug grin* I pulled it out, it made the front look untidy......
Me - But it was MY front and MY dandelion..... just who do you think you are?
Him - It was just a dandelion..
Me - No no no, it was MY dandelion (really laffing inside, cos he was now beginning to look uncomfortable..
Him - It was a weed, just a weed.. and it was not really IN your garden but along the front wall..
Me - NO no no, it was MY weed, and all weeds are gods flowers (I had read that somewhere and thought I would throw it into the conversation)..
Him - You dont do god.. which bit of 'it was a weed do you know understand'..
Me - Which bit of IT WAS MY WEED dont you get?..
Him - At least it looks tidier..
Me - Who are you to say what looks tidier....... I might have to report you..
Him - Who to?..
Me - The NSPDAW..(ranking me brain working out the letters lol)..
Him - Who?
Me - National Society Protection of Dandelions And Weeds..
Him - Thats no such society..
Me - How would you like it if I dug up your hollyhocks?
Him - Well that would just be ridiculas, it was just a dandelion, a weed..
Me - But it was my weed you had no right to touch my private property..
Him - You have really lost it... IT WAS A DANDELION..... a WEED.. there's not really a society of protection is there?
Me - Dont be surprised if the hollyhock pixies dig up their hollyhocks during the week and plant dandelions in their places...... you touch me dandelions again and you will be hearing from my solicitor, I have 'friends' in high places you know....
Him - It was a WEED.....
Me - But I loved that dandelion.... I dug it up from my grandmas garden just before she died....it was to remind me of nanna.. and now you have taken that away from me..
Him - (Not knowing if I was serious or not lol) oh, sorry to hear about your grandma, when did she die?
Me - On Monday...
Him - Oh Im so very sorry.. (looking a little concerned cos me eyes had glazed over lmfao due to the fact that me knee was throbbing from standing to long)..
Me - Yes on Monday in 1967....
With that he went in and slammed his front door lmfao....... what a tosser....... you wait until next spring, Im gonna get all the dandelions I can find and get all me maties to help me plant his entire front garden and tubs with dandelions...... he has messed with me just that once to often....... this is war, Im on a mission, he is my reason for living lmfao........
These are HIS hollyhocks....... I was so tempted to cut them down during the night, but they are so pretty I just couldnt do it.....
I love winding me twat neighbour up.... it should be a sport in the olympics...... I think I would have a great chance of winning lol......
He didnt speak to me when I saw him on Friday...... but he had no choice but to speak to me on Saturday LMFAO but then that story is for another day lol....
What a tosser....
Enuff boring neighbourly twaddle for a Monday morning... off to me physio :(....