Ok.......... So last weekend was a mix of things for me, shared secrets, AND a new toy....... well I say a toy but in actual fact its not a kids thing...... even though this machine is small and tiny ITS made for adults, they are illegal to use on the road and now if the police catch ya they automatically confiscate them and crush them......... yeah well they have to catch ya first.......... :) - sorry me solicitor maties LOL
Dont be fooled by the smallness of this baby, she is quite a throb between ones legs........ and to see my Tom at 6' 4" on it going hell for leather down our little road is very funny to see .......
Ok here it is, this is our new toy.....and just look at that beautiful boy sitting on it lol

This is what we call over here 'a mini/midi moto'.... look we had NO plans to buy one of these, afterall they are well expensive... and some of me older lads maties have them and race them up their well off parents property, well ya see we only have a weenie garden, use to have a bit of land when I had the plant nursery, but no longer....... so me lads have always sort of drooled over them and inwardly ached for one LOL ya see I KNOW these things......
But it just so happened last friday that we was in the garden juggling, well trying to, when me phone rang and it was a matie and he just said........ Mel, mini moto, do ya want to buy one......... so I says, hello Steve(me maties hubby)...... is it nicked? .... no.....Does it go?...... sort of........ how much?....... 30 quid ($60)....... Steve, I will send someone over to get it.... it better NOT be stolen.... Mel its not, gawds sake......... actually Steve is as straight as a pubic hair thats been through the mangle........
So, that is how moto came to live with us........... :) dont know where or what we was gonna do with it, but I thought, well if push comes to shove I can flog it on ebay and probably get about 150 quid for it LOL.........
Ya know, just sometimes, I wonder what it would of been like with daughters instead of 4 sons lol....... so Friday night saw this.........

Thats Jacobs arm, my Tom sitting and my Sam squatting.... Ben was out... he was as yet to be delighted with our new toy....
This in me kitchen...... amongst the skateboard clobber, the hockey sticks, the cats and even bloody Janet was having a butchers as to what was going on....... Im sure it would of been easier with girls...... ya know shopping and doing our nails and girlie talk..... YEAH BLOODY RIGHT......
This bike did come with a fairing, ya know like the sports bikes, but that was the first thing they took off for extra speed...... it took my Tom about an hour to suss out why it was not working, and all the electrics, its got proper lights and indicaters and a horn and even an alarm.......its well a bloody posh one :)........
So it saw Saturday afternoon before it could be tested out proper..... cos Tom and Ben was both at work and wouldnt be in til 1ish......... ITS FREAKIN BRILL....... it goes way fast........ ok well fast for such a tiny bike... it gets up to about 35-40 on the straight out the front of our house......... ok ok, well where else are they suppose to test it out..... :) - they are HIGHLY illegal out on the roads....... unless obviously they are taxed and insured....... but at 30 quid if push comes to shove and the coppers nick them and crush it, then they would of had a few weeks of fun and death defying rides out the front.........
They take it out for only about 15 minutes a time ;) then quickly put it round the back garden...... just incase someone bugger reports them lol
Well well well, me twat neigbbour came out on Tuesday when me lads was out the front...... its real quiet during the day out the front in our road....... but that tosser just happened to come out to see what was going on.........

This is how me conversation went with this bloke that is SO up his own arse he can polish his own spleen......
Him - oh my, isnt that one of those bikes Ive seen on the telly that the police are confiscating.......
Me - nah, I think you must be mistaken....
Him - no, Im pretty sure they are the same, they are illegal to ride on public roads you know.....especially without a crash helmet
Me - well, if it was illegal, do you really think I would be letting me lads ride it on the public road..... and there is a good reason why no crash helmet...
Him - Yes...
Me - Well I think you might be confused, because we ARE allowed to have this bike, its not what you think it is, its special....
Him - Yeah right....
Me - Can I have a quiet word with you away from me lads....
My Head was working overtime as to what to say to him lol
Him - Are you threatening me....
Me - Moi, nah, this is a serious matter....
Him - OK....
So I walk up the road a wee bit, out of earshot of me lads......
Me - look I didnt wanna say anything infront of me lads, cos it is a very sensitive subject....
Him - So its nicked is it?
Me - Good god no..... but there is something YOU need to know, but you must understand that this is very private and when I tell you, you will be the only person as yet around here that knows.......
Him - (real bloody gagging now for private information) Ok....
Me - Can you keep a secret....
Him - Not if its illegal or serious...
Me - Jebus, you are making this difficult.....please listen, this is hard for me to tell....
Him - Ok...
Me - I have bought this midi moto because we had some bad news about my Jacob.....
Him - oh my..... whats the matter..
Me - He has been diagnosed with being a midget.....
Him - (blank staring embarrassed) a midget? Jacob? (he doesnt know which kid is which lol) ....
Me - Yes, we had to register him officially as a midget, and as all the normal bikes are to big for him to ride, the DVLA (Driving Vehicle License Association) suggested that we buy a midi moto for him, to give him the same chance in life as all the other kids his age.......
Him - Oh my.... (open gobsmacked mouth) a midget? what a real midget?
Me - Yes, I know its a very sensitive subject, and we are just as a family, coming to terms with it..... and trying to treat him the same as all his friends..
Him - Not being insensitive here Mel, but I always thought he had short legs....but you should get him to wear a crash helmet...
Me - thats ok, just dont stare at him if you can possibly help it, he is finding this very difficult.... and cos of his big midget head, we cant find a helmet to fit...
Him - ok.... a midget right? so you have a giant son and a midget.... well I never....
Me - Sorry to have to put this to you, I hope you understand.....
Him - Yes, very sad, Im sorry...
Me - Thanks for your understanding...
Him - ok I have to go now...
Me - ok - but remember, midgets are real people to ya know..
Me - Runs in doors to use the toilet before I piddle me pants.......
This is the gods honest truth of the conversation I had with me neighbour.....
Im giggling as I type this......

This is Jacob today about an hour ago....note the cycle helmet LOL safety ya see, its all about safety........
Just gotta trust their judgement on speed and how far they push........ and sometimes ya just gotta let boys be boys and deal with the circumstances as and if they happen.......
I have so many bike stories...... maybe another I will tell over the weekend......
Ok enuff Twaddle for any Friday...