Anyways, what Im getting at is that I was, to be honest, a right bloody computer dinlo....... so a 'then' friend that I use to IM with use to lick and stick posts from different blobs that the friend use to visit..... Bobs and Peanuts blobs... and I was told that Peanut use to live near me when living in England...... so after a while I asked for the link to these blobs...... well first of, Bobs Blob, I just couldnt understand hardly a single word he typed or what commenters typed lol, cos they all typed funny, almost like a foreign language.......and then through Bobs place I learnt to click around and I found the DINGLEBERRIES SITE and although it was a local site in the States I LOVED it..... and I did get a bit of a hard ride to begin with, but it all settled down.... so my world of reading blobs had begun.......
And I have made some wonderful, hopefully lifetime maties....... YOU know who I am talking about..... yeah you bloody lot ;)...
I put a comment/post up on the Dingleberries site and was asked why I hadnt a blob of me own....
*DFO: Marmitetoasty, can you explain why you don't have a blob? This is a hoot...*
And badgering from other maties like JBelle, MrGreen, PT, Susan, Peanut and a few more pushed me into the writting world of blobbing........ I know this aint a classy blob, it aint intellectual, its filled with bad grammar, bad spelling, its not an informational site, it dont do insightful poems its just a load of Twaddle.......
I never considered me post a hoot, it was just something that happened one evening lol
So this is the post that started it all...... and then I will tell you about Eric..... :( cos Im gonna well miss him....
*Me today/this evening not 30 minutes ago on the phone to me plumber/central heating matie.....
Me - Gordon, thank goodness your in.... can you come round its life or death.....
Gordon - Mel, calm down, whats happened to the boys....
Me - deep breath, its not the boys Gorden its Eric... please please can you come round now.....
Gordon - calm down Mel and tell me whats happened, talk to me on me mobile whilst I come round... what on earths up and WHO THE HELL IS ERIC...
Me - Eric is our 14 inch mean lean biting machine Bose Lizard....we saved him from a neglectful home about 3 weeks ago, he was real mean but he loves us now and dont bite that much, well he did bite Jacobs lip and I thought he would need stitches but he didnt...
Gordon - You named a Lizard Eric? .... tut tut tut giggles...
Me - its not funny Gordon... its life and death...
Gordon - ok Mel, calm down, whats going on.....
Me - Eric escaped last night and we thought he was in me bedroom, so I didnt sleep all night thinking he would crawl up on me bed and eat me face whilst I slept...... but Eric was not actually in me bedroom, we have just found him wedge tight stuck behind the radiator in one of me lads bedrooms..... I tried to take the radiator off the wall, and there is water everywhere...and Eric is STILL stuck... help
Gordon - please tell me you turned the water off first..... ok Im outside ya house, open the door...
Me - ya have to turn the water off when ya unscrew one little radiator? anyways its not off the wall proper and Eric is still stuck and if we dont get him out and under the heat lamp he will surely die...
Gordon - Mel, put the phone down and open the bloody front door.... giggles..
Mel - glad your finding this funny Gordon, cos Im sure Eric aint...
by this time water is pouring out the radiator and through the ceiling down into the room below....and Eric is wedged tight, even poking him with a hockey stick didnt help...
Gordon turned the water off and within 3 minutes the radiator was off the wall and Eric retrieved and shoved back into his tank.... baggy, sad and not happy.... BUT ALIVE....
Gordon - Mel.... why is your house always a mad house...... god woman you make me smile..... you wait until I tell Ruth (his wifey my best friend) ..... she will laff and tell the whole village....
Who needs friends like them aye? :)
Just thought I would bore ya with me evening - sorry just twaddling here...
22 Feb 11:36 AM***

This is my Jacob holding Eric....
That was back in Febuary.......... ya see Eric was a rescue Bose Monitor Lizard thingie..... I DONT do those sort of animals in me house...... but, this lizard needed loving lol........ so Eric came to live with us........ since Febuary Eric has shed his skin and grown and grown and is fairly big now........ we get him out of his housing and he is quite tame, he does have sharp claws though so its best to wear gloves....... he can be snappy when feeding...... we feed him dead white mice, which my Tom keeps in an ice-cream tub in he freezer.......
Cos Eric was getting bigger by the week, we felt a little sorry for him stuck in his cage thingie for hours, and lizards NEED to walk around and exercise to keep their bones strong and formed....... so I came up with a solution........ *big smilie face*...... we could let him have the run of the bathroom for a little while each day to get his exercise....... which was great until someone forgot he was in there would open the door to go to the loo and Eric would make a dash for it out onto the landing and into one of the bedrooms where we would spend the best part of a hour trying to get him out........ life with Eric is never boring....... he loves the bath, so we would let him have a swim each week in the bath....... no bubbles of course and no rubber duckie and squirtie whale.....
Well *sad face* Eric left us yesterday.......... he didnt die, I dont mean that kinda left..... but we had decided that Eric needed a bigger home to live in, he was cooped up most of the day in his tank thingie which he was rapidly outgrowing....... so we decided to find a new bigger home for him, as we really dont have room for an 8 foot tank thingie..... gawds sake, do you know how tiny me house is...... so we put him on the internet and yesterday this well strange couple drove 90 miles to come and see Eric....... ya see, we had to suss them out...... we didnt want Eric going to just any loon.... they had to pass the Eric Test........ and even though these people were a tad 'strange' they are well into snakes and lizards etc and so knew what they was talking about, so we felt safe that Eric was not going to end up on a BBQ or cut up and made into Earrings and sold in pagon shops up north...... strange lot those northerners......
Last night just before bed, I thought I would check me emails and maybe this 'strange couple' were not so strange after all....... cos they had taken the time to email me some photos of Eric in his new 8 foot home, he looked so happy..... he was smiling.....I was crying......... he had a new family to love him....... ERIC IM SO GONNA MISS YOU..... keep in touch Eric, maybe a postcard or a crimbo card..... we will never forget you....
But, I'll tell ya one thing...... I sure aint gonna miss going to the freezer to get ice-cream and finding dead white mice in the tubs ;)....

He looks happy right?

This is Eric saying 'I miss you Mel' LOL
I know I shouldnt get so attached to creatures, but its just the way I am...... I do it with humans to LOL so BEWARE.......
Way way to much Twaddle for a Tuesday morning....I know.... x
ps........ DONT get me wrong, we LOVED Eric....... but, we aint stupid, we flogged him for 50 quid ($100) lol ...... I mean, money is money right :)
Oh! He has his lil nose thingy pressed up against the glass! He's looking for you! I just know it! Sorry... I get attached too! Glad Eric found a good home... Not that yours wasn't a good home... You know what I meant, right? LOL
That is the most joyful looking reptile I have ever seen. And what a home...I know people who don't live that well. I love my critters as well. don't think that is strange. Three of them are in my bedside drawer. Three more are in a pet cemetery in SoCal. The three in my drawer, 2 cats and my beloved Mischa, were cremated singly and will go into my coffin with me when I uhhh...go. I love calling it a blob. Hey, I love your stories. They put a smile on my face. And now I must go murder some weeds.
Ciao bella!
I'm going to stop having a paper delivered and just visit your blog. Really enjoy your posts, warm, funny and human, thanks for sharing...
Ya bloody loon
I thought Eric was dead,
I waas ready to cry
I had such dread.
But it's not true
As I followed the thread,
He simply has
A new home instead.
And with that title
I find I was misled.
Oh, Marmitetoasty
You're such a picklehead!
Too funny (your original story).
I think you misunderestimate the quality of your blog!
dam had me gettin choked up...I'm so attached to my pets, I would just die if something happened to either of them...
you should publish a book with your daily adventures...I'd buy it...but then again I'll buy near anything if the price is right :o
I checked out some of your ebay stuff...neat...I'm gonna keep an eye on you...just to make sure your not sellin any of the little ones. I'll be makin a post when I put my first item up on ebay and I'll have to put a link to it cause there are some who don't believe that I will sell.
I love your blob. lol There's never a dull moment around your house, is there?
ackkkkk! i thought you'd went and sushied eric!!
i am glad you found a place for him.. we get lots of displaced pets.. some manage to find a way to stay.. but most only stay until we find a new's hard to let them go..
so here's to eric for making you blog!
Hi M-Toasty. Eric is lookin' spry and chipper...and that's one Class A pad he's settin' done good in securing him a new home. Congrats?
And as for "money is money" - well, add up the savings in frozen mice and you'll find that's quite another chunk of change over the course of a year to do something with. I once had a couple of large Oscars...and when I added up their food bill it was close to $500 a year - goodbye Oscs!
i can tell eric misses you, mel lol but wow, the 'strange' cpl had a really nice set up waiting for him. as for the other two pics on ur post...i guess i'm not one of the 'priviliged' few who can view them lol and here i thought we were maties lmao xoxo
Mel, didja know David Austin has a new rose called
I know you are attached to are you gonna sell ME someday too?
Those Northerners are a strange lot. I wholeheartedly agree. heh heh
Oh Mel....Im so glad you found Eric a good home. Your such a wonderful kind person...but your right! A hundred bucks is a hundred bucks! LOL
well this made me laugh and laugh. good stuff. I was thinking about your road kill pics the whole time I was posting my poopy toilet pics, I really grossed out my readers but what fun it is!!
Oy, you. I've got an attic with cool stuff in need of good homes and you are THE BEST eBay huckster around. Get your arse over here. I mean it.
(I get to talk to her like that. I'm one of those "lifer" maties. Membership has its priviledges. Heh.)
Love to you, Gimpy, or is that Gimparella?
Hey maties - sorry I aint replied to your wonderful comments as yet, but I had the muvver of all migraines last night and into today.......first time Ive cancelled me nippers in a long time, and feel as a right let down cos I wasnt well enough to sort out alternative minding for them...... but tough tittie I suppose.... the parents were understanding cos I aint never done it before.....
Anyways..... had to take me Jacob to the doctors for his jabs :)- tetnus, polio and TB..... and make appointments for me and my Sam tomorrow, me for me painkillers and Sam cos he has another skateboarding injury and has a sort of boney thing sticking out the side of his knee.....
Then had to get Jacob his clothes for the summer, he well fleeced me for £200 ($400) but he got loads...well I say loads it mean 7 T-shirts, 3 normal shirts and 2 pairs of jeans still has to get shorts and skating shoes and new hiking boots and a summer jacket.....gawds sake ..... I aint made of fucking money ya know..... then had to take the mini moto round to Andys.... white Micheles hubby to try and sort out why it wont start...
So, just got back in and have to suss and sort out dinner.... then I will get back and reply..... fanks maties........
All services will resume as soon as possible
Marmie, you're blob is one of the best around...know why? It's real! You rock....
What a story about Eric. I am glad he found a new home. Blogging is not about good spelling, but about what is in your heart. You let us know what is in your heart. Keep blogging because we love it!
Off topic: Couldn't help but wonder if you were one of the devoted athletes chasing the cheese wheel down Coopers Hill in Gloucester on Bank Holiday Monday...I listened to a spot on BBC Worldwide Radio about this lively event and thought: hmmm, MarmiteToasty's knees are a little wobbly, but would that stop her from racing down Coopers Hill to grab a cheese? Let us know? Did you compete?
OK :) sort of back.....
~(((the woman)))~ yeah just look at him, he was missing me already lol.... xx
~(((wondering)))~ I will be devastated when me skankie cat dies.... she is 12ish now and has no tail and has skankie skin and she loves me to death as I her..... I would jump in a raging river to save this cat, as I would me other cat who is 10 and was one of her kittens.... not that we have a raging river near us LOL.... Im sending my cats to Starr Kelso when they snuff it cos he knows a bloke that is a taxiwhatsit :) he dont know that yet though lol xx
~(((queenie)))~ I think ya best stick with the daily paper lol.... gawd sake ..... xx
~((((((((Sharkie)))))))))~ ME FIRST POEM lol see me blob does have poems lmfao...... be them AWEFUL lmfao....... :) sorry ya thought Eric was dead..... I know ya would of held me hand through me grief :) xxxxx
~(((bugs)))~ cripes :) fanks.... you sure your reading the right blob? lol xxx
~((('ol lady)))~ yeah, pets aye.... there was one cat we had called Pivot that I didnt take to and she didnt take to me..... I think I am glad she ran away LOL.... me I could Ebay a bag of sand and flog to an arab :)...its all in the description ya know :) - I even had a FAMOUS person buy something a couple of months ago :)..xx
~(((betty)))~ Ermmmm....... NO lol ....xx
~(((fatty)))~ well, Erics going must of 'meant to be' cos someone is already living temperary in his tank.... we rescued something the night before last.... blob later.... we take in all waifs and strays be them animals or humans lol.... I have 4 sons STILL bloody living at home, but how come there are 7 pairs of shoes by the back door.... aye aye? that means there are 3 extra people staying here last night lol xxx
~((((((((Foolie))))))))~ yeah, it would of be wicked to of kept Eric in his smallish tank, no matter how much we loved him.... he has gone to some pagen loons that will love him just as much.... and well the money really was to make sure that no retarded loon just wanted him as a pet, it meant they was serious.... and ya right..... all those dead mice at £8 ($16) for 10 :)..... and just think..... no more tubs of mice-cream in me freezer lol .... xxxxx
~((((((ciara slapper tapper slag))))~ I must email ya its been yonks.... well you must have a crap computer if the pictures dont show lol...... actually I put a block on you receiving all pics ;) LOL xxxxx
~(((((((JBelle)))))~ are the petals all feathery :)...... but has he got a Dahlia called 'Melody' :) cos there is one ya know..... I'll find ya a tuba thingy next spring so you can have me growing in your garden lol just dig me in near the rubbish bin :) xxxxxx
~((((MrFab))))~ bowing to the king lol...... I will only sell ya body on a part time basis.... mind you, you need to earn more then the busfare home and a tin of fizzy :)...... MrFab, I would NEVER sell ya down the swannie :) xxxx
~((((((Susan))))~ we call then 'northern gits' lol xxxx
~(((catch)))~ I dont know about kind lol me maties might tell ya otherwise lol........ these dam strange loons that now have Eric keep emailing me...... I AINT NO DAM BLOODY PENPAL YA KNOW.... now bugger off and enjoy life... bloody weirdos LOL..... xxx
~(((da boozie)))~ I'll pop over and have a butchers today, sorry I aint been over but I was a tad poorly :) - I'll catch up with everyone sometime today...and ya aint suppose to laff about me daily life...... xxx
~(((((Wendy))))~ I'll be over in a whisker :).... wouldnt that be fun, I love Ebaying lol.....
Yep draggy leg, wonkie eye and weeping seeping hump..... we all have our crosses to bare...
And yes people, see the way she talks to me :)..... but she is doing time for life, so thats her right.... and she gets extra porridge for breakfast lol xxxxxxxx
~((((((((Toadie)))))))~ me thinks you is reading either the wrong blob or ya just escaped from a mental institute..... I read other blobs, and believe me matie, this is JUST Twaddle compared to everyone elses....... but fanks xxxxxx
~(((inlandempiregirl))))~ its not that I cant spell cos I can.... I did get me O Level English ya know :)..... its just I type so fast, my fingers just type exactly whats in me head, and if I proof read and corrected spelling grammar and punctuation then I know I wouldnt post.... I aint a dinlo ya know :) .....xxxx
~((((MrP))))~ yes I did, I was the round cheese LOL....... :) xxxxx
ps.... ol' lady....... please see me agent Sharkie before you reproduce me blob in any shape or form lol thankyou ;)....
Eric's in a better place, the loons love him too, even tho he misses you.
"Mice Cream" Can't stop laughing about that, and I heard that story long ago.
You're the best, Marmite.
~((((MrGreen)))))~ how does I love thee, let me count the ways :)..... xxxxxx
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