Ok......... First of all I would like to fank Cis for giving me a Blob Thinkers Award lol....... blimey I aint never even won a raffle before........ I dont understand how anyone could think me blob makes ya think :)....... think about jumping into a raging river maybe lol..... anyways, fanks Cis...... but I cant pass it on cos most I know have already been tagged and the others well wouldnt be arsed to participate lol..... it was a lovely thought from you.... xXx
So....... SilverValleyGirl also tagged me to spill 7 private or interesting things about me..... well, I aint got anything interesting to spill...... but I will have a go at spilling 7 things that will bore ya to tears.....
1. For 9 years I use to play womans football, so all those people that think womans football (soccer) is a new concept then they is way behind the times........ I played at local level from when I was 13 until I was 22....... during that time I played for me county and got choosen to attend England trials......I hitchhiked to London for the first set of trials and got through..... but as I was still living at home at the time, and me parents took most of me earnings off me, I couldnt afford the train fair to get up to Liverpool for the second set of trials, so I was gonna leave the day before the trials and again hitchhike up to Liverpool to partake in a 'dream'....... but me mum not only turned me alarm clock off but she hid me football boots..... she was not a nice person........ so I let the dream slide..... in all the 9 years of playing football my parents had never once seen me play....
A few years ago when my lads played for our local village team, we hold a football fun day for all the families of the kids with matches and competitions... NO ONE KNEW that I use to play football, and some of the blokes thought it would be a laff to play against a handful of us mums....... big mistake buddy lol..... I ran rings around them, the look on their faces was priceless..... I scored a 20 yard goal and as I turned around in me victory salute, I snapped the acruciate and posterior ligaments that keep ya knee together LOL... 2 years of ops and physo was sooooooo worth the look on those blokes faces when me goal went in........ :)......
2. I have two little tattoos....... one above each ankle........ I LOVE em...... they are only tiny.... and seeing as I mostly always wear jeans not many people even know I have them....... and its not like me legs are like 'legs eleven' and always draped around someones neck lol

This one is just above me left ankle, I hope you can work out what it is lol its a little cartoon leaping frog :)...

This one is me little bumble bee which is just above me right ankle........ and they aint no ones business but mine, so I aint bovvered if YOU like tats or not, these are mine and mine alone....
Jebus, dont I twaddle on lol
3. I LOVE white chocolate..... its the best thing that has ever been invented....thats British or Belguim white chocolate NOT that fake white stuff we tried whilst in the states....... I also LOVE pomegranites :).....
4. I have a 9 foot cactus in me kitchen, I nicked a 1 inch cutting from Keydell garden centre 24 years ago...... and I loved and nurtured that cutting until it has grown to be 9 foot tall..... it stands in me kitchen in a old red antique fire bucket that I saved from being dumped that was a part of our old flint school before it was turned into a community centre.....
5. I have double jointed thumbs...... I can hold me thumbs and twist and turn them round like its a spoon and Im stirring me cuppa tea lol.......... I also have 4 silver bangles from the Libyan silver market that I have had on me left wrist for nigh on 20 years....... the only way I could get them on was to dislocate me double jointed thumb........ those babies aint never coming off....... a few years ago my Ben bought me the most beautiful twisted silver bangle for me right wrist....... dam that bangle was to small to get on........ so again I had to dislocate the other thumb to get it on...... but it was worth it lol......... I will be buried with these bangles on........ a doctor once said he would cut the bangles on me left wrist off when he thought I had broken me arm and needed an xray...... I said no way no how....... work round it lol....... :) good job I was stubborn cos NO broken arm.....
6. I LOVE being outdoors more then anything in the world....... I LOVE sitting by the ocean, I LOVE going in the woods..... I LOVE nature and all it holds..... I dont mind getting wet or muddy or cold or soaked through to me knickers......I love being up high on a hill and looking down at the world........ I love walking in the dark late at night when everyone else sleeps........
Jebus this is hard lol
7. When I started school, I was left handed..... but my father said that he was not going to have a freak as a child, so everytime I would pick something up with me left hand or reach for a pencil he would hit me and make me use me right hand......once he stamped on me left hand and broke 2 of me fingers so that I couldnt actually use it for a while.....
Now as an adult and to be honest even back then - remember I was stubborn - I use both hands....... I do write righthanded but I do many other things with me left hand...... :)
OK thats ya peep into parts of me that others dont usually get to see.......... told ya its not interesting.........
and thats way more then enough Twaddle for a wet windy Sunday......x
(((mel)))who says i wouldn't be arsed w a thinking blob award? do u think i just have medals and trophies lining up my shelves? lol i ain't won a raffle either...oh wait, there was that one time i won a cake shaped like a bunny from my son's school when he was younger.
now ya say u do other things w ur left hand, but i'm NOT gonna ask what those things are lol you know i LOVE tats...i have one meself on my right ankle. if i can ever afford em again, i want to get two more. i agree w u on the white chocolate...ever since u sent me some brit choco, chocolate has never been the same lol
anyways, i left u a comment on my blob bout us going into biz together lol xoxo
So Mel, what position did you play on the football team, I'm guessing QuarterPounder, eh what?
Football and Cheerleaders
I like your cute little tats...
Me dad was left-handed too, and they made him write right handed in school, don't think my grandparent's had anything to do with, 'cause his dad was left-handed, and was never made to write with his right, oh who knows why, 30 years later the school made my Dad use his right hand or get it slapped, needless to say, his handwriting was near illegible. 'tain't right what your pop did.
You're not stubborn, you just have sense of what's right and what's wrong, and stick to it, unlike so many people, effen tossers.
OH, you meant world soccer, the sissy verion of Rugby and AMERICAN Football, lmao. heh heh heh
I like your tats! And a 9 foot cactus in the kitchen is a pretty impressive display of a green thumb!
are your thumbs green because they dislocate? my youngest, Matt, is a righty but he decided he was a lefty. Kicked the soccer ball left footed. He was great when he played left striker. In football he kicked off, and extra points, left footed. See him on YouTube at Matt Kelso. Pretty rare to see a center have a highlight clip. #57. The first 5 plays are from the State Championship game. My oldest son got crowded out of line, by the other team's fans, for a t-shirt so he told the person to screen "LCHS State Champs" on it then, before the game, so he wouldn't have to come back. Ha! Wasn't much of a game as it was a slaughter. In baseball he would bat left handed. maybe i should have been tough on him. I didn't realize being lefty was a problem. The knee sounds touchy. Dislocated mine in football. Not fun.
So how many butts did you kick on the football team,hehehe
Great post. I like your tats and am still in shock about your left hand.
Thanks for the list. I love when my girls play soccer in the summer. It's a great sport. Cute tattoos. That is on my things to do list...some day. I had a boss whose son was right handed and he forced him to be left handed so he would be a better basketball player. It actually worked. My husband is a lefty, and he sure wished one of our kids was, but no such luck. The closest is our youngest who shoots the basketball left handed.
Left back. I just know it. Left back.
Are you celebrating Mother's Day? I am in Mexico and they tell me, that Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10, rain or shine, in Mexico. Did they barbecue and get a cake for you today?
I'm going to video store as soon as possible and rent "Bend it Like Toasty".
~(((Ciara slapper ho)))~ cripes..... well can you stand on one leg and juggle with rubber chickens? no? then you dont qualify LOL..... was that a HINT for a chocolate parcel lol....xxx
~(((MrGreen)))~ fanks *cough* like always us brits are one step ahead of you doodles lol it was muvvers day here back in March ;) - and aint that clip just the funniest... aint ya glad I introduced ya to that nutter :)...and yes, I meant soccer which is proper football :) xxxxx
~(((em)))~ I would run back into a burning building to save me cactus :).... I just love it... *cough* I was married for 20 years to a 3rd generation tosser... opps sorry I meant nurseryman :)..... but the cactus was MINE.... xxx
~(((Starr)))~ us left footed players are rare :) and ya son sounds well cool.... and yep they drilled and pinned and ripped out bits of hamstring and a bone grafted to replace the ligaments.... shame me other knee is well dodgy now to...shattered the cartlidge, already been in for an op in Feb and Im awaiting the next step.... oh well, will just have to get ramps into me house lol....... xxxx
~(((eddie)))~ we DONT kick bums in soccer lol its a game of class ;) ... xx
~(((carla)))~ I love me tiny tats...I didnt show the huge chinese dragon across me back LOL ... xx
~(((SilverValley)))~ your task was easier then I first thought, but then I could chat and type for England lol..... and that dont mean Im 'gobbie' lol.... xx
~(((JBelle)))~ oh my goodness, HOW DID YOU KNOW I played left back?? ok now your scaring me lol..... and mexico..... what ya doing in mexico? and no it wasnt muvvers day here yesterday :) and it rained most of the day....... British weather is back with a vengence....... be safe, Ive heard about mexico...... xxx
~(((MrP)))~ You have to remember Im well old now lol.....but those years of football and team stuff were the best days of me life...... but then I aint met the right bloke yet so maybe I have better days to come lol..... xxx
Busy as hell day here today.......
Update on the fish....*cough* I think we introduced the fish to the water to soon....... a few floaters this morning..... oh well, Eric our lizard will be well pleased lol......xx
Sweet tats!
Your dad did what? Your poor dear...
I haven't got a green thumb at all. I recently killed Chia herbs. They're supposed to be invincible. LOL
Eric the lizard is getting fat, yes?
You sure are multi-talented! I'd feel the knee was worth it to show the pups a thing or two.
So where's a picture of that cactus?
Why the hell did people in the olden days think that left handed people were freaks? Sheesh.
Hey we have good white chocolate over here, you just can't expect to find it at convenience stores or Wal-Marts.
I'd also like to see the big ol cactus. I have about a two footer that my father started from seed that I've been toating across the country the past couple years.
(((mel slaggiest bagger)))yes *hint, hint* *looking for scrummie parcel in mail* lol and ur not gobbie? since when? lmao xoxo
Happy mudders day Mel!
A leaping toad froggie tat eh? Hmmmm...ok...
Sorry about the right left hand thing.. but as one who has seen your handwriting, it certainly hasn't affected it.. it's lovely.
my thumbs are hurting now..
but i can relate.. i have a ring that my father gave me that won't come off.. when i was pregnant and my hands were swollen the doctor offered to cut it off and i told him my finger would fall off first.
and so now i'm jealous of the docs and the cactus...:o)~
Love the tats, guess what I have one to.
I loved playing football, the team broke up when I was 15yrs old, I missed it.
Well, I didn't fall asleep while reading. All of that is interesting. I have had to take my jewelry off in the last couple of years because of having to have an MRI and surgery. After taking my wedding ring off for a week or so I put it back on the wrong hand. At the time, you couldn't blame me. I was pretty jacked up. Anyway, I didn't realize it for about 9 months. Now that you can blame me for. lol
Oh by the way, I am double jointed in my thumbs and six of my fingers. It is easy for my thumbs to go out of joint. When I was a child learning how to play the violin my thumb kept going out of joing while I was holding the bow. (Learning how to hold the bow is pretty difficult, ya know.)Anyway, I learned how to play with my thumb in joing and out of joint.
After taking my wedding ring off for a week or so I put it back on the wrong hand. At the time, you couldn't blame me.
I don't. I blame Scott. For everything. In the world. Not.
(smiliddy smile smile)
Thanks for the share. Your stories tell stories about stories.
Hope the boys honored you on Mother's Day, especially Ben, ya know, especially in light of his recent Ben-nessness. If they didn't, well to heck with 'em. You know they simply, positively adore you...always, all ways.
Say hey, baby. Just passing through in a window of time.
Love to you.
Since I know my friend Marmite loves the rude humor (and her tea), I offer this that I got from my friend Jump.
Lazy Sunday UK WE DRINK TEA!
Which was in response to this on American television's Saturday Night Live:
The Chronic (what?) als of Narnia
That means at least a nine foot ceiling in the kitchen.
Weaselboy has cacti that he has rooted all over the place. The stingy kind break off little bits to propagate themselves so I have loads of rolling little cacti under foot.
Your tats are cute Marmie! I have one too. I hate to think of your Dad stepping on your left hand :((...I think you are a very interesting and fun person! It was a great list!
I'm double jointed in all fingers and thumbs and am also left handed. Think there's a connection?
Thanks for sharing the seven things. I love that you love the woods like me!:)
~((the woman))~ it was a very long time ago, I think parents were different back then..... well at least mine were LOL...... and yep, Eric got a little fatter this morning to :)..... x
~((ordinary janet))~ moi has NO talent I just have a bash at most things and hope for the best...
I will get some new batteries for me camera today and take a photo of me cactus :).....x
~(((burdockboy))~ oye, less of the olden days lol I might be old but surely 74 aint THAT old? :) - will get a pic of the cactus today and post.... xx
~(((ciara slutter slag)))~ like I aint got ENUFF to do lol... xx
~(((toadie)))~ its a froggie NOT a toad lol...... and me handwritting stinks and well you know it lmfao..... xx
~(((fatty)))~ when I expecting me 4th son, I had to have me wedding ring cut off..... dam, that should of been a big sign LOL...... I will take a photo of me docs next to me cactus JUST for you lol......x
~(((Queenie)))~ I wanna get a little stickman tat pushing a stick lawnmower just above me pubes lol then it will look like he is cutting the grass LMFAO...... those football years were the best years of me life... xx
~((((Susan)))~ oh hush, I can hear you snoring lol...... I refused to have me bangles cut off when I had me ops on me knees..... thats 5 protests..... they had to tape and bind them up in the end :) I can be well stubborn..... I did take out me nose stud though and when I woke and was half with it, trying to put it back in, I had shoved me fat ear stud through the tiny hole in me nose..... lol.... let it close up after that..... had a nose like a frogs sore bum lol.....cripes on your thumbs xx
~((((Wendy))))~ stories tell stories about stories lol - it wasnt muvvers day here on Sunday, it was back in March...... and at least Janet loves me, I suppose thats the best I can hope for lol..... miss you....you in my thoughts......xxxxxxx
~(((MrGreen)))~ how rude of you to presume I like rude humour lol I have class ya know NOT :)..... but I couldnt live without me cuppa tea in the muvver-fucking-morning lol .......xxxx fanks jump xxx
~(((((sharkie))))~ welcome home :) - I designed me little kitchen with NO flat ceiling, so all the joists are exposed and open with a couple of velux windows in the roofie bit.... it gives the allusion of being in a barn :)...... maybe thats why Janet feels at home in me kitchen lol....... xxxxxx
~((((catch)))~ it was what it was..... giggling at interesting..... Im just a daft bat, no more and no less..... xx
~((((SideNote))))~ OMG do you fink we was conjoined twins split and seperated at birth? or is it just a coming together of like people....... dam now you have to marry me we could have a cyber wedding lol...... xx
~(((inland)))~ I LOVE THE WOODS :) and sometimes when Ive had a shit day or feel heavy with responsibility, I will drive off to the woods late at night and just sit and think..... me maties think Im mad and say, only nutters go out in the woods after dark.... maybe they have a point lol..... xx
I love that you played a bit of footie. It kills me to listen to the Mum's at my kid's school on the days the children have combined games and the girls are FORCED to play football "that is such a rough sport, they shouldn't make them play that at all!!" Hahahahahaa oh it kills me!
Saw that one, but didn,t!!!!
~(((momNmum))~ Footie was my passion it was my only escape from life for nine years..... it was the most wonderful time I will ever know in me life....... I miss those times, even though they were years ago, I can remember them as if they was yesterday........ xx
~(((queenie)))~ I double dare ya lol - I would like one more, just one tiny musical note.... somewhere where only I and maybe a special person oneday would ever see ;)..... x
Last up please turn off the lights and shove the cats out and unplug everything.... ok ok, so I cant help it....
fanks maties xx
Alright, clear out you lot. Don't trip on the chicken and shove that cat outside. Don't know why this nutter wants the plugs pulled but do or she'll pull mine.
Now nighty-night.
ouch, shit again. dang you oshark. you early to bed, early to risers, drive me crazy. everyone needs to reset their clocks to centre of the universe time and start over.
If we were conjoined twins, could we both be left-handed?
You are so mega chuftin' M-Toasty. When the kids in Japan saw my tat, they pointed and shouted, "Yakuza!"
When the current students inquire, I tell them "I was young once, but I got better."
Great post, M-Toasty. Thanks!
Congrats on the thinking blogger award - you certainly make me think!
Women's football has been around longer than folk think - my 65 year friend used to play for the county when she was younger.
I like your tats, I only have one but I love it.
Thanks for dropping by my place. :)
~(((Sharkie)))~ ya have a plug ya need pulling? LMFAO..... ok so laffing at that vision :)...and fanks for looking after the place......I owe ya one.. or two... or three lol.. xxx
~(((Starr)))~ yeah, bloody lightweight earliers right? lol :) xx
~(((SideNote)))~ course we could both be lefties, we might of been con-jointed at the hips or toes or knees or bums or ears :) lol....... dont mean we aint both got left hands :)... x
~((((Foolie)))~ pinning on me chuftie badge, stick out me chest :).... lol - my Tom is the one that LOVEs tats.... he has 2 half sleeves almost completed and a huge chinese dragon on his back....... I will give him his dues though....... he waited until last year to get them started and said that he waited cos what he liked at 17/18 he wouldnt of liked now...... where as my Ben had some done at 17/18 and is gonna have them covered by different onces now....... my Sam is gagging to get one, but I give him the 'stare' and he rethinks lol........ fanks for popping over, I miss your blob :) and its you thats mega matie..... xx
~((Akelamalu))~ yep people tend to think womans football is a 'new thing' it does make me smile...... oh and ps........ I aint that old yet LMFAO........ and I will be back over to your blob :).... fanks for nipping in here at this madhouse lol... x
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I wanna get a little stickman tat pushing a stick lawnmower just above me pubes lol then it will look like he is cutting the grass LMFAO...... heh heh heh, that would be hilarious, Marmite. ;)
I thought you'd like that cuppa-tea rap video.
((((((((Marmite))))))) Miss ya. Take care hon.
I like your tatts...they are sweet. Baby would love the frog. I myself have a few. Ol Man and I have our weddin rings tattoo, fer sure way not to loose them.
I also have one in the small of my back that I love...I also have another that we won't mention...it needs some major repair...at least it's one that is not on display :o
http://crazy-not-stupid.blogspot.com/search?q=tattoo that is the link to the post with the tatts.
I'll say it loud; I'm left-handed and proud! That was one of the cruelest things in the world your Dad did, breaking your fingers so you'd be right-handed. My parents tried and tried to get me to be right-handed, but I guess I am very, very stubborn. I play guitar right-handed, but I play drums left-handed. Go figure!
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