On the way to picking Sam up I clipped the kerb with me big car and then it spun round and the drivers side smashed into the bloody bollard in the middle of the road....... and these bollards have only been installed last month and run by solar power to light them during the night........ so me lovely newish car has a bleedin great dent in it and I have a bump on me head the size of a golf ball where me head hit the side window lol
The car is gonna cost me in excess of $600 plus........ just cos I was bloody tired..... oh well...... dont know why Im moaning about it, cos I live my life always tired, and the pain from me knee and the fear of me appointment next week is stopping me from sleeping more then about 3 hours a night......... and I even forgot me doctors appointment yesterday........and now I will not have time to go see me doc before I get to see the consultant next week......
Me job is knackering at the best of times..... I had this little lot turn up just gone 7 this morning...... had to sort them out all different breakfasts while shouting up the stairs to get my 4 up for work and college and school..... Jebus..... so ya can see why I CANT pull a sickie from work LOL

This is just me Wednesday morning crew....... I drop some off for school and some off to preschool and then pick up 3 more on the way, it being a Wednesday.......and then I had 8 nippers after school ........
Each day I have different kids, I mean the main bulk of them is the same but everyday there are different ones tagged on either before, during, or after school.......all with different needs, a few with special needs that need extra attention...

This is often me after school crew but more often with others tagged on and the odd one dropped.......

This was a few weeks ago when we had one morning of snow lol.......
Im good at my job, I know I am....... Im different at my job then most....... I do things with me nippers that others wouldnt dream of.......... I have to teach to a certain standard that holds my qualifications..... no longer is it all play and fun..... but I try to make the learning fun........ I have to love and nurture these precious children and help guide and encourage them, because I have some of them 11 hours a day.... how else will they learn love and morals and have dreams and fun and laffs and cuddles and hugs .........
Ellis made me cry today......... I talk non stop on the way to the infant school drop off....... and I laff and joke and tease all the way to school and Ellis who is almost 4 said....... Mel you is a right lunatic and I love you, you picklehead LOL...... I say things to them that others wouldnt dream of....... like...... when Jon was being a pain in the arse....... ok Jon, if ya carry on ya know what Im gonna do? ....... no Mel what *cheeky grin*......... Jon, Im gonna peg ya on the washing line by ya ears and spin it round til ya sick....... to which the other nippers laff and giggle and Jons just says............ oh Mel..... like I believe that LOL........ these kids know me sooooooo well........ I think they love me, I try to be a memory maker to them all........ I try........ as tired as I am....... I try and give them my all......... I hope its enough......

And when the last of me nippers have left at 6pm...... its time then to sort this mob out here and sort grub and do the running around with clubs etc..........
Would I change me job for the world............. YOU BET THE BLOODY HELL I WOULD lmfao......... one day my prince will come..... LOL
So endith me moaning groaning whining grizzling pussypissing whinging post........its just cos Im tired and totally exhausted right? lol
So when I say Im knackered, it dont mean Im just a tad tired...... it means Im BLOODY WELL KNACKERED BEYOND BELIEF :)
now thats what ya call a load of bollocks and a bucket full of Twaddle........
Glad you're okay, M-Toasty. Car accidents are no fun. I'm not sure what a bollard is though...I always thought they were the big posts you tie a boat to, and that coining's not in my doodle-dictionary.
Just looking at those little ones in the photos brings back memories of teaching in the k-garden. All that energy & need. It sure can be draining at times...especially if you're doing the job right. You made me smile with your veiled non-threats...it's always fun to have such a relationship...and many of the kids just thrive on having an adult to "play" with.
Hang in, and best to you. And don't go banging your sweet head on any "kerbs" this week...your poor noggin' needs a rest.
Have a great Wednesday, M-Toasty!
It sounds like the children are most fortunate to have you.
i don't know what a load full of bollocks and bucket full of twaddle is... but it looks like love from here.
you dear marmie are the inspiration methinks... :o)
Marmy, (hope you don't mind me cropping your name after knowing you such a short time?), you sound absolutely brilliant at your job. The kids in those photographs look really happy!
Sorry to hear about the 'bump' in your car, though it's easy done!
Not sure what's wrong with your knee but I can empathise with you, having just had major surgery on mine!
Sorry about the dent in your car and the bump on your picklehead! Glad it wasn't worse!
Those are quite the cuties you have there. Sounds like they're living the good life to me!
From the mouths of babes, "Mel you is a right lunatic and I love you, you picklehead " Wisdom from a four year old.
Take care of yourself while you give so much to those kidlets.
peace girl.
~(((Foolie)))~ good afternoon.... :) a bollard here is like a road sign thingie in the middle of the road... MrGreen would be well chufted cos all new traffic signs etc in this village will be powered by solar panels, so that they glow in the dark....
Yeah its hard but satisifying work, except I never have a 'staff room' to disappear into for a quick cuppa tea and an adult chat lol its non stop from when they arrive til they leave :)....
oh I have a book full of non-threats lol..... its funny if Im out places and Im somewhere where no one knows me and I use one of me threats to the nippers, the face of the people that hear is just so funny.... that gobsmacked look lol....... like at the garden centre last week, Ceris was into everything.... and when we was looking at the bird houses etc and talking about what they were, she was being a tad of a pain, so I said...... Ceris (4 1/2), now listen hear, if you keep doing that I might have to pick you up by your ears and stuff you into that bird house, until only your toes are poking out, and then the birds will come and peck your toes off........ :) she was laffing and giggling and then said...... 'go on then Mel' LOL yep they know me so well...... but the womans face that was listening lol..... and on Dustbin day when all the bins are out the front little Mattie (6) ALWAYS says every week..... Mel do you remember when you picked me up and sat me in the top of the Dustbin for the lorry to take me away LOL and the other lads all chip in with..... oh, put me in put me in LOL so every monday one of the lads has to be put in the dustbin LOL........ yeah we have a great 'thing' going on :)
Have a lovely Thursday....... I might start making thursdays.... photo phursdees :)....... xxxxx cripes what a long reply lol
~((((Starr)))~ bloody well put that post back...... dont make me have to ;).....xxx
~(((inlandempiregirl)))~ emmmm, hang on. Ill ask Rhys (9) if the thought he was lucky when I lobbed him in the padding pool fully clothed last summer LMFAO...well he shouldnt of splashed me, I did warn him :) .... fanks xxx
~((((fatty)))~ yeah I do love the little bleeders :)...... well there is one Im iffie with but he would NEVER know :)....... most of these nippers Ive had since babies, so they are just part and parcel of our life..... those pictures are just a weenie snippet into them...... I have 15 different nippers a week, from a few months old up til 13..... yeah I know the 13 year old still loves coming here and her parents would rather still pay me for her to come here and have fun and love then to go home to an empty house for 3 hours a night after school....... :)we DONT do latchdoor kids here.... well as best we can..... xxx
~(((Akelamalu)))~ ya can call me what ya like lol me twat neighbour often does LOL...... well dont know about brill with me job, I just know we have loads of fun and laffs...I had a brain in me head before I started this job lol.. and the kids that get referred to me cos no one else will take them on cos of behaviour issues...... well, what can I say...... we dont have behaviour issues here :) the respect with the nippers goes both ways........ (now if only I could let that rub off sometimes with me own older lads lol)....
You do dodgy knees to?........ wanna talk over it with a cuppa tea and crumpets before next week lol .....xx
~(((the woman)))~ they might be LOL but god, sometimes Im glad when they have all gone home lol xxx
~((((((((((Sharkie)))))))))~ :) Ellis's comment all stems from me, cos each week we have a different word on the way to school...... like last week when I said...... ok you LUNATICS get ya shoes on its school time..... they ALL picked up on the word 'lunatic' and they laff and giggle and all use it now........ lol..... and when we HAVE to sometimes go to school in the car when I only have 7 in the morning..... we do a check list and each time we pick a different thing..... like last week it was all vegetable heads lol you know..... carrothead, spudhead, onionhead, cornhead LOL..... so its....... katie=spudhead-bookbag-check-lunchbox-check-snackpot-check-coat-check-spudhead-check :)...... this weeks its fruits :)...it gives us a chance to talk about and learn about things in a fun way. ....ok OK so I aint normal....... but would ya have me any other way? ...... and does it look like Im bovvered ;) .......xxx
I have great respect for you - I did in home daycare for 2 1/2 years and I only had 2 other children aside from my own 2 at the time. I am not a good daycare lady - it is a lot of work and the parents can be horrible.
yeah, but think about allll those smiles , vaporized! , if you changed jobs....
Anytime you want to talk 'knees' give us a shout honey!
You are terrific and I wish you could be here some days to take care of me. I'm adding you to my favorite reads...you make me laugh and give me hope for love being spread in the world...it begins with the little ones.
I hope the knee thing goes well and you get some rest. Try mediatating for a bit at night before you go to sleep. It really helps me. Thanks for sharing...
((((mel))))yes, ya well knackered, but isn't it great to feel the love and respect from all the nippers? steve told me that maybe i could run a daycare outta me home...but crikey, i don't even have the patience to deal with the three i got. lol
i was thinking the only way i get my adult chat is from the gloomies...but no, scratch that...just a bunch of kids playin hs games lol
i'm glad that ur alright aft ur accident and bumpin ur noggin didn't knock the 'looniness' outta ya lol xoxo
It is truly a gift to be able to take care of children all day long, and do it in a loving environment like you do. But I'm sure the staff room and adult chat would be nice at times. I watched some kids a little bit when my children were young. They were great kids, but it wasn't my "cup of tea". Glad there are people like you, because our children need special nurturers in their lives. The pictures are WONDERFUL.
No wonder your Knackered. Nothing worse than bumping your wheels, when you need its for your job.
The children look really happy, credit to you. Now just you take five for yourself, did you hear what I said???
I'm glad you're ok, Marm.
I love the photos. Those are some very lucky little nippers.
.ok OK so I aint normal....... but would ya have me any other way?
Oh here I go typing thru me tears again, damn you Marmite...
Gosh, I hope your head's feeling better, OMG, that's terrible Marmite, you give so much.
You are an absolute SAINT! You are THE MOST important person to those nippers, shut up, are too, you're with them more than there parents, and gawd's sakes, you take on the ones that are supposedly behaviorally challenged too, and make it so fun (look at their faces people), and learning morals and all that, bleeding amazing. And if the world was RIGHT, instead of being cracked, you should be paid a FORTUNE for what you do.
I've always said the best teachers, and that's you too Marmite, definitely, are PRICELESS, because of the impact they have on kids. Your little "threats" are just SO funny, and perfect, just absurd enough, and not mean sounding at all, funny funny funny. And they WORK, too.
I hope things go well for ya at the doc next week.
Oh, and don't call "Mr.", gawd's sakes woman, oh and yes, and that's cool about the solar powered traffic stuff, you mean ALL the control signals are being replaced by solar powered ones? Around here, it's mostly just the temporary traffic signs for construction warnings and what not, that are portable, and solar-powered.
One more thing, if you could, unless you're doing it on purpose for some reason, could you make the pictures "public" on Flickr, so's when we click on 'em, they open up big? I really wanted to look at Sprite and the other nippers, too.
~((momNmum))~ I think our rules and inspections and policies and regulations are different over here then in the states..... we are so highly inspected etc etc.....
Me parents are pretty good, we have a great working relationship, Im just me with them :)..... same old loon lol...... they like that I think :)..... but it is hard I will admit.....
Ive been a registed ofsteded childminder for 16 years plus 12 of those years I owned and run a preschool 3 days a week, just use to take the nippers with me, it was a 'different preschool' where I encouraged the parent to stay, it was mainly for parents that needed the chance to interact with their kids, and get to know them, social services would send parents to me place and many couldnt even afford me fees, but ya know me, I NEVER turn anyone away, so I still let them come cos not only did the kids need it, but the parents where desparate.... no wonder Im not rich lol...... I sold it about 18 months ago after having it for 12 years, I got so many phone calls begging me not to leave, but it was time... the woman that then had it couldnt do it and it closed after 5 months :(..... I was heartbroken.......
and also whilst I have minded and ran me preschool I owned with me now X a plant nursery and would work 3 evenings a week plus saturday and sundays at our nursery..... I NEED A BREAK lol
~((((((JBelle)))))))~ sighhhhhhhh.... xxxxxxxxxx
~(((ake)))~ fanks..... :) xx
~(((jolie-jordan)))~ cripes, blushing :)...... I tried the chanting before bed but me twat neighbours hammered on the wall LOL :) xx
~(((((((Ciara $10 hooker))))))~ I NEED a holiday LOL xxxxxxxx
~(((SilverValleyGirl))))~ Dont know about no gift, but I do try and build lovely lasting memories for them...... xx
~((((queenie)))~ five what? gin and oranges lol xxxx
~((((Lynn))))~ I dont know if they are lucky or if I am :) xx
~(((((((Green))))))))~ oh shut it with the bloody tears for gawds sake...... the head will heal once the headache and puking stops lol
Now your comment is making me cry, so you can bloody stop it with them nice words... (((Green))) love you xxxxxxxx
ok its just gone 1 in the morning here..... so if last out could turn off the lights and pull the plugs I would be greatful........
I have a head like thunder and and and......... oh sod it aye :) - slater maties xxxxxxx
ps......... MrGreen :) - I fiddled with the photo thing.... didnt know what I was doing though lol...... hope it works....... xxx
nite xx
headache and puking from hitting ur head? u should see a doctor...but i guess u'll just be bloody well stubborn, eh? and hey, just cuz i'm an asian pacific american doesn't mean i go around saying 'me lub u long time, ten dollah' lol tho i'll have u know that i'm worth every penny of that ten dollars lol
here, u can't even have as many kids as u do w/o at least another 'childminder'. don't really know what the certs. are here, but i do know it's only like 5 kids to a person. give or take a kid lol
so you know, there are a lot of chickens everywhere here in Puerto Vallarta. I keep saying, psst! JANET! JANET!! but so far so good. no one answers. glad she's staying home. keep an eye on her.
your such an awesome lady...without people like you in the world kids like mine wouldn't know what it would be like to go out with others and do things. I never allowed any kids over and I never participated in anything to do with kids...that's what I paid people like you to do...my kids had everything (I mean everything) at home cept for others.
My hat goes off to ya, your doing a wonderful thing for the kids.
"Mel you is a right lunatic and I love you, you picklehead"
I loved that. Really really a lot.
OK, this is a very pale lavender rose I cut from my garden and brought in the house. I took this picture of it. No photo tweaking. Funny, huh?
Sending you restful, rejuvenating, healing vibes. Hope they make it across the sea. I'm kind whooped myself, and my vibe sender's on the fritz. I'm tossing them as far as I can...
Mel- You are surely one of the richest people I have ever come across. Green said it all exactly right. Your legacy will be much more than your fine boys but all the children (and adults!) you have touched and nurtured. This can't be said enough.
Know wonder you're plum knackered.
We gotta figure out how to get you a vacation. If I could put a few hours in an envelope I would send them to you!
You had a car accident???? Why did you go and do that? You don't need that right now. Ouch.
I used to work at a preschool for children ages 1 1/2 to 4. Hardest job I have ever had. My back hurt constantly from having to bend down all the time. I loved the kids, as you do now, but it was just exhausting. I feel for ya.
~(((Ciara slagger)))~ me, stubborn? lol
Well it depends on the ages of the children and how many one is registered for...... so many under one and so many under 5 and then so many under 8 over 8s dont really count in the equations.... then then if they are under 5 but go to preschool so many sessions they count as an over 5 etc..... and I have different regisiteration to most :)..... thats cos Im good lol..... did that make sense? :) xxxx
~((JBelle))~ there is only one JANET :) - she has just had her lunch lol Ben left what was left of a kebab in the fridge so she has just had that for lunch lol...... I can see me ending up as the lonely little old woman that lives up the hill with her chickens and all the kids in the neighbourhood will come and call names over the fence and throw stones...... oh well, something to look forward to...... lol xxxxxx
~((ol' lady)))~ cripes, I dont know about awesome, aweful maybe lol...... I do try and gives the nippers in me care all different experiences...... some of these nippers aint never been in the woods even, or swam or paddled in the stream out at Corhampton, ya know the one next to the 200 year old pub, the one where ya can buy a ice cold coke and sit with ya feet in the stream whilst the nippers have nets and buckets and are padding in the stream hunting for bugs.. ya know that stream lol..... :) oh and did I mention prawn baguettes with that ice cold coke? lol ..... xxx
~(((Jump)))~ well ya can see why Ellis's words made me have tears on the way to school, this little lad NEVER talks to anyone, he is the shyest of nippers but he chats to me all day long, we have such a fun relationship... filled with giggles and love, but it was the first time he had actually said those words :)....
Fanks for the most wonderful picture..... goodness you are well good with ya camera...... Im sending you all the most wonderful vibes that I possibly can..... I think I can lob things further then you :) ((((Jump)))) xxxxxxxx
~((((Sharkie))))~ now YOU have me crying.... and you can bloody well stop that...... goodness sake..... thats not fair to make me cry lol.... *sitting out on the front wall for me postie to come on his regulation royal post red bike with me envelope* lol...... you Sir are way to kind ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
~((((Susan)))~ well it weren't like a proper accident with blood and guts and other cars and stuff..... it was just me and the kerb and a bollard and a dent and a bump on me head lol......
I had me pre-school for 12 years whilst also childminding and owning a plant nursery..... so I dont know why Im so knackered now with just me 15 minded nippers.... maybe its me age LOL..... xxxxxxx
PS..... as I type this, Janet has just wandered in from the garden and is sitting on me fluffy pink slippers lol LMFAO...... I fink this chicken loves me lol...... says a lot right?...... just the love of a bleedin chicken LOL xxxxxx
Yes, Janet loves you, hey is she still producing eggs? Are they kabob flavored.
yes, you fixed the pictures thing, I can now click on them and get a bigger view, thanks Marmite.
I take my hat off to you... I deal with 13 year olds but I don't think I could deal so effectively with the little ones. They would drive me bonkers. Too bad about the car, glad nobody was really badly hurt, metal can be fixed, humans less so. ;o)
Mel, waht are you talking about??
All the village kids already make fun of you and that ridiculous chicken. Are you kidding?
Awwww, Marmie, it's the cutest thing I've heard in a really long time, ya pickle head. :) And THANK YOU FOR THE VIBES--you have AMAZING range!!!
xo :-) xo :-) xo
Oh, and I meant to say...
"Nothing lasts forever but the love that bears your name..."
You're stirring up so much love with those kiddie pies!!
Oh no Toasty!!!!! I'm sorry about your car & your head. I hope you're feeling better today!!!! ((((HUGS)))) And I hope you got a great night's sleep.
~(((MrGreen)))~ yeah she loves me..... nowt like the love of a good chicken lol..... and yep one egg a day as regular as clockwork, usually about 11ish :) xxx
~(((big brother)))~ welcome :) and feel free to scroll back and read some more ;) - I have older ones after school up to the age of 13.... and ya right....... metal is mendable..... where as bonces aint..... fanks for popping over ... x
~((JBelle)))~ Welcome home...... and she AINT ridiculas..... she is special........ as are you xxx
~((Jump))~ ok ok enough with the pickelhead lol :) glad ya got the vibes......well I hope the nippers will remember some of the fun times when they are older..... I have met up with some that I first use to mind..... and they recall laffing and fun and they had me in tears with their tales of 'do you remember when' and 'oh when you let us do' ya know all that rubbish lol xxxxx
~((kati)))~ ;) I can sleep when I dead....... :) xxxxx
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