Ya have to be well posh and a tad weathly to live there....... its quaint and sweet and beautiful and delightful, but many of the people are well stuck up their own arse tossers, not all of them you understand ........ which is ok, each to their own, but they do tend to think they are better then anyone that aint from 'their village'.........

View from Speltham Hill driving into Hambledon...
Anyways....... its a beautiful little village and driving the back lanes its only about 8 minutes away....and ya come down into the village via Speltham Hill.... and I neededed to go and see me matie there....... well she aint there in body cos she is dead, she died a couple of years ago, but I thought I would take some flowers and go sit with her in the beautiful little churchyard where she is buried....... I just needed a chat......... Ive had an horrendous week or so...... and she was the only person in the world that really knew ME......... anyways.......
The little church has stood in the centre of this beautiful real proper village for 1000 years, yes a thousand years, so much history, so many tales to tell...... where as our beautiful church in our village is only 125 years old...... I was married there and all 4 of my sons were christened into The Church Of England in our little church, but I no longer wish to be buried here....... anyways Im off track......
So I park outside the well proper tiny village stores, cos I think, I'll buy me little bunch of flowers local, as me matie Tina LOVED this village and was very active in the church here..... so I actually parked dead outside the door of the little shop........ ya have to live in this village of Hambledon about 30 years before you can be considered a local LOL....... unless ya have pots of dosh then its a different matter lol........ there are some well famous people living there in the little hamlet, and there are some local famous people that live there that THINK they is well real famous, but in actual fact they are like famous for our local news programmes etc.......... can you see where this is leading lol......

I took this through me windscreen of me car lol hence ya can just see the orange and mauve cat that sits in the corner to keep me tax disc in place.....
Ya see, no matter where I go, and with whom, whether Im on me own or with me maties, something ALWAYS happens...... I can be minding me own business and I get dragged into something or other...........
So, I pick out a sweet little bunch of flowers from out the front of the shop and go inside to pay, knowing that they have someone that bakes this well nice plum bread, so I grabs a slab of that and a bunch of bananas so that I would have something to munch whilst sitting in the graveyard chatting to me matie....... well in this tiny little shop there was 3 tinie weenie little bent double old people in front of me all with their regulation wicker shopping baskets and hunter wellies and moleskinned collared waxed hunting jackets..... the shop is so tiny that the post office part is only about 5 foot wide and this little postlady sits on a stool behind the counter lol...... so there I stand with me plum bread, bananas and a bunch of flowers balanced in one hand and Sprite tucked like a bag of spuds under me other arm lol...... with these 3 dear old folks in front of me....chit chatting away like ya do in local shops with the woman behind the counter, blimey I had stood there about 10 minutes whilst listening to all their news of births and deaths and whose got corns and whose got gout, but its ok, I have all morning, and this might be the only time of day that these old folk get to see anyone....... so juggling sprite so as I dont drop her I just stand and wait me turn..........
scene is set........
DING DING..... the little bell over the door dings and this bloke flies into the shop at a rate of knots, grabs a newpaper, grabs a bottle of milk and some plum bread....... so give him his dues he has taste lol...... and proceeds to barge his way past everyone in the queue to the front..... by then the first little old lady had finished and was walking out the shop...... so that left me and 2 old folks infront of me...... well....... this bloke was bang out of order......... so me being me and a gobbie cow...(Why didnt I just mind me own business)..... this is the conversation that happened in Hambledon Village Shoppe.....
Me: - Oye, excuse me matie, cant you see these ladies are before you and you should join the back of the queue (meaning behind me).....
Rude Man: - Well, I am in a hurry and I need to get to work.....
Me: - Well, hurry or not, it gives you no right to barge infront of these people..... the least you could of done was to of asked if anyone would mind you going first....
With that I reckonise who the tosser was....... he is a local celebrity off the telly...... been around for nigh on 30 years lol...... a news presenter on a local programme about local events etcs........ I will withold his name incase he can trace me and do me lol.... even though I have Sharkie and Starr as solicitor maties lol
Rude Man: - DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM.......talking to me not 2 foot from me face......(oh how I wanted to headbut him lol)...
Me: (Putting Sprite on the floor now cos I thought this might come to blows lol)..... yes I know full well who you are, actually you interviewed me 30 years ago on South Today that you use to present on the telly.....
And he really did, when I use to play soccer, our team had to go to the telly studios for an interview when we was in a top cup match....... I will say, age has NOT mellowed the man lol
Rude Man: - Oh so you reckonise me then........
Me: - Yes, you was just as rude back then all those years ago.......
Rude Man: - So you know Im Fred ......
And just as he was about to say his last name I said....
Me: - Flintstone.....
Rude Man: - Oh so we have a smartarse here do we.......
Me: - No, actually you have someone waiting in a queue with these fine people in front of me waiting our turn to buy our bits and bobs......
Rude Man: - But Im Fred (~~~~~) and Im in a hurry and I live here which is more then I can say for you........
Me: - Once a tosser always a tosser aye Fred ...... I wonder why ya never made it onto national telly and ya only stayed regional...... (Big Smile).....
Rude Man: - HOW DARE YOU........ who do you think you are......
Me: - Fred I am someone with class and morals and I dont have to live here to acquire them .........
Two little old ladies giggling..... and winking at me...... Sprite has crawled to the back of the shop and had all the spuds all over the floor lol
Rude Man: - Well can I go in front or not.......
Me: - Not.......
With that Fred stomped out the shop muttering well rude things and bloody near slammed the door off its hinges..........
Two little old ladies bloody cheered LMFAO.......... and one said...... what a jumped up no one that Fred is....... thank you for making us smile ......
Well I ask you......... I aint usually normally so rude........ but he just about took the biscuit....... I thought he had steam coming out of his ears.......... DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM MY ARSE...... what a tosser.......
The lady behind the counter said she was not going to charge me for the flowers :) as long as I picked up all the spuds that sprite was lobbing all over the shop lol
Me thinks many more people should speak up a little more and not be afraid of jumped up tossers :)
Anyways, I took me flowers and spent a lovely hour in the churchyard having a chat with me matie....... ok ok so ya fink Im crazy.... but ya dont know me.... so I aint bovvered what ya think.........
On the way back I found this lovely little barn that I aint discovered before.... just nestled on the side of one of the back lanes....

Isnt it just lovely......do you have thatched buildings over in the states?
And then I drove to Worlds End, a little hamlet where when I was married we had our little plant nursery..... me maties lives in the same lane as the nursery so I popped in for a cuppa tea.....

Yep, see there really is a hamlet called Worlds End......
Oh I forgot...... on the way to Worlds End, which is only like 4 minutes from Hambledon I drove past this little pond and there standing in the pond was a Heron, yep a real Heron, so I did an emergency stop in the middle of the lane, leapt out me car with me camera, but the bugger fly off...... but you can just make him out above the tree line..... I know its a tad dark but to me it was well exciting lol can you imagine what I would be like if I saw a real moose or a bear LOL

Just look at how big that Heron is..... I was well chufted... I will go back and see if I can spot him in the pond again..... we found a dead Heron once up our plant nursery, someone had shot it, how sad...... we buried the body but I kept the head..... ya know, for the skull lol...... it was in the garden rotting away and me cat grabbed it and ran off with it, we never did find it lol....
I feel I let meself down a little on Thursday, I was rude to the man...... but I consider it was the right thing to do....... but then Im just a gobbie old cow and should know better........ see, Im always shouting out for the underdogs....... next time I will wear me pants over top of me trousers and be a real super hero LOL......
ok enough boring Twaddle for a Sunday Evening........... xx
Good for you. I wish I could speak up like that sometimes, but, I just glare and simmer. Finding that beautiful barn was your reward for taking up for the underdogs.
Good for you! Boy will those two ladies have some stories to tell. And when you talk about the age of the building where you live, it amazes me. The oldest builiding in Idaho is right down the road, and it is only a little over 150 years old, and we think it is a treat. But 1,000 years old. I can't even imagine. I hope your visit with your friend went well. I don't think there is anything at all wierd about talking to people in a cemetary. I've never heard of plum bread. Sound good.
Mel, silence is acceptance.
Silence is acceptance. You did the right thing and advocated for the two other ladies, who probably had to choice but to let him elbow them to the back. Justice lives in Marmitetoastie! yay!
What JBelle said...
There's an R.E.M. lyric that I've always remembered: "Silence means approval."
I wish more people would put the rude jerks in their place. I'm guilty myself of not speaking up when I should.
Anyway, good for you. Next time ol' Fred will wait his turn.
Very good Marmie!!! Im glad you spoke up! Maybe he will think twice before he cuts in line again! I think your chat with your friend in the cemetary sounds very relaxing....and kind. How wonderful that you still go to talk to her. You are a sweetheart!
As they make us say at soccer games in Idaho, "Well Done." note that exclamations are not allowed. What it really means is FGJ-WTKA! Anyway, World's End meets Centre of the Universe...Go Figure, I'd say. Oh, and pssst...it's E.H. not that other bloke.
bravo you.. i agree with jbelle.
i am always fascinated by your photos. what a beautiful place to be able to enjoy.
and now i want to taste plum bread.
glad you stood up to that tosser, mel. i hate rude ppl like that and at times i might speak up but nearly as well as you. i ain't gobbie enough lol i love the photos that you take...and a place with hundreds of yrs old buildings...wow. heck, the closest i got to that was the 44 yr old p.o.s. steve and i used to live in. glad we were well rid of that house lol
OK..... Ive added another photo of the thatched barn I found, oh and I forgot to tell ya about the Heron I saw, yep a real live proper Heron.... so I added those couple of photos :)....
~((Betty)))~ hi, and welcome :) well I does know how to stand up for others :).... ok, Im gobbie lol Ive never been one to just stand back and let injustice roll lol..... even something as little as that tosser queue jumping :)..... hope you stick around.....x
~((SilverValleyGirl))~ the two old biddies was giggling lol.... I bet they was right feisty birds back in their day..... plum bread is gorgeous, its almost like a moist cake a little like a fruit malt loaf..... yeah I talk to dead people lol....... I need to do a post about Tinas funeral and me 'funeral shoes' lol only Wendy on the airwaves knows the story :) xxxxx
~(((JBelle)))~ so ya reckon I did good? :) Well Fred ~~~~~ is a jumped up tosser lol.... he struts around like he is royalty lol..... geez he is only a local news presenter lol..... I could do that lol - and sometimes silence is golden, golden is very rare in this house lol xxxxxx
~(((Phil)))~ always a pleasure to see you here :) Im honoured - I always speak up.... sometimes even when I shouldnt lol...... and me matie Ann is the same, we have gotten ourselves into all sorts of tough spots in doing so lol..... but I find it hard to just stand back, this was just something tiny, but Ive been known to jump on a blokes back in town that was bashing his wife and kid lol I was then to scared to let go incase he thumped me....... thank god a copper came along lol that was years ago :)...... it was me maties fault, she said... you jump on his back and I will take his legs from under him lol.... but she was laffing to much, said I looked like a rodeo rider LMFAO...... xxxx
~(((catch)))~ I do have a look around first when Im up the graveyard to make sure no one sees me chatting to what looks like meself lol........ most already think Im a loon... dont want it confirmed though lol xx
~(((Starr)))~ :) ok what does FGJ-WTKA! mean...... gawds sake, dont make me feel like a dinny dinlo lmfao.....and yep aint Worlds End a great name for a hamlet, we was to build our dream house there....but oh well, it would not of been a dream with him anyways lol...... and Worlds End way out weighs your Centre of the Universe ;) xxxx
~(((fatty)))~ I will see if the plum bread has a long enough shelf life and if it does I could send ya a slab :) - its gorgeous......and as far as the photos.... well I dont think anyone truely appreciates where they live and whats on their doorstep....... xxxx
~(((Ciara ten a penny tart)))~ :) 44 years aint old, dam it aint even as old as me LMFAO - and you should see how gobbie I am if someones dog does a poo in the street and they start to walk away LMFAO........ a big NO NO ....... :) xxxx
One of my pet hates is people who queue jump so good for you. My retort to "Do you know who I am?" is "Why have you forgotten?"
I reckon you did good, too.
Yes, we do have thatched houses in the states, but they're rare, rare finds.
Look Down the lane, it's a loon, it's a Jag, it's Super Marmy! Yes, Super Marmy, faster than an old gobber pushing a trolley down a shop's widest aisle, Super Marmy, able to leap 10 tossers and a single leap, Super Marmy who disguised as a mild mannered child minder fights for truth, justice and the MarmiteToasty Way.
And unless you have amnesia, anyone who says "Do you know how I am?" is absolutely a prime candidate for a head butt at the least. I loved Akelamalu's response.
And what a lovely area you live in.
Bravo!, wish there were more like you in the world. Cheeky sod, "do you know who I am", I'd have held your coat for you marmie, had I have been there. Brill photos, I want to live somewhere thats called the End of the World!!!!
You did the right thing. He was a right tosser, he was. You'll become a hero to those little ladies in the shop now, every time you go back for bread, flowers, and stuff.
Also, no, we don't have thatched roofed houses over here...at least nowhere I've been in the States. I love the pictures Mel, as you know. I'm an insane Anglophile anyway. I'd love to live in a village that was over a thousand years old, man, how cool would that be? Even if there are people there who are complete tossers and idiots. I'd just treat them like you did... ha!
Also.. how cool would it be to live in a village called "World's End!" Awesome.
You were well lucky that Fred Flintstone was alone. How about if you'd had to upbraid Barney Rubble, too?
~(((Akelamalu)))~ great reply lol...... Ive said before to a bloke that was getting miffty once up in town...... he said..... do you know who I am..... I said real loud...... yes you're a (shouting it loud) SHOPLIFTER SHOPLIFTER and 3 security guards came running lol....... my matie grabbed my arm and we ran for it LOL........ :)...... and all he was was a local football player for Pompey LOL... whats with these people lol xx
~((zeph))~ welcome :) and where have you come from?
We have an abundance of thatched houses around here....... my rich sister use to live in a 300 year old thatched cottage (huge) in Barham just outside of Chichester, it was originally 300 hundred years ago 3 cottages, but after 100 years they were knocked into one, so you can imagine the layout inside..... the large cottage was an oversee'rs house and had an inglenook huge fireplace where the 2 ajoining cottages had smaller fires, so the house which was massive had 3 different sets of stairs........ it was the most beautifulist house I have ever seen....... sigh........ she might of married for dosh the second time, but was she happy :)..... nope lol..... fanks for popping over from where ever you did :) xx
~((((Sharkie sharkie sharkie)))~ well I hate injustice lol..... he was lucky he didnt get the plum bread shoved up his backside, now that would of made it difficult for him to of driven his Jag down the back lanes LOL..... and I bet this place aint as pretty as where you live....... xxxxxxx
~(((Queenie)))~ you would of had to of held me coat, me plum bread me narners me flowers and sprite lol....... I could of floored the bald coot with one upper cut lmfao...... XXXX
~(((((((((Toadie))))))))))~ well Hambledon is a special little village BUT instead of going right at our village green and towards that village if ya go left and through Creech woods about 3 miles ya come to a village called Southwick........ the whole tiny village and outlying farms and land is all owned by ONE PERSON....... most of the cottages are thatched and every property in the village even the 2 pubs have maroon painted front doors...... even the cottages in the middle of the woods on the Southwick Estate are maroon....... I know cos I pick up a nipper from in the game keeps cottage in the woods........ the whole village owned by one person, that really is a postman pat village...... and Southwick house was taken over in WWII by the military, hence a naval base established in the grounds, and your Isenhower and Churchill had their war plans in the house there, which is now a musuem and kept the same as it was then.... most of the tennents that live in Southwick work for the estate in some capacity.... until they get old, and then they are still allowed to stay in their cottages, and even pass tenancy down to their children when they snuff it....... the rents are peanuts....... :)
Over the next few weeks I will take me camera and photograph it for you....... I go through southwick about twice a week :) and the 2 pubs are called, The Red Lion and The Golden Lion LOL....... oh I cant wait to one day have doodle visitors :)..... xxxx
And Worlds End is a tiny hamlet about 3 miles from my house here, its where I/we started our little nursery business in a couple of acres surrounded by mighty oaks...... I found and bought that piece of england for our future...from a farmer, I just kept knocking on farmers doors until one had a few acres that he was willing to flog us.. the tosser has it now LOL...... but there are only about 25 houses there altogether :)...but 2 pubs LOL.. again WELL OLD........ sighhhhhhhh.........
They are proper villages not like this village no more..... but we do have some beautiful old houses here and many thatched so again, I will nip round over the coming weeks and take photos of where I live :)
But I would give this all up for love LMFAO hahahahahaha giggling........xxxxxxx
OK just gone 10 and a bubble bath and me book beckons :).......... if I dont get back then someone turn off the lights.... and unplug and sort out the cats, come on, ya know the ritual by now........ ;) - slater maties xxx
~(((MrP)))~ ya sneaked in as I was posting lol
Well Flintstone was the only other Fred I could think of real quick lol....... his name was not really Flintstone and his face when well red when I said it lol....... I aint scared of no barney either - Fred would of have the pleasure of the plum bread shoved where the sun dont shine and barney would be called a bananna split lol....... :) - fanks for popping over, Im always honoured to see you here :) xxxxx
Applauding wildly! Good show!
That barn is divine!
Good for you! More people need to do that. Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures also. It makes a person want to cross the ocean and visit.
Of course you did the right thing! Jeez, celebrities can't get away with that here, so I can't imagine Brits putting up with it, especially not from minor celebs.
In fact, I got told off in no uncertain terms at the Imperial War Museum by some elderly ladies.
The wife and I were going through the cafeteria line and talking to a nice couple. We decided to eat together, so I paid and went looking for a table for 4. None were open, so I set my tray down at a table for 2 and went to explain to the other couple. As I walked, a table opened up, so I went back for my tray.
When I returned, a woman in her sixties or so was just sitting at the four-seater. I saw my wife and two new friends approaching, and asked the woman as nicely as I could if it was alright if I took the big table, that it was the only one and there were plenty of smaller tables.
The woman was very put out, but stood to leave anyway, and only then did I see that she had a cane, and didn't walk well. I was horrified that I had uprooted this woman and become sure in my head that she'd been hurt in the blitz!
Before I could tell her to keep the table, several old upper-middle class women began to tell me off - American coming over here and trying to take things over, and America doesn't rule the world, etc. They implored the woman to sit back down, as did I, but that was not good enough. They kept on at me like sparrows harrassing a hawk.
Our new Brit friends beat a hasty retreat and the wife and I slinked off to the back of the cafe and hid our heads.
I have never felt so embarrassed.
~(((the woman))))~ least he didnt get me fishwife gobbieness LOL.....xx
~((InLandEmpireGirl))~ well to be honest most Brits just grin and bare it. Ya see, if a Brit sees a queue they usually just get on the end of it, not even knowing what they was queueing for, I think it stems from the war, ya know, soup kitchen queues, bread queues and all that rationing LOL - I think I must be out of a different mould lol...... oh, we know that anyways.... I dont run with no crowd lol..... ya see you wanna come here and I wanna be there :)...... xxx
~(((bugs)))~ hey you, welcome :) - first of, if the old biddie was from the blitz she would be in her 80s lol so she was probably just some pensioner come in from the cold and could probably really dance like a professional poledancer and the cane was just a prop ;)
secondly the best way to get one person to move off a big table is to turn up like me and me matie sharon does with 7 or 8 toddlers in tow and say..... oh hello, you dont mind if we squeeze in around this BIG table do you, only we dont fit around one of those little ones over THERE...... never seen people move so fast in me life LOL .....
Thirdly - those old biddies mothers were grateful for them yankie GI boys over here during he war :) and I dont just mean for the stockings and the american chocolate lol those things they should remember and not be so dam rude to our visitors :)...
Sorry you were made to fell embarrassed by some dumbwits... we aint all like that...... shame I was not in the cafe at the same time :) cos its amazing how much mess a jam donut can do squashed into a rude persons ear ;) LOL...... xxxxx
SHOPLIFTER! I'd have loved to have seen his face! LOL
I've always dreamed of being the town squire, you know, like you describe, where almost all the people in the town work in some way for the main Estate. I'd be a good squire, I think...giving parties and holiday presents to all. I'd let people live in their cottages forever. If was in infinitely wealthy, I'd do just that, own a little English village, and give away land and money to all the people in it...just so they could keep things just as they are.
Oh, and Bugwit, that's why, when I go to England someday, I'm going to use my fake English accent and say I'm from the north when they can't place it...
You go girl. I love to see the under dog score a point every now and again. Makes the heart swell. I love all of the old buildings. I've only saw thatched roofs in photos or in movies. So quaint. I have seen herons and I've also seen bear and moose and deer and such. If you ever do see them...please don't jump out of the car. They can be dammed dangerous.
How'd the visit go? i visit my people in the cementary too. Something peaceful and private about those visits. I hope all is well.
great post...Thanks
Marmy: Thanks! I did feel pretty about about inconveniencing that old pole dancer!
No, We don't have thatched roofs, here. No one wold insure it! Lovely pics, by the way!
Careful, Toadman! Brits can tell what town you're from just by your accent! ;-)
I am very proud of you.
20 Years ago I would not have said a word -but I know I would have done the same thing.
Send some plum bread over. Is it good with a cup of tea?
TN Becky
~(((Akelamalu)))~ :) it was pretty dam funny....... ya mean to say ya aint never shouted SHOPLIFTER before? me finks I ought to grow up cos I still often do it when out places with me maties....... 'shoplifter on aisle 3' thats like if one of me maties nicks an apple to munch whilst grocery shopping lol..... xx
~((((Toadie)))~ Southwick Estate is truely like that, its a tiny beautiful proper village, the owner lives in london though and he inherited it a few years back from his great aunt or so the story goes...... and its true that EVERY door in the village is painted the same colour....... me best matie Wendy's sister and hubby and kids live in a 200 year old house and only have to pay like 50 quid ($100) a week rent, and I do believe that some of the OLD people that have lived there for years and use to work on the estate pay just peanuts for rent..... when you come visit I will take you there :) - I always buy me rhubarb from outside one of the tiny cottages off an old blokie that must be like 102 lol....... most of the houses there are thatched and those that aint have the tiny clay peg tiled roofs....... and except for the odd street light the village aint changed on the outside for 100 years lol..... and each easter we all go up to one of the fields that has this stream running through it and have a duck race, they let 1000 plastic and wooden numbered ducks go up stream and they race down stream to the finish line and we do bets on which one wins, then they gather them all up and do it all again lol....... its well daft but well fun, its like a spring fete...... ok sorry waffling here....... xxxxx
ps...... Toadie *cough* if ya british accent is owt like the one I heard when ya was reading that tadpole book I send ya lads..... then I would say 'dont give up ya day job'..... :) xxx
~(((jolie)))~ a moose is one of the most wanted animals I want to see :) oh and we dont have bears here lol....... I think the fierces creature we have is maybe a badger LOL - I did see a bear once in a zoo - me matie that lives in Alaska promised that if I ever got out to visit him he would take me and me lads out in the wilds to see bears whilst camping.... yeah bloody right I aint camping with no bear knocking at me door to come in lol - we have thatched houses here coming out our ears lol.....and thatched barns, but I will say....... I LOVE your red barns that you have over in the states.......xxxxx
~(((Bugs)))~I dont ave an accent ya know :) xxx
~(((brm)))~ :) lob me ya address and I will send ya a slab lol..... or ask in the shop for the recipe :) xx
ok its gone midnight, Im gonna try and get some sleep...... doubt it though..... Friday is fast approaching and to say Im nervious is an understatement....... anyways........ nite maties..... be safe....... someone put the lights out.... i aint made of money ya know.......xxxxxxx
You did right, my friend, you did right. I could just picture Spite playing with the spuds, too! I love the pictures, very beautiful.
were those U.S. #1 Idaho spuds? You know they are grown down south where those boise lizards run wild.
((((( M )))))
I just love you so much! I love your spunk, I love your vitality, I love your creativity, I love your heart. Thank you, again, for sharing you with us. And those pics are fabulous! They go so good together with your stories.
How I would love to come visit you and visit the places you have posted about.
I am sorry you have been having a rough week or so... I pray nothing too horrible has been going on in your lil' corner of the world.
What a sweet way to spend your day .. visiting your dear friend. She was certainly blessed to have a friend such as you...I am sure you have many precious memories of you and her tucked safely in your heart to be treasured, forever.
Take care, my freind.
* gazey *
dam I hate people like that...I usually say something similar to what you did...and when I get the "do you know who I am" question my favorite reply is "no...but do YOU know who I am?" that one always fucks them up...cause I'm just me
Never tried "Shoplifter", but there's always a first time! ;)
~(((Lynn)))~ there was spuds EVERYWHERE lol..... :) xx
~(((Starr)))~ :) nope they was well proper 'King Edward' British Spuds lol xxx
~(((Gazey)))~ cripes ya knows I really loves ya right? :) but I so dont deserve your lovely words.... gawds sake woman lol.... and one day I will get you over here, I promise you that :) - glad ya liking me pictures..... xxxxxxx
~(((ol' lady)))' bloody tossers right? lol...... me matie the other week whilst in the market with me, when this woman pushed in front said to her...... whats your name? and she said Carol or something, so me maties said, so its not Jebus Christ God Almighty then? so cripples (pointing at me) and babies (pointing at me nippers) FIRST...... we laffed so very much lol....... I think you would like me maties :) xxx
~(((Akelamalu)))~ :) try it next time ya out grocery shopping and someone is rude or well gets on ya tits.... just shout SHOPLIFTER lol..... its well funny...... they act as if they have been caught red handed lol..... xx
uh Mel? were you in Richmond with Her Holiness this weekend? hmmmm?
Fred Flintstone.
Oh god, thank you for that, Mel.
~(((JBelle)))~ I wish :)....... xxxxx
~((((Wendy)))))~ welcome hugs and welcome - Ive so missed you..... and oye...... Flintstone was the only Fred I could think of off the top of me ed so quick lol..... I wish you could of seen his face..... I thought his eyes was gonna bulge out like martie feldman LOL.......... :)...... glad I made ya smile just for a second ((((Wendy))) xxxxxxxxxxx
ok........ I think I ought to go to bed and sleep..... well go and get in bed anyways lmfao.... just waiting for the last wash to finish, cos ya know what Im like about leaving things plugged in during the night.... NO NO NOPE aint gonna happen lol.... so 10 minutes faffing around waiting for the washing machine to stop and then Im up the apples and pears......
Sharkie, ya know the drill ;) xx
nite maties........ tomorrow is another day... lets hope it brings sunshine between the showers of life aye.......xxxxxxxx
No accent to your neighbors, you mean?
I also understand that Brits can, by listening to your accent, determine your parent's income and what kind of car you drive! ;-)
laughed me behind off always love your storys
~((Bugs))~ do you know we can also tell what ya muvvers maiden name is and what ya social security number is ;)
Actually me twat neighbour is a northern git LOL and he sounds nuffin like what I does LMFAO...... my accent is well proper Hampshire/Pompey...... and MrGreen STILL as trouble understanding me lol........ :) xx
~(((eddie)))~ :).... one day I might get a day that runs without any hiccup or hassle or anything lol......... I can be filling up with petrol and something will happen like last week lol...... maybe thats for another day ;) xxx
It is so lovely where you love. I love your posts, of course, but I am also always enchanted by the photos.
Don't be surprised if I come for a visit one day.
Sometimes you need to speak up. And I don't think you are drazy to talk to your friend, but then again, I talk to my sister all the time. :)
Good for you, Marmie. You make me smile. I love the photos of thatched roof house. We do not have those, but we have sod roof cabins up here (with the lawn on top), and they are part of the Alaskana. Beautiful countryside. I would love to visit someday.
Thank you for sharing. Another terrific piece.
jammie sods!! ( i wish i knew what that meant.. :o)~ mwhahahahahaha)
just dropped by to let you know you are in my thoughts.
~(((Fab)))~ sweeping out me shed and lobbing down a straw mattress for ya to come and stay LMFAO....... :) xxxxxxxx
~((((Foolie))))~ :) clearing out the playshed and lobbing down another straw mattress or ya can ave me tent lol....... :) we could do a house swap..... you could ave me house for a fortnight and Ive ave your :) - mind you, you would need a guide here :)...... I have taken loads of photos of the little village Southwick I mentioned..... I will try and get them on a post....... xxxxx
~(((Lynda))))~ :) yeah I talk to me mum and dad to and they aint here no more....... but its not usually nice what I say to them LMFAO.........xxx
~(((fatty))))~ jammy sod = lucky devil :) - fanks for the thoughts, I need them today at 2.30 :) xx
oK, literally, I haven't cried so much or laughed so hard (my sides hurt) since THE LAST time I came to your site, Marmite.
First of all, Happy Birthday to Sprite! She is such a cutie, I just adore her.
That would have just been marvelous if you'd a head-butted that arse... but painful, too. I LOVE it that you take on the pompous, and so cleverly. You fight for what's RIGHT, it's important. I don't even know what else to say, this entire post and comments were absolutely brill.
I echo what Gazey said.
((((((((MrGreen))))))))))) I LOVES YOU :) xxxxxxx
This post was so funny. I loved it. My favorite part was your theory that someone is picking up the same dead badger and moving it from one part of the road to the other.
I am proud of you for speaking up.
As I recall, jumping the queue is about as rude as you can get. I'm always being stared at for speaking (or typing) my mind. Big gripe, idiots with full trolleys in the express lane.
Oh Marmie...how I enjoyed the pictures...not the dead stuff...the scenic ones. I shall have to post some of my little piece of Blighty. Nothing thatched in the states. In fact, soon there won't be any green...just asphalt. Americans have a very sad habit of paving over our history. Thanks for your comment on my friends post...will you be "me matie" as well? :-)
Cor blimey governor that writing style is authentic as Dick Van Dykes
~(((rice)))~ me and me maties are going on a dead badger hunt next week lol I WILL get to the bottom of this mystery :) xx
~(((jennifer)))~ welcome :) maybe I should send her that tackie heron I found at the garden centre from me next post lol xx
~(((wondering)))~ dont ya just hate it when people do that......I have no problem if someone is in a real hurry and they ask....
Now you have me trying to think of that song where they concreted over the carpark (parking lot)...oh got it now...... they paved paradise and put in a carparking lot..... glad you liked the pictures and sure, Ill be ya matie lol xx
~annonymous~ Like Ive bovvered what you think lol :) and did you know that they have Dykes in Holland and a little boy put his finger in a dykes hole to save an entire town from flooding......
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