But, you see, the thing is, I have run out of the substance that makes me smile, that takes me high, that makes me soar to heights that only I can fully understand........ and only YOU me doodle maties can help me....... you are the only ones that I know will be able to provide me with the means to carry on with my habit.......
So....... this is where the begging bit comes in...... ya see, from a very abusive childhood and an incident in 1973 where begging got me nowhere, I swore that never again would I beg to anyone for anything in life........ but here I am.... having to beg, I can see no other path to help me with this addiction of mine......
Ya see, when we was in the states a couple of summers ago, I came across this stuff that I just loved....... it made my throat hot and my eyes roll with tears....... so I bought home 3 jars of it....... but now alas through my addiction and continual use, I find myself without so much as a single bit left....... Ive hunted everywhere in this country to find a replacement, but NUFFIN comes up to scratch, nuffin is a patch of the doodle stuff.......
So please....... please, Im begging one of you, all of you, anyone one you know of ......... could you please hunt your shops, your store cupboards, steal from your grandmas your parents your family, or even from your local grocery shop..........I dont care how you get it, but Im willing to pay huge dosh for.....

It HAS to be this exact make, this flavour, this jar..... IT HAS TO BE the same.... Ive tried something similar, but its no use, it doesnt take me to that high of MMMMmmmm-ness.......that numb lip-ness....
Ya see, I sprinkle this when Im steaming salmon steaks, I strinkle this when Im steaming me parsnips lol....... I had to eat salmon last week, without me sprinkling of this substance....... and I ended up giving it to the cats.......
So, please if anyone out there could take the time and effort to track down the culprit and be kind enough to post a jar or two to me...... I would of course pay all buying and posting costs incurred....... BUT I CANT LIVE without this in me life........ and Im tried all alternatives that we have here.......
So......... short and sweet........ not me usual run of the mill Twaddle....... but a begging post..... can you see me on me knees? no? well thats cos I aint lol......
Go forth and do your best...... Im counting on ya..... and that should be an honour cos I usually only ever count on meself........ so you can see how hard it has been for me to beg........
ok, enough begging Twaddle for a Monday........ I have another post half written but it keeps bringing me to tears, so it might be a few days late, and it was something that I so wanted to post yesterday..... life aye ;) - x
I'll see if I can find you some of this next I go shopping at "Sam's Club"...they have almost everything. Poor kid. I do not believe that darned old "Cowie"...funny stuff, you.
Email me your address - it will be on the way as soon as I find it.
TN Becky
Crushed red pepper is also called Cayenne Pepper. It is used alot around this part of the country, esp. in Louisianna cajun cooking. You may have better luck looking for it caled that. I use McKormicks (sp). I don't know if you will like that brand, though.
Well, now that I go looking it up. There are several differnt kinds of red peppers that are basically the same, but can vary in degree of hotness. Cayenne is one of the hotter ones, so if you use it, you may try using a little less than what you are used to, in order to test it out. I use it pretty generously, but also I am used to all kinds of hot stuff. Tabasco sauce doesn't even phase me anymore. It just tastes like vinegary tomato sauce with a little zest, so maybe I am not the one to judge. (By the way, if anyone who reads this has never used Tabasco, don't think of it as mild, take caution, to the newbie, it only takes a couple drops to go along way. I don't want to be responsible for anyone hurting themselves.)
Mel, if and when I ever get your care package together, I am sending you Tobasco sauce. I grew up on the stuff.
Sending Detective Math out on the hunt. Have E mailed it to my son to show his chefs, fingers, eyes and legs crossed......
(((mel)))i know where i can get some of that. least i'm hoping they still have it where i seen it last. i will go and look for it on wednesday when steve's off. do u remember where u got it from? was it walmart? or the dollar store? lol damn, i'll just chk both places. xoxoxo
~(((jolie)))~ is that like 'play it again sam' lol
Aint cowie just the bestest :)..... xxx
~(((brm)))~ are ya serious :) xxx
~(((((((((Susan))))))))~ hey you, I have cayenne pepper and crushed chilli peppers and about 5 other pepper spices, we also have tabasco sauce and some little jars of sauces that well makes ya bum sore once its gone through ya lol.......
I also bought something very similair to the jar of spices that I took a photo of...... BUT.... they just aint the same........ these are little flakes and looks like seeds mixed in..... I have tried the cayennes and others but they aint no patch on the jars from doodleland....... so I can settle for nuffin unless its the EXACT JAR as the photo.......
Fanks for all the tips though, we are quite a spicey eating family...... but, even out jars of crushed peppers just aint the same.......
So I cant swap them for anything else, it HAS to be the exact same jar.....no substitute will do LOL.... or I will get a right proper monk-on......... xxxxxx
~(((((Queenie)))))~ I thinks my trouble is that is a doodle make, and Ive tried the similar ones here, but they aint the same :(..... but fingers eyes and legs crossed that ya chefie boy might find some......... I even tried waitrose LOL .... xxxxx
~(((((((((((Ciara slagbag))))))))~ it was in that big shop in Wisconstance that I went with Wendy and Michael, actually eddie bought it cos I used Wendy's jar when I made dinner one night.... so he bought a jar when we was getting the groceries...... I think the shop was called 'Viking Village' or something like that lol
It HAS to be the same make though LOL
on the side it says...... Dist: By/Por Han-Dee Pak, Inc, Cockeysville, MD 21030-0448 - packed in USA/Envasado En EE UU...... but that might as well me in chinese LMFAO....... xxxxxxx
We can easily find this stuff for ya Mel. I've seen it all over the place.
How did you like the spicy crisps we sent? I thought they might be a bit "challenging" for the British pallet, which was why I sent them! HA!
well now we can't have anymore salmon going to the cats now can we??
if i send you some.. will that make me an enabler??? lol....
email me..i'm always glad to help a friend with their addictions..
I am very much serious. I live in the land of Elvis and everything friend. Once I find it - it's on it's way.
Email me my friend.
Marmite babe
I will have a look in my more unusual of places I like to frequent ;-) pmsl .... no not those ya filthy minded lass xxx LMAO
Cheers for the link babes xxx
just found this link Marmite babes .....
$1.49 a jar :o)
~(((((Toadie)))))~ :) it would be well cushty if ya found a right proper exact same jar :)........ and the jalepeno crisps, jebus christ lol........ nuff said :).....xxxxx
~((((fatty))))~ at this rate I might be able to open me own little crushed pepper shop on the corner of meadow lane LOL.... xxxx
~((((brm))))~ can you send me the skull of elvis to go with cowie? LOL..... xxxx
~((((scottie))))~ oc ie, ye mean under ya kilt or under ya fluffy balls, oops I mean sporan ;).... BINGO the scotsman has found the exact same bloody make and flavour.......
See it pays to ang around with school teachers LOL...... xxxx
FANKS EVERYONE...... remember to search high and low and steal if you have to, you will be forgiven, its for a great cause.....who said begging dont sometimes get results..... :)
and on that note, Im gonna have a quick butchers around the blobs and get meself off to bed...... now I didnt say sleep I just said bed LOL.......
Sharkie get the lights will ya....... cos ya wont be around for a few days and I will have to give your job to some bugger else :)....... nite maties.... be safe ...... xxxxx
Oh Marmie..you fiesty little tortilla you! I cannot eat the hot stuff! How do you do that? I will be on the lookout and something tells me you are going to be swamped with hot stuff! As if you need anything to make you spicier than you already are! lol
I'll just say "Hi M-Toasty." It sounds like you are soon to have a stockpile of the magic stuff. I hope you don't start jonesin' or have to cold turkey before reserves arrive. Hang in matie!
I found it on amazon but I see that scots beat me to it :o
If ya have trouble orderin it email me and I'll get it and send it to ya...good luck
Hmmm... I just checked my cupboard and I have Spice Supreme and Spice Select Crushed Red Peppers. If I find your brand while out running errands today I'll let you know. but it looks like I may be to late and others are going to beat me to it. :) Hope your needed 'fix' arrives soon.
I'm sorry MT. All I've got is Jack Daniels. I find it goes well with most everything!
I am on the hunt now! I hate hot stuff so I wouldn't know if it is on the store shelves, but I will let you know.
~(((catch)))~ :) what can I say, we like sore bums LOL...... I seriously have tried other stuff similar to the photo, but the rest are all 'fakes' lol..... now would you wear knike trainers from the market that were fake 'nike's I THINK NOT ;).....xxx
~((((((((Foolie)))))))))~ its ok, Ive booked into 'spicehab' lol.... and with a bit of luck I'll have enough to last me a lifetime, which at my reckoning is about a year LOL.....xxxxxxx
~((((ol' lady)))~ well I thought Amazon was just for books :).... you been reading them spicey books again, shame on you LOL ...xxxxx ps... if I get the chance to ave a butchers on there today I will ....
~((((book N Hook)))~ welcome to the house of the insane :) - please feel free to scroll back and read, and you will see THEY the commentors NOT ME are insane ;)..... ok ok how did ya get here :).... and fanks for popping over..... xx
~((((((((Starr))))))))~ my star :) - now, is this Jack Daniels different from 'scabby jack and just jack' as mentioned in me last post? - step away from the JACK :)......xxxxxxx
~((((SideNote))))~ a man of few words :) me, well, I can type for England lol.... xxxx
~((((inlandempiregirl)))))~ fanks matie...... I loved me a bit of spice everyso often lol....xxxx
OK MATIES - FANKS FOR ALL THE OFFERS...... you mission is to hunt this EXACT jar down and then tip me the nod and I will suss and sort ya out, ya see, I dont mind if I end up with 20 jars :).... thats an addict for ya right?
Now, what else could I do with lol...... I should of posted a pic of a Renault Megain Soft-top in yellow lol.... ok if anyone has one of those hanging around, just send it with the spices LOL.....
..... and blimey, who would of thought a dinlo post would of generated so much traffic LOL..... xxxxx
OMG, Mel!!!! I wish I had read this sooner. I went shopping today. If you end up with the wrong kind, let me know. I'm on a roll over here :-)
Never seen it before, but I'll keep my eyes open for it now.
That particular brand is on sale ALL THE TIME at Walgreen's. Send me a snail mail addy and I'll do my marmy-duty.
~(((Lynn)))~ :) - well write the name down and take it with you next time lol........ see, I dont care if I end up with 50 jars :) - glad you went shopping...... xxxx
~(((ake)))~ Ive hunted over here in all the main shops but alas there is only fake ones..... but I know at least one doodle matie will come up trumps :) .....xxx
~((((picie)))~ welcome :) - ok will do ....... but I will reimburse ya.....xxxx
Sorry...Can't help you with the sprinkly stuff..I just use bog-standard cayenne pepper or sweet- thai-chili sauce on my salmon,mmmm lush,but OMG!!! I did notice we have the same work-tops!!!
I know we have it around here! I love it on pizza! Let me know if you need any more help getting your fix, okay? ;o)
Have seen the little jewel at winn dixie, email me and let me know were to send it and you shall beg no more dear...
I'm a little late here, but if you still need some, let me know. I think I can get some...
uh...I think you're going to be taken care of here! of course should all these other people fail I could try but I won't if they are cause there would be no point in it if you know what i Mean and then some
I'd love to send you some - plus I have a few other spice ideas for you. Ever heard of Old Bay Seasoning?
email your address and i'll get something out.
~(((headlesss)))~ well your just boring then with ya bog standard stuff lol..... same worktops aye.... of all the worktops in all the world...... :) xx
~(((the woman)))~ omg I need it even more now to try on homemade pizza..... I will let you know :) fanks .....xx
~((((eddie)))~ 'winn dixie' sounds SOOOOOOOoooo american lol.. fanks, I will email ya ....xxx
~(((((MrFab))))~ ya think, ya just THINK.... typical bloke lol ;) .... xxxxxxx ps..... go read about cowie, the post down from this one...
~(((ba boozie)))~ Im hoping for enough to open a little corner shop lol..... xx
~(((((bugs))))))~ man of the hairy one hand ;) .... fanks :) xxx
OK ....... looks like Im in luck with the Spice :)..... I'll ave it coming out me ears and will have a sore bum for months lol....
Soo...... any of you able to get hold of some clean cocaine? aye? aye? LOL...... IT WAS A JOKE..... fanks for all your help..... I will email those that has seen me spice for further instructions....... :) xxxxxx
Well I looked all over my (admittedly rather small) town and couldn't find that particular brand. Sorry.
As for how I got here....no idea :) Best guess is one of the blogs I read regularly had a link to you. I have been reading for a bout a month and you crack me up. Glad it looks like you are going to get your fix soon.
Toadman's right, it's in all the stores around here. I just bought some Oregano of the same brand at the Dollar store, they prolly have the red peppers too (I like it on Pizza too, but I get that from the pizza joint). If Toadman doesn't come thru, very unlikely, but if, lemme know.
Red pepper flakes? How much do you want? This is what goes on everybodys pizza over here. The bottle you displayed is sold here for a dollar everywhere...
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