Well, no sooner had Eric departed, the very next day something happened that must of been meant to be....... Erics house was empty, cleaned out and awaiting a new occupant.......
scene set......
Back in the week I was just dishing dinner up when I heard my Tom out the back, saying....... drop it will you, DROP IT...... christ sake let go, dont make me have to bop ya nose..... I thought, who the hell is he talking to.... who the hell was in me garden that he was gonna have to bop their nose........
Further investigation lead to me opening the back door to be confronted with my Tom holding FatCat by the scruff of his neck.......FatCat was all a bristle and was making these well strange growling noises......... now you have to realise that Fatcat is, well, a Fatcat with a belly beard, he is loved and cherish and thinks he is a dog...... he never strays from the garden, as do neither of me cats and is one of the most friendliest scaredy cats out.........he is a big pussy lol

This is Fatcat.... as you can see, when I am on the computer, he snuggles up in a ball and sits next to the keyboard.....I finks he loves me, and when I am home he is never more then a few feet from wherever I am lol
So, I says, Tom what ya doing to Fatcat.......... mum he's got something in his mouth and he wont give it up........ so with that I gently pull his tail, just gently you understand..... and he opens his mouth, to reveil.......... A LITTLE FIELD MOUSE....... shaking and quivering...... and slightly chewed.... just lying there flopped still on the path....... so Tom picks it up to inspect it and see how chewed it is and if its infact still alive......
He was still alive, and just slightly chewed, so my Tom puts him on his arm, and thats how Chewie came to be living in Erics old home....... ya see, we couldnt just brush him off and let him go in the garden cos Fatcat was right on his tail ;) he would of grabbed him in a whisper and next time he wouldnt of been so lucky and would of been fully chewed instead of only half chewed.......

This is Chewie the half chewed Fieldmouse or it could be a Dormouse we aint sure....

Dunnee look scared to death :(
We thought if we put him in the tank to lick his wounds in the warm and snuggly home with food and water then we would of done good and saved a little life...... only time would tell.....
BUT, like everything in this bloody mad house NUFFIN goes quite as simple or to plan....... the mouse was shaking and as Tom was trying to open the glass door of the tank thing Chewie decided to make a leap for it and lept from Toms grasp...... Emma Screamed and jumped back, I screamed cos she banged into me, Jacob was laffing and as Tom swung round to try and catch Chewie in mid-air he knocked over the 2 plastic cartons of medium and large crickets, and the lids flipped off and 30-40 crickets were now jumping all over Toms tiny bedroom, the mouse was nowhere to be seen, Im jumping on the bed with Emma, and Jacob is still laffing his head off as 30-40 crickets are chirping and hopping and thinking FREEDOM bloody FREEDOM......
Eventually 25 minutes later we had managed to capture Chewie, we cornered him behind Toms OneArmedBandit and poked him with a hockey stick and Tom grabbed him, all the while picking up jumping hopping crickets and shoving them back in the box..... we couldnt find them all, some escaped down the little hole where the pipe to the radiator comes up through the floorboards...... so for the rest of the evening and into the morning all we could hear was the call of these bleedin escaped cricekts between the floorboards and the ceiling lmfao........ PLEASE LORDY WHY ME.....

Quivering Chewie but alive.....
So for a few days Chewie has been living in the lap of luxury, 3 square meals a day, warmth, drink and much love.........
But as much as we have grown attached to Chewie, he is after all a little wild creature and use to his freedom, maybe he has a family that was missing him....... so now he was healed and well and his chewed body was once again whole, we decided it best to let him go, back to the wild, back to his life he had before we saved him......

This is Chewie sitting on Toms shoulder just before we let him go.... look how tame he has got :)
I think he loves us......... just look at his little face, see how he is smiling, compared to how he looked half chewed......
So we shut the cats in the house........ and said our goodbyes to a little mouse that we had rescued and loved and nurtured back to health...... I hope he remembers us and tells his family how good we was to him :)........
But, to be honest, Im half expecting Fatcat to bring him back tonight, only this time maybe nor half chewed but fully gobbled lol......... but ya know what...... thats the call of the wild ;).....
chirp chirp, shit is that a cricket I hear stuck under the floorboards, dont say I will have to prise the boards up to rescue it ;)
Enough boring Twaddle from this mad house.......
lol what an adventure Chewie has had. Our cat has had her share of mice but we've never rescued one - she's pretty quick at it I think.
-Think I'll be getting back to the blog business this week now with the parents gone and 1/2 term just about done with!!
Aaah...........I love little Chewie and I hope he lives a long and happy life back with his little mousey family.
I had to have a look at your blog after reading a comment from you on Akelamalu's blog..I hope you don't mind. Your house sounds a bit like ours and that's nice 'cause sometimes I think we are the only ones like it and that everyone else is normal.
If you know what I mean....
get a spider to eat the crickets, you alway make me smile
Chewie rocks. And so do you, Mel. You have all the makings of a children's book in this one. An illustrator, publisher...a series contract...and move over Harry Potter - ya' simple tosser.
Have a great night.
I think you should have kept chewie, there's probably plenty more members of it's family. Oh well....gone is gone. I hate crickets
Has that damn certificate from The RSPCA arrived? You keep up this kindness to animals routine and they'll run the ink dry in their certificate department!
Will ya take me in, Marmite? I don't need much.
Chirpee... Chirpppeee... Do I make a convincing cricket? Rubbing my ankles together just reminded me I need to shave my legs! LOL
Fatcat is adorable! I think Chewie had better run. FAST!
oh, my! What an interesting life you lead! I hope those crickets don't reproduce in your house.
I love it ... in an attempt to save poor wee chewie your lad lets free the crickets lmao ... you couldn't script this stuff better!! You are a right mother nature's Mother Theresa - your reward will be waiting!
PS ... how is the plight of yer midget son and his mini moto ... has the twatty neighbour twigged yet :o) pmsl
luvs ya ... Scots x
~(((MomNmum)))~ welcome back, I have popped over loads of times to see if you was around :).....xx
~(((headless chicken)))~ welcome, the more the merrier, you should scroll back and read about my pet chicken Janet.... and you will see why I will not allow her to read your posts, cos with a nic like you have, you will scare her to death lol xx
~(((eddie))))~ nope no spiders, I have one lad that has a genuine phobia with spiders.... we are mean sometimes though cos me can scare him with a tomatoe stalk in our hands lol....... BAD MOTHER :) xx
~((((((((Foolie)))))))) gawds sake, I can only write real life Twaddle..... but ya can always have a word with me agent MrSharkie LOL xxxxxxxxx
~((((da boozie)))~ nah, it would of been cruel to keep him, he was after all a wild creature and so deserved his changes back in the wilds of me rockery LOL..... xx
~((((MrP))))~ not letting PT or Sharkier spill the beans on what we do to slugs in me garden lol...... you would be asking for the certificates back LOL xxxxx
~((((((MrGreen))))))~ You KNOW I would take you in....... sweeping out the shed as I type :)..... I'll even buy some of that herbie straw like what I buys for Janet LOL xxxxxxx love you xxxx
~(((the woman))))~ omg I have that same problem with me hairy legs... :) I can almost chirp in tune now.... and yes FatCat, that is not his real name to protect his identity, is the most amazing wonderful cat :)...... xx
~(((((ordinary Janet))))~ welcome, bugger, they might reproduce lol, well at least we will get free crickets for Brenda and George, that will says loads on their food bills :) - swapping the word 'interesting' for the word ' mental' :) xx
~(((((scots)))))~ oc the nie jimmy ;) - I crave for a quiet life sometimes........ :)
The midget is doing well..... we try and avoid the twat neighbour as much as we can lol..... we have one of those love/hate relationships lol......xx
ps....... scots...... the mini moto we seem to have blown up, but white michele's hubby Andy is aving a go at fixing it, just had to pay out $60 in an attempt to get a part but we will have to just wait and see if its fixable LOL xx
ROFL Ahhh, Toasty.... You've always got some activity goin' on in your house, from the sounds of it!! Glad you were able to nurse Chewie back to health, at least temporarily. Hopefully next time he remembers who's friend & who's not. *wink*
As for the crickets.... *snicker* Better you than me.... I couldn't imagine having loose crickets in my house. *shudder*
You kill me, Mel. A poor varmint can't even cross your property with being 'rescued' and loved to death. :-)
As a mom, you just rock like nobody's business! :-)
Love the pic of Chewie on Tom's shoulder.
Ans Tom's quite the "gold rush", ain't it? Man, lookee all dat gleam.
(Thank you for everything, ya daft moo. I couldn't have done it without you. Ah Jeez, now I sound like one of your critters....
(wink) Naw...(smile)...)
First, thanks for visiting my blog! Second, I think it's so cool that you saved the mouse, even with the cats in the house! And I hope they don't bring him back in their mouths. Ouch! That would be pretty awful. :)
Lucky Chewie with marmitetoastie to the rescue! I have a feeling Chewie will be back. :)
Fantastic, if I get half chewed can I come and live with you, what was it 3 meals aday, warmth and a bed. Book me in now (I am toilet trained).
cute mouse !! But who's holding it is cuter !!
a wise woman once told me hoover up all the crickets!!!
chewie is adorable.. too bad he had to go back to the "other" wild.. :o)~
and we should definitely load up and head off to some sales.. how many people can we fit in your car again?? and will it pull a trailer full of junk...
Mmmmmm.. mice are yummy... especially curried.
~(((kati)))~ cant ya tell, Im all bleedin heart me :).... hehehehe..... oh the crickets are ok they are armless....well and headless and legless once Brenda gets her noshers on them :)...... xxx
~((((((Bugs))))))))~ yeah Im a bit of a softie if truth be know, but shhhhhh dont go telling everyone, Ive a 'well ard' reputation to uphold ;).... and ya can hush with the mum praise bit.... gawds sake..... I just does me best.....xxxxxxxx
~((((((((((Wendy))))))))~ yeah Toms got a bit of bling bling LOL..... actually its just his ring, which he wears out as added protection ;) one punch with that on his fist and no one is getting up...I think he won it as part of a bet, some bastard smashed him in his gorgeous face with it once......only the once ;)..... actually its his nestegg, its worth quite a bit of dosh and its safer on his finger lol oh and the chain, that was a pressie from me....
Aint chewie just so sweet on Toms shoulder lol..... the dam thing was running up and down his head but that was the best shot....
And oye, you dont have to fank me..... I loves ya...ya silly cow..... so shut up :)......xxxxxxxx
~((((Dan))))~ welcome to the mad house lol....... the stories I have of the creatures me cats have bought in :) maybe thats might be a great blob post one day.... fanks for popping over, I feel honoured :) xx
~(((ake))))~ well we take in all waifs and strays here lol.... well except old trampie that turns up in the spring..... but I do often buy his lunch and sit and chat with him lol......xx
~((((queenie)))))~ ya lost it with 'I am toilet trained', why should you be the only one in the house trained LOL .....xx
~((((((((lora))))))))~ yeah I will admit he is one handsome blokie.... and he stands 6'4" :)
He flew off to Spain with his girlfriend on Sunday for a fortnight, well they are having a week on their own and then my Ben and 6 others are flying out this Sunday to join them for the second week.......xxxxxx
~((((((fatty)))))))~ OMG I should tell you about the time of the escaped 50 or so baby stick insects and the hoover LMFAO
Me car holds 8 adults :).... oh and sharkie LOVES junk we would have to pick him up on route, and I will get a towbar fitted especially for a trailer of junk LOL....... I really need to do a carboot and shift some of the 50 or so boxes of toys and equipement left over from when I sold me pre-school...... me and me matie sharon and Gly and Marge did one at the end of the summer last year..... omg we laffed so very very much.... me and sharon could sell anything.... its called being vocal LMFAO....xxx
~((((Toadie)))))~ good grief, you've tried curried mice to? I thought I was the only one that loved them...... xxxxx
Hey.. have you heard of the Limited Edition Guinness Marmite? I'd love to taste some of that if you can find it.. if not.. no worries.. I'm just weird that way. I was just thinking it might go good with curried doormouse.
~(((Toadie)))~ Well so far I aint seen it in no Supermarkets, not that I do much supermarket shopping LOL..... but I have maties on the prowl for it....... I will be nipping to Sainsburys or Waitrose in the week and if any shop will stock it then it will be either of those..... Im gagging to try it also..... If I come across it, of course I will send ya a jar...... gawds sake..... I aint a bleedin export company ya know ;) .. xxx
A perfect Marmy story. Not like me who caught a mole at Andrew's graduation party this last weekeng and gave it to Monty. (The python)
Keep it up Marmy!
~(((Sharkie))))~ you do realise that if we still had Eric, then little chewie would have been Eric's live lunch LOL.....and sod those little dormousie eyes lol..... aint nuffin better then having something fresh lol
Bloody hell!
Chewie is one lucky little thang, now isn't he. He is also a cutie.
I had an experience with an pet and a mouse recently. It wasn't my pet, though.
My youngest daugher's soccer team had a party at the coach's house out in the country. They had a big golden retriever that had free reign. While the kids were all sitting together on a brick wall while the coach was handing out trophies, I kept hearing this little child behind me squeezing a squeaky chew toy, and it was annoying because with my hearing being so bad, I couldn't hear the coach. Well, finally the kid stopped making the noise, and I turned around to see whose kid it was, only to find out that it was the dog, and it wasn't a chew toy. The dog had a mouse in this mouth that was just squeeking away, "Save me. Save me.", and I just ignored its cries of help. Finally the dog had killed it, and like all good dogs and cats took it to its owner, the coach, to inspect. He did this right in front of the girls who began to squeal. "Ewwww, the dog has a dead mouse in his mouth." Poor girls, poor dog, and seriously, poor poor mouse.
ROTFLMRSSO @ Eric..... ya nutter.....
~(((jennifer)))~ unique? hilarious? you taking the piss out of my everyday life? LOL...... I can only write true life things.... :)
We did have a pet mouse once called Stew.... well he was actually called STINKIE STEW cos he stunk to high heaven....... someone told us it was cos it was a boy mouse..... he again was a rescue mouse, but NOT a wild mouse...... he lived 3 years before he snuffed it......
Jebus the life stories I have about the pets and creatures that have passed through our home lol...... I maybe need to blob about the 48 white mouse me and me bruvver had hidden under me bed when we was kids LOL......
now that WAS a thrashing worth getting LOL
The first frozen mice I had to buy for Eric were little frozen furless tiny baby ones..... I thawed one out in the hope that it might of just been put in suspended sleep like on the sci-fi films lol...... but alas no matter how much CPS I gave it, it surely was dead lol
~(((((((((((Susan)))))))))))~ oh oh oh LMFAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... I shouldnt laff but that is just sooooooo funny....... its almost like the time when Jacob was littler, and was sitting in the kitchen trying to put on his wellies and there was all this squeeking sort of strange noise everytime he put his foot in his welly lol....... a frog must of hopped through the catflap or the cat dragged it in and it had hidden in his welly LOL.... and when he was trying to put his feet in the boot, the frog was screaming out lol.........
You have such wonderful lovely stories :) xxxxxx
Poor girls, poor dog, and seriously, poor poor mouse.
But one lucky dog!
Marmie - ha!! I know yer not an export company.. I'll pay ya proper for it, I will. Promise!
~(((((((Toadie)))))))~ IT WAS A BLEEDIN JOKE ya loon....... gawds sake...... *rolling me blob eyes* LMFAO xxxx
ps..... did the nipper shirts arrive?
ps........ Toadie.......oh my goodness..... those honey graham crackers you sent, spread with marmite IS JUST HEAVEN...... the sweet biscuit with the tang of marmite...... well slap my bum and call me Ethel....... its pure heaven :) xxxxx
HA!! I'm almost out of the squeezy marmite, by the way. Lots of toast with butter and marmite for breakfast over the past few weeks.
The shirts arrived a couple of weeks ago! The kids have already worn them a lot. Thanks so much! In fact, in the next set of pictures I upload, I think the kids might be wearing them...I can't remember though.
Anyway, You really didn't need to do that.. but we really REALLY appreciate everything you do for us.
Her Highness MarmiteToasty:
Camera drop #1: InlandEmpireGirl
Camera drop #2: Raymond Pert
Camera drop #3: MarmiteToasty
You are right on the money: the biscuit crumbled just like you said...you just didn't know that you were #3, not #2.
Butterfingers aka rp
~(((Toadie)))~ OH NO one cant run out of marmite, that is a fate worse then death in this house.......
and you hush ya gob, I'll send me little doodle nippers what I wont LOL ..... :) xxxxxxx
~(((MrP))) LOL your Honour *curtsying lol......
holy cow....... does that now make me a witch..... didnt I say on your blob that there would be three camera drops ....... OMG, getting a rubber and trying to rub out that weird birthmark behind me ear that spells WITCH when looking in the mirror ;)........ xxxx
OK....... its 11.14pm here which is early for me....... BUT....... Im off to bed with me book........ and NO book is NOT the name of a blokie LOL.....
So last one up, unplug and turn off the lights will ya, oh and dim the chamelions heater oh and lights off on the fishtank, oh and shut janet in her coop, oh and make sure the cats are all snuggled :) - then ya can help yaselves to Horlicks and chocolate biscuits :) in the cupboard above the kettle........
Fanks for popping by........ nite maties xxxxx
HAHA Marmie....you have to look at my blog today....it will make you laugh when you think of all the chirping those crickets do.....lololololol
I think you are a bit modest.
Thanks for the link, Marms! :-)
As always...when a laugh is needed...just drop in on marmitetoasty.
Me and mice do not mix well at all...but I do feed them on special little 'tables' that sort of keeps them there till Ol Man can get rid of them.
So you are now back to the empty 'Eric' house...maybe rent it out to a hedge hog...they are cute.
Great blog!!
I will be back for more
~((mike m))~ Welcome - I dont know about great LOL its was a load of Twaddle..... please scroll back and read and see its just Twaddling Rubbish LOL ... x
Hey Marm-
In the sprit of Chewie, I caught a Huge Mo-Fo rat in the basement of my office yesterday. When we got him home he was deemed too big a meal for Monty (the wat was well big) so he was given his freedom in the sand pit.
A good day to be a big Mo-Fo rat.
~((((((Sharkie)))))))~ good grief, you had a rat in your cellar......ewwwwwww...... we use to have a pet one called 'Rat' LOL...... and dont get me started on the rats that nested in me twat neighbours garden down the back and all that I had to do about them lol........
LOL@in the spirit of chewie lol you daft sod............. xxxxx
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