Ok......So, I went to bed last night with the words 'Severe Weather Warnings' ringing in me ears...... we had been told on the late night news to batten down the hatches and only venture out if needs must...... yesterday was torrential rain one minute then clear bright sunshine the next, but one could see the clouds building and that they were a strange colour.....
Winds expected to reach at least 80 miles an hour, oh goodie that makes for a lovely walk to school lol......
I woke up a few times in the night with the wind howling, and seeing as how its dustbin day today, I could hear some of the bins being blown down the lane... it really was whipping up a storm....
Woke up this morning and turned on the news..... trees are down, as are many power lines, at Heathrow all aeroplanes are grounded and all Ferries are haboured against the storm and this is just the tip.... worse to come today.... the south coast is to get the worse of the storm this afternoon and into the evening....and where do I live? aye? yep South Coast lol
So, I dragged me tired arse out of bed and bunged the kettle on for a nice cuppa tea.... opened the back door to wander down the garden to let Janet and Mabel out of their Coop..... to be confronted by this......

Cripes...... I know the fence was on its last legs cos in the week it was wellabit wobbly......
What these pictures dont show are the very high winds that I was battling against...and the torrential rain that got me wet through to me knickers...

Since I took this photo this morning the fence is almost on the ground, and one fence panel down the bottom of the garden has disappeared completely lmfao
Can we say KANSAS and the Wizard of Oz....
So, I stand there with me cuppa tea in hand when me twat neighbour wanders down his garden and is standing the other side..... these are the same fence panels that were broken a few years ago.... I dont know if you remember me post.... when I chainsawed me apple tree down and it crashed through this fence lol.....
HERE So, most know I dont have much of a loving huggy kissy relationship with me neighbour... actually he is an up his own arse full of self importance tosser lol and thats being nice :)
Our eyes meet over the broken fence.... so I says..... go on blame me, it must of been all the lentils Ive been eating cos me windy pops sure are strong, even strong enough to blow and snap the fence posts.....

ya know, I thought I'd start the conversation off on a light note lol....
Well he hates me with a passion and I dislike him with as much passion and from the beginning we thought it best not to beat about the bush and pretend that all was rosie and loving.... we just dislike each other... and thats that lol....
Him - Is this the side of the property line that Im responsible for...
Me - Yep, thats a bit of a bummer aint it....
Him - but didnt you replace these a few years ago, so that means YOUR responsible for this side....
Me - I only replaced them cos it was my apple tree that fell though them before and so I was just being nice, cos it nearly killed ya wifey and I can be nice ya know.....
Him - Ok, I'll go and get a couple of cheap panels and some cheap posts and those metal ground spikes and I'll shove that up....
Me - I would much prefer if you didnt go down the 'cheap road' cos it will look aweful and of course it just wont last....and those spikes are crap and the fence will still be wobbly and cos of my job I have to have a secure garden, oh and this side I need kick boards along the bottom, cos your garden it higher and ya soil rots the panels, thats probably half the trouble.... *smile* so I could have a word with me Matie Simon who is a proper fence blokie and get him to give a quote...
Him - I dont know if I want to spend much doing the fence....
Me - Well, I know what, dont bovver and I'll do it.....
Him - okay...if your sure...
Me - Yep, I'll get me matie Simon to take this all away and I'll get him to put up a cute little white 3 foot picket fence, Ive always wanted on of those....
Him - You cant have a low picket fence there, all your minded kids will be able to see through....and your chickens will get over into my garden...
Me - Oh yes, wont it be lovely, they can watch you in your garden and when you have a BBQ with all your friends and family we can put chairs up this side and watch you like a freak show....
Him - You are extrely rude...
Me - I aint said one swear word, Im just explaining that I dont want a cheap and cheerful fence put up to replace this one....so Im willing to fork out the money and put up a cute white little picket fence, I could put a little gate in so that we could join you for your BBQs....
Him - You dont like me do you....
Me - I dont know where you got that idea from, but now you mention it... nope I dont....
With that Mrs Twatt wanders down the garden.... I only have to look at her and I can reduce her to tears LOL...... she is a headmistress of a very private girls school, so ya thought she would be in control..... but I can do this 'dont mess with me stare'.... good morning she says..... oh my, what a pickle....
Me - Yes it is, but dont worry, Im on the case, I'll ring Simon and before the weekend I'll have a lovely strong nice 3 foot high white picket fence and gate up....
Her - A picket fence and a gate?
Me - Yes, wont it be nice, it means I can just pop over and borrow a cup of sugar and the nippers can all come and visit and it will just be so lovely to get to you know you better....
Her - Staring at her hubby, trying not to make eye contact with me.....
Him - I think if your mate Simon can give us a quote for a proper solid 6 foot high decent fence and posts and do the graft and put them in, I would be most grateful.....and get him to bill me....
Me - I'll ring him today, but only if your sure you dont want a little cute white picket fence with a gate?
Her - I think we are through here.....
Me - Have a lovely day *my charming smile*
So Ive just got off the phone to Simon...... I rang him and this is the convo....
Me - (SHOUTING) - Simon, its me Melody, Im up a tree in the eye of the storm hanging on for dear life, help me, Ive tied meself to the trunk cos the winds are so strong.....
Simon - (laffing) - you silly cow, what do ya want...
So I explained and he laffed and he is coming around about 5ish to measure up and give a quote :).....
Ya see, I was real nice, cos I told me twat neighbour that even though I was NOT responsible for the fence, that I would infact go halves on the cost as long as it was done proper......
So..... I explained this to Simon and he said he would put the quote high so that when it was halfed he wouldnt charge me my half LMFAO..... so infact the nice proper fence will cost me nuffin BUT it made me look good in the eyes of me twat neighbour LMFAO.....
And poor Janet and Mabel have not had the run of me garden today but have just had their little enclosed outside run to their coop.... I dont want them getting over the broken fence and pooping in me neighbours garden, I would never hear the end of it LOL
Ok to much waffling twaddle on this stormy windy scary day.....